Ice.xml 407 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <doc>
  3. <assembly>
  4. <name>Ice</name>
  5. </assembly>
  6. <members>
  7. <member name="T:Ice.AMDCallback">
  8. <summary>
  9. AMDCallback is the interface from which all AMD callbacks are derived.
  10. </summary>
  11. </member>
  12. <member name="M:Ice.AMDCallback.ice_exception(System.Exception)">
  13. <summary>
  14. Indicates to the Ice run time that an operation completed
  15. with a run-time exception.
  16. </summary>
  17. <param name="ex">The encoded Ice run-time exception. Note that, if ex
  18. is a user exception, the caller receives UnknownUserException.
  19. Use ice_response to raise user exceptions.</param>
  20. </member>
  21. <member name="T:Ice.SignalPolicy">
  22. <summary>
  23. The signal policy for Ice.Application signal handling.
  24. </summary>
  25. </member>
  26. <member name="F:Ice.SignalPolicy.HandleSignals">
  27. <summary>
  28. If a signal is received, Ice.Application reacts to the signal
  29. by calling Communicator.destroy or Communicator.shutdown,
  30. or by calling a custom shutdown hook installed by the application.
  31. </summary>
  32. </member>
  33. <member name="F:Ice.SignalPolicy.NoSignalHandling">
  34. <summary>
  35. Any signal that is received is not intercepted and takes the default action.
  36. </summary>
  37. </member>
  38. <member name="T:Ice.Application">
  39. <summary>
  40. Utility base class that makes it easy to correctly initialize and finalize
  41. the Ice run time, as well as handle signals. Unless the application specifies
  42. a logger, Application installs a per-process logger that logs to the standard
  43. error output.
  44. Applications must create a derived class that implements the run method.
  45. A program can contain only one instance of this class.
  46. </summary>
  47. </member>
  48. <member name="[])">
  49. <summary>
  50. Called once the communicator has been initialized. The derived class must
  51. implement run, which is the application's starting method.
  52. </summary>
  53. <param name="args">The argument vector for the application. Application
  54. scans the argument vector passed to main for options that are
  55. specific to the Ice run time and removes them; therefore, the vector passed
  56. to run is free from Ice-related options and contains only options
  57. and arguments that are application-specific.</param>
  58. <returns>The run method should return zero for successful termination, and
  59. non-zero otherwise. Application.main returns the value returned by run.</returns>
  60. </member>
  61. <member name="M:Ice.Application.interruptCallback(System.Int32)">
  62. <summary>
  63. Override this method to provide a custom application interrupt
  64. hook. You must call callbackOnInterrupt for this method
  65. to be called. Note that the interruptCallback can be called
  66. concurrently with any other thread (including main) in your
  67. application--take appropriate concurrency precautions.
  68. </summary>
  69. <param name="sig">The cause of the interrupt.</param>
  70. </member>
  71. <member name="M:Ice.Application.#ctor">
  72. <summary>
  73. Initializes an instance that calls Communicator.shutdown if a signal is received.
  74. </summary>
  75. </member>
  76. <member name="M:Ice.Application.#ctor(Ice.SignalPolicy)">
  77. <summary>
  78. Initializes an instance that handles signals according to the signal policy.
  79. </summary>
  80. <param name="signalPolicy">Determines how to respond to signals.</param>
  81. </member>
  82. <member name="M:Ice.Application.main(System.String[])">
  83. <summary>
  84. The application must call main after it has
  85. instantiated the derived class. main creates
  86. a communicator, establishes the specified signal policy, and,
  87. once run returns, destroys the communicator.
  88. The method prints an error message for any exception that propagates
  89. out of run and ensures that the communicator is
  90. destroyed correctly even if run completes abnormally.
  91. </summary>
  92. <param name="args">The arguments for the application (as passed to Main(string[])
  93. by the operating system.</param>
  94. <returns>The value returned by run. If run terminates with an exception,
  95. the return value is non-zero.</returns>
  96. </member>
  97. <member name="M:Ice.Application.main(System.String[],System.String)">
  98. <summary>
  99. The application must call main after it has
  100. instantiated the derived class. main creates
  101. a communicator, establishes the specified signal policy, and,
  102. once run returns, destroys the communicator.
  103. The method prints an error message for any exception that propagates
  104. out of run and ensures that the communicator is
  105. destroyed correctly even if run completes abnormally.
  106. </summary>
  107. <param name="args">The arguments for the application (as passed to Main(string[])
  108. by the operating system.</param>
  109. <param name="configFile">The configuration file with which to initialize
  110. Ice properties.</param>
  111. <returns>The value returned by run. If run terminates with an exception,
  112. the return value is non-zero.</returns>
  113. </member>
  114. <member name="M:Ice.Application.main(System.String[],Ice.InitializationData)">
  115. <summary>
  116. The application must call main after it has
  117. instantiated the derived class. main creates
  118. a communicator, establishes the specified signal policy, and,
  119. once run returns, destroys the communicator.
  120. The method prints an error message for any exception that propagates
  121. out of run and ensures that the communicator is
  122. destroyed correctly even if run completes abnormally.
  123. </summary>
  124. <param name="args">The arguments for the application (as passed to Main(string[])
  125. by the operating system.</param>
  126. <param name="initializationData">Additional data used to initialize the communicator.</param>
  127. <returns>The value returned by run. If run terminates with an exception,
  128. the return value is non-zero.</returns>
  129. </member>
  130. <member name="M:Ice.Application.appName">
  131. <summary>
  132. Returns the application name (which is also the value of Ice.ProgramName.
  133. This method is useful mainly for error messages that
  134. include the application name. Because appName is a static method, it is available from anywhere
  135. in the program.
  136. </summary>
  137. <returns>The name of the application.</returns>
  138. </member>
  139. <member name="M:Ice.Application.communicator">
  140. <summary>
  141. Returns the communicator for the application. Because communicator is a static method,
  142. it permits access to the communicator from anywhere in the program. Note that, as a consequence,
  143. you cannot have more than one instance of Application in a program.
  144. </summary>
  145. <returns>The communicator for the application.</returns>
  146. </member>
  147. <member name="M:Ice.Application.destroyOnInterrupt">
  148. <summary>
  149. Instructs Application to call Communicator.destroy on receipt of a signal.
  150. This is default signal handling policy established by the default constructor.
  151. </summary>
  152. </member>
  153. <member name="M:Ice.Application.shutdownOnInterrupt">
  154. <summary>
  155. Instructs Application to call Communicator.shutdown on receipt of a signal.
  156. </summary>
  157. </member>
  158. <member name="M:Ice.Application.ignoreInterrupt">
  159. <summary>
  160. Instructs Application to ignore signals.
  161. </summary>
  162. </member>
  163. <member name="M:Ice.Application.callbackOnInterrupt">
  164. <summary>
  165. Instructs Application to call interruptCallback on receipt of a signal.
  166. The derived class can intercept signals by overriding interruptCallback.
  167. </summary>
  168. </member>
  169. <member name="M:Ice.Application.holdInterrupt">
  170. <summary>
  171. Instructs Application to call to hold signals.
  172. </summary>
  173. </member>
  174. <member name="M:Ice.Application.releaseInterrupt">
  175. <summary>
  176. Instructs Application respond to signals. If a signal arrived since the last call
  177. to holdInterrupt, it is delivered once you call releaseInterrupt.
  178. </summary>
  179. </member>
  180. <member name="M:Ice.Application.interrupted">
  181. <summary>
  182. Determines whether the application shut down intentionally or was forced to shut down due to a signal.
  183. This is useful for logging purposes.
  184. </summary>
  185. <returns>True if a signal caused the communicator to shut down; false otherwise.</returns>
  186. </member>
  187. <member name="T:Ice.AsyncCallback">
  188. <summary>
  189. Callback that requires the application to down-cast the proxy.
  190. </summary>
  191. </member>
  192. <member name="T:Ice.OnewayCallback">
  193. <summary>
  194. Callback for the successful completion of an operation
  195. that returns no data.
  196. </summary>
  197. </member>
  198. <member name="T:Ice.SentCallback">
  199. <summary>
  200. Callback for the successful completion of an operation
  201. that returns no data.
  202. </summary>
  203. </member>
  204. <member name="T:Ice.ExceptionCallback">
  205. <summary>
  206. Called when an invocation raises an exception.
  207. </summary>
  208. </member>
  209. <member name="T:Ice.AsyncResult">
  210. <summary>
  211. <!-- TODO -->
  212. </summary>
  213. </member>
  214. <member name="M:Ice.BatchRequest.enqueue">
  215. <summary>
  216. Confirms the queuing of the batch request.
  217. </summary>
  218. </member>
  219. <member name="M:Ice.BatchRequest.getSize">
  220. <summary>
  221. Get the marshalled size of the request.
  222. </summary>
  223. <returns>The request size.</returns>
  224. </member>
  225. <member name="M:Ice.BatchRequest.getOperation">
  226. <summary>
  227. Get the name of the operation
  228. </summary>
  229. <returns>The request operation.</returns>
  230. </member>
  231. <member name="M:Ice.BatchRequest.getProxy">
  232. <summary>
  233. The proxy used to invoke the batch request.
  234. </summary>
  235. <returns>The request proxy.</returns>
  236. </member>
  237. <member name="T:Ice.BatchRequestInterceptor">
  238. <summary>
  239. Base interface for listening to batch request queues.
  240. </summary>
  241. </member>
  242. <member name="M:Ice.BatchRequestInterceptor.enqueue(Ice.BatchRequest,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  243. <summary>
  244. Called by the Ice runtime when a batch request is about to be
  245. added to the batch request queue of a proxy or connection.
  246. The implementation of this method must call enqueue() on the
  247. request to confirm its addition to the queue, if not called
  248. the request isn't added to the queue. The implementation can
  249. raise an Ice local exception to notify the caller of a failure.
  250. </summary>
  251. <param name="request">The batch request.</param>
  252. <param name="queueBatchRequestCount">The number of batch request queued.</param>
  253. <param name="queueBatchRequestSize">The size of the queued batch requests.</param>
  254. </member>
  255. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.destroy">
  256. <summary>
  257. Destroy the communicator.
  258. This operation calls shutdown
  259. implicitly. Calling destroy cleans up memory, and shuts down
  260. this communicator's client functionality and destroys all object
  261. adapters. Subsequent calls to destroy are ignored.
  262. </summary>
  263. </member>
  264. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.shutdown">
  265. <summary>
  266. Shuts down this communicator's server functionality, which
  267. includes the deactivation of all object adapters.
  268. (Attempts to use
  269. a deactivated object adapter raise ObjectAdapterDeactivatedException.)
  270. Subsequent calls to shutdown are ignored.
  271. After shutdown returns, no new requests are
  272. processed. However, requests that have been started before
  273. shutdown was called might still be active. You can use
  274. waitForShutdown to wait for the completion of all
  275. requests.
  276. </summary>
  277. </member>
  278. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.waitForShutdown">
  279. <summary>
  280. Wait until the application has called shutdown (or destroy).
  281. On the server side, this operation blocks the calling thread
  282. until all currently-executing operations have completed.
  283. On the client side, the operation simply block until another
  284. thread has called shutdown or destroy.
  285. A typical use of this operation is to call it
  286. from the main thread, which then waits until some other thread
  287. calls shutdown. After shut-down is complete, the main thread
  288. returns and can do some cleanup work before it finally calls
  289. destroy to shut down the client functionality, and then
  290. exits the application.
  291. </summary>
  292. </member>
  293. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.isShutdown">
  294. <summary>
  295. Check whether communicator has been shut down.
  296. </summary>
  297. <returns>True if the communicator has been shut down; false otherwise.
  298. </returns>
  299. </member>
  300. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.stringToProxy(System.String)">
  301. <summary>
  302. Convert a stringified proxy into a proxy.
  303. For example,
  304. MyCategory/MyObject:tcp -h some_host -p
  305. 10000 creates a proxy that refers to the Ice object
  306. having an identity with a name "MyObject" and a category
  307. "MyCategory", with the server running on host "some_host", port
  308. 10000. If the stringified proxy does not parse correctly, the
  309. operation throws one of ProxyParseException,
  310. EndpointParseException, or IdentityParseException.
  311. An appendix in the Ice manual provides a detailed description
  312. of the syntax supported by stringified proxies.
  313. </summary>
  314. <param name="str">The stringified proxy to convert into a proxy.
  315. </param>
  316. <returns>The proxy, or nil if str is an empty string.
  317. </returns>
  318. </member>
  319. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.proxyToString(Ice.ObjectPrx)">
  320. <summary>
  321. Convert a proxy into a string.
  322. </summary>
  323. <param name="obj">The proxy to convert into a stringified proxy.
  324. </param>
  325. <returns>The stringified proxy, or an empty string if
  326. obj is nil.
  327. </returns>
  328. </member>
  329. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.propertyToProxy(System.String)">
  330. <summary>
  331. Convert a set of proxy properties into a proxy.
  332. The "base"
  333. name supplied in the property argument refers to a
  334. property containing a stringified proxy, such as
  335. MyProxy=id:tcp -h localhost -p 10000. Additional
  336. properties configure local settings for the proxy, such as
  337. MyProxy.PreferSecure=1. The "Properties"
  338. appendix in the Ice manual describes each of the supported
  339. proxy properties.
  340. </summary>
  341. <param name="property">The base property name.
  342. </param>
  343. <returns>The proxy.</returns>
  344. </member>
  345. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.proxyToProperty(Ice.ObjectPrx,System.String)">
  346. <summary>
  347. Convert a proxy to a set of proxy properties.
  348. </summary>
  349. <param name="proxy">The proxy.
  350. </param>
  351. <param name="property">The base property name.
  352. </param>
  353. <returns>The property set.</returns>
  354. </member>
  355. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.stringToIdentity(System.String)">
  356. <summary>
  357. Convert a string into an identity.
  358. If the string does not parse
  359. correctly, the operation throws IdentityParseException.
  360. </summary>
  361. <param name="str">The string to convert into an identity.
  362. </param>
  363. <returns>The identity.
  364. </returns>
  365. </member>
  366. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.identityToString(Ice.Identity)">
  367. <summary>
  368. Convert an identity into a string.
  369. </summary>
  370. <param name="ident">The identity to convert into a string.
  371. </param>
  372. <returns>The "stringified" identity.
  373. </returns>
  374. </member>
  375. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.createObjectAdapter(System.String)">
  376. <summary>
  377. Create a new object adapter.
  378. The endpoints for the object
  379. adapter are taken from the property name.Endpoints.
  380. It is legal to create an object adapter with the empty string as
  381. its name. Such an object adapter is accessible via bidirectional
  382. connections or by collocated invocations that originate from the
  383. same communicator as is used by the adapter.
  384. Attempts to create a named object adapter for which no configuration
  385. can be found raise InitializationException.
  386. </summary>
  387. <param name="name">The object adapter name.
  388. </param>
  389. <returns>The new object adapter.
  390. </returns>
  391. </member>
  392. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints(System.String,System.String)">
  393. <summary>
  394. Create a new object adapter with endpoints.
  395. This operation sets
  396. the property name.Endpoints,
  397. and then calls createObjectAdapter. It is provided as a
  398. convenience function.
  399. Calling this operation with an empty name will result in a
  400. UUID being generated for the name.
  401. </summary>
  402. <param name="name">The object adapter name.
  403. </param>
  404. <param name="endpoints">The endpoints for the object adapter.
  405. </param>
  406. <returns>The new object adapter.
  407. </returns>
  408. </member>
  409. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.createObjectAdapterWithRouter(System.String,Ice.RouterPrx)">
  410. <summary>
  411. Create a new object adapter with a router.
  412. This operation
  413. creates a routed object adapter.
  414. Calling this operation with an empty name will result in a
  415. UUID being generated for the name.
  416. </summary>
  417. <param name="name">The object adapter name.
  418. </param>
  419. <param name="rtr">The router.
  420. </param>
  421. <returns>The new object adapter.
  422. </returns>
  423. </member>
  424. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.addObjectFactory(Ice.ObjectFactory,System.String)">
  425. <summary>
  426. Add an object factory to this communicator.
  427. Installing a
  428. factory with an id for which a factory is already registered
  429. throws AlreadyRegisteredException.
  430. When unmarshaling an Ice object, the Ice run time reads the
  431. most-derived type id off the wire and attempts to create an
  432. instance of the type using a factory. If no instance is created,
  433. either because no factory was found, or because all factories
  434. returned nil, the behavior of the Ice run time depends on the
  435. format with which the object was marshaled:
  436. If the object uses the "sliced" format, Ice ascends the class
  437. hierarchy until it finds a type that is recognized by a factory,
  438. or it reaches the least-derived type. If no factory is found that
  439. can create an instance, the run time throws
  440. NoObjectFactoryException.
  441. If the object uses the "compact" format, Ice immediately raises
  442. NoObjectFactoryException.
  443. The following order is used to locate a factory for a type:
  444. The Ice run-time looks for a factory registered
  445. specifically for the type.
  446. If no instance has been created, the Ice run-time looks
  447. for the default factory, which is registered with an empty type id.
  448. If no instance has been created by any of the preceding
  449. steps, the Ice run-time looks for a factory that may have been
  450. statically generated by the language mapping for non-abstract classes.
  451. </summary>
  452. <param name="factory">The factory to add.
  453. </param>
  454. <param name="id">The type id for which the factory can create instances, or
  455. an empty string for the default factory.
  456. </param>
  457. </member>
  458. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.findObjectFactory(System.String)">
  459. <summary>
  460. Find an object factory registered with this communicator.
  461. </summary>
  462. <param name="id">The type id for which the factory can create instances,
  463. or an empty string for the default factory.
  464. </param>
  465. <returns>The object factory, or null if no object factory was
  466. found for the given id.
  467. </returns>
  468. </member>
  469. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.getImplicitContext">
  470. <summary>
  471. Get the implicit context associated with this communicator.
  472. </summary>
  473. <returns>The implicit context associated with this communicator;
  474. returns null when the property Ice.ImplicitContext is not set
  475. or is set to None.</returns>
  476. </member>
  477. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.getProperties">
  478. <summary>
  479. Get the properties for this communicator.
  480. </summary>
  481. <returns>This communicator's properties.
  482. </returns>
  483. </member>
  484. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.getLogger">
  485. <summary>
  486. Get the logger for this communicator.
  487. </summary>
  488. <returns>This communicator's logger.
  489. </returns>
  490. </member>
  491. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.getObserver">
  492. <summary>
  493. Get the observer resolver object for this communicator.
  494. </summary>
  495. <returns>This communicator's observer resolver object.</returns>
  496. </member>
  497. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.getDefaultRouter">
  498. <summary>
  499. Get the default router this communicator.
  500. </summary>
  501. <returns>The default router for this communicator.
  502. </returns>
  503. </member>
  504. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.setDefaultRouter(Ice.RouterPrx)">
  505. <summary>
  506. Set a default router for this communicator.
  507. All newly
  508. created proxies will use this default router. To disable the
  509. default router, null can be used. Note that this
  510. operation has no effect on existing proxies.
  511. You can also set a router for an individual proxy
  512. by calling the operation ice_router on the proxy.
  513. </summary>
  514. <param name="rtr">The default router to use for this communicator.
  515. </param>
  516. </member>
  517. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.getDefaultLocator">
  518. <summary>
  519. Get the default locator this communicator.
  520. </summary>
  521. <returns>The default locator for this communicator.
  522. </returns>
  523. </member>
  524. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.setDefaultLocator(Ice.LocatorPrx)">
  525. <summary>
  526. Set a default Ice locator for this communicator.
  527. All newly
  528. created proxy and object adapters will use this default
  529. locator. To disable the default locator, null can be used.
  530. Note that this operation has no effect on existing proxies or
  531. object adapters.
  532. You can also set a locator for an individual proxy
  533. by calling the operation ice_locator on the proxy, or for an
  534. object adapter by calling the operation ObjectAdapter.setLocator
  535. on the object adapter.
  536. </summary>
  537. <param name="loc">The default locator to use for this communicator.
  538. </param>
  539. </member>
  540. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.getPluginManager">
  541. <summary>
  542. Get the plug-in manager for this communicator.
  543. </summary>
  544. <returns>This communicator's plug-in manager.
  545. </returns>
  546. </member>
  547. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.flushBatchRequests">
  548. <summary>
  549. Flush any pending batch requests for this communicator.
  550. This means all batch requests invoked on fixed proxies
  551. for all connections associated with the communicator.
  552. Any errors that occur while flushing a connection are ignored.
  553. </summary>
  554. </member>
  555. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.createAdmin(Ice.ObjectAdapter,Ice.Identity)">
  556. <summary>
  557. Add the Admin object with all its facets to the provided object adapter.
  558. If Ice.Admin.ServerId is set and the provided object adapter has a Locator,
  559. createAdmin registers the Admin's Process facet with the Locator's LocatorRegistry.
  560. createAdmin call only be called once; subsequent calls raise InitializationException.
  561. </summary>
  562. <param name="adminAdapter">The object adapter used to host the Admin object; if null and
  563. Ice.Admin.Endpoints is set, create, activate and use the Ice.Admin object adapter.
  564. </param>
  565. <param name="adminId">The identity of the Admin object.
  566. </param>
  567. <returns>A proxy to the main ("") facet of the Admin object. Never returns a null proxy.
  568. </returns>
  569. </member>
  570. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.getAdmin">
  571. <summary>
  572. Get a proxy to the main facet of the Admin object.
  573. getAdmin also creates the Admin object and creates and activates the Ice.Admin object
  574. adapter to host this Admin object if Ice.Admin.Enpoints is set. The identity of the Admin
  575. object created by getAdmin is /admin, or /admin
  576. when Ice.Admin.InstanceName is not set.
  577. If Ice.Admin.DelayCreation is 0 or not set, getAdmin is called by the communicator
  578. initialization, after initialization of all plugins.
  579. </summary>
  580. <returns>A proxy to the main ("") facet of the Admin object, or a null proxy if no
  581. Admin object is configured.
  582. </returns>
  583. </member>
  584. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.addAdminFacet(Ice.Object,System.String)">
  585. <summary>
  586. Add a new facet to the Admin object.
  587. Adding a servant with a facet that is already registered
  588. throws AlreadyRegisteredException.
  589. </summary>
  590. <param name="servant">The servant that implements the new Admin facet.
  591. </param>
  592. <param name="facet">The name of the new Admin facet.</param>
  593. </member>
  594. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.removeAdminFacet(System.String)">
  595. <summary>
  596. Remove the following facet to the Admin object.
  597. Removing a facet that was not previously registered throws
  598. NotRegisteredException.
  599. </summary>
  600. <param name="facet">The name of the Admin facet.
  601. </param>
  602. <returns>The servant associated with this Admin facet.</returns>
  603. </member>
  604. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.findAdminFacet(System.String)">
  605. <summary>
  606. Returns a facet of the Admin object.
  607. </summary>
  608. <param name="facet">The name of the Admin facet.
  609. </param>
  610. <returns>The servant associated with this Admin facet, or
  611. null if no facet is registered with the given name.</returns>
  612. </member>
  613. <member name="M:Ice.Communicator.findAllAdminFacets">
  614. <summary>
  615. Returns a map of all facets of the Admin object.
  616. </summary>
  617. <returns>A collection containing all the facet names and
  618. servants of the Admin object.
  619. </returns>
  620. </member>
  621. <member name="M:Ice.Connection.close(System.Boolean)">
  622. <summary>
  623. Close a connection, either gracefully or forcefully.
  624. If a
  625. connection is closed forcefully, it closes immediately, without
  626. sending the relevant close connection protocol messages to the
  627. peer and waiting for the peer to acknowledge these protocol
  628. messages.
  629. </summary>
  630. <param name="force">If true, close forcefully. Otherwise the
  631. connection is closed gracefully.</param>
  632. </member>
  633. <member name="M:Ice.Connection.createProxy(Ice.Identity)">
  634. <summary>
  635. Create a special proxy that always uses this connection.
  636. This
  637. can be used for callbacks from a server to a client if the
  638. server cannot directly establish a connection to the client,
  639. for example because of firewalls. In this case, the server
  640. would create a proxy using an already established connection
  641. from the client.
  642. </summary>
  643. <param name="id">The identity for which a proxy is to be created.
  644. </param>
  645. <returns>A proxy that matches the given identity and uses this
  646. connection.
  647. </returns>
  648. </member>
  649. <member name="M:Ice.Connection.setAdapter(Ice.ObjectAdapter)">
  650. <summary>
  651. Explicitly set an object adapter that dispatches requests that
  652. are received over this connection.
  653. A client can invoke an
  654. operation on a server using a proxy, and then set an object
  655. adapter for the outgoing connection that is used by the proxy
  656. in order to receive callbacks. This is useful if the server
  657. cannot establish a connection back to the client, for example
  658. because of firewalls.
  659. </summary>
  660. <param name="adapter">The object adapter that should be used by this
  661. connection to dispatch requests. The object adapter must be
  662. activated. When the object adapter is deactivated, it is
  663. automatically removed from the connection.
  664. </param>
  665. </member>
  666. <member name="M:Ice.Connection.getAdapter">
  667. <summary>
  668. Get the object adapter that dispatches requests for this
  669. connection.
  670. </summary>
  671. <returns>The object adapter that dispatches requests for the
  672. connection, or null if no adapter is set.
  673. </returns>
  674. </member>
  675. <member name="M:Ice.Connection.getEndpoint">
  676. <summary>
  677. Get the endpoint from which the connection was created.
  678. </summary>
  679. <returns>The endpoint from which the connection was created.</returns>
  680. </member>
  681. <member name="M:Ice.Connection.flushBatchRequests">
  682. <summary>
  683. Flush any pending batch requests for this connection.
  684. This means all batch requests invoked on fixed proxies
  685. associated with the connection.
  686. </summary>
  687. </member>
  688. <member name="M:Ice.Connection.setCallback(Ice.ConnectionCallback)">
  689. <summary>
  690. Set callback on the connection.
  691. The callback is called by the
  692. connection when it's closed. The callback is called from the
  693. Ice thread pool associated with the connection.
  694. </summary>
  695. <param name="callback">The connection callback object.</param>
  696. </member>
  697. <member name="M:Ice.Connection.setACM(Ice.Optional{System.Int32},Ice.Optional{Ice.ACMClose},Ice.Optional{Ice.ACMHeartbeat})">
  698. <summary>
  699. Set the active connection management parameters.
  700. </summary>
  701. <param name="timeout">The timeout value in milliseconds.
  702. </param>
  703. <param name="close">The close condition
  704. </param>
  705. <param name="heartbeat">The hertbeat condition</param>
  706. </member>
  707. <member name="M:Ice.Connection.getACM">
  708. <summary>
  709. Get the ACM parameters.
  710. </summary>
  711. <returns>The ACM parameters.</returns>
  712. </member>
  713. <member name="M:Ice.Connection.type">
  714. <summary>
  715. Return the connection type.
  716. This corresponds to the endpoint
  717. type, i.e., "tcp", "udp", etc.
  718. </summary>
  719. <returns>The type of the connection.</returns>
  720. </member>
  721. <member name="M:Ice.Connection.timeout">
  722. <summary>
  723. Get the timeout for the connection.
  724. </summary>
  725. <returns>The connection's timeout.</returns>
  726. </member>
  727. <member name="M:Ice.Connection.ice_toString_">
  728. <summary>
  729. Return a description of the connection as human readable text,
  730. suitable for logging or error messages.
  731. </summary>
  732. <returns>The description of the connection as human readable
  733. text.</returns>
  734. </member>
  735. <member name="M:Ice.Connection.getInfo">
  736. <summary>
  737. Returns the connection information.
  738. </summary>
  739. <returns>The connection information.</returns>
  740. </member>
  741. <member name="M:Ice.Connection.setBufferSize(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  742. <summary>
  743. Set the connectiion buffer receive/send size.
  744. </summary>
  745. <param name="rcvSize">The connection receive buffer size.
  746. </param>
  747. <param name="sndSize">The connection send buffer size.</param>
  748. </member>
  749. <member name="T:Ice.DispatchInterceptor">
  750. <summary>
  751. Base class that allows a server intercept incoming requests.
  752. The application must derive a concrete class from DispatchInterceptor
  753. that implements the DispatchInterceptor.dispatch operation. An instance of this derived
  754. class can be registered with an object adapter like any other servant.
  755. A dispatch interceptor is useful particularly to automatically retry requests
  756. that have failed due to a recoverable error condition.
  757. </summary>
  758. </member>
  759. <member name="T:Ice.ObjectImpl">
  760. <summary>
  761. Base class for all Slice classes.
  762. </summary>
  763. </member>
  764. <member name="T:Ice.Object">
  765. <summary>
  766. the base interface for servants.
  767. </summary>
  768. </member>
  769. <member name="M:Ice.Object.ice_isA(System.String)">
  770. <summary>
  771. Tests whether this object supports a specific Slice interface.
  772. </summary>
  773. <param name="s">The type ID of the Slice interface to test against.</param>
  774. <returns>True if this object has the interface
  775. specified by s or derives from the interface specified by s.</returns>
  776. </member>
  777. <member name="M:Ice.Object.ice_isA(System.String,Ice.Current)">
  778. <summary>
  779. Tests whether this object supports a specific Slice interface.
  780. </summary>
  781. <param name="s">The type ID of the Slice interface to test against.</param>
  782. <param name="current">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  783. <returns>True if this object has the interface
  784. specified by s or derives from the interface specified by s.</returns>
  785. </member>
  786. <member name="M:Ice.Object.ice_ping">
  787. <summary>
  788. Tests whether this object can be reached.
  789. </summary>
  790. </member>
  791. <member name="M:Ice.Object.ice_ping(Ice.Current)">
  792. <summary>
  793. Tests whether this object can be reached.
  794. </summary>
  795. <param name="current">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  796. </member>
  797. <member name="M:Ice.Object.ice_ids">
  798. <summary>
  799. Returns the Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by this object.
  800. </summary>
  801. <returns>The Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by this object, in base-to-derived
  802. order. The first element of the returned array is always ::Ice::Object.</returns>
  803. </member>
  804. <member name="M:Ice.Object.ice_ids(Ice.Current)">
  805. <summary>
  806. Returns the Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by this object.
  807. </summary>
  808. <param name="current">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  809. <returns>The Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by this object, in base-to-derived
  810. order. The first element of the returned array is always ::Ice::Object.</returns>
  811. </member>
  812. <member name="M:Ice.Object.ice_id">
  813. <summary>
  814. Returns the Slice type ID of the most-derived interface supported by this object.
  815. </summary>
  816. <returns>The Slice type ID of the most-derived interface.</returns>
  817. </member>
  818. <member name="M:Ice.Object.ice_id(Ice.Current)">
  819. <summary>
  820. Returns the Slice type ID of the most-derived interface supported by this object.
  821. </summary>
  822. <param name="current">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  823. <returns>The Slice type ID of the most-derived interface.</returns>
  824. </member>
  825. <member name="M:Ice.Object.ice_preMarshal">
  826. <summary>
  827. The Ice run time invokes this method prior to marshaling an object's data members. This allows a subclass
  828. to override this method in order to validate its data members.
  829. </summary>
  830. </member>
  831. <member name="M:Ice.Object.ice_postUnmarshal">
  832. <summary>
  833. This Ice run time invokes this method vafter unmarshaling an object's data members. This allows a
  834. subclass to override this method in order to perform additional initialization.
  835. </summary>
  836. </member>
  837. <member name="M:Ice.Object.ice_dispatch(Ice.Request,Ice.DispatchInterceptorAsyncCallback)">
  838. <summary>
  839. Dispatches an invocation to a servant. This method is used by dispatch interceptors to forward an invocation
  840. to a servant (or to another interceptor).
  841. </summary>
  842. <param name="request">The details of the invocation.</param>
  843. <param name="cb">The callback object for asynchchronous dispatch. For synchronous dispatch,
  844. the callback object must be null.</param>
  845. <returns>The dispatch status for the operation.</returns>
  846. </member>
  847. <member name="M:Ice.Object.ice_dispatch(Ice.Request)">
  848. <summary>
  849. Dispatches an invocation to a servant. This method is used by dispatch interceptors to forward an invocation
  850. to a servant (or to another interceptor).
  851. </summary>
  852. <param name="request">The details of the invocation.</param>
  853. <returns>The dispatch status for the operation.</returns>
  854. </member>
  855. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectImpl.#ctor">
  856. <summary>
  857. Instantiates an Ice object.
  858. </summary>
  859. </member>
  860. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectImpl.Clone">
  861. <summary>
  862. Returns a copy of the object. The cloned object contains field-for-field copies
  863. of the state.
  864. </summary>
  865. <returns>The cloned object.</returns>
  866. </member>
  867. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectImpl.ice_isA(System.String)">
  868. <summary>
  869. Tests whether this object supports a specific Slice interface.
  870. </summary>
  871. <param name="s">The type ID of the Slice interface to test against.</param>
  872. <returns>The return value is true if s is ::Ice::Object.</returns>
  873. </member>
  874. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectImpl.ice_isA(System.String,Ice.Current)">
  875. <summary>
  876. Tests whether this object supports a specific Slice interface.
  877. </summary>
  878. <param name="s">The type ID of the Slice interface to test against.</param>
  879. <param name="current">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  880. <returns>The return value is true if s is ::Ice::Object.</returns>
  881. </member>
  882. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectImpl.ice_ping">
  883. <summary>
  884. Tests whether this object can be reached.
  885. </summary>
  886. </member>
  887. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectImpl.ice_ping(Ice.Current)">
  888. <summary>
  889. Tests whether this object can be reached.
  890. <param name="current">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  891. </summary>
  892. </member>
  893. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectImpl.ice_ids">
  894. <summary>
  895. Returns the Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by this object.
  896. </summary>
  897. <returns>An array whose only element is ::Ice::Object.</returns>
  898. </member>
  899. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectImpl.ice_ids(Ice.Current)">
  900. <summary>
  901. Returns the Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by this object.
  902. </summary>
  903. <param name="current">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  904. <returns>An array whose only element is ::Ice::Object.</returns>
  905. </member>
  906. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectImpl.ice_id">
  907. <summary>
  908. Returns the Slice type ID of the most-derived interface supported by this object.
  909. </summary>
  910. <returns>The return value is always ::Ice::Object.</returns>
  911. </member>
  912. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectImpl.ice_id(Ice.Current)">
  913. <summary>
  914. Returns the Slice type ID of the most-derived interface supported by this object.
  915. </summary>
  916. <param name="current">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  917. <returns>The return value is always ::Ice::Object.</returns>
  918. </member>
  919. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectImpl.ice_staticId">
  920. <summary>
  921. Returns the Slice type ID of the interface supported by this object.
  922. </summary>
  923. <returns>The return value is always ::Ice::Object.</returns>
  924. </member>
  925. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectImpl.ice_preMarshal">
  926. <summary>
  927. The Ice run time invokes this method prior to marshaling an object's data members. This allows a subclass
  928. to override this method in order to validate its data members.
  929. </summary>
  930. </member>
  931. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectImpl.ice_postUnmarshal">
  932. <summary>
  933. This Ice run time invokes this method vafter unmarshaling an object's data members. This allows a
  934. subclass to override this method in order to perform additional initialization.
  935. </summary>
  936. </member>
  937. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectImpl.ice_dispatch(Ice.Request,Ice.DispatchInterceptorAsyncCallback)">
  938. <summary>
  939. Dispatches an invocation to a servant. This method is used by dispatch interceptors to forward an invocation
  940. to a servant (or to another interceptor).
  941. </summary>
  942. <param name="request">The details of the invocation.</param>
  943. <param name="cb">The callback object for asynchchronous dispatch. For synchronous dispatch, the
  944. callback object must be null.</param>
  945. <returns>The dispatch status for the operation.</returns>
  946. </member>
  947. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectImpl.ice_dispatch(Ice.Request)">
  948. <summary>
  949. Dispatches an invocation to a servant. This method is used by dispatch interceptors to forward an invocation
  950. to a servant (or to another interceptor).
  951. </summary>
  952. <param name="request">The details of the invocation.</param>
  953. <returns>The dispatch status for the operation.</returns>
  954. </member>
  955. <member name="M:Ice.DispatchInterceptor.dispatch(Ice.Request)">
  956. <summary>
  957. Called by the Ice run time to dispatch an incoming request. The implementation
  958. of <code>dispatch</code> must dispatch the request to the actual servant.
  959. </summary>
  960. <param name="request">The details of the incoming request.</param>
  961. <returns>For synchronous dispatch, the return value must be whatever is
  962. returned ice_dispatch. For asynchronous dispatch, the return
  963. value must be DispatchAsync.</returns>
  964. </member>
  965. <member name="M:Ice.Endpoint.ice_toString_">
  966. <summary>
  967. Return a string representation of the endpoint.
  968. </summary>
  969. <returns>The string representation of the endpoint.</returns>
  970. </member>
  971. <member name="M:Ice.Endpoint.getInfo">
  972. <summary>
  973. Returns the endpoint information.
  974. </summary>
  975. <returns>The endpoint information class.</returns>
  976. </member>
  977. <member name="T:Ice.Exception">
  978. <summary>
  979. Base class for Ice exceptions.
  980. </summary>
  981. </member>
  982. <member name="M:Ice.Exception.Clone">
  983. <summary>
  984. Creates and returns a copy of this exception.
  985. </summary>
  986. <returns>A copy of this exception.</returns>
  987. </member>
  988. <member name="M:Ice.Exception.#ctor">
  989. <summary>
  990. Creates a default-initialized exception.
  991. </summary>
  992. </member>
  993. <member name="M:Ice.Exception.#ctor(System.Exception)">
  994. <summary>
  995. Creates a default-initialized exception and sets the InnerException
  996. property to the passed exception.
  997. </summary>
  998. <param name="ex">The inner exception.</param>
  999. </member>
  1000. <member name="M:Ice.Exception.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
  1001. <summary>
  1002. Initializes a new instance of the exception with serialized data.
  1003. </summary>
  1004. <param name="info">Holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
  1005. <param name="context">Contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
  1006. </member>
  1007. <member name="M:Ice.Exception.ice_name">
  1008. <summary>
  1009. Returns the name of this exception.
  1010. </summary>
  1011. <returns>The name of this exception.</returns>
  1012. </member>
  1013. <member name="M:Ice.Exception.ToString">
  1014. <summary>
  1015. Returns a string representation of this exception, including
  1016. any inner exceptions.
  1017. </summary>
  1018. <returns>The string representation of this exception.</returns>
  1019. </member>
  1020. <member name="T:Ice.LocalException">
  1021. <summary>
  1022. Base class for local exceptions.
  1023. </summary>
  1024. </member>
  1025. <member name="M:Ice.LocalException.#ctor">
  1026. <summary>
  1027. Creates a default-initialized local exception.
  1028. </summary>
  1029. </member>
  1030. <member name="M:Ice.LocalException.#ctor(System.Exception)">
  1031. <summary>
  1032. Creates a default-initialized local exception and sets the InnerException
  1033. property to the passed exception.
  1034. </summary>
  1035. <param name="ex">The inner exception.</param>
  1036. </member>
  1037. <member name="M:Ice.LocalException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
  1038. <summary>
  1039. Initializes a new instance of the exception with serialized data.
  1040. </summary>
  1041. <param name="info">Holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
  1042. <param name="context">Contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
  1043. </member>
  1044. <member name="T:Ice.SystemException">
  1045. <summary>
  1046. Base class for Ice run-time exceptions.
  1047. </summary>
  1048. </member>
  1049. <member name="M:Ice.SystemException.#ctor">
  1050. <summary>
  1051. Creates a default-initialized run-time exception.
  1052. </summary>
  1053. </member>
  1054. <member name="M:Ice.SystemException.#ctor(System.Exception)">
  1055. <summary>
  1056. Creates a default-initialized run-time exception and sets the InnerException
  1057. property to the passed exception.
  1058. </summary>
  1059. <param name="ex">The inner exception.</param>
  1060. </member>
  1061. <member name="M:Ice.SystemException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
  1062. <summary>
  1063. Initializes a new instance of the exception with serialized data.
  1064. </summary>
  1065. <param name="info">Holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
  1066. <param name="context">Contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
  1067. </member>
  1068. <member name="T:Ice.UserException">
  1069. <summary>
  1070. Base class for Slice user exceptions.
  1071. </summary>
  1072. </member>
  1073. <member name="M:Ice.UserException.#ctor">
  1074. <summary>
  1075. Creates a default-initialized user exception.
  1076. </summary>
  1077. </member>
  1078. <member name="M:Ice.UserException.#ctor(System.Exception)">
  1079. <summary>
  1080. Creates a default-initialized user exception and sets the InnerException
  1081. property to the passed exception.
  1082. </summary>
  1083. <param name="ex">The inner exception.</param>
  1084. </member>
  1085. <member name="M:Ice.UserException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
  1086. <summary>
  1087. Initializes a new instance of the exception with serialized data.
  1088. </summary>
  1089. <param name="info">Holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
  1090. <param name="context">Contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
  1091. </member>
  1092. <member name="T:Ice.FormatType">
  1093. <summary>
  1094. This enumeration describes the possible formats for classes and exceptions.
  1095. </summary>
  1096. </member>
  1097. <member name="M:Ice.ImplicitContext.getContext">
  1098. <summary>
  1099. Get a copy of the underlying context.
  1100. </summary>
  1101. <returns>A copy of the underlying context.</returns>
  1102. </member>
  1103. <member name="M:Ice.ImplicitContext.setContext(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  1104. <summary>
  1105. Set the underlying context.
  1106. </summary>
  1107. <param name="newContext">The new context.</param>
  1108. </member>
  1109. <member name="M:Ice.ImplicitContext.containsKey(System.String)">
  1110. <summary>
  1111. Check if this key has an associated value in the underlying context.
  1112. </summary>
  1113. <param name="key">The key.
  1114. </param>
  1115. <returns>True if the key has an associated value, False otherwise.</returns>
  1116. </member>
  1117. <member name="M:Ice.ImplicitContext.get(System.String)">
  1118. <summary>
  1119. Get the value associated with the given key in the underlying context.
  1120. Returns an empty string if no value is associated with the key.
  1121. containsKey allows you to distinguish between an empty-string value and
  1122. no value at all.
  1123. </summary>
  1124. <param name="key">The key.
  1125. </param>
  1126. <returns>The value associated with the key.</returns>
  1127. </member>
  1128. <member name="M:Ice.ImplicitContext.put(System.String,System.String)">
  1129. <summary>
  1130. Create or update a key/value entry in the underlying context.
  1131. </summary>
  1132. <param name="key">The key.
  1133. </param>
  1134. <param name="value">The value.
  1135. </param>
  1136. <returns>The previous value associated with the key, if any.</returns>
  1137. </member>
  1138. <member name="M:Ice.ImplicitContext.remove(System.String)">
  1139. <summary>
  1140. Remove the entry for the given key in the underlying context.
  1141. </summary>
  1142. <param name="key">The key.
  1143. </param>
  1144. <returns>The value associated with the key, if any.</returns>
  1145. </member>
  1146. <member name="T:Ice.Request">
  1147. <summary>
  1148. Interface for incoming requests.
  1149. </summary>
  1150. </member>
  1151. <member name="M:Ice.Request.getCurrent">
  1152. <summary>
  1153. Returns the {@link Current} object for this the request.
  1154. </summary>
  1155. <returns>The Current object for this request.</returns>
  1156. </member>
  1157. <member name="T:Ice.AMD_Object_ice_invoke">
  1158. <summary>
  1159. Callback interface for Blobject AMD servants.
  1160. </summary>
  1161. </member>
  1162. <member name="M:Ice.AMD_Object_ice_invoke.ice_response(System.Boolean,System.Byte[])">
  1163. <summary>
  1164. Indicates to the Ice run time that an operation
  1165. completed.
  1166. </summary>
  1167. <param name="ok">True indicates that the operation
  1168. completed successfully; false indicates that the
  1169. operation raised a user exception.</param>
  1170. <param name="outEncaps">The encoded out-parameters for the operation or,
  1171. if ok is false, the encoded user exception.</param>
  1172. </member>
  1173. <member name="M:Ice.Instrumentation.ObserverUpdater.updateConnectionObservers">
  1174. <summary>
  1175. Update connection observers associated with each of the Ice
  1176. connection from the communicator and its object adapters.
  1177. When called, this method goes through all the connections and
  1178. for each connection CommunicatorObserver.getConnectionObserver
  1179. is called. The implementation of getConnectionObserver has the
  1180. possibility to return an updated observer if necessary.
  1181. </summary>
  1182. </member>
  1183. <member name="M:Ice.Instrumentation.ObserverUpdater.updateThreadObservers">
  1184. <summary>
  1185. Update thread observers associated with each of the Ice thread
  1186. from the communicator and its object adapters.
  1187. When called, this method goes through all the threads and for
  1188. each thread CommunicatorObserver.getThreadObserver is
  1189. called. The implementation of getThreadObserver has the
  1190. possibility to return an updated observer if necessary.
  1191. </summary>
  1192. </member>
  1193. <member name="M:Ice.Instrumentation.Observer.attach">
  1194. <summary>
  1195. This method is called when the instrumented object is created
  1196. or when the observer is attached to an existing object.
  1197. </summary>
  1198. </member>
  1199. <member name="M:Ice.Instrumentation.Observer.detach">
  1200. <summary>
  1201. This method is called when the instrumented object is destroyed
  1202. and as a result the observer detached from the object.
  1203. </summary>
  1204. </member>
  1205. <member name="M:Ice.Instrumentation.Observer.failed(System.String)">
  1206. <summary>
  1207. Notification of a failure.
  1208. </summary>
  1209. <param name="exceptionName">The name of the exception.</param>
  1210. </member>
  1211. <member name="M:Ice.Instrumentation.ConnectionObserver.sentBytes(System.Int32)">
  1212. <summary>
  1213. Notification of sent bytes over the connection.
  1214. </summary>
  1215. <param name="num">The number of bytes sent.</param>
  1216. </member>
  1217. <member name="M:Ice.Instrumentation.ConnectionObserver.receivedBytes(System.Int32)">
  1218. <summary>
  1219. Notification of received bytes over the connection.
  1220. </summary>
  1221. <param name="num">The number of bytes received.</param>
  1222. </member>
  1223. <member name="M:Ice.Instrumentation.DispatchObserver.userException">
  1224. <summary>
  1225. Notification of a user exception.
  1226. </summary>
  1227. </member>
  1228. <member name="M:Ice.Instrumentation.DispatchObserver.reply(System.Int32)">
  1229. <summary>
  1230. Reply notification.
  1231. </summary>
  1232. <param name="size">The size of the reply.</param>
  1233. </member>
  1234. <member name="M:Ice.Instrumentation.ChildInvocationObserver.reply(System.Int32)">
  1235. <summary>
  1236. Reply notification.
  1237. </summary>
  1238. <param name="size">The size of the reply.</param>
  1239. </member>
  1240. <member name="M:Ice.Instrumentation.InvocationObserver.retried">
  1241. <summary>
  1242. Notification of the invocation being retried.
  1243. </summary>
  1244. </member>
  1245. <member name="M:Ice.Instrumentation.InvocationObserver.userException">
  1246. <summary>
  1247. Notification of a user exception.
  1248. </summary>
  1249. </member>
  1250. <member name="M:Ice.Instrumentation.InvocationObserver.getRemoteObserver(Ice.ConnectionInfo,Ice.Endpoint,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  1251. <summary>
  1252. Get a remote observer for this invocation.
  1253. </summary>
  1254. <param name="con">The connection information.
  1255. </param>
  1256. <param name="endpt">The connection endpoint.
  1257. </param>
  1258. <param name="requestId">The ID of the invocation.
  1259. </param>
  1260. <param name="size">The size of the invocation.
  1261. </param>
  1262. <returns>The observer to instrument the remote invocation.</returns>
  1263. </member>
  1264. <member name="M:Ice.Instrumentation.InvocationObserver.getCollocatedObserver(Ice.ObjectAdapter,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  1265. <summary>
  1266. Get a collocated observer for this invocation.
  1267. </summary>
  1268. <param name="adapter">The object adapter hosting the collocated Ice object.
  1269. </param>
  1270. <param name="requestId">The ID of the invocation.
  1271. </param>
  1272. <param name="size">The size of the invocation.
  1273. </param>
  1274. <returns>The observer to instrument the collocated invocation.</returns>
  1275. </member>
  1276. <member name="M:Ice.Instrumentation.ThreadObserver.stateChanged(Ice.Instrumentation.ThreadState,Ice.Instrumentation.ThreadState)">
  1277. <summary>
  1278. Notification of thread state change.
  1279. </summary>
  1280. <param name="oldState">The previous thread state.
  1281. </param>
  1282. <param name="newState">The new thread state.</param>
  1283. </member>
  1284. <member name="M:Ice.Instrumentation.CommunicatorObserver.getConnectionEstablishmentObserver(Ice.Endpoint,System.String)">
  1285. <summary>
  1286. This method should return an observer for the given endpoint
  1287. information and connector.
  1288. The Ice run-time calls this method
  1289. for each connection establishment attempt.
  1290. </summary>
  1291. <param name="endpt">The endpoint.
  1292. </param>
  1293. <param name="connector">The description of the connector. For IP
  1294. transports, this is typically the IP address to connect to.
  1295. </param>
  1296. <returns>The observer to instrument the connection establishment.</returns>
  1297. </member>
  1298. <member name="M:Ice.Instrumentation.CommunicatorObserver.getEndpointLookupObserver(Ice.Endpoint)">
  1299. <summary>
  1300. This method should return an observer for the given endpoint
  1301. information.
  1302. The Ice run-time calls this method to resolve an
  1303. endpoint and obtain the list of connectors.
  1304. For IP endpoints, this typically involves doing a DNS lookup to
  1305. obtain the IP addresses associated with the DNS name.
  1306. </summary>
  1307. <param name="endpt">The endpoint.
  1308. </param>
  1309. <returns>The observer to instrument the endpoint lookup.</returns>
  1310. </member>
  1311. <member name="M:Ice.Instrumentation.CommunicatorObserver.getConnectionObserver(Ice.ConnectionInfo,Ice.Endpoint,Ice.Instrumentation.ConnectionState,Ice.Instrumentation.ConnectionObserver)">
  1312. <summary>
  1313. This method should return a connection observer for the given
  1314. connection.
  1315. The Ice run-time calls this method for each new
  1316. connection and for all the Ice communicator connections when
  1317. ObserverUpdater.updateConnectionObservers is called.
  1318. </summary>
  1319. <param name="c">The connection information.
  1320. </param>
  1321. <param name="e">The connection endpoint.
  1322. </param>
  1323. <param name="s">The state of the connection.
  1324. </param>
  1325. <param name="o">The old connection observer if one is already set or a
  1326. null reference otherwise.
  1327. </param>
  1328. <returns>The connection observer to instrument the connection.</returns>
  1329. </member>
  1330. <member name="M:Ice.Instrumentation.CommunicatorObserver.getThreadObserver(System.String,System.String,Ice.Instrumentation.ThreadState,Ice.Instrumentation.ThreadObserver)">
  1331. <summary>
  1332. This method should return a thread observer for the given
  1333. thread.
  1334. The Ice run-time calls this method for each new thread
  1335. and for all the Ice communicator threads when
  1336. ObserverUpdater.updateThreadObservers is called.
  1337. </summary>
  1338. <param name="parent">The parent of the thread.
  1339. </param>
  1340. <param name="id">The ID of the thread to observe.
  1341. </param>
  1342. <param name="s">The state of the thread.
  1343. </param>
  1344. <param name="o">The old thread observer if one is already set or a
  1345. null reference otherwise.
  1346. </param>
  1347. <returns>The thread observer to instrument the thread.</returns>
  1348. </member>
  1349. <member name="M:Ice.Instrumentation.CommunicatorObserver.getInvocationObserver(Ice.ObjectPrx,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  1350. <summary>
  1351. This method should return an invocation observer for the given
  1352. invocation.
  1353. The Ice run-time calls this method for each new
  1354. invocation on a proxy.
  1355. </summary>
  1356. <param name="prx">The proxy used for the invocation.
  1357. </param>
  1358. <param name="operation">The name of the invocation.
  1359. </param>
  1360. <param name="ctx">The context specified by the user.
  1361. </param>
  1362. <returns>The invocation observer to instrument the invocation.</returns>
  1363. </member>
  1364. <member name="M:Ice.Instrumentation.CommunicatorObserver.getDispatchObserver(Ice.Current,System.Int32)">
  1365. <summary>
  1366. This method should return a dispatch observer for the given
  1367. dispatch.
  1368. The Ice run-time calls this method each time it
  1369. receives an incoming invocation to be dispatched for an Ice
  1370. object.
  1371. </summary>
  1372. <param name="c">The current object as provided to the Ice servant
  1373. dispatching the invocation.
  1374. </param>
  1375. <param name="size">The size of the dispatch.
  1376. </param>
  1377. <returns>The dispatch observer to instrument the dispatch.</returns>
  1378. </member>
  1379. <member name="M:Ice.Instrumentation.CommunicatorObserver.setObserverUpdater(Ice.Instrumentation.ObserverUpdater)">
  1380. <summary>
  1381. The Ice run-time calls this method when the communicator is
  1382. initialized.
  1383. The add-in implementing this interface can use
  1384. this object to get the Ice run-time to re-obtain observers for
  1385. observed objects.
  1386. </summary>
  1387. <param name="updater">The observer updater object.</param>
  1388. </member>
  1389. <member name="M:Ice.EndpointInfo.type">
  1390. <summary>
  1391. Returns the type of the endpoint.
  1392. </summary>
  1393. </member>
  1394. <member name="M:Ice.EndpointInfo.datagram">
  1395. <summary>
  1396. Returns true if this endpoint is a datagram endpoint.
  1397. </summary>
  1398. </member>
  1399. <member name="">
  1400. <summary>
  1401. Returns true if this endpoint is a secure endpoint.
  1402. </summary>
  1403. </member>
  1404. <member name="T:Ice.LoggerAdminOperations_">
  1405. <summary>
  1406. The interface of the admin object that allows an Ice application the attach its
  1407. RemoteLogger to the Logger of this admin object's Ice communicator.
  1408. </summary>
  1409. </member>
  1410. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminOperations_.attachRemoteLogger(Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx,Ice.LogMessageType[],System.String[],System.Int32,Ice.Current)">
  1411. <summary>
  1412. attachRemoteLogger is called to attach a RemoteLogger object to
  1413. the local Logger.
  1414. attachRemoteLogger calls init on the provided RemoteLogger proxy.
  1415. </summary>
  1416. <param name="prx">A proxy to the remote logger.
  1417. </param>
  1418. <param name="messageTypes">The list of message types that the remote logger wishes to receive.
  1419. An empty list means no filtering (send all message types).
  1420. </param>
  1421. <param name="traceCategories">The categories of traces that the remote logger wishes to receive.
  1422. This parameter is ignored if messageTypes is not empty and does not include trace.
  1423. An empty list means no filtering (send all trace categories).
  1424. </param>
  1425. <param name="messageMax">The maximum number of log messages (of all types) to be provided
  1426. to RemoteLogger.init. A negative value requests all messages available.
  1427. </param>
  1428. <exception name="RemoteLoggerAlreadyAttachedException">Raised if this remote logger is already
  1429. attached to this admin object.</exception>
  1430. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  1431. </member>
  1432. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminOperations_.detachRemoteLogger(Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx,Ice.Current)">
  1433. <summary>
  1434. detachRemoteLogger is called to detach a RemoteLogger object from
  1435. the local Logger.
  1436. </summary>
  1437. <param name="prx">A proxy to the remote logger.
  1438. </param>
  1439. <returns>True if the provided remote logger proxy was detached, and false otherwise.</returns>
  1440. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  1441. </member>
  1442. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminOperations_.getLog(Ice.LogMessageType[],System.String[],System.Int32,System.String@,Ice.Current)">
  1443. <summary>
  1444. getLog retrieves log messages recently logged.
  1445. </summary>
  1446. <param name="messageTypes">The list of message types that the caller wishes to receive.
  1447. An empty list means no filtering (send all message types).
  1448. </param>
  1449. <param name="traceCategories">The categories of traces that caller wish to receive.
  1450. This parameter is ignored if messageTypes is not empty and does not include trace.
  1451. An empty list means no filtering (send all trace categories).
  1452. </param>
  1453. <param name="messageMax">The maximum number of log messages (of all types) to be returned.
  1454. A negative value requests all messages available.
  1455. </param>
  1456. <param name="prefix">The prefix of the associated local Logger.
  1457. </param>
  1458. <returns>The Log messages.</returns>
  1459. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  1460. </member>
  1461. <member name="T:Ice.LoggerAdminOperationsNC_">
  1462. <summary>
  1463. The interface of the admin object that allows an Ice application the attach its
  1464. RemoteLogger to the Logger of this admin object's Ice communicator.
  1465. </summary>
  1466. </member>
  1467. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminOperationsNC_.attachRemoteLogger(Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx,Ice.LogMessageType[],System.String[],System.Int32)">
  1468. <summary>
  1469. attachRemoteLogger is called to attach a RemoteLogger object to
  1470. the local Logger.
  1471. attachRemoteLogger calls init on the provided RemoteLogger proxy.
  1472. </summary>
  1473. <param name="prx">A proxy to the remote logger.
  1474. </param>
  1475. <param name="messageTypes">The list of message types that the remote logger wishes to receive.
  1476. An empty list means no filtering (send all message types).
  1477. </param>
  1478. <param name="traceCategories">The categories of traces that the remote logger wishes to receive.
  1479. This parameter is ignored if messageTypes is not empty and does not include trace.
  1480. An empty list means no filtering (send all trace categories).
  1481. </param>
  1482. <param name="messageMax">The maximum number of log messages (of all types) to be provided
  1483. to RemoteLogger.init. A negative value requests all messages available.
  1484. </param>
  1485. <exception name="RemoteLoggerAlreadyAttachedException">Raised if this remote logger is already
  1486. attached to this admin object.</exception>
  1487. </member>
  1488. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminOperationsNC_.detachRemoteLogger(Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx)">
  1489. <summary>
  1490. detachRemoteLogger is called to detach a RemoteLogger object from
  1491. the local Logger.
  1492. </summary>
  1493. <param name="prx">A proxy to the remote logger.
  1494. </param>
  1495. <returns>True if the provided remote logger proxy was detached, and false otherwise.</returns>
  1496. </member>
  1497. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminOperationsNC_.getLog(Ice.LogMessageType[],System.String[],System.Int32,System.String@)">
  1498. <summary>
  1499. getLog retrieves log messages recently logged.
  1500. </summary>
  1501. <param name="messageTypes">The list of message types that the caller wishes to receive.
  1502. An empty list means no filtering (send all message types).
  1503. </param>
  1504. <param name="traceCategories">The categories of traces that caller wish to receive.
  1505. This parameter is ignored if messageTypes is not empty and does not include trace.
  1506. An empty list means no filtering (send all trace categories).
  1507. </param>
  1508. <param name="messageMax">The maximum number of log messages (of all types) to be returned.
  1509. A negative value requests all messages available.
  1510. </param>
  1511. <param name="prefix">The prefix of the associated local Logger.
  1512. </param>
  1513. <returns>The Log messages.</returns>
  1514. </member>
  1515. <member name="M:Ice.Logger.print(System.String)">
  1516. <summary>
  1517. Print a message.
  1518. The message is printed literally, without
  1519. any decorations such as executable name or time stamp.
  1520. </summary>
  1521. </member>
  1522. <member name="M:Ice.Logger.trace(System.String,System.String)">
  1523. <summary>
  1524. Log a trace message.
  1525. </summary>
  1526. <param name="category">The trace category.
  1527. </param>
  1528. <param name="message">The trace message to log.</param>
  1529. </member>
  1530. <member name="M:Ice.Logger.warning(System.String)">
  1531. <summary>
  1532. Log a warning message.
  1533. </summary>
  1534. <param name="message">The warning message to log.
  1535. </param>
  1536. </member>
  1537. <member name="M:Ice.Logger.error(System.String)">
  1538. <summary>
  1539. Log an error message.
  1540. </summary>
  1541. <param name="message">The error message to log.
  1542. </param>
  1543. </member>
  1544. <member name="M:Ice.Logger.getPrefix">
  1545. <summary>
  1546. Returns this logger's prefix.
  1547. </summary>
  1548. <returns>The prefix.</returns>
  1549. </member>
  1550. <member name="M:Ice.Logger.cloneWithPrefix(System.String)">
  1551. <summary>
  1552. Returns a clone of the logger with a new prefix.
  1553. </summary>
  1554. <param name="prefix">The new prefix for the logger.</param>
  1555. </member>
  1556. <member name="T:Ice.LoggerPlugin">
  1557. <summary>
  1558. Class to support custom loggers. Applications using a custom logger
  1559. instantiate a LoggerPlugin with a custom logger and
  1560. return the instance from their PluginFactory implementation.
  1561. </summary>
  1562. </member>
  1563. <member name="M:Ice.Plugin.initialize">
  1564. <summary>
  1565. Perform any necessary initialization steps.
  1566. </summary>
  1567. </member>
  1568. <member name="M:Ice.Plugin.destroy">
  1569. <summary>
  1570. Called when the communicator is being destroyed.
  1571. </summary>
  1572. </member>
  1573. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerPlugin.#ctor(Ice.Communicator,Ice.Logger)">
  1574. <summary>
  1575. Installs a custom logger for a communicator.
  1576. </summary>
  1577. <param name="communicator">The communicator using the custom logger.</param>
  1578. <param name="logger">The custom logger for the communicator.</param>
  1579. </member>
  1580. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerPlugin.initialize">
  1581. <summary>
  1582. Called by the Ice run time during communicator initialization. The derived class
  1583. can override this method to perform any initialization that might be required
  1584. by a custom logger.
  1585. </summary>
  1586. </member>
  1587. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerPlugin.destroy">
  1588. <summary>
  1589. Called by the Ice run time when the communicator is destroyed. The derived class
  1590. can override this method to perform any finalization that might be required
  1591. by a custom logger.
  1592. </summary>
  1593. </member>
  1594. <member name="T:IceMX.MetricsAdminOperations_">
  1595. <summary>
  1596. The metrics administrative facet interface.
  1597. This interface allows
  1598. remote administrative clients to access metrics of an application
  1599. that enabled the Ice administrative facility and configured some
  1600. metrics views.
  1601. </summary>
  1602. </member>
  1603. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminOperations_.getMetricsViewNames(System.String[]@,Ice.Current)">
  1604. <summary>
  1605. Get the names of enabled and disabled metrics.
  1606. </summary>
  1607. <param name="disabledViews">The names of the disabled views.
  1608. </param>
  1609. <returns>The name of the enabled views.</returns>
  1610. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  1611. </member>
  1612. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminOperations_.enableMetricsView(System.String,Ice.Current)">
  1613. <summary>
  1614. Enables a metrics view.
  1615. </summary>
  1616. <param name="name">The metrics view name.
  1617. </param>
  1618. <exception name="UnknownMetricsView">Raised if the metrics view cannot be
  1619. found.</exception>
  1620. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  1621. </member>
  1622. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminOperations_.disableMetricsView(System.String,Ice.Current)">
  1623. <summary>
  1624. Disable a metrics view.
  1625. </summary>
  1626. <param name="name">The metrics view name.
  1627. </param>
  1628. <exception name="UnknownMetricsView">Raised if the metrics view cannot be
  1629. found.</exception>
  1630. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  1631. </member>
  1632. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminOperations_.getMetricsView(System.String,System.Int64@,Ice.Current)">
  1633. <summary>
  1634. Get the metrics objects for the given metrics view.
  1635. This
  1636. returns a dictionnary of metric maps for each metrics class
  1637. configured with the view. The timestamp allows the client to
  1638. compute averages which are not dependent of the invocation
  1639. latency for this operation.
  1640. </summary>
  1641. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  1642. </param>
  1643. <param name="timestamp">The local time of the process when the metrics
  1644. object were retrieved.
  1645. </param>
  1646. <returns>The metrics view data.
  1647. </returns>
  1648. <exception name="UnknownMetricsView">Raised if the metrics view cannot be
  1649. found.</exception>
  1650. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  1651. </member>
  1652. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminOperations_.getMapMetricsFailures(System.String,System.String,Ice.Current)">
  1653. <summary>
  1654. Get the metrics failures associated with the given view and map.
  1655. </summary>
  1656. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  1657. </param>
  1658. <param name="map">The name of the metrics map.
  1659. </param>
  1660. <returns>The metrics failures associated with the map.
  1661. </returns>
  1662. <exception name="UnknownMetricsView">Raised if the metrics view cannot be
  1663. found.</exception>
  1664. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  1665. </member>
  1666. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminOperations_.getMetricsFailures(System.String,System.String,System.String,Ice.Current)">
  1667. <summary>
  1668. Get the metrics failure associated for the given metrics.
  1669. </summary>
  1670. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  1671. </param>
  1672. <param name="map">The name of the metrics map.
  1673. </param>
  1674. <param name="id">The ID of the metrics.
  1675. </param>
  1676. <returns>The metrics failures associated with the metrics.
  1677. </returns>
  1678. <exception name="UnknownMetricsView">Raised if the metrics view cannot be
  1679. found.</exception>
  1680. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  1681. </member>
  1682. <member name="T:IceMX.MetricsAdminOperationsNC_">
  1683. <summary>
  1684. The metrics administrative facet interface.
  1685. This interface allows
  1686. remote administrative clients to access metrics of an application
  1687. that enabled the Ice administrative facility and configured some
  1688. metrics views.
  1689. </summary>
  1690. </member>
  1691. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminOperationsNC_.getMetricsViewNames(System.String[]@)">
  1692. <summary>
  1693. Get the names of enabled and disabled metrics.
  1694. </summary>
  1695. <param name="disabledViews">The names of the disabled views.
  1696. </param>
  1697. <returns>The name of the enabled views.</returns>
  1698. </member>
  1699. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminOperationsNC_.enableMetricsView(System.String)">
  1700. <summary>
  1701. Enables a metrics view.
  1702. </summary>
  1703. <param name="name">The metrics view name.
  1704. </param>
  1705. <exception name="UnknownMetricsView">Raised if the metrics view cannot be
  1706. found.</exception>
  1707. </member>
  1708. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminOperationsNC_.disableMetricsView(System.String)">
  1709. <summary>
  1710. Disable a metrics view.
  1711. </summary>
  1712. <param name="name">The metrics view name.
  1713. </param>
  1714. <exception name="UnknownMetricsView">Raised if the metrics view cannot be
  1715. found.</exception>
  1716. </member>
  1717. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminOperationsNC_.getMetricsView(System.String,System.Int64@)">
  1718. <summary>
  1719. Get the metrics objects for the given metrics view.
  1720. This
  1721. returns a dictionnary of metric maps for each metrics class
  1722. configured with the view. The timestamp allows the client to
  1723. compute averages which are not dependent of the invocation
  1724. latency for this operation.
  1725. </summary>
  1726. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  1727. </param>
  1728. <param name="timestamp">The local time of the process when the metrics
  1729. object were retrieved.
  1730. </param>
  1731. <returns>The metrics view data.
  1732. </returns>
  1733. <exception name="UnknownMetricsView">Raised if the metrics view cannot be
  1734. found.</exception>
  1735. </member>
  1736. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminOperationsNC_.getMapMetricsFailures(System.String,System.String)">
  1737. <summary>
  1738. Get the metrics failures associated with the given view and map.
  1739. </summary>
  1740. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  1741. </param>
  1742. <param name="map">The name of the metrics map.
  1743. </param>
  1744. <returns>The metrics failures associated with the map.
  1745. </returns>
  1746. <exception name="UnknownMetricsView">Raised if the metrics view cannot be
  1747. found.</exception>
  1748. </member>
  1749. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminOperationsNC_.getMetricsFailures(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  1750. <summary>
  1751. Get the metrics failure associated for the given metrics.
  1752. </summary>
  1753. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  1754. </param>
  1755. <param name="map">The name of the metrics map.
  1756. </param>
  1757. <param name="id">The ID of the metrics.
  1758. </param>
  1759. <returns>The metrics failures associated with the metrics.
  1760. </returns>
  1761. <exception name="UnknownMetricsView">Raised if the metrics view cannot be
  1762. found.</exception>
  1763. </member>
  1764. <member name="T:Ice.DispatchStatus">
  1765. <summary>
  1766. Indicates the status of operation dispatch.
  1767. </summary>
  1768. </member>
  1769. <member name="F:Ice.DispatchStatus.DispatchOK">
  1770. <summary>
  1771. Indicates that an operation was dispatched synchronously and successfully.
  1772. </summary>
  1773. </member>
  1774. <member name="F:Ice.DispatchStatus.DispatchUserException">
  1775. <summary>
  1776. Indicates that an operation was dispatched synchronously and raised a user exception.
  1777. </summary>
  1778. </member>
  1779. <member name="F:Ice.DispatchStatus.DispatchAsync">
  1780. <summary>
  1781. Indicates that an operation was dispatched asynchronously.
  1782. </summary>
  1783. </member>
  1784. <member name="T:Ice.Blobject">
  1785. <summary>
  1786. Base class for dynamic dispatch servants. A server application
  1787. derives a concrete servant class from Blobject that
  1788. implements the Blobject.ice_invoke method.
  1789. </summary>
  1790. </member>
  1791. <member name="M:Ice.Blobject.ice_invoke(System.Byte[],System.Byte[]@,Ice.Current)">
  1792. <summary>
  1793. Dispatch an incoming request.
  1794. </summary>
  1795. <param name="inParams">The encoded in-parameters for the operation.</param>
  1796. <param name="outParams">The encoded out-paramaters and return value
  1797. for the operation. The return value follows any out-parameters.</param>
  1798. <param name="current">The Current object to pass to the operation.</param>
  1799. <returns>If the operation completed successfully, the return value
  1800. is true. If the operation raises a user exception,
  1801. the return value is false; in this case, outParams
  1802. must contain the encoded user exception. If the operation raises an
  1803. Ice run-time exception, it must throw it directly.</returns>
  1804. </member>
  1805. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.getName">
  1806. <summary>
  1807. Get the name of this object adapter.
  1808. </summary>
  1809. <returns>This object adapter's name.</returns>
  1810. </member>
  1811. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.getCommunicator">
  1812. <summary>
  1813. Get the communicator this object adapter belongs to.
  1814. </summary>
  1815. <returns>This object adapter's communicator.
  1816. </returns>
  1817. </member>
  1818. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.activate">
  1819. <summary>
  1820. Activate all endpoints that belong to this object adapter.
  1821. After activation, the object adapter can dispatch requests
  1822. received through its endpoints.
  1823. </summary>
  1824. </member>
  1825. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.hold">
  1826. <summary>
  1827. Temporarily hold receiving and dispatching requests.
  1828. The object
  1829. adapter can be reactivated with the activate operation.
  1830. Holding is not immediate, i.e., after hold
  1831. returns, the object adapter might still be active for some
  1832. time. You can use waitForHold to wait until holding is
  1833. complete.
  1834. </summary>
  1835. </member>
  1836. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.waitForHold">
  1837. <summary>
  1838. Wait until the object adapter holds requests.
  1839. Calling hold
  1840. initiates holding of requests, and waitForHold only returns
  1841. when holding of requests has been completed.
  1842. </summary>
  1843. </member>
  1844. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.deactivate">
  1845. <summary>
  1846. Deactivate all endpoints that belong to this object adapter.
  1847. After deactivation, the object adapter stops receiving
  1848. requests through its endpoints. Object adapters that have been
  1849. deactivated must not be reactivated again, and cannot be used
  1850. otherwise. Attempts to use a deactivated object adapter raise
  1851. ObjectAdapterDeactivatedException; however, attempts to
  1852. deactivate an already deactivated object adapter are
  1853. ignored and do nothing. Once deactivated, it is possible to
  1854. destroy the adapter to clean up resources and then create and
  1855. activate a new adapter with the same name.
  1856. After deactivate returns, no new requests
  1857. are processed by the object adapter. However, requests that
  1858. have been started before deactivate was called might
  1859. still be active. You can use waitForDeactivate to wait
  1860. for the completion of all requests for this object adapter.
  1861. </summary>
  1862. </member>
  1863. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.waitForDeactivate">
  1864. <summary>
  1865. Wait until the object adapter has deactivated.
  1866. Calling
  1867. deactivate initiates object adapter deactivation, and
  1868. waitForDeactivate only returns when deactivation has
  1869. been completed.
  1870. </summary>
  1871. </member>
  1872. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.isDeactivated">
  1873. <summary>
  1874. Check whether object adapter has been deactivated.
  1875. </summary>
  1876. <returns>Whether adapter has been deactivated.
  1877. </returns>
  1878. </member>
  1879. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.destroy">
  1880. <summary>
  1881. Destroys the object adapter and cleans up all resources held by
  1882. the object adapter.
  1883. If the object adapter has not yet been
  1884. deactivated, destroy implicitly initiates the deactivation
  1885. and waits for it to finish. Subsequent calls to destroy are
  1886. ignored. Once destroy has returned, it is possible to create
  1887. another object adapter with the same name.
  1888. </summary>
  1889. </member>
  1890. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.add(Ice.Object,Ice.Identity)">
  1891. <summary>
  1892. Add a servant to this object adapter's Active Servant Map.
  1893. Note
  1894. that one servant can implement several Ice objects by registering
  1895. the servant with multiple identities. Adding a servant with an
  1896. identity that is in the map already throws AlreadyRegisteredException.
  1897. </summary>
  1898. <param name="servant">The servant to add.
  1899. </param>
  1900. <param name="id">The identity of the Ice object that is implemented by
  1901. the servant.
  1902. </param>
  1903. <returns>A proxy that matches the given identity and this object
  1904. adapter.
  1905. </returns>
  1906. </member>
  1907. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.addFacet(Ice.Object,Ice.Identity,System.String)">
  1908. <summary>
  1909. Like add, but with a facet.
  1910. Calling add(servant, id)
  1911. is equivalent to calling addFacet with an empty facet.
  1912. </summary>
  1913. <param name="servant">The servant to add.
  1914. </param>
  1915. <param name="id">The identity of the Ice object that is implemented by
  1916. the servant.
  1917. </param>
  1918. <param name="facet">The facet. An empty facet means the default facet.
  1919. </param>
  1920. <returns>A proxy that matches the given identity, facet, and
  1921. this object adapter.
  1922. </returns>
  1923. </member>
  1924. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.addWithUUID(Ice.Object)">
  1925. <summary>
  1926. Add a servant to this object adapter's Active Servant Map,
  1927. using an automatically generated UUID as its identity.
  1928. Note that
  1929. the generated UUID identity can be accessed using the proxy's
  1930. ice_getIdentity operation.
  1931. </summary>
  1932. <param name="servant">The servant to add.
  1933. </param>
  1934. <returns>A proxy that matches the generated UUID identity and
  1935. this object adapter.
  1936. </returns>
  1937. </member>
  1938. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.addFacetWithUUID(Ice.Object,System.String)">
  1939. <summary>
  1940. Like addWithUUID, but with a facet.
  1941. Calling
  1942. addWithUUID(servant) is equivalent to calling
  1943. addFacetWithUUID with an empty facet.
  1944. </summary>
  1945. <param name="servant">The servant to add.
  1946. </param>
  1947. <param name="facet">The facet. An empty facet means the default
  1948. facet.
  1949. </param>
  1950. <returns>A proxy that matches the generated UUID identity,
  1951. facet, and this object adapter.
  1952. </returns>
  1953. </member>
  1954. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.addDefaultServant(Ice.Object,System.String)">
  1955. <summary>
  1956. Add a default servant to handle requests for a specific
  1957. category.
  1958. Adding a default servant for a category for
  1959. which a default servant is already registered throws
  1960. AlreadyRegisteredException. To dispatch operation
  1961. calls on servants, the object adapter tries to find a servant
  1962. for a given Ice object identity and facet in the following
  1963. order:
  1964. The object adapter tries to find a servant for the identity
  1965. and facet in the Active Servant Map.
  1966. If no servant has been found in the Active Servant Map, the
  1967. object adapter tries to find a default servant for the category
  1968. component of the identity.
  1969. If no servant has been found by any of the preceding steps,
  1970. the object adapter tries to find a default servant for an empty
  1971. category, regardless of the category contained in the identity.
  1972. If no servant has been found by any of the preceding steps,
  1973. the object adapter gives up and the caller receives
  1974. ObjectNotExistException or FacetNotExistException.
  1975. </summary>
  1976. <param name="servant">The default servant.
  1977. </param>
  1978. <param name="category">The category for which the default servant is
  1979. registered. An empty category means it will handle all categories.
  1980. </param>
  1981. </member>
  1982. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.remove(Ice.Identity)">
  1983. <summary>
  1984. Remove a servant (that is, the default facet) from the object
  1985. adapter's Active Servant Map.
  1986. </summary>
  1987. <param name="id">The identity of the Ice object that is implemented by
  1988. the servant. If the servant implements multiple Ice objects,
  1989. remove has to be called for all those Ice objects.
  1990. Removing an identity that is not in the map throws
  1991. NotRegisteredException.
  1992. </param>
  1993. <returns>The removed servant.
  1994. </returns>
  1995. </member>
  1996. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.removeFacet(Ice.Identity,System.String)">
  1997. <summary>
  1998. Like remove, but with a facet.
  1999. Calling remove(id)
  2000. is equivalent to calling removeFacet with an empty facet.
  2001. </summary>
  2002. <param name="id">The identity of the Ice object that is implemented by
  2003. the servant.
  2004. </param>
  2005. <param name="facet">The facet. An empty facet means the default facet.
  2006. </param>
  2007. <returns>The removed servant.
  2008. </returns>
  2009. </member>
  2010. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.removeAllFacets(Ice.Identity)">
  2011. <summary>
  2012. Remove all facets with the given identity from the Active
  2013. Servant Map.
  2014. The operation completely removes the Ice object,
  2015. including its default facet. Removing an identity that
  2016. is not in the map throws NotRegisteredException.
  2017. </summary>
  2018. <param name="id">The identity of the Ice object to be removed.
  2019. </param>
  2020. <returns>A collection containing all the facet names and
  2021. servants of the removed Ice object.
  2022. </returns>
  2023. </member>
  2024. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.removeDefaultServant(System.String)">
  2025. <summary>
  2026. Remove the default servant for a specific category.
  2027. Attempting
  2028. to remove a default servant for a category that is not
  2029. registered throws NotRegisteredException.
  2030. </summary>
  2031. <param name="category">The category of the default servant to remove.
  2032. </param>
  2033. <returns>The default servant.
  2034. </returns>
  2035. </member>
  2036. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.find(Ice.Identity)">
  2037. <summary>
  2038. Look up a servant in this object adapter's Active Servant Map
  2039. by the identity of the Ice object it implements.
  2040. This operation only tries to look up a servant in
  2041. the Active Servant Map. It does not attempt to find a servant
  2042. by using any installed ServantLocator.
  2043. </summary>
  2044. <param name="id">The identity of the Ice object for which the servant
  2045. should be returned.
  2046. </param>
  2047. <returns>The servant that implements the Ice object with the
  2048. given identity, or null if no such servant has been found.
  2049. </returns>
  2050. </member>
  2051. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.findFacet(Ice.Identity,System.String)">
  2052. <summary>
  2053. Like find, but with a facet.
  2054. Calling find(id)
  2055. is equivalent to calling findFacet with an empty
  2056. facet.
  2057. </summary>
  2058. <param name="id">The identity of the Ice object for which the
  2059. servant should be returned.
  2060. </param>
  2061. <param name="facet">The facet. An empty facet means the default
  2062. facet.
  2063. </param>
  2064. <returns>The servant that implements the Ice object with the
  2065. given identity and facet, or null if no such servant has been
  2066. found.
  2067. </returns>
  2068. </member>
  2069. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.findAllFacets(Ice.Identity)">
  2070. <summary>
  2071. Find all facets with the given identity in the Active Servant
  2072. Map.
  2073. </summary>
  2074. <param name="id">The identity of the Ice object for which the facets
  2075. should be returned.
  2076. </param>
  2077. <returns>A collection containing all the facet names and
  2078. servants that have been found, or an empty map if there is no
  2079. facet for the given identity.
  2080. </returns>
  2081. </member>
  2082. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.findByProxy(Ice.ObjectPrx)">
  2083. <summary>
  2084. Look up a servant in this object adapter's Active Servant Map,
  2085. given a proxy.
  2086. This operation only tries to lookup a servant in
  2087. the Active Servant Map. It does not attempt to find a servant
  2088. by using any installed ServantLocator.
  2089. </summary>
  2090. <param name="proxy">The proxy for which the servant should be returned.
  2091. </param>
  2092. <returns>The servant that matches the proxy, or null if no such
  2093. servant has been found.
  2094. </returns>
  2095. </member>
  2096. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.addServantLocator(Ice.ServantLocator,System.String)">
  2097. <summary>
  2098. Add a Servant Locator to this object adapter.
  2099. Adding a servant
  2100. locator for a category for which a servant locator is already
  2101. registered throws AlreadyRegisteredException. To dispatch
  2102. operation calls on servants, the object adapter tries to find a
  2103. servant for a given Ice object identity and facet in the
  2104. following order:
  2105. The object adapter tries to find a servant for the identity
  2106. and facet in the Active Servant Map.
  2107. If no servant has been found in the Active Servant Map,
  2108. the object adapter tries to find a servant locator for the
  2109. category component of the identity. If a locator is found, the
  2110. object adapter tries to find a servant using this locator.
  2111. If no servant has been found by any of the preceding steps,
  2112. the object adapter tries to find a locator for an empty category,
  2113. regardless of the category contained in the identity. If a
  2114. locator is found, the object adapter tries to find a servant
  2115. using this locator.
  2116. If no servant has been found by any of the preceding steps,
  2117. the object adapter gives up and the caller receives
  2118. ObjectNotExistException or FacetNotExistException.
  2119. Only one locator for the empty category can be
  2120. installed.
  2121. </summary>
  2122. <param name="locator">The locator to add.
  2123. </param>
  2124. <param name="category">The category for which the Servant Locator can
  2125. locate servants, or an empty string if the Servant Locator does
  2126. not belong to any specific category.
  2127. </param>
  2128. </member>
  2129. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.removeServantLocator(System.String)">
  2130. <summary>
  2131. Remove a Servant Locator from this object adapter.
  2132. </summary>
  2133. <param name="category">The category for which the Servant Locator can
  2134. locate servants, or an empty string if the Servant Locator does
  2135. not belong to any specific category.
  2136. </param>
  2137. <returns>The Servant Locator, or throws NotRegisteredException
  2138. if no Servant Locator was found for the given category.
  2139. </returns>
  2140. </member>
  2141. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.findServantLocator(System.String)">
  2142. <summary>
  2143. Find a Servant Locator installed with this object adapter.
  2144. </summary>
  2145. <param name="category">The category for which the Servant Locator can
  2146. locate servants, or an empty string if the Servant Locator does
  2147. not belong to any specific category.
  2148. </param>
  2149. <returns>The Servant Locator, or null if no Servant Locator was
  2150. found for the given category.
  2151. </returns>
  2152. </member>
  2153. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.findDefaultServant(System.String)">
  2154. <summary>
  2155. Find the default servant for a specific category.
  2156. </summary>
  2157. <param name="category">The category of the default servant to find.
  2158. </param>
  2159. <returns>The default servant or null if no default servant was
  2160. registered for the category.
  2161. </returns>
  2162. </member>
  2163. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.createProxy(Ice.Identity)">
  2164. <summary>
  2165. Create a proxy for the object with the given identity.
  2166. If this
  2167. object adapter is configured with an adapter id, the return
  2168. value is an indirect proxy that refers to the adapter id. If
  2169. a replica group id is also defined, the return value is an
  2170. indirect proxy that refers to the replica group id. Otherwise,
  2171. if no adapter id is defined, the return value is a direct
  2172. proxy containing this object adapter's published endpoints.
  2173. </summary>
  2174. <param name="id">The object's identity.
  2175. </param>
  2176. <returns>A proxy for the object with the given identity.
  2177. </returns>
  2178. </member>
  2179. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.createDirectProxy(Ice.Identity)">
  2180. <summary>
  2181. Create a direct proxy for the object with the given identity.
  2182. The returned proxy contains this object adapter's published
  2183. endpoints.
  2184. </summary>
  2185. <param name="id">The object's identity.
  2186. </param>
  2187. <returns>A proxy for the object with the given identity.
  2188. </returns>
  2189. </member>
  2190. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.createIndirectProxy(Ice.Identity)">
  2191. <summary>
  2192. Create an indirect proxy for the object with the given identity.
  2193. If this object adapter is configured with an adapter id, the
  2194. return value refers to the adapter id. Otherwise, the return
  2195. value contains only the object identity.
  2196. </summary>
  2197. <param name="id">The object's identity.
  2198. </param>
  2199. <returns>A proxy for the object with the given identity.
  2200. </returns>
  2201. </member>
  2202. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.setLocator(Ice.LocatorPrx)">
  2203. <summary>
  2204. Set an Ice locator for this object adapter.
  2205. By doing so, the
  2206. object adapter will register itself with the locator registry
  2207. when it is activated for the first time. Furthermore, the proxies
  2208. created by this object adapter will contain the adapter identifier
  2209. instead of its endpoints. The adapter identifier must be configured
  2210. using the AdapterId property.
  2211. </summary>
  2212. <param name="loc">The locator used by this object adapter.
  2213. </param>
  2214. </member>
  2215. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.getLocator">
  2216. <summary>
  2217. Get the Ice locator used by this object adapter.
  2218. </summary>
  2219. <returns> The locator used by this object adapter, or null if no locator is
  2220. used by this object adapter.
  2221. </returns>
  2222. </member>
  2223. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.refreshPublishedEndpoints">
  2224. <summary>
  2225. Refresh the set of published endpoints.
  2226. The run time re-reads
  2227. the PublishedEndpoints property if it is set and re-reads the
  2228. list of local interfaces if the adapter is configured to listen
  2229. on all endpoints. This operation is useful to refresh the endpoint
  2230. information that is published in the proxies that are created by
  2231. an object adapter if the network interfaces used by a host changes.
  2232. </summary>
  2233. </member>
  2234. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.getEndpoints">
  2235. <summary>
  2236. Get the set of endpoints configured with this object adapter.
  2237. </summary>
  2238. <returns>The set of endpoints.
  2239. </returns>
  2240. </member>
  2241. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectAdapter.getPublishedEndpoints">
  2242. <summary>
  2243. Get the set of endpoints that proxies created by this object
  2244. adapter will contain.
  2245. </summary>
  2246. <returns>The set of published endpoints.
  2247. </returns>
  2248. </member>
  2249. <member name="T:Ice.Optional`1">
  2250. <summary>
  2251. Encapsulates an optional value. Instances of this type are immutable.
  2252. </summary>
  2253. </member>
  2254. <member name="M:Ice.Optional`1.#ctor(Ice.NoneType)">
  2255. <summary>
  2256. Creates an optional value whose state is unset.
  2257. </summary>
  2258. </member>
  2259. <member name="M:Ice.Optional`1.#ctor(`0)">
  2260. <summary>
  2261. Creates an optional value and sets its value to the given argument.
  2262. </summary>
  2263. </member>
  2264. <member name="M:Ice.Optional`1.#ctor(Ice.Optional{`0})">
  2265. <summary>
  2266. Creates an optional value whose state is copied from the given argument.
  2267. </summary>
  2268. </member>
  2269. <member name="M:Ice.Optional`1.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
  2270. <summary>
  2271. Initializes a new instance of the exception with serialized data.
  2272. </summary>
  2273. <param name="info">Holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
  2274. <param name="context">Contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
  2275. </member>
  2276. <member name="M:Ice.Optional`1.op_Explicit(Ice.Optional{`0})~`0">
  2277. <summary>
  2278. Conversion operator to the underlying type; a cast is required. An exception
  2279. is raised if no value is set.
  2280. </summary>
  2281. <returns>The encapsulated value.</returns>
  2282. <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown if no value is set.</exception>
  2283. </member>
  2284. <member name="M:Ice.Optional`1.op_Implicit(`0)~Ice.Optional{`0}">
  2285. <summary>
  2286. Conversion operator from a value of the underlying type; no cast is required.
  2287. </summary>
  2288. </member>
  2289. <member name="M:Ice.Optional`1.op_Implicit(Ice.NoneType)~Ice.Optional{`0}">
  2290. <summary>
  2291. Conversion operator from a None value; no cast is required.
  2292. </summary>
  2293. </member>
  2294. <member name="M:Ice.Optional`1.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
  2295. <summary>
  2296. Serializes an optional value.
  2297. </summary>
  2298. <param name="info">Holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.</param>
  2299. <param name="context">Contains contextual information about the source or destination.</param>
  2300. </member>
  2301. <member name="P:Ice.Optional`1.Value">
  2302. <summary>
  2303. Reads and writes the encapsulated value.
  2304. </summary>
  2305. <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Thrown if the property is read and no value is
  2306. set.</exception>
  2307. </member>
  2308. <member name="P:Ice.Optional`1.HasValue">
  2309. <summary>
  2310. Determines whether a value is set.
  2311. </summary>
  2312. <returns>True if a value is set, false otherwise.</returns>
  2313. </member>
  2314. <member name="T:Ice.OptionalPatcher`1">
  2315. <summary>
  2316. Handles callbacks for an optional object parameter.
  2317. </summary>
  2318. </member>
  2319. <member name="T:Ice.ReadObjectCallback">
  2320. <summary>
  2321. Callback class to inform an application when a Slice class has been unmarshaled
  2322. from an input stream.
  2323. </summary>
  2324. </member>
  2325. <member name="M:Ice.ReadObjectCallback.invoke(Ice.Object)">
  2326. <summary>
  2327. The Ice run time calls this method when it has fully unmarshaled the state
  2328. of a Slice class.
  2329. </summary>
  2330. <param name="obj">The unmarshaled Slice class.</param>
  2331. </member>
  2332. <member name="M:Ice.OptionalPatcher`1.#ctor(System.String)">
  2333. <summary>
  2334. Instantiates the class with the given optional.
  2335. </summary>
  2336. <param name="type">The Slice type ID corresponding to the formal type.</param>
  2337. </member>
  2338. <member name="M:Ice.OptionalPatcher`1.patch(Ice.Object)">
  2339. <summary>
  2340. Sets the Ice object of the optional to the passed instance.
  2341. </summary>
  2342. <param name="v">The new object for the optional.</param>
  2343. </member>
  2344. <member name="F:Ice.OptionalPatcher`1.value">
  2345. <summary>
  2346. The target optional.
  2347. </summary>
  2348. </member>
  2349. <member name="T:Ice.OptionalFormat">
  2350. <summary>
  2351. The optional format.
  2352. An optional value is encoded with a specific optional format. This optional
  2353. format describes how the data is encoded and how it can be skipped by the
  2354. unmarshaling code if the optional is not known to the receiver.
  2355. </summary>
  2356. </member>
  2357. <member name="T:Ice.PluginFactory">
  2358. <summary>
  2359. Applications implement this interface to provide a plug-in factory
  2360. to the Ice run time.
  2361. </summary>
  2362. </member>
  2363. <member name="M:Ice.PluginFactory.create(Ice.Communicator,System.String,System.String[])">
  2364. <summary>
  2365. Called by the Ice run time to create a new plug-in.
  2366. </summary>
  2367. <param name="communicator">The communicator that is in the process of being initialized.</param>
  2368. <param name="name">The name of the plug-in.</param>
  2369. <param name="args">The arguments that are specified in the plug-ins configuration.</param>
  2370. <returns>The plug-in that was created by this method.</returns>
  2371. </member>
  2372. <member name="M:Ice.PluginManager.initializePlugins">
  2373. <summary>
  2374. Initialize the configured plug-ins.
  2375. The communicator automatically initializes
  2376. the plug-ins by default, but an application may need to interact directly with
  2377. a plug-in prior to initialization. In this case, the application must set
  2378. Ice.InitPlugins=0 and then invoke initializePlugins
  2379. manually. The plug-ins are initialized in the order in which they are loaded.
  2380. If a plug-in raises an exception during initialization, the communicator
  2381. invokes destroy on the plug-ins that have already been initialized.
  2382. </summary>
  2383. <exception name="InitializationException">Raised if the plug-ins have already been initialized.</exception>
  2384. </member>
  2385. <member name="M:Ice.PluginManager.getPlugins">
  2386. <summary>
  2387. Get a list of plugins installed.
  2388. </summary>
  2389. <returns>The names of the plugins installed.
  2390. </returns>
  2391. </member>
  2392. <member name="M:Ice.PluginManager.getPlugin(System.String)">
  2393. <summary>
  2394. Obtain a plug-in by name.
  2395. </summary>
  2396. <param name="name">The plug-in's name.
  2397. </param>
  2398. <returns>The plug-in.
  2399. </returns>
  2400. <exception name="NotRegisteredException">Raised if no plug-in is found with the given name.</exception>
  2401. </member>
  2402. <member name="M:Ice.PluginManager.addPlugin(System.String,Ice.Plugin)">
  2403. <summary>
  2404. Install a new plug-in.
  2405. </summary>
  2406. <param name="name">The plug-in's name.
  2407. </param>
  2408. <param name="pi">The plug-in.
  2409. </param>
  2410. <exception name="AlreadyRegisteredException">Raised if a plug-in already exists with the given name.</exception>
  2411. </member>
  2412. <member name="M:Ice.PluginManager.destroy">
  2413. <summary>
  2414. Called when the communicator is being destroyed.
  2415. </summary>
  2416. </member>
  2417. <member name="T:Ice.ProcessOperations_">
  2418. <summary>
  2419. An administrative interface for process management.
  2420. Managed servers must
  2421. implement this interface.
  2422. A servant implementing this interface is a potential target
  2423. for denial-of-service attacks, therefore proper security precautions
  2424. should be taken. For example, the servant can use a UUID to make its
  2425. identity harder to guess, and be registered in an object adapter with
  2426. a secured endpoint.
  2427. </summary>
  2428. </member>
  2429. <member name="M:Ice.ProcessOperations_.shutdown(Ice.Current)">
  2430. <summary>
  2431. Initiate a graceful shut-down.
  2432. </summary>
  2433. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  2434. </member>
  2435. <member name="M:Ice.ProcessOperations_.writeMessage(System.String,System.Int32,Ice.Current)">
  2436. <summary>
  2437. Write a message on the process' stdout or stderr.
  2438. </summary>
  2439. <param name="message">The message.
  2440. </param>
  2441. <param name="fd">1 for stdout, 2 for stderr.</param>
  2442. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  2443. </member>
  2444. <member name="T:Ice.ProcessOperationsNC_">
  2445. <summary>
  2446. An administrative interface for process management.
  2447. Managed servers must
  2448. implement this interface.
  2449. A servant implementing this interface is a potential target
  2450. for denial-of-service attacks, therefore proper security precautions
  2451. should be taken. For example, the servant can use a UUID to make its
  2452. identity harder to guess, and be registered in an object adapter with
  2453. a secured endpoint.
  2454. </summary>
  2455. </member>
  2456. <member name="M:Ice.ProcessOperationsNC_.shutdown">
  2457. <summary>
  2458. Initiate a graceful shut-down.
  2459. </summary>
  2460. </member>
  2461. <member name="M:Ice.ProcessOperationsNC_.writeMessage(System.String,System.Int32)">
  2462. <summary>
  2463. Write a message on the process' stdout or stderr.
  2464. </summary>
  2465. <param name="message">The message.
  2466. </param>
  2467. <param name="fd">1 for stdout, 2 for stderr.</param>
  2468. </member>
  2469. <member name="T:Ice.PropertiesAdminOperations_">
  2470. <summary>
  2471. The PropertiesAdmin interface provides remote access to the properties
  2472. of a communicator.
  2473. </summary>
  2474. </member>
  2475. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminOperations_.getProperty(System.String,Ice.Current)">
  2476. <summary>
  2477. Get a property by key.
  2478. If the property is not set, an empty
  2479. string is returned.
  2480. </summary>
  2481. <param name="key">The property key.
  2482. </param>
  2483. <returns>The property value.</returns>
  2484. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  2485. </member>
  2486. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminOperations_.getPropertiesForPrefix(System.String,Ice.Current)">
  2487. <summary>
  2488. Get all properties whose keys begin with prefix.
  2489. If
  2490. prefix is an empty string then all properties are returned.
  2491. </summary>
  2492. <param name="prefix">The prefix to search for (empty string if none).
  2493. </param>
  2494. <returns>The matching property set.</returns>
  2495. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  2496. </member>
  2497. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminOperations_.setProperties_async(Ice.AMD_PropertiesAdmin_setProperties,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.Current)">
  2498. <summary>
  2499. Update the communicator's properties with the given property set.
  2500. </summary>
  2501. <param name="cb__">The callback object for the operation.</param>
  2502. <param name="newProperties">Properties to be added, changed, or removed.
  2503. If an entry in newProperties matches the name of an existing property,
  2504. that property's value is replaced with the new value. If the new value
  2505. is an empty string, the property is removed. Any existing properties
  2506. that are not modified or removed by the entries in newProperties are
  2507. retained with their original values.</param>
  2508. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  2509. </member>
  2510. <member name="T:Ice.PropertiesAdminOperationsNC_">
  2511. <summary>
  2512. The PropertiesAdmin interface provides remote access to the properties
  2513. of a communicator.
  2514. </summary>
  2515. </member>
  2516. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminOperationsNC_.getProperty(System.String)">
  2517. <summary>
  2518. Get a property by key.
  2519. If the property is not set, an empty
  2520. string is returned.
  2521. </summary>
  2522. <param name="key">The property key.
  2523. </param>
  2524. <returns>The property value.</returns>
  2525. </member>
  2526. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminOperationsNC_.getPropertiesForPrefix(System.String)">
  2527. <summary>
  2528. Get all properties whose keys begin with prefix.
  2529. If
  2530. prefix is an empty string then all properties are returned.
  2531. </summary>
  2532. <param name="prefix">The prefix to search for (empty string if none).
  2533. </param>
  2534. <returns>The matching property set.</returns>
  2535. </member>
  2536. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminOperationsNC_.setProperties_async(Ice.AMD_PropertiesAdmin_setProperties,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  2537. <summary>
  2538. Update the communicator's properties with the given property set.
  2539. </summary>
  2540. <param name="cb__">The callback object for the operation.</param>
  2541. <param name="newProperties">Properties to be added, changed, or removed.
  2542. If an entry in newProperties matches the name of an existing property,
  2543. that property's value is replaced with the new value. If the new value
  2544. is an empty string, the property is removed. Any existing properties
  2545. that are not modified or removed by the entries in newProperties are
  2546. retained with their original values.</param>
  2547. </member>
  2548. <member name="M:Ice.Properties.getProperty(System.String)">
  2549. <summary>
  2550. Get a property by key.
  2551. If the property is not set, an empty
  2552. string is returned.
  2553. </summary>
  2554. <param name="key">The property key.
  2555. </param>
  2556. <returns>The property value.
  2557. </returns>
  2558. </member>
  2559. <member name="M:Ice.Properties.getPropertyWithDefault(System.String,System.String)">
  2560. <summary>
  2561. Get a property by key.
  2562. If the property is not set, the
  2563. given default value is returned.
  2564. </summary>
  2565. <param name="key">The property key.
  2566. </param>
  2567. <param name="value">The default value to use if the property does not
  2568. exist.
  2569. </param>
  2570. <returns>The property value or the default value.
  2571. </returns>
  2572. </member>
  2573. <member name="M:Ice.Properties.getPropertyAsInt(System.String)">
  2574. <summary>
  2575. Get a property as an integer.
  2576. If the property is not set, 0
  2577. is returned.
  2578. </summary>
  2579. <param name="key">The property key.
  2580. </param>
  2581. <returns>The property value interpreted as an integer.
  2582. </returns>
  2583. </member>
  2584. <member name="M:Ice.Properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault(System.String,System.Int32)">
  2585. <summary>
  2586. Get a property as an integer.
  2587. If the property is not set, the
  2588. given default value is returned.
  2589. </summary>
  2590. <param name="key">The property key.
  2591. </param>
  2592. <param name="value">The default value to use if the property does not
  2593. exist.
  2594. </param>
  2595. <returns>The property value interpreted as an integer, or the
  2596. default value.
  2597. </returns>
  2598. </member>
  2599. <member name="M:Ice.Properties.getPropertyAsList(System.String)">
  2600. <summary>
  2601. Get a property as a list of strings.
  2602. The strings must be
  2603. separated by whitespace or comma. If the property is not set,
  2604. an empty list is returned. The strings in the list can contain
  2605. whitespace and commas if they are enclosed in single or double
  2606. quotes. If quotes are mismatched, an empty list is returned.
  2607. Within single quotes or double quotes, you can escape the
  2608. quote in question with \, e.g. O'Reilly can be written as
  2609. O'Reilly, "O'Reilly" or 'O\'Reilly'.
  2610. </summary>
  2611. <param name="key">The property key.
  2612. </param>
  2613. <returns>The property value interpreted as a list of strings.
  2614. </returns>
  2615. </member>
  2616. <member name="M:Ice.Properties.getPropertyAsListWithDefault(System.String,System.String[])">
  2617. <summary>
  2618. Get a property as a list of strings.
  2619. The strings must be
  2620. separated by whitespace or comma. If the property is not set,
  2621. the default list is returned. The strings in the list can contain
  2622. whitespace and commas if they are enclosed in single or double
  2623. quotes. If quotes are mismatched, the default list is returned.
  2624. Within single quotes or double quotes, you can escape the
  2625. quote in question with \, e.g. O'Reilly can be written as
  2626. O'Reilly, "O'Reilly" or 'O\'Reilly'.
  2627. </summary>
  2628. <param name="key">The property key.
  2629. </param>
  2630. <param name="value">The default value to use if the property is not set.
  2631. </param>
  2632. <returns>The property value interpreted as list of strings, or the
  2633. default value.
  2634. </returns>
  2635. </member>
  2636. <member name="M:Ice.Properties.getPropertiesForPrefix(System.String)">
  2637. <summary>
  2638. Get all properties whose keys begins with
  2639. prefix.
  2640. If
  2641. prefix is an empty string,
  2642. then all properties are returned.
  2643. </summary>
  2644. <param name="prefix">The prefix to search for (empty string if none).
  2645. </param>
  2646. <returns>The matching property set.</returns>
  2647. </member>
  2648. <member name="M:Ice.Properties.setProperty(System.String,System.String)">
  2649. <summary>
  2650. Set a property.
  2651. To unset a property, set it to
  2652. the empty string.
  2653. </summary>
  2654. <param name="key">The property key.
  2655. </param>
  2656. <param name="value">The property value.
  2657. </param>
  2658. </member>
  2659. <member name="M:Ice.Properties.getCommandLineOptions">
  2660. <summary>
  2661. Get a sequence of command-line options that is equivalent to
  2662. this property set.
  2663. Each element of the returned sequence is
  2664. a command-line option of the form
  2665. --key=value.
  2666. </summary>
  2667. <returns>The command line options for this property set.</returns>
  2668. </member>
  2669. <member name="M:Ice.Properties.parseCommandLineOptions(System.String,System.String[])">
  2670. <summary>
  2671. Convert a sequence of command-line options into properties.
  2672. All options that begin with
  2673. --prefix. are
  2674. converted into properties. If the prefix is empty, all options
  2675. that begin with -- are converted to properties.
  2676. </summary>
  2677. <param name="prefix">The property prefix, or an empty string to
  2678. convert all options starting with --.
  2679. </param>
  2680. <param name="options">The command-line options.
  2681. </param>
  2682. <returns>The command-line options that do not start with the specified
  2683. prefix, in their original order.</returns>
  2684. </member>
  2685. <member name="M:Ice.Properties.parseIceCommandLineOptions(System.String[])">
  2686. <summary>
  2687. Convert a sequence of command-line options into properties.
  2688. All options that begin with one of the following prefixes
  2689. are converted into properties: --Ice, --IceBox, --IceGrid,
  2690. --IcePatch2, --IceSSL, --IceStorm, --Freeze, and --Glacier2.
  2691. </summary>
  2692. <param name="options">The command-line options.
  2693. </param>
  2694. <returns>The command-line options that do not start with one of
  2695. the listed prefixes, in their original order.</returns>
  2696. </member>
  2697. <member name="M:Ice.Properties.load(System.String)">
  2698. <summary>
  2699. Load properties from a file.
  2700. </summary>
  2701. <param name="file">The property file.</param>
  2702. </member>
  2703. <member name="M:Ice.Properties.ice_clone_">
  2704. <summary>
  2705. Create a copy of this property set.
  2706. </summary>
  2707. <returns>A copy of this property set.</returns>
  2708. </member>
  2709. <member name="T:Ice.Callback_Object_ice_isA">
  2710. <summary>
  2711. Delegate for a successful <code>ice_isA</code> invocation.
  2712. <param name="ret__">True if the remote object supports the type, false otherwise.</param>
  2713. </summary>
  2714. </member>
  2715. <member name="T:Ice.Callback_Object_ice_ids">
  2716. <summary>
  2717. Delegate for a successful <code>ice_ids</code> invocation.
  2718. <param name="ret__">The array of Slice type ids supported by the remote object.</param>
  2719. </summary>
  2720. </member>
  2721. <member name="T:Ice.Callback_Object_ice_id">
  2722. <summary>
  2723. Delegate for a successful <code>ice_id</code> invocation.
  2724. <param name="ret__">The Slice type id of the most-derived interface supported by the remote object.</param>
  2725. </summary>
  2726. </member>
  2727. <member name="T:Ice.Callback_Object_ice_ping">
  2728. <summary>
  2729. Delegate for a successful <code>ice_ping</code> invocation.
  2730. </summary>
  2731. </member>
  2732. <member name="T:Ice.Callback_Object_ice_invoke">
  2733. <summary>
  2734. Delegate for a successful <code>ice_invoke</code> invocation.
  2735. <param name="ret__">True if the invocation succeeded, or false if the invocation
  2736. raised a user exception.</param>
  2737. <param name="outEncaps">The encoded out-parameters or user exception.</param>
  2738. </summary>
  2739. </member>
  2740. <member name="T:Ice.Callback_Object_ice_getConnection">
  2741. <summary>
  2742. Delegate for a successful <code>ice_getConnection</code> invocation.
  2743. <param name="ret__">The connection used by the proxy.</param>
  2744. </summary>
  2745. </member>
  2746. <member name="T:Ice.ObjectPrx">
  2747. <summary>
  2748. Base interface of all object proxies.
  2749. </summary>
  2750. </member>
  2751. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_getCommunicator">
  2752. <summary>
  2753. Returns the communicator that created this proxy.
  2754. </summary>
  2755. <returns>The communicator that created this proxy.</returns>
  2756. </member>
  2757. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_isA(System.String)">
  2758. <summary>
  2759. Tests whether this object supports a specific Slice interface.
  2760. </summary>
  2761. <param name="id__">The type ID of the Slice interface to test against.</param>
  2762. <returns>True if the target object has the interface specified by id__ or derives
  2763. from the interface specified by id__.</returns>
  2764. </member>
  2765. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_isA(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  2766. <summary>
  2767. Tests whether this object supports a specific Slice interface.
  2768. </summary>
  2769. <param name="id__">The type ID of the Slice interface to test against.</param>
  2770. <param name="context__">The context dictionary for the invocation.</param>
  2771. <returns>True if the target object has the interface specified by id__ or derives
  2772. from the interface specified by id__.</returns>
  2773. </member>
  2774. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.begin_ice_isA(System.String)">
  2775. <summary>
  2776. Tests whether this object supports a specific Slice interface.
  2777. </summary>
  2778. <param name="id">The type ID of the Slice interface to test against.</param>
  2779. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  2780. </member>
  2781. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.begin_ice_isA(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  2782. <summary>
  2783. Tests whether this object supports a specific Slice interface.
  2784. </summary>
  2785. <param name="id">The type ID of the Slice interface to test against.</param>
  2786. <param name="context__">The context dictionary for the invocation.</param>
  2787. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  2788. </member>
  2789. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.begin_ice_isA(System.String,Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  2790. <summary>
  2791. Tests whether this object supports a specific Slice interface.
  2792. </summary>
  2793. <param name="id">The type ID of the Slice interface to test against.</param>
  2794. <param name="cb__">A callback to be invoked when the invocation completes.</param>
  2795. <param name="cookie__">Application-specific data to be stored in the result.</param>
  2796. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  2797. </member>
  2798. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.begin_ice_isA(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  2799. <summary>
  2800. Tests whether this object supports a specific Slice interface.
  2801. </summary>
  2802. <param name="id">The type ID of the Slice interface to test against.</param>
  2803. <param name="context__">The context dictionary for the invocation.</param>
  2804. <param name="cb__">A callback to be invoked when the invocation completes.</param>
  2805. <param name="cookie__">Application-specific data to be stored in the result.</param>
  2806. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  2807. </member>
  2808. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.end_ice_isA(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  2809. <summary>
  2810. Tests whether this object supports a specific Slice interface.
  2811. </summary>
  2812. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object returned by <code>begin_ice_isA</code>.</param>
  2813. <returns>True if the object supports the Slice interface, false otherwise.</returns>
  2814. </member>
  2815. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_ping">
  2816. <summary>
  2817. Tests whether the target object of this proxy can be reached.
  2818. </summary>
  2819. </member>
  2820. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_ping(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  2821. <summary>
  2822. Tests whether the target object of this proxy can be reached.
  2823. </summary>
  2824. <param name="context__">The context dictionary for the invocation.</param>
  2825. </member>
  2826. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.begin_ice_ping">
  2827. <summary>
  2828. Tests whether the target object of this proxy can be reached.
  2829. </summary>
  2830. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  2831. </member>
  2832. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.begin_ice_ping(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  2833. <summary>
  2834. Tests whether the target object of this proxy can be reached.
  2835. </summary>
  2836. <param name="context__">The context dictionary for the invocation.</param>
  2837. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  2838. </member>
  2839. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.begin_ice_ping(Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  2840. <summary>
  2841. Tests whether the target object of this proxy can be reached.
  2842. </summary>
  2843. <param name="cb__">A callback to be invoked when the invocation completes.</param>
  2844. <param name="cookie__">Application-specific data to be stored in the result.</param>
  2845. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  2846. </member>
  2847. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.begin_ice_ping(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  2848. <summary>
  2849. Tests whether the target object of this proxy can be reached.
  2850. </summary>
  2851. <param name="context__">The context dictionary for the invocation.</param>
  2852. <param name="cb__">A callback to be invoked when the invocation completes.</param>
  2853. <param name="cookie__">Application-specific data to be stored in the result.</param>
  2854. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  2855. </member>
  2856. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.end_ice_ping(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  2857. <summary>
  2858. Tests whether the target object of this proxy can be reached.
  2859. </summary>
  2860. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object returned by <code>begin_ice_ping</code>.</param>
  2861. </member>
  2862. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_ids">
  2863. <summary>
  2864. Returns the Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by the target object of this proxy.
  2865. </summary>
  2866. <returns>The Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by the target object, in base-to-derived
  2867. order. The first element of the returned array is always ::Ice::Object.</returns>
  2868. </member>
  2869. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_ids(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  2870. <summary>
  2871. Returns the Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by the target object of this proxy.
  2872. </summary>
  2873. <param name="context__">The context dictionary for the invocation.</param>
  2874. <returns>The Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by the target object, in base-to-derived
  2875. order. The first element of the returned array is always ::Ice::Object.</returns>
  2876. </member>
  2877. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.begin_ice_ids">
  2878. <summary>
  2879. Returns the Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by the target object of this proxy.
  2880. </summary>
  2881. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  2882. </member>
  2883. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.begin_ice_ids(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  2884. <summary>
  2885. Returns the Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by the target object of this proxy.
  2886. </summary>
  2887. <param name="context__">The context dictionary for the invocation.</param>
  2888. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  2889. </member>
  2890. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.begin_ice_ids(Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  2891. <summary>
  2892. Returns the Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by the target object of this proxy.
  2893. </summary>
  2894. <param name="cb__">A callback to be invoked when the invocation completes.</param>
  2895. <param name="cookie__">Application-specific data to be stored in the result.</param>
  2896. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  2897. </member>
  2898. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.begin_ice_ids(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  2899. <summary>
  2900. Returns the Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by the target object of this proxy.
  2901. </summary>
  2902. <param name="context__">The context dictionary for the invocation.</param>
  2903. <param name="cb__">A callback to be invoked when the invocation completes.</param>
  2904. <param name="cookie__">Application-specific data to be stored in the result.</param>
  2905. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  2906. </member>
  2907. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.end_ice_ids(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  2908. <summary>
  2909. Returns the Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by the target object of this proxy.
  2910. </summary>
  2911. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object returned by <code>begin_ice_ids</code>.</param>
  2912. <returns>The Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by the target object, in base-to-derived
  2913. order. The first element of the returned array is always ::Ice::Object.</returns>
  2914. </member>
  2915. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_id">
  2916. <summary>
  2917. Returns the Slice type ID of the most-derived interface supported by the target object of this proxy.
  2918. </summary>
  2919. <returns>The Slice type ID of the most-derived interface.</returns>
  2920. </member>
  2921. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_id(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  2922. <summary>
  2923. Returns the Slice type ID of the most-derived interface supported by the target object of this proxy.
  2924. </summary>
  2925. <param name="context__">The context dictionary for the invocation.</param>
  2926. <returns>The Slice type ID of the most-derived interface.</returns>
  2927. </member>
  2928. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.begin_ice_id">
  2929. <summary>
  2930. Returns the Slice type ID of the most-derived interface supported by the target object of this proxy.
  2931. </summary>
  2932. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  2933. </member>
  2934. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.begin_ice_id(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  2935. <summary>
  2936. Returns the Slice type ID of the most-derived interface supported by the target object of this proxy.
  2937. </summary>
  2938. <param name="context__">The context dictionary for the invocation.</param>
  2939. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  2940. </member>
  2941. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.begin_ice_id(Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  2942. <summary>
  2943. Returns the Slice type ID of the most-derived interface supported by the target object of this proxy.
  2944. </summary>
  2945. <param name="cb__">A callback to be invoked when the invocation completes.</param>
  2946. <param name="cookie__">Application-specific data to be stored in the result.</param>
  2947. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  2948. </member>
  2949. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.begin_ice_id(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  2950. <summary>
  2951. Returns the Slice type ID of the most-derived interface supported by the target object of this proxy.
  2952. </summary>
  2953. <param name="context__">The context dictionary for the invocation.</param>
  2954. <param name="cb__">A callback to be invoked when the invocation completes.</param>
  2955. <param name="cookie__">Application-specific data to be stored in the result.</param>
  2956. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  2957. </member>
  2958. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.end_ice_id(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  2959. <summary>
  2960. Returns the Slice type ID of the most-derived interface supported by the target object of this proxy.
  2961. </summary>
  2962. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object returned by <code>begin_ice_id</code>.</param>
  2963. <returns>The Slice type ID of the most-derived interface.</returns>
  2964. </member>
  2965. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_invoke(System.String,Ice.OperationMode,System.Byte[],System.Byte[]@)">
  2966. <summary>
  2967. Invokes an operation dynamically.
  2968. </summary>
  2969. <param name="operation">The name of the operation to invoke.</param>
  2970. <param name="mode">The operation mode (normal or idempotent).</param>
  2971. <param name="inEncaps">The encoded in-parameters for the operation.</param>
  2972. <param name="outEncaps">The encoded out-paramaters and return value
  2973. for the operation. The return value follows any out-parameters.</param>
  2974. <returns>If the operation completed successfully, the return value
  2975. is true. If the operation raises a user exception,
  2976. the return value is false; in this case, outEncaps
  2977. contains the encoded user exception. If the operation raises a run-time exception,
  2978. it throws it directly.</returns>
  2979. </member>
  2980. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_invoke(System.String,Ice.OperationMode,System.Byte[],System.Byte[]@,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  2981. <summary>
  2982. Invokes an operation dynamically.
  2983. </summary>
  2984. <param name="operation">The name of the operation to invoke.</param>
  2985. <param name="mode">The operation mode (normal or idempotent).</param>
  2986. <param name="inEncaps">The encoded in-parameters for the operation.</param>
  2987. <param name="outEncaps">The encoded out-paramaters and return value
  2988. for the operation. The return value follows any out-parameters.</param>
  2989. <param name="context__">The context dictionary for the invocation.</param>
  2990. <returns>If the operation completed successfully, the return value
  2991. is true. If the operation raises a user exception,
  2992. the return value is false; in this case, outEncaps
  2993. contains the encoded user exception. If the operation raises a run-time exception,
  2994. it throws it directly.</returns>
  2995. </member>
  2996. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.begin_ice_invoke(System.String,Ice.OperationMode,System.Byte[])">
  2997. <summary>
  2998. Invokes an operation dynamically.
  2999. </summary>
  3000. <param name="operation">The name of the operation to invoke.</param>
  3001. <param name="mode">The operation mode (normal or idempotent).</param>
  3002. <param name="inEncaps">The encoded in-parameters for the operation.</param>
  3003. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  3004. </member>
  3005. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.begin_ice_invoke(System.String,Ice.OperationMode,System.Byte[],System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  3006. <summary>
  3007. Invokes an operation dynamically.
  3008. </summary>
  3009. <param name="operation">The name of the operation to invoke.</param>
  3010. <param name="mode">The operation mode (normal or idempotent).</param>
  3011. <param name="inEncaps">The encoded in-parameters for the operation.</param>
  3012. <param name="context__">The context dictionary for the invocation.</param>
  3013. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  3014. </member>
  3015. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.begin_ice_invoke(System.String,Ice.OperationMode,System.Byte[],Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  3016. <summary>
  3017. Invokes an operation dynamically.
  3018. </summary>
  3019. <param name="operation">The name of the operation to invoke.</param>
  3020. <param name="mode">The operation mode (normal or idempotent).</param>
  3021. <param name="inEncaps">The encoded in-parameters for the operation.</param>
  3022. <param name="cb__">A callback to be invoked when the invocation completes.</param>
  3023. <param name="cookie__">Application-specific data to be stored in the result.</param>
  3024. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  3025. </member>
  3026. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.begin_ice_invoke(System.String,Ice.OperationMode,System.Byte[],System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  3027. <summary>
  3028. Invokes an operation dynamically.
  3029. </summary>
  3030. <param name="operation">The name of the operation to invoke.</param>
  3031. <param name="mode">The operation mode (normal or idempotent).</param>
  3032. <param name="inEncaps">The encoded in-parameters for the operation.</param>
  3033. <param name="context__">The context dictionary for the invocation.</param>
  3034. <param name="cb__">A callback to be invoked when the invocation completes.</param>
  3035. <param name="cookie__">Application-specific data to be stored in the result.</param>
  3036. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  3037. </member>
  3038. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.end_ice_invoke(System.Byte[]@,Ice.AsyncResult)">
  3039. <summary>
  3040. Completes a dynamic invocation.
  3041. </summary>
  3042. <param name="outEncaps">The encoded out parameters or user exception.</param>
  3043. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object returned by <code>begin_ice_invoke</code>.</param>
  3044. <returns>If the operation completed successfully, the return value
  3045. is true. If the operation raises a user exception,
  3046. the return value is false; in this case, outEncaps
  3047. contains the encoded user exception. If the operation raises a run-time exception,
  3048. it throws it directly.</returns>
  3049. </member>
  3050. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_getIdentity">
  3051. <summary>
  3052. Returns the identity embedded in this proxy.
  3053. <returns>The identity of the target object.</returns>
  3054. </summary>
  3055. </member>
  3056. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_identity(Ice.Identity)">
  3057. <summary>
  3058. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the per-proxy context.
  3059. <param name="newIdentity">The identity for the new proxy.</param>
  3060. <returns>The proxy with the new identity.</returns>
  3061. </summary>
  3062. </member>
  3063. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_getContext">
  3064. <summary>
  3065. Returns the per-proxy context for this proxy.
  3066. </summary>
  3067. <returns>The per-proxy context. If the proxy does not have a per-proxy (implicit) context, the return value
  3068. is null.</returns>
  3069. </member>
  3070. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_context(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  3071. <summary>
  3072. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the per-proxy context.
  3073. </summary>
  3074. <param name="newContext">The context for the new proxy.</param>
  3075. <returns>The proxy with the new per-proxy context.</returns>
  3076. </member>
  3077. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_getFacet">
  3078. <summary>
  3079. Returns the facet for this proxy.
  3080. </summary>
  3081. <returns>The facet for this proxy. If the proxy uses the default facet, the return value is the
  3082. empty string.</returns>
  3083. </member>
  3084. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_facet(System.String)">
  3085. <summary>
  3086. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the facet.
  3087. </summary>
  3088. <param name="newFacet">The facet for the new proxy.</param>
  3089. <returns>The proxy with the new facet.</returns>
  3090. </member>
  3091. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_getAdapterId">
  3092. <summary>
  3093. Returns the adapter ID for this proxy.
  3094. </summary>
  3095. <returns>The adapter ID. If the proxy does not have an adapter ID, the return value is the
  3096. empty string.</returns>
  3097. </member>
  3098. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_adapterId(System.String)">
  3099. <summary>
  3100. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the adapter ID.
  3101. </summary>
  3102. <param name="newAdapterId">The adapter ID for the new proxy.</param>
  3103. <returns>The proxy with the new adapter ID.</returns>
  3104. </member>
  3105. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_getEndpoints">
  3106. <summary>
  3107. Returns the endpoints used by this proxy.
  3108. </summary>
  3109. <returns>The endpoints used by this proxy.</returns>
  3110. </member>
  3111. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_endpoints(Ice.Endpoint[])">
  3112. <summary>
  3113. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the endpoints.
  3114. </summary>
  3115. <param name="newEndpoints">The endpoints for the new proxy.</param>
  3116. <returns>The proxy with the new endpoints.</returns>
  3117. </member>
  3118. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_getLocatorCacheTimeout">
  3119. <summary>
  3120. Returns the locator cache timeout of this proxy.
  3121. </summary>
  3122. <returns>The locator cache timeout value (in seconds).</returns>
  3123. </member>
  3124. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_locatorCacheTimeout(System.Int32)">
  3125. <summary>
  3126. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the locator cache timeout.
  3127. </summary>
  3128. <param name="timeout">The new locator cache timeout (in seconds).</param>
  3129. </member>
  3130. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_invocationTimeout(System.Int32)">
  3131. <summary>
  3132. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the invocation timeout.
  3133. </summary>
  3134. <param name="timeout">The new invocation timeout (in seconds).</param>
  3135. </member>
  3136. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_getInvocationTimeout">
  3137. <summary>
  3138. Returns the invocation timeout of this proxy.
  3139. </summary>
  3140. <returns>The invocation timeout value (in seconds).</returns>
  3141. </member>
  3142. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_isConnectionCached">
  3143. <summary>
  3144. Returns whether this proxy caches connections.
  3145. </summary>
  3146. <returns>True if this proxy caches connections; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3147. </member>
  3148. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_connectionCached(System.Boolean)">
  3149. <summary>
  3150. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for connection caching.
  3151. </summary>
  3152. <param name="newCache">True if the new proxy should cache connections; false, otherwise.</param>
  3153. <returns>The new proxy with the specified caching policy.</returns>
  3154. </member>
  3155. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_getEndpointSelection">
  3156. <summary>
  3157. Returns how this proxy selects endpoints (randomly or ordered).
  3158. </summary>
  3159. <returns>The endpoint selection policy.</returns>
  3160. </member>
  3161. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_endpointSelection(Ice.EndpointSelectionType)">
  3162. <summary>
  3163. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the endpoint selection policy.
  3164. </summary>
  3165. <param name="newType">The new endpoint selection policy.</param>
  3166. <returns>The new proxy with the specified endpoint selection policy.</returns>
  3167. </member>
  3168. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_isSecure">
  3169. <summary>
  3170. Returns whether this proxy communicates only via secure endpoints.
  3171. </summary>
  3172. <returns>True if this proxy communicates only vi secure endpoints; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3173. </member>
  3174. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_secure(System.Boolean)">
  3175. <summary>
  3176. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for how it selects endpoints.
  3177. </summary>
  3178. <param name="b"> If b is true, only endpoints that use a secure transport are
  3179. used by the new proxy. If b is false, the returned proxy uses both secure and insecure
  3180. endpoints.</param>
  3181. <returns>The new proxy with the specified selection policy.</returns>
  3182. </member>
  3183. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_encodingVersion(Ice.EncodingVersion)">
  3184. <summary>
  3185. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the encoding used to marshal
  3186. parameters.
  3187. </summary>
  3188. <param name="e">The encoding version to use to marshal requests parameters.</param>
  3189. <returns>The new proxy with the specified encoding version.</returns>
  3190. </member>
  3191. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_getEncodingVersion">
  3192. <summary>Returns the encoding version used to marshal requests parameters.</summary>
  3193. <returns>The encoding version.</returns>
  3194. </member>
  3195. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_isPreferSecure">
  3196. <summary>
  3197. Returns whether this proxy prefers secure endpoints.
  3198. </summary>
  3199. <returns>True if the proxy always attempts to invoke via secure endpoints before it
  3200. attempts to use insecure endpoints; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3201. </member>
  3202. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_preferSecure(System.Boolean)">
  3203. <summary>
  3204. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for its endpoint selection policy.
  3205. </summary>
  3206. <param name="b">If b is true, the new proxy will use secure endpoints for invocations
  3207. and only use insecure endpoints if an invocation cannot be made via secure endpoints. If b is
  3208. false, the proxy prefers insecure endpoints to secure ones.</param>
  3209. <returns>The new proxy with the new endpoint selection policy.</returns>
  3210. </member>
  3211. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_getRouter">
  3212. <summary>
  3213. Returns the router for this proxy.
  3214. </summary>
  3215. <returns>The router for the proxy. If no router is configured for the proxy, the return value
  3216. is null.</returns>
  3217. </member>
  3218. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_router(Ice.RouterPrx)">
  3219. <summary>
  3220. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the router.
  3221. </summary>
  3222. <param name="router">The router for the new proxy.</param>
  3223. <returns>The new proxy with the specified router.</returns>
  3224. </member>
  3225. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_getLocator">
  3226. <summary>
  3227. Returns the locator for this proxy.
  3228. </summary>
  3229. <returns>The locator for this proxy. If no locator is configured, the return value is null.</returns>
  3230. </member>
  3231. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_locator(Ice.LocatorPrx)">
  3232. <summary>
  3233. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the locator.
  3234. </summary>
  3235. <param name="locator">The locator for the new proxy.</param>
  3236. <returns>The new proxy with the specified locator.</returns>
  3237. </member>
  3238. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_isCollocationOptimized">
  3239. <summary>
  3240. Returns whether this proxy uses collocation optimization.
  3241. </summary>
  3242. <returns>True if the proxy uses collocation optimization; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3243. </member>
  3244. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_collocationOptimized(System.Boolean)">
  3245. <summary>
  3246. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for collocation optimization.
  3247. </summary>
  3248. <param name="b">True if the new proxy enables collocation optimization; false, otherwise.</param>
  3249. <returns>The new proxy the specified collocation optimization.</returns>
  3250. </member>
  3251. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_twoway">
  3252. <summary>
  3253. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, but uses twoway invocations.
  3254. </summary>
  3255. <returns>A new proxy that uses twoway invocations.</returns>
  3256. </member>
  3257. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_isTwoway">
  3258. <summary>
  3259. Returns whether this proxy uses twoway invocations.
  3260. </summary>
  3261. <returns>True if this proxy uses twoway invocations; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3262. </member>
  3263. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_oneway">
  3264. <summary>
  3265. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, but uses oneway invocations.
  3266. </summary>
  3267. <returns>A new proxy that uses oneway invocations.</returns>
  3268. </member>
  3269. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_isOneway">
  3270. <summary>
  3271. Returns whether this proxy uses oneway invocations.
  3272. </summary>
  3273. <returns>True if this proxy uses oneway invocations; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3274. </member>
  3275. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_batchOneway">
  3276. <summary>
  3277. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, but uses batch oneway invocations.
  3278. </summary>
  3279. <returns>A new proxy that uses batch oneway invocations.</returns>
  3280. </member>
  3281. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_isBatchOneway">
  3282. <summary>
  3283. Returns whether this proxy uses batch oneway invocations.
  3284. </summary>
  3285. <returns>True if this proxy uses batch oneway invocations; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3286. </member>
  3287. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_datagram">
  3288. <summary>
  3289. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, but uses datagram invocations.
  3290. </summary>
  3291. <returns>A new proxy that uses datagram invocations.</returns>
  3292. </member>
  3293. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_isDatagram">
  3294. <summary>
  3295. Returns whether this proxy uses datagram invocations.
  3296. </summary>
  3297. <returns>True if this proxy uses datagram invocations; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3298. </member>
  3299. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_batchDatagram">
  3300. <summary>
  3301. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, but uses batch datagram invocations.
  3302. </summary>
  3303. <returns>A new proxy that uses batch datagram invocations.</returns>
  3304. </member>
  3305. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_isBatchDatagram">
  3306. <summary>
  3307. Returns whether this proxy uses batch datagram invocations.
  3308. </summary>
  3309. <returns>True if this proxy uses batch datagram invocations; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3310. </member>
  3311. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_compress(System.Boolean)">
  3312. <summary>
  3313. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for compression.
  3314. </summary>
  3315. <param name="co">True enables compression for the new proxy; false disables compression.</param>
  3316. <returns>A new proxy with the specified compression setting.</returns>
  3317. </member>
  3318. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_timeout(System.Int32)">
  3319. <summary>
  3320. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for its timeout setting.
  3321. </summary>
  3322. <param name="t">The timeout for the new proxy in milliseconds.</param>
  3323. <returns>A new proxy with the specified timeout.</returns>
  3324. </member>
  3325. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_connectionId(System.String)">
  3326. <summary>
  3327. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for its connection ID.
  3328. </summary>
  3329. <param name="connectionId">The connection ID for the new proxy. An empty string removes the
  3330. connection ID.</param>
  3331. <returns>A new proxy with the specified connection ID.</returns>
  3332. </member>
  3333. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_getConnectionId">
  3334. <summary>
  3335. Returns the connection id of this proxy.
  3336. </summary>
  3337. <returns>The connection id.</returns>
  3338. </member>
  3339. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_getConnection">
  3340. <summary>
  3341. Returns the Connection for this proxy. If the proxy does not yet have an established connection,
  3342. it first attempts to create a connection.
  3343. </summary>
  3344. <returns>The Connection for this proxy.</returns>
  3345. <exception name="CollocationOptimizationException">If the proxy uses collocation optimization and denotes a
  3346. collocated object.</exception>
  3347. </member>
  3348. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.begin_ice_getConnection">
  3349. <summary>
  3350. Asynchronously gets the connection for this proxy.
  3351. </summary>
  3352. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  3353. </member>
  3354. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.begin_ice_getConnection(Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  3355. <summary>
  3356. Asynchronously gets the connection for this proxy.
  3357. </summary>
  3358. <param name="cb__">A callback to be invoked when the invocation completes.</param>
  3359. <param name="cookie__">Application-specific data to be stored in the result.</param>
  3360. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  3361. </member>
  3362. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.end_ice_getConnection(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  3363. <summary>
  3364. Asynchronously gets the connection for this proxy.
  3365. </summary>
  3366. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object returned by <code>begin_ice_getConnection</code>.</param>
  3367. <returns>The connection.</returns>
  3368. </member>
  3369. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_getCachedConnection">
  3370. <summary>
  3371. Returns the cached Connection for this proxy. If the proxy does not yet have an established
  3372. connection, it does not attempt to create a connection.
  3373. </summary>
  3374. <returns>The cached Connection for this proxy (null if the proxy does not have
  3375. an established connection).</returns>
  3376. <exception name="CollocationOptimizationException">If the proxy uses collocation optimization and denotes a
  3377. collocated object.</exception>
  3378. </member>
  3379. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrx.ice_flushBatchRequests">
  3380. <summary>
  3381. Flushes any pending batched requests for this communicator. The call blocks until the flush is complete.
  3382. </summary>
  3383. </member>
  3384. <member name="T:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase">
  3385. <summary>
  3386. Base class of all object proxies.
  3387. </summary>
  3388. </member>
  3389. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.GetHashCode">
  3390. <summary>
  3391. Returns a hash code for this proxy.
  3392. </summary>
  3393. <returns>The hash code.</returns>
  3394. </member>
  3395. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_getCommunicator">
  3396. <summary>
  3397. Returns the communicator that created this proxy.
  3398. </summary>
  3399. <returns>The communicator that created this proxy.</returns>
  3400. </member>
  3401. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ToString">
  3402. <summary>
  3403. Returns the stringified form of this proxy.
  3404. </summary>
  3405. <returns>The stringified proxy.</returns>
  3406. </member>
  3407. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_isA(System.String)">
  3408. <summary>
  3409. Tests whether this object supports a specific Slice interface.
  3410. </summary>
  3411. <param name="id__">The type ID of the Slice interface to test against.</param>
  3412. <returns>True if the target object has the interface specified by id__ or derives
  3413. from the interface specified by id__.</returns>
  3414. </member>
  3415. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_isA(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  3416. <summary>
  3417. Tests whether this object supports a specific Slice interface.
  3418. </summary>
  3419. <param name="id__">The type ID of the Slice interface to test against.</param>
  3420. <param name="context__">The context dictionary for the invocation.</param>
  3421. <returns>True if the target object has the interface specified by id__ or derives
  3422. from the interface specified by id__.</returns>
  3423. </member>
  3424. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_ping">
  3425. <summary>
  3426. Tests whether the target object of this proxy can be reached.
  3427. </summary>
  3428. </member>
  3429. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_ping(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  3430. <summary>
  3431. Tests whether the target object of this proxy can be reached.
  3432. </summary>
  3433. <param name="context__">The context dictionary for the invocation.</param>
  3434. </member>
  3435. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_ids">
  3436. <summary>
  3437. Returns the Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by the target object of this proxy.
  3438. </summary>
  3439. <returns>The Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by the target object, in base-to-derived
  3440. order. The first element of the returned array is always ::Ice::Object.</returns>
  3441. </member>
  3442. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_ids(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  3443. <summary>
  3444. Returns the Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by the target object of this proxy.
  3445. </summary>
  3446. <param name="context__">The context dictionary for the invocation.</param>
  3447. <returns>The Slice type IDs of the interfaces supported by the target object, in base-to-derived
  3448. order. The first element of the returned array is always ::Ice::Object.</returns>
  3449. </member>
  3450. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_id">
  3451. <summary>
  3452. Returns the Slice type ID of the most-derived interface supported by the target object of this proxy.
  3453. </summary>
  3454. <returns>The Slice type ID of the most-derived interface.</returns>
  3455. </member>
  3456. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_id(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  3457. <summary>
  3458. Returns the Slice type ID of the most-derived interface supported by the target object of this proxy.
  3459. </summary>
  3460. <param name="context__">The context dictionary for the invocation.</param>
  3461. <returns>The Slice type ID of the most-derived interface.</returns>
  3462. </member>
  3463. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_invoke(System.String,Ice.OperationMode,System.Byte[],System.Byte[]@)">
  3464. <summary>
  3465. Invokes an operation dynamically.
  3466. </summary>
  3467. <param name="operation">The name of the operation to invoke.</param>
  3468. <param name="mode">The operation mode (normal or idempotent).</param>
  3469. <param name="inEncaps">The encoded in-parameters for the operation.</param>
  3470. <param name="outEncaps">The encoded out-paramaters and return value
  3471. for the operation. The return value follows any out-parameters.</param>
  3472. <returns>If the operation completed successfully, the return value
  3473. is true. If the operation raises a user exception,
  3474. the return value is false; in this case, outEncaps
  3475. contains the encoded user exception. If the operation raises a run-time exception,
  3476. it throws it directly.</returns>
  3477. </member>
  3478. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_invoke(System.String,Ice.OperationMode,System.Byte[],System.Byte[]@,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  3479. <summary>
  3480. Invokes an operation dynamically.
  3481. </summary>
  3482. <param name="operation">The name of the operation to invoke.</param>
  3483. <param name="mode">The operation mode (normal or idempotent).</param>
  3484. <param name="inEncaps">The encoded in-parameters for the operation.</param>
  3485. <param name="outEncaps">The encoded out-paramaters and return value
  3486. for the operation. The return value follows any out-parameters.</param>
  3487. <param name="context">The context dictionary for the invocation.</param>
  3488. <returns>If the operation completed successfully, the return value
  3489. is true. If the operation raises a user exception,
  3490. the return value is false; in this case, outEncaps
  3491. contains the encoded user exception. If the operation raises a run-time exception,
  3492. it throws it directly.</returns>
  3493. </member>
  3494. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_getIdentity">
  3495. <summary>
  3496. Returns the identity embedded in this proxy.
  3497. <returns>The identity of the target object.</returns>
  3498. </summary>
  3499. </member>
  3500. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_identity(Ice.Identity)">
  3501. <summary>
  3502. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the per-proxy context.
  3503. <param name="newIdentity">The identity for the new proxy.</param>
  3504. <returns>The proxy with the new identity.</returns>
  3505. </summary>
  3506. </member>
  3507. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_getContext">
  3508. <summary>
  3509. Returns the per-proxy context for this proxy.
  3510. </summary>
  3511. <returns>The per-proxy context. If the proxy does not have a per-proxy (implicit) context, the return value
  3512. is null.</returns>
  3513. </member>
  3514. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_context(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  3515. <summary>
  3516. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the per-proxy context.
  3517. </summary>
  3518. <param name="newContext">The context for the new proxy.</param>
  3519. <returns>The proxy with the new per-proxy context.</returns>
  3520. </member>
  3521. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_getFacet">
  3522. <summary>
  3523. Returns the facet for this proxy.
  3524. </summary>
  3525. <returns>The facet for this proxy. If the proxy uses the default facet, the return value is the
  3526. empty string.</returns>
  3527. </member>
  3528. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_facet(System.String)">
  3529. <summary>
  3530. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the facet.
  3531. </summary>
  3532. <param name="newFacet">The facet for the new proxy.</param>
  3533. <returns>The proxy with the new facet.</returns>
  3534. </member>
  3535. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_getAdapterId">
  3536. <summary>
  3537. Returns the adapter ID for this proxy.
  3538. </summary>
  3539. <returns>The adapter ID. If the proxy does not have an adapter ID, the return value is the
  3540. empty string.</returns>
  3541. </member>
  3542. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_adapterId(System.String)">
  3543. <summary>
  3544. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the adapter ID.
  3545. </summary>
  3546. <param name="newAdapterId">The adapter ID for the new proxy.</param>
  3547. <returns>The proxy with the new adapter ID.</returns>
  3548. </member>
  3549. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_getEndpoints">
  3550. <summary>
  3551. Returns the endpoints used by this proxy.
  3552. </summary>
  3553. <returns>The endpoints used by this proxy.</returns>
  3554. </member>
  3555. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_endpoints(Ice.Endpoint[])">
  3556. <summary>
  3557. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the endpoints.
  3558. </summary>
  3559. <param name="newEndpoints">The endpoints for the new proxy.</param>
  3560. <returns>The proxy with the new endpoints.</returns>
  3561. </member>
  3562. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_getLocatorCacheTimeout">
  3563. <summary>
  3564. Returns the locator cache timeout of this proxy.
  3565. </summary>
  3566. <returns>The locator cache timeout value (in seconds).</returns>
  3567. </member>
  3568. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_locatorCacheTimeout(System.Int32)">
  3569. <summary>
  3570. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the locator cache timeout.
  3571. </summary>
  3572. <param name="newTimeout">The new locator cache timeout (in seconds).</param>
  3573. </member>
  3574. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_getInvocationTimeout">
  3575. <summary>
  3576. Returns the invocation timeout of this proxy.
  3577. </summary>
  3578. <returns>The invocation timeout value (in seconds).</returns>
  3579. </member>
  3580. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_invocationTimeout(System.Int32)">
  3581. <summary>
  3582. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the invocation timeout.
  3583. </summary>
  3584. <param name="newTimeout">The new invocation timeout (in seconds).</param>
  3585. </member>
  3586. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_isConnectionCached">
  3587. <summary>
  3588. Returns whether this proxy caches connections.
  3589. </summary>
  3590. <returns>True if this proxy caches connections; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3591. </member>
  3592. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_connectionCached(System.Boolean)">
  3593. <summary>
  3594. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for connection caching.
  3595. </summary>
  3596. <param name="newCache">True if the new proxy should cache connections; false, otherwise.</param>
  3597. <returns>The new proxy with the specified caching policy.</returns>
  3598. </member>
  3599. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_getEndpointSelection">
  3600. <summary>
  3601. Returns how this proxy selects endpoints (randomly or ordered).
  3602. </summary>
  3603. <returns>The endpoint selection policy.</returns>
  3604. </member>
  3605. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_endpointSelection(Ice.EndpointSelectionType)">
  3606. <summary>
  3607. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the endpoint selection policy.
  3608. </summary>
  3609. <param name="newType">The new endpoint selection policy.</param>
  3610. <returns>The new proxy with the specified endpoint selection policy.</returns>
  3611. </member>
  3612. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_isSecure">
  3613. <summary>
  3614. Returns whether this proxy communicates only via secure endpoints.
  3615. </summary>
  3616. <returns>True if this proxy communicates only vi secure endpoints; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3617. </member>
  3618. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_secure(System.Boolean)">
  3619. <summary>
  3620. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for how it selects endpoints.
  3621. </summary>
  3622. <param name="b"> If b is true, only endpoints that use a secure transport are
  3623. used by the new proxy. If b is false, the returned proxy uses both secure and insecure
  3624. endpoints.</param>
  3625. <returns>The new proxy with the specified selection policy.</returns>
  3626. </member>
  3627. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_encodingVersion(Ice.EncodingVersion)">
  3628. <summary>
  3629. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the encoding used to marshal
  3630. parameters.
  3631. </summary>
  3632. <param name="e">The encoding version to use to marshal requests parameters.</param>
  3633. <returns>The new proxy with the specified encoding version.</returns>
  3634. </member>
  3635. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_getEncodingVersion">
  3636. <summary>Returns the encoding version used to marshal requests parameters.</summary>
  3637. <returns>The encoding version.</returns>
  3638. </member>
  3639. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_isPreferSecure">
  3640. <summary>
  3641. Returns whether this proxy prefers secure endpoints.
  3642. </summary>
  3643. <returns>True if the proxy always attempts to invoke via secure endpoints before it
  3644. attempts to use insecure endpoints; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3645. </member>
  3646. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_preferSecure(System.Boolean)">
  3647. <summary>
  3648. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for its endpoint selection policy.
  3649. </summary>
  3650. <param name="b">If b is true, the new proxy will use secure endpoints for invocations
  3651. and only use insecure endpoints if an invocation cannot be made via secure endpoints. If b is
  3652. false, the proxy prefers insecure endpoints to secure ones.</param>
  3653. <returns>The new proxy with the new endpoint selection policy.</returns>
  3654. </member>
  3655. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_getRouter">
  3656. <summary>
  3657. Returns the router for this proxy.
  3658. </summary>
  3659. <returns>The router for the proxy. If no router is configured for the proxy, the return value
  3660. is null.</returns>
  3661. </member>
  3662. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_router(Ice.RouterPrx)">
  3663. <summary>
  3664. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the router.
  3665. </summary>
  3666. <param name="router">The router for the new proxy.</param>
  3667. <returns>The new proxy with the specified router.</returns>
  3668. </member>
  3669. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_getLocator">
  3670. <summary>
  3671. Returns the locator for this proxy.
  3672. </summary>
  3673. <returns>The locator for this proxy. If no locator is configured, the return value is null.</returns>
  3674. </member>
  3675. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_locator(Ice.LocatorPrx)">
  3676. <summary>
  3677. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for the locator.
  3678. </summary>
  3679. <param name="locator">The locator for the new proxy.</param>
  3680. <returns>The new proxy with the specified locator.</returns>
  3681. </member>
  3682. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_isCollocationOptimized">
  3683. <summary>
  3684. Returns whether this proxy uses collocation optimization.
  3685. </summary>
  3686. <returns>True if the proxy uses collocation optimization; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3687. </member>
  3688. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_collocationOptimized(System.Boolean)">
  3689. <summary>
  3690. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for collocation optimization.
  3691. </summary>
  3692. <param name="b">True if the new proxy enables collocation optimization; false, otherwise.</param>
  3693. <returns>The new proxy the specified collocation optimization.</returns>
  3694. </member>
  3695. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_twoway">
  3696. <summary>
  3697. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, but uses twoway invocations.
  3698. </summary>
  3699. <returns>A new proxy that uses twoway invocations.</returns>
  3700. </member>
  3701. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_isTwoway">
  3702. <summary>
  3703. Returns whether this proxy uses twoway invocations.
  3704. </summary>
  3705. <returns>True if this proxy uses twoway invocations; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3706. </member>
  3707. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_oneway">
  3708. <summary>
  3709. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, but uses oneway invocations.
  3710. </summary>
  3711. <returns>A new proxy that uses oneway invocations.</returns>
  3712. </member>
  3713. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_isOneway">
  3714. <summary>
  3715. Returns whether this proxy uses oneway invocations.
  3716. </summary>
  3717. <returns>True if this proxy uses oneway invocations; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3718. </member>
  3719. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_batchOneway">
  3720. <summary>
  3721. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, but uses batch oneway invocations.
  3722. </summary>
  3723. <returns>A new proxy that uses batch oneway invocations.</returns>
  3724. </member>
  3725. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_isBatchOneway">
  3726. <summary>
  3727. Returns whether this proxy uses batch oneway invocations.
  3728. </summary>
  3729. <returns>True if this proxy uses batch oneway invocations; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3730. </member>
  3731. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_datagram">
  3732. <summary>
  3733. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, but uses datagram invocations.
  3734. </summary>
  3735. <returns>A new proxy that uses datagram invocations.</returns>
  3736. </member>
  3737. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_isDatagram">
  3738. <summary>
  3739. Returns whether this proxy uses datagram invocations.
  3740. </summary>
  3741. <returns>True if this proxy uses datagram invocations; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3742. </member>
  3743. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_batchDatagram">
  3744. <summary>
  3745. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, but uses batch datagram invocations.
  3746. </summary>
  3747. <returns>A new proxy that uses batch datagram invocations.</returns>
  3748. </member>
  3749. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_isBatchDatagram">
  3750. <summary>
  3751. Returns whether this proxy uses batch datagram invocations.
  3752. </summary>
  3753. <returns>True if this proxy uses batch datagram invocations; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3754. </member>
  3755. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_compress(System.Boolean)">
  3756. <summary>
  3757. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for compression.
  3758. </summary>
  3759. <param name="co">True enables compression for the new proxy; false disables compression.</param>
  3760. <returns>A new proxy with the specified compression setting.</returns>
  3761. </member>
  3762. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_timeout(System.Int32)">
  3763. <summary>
  3764. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for its timeout setting.
  3765. </summary>
  3766. <param name="t">The timeout for the new proxy in milliseconds.</param>
  3767. <returns>A new proxy with the specified timeout.</returns>
  3768. </member>
  3769. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_connectionId(System.String)">
  3770. <summary>
  3771. Creates a new proxy that is identical to this proxy, except for its connection ID.
  3772. </summary>
  3773. <param name="connectionId">The connection ID for the new proxy. An empty string removes the
  3774. connection ID.</param>
  3775. <returns>A new proxy with the specified connection ID.</returns>
  3776. </member>
  3777. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_getConnectionId">
  3778. <summary>
  3779. Returns the connection id of this proxy.
  3780. </summary>
  3781. <returns>The connection id.</returns>
  3782. </member>
  3783. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_getConnection">
  3784. <summary>
  3785. Returns the Connection for this proxy. If the proxy does not yet have an established connection,
  3786. it first attempts to create a connection.
  3787. </summary>
  3788. <returns>The Connection for this proxy.</returns>
  3789. <exception name="CollocationOptimizationException">If the proxy uses collocation optimization and denotes a
  3790. collocated object.</exception>
  3791. </member>
  3792. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_getCachedConnection">
  3793. <summary>
  3794. Returns the cached Connection for this proxy. If the proxy does not yet have an established
  3795. connection, it does not attempt to create a connection.
  3796. </summary>
  3797. <returns>The cached Connection for this proxy (null if the proxy does not have
  3798. an established connection).</returns>
  3799. <exception name="CollocationOptimizationException">If the proxy uses collocation optimization and denotes a
  3800. collocated object.</exception>
  3801. </member>
  3802. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.ice_flushBatchRequests">
  3803. <summary>
  3804. Flushes any pending batched requests for this communicator. The call blocks until the flush is complete.
  3805. </summary>
  3806. </member>
  3807. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.Equals(System.Object)">
  3808. <summary>
  3809. Returns whether this proxy equals the passed object. Two proxies are equal if they are equal in all
  3810. respects, that is, if their object identity, endpoints timeout settings, and so on are all equal.
  3811. </summary>
  3812. <param name="r">The object to compare this proxy with.</param>
  3813. <returns>True if this proxy is equal to r; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3814. </member>
  3815. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.Equals(Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase,Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase)">
  3816. <summary>
  3817. Returns whether two proxies are equal. Two proxies are equal if they are equal in all
  3818. respects, that is, if their object identity, endpoints timeout settings, and so on are all equal.
  3819. </summary>
  3820. <param name="lhs">A proxy to compare with the proxy rhs.</param>
  3821. <param name="rhs">A proxy to compare with the proxy lhs.</param>
  3822. <returns>True if the proxies are equal; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3823. </member>
  3824. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.op_Equality(Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase,Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase)">
  3825. <summary>
  3826. Returns whether two proxies are equal. Two proxies are equal if they are equal in all
  3827. respects, that is, if their object identity, endpoints timeout settings, and so on are all equal.
  3828. </summary>
  3829. <param name="lhs">A proxy to compare with the proxy rhs.</param>
  3830. <param name="rhs">A proxy to compare with the proxy lhs.</param>
  3831. <returns>True if the proxies are equal; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3832. </member>
  3833. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase.op_Inequality(Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase,Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase)">
  3834. <summary>
  3835. Returns whether two proxies are not equal. Two proxies are equal if they are equal in all
  3836. respects, that is, if their object identity, endpoints timeout settings, and so on are all equal.
  3837. </summary>
  3838. <param name="lhs">A proxy to compare with the proxy rhs.</param>
  3839. <param name="rhs">A proxy to compare with the proxy lhs.</param>
  3840. <returns>True if the proxies are not equal; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3841. </member>
  3842. <member name="T:Ice.ObjectPrxHelper">
  3843. <summary>
  3844. Base class for all proxy helpers.
  3845. </summary>
  3846. </member>
  3847. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelper.checkedCast(Ice.ObjectPrx)">
  3848. <summary>
  3849. Casts a proxy to {@link ObjectPrx}. This call contacts
  3850. the server and will throw an Ice run-time exception if the target
  3851. object does not exist or the server cannot be reached.
  3852. </summary>
  3853. <param name="b">The proxy to cast to ObjectPrx.</param>
  3854. <returns>b.</returns>
  3855. </member>
  3856. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelper.checkedCast(Ice.ObjectPrx,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  3857. <summary>
  3858. Casts a proxy to {@link ObjectPrx}. This call contacts
  3859. the server and throws an Ice run-time exception if the target
  3860. object does not exist or the server cannot be reached.
  3861. </summary>
  3862. <param name="b">The proxy to cast to ObjectPrx.</param>
  3863. <param name="ctx">The Context map for the invocation.</param>
  3864. <returns>b.</returns>
  3865. </member>
  3866. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelper.checkedCast(Ice.ObjectPrx,System.String)">
  3867. <summary>
  3868. Creates a new proxy that is identical to the passed proxy, except
  3869. for its facet. This call contacts
  3870. the server and throws an Ice run-time exception if the target
  3871. object does not exist, the specified facet does not exist, or the server cannot be reached.
  3872. </summary>
  3873. <param name="b">The proxy to cast to ObjectPrx.</param>
  3874. <param name="f">The facet for the new proxy.</param>
  3875. <returns>The new proxy with the specified facet.</returns>
  3876. </member>
  3877. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelper.checkedCast(Ice.ObjectPrx,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  3878. <summary>
  3879. Creates a new proxy that is identical to the passed proxy, except
  3880. for its facet. This call contacts
  3881. the server and throws an Ice run-time exception if the target
  3882. object does not exist, the specified facet does not exist, or the server cannot be reached.
  3883. </summary>
  3884. <param name="b">The proxy to cast to ObjectPrx.</param>
  3885. <param name="f">The facet for the new proxy.</param>
  3886. <param name="ctx">The Context map for the invocation.</param>
  3887. <returns>The new proxy with the specified facet.</returns>
  3888. </member>
  3889. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(Ice.ObjectPrx)">
  3890. <summary>
  3891. Casts a proxy to {@link ObjectPrx}. This call does
  3892. not contact the server and always succeeds.
  3893. </summary>
  3894. <param name="b">The proxy to cast to ObjectPrx.</param>
  3895. <returns>b.</returns>
  3896. </member>
  3897. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(Ice.ObjectPrx,System.String)">
  3898. <summary>
  3899. Creates a new proxy that is identical to the passed proxy, except
  3900. for its facet. This call does not contact the server and always succeeds.
  3901. </summary>
  3902. <param name="b">The proxy to cast to ObjectPrx.</param>
  3903. <param name="f">The facet for the new proxy.</param>
  3904. <returns>The new proxy with the specified facet.</returns>
  3905. </member>
  3906. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectPrxHelper.ice_staticId">
  3907. <summary>
  3908. Returns the Slice type id of the interface or class associated
  3909. with this proxy class.
  3910. </summary>
  3911. <returns>The type id, "::Ice::Object".</returns>
  3912. </member>
  3913. <member name="T:Ice.ProxyIdentityKey">
  3914. <summary>
  3915. This class allows a proxy to be used as the key for a hashed collection.
  3916. The GetHashCode, Equals, and Compare methods are based on the object identity
  3917. of the proxy.
  3918. </summary>
  3919. </member>
  3920. <member name="M:Ice.ProxyIdentityKey.GetHashCode(System.Object)">
  3921. <summary>
  3922. Computes a hash value based on the object identity of the proxy.
  3923. </summary>
  3924. <param name="obj">The proxy whose hash value to compute.</param>
  3925. <returns>The hash value for the proxy based on the identity.</returns>
  3926. </member>
  3927. <member name="M:Ice.ProxyIdentityKey.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)">
  3928. Compares two proxies for equality.
  3929. <param name="obj1">A proxy to compare.</param>
  3930. <param name="obj2">A proxy to compare.</param>
  3931. <returns>True if the passed proxies have the same object
  3932. identity; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3933. </member>
  3934. <member name="M:Ice.ProxyIdentityKey.Compare(System.Object,System.Object)">
  3935. Compares two proxies using the object identity for comparison.
  3936. <param name="obj1">A proxy to compare.</param>
  3937. <param name="obj2">A proxy to compare.</param>
  3938. <returns>&lt; 0 if obj1 is less than obj2; &gt; 0 if obj1 is greater than obj2;
  3939. 0, otherwise.</returns>
  3940. </member>
  3941. <member name="T:Ice.ProxyIdentityFacetKey">
  3942. <summary>
  3943. This class allows a proxy to be used as the key for a hashed collection.
  3944. The GetHashCode, Equals, and Compare methods are based on the object identity and
  3945. the facet of the proxy.
  3946. </summary>
  3947. </member>
  3948. <member name="M:Ice.ProxyIdentityFacetKey.GetHashCode(System.Object)">
  3949. <summary>
  3950. Computes a hash value based on the object identity and facet of the proxy.
  3951. </summary>
  3952. <param name="obj">The proxy whose hash value to compute.</param>
  3953. <returns>The hash value for the proxy based on the identity and facet.</returns>
  3954. </member>
  3955. <member name="M:Ice.ProxyIdentityFacetKey.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)">
  3956. Compares two proxies for equality.
  3957. <param name="obj1">A proxy to compare.</param>
  3958. <param name="obj2">A proxy to compare.</param>
  3959. <returns>True if the passed proxies have the same object
  3960. identity and facet; false, otherwise.</returns>
  3961. </member>
  3962. <member name="M:Ice.ProxyIdentityFacetKey.Compare(System.Object,System.Object)">
  3963. Compares two proxies using the object identity and facet for comparison.
  3964. <param name="obj1">A proxy to compare.</param>
  3965. <param name="obj2">A proxy to compare.</param>
  3966. <returns>&lt; 0 if obj1 is less than obj2; &gt; 0 if obj1 is greater than obj2;
  3967. 0, otherwise.</returns>
  3968. </member>
  3969. <member name="T:Ice.SlicedData">
  3970. <summary>
  3971. SlicedData holds the slices of unknown class or exception types.
  3972. </summary>
  3973. </member>
  3974. <member name="F:Ice.SlicedData.slices">
  3975. The details of each slice, in order of most-derived to least-derived.
  3976. </member>
  3977. <member name="T:Ice.SliceInfo">
  3978. <summary>
  3979. SliceInfo encapsulates the details of a slice for an unknown class or exception type.
  3980. </summary>
  3981. </member>
  3982. <member name="F:Ice.SliceInfo.typeId">
  3983. <summary>
  3984. The Slice type ID for this slice.
  3985. </summary>
  3986. </member>
  3987. <member name="F:Ice.SliceInfo.compactId">
  3988. <summary>
  3989. The Slice compact type ID for this slice.
  3990. </summary>
  3991. </member>
  3992. <member name="F:Ice.SliceInfo.bytes">
  3993. <summary>
  3994. The encoded bytes for this slice, including the leading size integer.
  3995. </summary>
  3996. </member>
  3997. <member name="F:Ice.SliceInfo.objects">
  3998. <summary>
  3999. The Ice objects referenced by this slice.
  4000. </summary>
  4001. </member>
  4002. <member name="F:Ice.SliceInfo.hasOptionalMembers">
  4003. <summary>
  4004. Whether or not the slice contains optional members.
  4005. </summary>
  4006. </member>
  4007. <member name="F:Ice.SliceInfo.isLastSlice">
  4008. <summary>
  4009. Whether or not this is the last slice.
  4010. </summary>
  4011. </member>
  4012. <member name="T:Ice.InputStream">
  4013. <summary>
  4014. Interface for input streams used to extract Slice types from a sequence of bytes.
  4015. </summary>
  4016. </member>
  4017. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.communicator">
  4018. <summary>
  4019. Returns the communicator for this input stream.
  4020. </summary>
  4021. <returns>The communicator.</returns>
  4022. </member>
  4023. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.sliceObjects(System.Boolean)">
  4024. <summary>
  4025. Determines the behavior of the stream when extracting Slice objects.
  4026. A Slice object is "sliced" when a factory cannot be found for a Slice type ID.
  4027. </summary>
  4028. <param name="slice">If true (the default), slicing is enabled; if false,
  4029. slicing is disabled. If slicing is disabled and the stream encounters a Slice type ID
  4030. during decoding for which no object factory is installed, it raises NoObjectFactoryException.</param>
  4031. </member>
  4032. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readBool">
  4033. <summary>
  4034. Extracts a boolean value from the stream.
  4035. </summary>
  4036. <returns>The extracted boolean.</returns>
  4037. </member>
  4038. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readBoolSeq">
  4039. <summary>
  4040. Extracts a sequence of boolean values from the stream.
  4041. </summary>
  4042. <returns>The extracted boolean sequence.</returns>
  4043. </member>
  4044. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readByte">
  4045. <summary>
  4046. Extracts a byte value from the stream.
  4047. </summary>
  4048. <returns>The extracted byte.</returns>
  4049. </member>
  4050. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readByteSeq">
  4051. <summary>
  4052. Extracts a sequence of byte values from the stream.
  4053. </summary>
  4054. <returns>The extracted byte sequence.</returns>
  4055. </member>
  4056. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readSerializable">
  4057. <summary>
  4058. Extracts a serializable .NET object from the stream.
  4059. </summary>
  4060. <returns>The deserialized .NET object.</returns>
  4061. </member>
  4062. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readShort">
  4063. <summary>
  4064. Extracts a short value from the stream.
  4065. </summary>
  4066. <returns>The extracted short value.</returns>
  4067. </member>
  4068. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readShortSeq">
  4069. <summary>
  4070. Extracts a sequence of short values from the stream.
  4071. </summary>
  4072. <returns>The extracted short sequence.</returns>
  4073. </member>
  4074. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readInt">
  4075. <summary>
  4076. Extracts an integer value from the stream.
  4077. </summary>
  4078. <returns>The extracted integer value.</returns>
  4079. </member>
  4080. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readIntSeq">
  4081. <summary>
  4082. Extracts a sequence of integer values from the stream.
  4083. </summary>
  4084. <returns>The extracted integer sequence.</returns>
  4085. </member>
  4086. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readLong">
  4087. <summary>
  4088. Extracts a long value from the stream.
  4089. </summary>
  4090. <returns>The extracted long value.</returns>
  4091. </member>
  4092. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readLongSeq">
  4093. <summary>
  4094. Extracts a sequence of long values from the stream.
  4095. </summary>
  4096. <returns>The extracted long sequence.</returns>
  4097. </member>
  4098. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readFloat">
  4099. <summary>
  4100. Extracts a float value from the stream.
  4101. </summary>
  4102. <returns>The extracted float value.</returns>
  4103. </member>
  4104. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readFloatSeq">
  4105. <summary>
  4106. Extracts a sequence of float values from the stream.
  4107. </summary>
  4108. <returns>The extracted float sequence.</returns>
  4109. </member>
  4110. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readDouble">
  4111. <summary>
  4112. Extracts a double value from the stream.
  4113. </summary>
  4114. <returns>The extracted double value.</returns>
  4115. </member>
  4116. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readDoubleSeq">
  4117. <summary>
  4118. Extracts a sequence of double values from the stream.
  4119. </summary>
  4120. <returns>The extracted double sequence.</returns>
  4121. </member>
  4122. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readString">
  4123. <summary>
  4124. Extracts a string from the stream.
  4125. </summary>
  4126. <returns>The extracted double value.</returns>
  4127. </member>
  4128. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readStringSeq">
  4129. <summary>
  4130. Extracts a sequence of strings from the stream.
  4131. </summary>
  4132. <returns>The extracted string sequence.</returns>
  4133. </member>
  4134. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readSize">
  4135. <summary>
  4136. Extracts a size from the stream.
  4137. </summary>
  4138. <returns>The extracted size.</returns>
  4139. </member>
  4140. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readAndCheckSeqSize(System.Int32)">
  4141. <summary>
  4142. Extracts and check a sequence size from the stream. The check ensures not too much memory will
  4143. be pre-allocated for the sequence.
  4144. </summary>
  4145. <param name="minSize">The minimum size of an element of the sequence.</param>
  4146. <returns>The extracted size.</returns>
  4147. </member>
  4148. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readProxy">
  4149. <summary>
  4150. Extracts a proxy from the stream.
  4151. </summary>
  4152. <returns>The extracted proxy.</returns>
  4153. </member>
  4154. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readObject(Ice.ReadObjectCallback)">
  4155. <summary>
  4156. Extracts the index of a Slice class from the stream.
  4157. </summary>
  4158. <param name="cb">The callback to notify the application when the extracted instance is available.
  4159. The Ice run time extracts Slice classes in stages. The Ice run time calls ReadObjectCallback.invoke
  4160. when the corresponding instance has been fully unmarshaled.</param>
  4161. </member>
  4162. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readEnum(System.Int32)">
  4163. <summary>
  4164. Read an enumerated value.
  4165. </summary>
  4166. <param name="maxValue">The maximum enumerator value in the definition.</param>
  4167. <returns>The enumerator.</returns>
  4168. </member>
  4169. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.throwException">
  4170. <summary>
  4171. Extracts a user exception from the stream and throws it.
  4172. </summary>
  4173. </member>
  4174. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.throwException(Ice.UserExceptionReaderFactory)">
  4175. <summary>
  4176. Extracts a user exception from the stream and throws it.
  4177. Extracts a user exception from the stream and throws it, using the supplied
  4178. factory to instantiate a UserExceptionReader.
  4179. </summary>
  4180. <param name="factory">A factory that creates UserExceptionReader instances.</param>
  4181. </member>
  4182. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.startObject">
  4183. <summary>
  4184. Marks the start of an Ice object.
  4185. </summary>
  4186. </member>
  4187. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.endObject(System.Boolean)">
  4188. <summary>
  4189. Marks the end of an Ice object.
  4190. </summary>
  4191. <param name="preserve">True if unknown slices should be preserved, false otherwise.</param>
  4192. <returns>A SlicedData object containing the preserved slices for unknown types.</returns>
  4193. </member>
  4194. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.startException">
  4195. <summary>
  4196. Marks the start of a user exception.
  4197. </summary>
  4198. </member>
  4199. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.endException(System.Boolean)">
  4200. <summary>
  4201. Marks the end of a user exception.
  4202. </summary>
  4203. <param name="preserve">True if unknown slices should be preserved, false otherwise.</param>
  4204. <returns>A SlicedData object containing the preserved slices for unknown types.</returns>
  4205. </member>
  4206. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.startSlice">
  4207. <summary>
  4208. Reads the start of an object or exception slice.
  4209. </summary>
  4210. <returns>The Slice type ID for this slice.</returns>
  4211. </member>
  4212. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.endSlice">
  4213. <summary>
  4214. Indicates that the end of an object or exception slice has been reached.
  4215. </summary>
  4216. </member>
  4217. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.skipSlice">
  4218. <summary>
  4219. Skips over an object or exception slice.
  4220. </summary>
  4221. </member>
  4222. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.startEncapsulation">
  4223. <summary>
  4224. Reads the start of an encapsulation.
  4225. </summary>
  4226. <returns>The encapsulation encoding version.</returns>
  4227. </member>
  4228. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.endEncapsulation">
  4229. <summary>
  4230. Indicates that the end of an encapsulation has been reached.
  4231. </summary>
  4232. </member>
  4233. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.skipEncapsulation">
  4234. <summary>
  4235. Skips over an encapsulation.
  4236. </summary>
  4237. <returns>The encapsulation encoding version.</returns>
  4238. </member>
  4239. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.getEncoding">
  4240. <summary>
  4241. Determines the current encoding version.
  4242. </summary>
  4243. <returns>The encoding version.</returns>
  4244. </member>
  4245. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readPendingObjects">
  4246. <summary>
  4247. Indicates that unmarshaling is complete, except for any Slice objects. The application must
  4248. call this method only if the stream actually contains Slice objects. Calling readPendingObjects
  4249. triggers the calls to ReadObjectCallback.invoke that inform the application that unmarshaling
  4250. of a Slice object is complete.
  4251. </summary>
  4252. </member>
  4253. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.rewind">
  4254. <summary>
  4255. Resets the read position of the stream to the beginning.
  4256. </summary>
  4257. </member>
  4258. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.skip(System.Int32)">
  4259. <summary>
  4260. Skips ahead in the stream.
  4261. </summary>
  4262. <param name="sz">The number of bytes to skip.</param>
  4263. </member>
  4264. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.skipSize">
  4265. <summary>
  4266. Skips over a size value.
  4267. </summary>
  4268. </member>
  4269. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.readOptional(System.Int32,Ice.OptionalFormat)">
  4270. <summary>
  4271. Determine if an optional value is available for reading.
  4272. </summary>
  4273. <param name="tag">The tag associated with the value.</param>
  4274. <param name="format">The optional format for the value.</param>
  4275. <returns>True if the value is present, false otherwise.</returns>
  4276. </member>
  4277. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.pos">
  4278. <summary>
  4279. Determine the current position in the stream.
  4280. </summary>
  4281. <returns>The current position.</returns>
  4282. </member>
  4283. <member name="M:Ice.InputStream.destroy">
  4284. <summary>
  4285. Destroys the stream and its associated resources. The application must call destroy prior
  4286. to releasing the last reference to a stream; failure to do so may result in resource leaks.
  4287. </summary>
  4288. </member>
  4289. <member name="T:Ice.OutputStream">
  4290. <summary>
  4291. Interface for output streams used to write Slice types to a sequence
  4292. of bytes.
  4293. </summary>
  4294. </member>
  4295. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.communicator">
  4296. <summary>
  4297. Returns the communicator for this output stream.
  4298. </summary>
  4299. </member>
  4300. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeBool(System.Boolean)">
  4301. <summary>
  4302. Writes a boolean to the stream.
  4303. </summary>
  4304. <param name="v">The boolean to write to the stream.</param>
  4305. </member>
  4306. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeBoolSeq(System.Boolean[])">
  4307. <summary>
  4308. Writes a sequence of booleans to the stream.
  4309. </summary>
  4310. <param name="v">The sequence of booleans to write.
  4311. Passing null causes an empty sequence to be written to the stream.</param>
  4312. </member>
  4313. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeByte(System.Byte)">
  4314. <summary>
  4315. Writes a byte to the stream.
  4316. </summary>
  4317. <param name="v">The byte to write to the stream.</param>
  4318. </member>
  4319. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeByteSeq(System.Byte[])">
  4320. <summary>
  4321. Writes a sequence of bytes to the stream.
  4322. </summary>
  4323. <param name="v">The sequence of bytes to write.
  4324. Passing null causes an empty sequence to be written to the stream.</param>
  4325. </member>
  4326. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeSerializable(System.Object)">
  4327. <summary>
  4328. Writes a serializable .NET object to the stream.
  4329. </summary>
  4330. <param name="v">The serializable object to write.</param>
  4331. </member>
  4332. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeShort(System.Int16)">
  4333. <summary>
  4334. Writes a short to the stream.
  4335. </summary>
  4336. <param name="v">The short to write to the stream.</param>
  4337. </member>
  4338. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeShortSeq(System.Int16[])">
  4339. <summary>
  4340. Writes a sequence of shorts to the stream.
  4341. </summary>
  4342. <param name="v">The sequence of shorts to write.
  4343. Passing null causes an empty sequence to be written to the stream.</param>
  4344. </member>
  4345. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeInt(System.Int32)">
  4346. <summary>
  4347. Writes an integer to the stream.
  4348. </summary>
  4349. <param name="v">The integer to write to the stream.</param>
  4350. </member>
  4351. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeIntSeq(System.Int32[])">
  4352. <summary>
  4353. Writes a sequence of integers to the stream.
  4354. </summary>
  4355. <param name="v">The sequence of integers to write.
  4356. Passing null causes an empty sequence to be written to the stream.</param>
  4357. </member>
  4358. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeLong(System.Int64)">
  4359. <summary>
  4360. Writes a long to the stream.
  4361. </summary>
  4362. <param name="v">The long to write to the stream.</param>
  4363. </member>
  4364. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeLongSeq(System.Int64[])">
  4365. <summary>
  4366. Writes a sequence of longs to the stream.
  4367. </summary>
  4368. <param name="v">The sequence of longs to write.
  4369. Passing null causes an empty sequence to be written to the stream.</param>
  4370. </member>
  4371. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeFloat(System.Single)">
  4372. <summary>
  4373. Writes a float to the stream.
  4374. </summary>
  4375. <param name="v">The float to write to the stream.</param>
  4376. </member>
  4377. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeFloatSeq(System.Single[])">
  4378. <summary>
  4379. Writes a sequence of floats to the stream.
  4380. </summary>
  4381. <param name="v">The sequence of floats to write.
  4382. Passing null causes an empty sequence to be written to the stream.</param>
  4383. </member>
  4384. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeDouble(System.Double)">
  4385. <summary>
  4386. Writes a double to the stream.
  4387. </summary>
  4388. <param name="v">The double to write to the stream.</param>
  4389. </member>
  4390. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeDoubleSeq(System.Double[])">
  4391. <summary>
  4392. Writes a sequence of doubles to the stream.
  4393. </summary>
  4394. <param name="v">The sequence of doubles to write.
  4395. Passing null causes an empty sequence to be written to the stream.</param>
  4396. </member>
  4397. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeString(System.String)">
  4398. <summary>
  4399. Writes a string to the stream.
  4400. </summary>
  4401. <param name="v">The string to write to the stream.
  4402. Passing null causes an empty string to be written to the stream.</param>
  4403. </member>
  4404. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeStringSeq(System.String[])">
  4405. <summary>
  4406. Writes a sequence of strings to the stream.
  4407. </summary>
  4408. <param name="v">The sequence of strings to write.
  4409. Passing null causes an empty sequence to be written to the stream.</param>
  4410. </member>
  4411. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeSize(System.Int32)">
  4412. <summary>
  4413. Writes a size to the stream.
  4414. </summary>
  4415. <param name="sz">The size to write.</param>
  4416. </member>
  4417. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeProxy(Ice.ObjectPrx)">
  4418. <summary>
  4419. Writes a proxy to the stream.
  4420. </summary>
  4421. <param name="v">The proxy to write.</param>
  4422. </member>
  4423. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeObject(Ice.Object)">
  4424. <summary>
  4425. Writes a Slice class to the stream.
  4426. </summary>
  4427. <param name="v">The class to write. This method writes the index of a Slice class; the state of the
  4428. class is written once writePendingObjects is called.</param>
  4429. </member>
  4430. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeEnum(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  4431. <summary>
  4432. Write an enumerated value.
  4433. </summary>
  4434. <param name="v">The enumerator.</param>
  4435. <param name="limit">The number of enumerators in the definition.</param>
  4436. </member>
  4437. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeException(Ice.UserException)">
  4438. <summary>
  4439. Writes a user exception to the stream.
  4440. </summary>
  4441. <param name="ex">The user exception to write.</param>
  4442. </member>
  4443. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.startObject(Ice.SlicedData)">
  4444. <summary>
  4445. Marks the start of an Ice object.
  4446. </summary>
  4447. <param name="slicedData">Preserved slices for this object, or null.</param>
  4448. </member>
  4449. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.endObject">
  4450. <summary>
  4451. Marks the end of an Ice object.
  4452. </summary>
  4453. </member>
  4454. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.startException(Ice.SlicedData)">
  4455. <summary>
  4456. Marks the start of a user exception.
  4457. </summary>
  4458. <param name="slicedData">Preserved slices for this object, or null.</param>
  4459. </member>
  4460. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.endException">
  4461. <summary>
  4462. Marks the end of a user exception.
  4463. </summary>
  4464. </member>
  4465. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.startSlice(System.String,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  4466. <summary>
  4467. Marks the start of a new slice for an Ice object or user exception.
  4468. </summary>
  4469. <param name="typeId">The Slice type ID corresponding to this slice.</param>
  4470. <param name="compactId">The Slice compact type ID corresponding to this slice.</param>
  4471. <param name="last">True if this is the last slice, false otherwise.</param>
  4472. </member>
  4473. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.endSlice">
  4474. <summary>
  4475. Marks the end of a slice for an Ice object or user exception.
  4476. </summary>
  4477. </member>
  4478. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.startEncapsulation(Ice.EncodingVersion,Ice.FormatType)">
  4479. <summary>
  4480. Writes the start of an encapsulation to the stream.
  4481. </summary>
  4482. <param name="encoding">The encoding version of the encapsulation.</param>
  4483. <param name="format">The format to use for encoding objects and user exceptions.</param>
  4484. </member>
  4485. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.startEncapsulation">
  4486. <summary>
  4487. Writes the start of an encapsulation to the stream.
  4488. </summary>
  4489. </member>
  4490. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.endEncapsulation">
  4491. <summary>
  4492. Ends the previous encapsulation.
  4493. </summary>
  4494. </member>
  4495. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.getEncoding">
  4496. <summary>
  4497. Determines the current encoding version.
  4498. </summary>
  4499. <returns>The encoding version.</returns>
  4500. </member>
  4501. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writePendingObjects">
  4502. <summary>
  4503. Writes the state of Slice classes whose index was previously
  4504. written with writeObject to the stream.
  4505. </summary>
  4506. </member>
  4507. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.writeOptional(System.Int32,Ice.OptionalFormat)">
  4508. <summary>
  4509. Write the header information for an optional value.
  4510. </summary>
  4511. <param name="tag">The numeric tag associated with the value.</param>
  4512. <param name="format">The optional format of the value.</param>
  4513. <returns>True if the optional should be written, false otherwise.</returns>
  4514. </member>
  4515. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.pos">
  4516. <summary>
  4517. Determines the current position in the stream.
  4518. </summary>
  4519. <returns>The current position.</returns>
  4520. </member>
  4521. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.rewrite(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  4522. <summary>
  4523. Inserts a fixed 32-bit size value into the stream at the given position.
  4524. </summary>
  4525. <param name="sz">The 32-bit size value.</param>
  4526. <param name="pos">The position at which to write the value.</param>
  4527. </member>
  4528. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.startSize">
  4529. <summary>
  4530. Returns the current position and allocates four bytes for a fixed-length (32-bit)
  4531. size value.
  4532. </summary>
  4533. <returns>The current position.</returns>
  4534. </member>
  4535. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.endSize(System.Int32)">
  4536. <summary>
  4537. Computes the amount of data written since the previous call to startSize and
  4538. writes that value at the saved position.
  4539. </summary>
  4540. <param name="pos">The saved position at which to write the size.</param>
  4541. </member>
  4542. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.finished">
  4543. <summary>
  4544. Indicates that the marshaling of a request or reply is finished.
  4545. </summary>
  4546. <returns>The byte sequence containing the encoded request or reply.</returns>
  4547. </member>
  4548. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.reset(System.Boolean)">
  4549. <summary>
  4550. Resets this output stream. This method allows the stream to be reused, to avoid creating
  4551. unnecessary garbage.
  4552. </summary>
  4553. <param name="clearBuffer">If true, the stream's internal buffer becomes eligible for
  4554. garbage collection; if false, the stream's internal buffer is retained, to avoid
  4555. creating unnecessary garbage. If retained, the internal buffer may be resized to a smaller
  4556. capacity. Either way, reset resets the stream's writing position to zero.</param>
  4557. </member>
  4558. <member name="M:Ice.OutputStream.destroy">
  4559. <summary>
  4560. Destroys the stream and its associated resources. The application must call destroy prior
  4561. to releasing the last reference to a stream; failure to do so may result in resource leaks.
  4562. </summary>
  4563. </member>
  4564. <member name="T:Ice.ObjectReader">
  4565. <summary>
  4566. Base class for extracting objects from an input stream.
  4567. </summary>
  4568. </member>
  4569. <member name="">
  4570. <summary>
  4571. Read the object's data members.
  4572. </summary>
  4573. <param name="inStream">The input stream to read from.</param>
  4574. </member>
  4575. <member name="T:Ice.ObjectWriter">
  4576. <summary>
  4577. Base class for writing objects to an output stream.
  4578. </summary>
  4579. </member>
  4580. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectWriter.write(Ice.OutputStream)">
  4581. <summary>
  4582. Writes the state of this Slice class to an output stream.
  4583. </summary>
  4584. <param name="outStream">The stream to write to.</param>
  4585. </member>
  4586. <member name="T:Ice.ThreadHookPlugin">
  4587. <summary>
  4588. Class to support thread notification hooks. Applications using
  4589. thread notification hooks instantiate a ThreadHookPlugin with a
  4590. thread notification hook and return the instance from their
  4591. PluginFactory implementation.
  4592. </summary>
  4593. </member>
  4594. <member name="M:Ice.ThreadHookPlugin.#ctor(Ice.Communicator,Ice.ThreadNotification)">
  4595. <summary>
  4596. Installs a custom logger for a communicator.
  4597. </summary>
  4598. <param name="communicator">The communicator using the thread notification hook.</param>
  4599. <param name="threadHook">The thread notification hook for the communicator.</param>
  4600. </member>
  4601. <member name="M:Ice.ThreadHookPlugin.initialize">
  4602. <summary>
  4603. Called by the Ice run time during communicator initialization. The derived class
  4604. can override this method to perform any initialization that might be required
  4605. by the thread notification hook.
  4606. </summary>
  4607. </member>
  4608. <member name="M:Ice.ThreadHookPlugin.destroy">
  4609. <summary>
  4610. Called by the Ice run time when the communicator is destroyed. The derived class
  4611. can override this method to perform any finalization that might be required
  4612. by thread notification hook.
  4613. </summary>
  4614. </member>
  4615. <member name="T:Ice.TieBase">
  4616. <summary>
  4617. Interface for servants using the tie mapping.
  4618. </summary>
  4619. </member>
  4620. <member name="M:Ice.TieBase.ice_delegate">
  4621. <summary>
  4622. Returns the delegate for this tie.
  4623. </summary>
  4624. <returns>The delegate.</returns>
  4625. </member>
  4626. <member name="M:Ice.TieBase.ice_delegate(System.Object)">
  4627. <summary>
  4628. Returns the delegate for this tie.
  4629. </summary>
  4630. <param name="o">The delegate.</param>
  4631. </member>
  4632. <member name="T:Ice.UnknownSlicedObject">
  4633. <summary>
  4634. Unknown sliced object holds an instance of unknown type.
  4635. </summary>
  4636. </member>
  4637. <member name="M:Ice.UnknownSlicedObject.#ctor(System.String)">
  4638. <summary>
  4639. Instantiates the class for an Ice object having the given Slice type.
  4640. </summary>
  4641. <param name="unknownTypeId">The Slice type ID of the unknown object.</param>
  4642. </member>
  4643. <member name="M:Ice.UnknownSlicedObject.getUnknownTypeId">
  4644. <summary>
  4645. Determine the Slice type ID associated with this object.
  4646. </summary>
  4647. <returns>The type ID.</returns>
  4648. </member>
  4649. <member name="T:Ice.ThreadNotification">
  4650. <summary>
  4651. Interface for thread notification hooks. Applications can derive
  4652. a class tat implements the start and stop
  4653. methods to intercept creation and destruction of threads created
  4654. by the Ice run time.
  4655. </summary>
  4656. </member>
  4657. <member name="M:Ice.ThreadNotification.start">
  4658. <summary>
  4659. The Ice run time calls start for each new
  4660. thread it creates. The call is made by the newly-started thread.
  4661. </summary>
  4662. </member>
  4663. <member name="M:Ice.ThreadNotification.stop">
  4664. <summary>
  4665. The Ice run time calls stop before it destroys
  4666. a thread. The call is made by thread that is about to be
  4667. destroyed.
  4668. </summary>
  4669. </member>
  4670. <member name="T:Ice.Dispatcher">
  4671. <summary>
  4672. A delegate for the dispatcher. The dispatcher is called by the Ice
  4673. runtime to dispatch servant calls and AMI callbacks.
  4674. </summary>
  4675. </member>
  4676. <member name="T:Ice.CompactIdResolver">
  4677. <summary>
  4678. Applications that make use of compact type IDs to conserve space
  4679. when marshaling class instances, and also use the streaming API to
  4680. extract such classes, can intercept the translation between compact
  4681. type IDs and their corresponding string type IDs by installing an
  4682. instance of CompactIdResolver in InitializationData.
  4683. </summary>
  4684. </member>
  4685. <member name="T:Ice.InitializationData">
  4686. <summary>
  4687. A class that encpasulates data to initialize a communicator.
  4688. </summary>
  4689. </member>
  4690. <member name="M:Ice.InitializationData.Clone">
  4691. <summary>
  4692. Creates and returns a copy of this object.
  4693. </summary>
  4694. </member>
  4695. <member name="">
  4696. <summary>
  4697. The properties for the communicator.
  4698. </summary>
  4699. </member>
  4700. <member name="F:Ice.InitializationData.logger">
  4701. <summary>
  4702. The logger for the communicator.
  4703. </summary>
  4704. </member>
  4705. <member name="">
  4706. <summary>
  4707. The communicator observer used by the Ice run-time.
  4708. </summary>
  4709. </member>
  4710. <member name="F:Ice.InitializationData.threadHook">
  4711. <summary>
  4712. The thread hook for the communicator.
  4713. </summary>
  4714. </member>
  4715. <member name="F:Ice.InitializationData.dispatcher">
  4716. <summary>
  4717. The dispatcher for the communicator.
  4718. </summary>
  4719. </member>
  4720. <member name="F:Ice.InitializationData.compactIdResolver">
  4721. <summary>
  4722. The compact type ID resolver.
  4723. </summary>
  4724. </member>
  4725. <member name="F:Ice.InitializationData.batchRequestInterceptor">
  4726. <summary>
  4727. The batch request interceptor.
  4728. </summary>
  4729. </member>
  4730. <member name="T:Ice.Util">
  4731. <summary>
  4732. Utility methods for the Ice run time.
  4733. </summary>
  4734. </member>
  4735. <member name="M:Ice.Util.createProperties">
  4736. <summary>
  4737. Creates a new empty property set.
  4738. </summary>
  4739. <returns>A new empty property set.</returns>
  4740. </member>
  4741. <member name="M:Ice.Util.createProperties(System.String[]@)">
  4742. <summary>
  4743. Creates a property set initialized from an argument vector.
  4744. </summary>
  4745. <param name="args">A command-line argument vector, possibly containing
  4746. options to set properties. If the command-line options include
  4747. a --Ice.Config option, the corresponding configuration
  4748. files are parsed. If the same property is set in a configuration
  4749. file and in the argument vector, the argument vector takes precedence.
  4750. This method modifies the argument vector by removing any Ice-related options.</param>
  4751. <returns>A property set initialized with the property settings
  4752. that were removed from args.</returns>
  4753. </member>
  4754. <member name="M:Ice.Util.createProperties(System.String[]@,Ice.Properties)">
  4755. <summary>
  4756. Creates a property set initialized from an argument vector.
  4757. </summary>
  4758. <param name="args">A command-line argument vector, possibly containing
  4759. options to set properties. If the command-line options include
  4760. a --Ice.Config option, the corresponding configuration
  4761. files are parsed. If the same property is set in a configuration
  4762. file and in the argument vector, the argument vector takes precedence.
  4763. This method modifies the argument vector by removing any Ice-related options.</param>
  4764. <param name="defaults">Default values for the property set. Settings in configuration
  4765. files and args override these defaults.</param>
  4766. <returns>A property set initialized with the property settings
  4767. that were removed from args.</returns>
  4768. </member>
  4769. <member name="M:Ice.Util.initialize(System.String[]@)">
  4770. <summary>
  4771. Creates a communicator.
  4772. </summary>
  4773. <param name="args">A command-line argument vector. Any Ice-related options
  4774. in this vector are used to intialize the communicator.
  4775. This method modifies the argument vector by removing any Ice-related options.</param>
  4776. <returns>The initialized communicator.</returns>
  4777. </member>
  4778. <member name="M:Ice.Util.initialize(System.String[]@,Ice.InitializationData)">
  4779. <summary>
  4780. Creates a communicator.
  4781. </summary>
  4782. <param name="args">A command-line argument vector. Any Ice-related options
  4783. in this vector are used to intialize the communicator.
  4784. This method modifies the argument vector by removing any Ice-related options.</param>
  4785. <param name="initData">Additional intialization data. Property settings in args
  4786. override property settings in initData.</param>
  4787. <returns>The initialized communicator.</returns>
  4788. </member>
  4789. <member name="M:Ice.Util.initialize(Ice.InitializationData)">
  4790. <summary>
  4791. Creates a communicator.
  4792. </summary>
  4793. <param name="initData">Additional intialization data.</param>
  4794. <returns>The initialized communicator.</returns>
  4795. </member>
  4796. <member name="M:Ice.Util.initialize">
  4797. <summary>
  4798. Creates a communicator using a default configuration.
  4799. </summary>
  4800. </member>
  4801. <member name="M:Ice.Util.stringToIdentity(System.String)">
  4802. <summary>
  4803. Converts a string to an object identity.
  4804. </summary>
  4805. <param name="s">The string to convert.</param>
  4806. <returns>The converted object identity.</returns>
  4807. </member>
  4808. <member name="M:Ice.Util.identityToString(Ice.Identity)">
  4809. <summary>
  4810. Converts an object identity to a string.
  4811. </summary>
  4812. <param name="ident">The object identity to convert.</param>
  4813. <returns>The string representation of the object identity.</returns>
  4814. </member>
  4815. <member name="M:Ice.Util.generateUUID">
  4816. <summary>
  4817. This method is deprecated. Use System.Guid instead.
  4818. </summary>
  4819. </member>
  4820. <member name="M:Ice.Util.proxyIdentityCompare(Ice.ObjectPrx,Ice.ObjectPrx)">
  4821. <summary>
  4822. Compares the object identities of two proxies.
  4823. </summary>
  4824. <param name="lhs">A proxy.</param>
  4825. <param name="rhs">A proxy.</param>
  4826. <returns>-1 if the identity in lhs compares
  4827. less than the identity in rhs; 0 if the identities
  4828. compare equal; 1, otherwise.</returns>
  4829. </member>
  4830. <member name="M:Ice.Util.proxyIdentityAndFacetCompare(Ice.ObjectPrx,Ice.ObjectPrx)">
  4831. <summary>
  4832. Compares the object identities and facets of two proxies.
  4833. </summary>
  4834. <param name="lhs">A proxy.</param>
  4835. <param name="rhs">A proxy.</param>
  4836. <returns>-1 if the identity and facet in lhs compare
  4837. less than the identity and facet in rhs; 0 if the identities
  4838. and facets compare equal; 1, otherwise.</returns>
  4839. </member>
  4840. <member name="M:Ice.Util.createInputStream(Ice.Communicator,System.Byte[])">
  4841. <summary>
  4842. Creates an input stream for dynamic invocation and dispatch. The stream uses
  4843. the communicator's default encoding version. The given data is copied.
  4844. </summary>
  4845. <param name="communicator">The communicator for the stream.</param>
  4846. <param name="bytes">An encoded request or reply.</param>
  4847. <returns>The input stream.</returns>
  4848. </member>
  4849. <member name="M:Ice.Util.createInputStream(Ice.Communicator,System.Byte[],Ice.EncodingVersion)">
  4850. <summary>
  4851. Creates an input stream for dynamic invocation and dispatch. The stream uses
  4852. the given encoding version.
  4853. </summary>
  4854. <param name="communicator">The communicator for the stream.</param>
  4855. <param name="bytes">An encoded request or reply.</param>
  4856. <param name="v">The desired encoding version.</param>
  4857. <returns>The input stream.</returns>
  4858. </member>
  4859. <member name="M:Ice.Util.wrapInputStream(Ice.Communicator,System.Byte[])">
  4860. <summary>
  4861. Wraps encoded data with an input stream for dynamic invocation and dispatch.
  4862. The stream uses the communicator's default encoding version.
  4863. </summary>
  4864. <param name="communicator">The communicator for the stream.</param>
  4865. <param name="bytes">An encoded request or reply.</param>
  4866. <returns>The input stream.</returns>
  4867. </member>
  4868. <member name="M:Ice.Util.wrapInputStream(Ice.Communicator,System.Byte[],Ice.EncodingVersion)">
  4869. <summary>
  4870. Wraps encoded data with an input stream for dynamic invocation and dispatch.
  4871. The stream uses the given encoding version.
  4872. </summary>
  4873. <param name="communicator">The communicator for the stream.</param>
  4874. <param name="bytes">An encoded request or reply.</param>
  4875. <param name="v">The desired encoding version.</param>
  4876. <returns>The input stream.</returns>
  4877. </member>
  4878. <member name="M:Ice.Util.createOutputStream(Ice.Communicator)">
  4879. <summary>
  4880. Creates an output stream for dynamic invocation and dispatch. The stream uses
  4881. the communicator's default encoding version.
  4882. </summary>
  4883. <param name="communicator">The communicator for the stream.</param>
  4884. <returns>The output stream.</returns>
  4885. </member>
  4886. <member name="M:Ice.Util.createOutputStream(Ice.Communicator,Ice.EncodingVersion)">
  4887. <summary>
  4888. Creates an output stream for dynamic invocation and dispatch. The stream uses
  4889. the given encoding version.
  4890. </summary>
  4891. <param name="communicator">The communicator for the stream.</param>
  4892. <param name="v">The desired encoding version.</param>
  4893. <returns>The output stream.</returns>
  4894. </member>
  4895. <member name="M:Ice.Util.getProcessLogger">
  4896. <summary>
  4897. Returns the process-wide logger.
  4898. </summary>
  4899. <returns>The process-wide logger.</returns>
  4900. </member>
  4901. <member name="M:Ice.Util.setProcessLogger(Ice.Logger)">
  4902. <summary>
  4903. Changes the process-wide logger.
  4904. </summary>
  4905. <param name="logger">The new process-wide logger.</param>
  4906. </member>
  4907. <member name="M:Ice.Util.stringVersion">
  4908. <summary>
  4909. Returns the Ice version in the form A.B.C, where A indicates the
  4910. major version, B indicates the minor version, and C indicates the
  4911. patch level.
  4912. </summary>
  4913. <returns>The Ice version.</returns>
  4914. </member>
  4915. <member name="M:Ice.Util.intVersion">
  4916. <summary>
  4917. Returns the Ice version as an integer in the form A.BB.CC, where A
  4918. indicates the major version, BB indicates the minor version, and CC
  4919. indicates the patch level. For example, for Ice 3.3.1, the returned value is 30301.
  4920. </summary>
  4921. <returns>The Ice version.</returns>
  4922. </member>
  4923. <member name="M:Ice.Util.stringToProtocolVersion(System.String)">
  4924. <summary>
  4925. Converts a string to a protocol version.
  4926. </summary>
  4927. <param name="version">The string to convert.</param>
  4928. <returns>The converted protocol version.</returns>
  4929. </member>
  4930. <member name="M:Ice.Util.stringToEncodingVersion(System.String)">
  4931. <summary>
  4932. Converts a string to an encoding version.
  4933. </summary>
  4934. <param name="version">The string to convert.</param>
  4935. <returns>The converted object identity.</returns>
  4936. </member>
  4937. <member name="M:Ice.Util.protocolVersionToString(Ice.ProtocolVersion)">
  4938. <summary>
  4939. Converts a protocol version to a string.
  4940. </summary>
  4941. <param name="v">The protocol version to convert.</param>
  4942. <returns>The converted string.</returns>
  4943. </member>
  4944. <member name="M:Ice.Util.encodingVersionToString(Ice.EncodingVersion)">
  4945. <summary>
  4946. Converts an encoding version to a string.
  4947. </summary>
  4948. <param name="v">The encoding version to convert.</param>
  4949. <returns>The converted string.</returns>
  4950. </member>
  4951. <member name="M:Ice.ConnectionCallback.heartbeat(Ice.Connection)">
  4952. <summary>
  4953. This method is called by the the connection when a heartbeat is
  4954. received from the peer.
  4955. </summary>
  4956. </member>
  4957. <member name="M:Ice.ConnectionCallback.closed(Ice.Connection)">
  4958. <summary>
  4959. This method is called by the the connection when the connection
  4960. is closed.
  4961. </summary>
  4962. </member>
  4963. <member name="T:Ice.InitializationException">
  4964. <summary>
  4965. This exception is raised when a failure occurs during initialization.
  4966. </summary>
  4967. </member>
  4968. <member name="T:Ice.PluginInitializationException">
  4969. <summary>
  4970. This exception indicates that a failure occurred while initializing
  4971. a plug-in.
  4972. </summary>
  4973. </member>
  4974. <member name="T:Ice.CollocationOptimizationException">
  4975. <summary>
  4976. This exception is raised if a feature is requested that is not
  4977. supported with collocation optimization.
  4978. <para>this exception isn't used anymore by the Ice runtime</para>
  4979. </summary>
  4980. </member>
  4981. <member name="T:Ice.AlreadyRegisteredException">
  4982. <summary>
  4983. An attempt was made to register something more than once with
  4984. the Ice run time.
  4985. This exception is raised if an attempt is made to register a
  4986. servant, servant locator, facet, object factory, plug-in, object
  4987. adapter, object, or user exception factory more than once for the
  4988. same ID.
  4989. </summary>
  4990. </member>
  4991. <member name="T:Ice.NotRegisteredException">
  4992. <summary>
  4993. An attempt was made to find or deregister something that is not
  4994. registered with the Ice run time or Ice locator.
  4995. This exception is raised if an attempt is made to remove a servant,
  4996. servant locator, facet, object factory, plug-in, object adapter,
  4997. object, or user exception factory that is not currently registered.
  4998. It's also raised if the Ice locator can't find an object or object
  4999. adapter when resolving an indirect proxy or when an object adapter
  5000. is activated.
  5001. </summary>
  5002. </member>
  5003. <member name="T:Ice.TwowayOnlyException">
  5004. <summary>
  5005. The operation can only be invoked with a twoway request.
  5006. This exception is raised if an attempt is made to invoke an
  5007. operation with ice_oneway, ice_batchOneway, ice_datagram,
  5008. or ice_batchDatagram and the operation has a return value,
  5009. out-parameters, or an exception specification.
  5010. </summary>
  5011. </member>
  5012. <member name="T:Ice.CloneNotImplementedException">
  5013. <summary>
  5014. An attempt was made to clone a class that does not support
  5015. cloning.
  5016. This exception is raised if ice_clone is called on
  5017. a class that is derived from an abstract Slice class (that is,
  5018. a class containing operations), and the derived class does not
  5019. provide an implementation of the ice_clone operation (C++ only).
  5020. </summary>
  5021. </member>
  5022. <member name="T:Ice.UnknownException">
  5023. <summary>
  5024. This exception is raised if an operation call on a server raises an
  5025. unknown exception.
  5026. For example, for C++, this exception is raised
  5027. if the server throws a C++ exception that is not directly or
  5028. indirectly derived from Ice::LocalException or
  5029. Ice::UserException.
  5030. </summary>
  5031. </member>
  5032. <member name="T:Ice.UnknownLocalException">
  5033. <summary>
  5034. This exception is raised if an operation call on a server raises a
  5035. local exception.
  5036. Because local exceptions are not transmitted by
  5037. the Ice protocol, the client receives all local exceptions raised
  5038. by the server as UnknownLocalException. The only exception to this
  5039. rule are all exceptions derived from RequestFailedException,
  5040. which are transmitted by the Ice protocol even though they are
  5041. declared local.
  5042. </summary>
  5043. </member>
  5044. <member name="T:Ice.UnknownUserException">
  5045. <summary>
  5046. An operation raised an incorrect user exception.
  5047. This exception is raised if an operation raises a
  5048. user exception that is not declared in the exception's
  5049. throws clause. Such undeclared exceptions are
  5050. not transmitted from the server to the client by the Ice
  5051. protocol, but instead the client just gets an
  5052. UnknownUserException. This is necessary in order to not violate
  5053. the contract established by an operation's signature: Only local
  5054. exceptions and user exceptions declared in the
  5055. throws clause can be raised.
  5056. </summary>
  5057. </member>
  5058. <member name="T:Ice.VersionMismatchException">
  5059. <summary>
  5060. This exception is raised if the Ice library version does not match
  5061. the version in the Ice header files.
  5062. </summary>
  5063. </member>
  5064. <member name="T:Ice.CommunicatorDestroyedException">
  5065. <summary>
  5066. This exception is raised if the Communicator has been destroyed.
  5067. </summary>
  5068. </member>
  5069. <member name="T:Ice.ObjectAdapterDeactivatedException">
  5070. <summary>
  5071. This exception is raised if an attempt is made to use a deactivated
  5072. ObjectAdapter.
  5073. </summary>
  5074. </member>
  5075. <member name="T:Ice.ObjectAdapterIdInUseException">
  5076. <summary>
  5077. This exception is raised if an ObjectAdapter cannot be activated.
  5078. This happens if the Locator detects another active ObjectAdapter with
  5079. the same adapter id.
  5080. </summary>
  5081. </member>
  5082. <member name="T:Ice.NoEndpointException">
  5083. <summary>
  5084. This exception is raised if no suitable endpoint is available.
  5085. </summary>
  5086. </member>
  5087. <member name="T:Ice.EndpointParseException">
  5088. <summary>
  5089. This exception is raised if there was an error while parsing an
  5090. endpoint.
  5091. </summary>
  5092. </member>
  5093. <member name="T:Ice.EndpointSelectionTypeParseException">
  5094. <summary>
  5095. This exception is raised if there was an error while parsing an
  5096. endpoint selection type.
  5097. </summary>
  5098. </member>
  5099. <member name="T:Ice.VersionParseException">
  5100. <summary>
  5101. This exception is raised if there was an error while parsing a
  5102. version.
  5103. </summary>
  5104. </member>
  5105. <member name="T:Ice.IdentityParseException">
  5106. <summary>
  5107. This exception is raised if there was an error while parsing a
  5108. stringified identity.
  5109. </summary>
  5110. </member>
  5111. <member name="T:Ice.ProxyParseException">
  5112. <summary>
  5113. This exception is raised if there was an error while parsing a
  5114. stringified proxy.
  5115. </summary>
  5116. </member>
  5117. <member name="T:Ice.IllegalIdentityException">
  5118. <summary>
  5119. This exception is raised if an illegal identity is encountered.
  5120. </summary>
  5121. </member>
  5122. <member name="T:Ice.IllegalServantException">
  5123. <summary>
  5124. This exception is raised to reject an illegal servant (typically
  5125. a null servant)
  5126. </summary>
  5127. </member>
  5128. <member name="T:Ice.RequestFailedException">
  5129. <summary>
  5130. This exception is raised if a request failed.
  5131. This exception, and
  5132. all exceptions derived from RequestFailedException, are
  5133. transmitted by the Ice protocol, even though they are declared
  5134. local.
  5135. </summary>
  5136. </member>
  5137. <member name="T:Ice.ObjectNotExistException">
  5138. <summary>
  5139. This exception is raised if an object does not exist on the server,
  5140. that is, if no facets with the given identity exist.
  5141. </summary>
  5142. </member>
  5143. <member name="T:Ice.FacetNotExistException">
  5144. <summary>
  5145. This exception is raised if no facet with the given name exists,
  5146. but at least one facet with the given identity exists.
  5147. </summary>
  5148. </member>
  5149. <member name="T:Ice.OperationNotExistException">
  5150. <summary>
  5151. This exception is raised if an operation for a given object does
  5152. not exist on the server.
  5153. Typically this is caused by either the
  5154. client or the server using an outdated Slice specification.
  5155. </summary>
  5156. </member>
  5157. <member name="T:Ice.SyscallException">
  5158. <summary>
  5159. This exception is raised if a system error occurred in the server
  5160. or client process.
  5161. There are many possible causes for such a system
  5162. exception. For details on the cause, SyscallException.error
  5163. should be inspected.
  5164. </summary>
  5165. </member>
  5166. <member name="T:Ice.SocketException">
  5167. <summary>
  5168. This exception indicates socket errors.
  5169. </summary>
  5170. </member>
  5171. <member name="T:Ice.FileException">
  5172. <summary>
  5173. This exception indicates file errors.
  5174. </summary>
  5175. </member>
  5176. <member name="T:Ice.ConnectFailedException">
  5177. <summary>
  5178. This exception indicates connection failures.
  5179. </summary>
  5180. </member>
  5181. <member name="T:Ice.ConnectionRefusedException">
  5182. <summary>
  5183. This exception indicates a connection failure for which
  5184. the server host actively refuses a connection.
  5185. </summary>
  5186. </member>
  5187. <member name="T:Ice.ConnectionLostException">
  5188. <summary>
  5189. This exception indicates a lost connection.
  5190. </summary>
  5191. </member>
  5192. <member name="T:Ice.DNSException">
  5193. <summary>
  5194. This exception indicates a DNS problem.
  5195. For details on the cause,
  5196. DNSException.error should be inspected.
  5197. </summary>
  5198. </member>
  5199. <member name="T:Ice.OperationInterruptedException">
  5200. <summary>
  5201. This exception indicates a request was interrupted.
  5202. </summary>
  5203. </member>
  5204. <member name="T:Ice.TimeoutException">
  5205. <summary>
  5206. This exception indicates a timeout condition.
  5207. </summary>
  5208. </member>
  5209. <member name="T:Ice.ConnectTimeoutException">
  5210. <summary>
  5211. This exception indicates a connection establishment timeout condition.
  5212. </summary>
  5213. </member>
  5214. <member name="T:Ice.CloseTimeoutException">
  5215. <summary>
  5216. This exception indicates a connection closure timeout condition.
  5217. </summary>
  5218. </member>
  5219. <member name="T:Ice.ConnectionTimeoutException">
  5220. <summary>
  5221. This exception indicates that a connection has been shut down because it has been
  5222. idle for some time.
  5223. </summary>
  5224. </member>
  5225. <member name="T:Ice.InvocationTimeoutException">
  5226. <summary>
  5227. This exception indicates that an invocation failed because it timed
  5228. out.
  5229. </summary>
  5230. </member>
  5231. <member name="T:Ice.InvocationCanceledException">
  5232. <summary>
  5233. This exception indicates that an asynchronous invocation failed
  5234. because it was canceled explicitly by the user using the
  5235. Ice::AsyncResult::cancel method.
  5236. </summary>
  5237. </member>
  5238. <member name="T:Ice.ProtocolException">
  5239. <summary>
  5240. A generic exception base for all kinds of protocol error
  5241. conditions.
  5242. </summary>
  5243. </member>
  5244. <member name="T:Ice.BadMagicException">
  5245. <summary>
  5246. This exception indicates that a message did not start with the expected
  5247. magic number ('I', 'c', 'e', 'P').
  5248. </summary>
  5249. </member>
  5250. <member name="T:Ice.UnsupportedProtocolException">
  5251. <summary>
  5252. This exception indicates an unsupported protocol version.
  5253. </summary>
  5254. </member>
  5255. <member name="T:Ice.UnsupportedEncodingException">
  5256. <summary>
  5257. This exception indicates an unsupported data encoding version.
  5258. </summary>
  5259. </member>
  5260. <member name="T:Ice.UnknownMessageException">
  5261. <summary>
  5262. This exception indicates that an unknown protocol message has been received.
  5263. </summary>
  5264. </member>
  5265. <member name="T:Ice.ConnectionNotValidatedException">
  5266. <summary>
  5267. This exception is raised if a message is received over a connection
  5268. that is not yet validated.
  5269. </summary>
  5270. </member>
  5271. <member name="T:Ice.UnknownRequestIdException">
  5272. <summary>
  5273. This exception indicates that a response for an unknown request ID has been
  5274. received.
  5275. </summary>
  5276. </member>
  5277. <member name="T:Ice.UnknownReplyStatusException">
  5278. <summary>
  5279. This exception indicates that an unknown reply status has been received.
  5280. </summary>
  5281. </member>
  5282. <member name="T:Ice.CloseConnectionException">
  5283. <summary>
  5284. This exception indicates that the connection has been gracefully shut down by the
  5285. server.
  5286. The operation call that caused this exception has not been
  5287. executed by the server. In most cases you will not get this
  5288. exception, because the client will automatically retry the
  5289. operation call in case the server shut down the connection. However,
  5290. if upon retry the server shuts down the connection again, and the
  5291. retry limit has been reached, then this exception is propagated to
  5292. the application code.
  5293. </summary>
  5294. </member>
  5295. <member name="T:Ice.ForcedCloseConnectionException">
  5296. <summary>
  5297. This exception is raised by an operation call if the application
  5298. forcefully closes the connection Connection.close.
  5299. </summary>
  5300. </member>
  5301. <member name="T:Ice.IllegalMessageSizeException">
  5302. <summary>
  5303. This exception indicates that a message size is less
  5304. than the minimum required size.
  5305. </summary>
  5306. </member>
  5307. <member name="T:Ice.CompressionException">
  5308. <summary>
  5309. This exception indicates a problem with compressing or uncompressing data.
  5310. </summary>
  5311. </member>
  5312. <member name="T:Ice.DatagramLimitException">
  5313. <summary>
  5314. A datagram exceeds the configured size.
  5315. This exception is raised if a datagram exceeds the configured send or receive buffer
  5316. size, or exceeds the maximum payload size of a UDP packet (65507 bytes).
  5317. </summary>
  5318. </member>
  5319. <member name="T:Ice.MarshalException">
  5320. <summary>
  5321. This exception is raised for errors during marshaling or unmarshaling data.
  5322. </summary>
  5323. </member>
  5324. <member name="T:Ice.ProxyUnmarshalException">
  5325. <summary>
  5326. This exception is raised if inconsistent data is received while unmarshaling a proxy.
  5327. </summary>
  5328. </member>
  5329. <member name="T:Ice.UnmarshalOutOfBoundsException">
  5330. <summary>
  5331. This exception is raised if an out-of-bounds condition occurs during unmarshaling.
  5332. </summary>
  5333. </member>
  5334. <member name="T:Ice.NoObjectFactoryException">
  5335. <summary>
  5336. This exception is raised if no suitable object factory was found during
  5337. unmarshaling of a Slice class instance.
  5338. </summary>
  5339. </member>
  5340. <member name="T:Ice.UnexpectedObjectException">
  5341. <summary>
  5342. This exception is raised if the type of an unmarshaled Slice class instance does
  5343. not match its expected type.
  5344. This can happen if client and server are compiled with mismatched Slice
  5345. definitions or if a class of the wrong type is passed as a parameter
  5346. or return value using dynamic invocation. This exception can also be
  5347. raised if IceStorm is used to send Slice class instances and
  5348. an operation is subscribed to the wrong topic.
  5349. </summary>
  5350. </member>
  5351. <member name="T:Ice.MemoryLimitException">
  5352. <summary>
  5353. This exception is raised when Ice receives a request or reply
  5354. message whose size exceeds the limit specified by the
  5355. Ice.MessageSizeMax property.
  5356. </summary>
  5357. </member>
  5358. <member name="T:Ice.StringConversionException">
  5359. <summary>
  5360. This exception is raised when a string conversion to or from UTF-8
  5361. fails during marshaling or unmarshaling.
  5362. </summary>
  5363. </member>
  5364. <member name="T:Ice.EncapsulationException">
  5365. <summary>
  5366. This exception indicates a malformed data encapsulation.
  5367. </summary>
  5368. </member>
  5369. <member name="T:Ice.FeatureNotSupportedException">
  5370. <summary>
  5371. This exception is raised if an unsupported feature is used.
  5372. The
  5373. unsupported feature string contains the name of the unsupported
  5374. feature
  5375. </summary>
  5376. </member>
  5377. <member name="T:Ice.SecurityException">
  5378. <summary>
  5379. This exception indicates a failure in a security subsystem,
  5380. such as the IceSSL plug-in.
  5381. </summary>
  5382. </member>
  5383. <member name="T:Ice.FixedProxyException">
  5384. <summary>
  5385. This exception indicates that an attempt has been made to
  5386. change the connection properties of a fixed proxy.
  5387. </summary>
  5388. </member>
  5389. <member name="T:Ice.ResponseSentException">
  5390. <summary>
  5391. Indicates that the response to a request has already been sent;
  5392. re-dispatching such a request is not possible.
  5393. </summary>
  5394. </member>
  5395. <member name="T:Ice.AdapterNotFoundException">
  5396. <summary>
  5397. This exception is raised if an adapter cannot be found.
  5398. </summary>
  5399. </member>
  5400. <member name="T:Ice.InvalidReplicaGroupIdException">
  5401. <summary>
  5402. This exception is raised if the replica group provided by the
  5403. server is invalid.
  5404. </summary>
  5405. </member>
  5406. <member name="T:Ice.AdapterAlreadyActiveException">
  5407. <summary>
  5408. This exception is raised if a server tries to set endpoints for
  5409. an adapter that is already active.
  5410. </summary>
  5411. </member>
  5412. <member name="T:Ice.ObjectNotFoundException">
  5413. <summary>
  5414. This exception is raised if an object cannot be found.
  5415. </summary>
  5416. </member>
  5417. <member name="T:Ice.ServerNotFoundException">
  5418. <summary>
  5419. This exception is raised if a server cannot be found.
  5420. </summary>
  5421. </member>
  5422. <member name="T:Ice.LocatorOperations_">
  5423. <summary>
  5424. The Ice locator interface.
  5425. This interface is used by clients to
  5426. lookup adapters and objects. It is also used by servers to get the
  5427. locator registry proxy.
  5428. The Locator interface is intended to be used by
  5429. Ice internals and by locator implementations. Regular user code
  5430. should not attempt to use any functionality of this interface
  5431. directly.
  5432. </summary>
  5433. </member>
  5434. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorOperations_.findObjectById_async(Ice.AMD_Locator_findObjectById,Ice.Identity,Ice.Current)">
  5435. <summary>
  5436. Find an object by identity and return a proxy that contains
  5437. the adapter ID or endpoints which can be used to access the
  5438. object.
  5439. </summary>
  5440. <param name="cb__">The callback object for the operation.</param>
  5441. <param name="id">The identity.
  5442. </param>
  5443. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  5444. </member>
  5445. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorOperations_.findAdapterById_async(Ice.AMD_Locator_findAdapterById,System.String,Ice.Current)">
  5446. <summary>
  5447. Find an adapter by id and return a proxy that contains
  5448. its endpoints.
  5449. </summary>
  5450. <param name="cb__">The callback object for the operation.</param>
  5451. <param name="id">The adapter id.
  5452. </param>
  5453. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  5454. </member>
  5455. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorOperations_.getRegistry(Ice.Current)">
  5456. <summary>
  5457. Get the locator registry.
  5458. </summary>
  5459. <returns>The locator registry.</returns>
  5460. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  5461. </member>
  5462. <member name="T:Ice.LocatorOperationsNC_">
  5463. <summary>
  5464. The Ice locator interface.
  5465. This interface is used by clients to
  5466. lookup adapters and objects. It is also used by servers to get the
  5467. locator registry proxy.
  5468. The Locator interface is intended to be used by
  5469. Ice internals and by locator implementations. Regular user code
  5470. should not attempt to use any functionality of this interface
  5471. directly.
  5472. </summary>
  5473. </member>
  5474. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorOperationsNC_.findObjectById_async(Ice.AMD_Locator_findObjectById,Ice.Identity)">
  5475. <summary>
  5476. Find an object by identity and return a proxy that contains
  5477. the adapter ID or endpoints which can be used to access the
  5478. object.
  5479. </summary>
  5480. <param name="cb__">The callback object for the operation.</param>
  5481. <param name="id">The identity.
  5482. </param>
  5483. </member>
  5484. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorOperationsNC_.findAdapterById_async(Ice.AMD_Locator_findAdapterById,System.String)">
  5485. <summary>
  5486. Find an adapter by id and return a proxy that contains
  5487. its endpoints.
  5488. </summary>
  5489. <param name="cb__">The callback object for the operation.</param>
  5490. <param name="id">The adapter id.
  5491. </param>
  5492. </member>
  5493. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorOperationsNC_.getRegistry">
  5494. <summary>
  5495. Get the locator registry.
  5496. </summary>
  5497. <returns>The locator registry.</returns>
  5498. </member>
  5499. <member name="T:Ice.LocatorRegistryOperations_">
  5500. <summary>
  5501. The Ice locator registry interface.
  5502. This interface is used by
  5503. servers to register adapter endpoints with the locator.
  5504. The LocatorRegistry interface is intended to be used
  5505. by Ice internals and by locator implementations. Regular user
  5506. code should not attempt to use any functionality of this interface
  5507. directly.
  5508. </summary>
  5509. </member>
  5510. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryOperations_.setAdapterDirectProxy_async(Ice.AMD_LocatorRegistry_setAdapterDirectProxy,System.String,Ice.ObjectPrx,Ice.Current)">
  5511. <summary>
  5512. Set the adapter endpoints with the locator registry.
  5513. </summary>
  5514. <param name="cb__">The callback object for the operation.</param>
  5515. <param name="id">The adapter id.
  5516. </param>
  5517. <param name="proxy">The adapter proxy (a dummy direct proxy created
  5518. by the adapter). The direct proxy contains the adapter
  5519. endpoints.
  5520. </param>
  5521. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  5522. </member>
  5523. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryOperations_.setReplicatedAdapterDirectProxy_async(Ice.AMD_LocatorRegistry_setReplicatedAdapterDirectProxy,System.String,System.String,Ice.ObjectPrx,Ice.Current)">
  5524. <summary>
  5525. Set the adapter endpoints with the locator registry.
  5526. </summary>
  5527. <param name="cb__">The callback object for the operation.</param>
  5528. <param name="adapterId">The adapter id.
  5529. </param>
  5530. <param name="replicaGroupId">The replica group id.
  5531. </param>
  5532. <param name="p">The adapter proxy (a dummy direct proxy created
  5533. by the adapter). The direct proxy contains the adapter
  5534. endpoints.
  5535. </param>
  5536. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  5537. </member>
  5538. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryOperations_.setServerProcessProxy_async(Ice.AMD_LocatorRegistry_setServerProcessProxy,System.String,Ice.ProcessPrx,Ice.Current)">
  5539. <summary>
  5540. Set the process proxy for a server.
  5541. </summary>
  5542. <param name="cb__">The callback object for the operation.</param>
  5543. <param name="id">The server id.
  5544. </param>
  5545. <param name="proxy">The process proxy.
  5546. </param>
  5547. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  5548. </member>
  5549. <member name="T:Ice.LocatorRegistryOperationsNC_">
  5550. <summary>
  5551. The Ice locator registry interface.
  5552. This interface is used by
  5553. servers to register adapter endpoints with the locator.
  5554. The LocatorRegistry interface is intended to be used
  5555. by Ice internals and by locator implementations. Regular user
  5556. code should not attempt to use any functionality of this interface
  5557. directly.
  5558. </summary>
  5559. </member>
  5560. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryOperationsNC_.setAdapterDirectProxy_async(Ice.AMD_LocatorRegistry_setAdapterDirectProxy,System.String,Ice.ObjectPrx)">
  5561. <summary>
  5562. Set the adapter endpoints with the locator registry.
  5563. </summary>
  5564. <param name="cb__">The callback object for the operation.</param>
  5565. <param name="id">The adapter id.
  5566. </param>
  5567. <param name="proxy">The adapter proxy (a dummy direct proxy created
  5568. by the adapter). The direct proxy contains the adapter
  5569. endpoints.
  5570. </param>
  5571. </member>
  5572. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryOperationsNC_.setReplicatedAdapterDirectProxy_async(Ice.AMD_LocatorRegistry_setReplicatedAdapterDirectProxy,System.String,System.String,Ice.ObjectPrx)">
  5573. <summary>
  5574. Set the adapter endpoints with the locator registry.
  5575. </summary>
  5576. <param name="cb__">The callback object for the operation.</param>
  5577. <param name="adapterId">The adapter id.
  5578. </param>
  5579. <param name="replicaGroupId">The replica group id.
  5580. </param>
  5581. <param name="p">The adapter proxy (a dummy direct proxy created
  5582. by the adapter). The direct proxy contains the adapter
  5583. endpoints.
  5584. </param>
  5585. </member>
  5586. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryOperationsNC_.setServerProcessProxy_async(Ice.AMD_LocatorRegistry_setServerProcessProxy,System.String,Ice.ProcessPrx)">
  5587. <summary>
  5588. Set the process proxy for a server.
  5589. </summary>
  5590. <param name="cb__">The callback object for the operation.</param>
  5591. <param name="id">The server id.
  5592. </param>
  5593. <param name="proxy">The process proxy.
  5594. </param>
  5595. </member>
  5596. <member name="T:Ice.LocatorFinderOperations_">
  5597. <summary>
  5598. This inferface should be implemented by services implementing the
  5599. Ice::Locator interface.
  5600. It should be advertised through an Ice
  5601. object with the identity `Ice/LocatorFinder'. This allows clients
  5602. to retrieve the locator proxy with just the endpoint information of
  5603. the service.
  5604. </summary>
  5605. </member>
  5606. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorFinderOperations_.getLocator(Ice.Current)">
  5607. <summary>
  5608. Get the locator proxy implemented by the process hosting this
  5609. finder object.
  5610. The proxy might point to several replicas.
  5611. </summary>
  5612. <returns>The locator proxy.</returns>
  5613. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  5614. </member>
  5615. <member name="T:Ice.LocatorFinderOperationsNC_">
  5616. <summary>
  5617. This inferface should be implemented by services implementing the
  5618. Ice::Locator interface.
  5619. It should be advertised through an Ice
  5620. object with the identity `Ice/LocatorFinder'. This allows clients
  5621. to retrieve the locator proxy with just the endpoint information of
  5622. the service.
  5623. </summary>
  5624. </member>
  5625. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorFinderOperationsNC_.getLocator">
  5626. <summary>
  5627. Get the locator proxy implemented by the process hosting this
  5628. finder object.
  5629. The proxy might point to several replicas.
  5630. </summary>
  5631. <returns>The locator proxy.</returns>
  5632. </member>
  5633. <member name="T:Ice.LocatorPrx">
  5634. <summary>
  5635. The Ice locator interface.
  5636. This interface is used by clients to
  5637. lookup adapters and objects. It is also used by servers to get the
  5638. locator registry proxy.
  5639. The Locator interface is intended to be used by
  5640. Ice internals and by locator implementations. Regular user code
  5641. should not attempt to use any functionality of this interface
  5642. directly.
  5643. </summary>
  5644. </member>
  5645. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorPrx.findObjectById(Ice.Identity)">
  5646. <summary>
  5647. Find an object by identity and return a proxy that contains
  5648. the adapter ID or endpoints which can be used to access the
  5649. object.
  5650. </summary>
  5651. <param name="id">The identity.
  5652. </param>
  5653. <returns>The proxy, or null if the object is not active.
  5654. </returns>
  5655. <exception name="ObjectNotFoundException">Raised if the object cannot
  5656. be found.</exception>
  5657. </member>
  5658. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorPrx.findObjectById(Ice.Identity,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  5659. <summary>
  5660. Find an object by identity and return a proxy that contains
  5661. the adapter ID or endpoints which can be used to access the
  5662. object.
  5663. </summary>
  5664. <param name="id">The identity.
  5665. </param>
  5666. <returns>The proxy, or null if the object is not active.
  5667. </returns>
  5668. <exception name="ObjectNotFoundException">Raised if the object cannot
  5669. be found.</exception>
  5670. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  5671. </member>
  5672. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorPrx.begin_findObjectById(Ice.Identity)">
  5673. <summary>
  5674. Find an object by identity and return a proxy that contains
  5675. the adapter ID or endpoints which can be used to access the
  5676. object.
  5677. </summary>
  5678. <param name="id">The identity.
  5679. </param>
  5680. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  5681. </member>
  5682. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorPrx.begin_findObjectById(Ice.Identity,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  5683. <summary>
  5684. Find an object by identity and return a proxy that contains
  5685. the adapter ID or endpoints which can be used to access the
  5686. object.
  5687. </summary>
  5688. <param name="id">The identity.
  5689. </param>
  5690. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  5691. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  5692. </member>
  5693. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorPrx.begin_findObjectById(Ice.Identity,Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  5694. <summary>
  5695. Find an object by identity and return a proxy that contains
  5696. the adapter ID or endpoints which can be used to access the
  5697. object.
  5698. </summary>
  5699. <param name="id">The identity.
  5700. </param>
  5701. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  5702. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  5703. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  5704. </member>
  5705. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorPrx.begin_findObjectById(Ice.Identity,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  5706. <summary>
  5707. Find an object by identity and return a proxy that contains
  5708. the adapter ID or endpoints which can be used to access the
  5709. object.
  5710. </summary>
  5711. <param name="id">The identity.
  5712. </param>
  5713. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  5714. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  5715. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  5716. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  5717. </member>
  5718. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorPrx.end_findObjectById(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  5719. <summary>
  5720. Find an object by identity and return a proxy that contains
  5721. the adapter ID or endpoints which can be used to access the
  5722. object.
  5723. </summary>
  5724. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  5725. <returns>The proxy, or null if the object is not active.
  5726. </returns>
  5727. </member>
  5728. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorPrx.findAdapterById(System.String)">
  5729. <summary>
  5730. Find an adapter by id and return a proxy that contains
  5731. its endpoints.
  5732. </summary>
  5733. <param name="id">The adapter id.
  5734. </param>
  5735. <returns>The adapter proxy, or null if the adapter is not active.
  5736. </returns>
  5737. <exception name="AdapterNotFoundException">Raised if the adapter cannot be
  5738. found.</exception>
  5739. </member>
  5740. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorPrx.findAdapterById(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  5741. <summary>
  5742. Find an adapter by id and return a proxy that contains
  5743. its endpoints.
  5744. </summary>
  5745. <param name="id">The adapter id.
  5746. </param>
  5747. <returns>The adapter proxy, or null if the adapter is not active.
  5748. </returns>
  5749. <exception name="AdapterNotFoundException">Raised if the adapter cannot be
  5750. found.</exception>
  5751. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  5752. </member>
  5753. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorPrx.begin_findAdapterById(System.String)">
  5754. <summary>
  5755. Find an adapter by id and return a proxy that contains
  5756. its endpoints.
  5757. </summary>
  5758. <param name="id">The adapter id.
  5759. </param>
  5760. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  5761. </member>
  5762. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorPrx.begin_findAdapterById(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  5763. <summary>
  5764. Find an adapter by id and return a proxy that contains
  5765. its endpoints.
  5766. </summary>
  5767. <param name="id">The adapter id.
  5768. </param>
  5769. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  5770. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  5771. </member>
  5772. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorPrx.begin_findAdapterById(System.String,Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  5773. <summary>
  5774. Find an adapter by id and return a proxy that contains
  5775. its endpoints.
  5776. </summary>
  5777. <param name="id">The adapter id.
  5778. </param>
  5779. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  5780. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  5781. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  5782. </member>
  5783. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorPrx.begin_findAdapterById(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  5784. <summary>
  5785. Find an adapter by id and return a proxy that contains
  5786. its endpoints.
  5787. </summary>
  5788. <param name="id">The adapter id.
  5789. </param>
  5790. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  5791. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  5792. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  5793. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  5794. </member>
  5795. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorPrx.end_findAdapterById(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  5796. <summary>
  5797. Find an adapter by id and return a proxy that contains
  5798. its endpoints.
  5799. </summary>
  5800. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  5801. <returns>The adapter proxy, or null if the adapter is not active.
  5802. </returns>
  5803. </member>
  5804. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorPrx.getRegistry">
  5805. <summary>
  5806. Get the locator registry.
  5807. </summary>
  5808. <returns>The locator registry.</returns>
  5809. </member>
  5810. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorPrx.getRegistry(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  5811. <summary>
  5812. Get the locator registry.
  5813. </summary>
  5814. <returns>The locator registry.</returns>
  5815. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  5816. </member>
  5817. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorPrx.begin_getRegistry">
  5818. <summary>
  5819. Get the locator registry.
  5820. </summary>
  5821. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  5822. </member>
  5823. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorPrx.begin_getRegistry(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  5824. <summary>
  5825. Get the locator registry.
  5826. </summary>
  5827. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  5828. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  5829. </member>
  5830. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorPrx.begin_getRegistry(Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  5831. <summary>
  5832. Get the locator registry.
  5833. </summary>
  5834. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  5835. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  5836. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  5837. </member>
  5838. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorPrx.begin_getRegistry(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  5839. <summary>
  5840. Get the locator registry.
  5841. </summary>
  5842. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  5843. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  5844. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  5845. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  5846. </member>
  5847. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorPrx.end_getRegistry(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  5848. <summary>
  5849. Get the locator registry.
  5850. </summary>
  5851. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  5852. <returns>The locator registry.</returns>
  5853. </member>
  5854. <member name="T:Ice.LocatorRegistryPrx">
  5855. <summary>
  5856. The Ice locator registry interface.
  5857. This interface is used by
  5858. servers to register adapter endpoints with the locator.
  5859. The LocatorRegistry interface is intended to be used
  5860. by Ice internals and by locator implementations. Regular user
  5861. code should not attempt to use any functionality of this interface
  5862. directly.
  5863. </summary>
  5864. </member>
  5865. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryPrx.setAdapterDirectProxy(System.String,Ice.ObjectPrx)">
  5866. <summary>
  5867. Set the adapter endpoints with the locator registry.
  5868. </summary>
  5869. <param name="id">The adapter id.
  5870. </param>
  5871. <param name="proxy">The adapter proxy (a dummy direct proxy created
  5872. by the adapter). The direct proxy contains the adapter
  5873. endpoints.
  5874. </param>
  5875. <exception name="AdapterNotFoundException">Raised if the adapter cannot
  5876. be found, or if the locator only allows
  5877. registered adapters to set their active proxy and the
  5878. adapter is not registered with the locator.
  5879. </exception>
  5880. <exception name="AdapterAlreadyActiveException">Raised if an adapter with the same
  5881. id is already active.</exception>
  5882. </member>
  5883. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryPrx.setAdapterDirectProxy(System.String,Ice.ObjectPrx,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  5884. <summary>
  5885. Set the adapter endpoints with the locator registry.
  5886. </summary>
  5887. <param name="id">The adapter id.
  5888. </param>
  5889. <param name="proxy">The adapter proxy (a dummy direct proxy created
  5890. by the adapter). The direct proxy contains the adapter
  5891. endpoints.
  5892. </param>
  5893. <exception name="AdapterNotFoundException">Raised if the adapter cannot
  5894. be found, or if the locator only allows
  5895. registered adapters to set their active proxy and the
  5896. adapter is not registered with the locator.
  5897. </exception>
  5898. <exception name="AdapterAlreadyActiveException">Raised if an adapter with the same
  5899. id is already active.</exception>
  5900. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  5901. </member>
  5902. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryPrx.begin_setAdapterDirectProxy(System.String,Ice.ObjectPrx)">
  5903. <summary>
  5904. Set the adapter endpoints with the locator registry.
  5905. </summary>
  5906. <param name="id">The adapter id.
  5907. </param>
  5908. <param name="proxy">The adapter proxy (a dummy direct proxy created
  5909. by the adapter). The direct proxy contains the adapter
  5910. endpoints.
  5911. </param>
  5912. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  5913. </member>
  5914. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryPrx.begin_setAdapterDirectProxy(System.String,Ice.ObjectPrx,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  5915. <summary>
  5916. Set the adapter endpoints with the locator registry.
  5917. </summary>
  5918. <param name="id">The adapter id.
  5919. </param>
  5920. <param name="proxy">The adapter proxy (a dummy direct proxy created
  5921. by the adapter). The direct proxy contains the adapter
  5922. endpoints.
  5923. </param>
  5924. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  5925. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  5926. </member>
  5927. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryPrx.begin_setAdapterDirectProxy(System.String,Ice.ObjectPrx,Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  5928. <summary>
  5929. Set the adapter endpoints with the locator registry.
  5930. </summary>
  5931. <param name="id">The adapter id.
  5932. </param>
  5933. <param name="proxy">The adapter proxy (a dummy direct proxy created
  5934. by the adapter). The direct proxy contains the adapter
  5935. endpoints.
  5936. </param>
  5937. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  5938. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  5939. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  5940. </member>
  5941. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryPrx.begin_setAdapterDirectProxy(System.String,Ice.ObjectPrx,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  5942. <summary>
  5943. Set the adapter endpoints with the locator registry.
  5944. </summary>
  5945. <param name="id">The adapter id.
  5946. </param>
  5947. <param name="proxy">The adapter proxy (a dummy direct proxy created
  5948. by the adapter). The direct proxy contains the adapter
  5949. endpoints.
  5950. </param>
  5951. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  5952. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  5953. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  5954. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  5955. </member>
  5956. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryPrx.end_setAdapterDirectProxy(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  5957. <summary>
  5958. Set the adapter endpoints with the locator registry.
  5959. </summary>
  5960. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  5961. </member>
  5962. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryPrx.setReplicatedAdapterDirectProxy(System.String,System.String,Ice.ObjectPrx)">
  5963. <summary>
  5964. Set the adapter endpoints with the locator registry.
  5965. </summary>
  5966. <param name="adapterId">The adapter id.
  5967. </param>
  5968. <param name="replicaGroupId">The replica group id.
  5969. </param>
  5970. <param name="p">The adapter proxy (a dummy direct proxy created
  5971. by the adapter). The direct proxy contains the adapter
  5972. endpoints.
  5973. </param>
  5974. <exception name="AdapterNotFoundException">Raised if the adapter cannot
  5975. be found, or if the locator only allows registered adapters to
  5976. set their active proxy and the adapter is not registered with
  5977. the locator.
  5978. </exception>
  5979. <exception name="AdapterAlreadyActiveException">Raised if an adapter with the same
  5980. id is already active.
  5981. </exception>
  5982. <exception name="InvalidReplicaGroupIdException">Raised if the given
  5983. replica group doesn't match the one registered with the
  5984. locator registry for this object adapter.</exception>
  5985. </member>
  5986. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryPrx.setReplicatedAdapterDirectProxy(System.String,System.String,Ice.ObjectPrx,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  5987. <summary>
  5988. Set the adapter endpoints with the locator registry.
  5989. </summary>
  5990. <param name="adapterId">The adapter id.
  5991. </param>
  5992. <param name="replicaGroupId">The replica group id.
  5993. </param>
  5994. <param name="p">The adapter proxy (a dummy direct proxy created
  5995. by the adapter). The direct proxy contains the adapter
  5996. endpoints.
  5997. </param>
  5998. <exception name="AdapterNotFoundException">Raised if the adapter cannot
  5999. be found, or if the locator only allows registered adapters to
  6000. set their active proxy and the adapter is not registered with
  6001. the locator.
  6002. </exception>
  6003. <exception name="AdapterAlreadyActiveException">Raised if an adapter with the same
  6004. id is already active.
  6005. </exception>
  6006. <exception name="InvalidReplicaGroupIdException">Raised if the given
  6007. replica group doesn't match the one registered with the
  6008. locator registry for this object adapter.</exception>
  6009. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6010. </member>
  6011. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryPrx.begin_setReplicatedAdapterDirectProxy(System.String,System.String,Ice.ObjectPrx)">
  6012. <summary>
  6013. Set the adapter endpoints with the locator registry.
  6014. </summary>
  6015. <param name="adapterId">The adapter id.
  6016. </param>
  6017. <param name="replicaGroupId">The replica group id.
  6018. </param>
  6019. <param name="p">The adapter proxy (a dummy direct proxy created
  6020. by the adapter). The direct proxy contains the adapter
  6021. endpoints.
  6022. </param>
  6023. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6024. </member>
  6025. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryPrx.begin_setReplicatedAdapterDirectProxy(System.String,System.String,Ice.ObjectPrx,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6026. <summary>
  6027. Set the adapter endpoints with the locator registry.
  6028. </summary>
  6029. <param name="adapterId">The adapter id.
  6030. </param>
  6031. <param name="replicaGroupId">The replica group id.
  6032. </param>
  6033. <param name="p">The adapter proxy (a dummy direct proxy created
  6034. by the adapter). The direct proxy contains the adapter
  6035. endpoints.
  6036. </param>
  6037. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6038. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6039. </member>
  6040. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryPrx.begin_setReplicatedAdapterDirectProxy(System.String,System.String,Ice.ObjectPrx,Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6041. <summary>
  6042. Set the adapter endpoints with the locator registry.
  6043. </summary>
  6044. <param name="adapterId">The adapter id.
  6045. </param>
  6046. <param name="replicaGroupId">The replica group id.
  6047. </param>
  6048. <param name="p">The adapter proxy (a dummy direct proxy created
  6049. by the adapter). The direct proxy contains the adapter
  6050. endpoints.
  6051. </param>
  6052. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  6053. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  6054. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6055. </member>
  6056. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryPrx.begin_setReplicatedAdapterDirectProxy(System.String,System.String,Ice.ObjectPrx,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6057. <summary>
  6058. Set the adapter endpoints with the locator registry.
  6059. </summary>
  6060. <param name="adapterId">The adapter id.
  6061. </param>
  6062. <param name="replicaGroupId">The replica group id.
  6063. </param>
  6064. <param name="p">The adapter proxy (a dummy direct proxy created
  6065. by the adapter). The direct proxy contains the adapter
  6066. endpoints.
  6067. </param>
  6068. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6069. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  6070. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  6071. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6072. </member>
  6073. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryPrx.end_setReplicatedAdapterDirectProxy(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  6074. <summary>
  6075. Set the adapter endpoints with the locator registry.
  6076. </summary>
  6077. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  6078. </member>
  6079. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryPrx.setServerProcessProxy(System.String,Ice.ProcessPrx)">
  6080. <summary>
  6081. Set the process proxy for a server.
  6082. </summary>
  6083. <param name="id">The server id.
  6084. </param>
  6085. <param name="proxy">The process proxy.
  6086. </param>
  6087. <exception name="ServerNotFoundException">Raised if the server cannot
  6088. be found.</exception>
  6089. </member>
  6090. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryPrx.setServerProcessProxy(System.String,Ice.ProcessPrx,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6091. <summary>
  6092. Set the process proxy for a server.
  6093. </summary>
  6094. <param name="id">The server id.
  6095. </param>
  6096. <param name="proxy">The process proxy.
  6097. </param>
  6098. <exception name="ServerNotFoundException">Raised if the server cannot
  6099. be found.</exception>
  6100. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6101. </member>
  6102. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryPrx.begin_setServerProcessProxy(System.String,Ice.ProcessPrx)">
  6103. <summary>
  6104. Set the process proxy for a server.
  6105. </summary>
  6106. <param name="id">The server id.
  6107. </param>
  6108. <param name="proxy">The process proxy.
  6109. </param>
  6110. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6111. </member>
  6112. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryPrx.begin_setServerProcessProxy(System.String,Ice.ProcessPrx,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6113. <summary>
  6114. Set the process proxy for a server.
  6115. </summary>
  6116. <param name="id">The server id.
  6117. </param>
  6118. <param name="proxy">The process proxy.
  6119. </param>
  6120. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6121. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6122. </member>
  6123. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryPrx.begin_setServerProcessProxy(System.String,Ice.ProcessPrx,Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6124. <summary>
  6125. Set the process proxy for a server.
  6126. </summary>
  6127. <param name="id">The server id.
  6128. </param>
  6129. <param name="proxy">The process proxy.
  6130. </param>
  6131. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  6132. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  6133. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6134. </member>
  6135. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryPrx.begin_setServerProcessProxy(System.String,Ice.ProcessPrx,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6136. <summary>
  6137. Set the process proxy for a server.
  6138. </summary>
  6139. <param name="id">The server id.
  6140. </param>
  6141. <param name="proxy">The process proxy.
  6142. </param>
  6143. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6144. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  6145. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  6146. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6147. </member>
  6148. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorRegistryPrx.end_setServerProcessProxy(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  6149. <summary>
  6150. Set the process proxy for a server.
  6151. </summary>
  6152. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  6153. </member>
  6154. <member name="T:Ice.LocatorFinderPrx">
  6155. <summary>
  6156. This inferface should be implemented by services implementing the
  6157. Ice::Locator interface.
  6158. It should be advertised through an Ice
  6159. object with the identity `Ice/LocatorFinder'. This allows clients
  6160. to retrieve the locator proxy with just the endpoint information of
  6161. the service.
  6162. </summary>
  6163. </member>
  6164. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorFinderPrx.getLocator">
  6165. <summary>
  6166. Get the locator proxy implemented by the process hosting this
  6167. finder object.
  6168. The proxy might point to several replicas.
  6169. </summary>
  6170. <returns>The locator proxy.</returns>
  6171. </member>
  6172. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorFinderPrx.getLocator(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6173. <summary>
  6174. Get the locator proxy implemented by the process hosting this
  6175. finder object.
  6176. The proxy might point to several replicas.
  6177. </summary>
  6178. <returns>The locator proxy.</returns>
  6179. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6180. </member>
  6181. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorFinderPrx.begin_getLocator">
  6182. <summary>
  6183. Get the locator proxy implemented by the process hosting this
  6184. finder object.
  6185. The proxy might point to several replicas.
  6186. </summary>
  6187. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6188. </member>
  6189. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorFinderPrx.begin_getLocator(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6190. <summary>
  6191. Get the locator proxy implemented by the process hosting this
  6192. finder object.
  6193. The proxy might point to several replicas.
  6194. </summary>
  6195. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6196. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6197. </member>
  6198. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorFinderPrx.begin_getLocator(Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6199. <summary>
  6200. Get the locator proxy implemented by the process hosting this
  6201. finder object.
  6202. The proxy might point to several replicas.
  6203. </summary>
  6204. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  6205. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  6206. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6207. </member>
  6208. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorFinderPrx.begin_getLocator(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6209. <summary>
  6210. Get the locator proxy implemented by the process hosting this
  6211. finder object.
  6212. The proxy might point to several replicas.
  6213. </summary>
  6214. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6215. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  6216. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  6217. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6218. </member>
  6219. <member name="M:Ice.LocatorFinderPrx.end_getLocator(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  6220. <summary>
  6221. Get the locator proxy implemented by the process hosting this
  6222. finder object.
  6223. The proxy might point to several replicas.
  6224. </summary>
  6225. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  6226. <returns>The locator proxy.</returns>
  6227. </member>
  6228. <member name="T:Ice.AMD_Locator_findObjectById">
  6229. <summary>
  6230. Find an object by identity and return a proxy that contains
  6231. the adapter ID or endpoints which can be used to access the
  6232. object.
  6233. </summary>
  6234. </member>
  6235. <member name="M:Ice.AMD_Locator_findObjectById.ice_response(Ice.ObjectPrx)">
  6236. <summary>
  6237. ice_response indicates that
  6238. the operation completed successfully.
  6239. </summary>
  6240. <param name="ret__">(return value) The proxy, or null if the object is not active.
  6241. </param>
  6242. </member>
  6243. <member name="T:Ice.AMD_Locator_findAdapterById">
  6244. <summary>
  6245. Find an adapter by id and return a proxy that contains
  6246. its endpoints.
  6247. </summary>
  6248. </member>
  6249. <member name="M:Ice.AMD_Locator_findAdapterById.ice_response(Ice.ObjectPrx)">
  6250. <summary>
  6251. ice_response indicates that
  6252. the operation completed successfully.
  6253. </summary>
  6254. <param name="ret__">(return value) The adapter proxy, or null if the adapter is not active.
  6255. </param>
  6256. </member>
  6257. <member name="T:Ice.AMD_LocatorRegistry_setAdapterDirectProxy">
  6258. <summary>
  6259. Set the adapter endpoints with the locator registry.
  6260. </summary>
  6261. </member>
  6262. <member name="M:Ice.AMD_LocatorRegistry_setAdapterDirectProxy.ice_response">
  6263. <summary>
  6264. ice_response indicates that
  6265. the operation completed successfully.
  6266. </summary>
  6267. </member>
  6268. <member name="T:Ice.AMD_LocatorRegistry_setReplicatedAdapterDirectProxy">
  6269. <summary>
  6270. Set the adapter endpoints with the locator registry.
  6271. </summary>
  6272. </member>
  6273. <member name="M:Ice.AMD_LocatorRegistry_setReplicatedAdapterDirectProxy.ice_response">
  6274. <summary>
  6275. ice_response indicates that
  6276. the operation completed successfully.
  6277. </summary>
  6278. </member>
  6279. <member name="T:Ice.AMD_LocatorRegistry_setServerProcessProxy">
  6280. <summary>
  6281. Set the process proxy for a server.
  6282. </summary>
  6283. </member>
  6284. <member name="M:Ice.AMD_LocatorRegistry_setServerProcessProxy.ice_response">
  6285. <summary>
  6286. ice_response indicates that
  6287. the operation completed successfully.
  6288. </summary>
  6289. </member>
  6290. <member name="T:IceMX.UnknownMetricsView">
  6291. <summary>
  6292. Raised if a metrics view cannot be found.
  6293. </summary>
  6294. </member>
  6295. <member name="T:IceMX.MetricsPrx">
  6296. <summary>
  6297. The base class for metrics.
  6298. A metrics object represents a
  6299. collection of measurements associated to a given a system.
  6300. </summary>
  6301. </member>
  6302. <member name="T:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx">
  6303. <summary>
  6304. The metrics administrative facet interface.
  6305. This interface allows
  6306. remote administrative clients to access metrics of an application
  6307. that enabled the Ice administrative facility and configured some
  6308. metrics views.
  6309. </summary>
  6310. </member>
  6311. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.getMetricsViewNames(System.String[]@)">
  6312. <summary>
  6313. Get the names of enabled and disabled metrics.
  6314. </summary>
  6315. <param name="disabledViews">The names of the disabled views.
  6316. </param>
  6317. <returns>The name of the enabled views.</returns>
  6318. </member>
  6319. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.getMetricsViewNames(System.String[]@,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6320. <summary>
  6321. Get the names of enabled and disabled metrics.
  6322. </summary>
  6323. <param name="disabledViews">The names of the disabled views.
  6324. </param>
  6325. <returns>The name of the enabled views.</returns>
  6326. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6327. </member>
  6328. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_getMetricsViewNames">
  6329. <summary>
  6330. Get the names of enabled and disabled metrics.
  6331. </summary>
  6332. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6333. </member>
  6334. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_getMetricsViewNames(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6335. <summary>
  6336. Get the names of enabled and disabled metrics.
  6337. </summary>
  6338. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6339. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6340. </member>
  6341. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_getMetricsViewNames(Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6342. <summary>
  6343. Get the names of enabled and disabled metrics.
  6344. </summary>
  6345. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  6346. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  6347. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6348. </member>
  6349. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_getMetricsViewNames(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6350. <summary>
  6351. Get the names of enabled and disabled metrics.
  6352. </summary>
  6353. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6354. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  6355. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  6356. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6357. </member>
  6358. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.end_getMetricsViewNames(System.String[]@,Ice.AsyncResult)">
  6359. <summary>
  6360. Get the names of enabled and disabled metrics.
  6361. </summary>
  6362. <param name="disabledViews">The names of the disabled views.
  6363. </param>
  6364. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  6365. <returns>The name of the enabled views.</returns>
  6366. </member>
  6367. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.enableMetricsView(System.String)">
  6368. <summary>
  6369. Enables a metrics view.
  6370. </summary>
  6371. <param name="name">The metrics view name.
  6372. </param>
  6373. <exception name="UnknownMetricsView">Raised if the metrics view cannot be
  6374. found.</exception>
  6375. </member>
  6376. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.enableMetricsView(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6377. <summary>
  6378. Enables a metrics view.
  6379. </summary>
  6380. <param name="name">The metrics view name.
  6381. </param>
  6382. <exception name="UnknownMetricsView">Raised if the metrics view cannot be
  6383. found.</exception>
  6384. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6385. </member>
  6386. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_enableMetricsView(System.String)">
  6387. <summary>
  6388. Enables a metrics view.
  6389. </summary>
  6390. <param name="name">The metrics view name.
  6391. </param>
  6392. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6393. </member>
  6394. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_enableMetricsView(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6395. <summary>
  6396. Enables a metrics view.
  6397. </summary>
  6398. <param name="name">The metrics view name.
  6399. </param>
  6400. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6401. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6402. </member>
  6403. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_enableMetricsView(System.String,Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6404. <summary>
  6405. Enables a metrics view.
  6406. </summary>
  6407. <param name="name">The metrics view name.
  6408. </param>
  6409. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  6410. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  6411. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6412. </member>
  6413. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_enableMetricsView(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6414. <summary>
  6415. Enables a metrics view.
  6416. </summary>
  6417. <param name="name">The metrics view name.
  6418. </param>
  6419. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6420. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  6421. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  6422. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6423. </member>
  6424. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.end_enableMetricsView(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  6425. <summary>
  6426. Enables a metrics view.
  6427. </summary>
  6428. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  6429. </member>
  6430. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.disableMetricsView(System.String)">
  6431. <summary>
  6432. Disable a metrics view.
  6433. </summary>
  6434. <param name="name">The metrics view name.
  6435. </param>
  6436. <exception name="UnknownMetricsView">Raised if the metrics view cannot be
  6437. found.</exception>
  6438. </member>
  6439. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.disableMetricsView(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6440. <summary>
  6441. Disable a metrics view.
  6442. </summary>
  6443. <param name="name">The metrics view name.
  6444. </param>
  6445. <exception name="UnknownMetricsView">Raised if the metrics view cannot be
  6446. found.</exception>
  6447. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6448. </member>
  6449. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_disableMetricsView(System.String)">
  6450. <summary>
  6451. Disable a metrics view.
  6452. </summary>
  6453. <param name="name">The metrics view name.
  6454. </param>
  6455. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6456. </member>
  6457. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_disableMetricsView(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6458. <summary>
  6459. Disable a metrics view.
  6460. </summary>
  6461. <param name="name">The metrics view name.
  6462. </param>
  6463. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6464. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6465. </member>
  6466. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_disableMetricsView(System.String,Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6467. <summary>
  6468. Disable a metrics view.
  6469. </summary>
  6470. <param name="name">The metrics view name.
  6471. </param>
  6472. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  6473. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  6474. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6475. </member>
  6476. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_disableMetricsView(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6477. <summary>
  6478. Disable a metrics view.
  6479. </summary>
  6480. <param name="name">The metrics view name.
  6481. </param>
  6482. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6483. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  6484. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  6485. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6486. </member>
  6487. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.end_disableMetricsView(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  6488. <summary>
  6489. Disable a metrics view.
  6490. </summary>
  6491. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  6492. </member>
  6493. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.getMetricsView(System.String,System.Int64@)">
  6494. <summary>
  6495. Get the metrics objects for the given metrics view.
  6496. This
  6497. returns a dictionnary of metric maps for each metrics class
  6498. configured with the view. The timestamp allows the client to
  6499. compute averages which are not dependent of the invocation
  6500. latency for this operation.
  6501. </summary>
  6502. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  6503. </param>
  6504. <param name="timestamp">The local time of the process when the metrics
  6505. object were retrieved.
  6506. </param>
  6507. <returns>The metrics view data.
  6508. </returns>
  6509. <exception name="UnknownMetricsView">Raised if the metrics view cannot be
  6510. found.</exception>
  6511. </member>
  6512. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.getMetricsView(System.String,System.Int64@,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6513. <summary>
  6514. Get the metrics objects for the given metrics view.
  6515. This
  6516. returns a dictionnary of metric maps for each metrics class
  6517. configured with the view. The timestamp allows the client to
  6518. compute averages which are not dependent of the invocation
  6519. latency for this operation.
  6520. </summary>
  6521. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  6522. </param>
  6523. <param name="timestamp">The local time of the process when the metrics
  6524. object were retrieved.
  6525. </param>
  6526. <returns>The metrics view data.
  6527. </returns>
  6528. <exception name="UnknownMetricsView">Raised if the metrics view cannot be
  6529. found.</exception>
  6530. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6531. </member>
  6532. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_getMetricsView(System.String)">
  6533. <summary>
  6534. Get the metrics objects for the given metrics view.
  6535. This
  6536. </summary>
  6537. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  6538. </param>
  6539. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6540. </member>
  6541. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_getMetricsView(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6542. <summary>
  6543. Get the metrics objects for the given metrics view.
  6544. This
  6545. </summary>
  6546. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  6547. </param>
  6548. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6549. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6550. </member>
  6551. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_getMetricsView(System.String,Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6552. <summary>
  6553. Get the metrics objects for the given metrics view.
  6554. This
  6555. </summary>
  6556. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  6557. </param>
  6558. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  6559. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  6560. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6561. </member>
  6562. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_getMetricsView(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6563. <summary>
  6564. Get the metrics objects for the given metrics view.
  6565. This
  6566. </summary>
  6567. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  6568. </param>
  6569. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6570. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  6571. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  6572. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6573. </member>
  6574. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.end_getMetricsView(System.Int64@,Ice.AsyncResult)">
  6575. <summary>
  6576. Get the metrics objects for the given metrics view.
  6577. This
  6578. </summary>
  6579. <param name="timestamp">The local time of the process when the metrics
  6580. object were retrieved.
  6581. </param>
  6582. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  6583. <returns>The metrics view data.
  6584. </returns>
  6585. </member>
  6586. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.getMapMetricsFailures(System.String,System.String)">
  6587. <summary>
  6588. Get the metrics failures associated with the given view and map.
  6589. </summary>
  6590. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  6591. </param>
  6592. <param name="map">The name of the metrics map.
  6593. </param>
  6594. <returns>The metrics failures associated with the map.
  6595. </returns>
  6596. <exception name="UnknownMetricsView">Raised if the metrics view cannot be
  6597. found.</exception>
  6598. </member>
  6599. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.getMapMetricsFailures(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6600. <summary>
  6601. Get the metrics failures associated with the given view and map.
  6602. </summary>
  6603. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  6604. </param>
  6605. <param name="map">The name of the metrics map.
  6606. </param>
  6607. <returns>The metrics failures associated with the map.
  6608. </returns>
  6609. <exception name="UnknownMetricsView">Raised if the metrics view cannot be
  6610. found.</exception>
  6611. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6612. </member>
  6613. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_getMapMetricsFailures(System.String,System.String)">
  6614. <summary>
  6615. Get the metrics failures associated with the given view and map.
  6616. </summary>
  6617. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  6618. </param>
  6619. <param name="map">The name of the metrics map.
  6620. </param>
  6621. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6622. </member>
  6623. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_getMapMetricsFailures(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6624. <summary>
  6625. Get the metrics failures associated with the given view and map.
  6626. </summary>
  6627. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  6628. </param>
  6629. <param name="map">The name of the metrics map.
  6630. </param>
  6631. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6632. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6633. </member>
  6634. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_getMapMetricsFailures(System.String,System.String,Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6635. <summary>
  6636. Get the metrics failures associated with the given view and map.
  6637. </summary>
  6638. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  6639. </param>
  6640. <param name="map">The name of the metrics map.
  6641. </param>
  6642. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  6643. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  6644. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6645. </member>
  6646. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_getMapMetricsFailures(System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6647. <summary>
  6648. Get the metrics failures associated with the given view and map.
  6649. </summary>
  6650. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  6651. </param>
  6652. <param name="map">The name of the metrics map.
  6653. </param>
  6654. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6655. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  6656. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  6657. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6658. </member>
  6659. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.end_getMapMetricsFailures(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  6660. <summary>
  6661. Get the metrics failures associated with the given view and map.
  6662. </summary>
  6663. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  6664. <returns>The metrics failures associated with the map.
  6665. </returns>
  6666. </member>
  6667. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.getMetricsFailures(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  6668. <summary>
  6669. Get the metrics failure associated for the given metrics.
  6670. </summary>
  6671. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  6672. </param>
  6673. <param name="map">The name of the metrics map.
  6674. </param>
  6675. <param name="id">The ID of the metrics.
  6676. </param>
  6677. <returns>The metrics failures associated with the metrics.
  6678. </returns>
  6679. <exception name="UnknownMetricsView">Raised if the metrics view cannot be
  6680. found.</exception>
  6681. </member>
  6682. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.getMetricsFailures(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6683. <summary>
  6684. Get the metrics failure associated for the given metrics.
  6685. </summary>
  6686. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  6687. </param>
  6688. <param name="map">The name of the metrics map.
  6689. </param>
  6690. <param name="id">The ID of the metrics.
  6691. </param>
  6692. <returns>The metrics failures associated with the metrics.
  6693. </returns>
  6694. <exception name="UnknownMetricsView">Raised if the metrics view cannot be
  6695. found.</exception>
  6696. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6697. </member>
  6698. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_getMetricsFailures(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  6699. <summary>
  6700. Get the metrics failure associated for the given metrics.
  6701. </summary>
  6702. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  6703. </param>
  6704. <param name="map">The name of the metrics map.
  6705. </param>
  6706. <param name="id">The ID of the metrics.
  6707. </param>
  6708. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6709. </member>
  6710. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_getMetricsFailures(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6711. <summary>
  6712. Get the metrics failure associated for the given metrics.
  6713. </summary>
  6714. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  6715. </param>
  6716. <param name="map">The name of the metrics map.
  6717. </param>
  6718. <param name="id">The ID of the metrics.
  6719. </param>
  6720. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6721. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6722. </member>
  6723. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_getMetricsFailures(System.String,System.String,System.String,Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6724. <summary>
  6725. Get the metrics failure associated for the given metrics.
  6726. </summary>
  6727. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  6728. </param>
  6729. <param name="map">The name of the metrics map.
  6730. </param>
  6731. <param name="id">The ID of the metrics.
  6732. </param>
  6733. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  6734. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  6735. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6736. </member>
  6737. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.begin_getMetricsFailures(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6738. <summary>
  6739. Get the metrics failure associated for the given metrics.
  6740. </summary>
  6741. <param name="view">The name of the metrics view.
  6742. </param>
  6743. <param name="map">The name of the metrics map.
  6744. </param>
  6745. <param name="id">The ID of the metrics.
  6746. </param>
  6747. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6748. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  6749. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  6750. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6751. </member>
  6752. <member name="M:IceMX.MetricsAdminPrx.end_getMetricsFailures(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  6753. <summary>
  6754. Get the metrics failure associated for the given metrics.
  6755. </summary>
  6756. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  6757. <returns>The metrics failures associated with the metrics.
  6758. </returns>
  6759. </member>
  6760. <member name="T:IceMX.ThreadMetricsPrx">
  6761. <summary>
  6762. Provides information on the number of threads currently in use and
  6763. their activity.
  6764. </summary>
  6765. </member>
  6766. <member name="T:IceMX.DispatchMetricsPrx">
  6767. <summary>
  6768. Provides information on servant dispatch.
  6769. </summary>
  6770. </member>
  6771. <member name="T:IceMX.ChildInvocationMetricsPrx">
  6772. <summary>
  6773. Provides information on child invocations.
  6774. A child invocation is
  6775. either remote (sent over an Ice connection) or collocated. An
  6776. invocation can have multiple child invocation if it is
  6777. retried. Child invocation metrics are embedded within InvocationMetrics.
  6778. </summary>
  6779. </member>
  6780. <member name="T:IceMX.CollocatedMetricsPrx">
  6781. <summary>
  6782. Provides information on invocations that are collocated.
  6783. Collocated
  6784. metrics are embedded within InvocationMetrics.
  6785. </summary>
  6786. </member>
  6787. <member name="T:IceMX.RemoteMetricsPrx">
  6788. <summary>
  6789. Provides information on invocations that are specifically sent over
  6790. Ice connections.
  6791. Remote metrics are embedded within InvocationMetrics.
  6792. </summary>
  6793. </member>
  6794. <member name="T:IceMX.InvocationMetricsPrx">
  6795. <summary>
  6796. Provide measurements for proxy invocations.
  6797. Proxy invocations can
  6798. either be sent over the wire or be collocated.
  6799. </summary>
  6800. </member>
  6801. <member name="T:IceMX.ConnectionMetricsPrx">
  6802. <summary>
  6803. Provides information on the data sent and received over Ice
  6804. connections.
  6805. </summary>
  6806. </member>
  6807. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectFactory.create(System.String)">
  6808. <summary>
  6809. Create a new object for a given object type.
  6810. The type is the
  6811. absolute Slice type id, i.e., the id relative to the
  6812. unnamed top-level Slice module. For example, the absolute
  6813. Slice type id for interfaces of type Bar in the module
  6814. Foo is ::Foo::Bar.
  6815. The leading "::" is required.
  6816. </summary>
  6817. <param name="type">The object type.
  6818. </param>
  6819. <returns>The object created for the given type, or nil if the
  6820. factory is unable to create the object.</returns>
  6821. </member>
  6822. <member name="M:Ice.ObjectFactory.destroy">
  6823. <summary>
  6824. Called when the factory is removed from the communicator, or if
  6825. the communicator is destroyed.
  6826. </summary>
  6827. </member>
  6828. <member name="T:Ice.ProcessPrx">
  6829. <summary>
  6830. An administrative interface for process management.
  6831. Managed servers must
  6832. implement this interface.
  6833. A servant implementing this interface is a potential target
  6834. for denial-of-service attacks, therefore proper security precautions
  6835. should be taken. For example, the servant can use a UUID to make its
  6836. identity harder to guess, and be registered in an object adapter with
  6837. a secured endpoint.
  6838. </summary>
  6839. </member>
  6840. <member name="M:Ice.ProcessPrx.shutdown">
  6841. <summary>
  6842. Initiate a graceful shut-down.
  6843. </summary>
  6844. </member>
  6845. <member name="M:Ice.ProcessPrx.shutdown(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6846. <summary>
  6847. Initiate a graceful shut-down.
  6848. </summary>
  6849. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6850. </member>
  6851. <member name="M:Ice.ProcessPrx.begin_shutdown">
  6852. <summary>
  6853. Initiate a graceful shut-down.
  6854. </summary>
  6855. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6856. </member>
  6857. <member name="M:Ice.ProcessPrx.begin_shutdown(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6858. <summary>
  6859. Initiate a graceful shut-down.
  6860. </summary>
  6861. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6862. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6863. </member>
  6864. <member name="M:Ice.ProcessPrx.begin_shutdown(Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6865. <summary>
  6866. Initiate a graceful shut-down.
  6867. </summary>
  6868. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  6869. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  6870. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6871. </member>
  6872. <member name="M:Ice.ProcessPrx.begin_shutdown(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6873. <summary>
  6874. Initiate a graceful shut-down.
  6875. </summary>
  6876. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6877. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  6878. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  6879. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6880. </member>
  6881. <member name="M:Ice.ProcessPrx.end_shutdown(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  6882. <summary>
  6883. Initiate a graceful shut-down.
  6884. </summary>
  6885. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  6886. </member>
  6887. <member name="M:Ice.ProcessPrx.writeMessage(System.String,System.Int32)">
  6888. <summary>
  6889. Write a message on the process' stdout or stderr.
  6890. </summary>
  6891. <param name="message">The message.
  6892. </param>
  6893. <param name="fd">1 for stdout, 2 for stderr.</param>
  6894. </member>
  6895. <member name="M:Ice.ProcessPrx.writeMessage(System.String,System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6896. <summary>
  6897. Write a message on the process' stdout or stderr.
  6898. </summary>
  6899. <param name="message">The message.
  6900. </param>
  6901. <param name="fd">1 for stdout, 2 for stderr.</param>
  6902. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6903. </member>
  6904. <member name="M:Ice.ProcessPrx.begin_writeMessage(System.String,System.Int32)">
  6905. <summary>
  6906. Write a message on the process' stdout or stderr.
  6907. </summary>
  6908. <param name="message">The message.
  6909. </param>
  6910. <param name="fd">1 for stdout, 2 for stderr.</param>
  6911. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6912. </member>
  6913. <member name="M:Ice.ProcessPrx.begin_writeMessage(System.String,System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6914. <summary>
  6915. Write a message on the process' stdout or stderr.
  6916. </summary>
  6917. <param name="message">The message.
  6918. </param>
  6919. <param name="fd">1 for stdout, 2 for stderr.</param>
  6920. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6921. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6922. </member>
  6923. <member name="M:Ice.ProcessPrx.begin_writeMessage(System.String,System.Int32,Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6924. <summary>
  6925. Write a message on the process' stdout or stderr.
  6926. </summary>
  6927. <param name="message">The message.
  6928. </param>
  6929. <param name="fd">1 for stdout, 2 for stderr.</param>
  6930. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  6931. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  6932. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6933. </member>
  6934. <member name="M:Ice.ProcessPrx.begin_writeMessage(System.String,System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6935. <summary>
  6936. Write a message on the process' stdout or stderr.
  6937. </summary>
  6938. <param name="message">The message.
  6939. </param>
  6940. <param name="fd">1 for stdout, 2 for stderr.</param>
  6941. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6942. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  6943. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  6944. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6945. </member>
  6946. <member name="M:Ice.ProcessPrx.end_writeMessage(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  6947. <summary>
  6948. Write a message on the process' stdout or stderr.
  6949. </summary>
  6950. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  6951. </member>
  6952. <member name="T:Ice.PropertiesAdminPrx">
  6953. <summary>
  6954. The PropertiesAdmin interface provides remote access to the properties
  6955. of a communicator.
  6956. </summary>
  6957. </member>
  6958. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminPrx.getProperty(System.String)">
  6959. <summary>
  6960. Get a property by key.
  6961. If the property is not set, an empty
  6962. string is returned.
  6963. </summary>
  6964. <param name="key">The property key.
  6965. </param>
  6966. <returns>The property value.</returns>
  6967. </member>
  6968. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminPrx.getProperty(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6969. <summary>
  6970. Get a property by key.
  6971. If the property is not set, an empty
  6972. string is returned.
  6973. </summary>
  6974. <param name="key">The property key.
  6975. </param>
  6976. <returns>The property value.</returns>
  6977. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6978. </member>
  6979. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminPrx.begin_getProperty(System.String)">
  6980. <summary>
  6981. Get a property by key.
  6982. If the property is not set, an empty
  6983. </summary>
  6984. <param name="key">The property key.
  6985. </param>
  6986. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6987. </member>
  6988. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminPrx.begin_getProperty(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  6989. <summary>
  6990. Get a property by key.
  6991. If the property is not set, an empty
  6992. </summary>
  6993. <param name="key">The property key.
  6994. </param>
  6995. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  6996. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  6997. </member>
  6998. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminPrx.begin_getProperty(System.String,Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  6999. <summary>
  7000. Get a property by key.
  7001. If the property is not set, an empty
  7002. </summary>
  7003. <param name="key">The property key.
  7004. </param>
  7005. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  7006. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  7007. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7008. </member>
  7009. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminPrx.begin_getProperty(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  7010. <summary>
  7011. Get a property by key.
  7012. If the property is not set, an empty
  7013. </summary>
  7014. <param name="key">The property key.
  7015. </param>
  7016. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7017. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  7018. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  7019. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7020. </member>
  7021. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminPrx.end_getProperty(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  7022. <summary>
  7023. Get a property by key.
  7024. If the property is not set, an empty
  7025. </summary>
  7026. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  7027. <returns>The property value.</returns>
  7028. </member>
  7029. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminPrx.getPropertiesForPrefix(System.String)">
  7030. <summary>
  7031. Get all properties whose keys begin with prefix.
  7032. If
  7033. prefix is an empty string then all properties are returned.
  7034. </summary>
  7035. <param name="prefix">The prefix to search for (empty string if none).
  7036. </param>
  7037. <returns>The matching property set.</returns>
  7038. </member>
  7039. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminPrx.getPropertiesForPrefix(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  7040. <summary>
  7041. Get all properties whose keys begin with prefix.
  7042. If
  7043. prefix is an empty string then all properties are returned.
  7044. </summary>
  7045. <param name="prefix">The prefix to search for (empty string if none).
  7046. </param>
  7047. <returns>The matching property set.</returns>
  7048. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7049. </member>
  7050. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminPrx.begin_getPropertiesForPrefix(System.String)">
  7051. <summary>
  7052. Get all properties whose keys begin with prefix.
  7053. If
  7054. </summary>
  7055. <param name="prefix">The prefix to search for (empty string if none).
  7056. </param>
  7057. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7058. </member>
  7059. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminPrx.begin_getPropertiesForPrefix(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  7060. <summary>
  7061. Get all properties whose keys begin with prefix.
  7062. If
  7063. </summary>
  7064. <param name="prefix">The prefix to search for (empty string if none).
  7065. </param>
  7066. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7067. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7068. </member>
  7069. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminPrx.begin_getPropertiesForPrefix(System.String,Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  7070. <summary>
  7071. Get all properties whose keys begin with prefix.
  7072. If
  7073. </summary>
  7074. <param name="prefix">The prefix to search for (empty string if none).
  7075. </param>
  7076. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  7077. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  7078. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7079. </member>
  7080. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminPrx.begin_getPropertiesForPrefix(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  7081. <summary>
  7082. Get all properties whose keys begin with prefix.
  7083. If
  7084. </summary>
  7085. <param name="prefix">The prefix to search for (empty string if none).
  7086. </param>
  7087. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7088. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  7089. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  7090. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7091. </member>
  7092. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminPrx.end_getPropertiesForPrefix(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  7093. <summary>
  7094. Get all properties whose keys begin with prefix.
  7095. If
  7096. </summary>
  7097. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  7098. <returns>The matching property set.</returns>
  7099. </member>
  7100. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminPrx.setProperties(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  7101. <summary>
  7102. Update the communicator's properties with the given property set.
  7103. </summary>
  7104. <param name="newProperties">Properties to be added, changed, or removed.
  7105. If an entry in newProperties matches the name of an existing property,
  7106. that property's value is replaced with the new value. If the new value
  7107. is an empty string, the property is removed. Any existing properties
  7108. that are not modified or removed by the entries in newProperties are
  7109. retained with their original values.</param>
  7110. </member>
  7111. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminPrx.setProperties(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  7112. <summary>
  7113. Update the communicator's properties with the given property set.
  7114. </summary>
  7115. <param name="newProperties">Properties to be added, changed, or removed.
  7116. If an entry in newProperties matches the name of an existing property,
  7117. that property's value is replaced with the new value. If the new value
  7118. is an empty string, the property is removed. Any existing properties
  7119. that are not modified or removed by the entries in newProperties are
  7120. retained with their original values.</param>
  7121. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7122. </member>
  7123. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminPrx.begin_setProperties(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  7124. <summary>
  7125. Update the communicator's properties with the given property set.
  7126. </summary>
  7127. <param name="newProperties">Properties to be added, changed, or removed.
  7128. If an entry in newProperties matches the name of an existing property,
  7129. that property's value is replaced with the new value. If the new value
  7130. is an empty string, the property is removed. Any existing properties
  7131. that are not modified or removed by the entries in newProperties are
  7132. retained with their original values.</param>
  7133. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7134. </member>
  7135. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminPrx.begin_setProperties(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  7136. <summary>
  7137. Update the communicator's properties with the given property set.
  7138. </summary>
  7139. <param name="newProperties">Properties to be added, changed, or removed.
  7140. If an entry in newProperties matches the name of an existing property,
  7141. that property's value is replaced with the new value. If the new value
  7142. is an empty string, the property is removed. Any existing properties
  7143. that are not modified or removed by the entries in newProperties are
  7144. retained with their original values.</param>
  7145. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7146. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7147. </member>
  7148. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminPrx.begin_setProperties(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  7149. <summary>
  7150. Update the communicator's properties with the given property set.
  7151. </summary>
  7152. <param name="newProperties">Properties to be added, changed, or removed.
  7153. If an entry in newProperties matches the name of an existing property,
  7154. that property's value is replaced with the new value. If the new value
  7155. is an empty string, the property is removed. Any existing properties
  7156. that are not modified or removed by the entries in newProperties are
  7157. retained with their original values.</param>
  7158. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  7159. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  7160. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7161. </member>
  7162. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminPrx.begin_setProperties(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  7163. <summary>
  7164. Update the communicator's properties with the given property set.
  7165. </summary>
  7166. <param name="newProperties">Properties to be added, changed, or removed.
  7167. If an entry in newProperties matches the name of an existing property,
  7168. that property's value is replaced with the new value. If the new value
  7169. is an empty string, the property is removed. Any existing properties
  7170. that are not modified or removed by the entries in newProperties are
  7171. retained with their original values.</param>
  7172. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7173. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  7174. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  7175. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7176. </member>
  7177. <member name="M:Ice.PropertiesAdminPrx.end_setProperties(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  7178. <summary>
  7179. Update the communicator's properties with the given property set.
  7180. </summary>
  7181. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  7182. </member>
  7183. <member name="T:Ice.AMD_PropertiesAdmin_setProperties">
  7184. <summary>
  7185. Update the communicator's properties with the given property set.
  7186. </summary>
  7187. </member>
  7188. <member name="M:Ice.AMD_PropertiesAdmin_setProperties.ice_response">
  7189. <summary>
  7190. ice_response indicates that
  7191. the operation completed successfully.
  7192. </summary>
  7193. </member>
  7194. <member name="T:Ice.RemoteLoggerOperations_">
  7195. <summary>
  7196. The Ice remote logger interface.
  7197. An application can implement a
  7198. RemoteLogger to receive the log messages sent to the local Logger
  7199. of another Ice application.
  7200. </summary>
  7201. </member>
  7202. <member name="M:Ice.RemoteLoggerOperations_.init(System.String,Ice.LogMessage[],Ice.Current)">
  7203. <summary>
  7204. init is called by LoggerAdmin.attachRemoteLogger when a
  7205. RemoteLogger proxy is attached.
  7206. </summary>
  7207. <param name="prefix">The prefix of the associated local Logger
  7208. </param>
  7209. <param name="logMessages">Old log messages generated before "now".
  7210. </param>
  7211. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  7212. </member>
  7213. <member name="M:Ice.RemoteLoggerOperations_.log(Ice.LogMessage,Ice.Current)">
  7214. <summary>
  7215. Log a LogMessage.
  7216. Note that log may be called by LoggerAdmin
  7217. before init.
  7218. </summary>
  7219. <param name="message">The message to log.
  7220. </param>
  7221. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  7222. </member>
  7223. <member name="T:Ice.RemoteLoggerOperationsNC_">
  7224. <summary>
  7225. The Ice remote logger interface.
  7226. An application can implement a
  7227. RemoteLogger to receive the log messages sent to the local Logger
  7228. of another Ice application.
  7229. </summary>
  7230. </member>
  7231. <member name="M:Ice.RemoteLoggerOperationsNC_.init(System.String,Ice.LogMessage[])">
  7232. <summary>
  7233. init is called by LoggerAdmin.attachRemoteLogger when a
  7234. RemoteLogger proxy is attached.
  7235. </summary>
  7236. <param name="prefix">The prefix of the associated local Logger
  7237. </param>
  7238. <param name="logMessages">Old log messages generated before "now".
  7239. </param>
  7240. </member>
  7241. <member name="M:Ice.RemoteLoggerOperationsNC_.log(Ice.LogMessage)">
  7242. <summary>
  7243. Log a LogMessage.
  7244. Note that log may be called by LoggerAdmin
  7245. before init.
  7246. </summary>
  7247. <param name="message">The message to log.
  7248. </param>
  7249. </member>
  7250. <member name="T:Ice.RemoteLoggerAlreadyAttachedException">
  7251. <summary>
  7252. An exception thrown by LoggerAdmin.attachRemoteLogger to report
  7253. that the provided RemoteLogger was previously attached to this
  7254. LoggerAdmin.
  7255. </summary>
  7256. </member>
  7257. <member name="T:Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx">
  7258. <summary>
  7259. The Ice remote logger interface.
  7260. An application can implement a
  7261. RemoteLogger to receive the log messages sent to the local Logger
  7262. of another Ice application.
  7263. </summary>
  7264. </member>
  7265. <member name="M:Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx.init(System.String,Ice.LogMessage[])">
  7266. <summary>
  7267. init is called by LoggerAdmin.attachRemoteLogger when a
  7268. RemoteLogger proxy is attached.
  7269. </summary>
  7270. <param name="prefix">The prefix of the associated local Logger
  7271. </param>
  7272. <param name="logMessages">Old log messages generated before "now".
  7273. </param>
  7274. </member>
  7275. <member name="M:Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx.init(System.String,Ice.LogMessage[],System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  7276. <summary>
  7277. init is called by LoggerAdmin.attachRemoteLogger when a
  7278. RemoteLogger proxy is attached.
  7279. </summary>
  7280. <param name="prefix">The prefix of the associated local Logger
  7281. </param>
  7282. <param name="logMessages">Old log messages generated before "now".
  7283. </param>
  7284. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7285. </member>
  7286. <member name="M:Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx.begin_init(System.String,Ice.LogMessage[])">
  7287. <summary>
  7288. init is called by LoggerAdmin.attachRemoteLogger when a
  7289. RemoteLogger proxy is attached.
  7290. </summary>
  7291. <param name="prefix">The prefix of the associated local Logger
  7292. </param>
  7293. <param name="logMessages">Old log messages generated before "now".
  7294. </param>
  7295. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7296. </member>
  7297. <member name="M:Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx.begin_init(System.String,Ice.LogMessage[],System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  7298. <summary>
  7299. init is called by LoggerAdmin.attachRemoteLogger when a
  7300. RemoteLogger proxy is attached.
  7301. </summary>
  7302. <param name="prefix">The prefix of the associated local Logger
  7303. </param>
  7304. <param name="logMessages">Old log messages generated before "now".
  7305. </param>
  7306. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7307. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7308. </member>
  7309. <member name="M:Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx.begin_init(System.String,Ice.LogMessage[],Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  7310. <summary>
  7311. init is called by LoggerAdmin.attachRemoteLogger when a
  7312. RemoteLogger proxy is attached.
  7313. </summary>
  7314. <param name="prefix">The prefix of the associated local Logger
  7315. </param>
  7316. <param name="logMessages">Old log messages generated before "now".
  7317. </param>
  7318. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  7319. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  7320. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7321. </member>
  7322. <member name="M:Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx.begin_init(System.String,Ice.LogMessage[],System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  7323. <summary>
  7324. init is called by LoggerAdmin.attachRemoteLogger when a
  7325. RemoteLogger proxy is attached.
  7326. </summary>
  7327. <param name="prefix">The prefix of the associated local Logger
  7328. </param>
  7329. <param name="logMessages">Old log messages generated before "now".
  7330. </param>
  7331. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7332. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  7333. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  7334. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7335. </member>
  7336. <member name="M:Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx.end_init(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  7337. <summary>
  7338. init is called by LoggerAdmin.attachRemoteLogger when a
  7339. RemoteLogger proxy is attached.
  7340. </summary>
  7341. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  7342. </member>
  7343. <member name="M:Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx.log(Ice.LogMessage)">
  7344. <summary>
  7345. Log a LogMessage.
  7346. Note that log may be called by LoggerAdmin
  7347. before init.
  7348. </summary>
  7349. <param name="message">The message to log.
  7350. </param>
  7351. </member>
  7352. <member name="M:Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx.log(Ice.LogMessage,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  7353. <summary>
  7354. Log a LogMessage.
  7355. Note that log may be called by LoggerAdmin
  7356. before init.
  7357. </summary>
  7358. <param name="message">The message to log.
  7359. </param>
  7360. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7361. </member>
  7362. <member name="M:Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx.begin_log(Ice.LogMessage)">
  7363. <summary>
  7364. Log a LogMessage.
  7365. Note that log may be called by LoggerAdmin
  7366. </summary>
  7367. <param name="message">The message to log.
  7368. </param>
  7369. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7370. </member>
  7371. <member name="M:Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx.begin_log(Ice.LogMessage,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  7372. <summary>
  7373. Log a LogMessage.
  7374. Note that log may be called by LoggerAdmin
  7375. </summary>
  7376. <param name="message">The message to log.
  7377. </param>
  7378. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7379. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7380. </member>
  7381. <member name="M:Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx.begin_log(Ice.LogMessage,Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  7382. <summary>
  7383. Log a LogMessage.
  7384. Note that log may be called by LoggerAdmin
  7385. </summary>
  7386. <param name="message">The message to log.
  7387. </param>
  7388. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  7389. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  7390. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7391. </member>
  7392. <member name="M:Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx.begin_log(Ice.LogMessage,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  7393. <summary>
  7394. Log a LogMessage.
  7395. Note that log may be called by LoggerAdmin
  7396. </summary>
  7397. <param name="message">The message to log.
  7398. </param>
  7399. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7400. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  7401. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  7402. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7403. </member>
  7404. <member name="M:Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx.end_log(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  7405. <summary>
  7406. Log a LogMessage.
  7407. Note that log may be called by LoggerAdmin
  7408. </summary>
  7409. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  7410. </member>
  7411. <member name="T:Ice.LoggerAdminPrx">
  7412. <summary>
  7413. The interface of the admin object that allows an Ice application the attach its
  7414. RemoteLogger to the Logger of this admin object's Ice communicator.
  7415. </summary>
  7416. </member>
  7417. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminPrx.attachRemoteLogger(Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx,Ice.LogMessageType[],System.String[],System.Int32)">
  7418. <summary>
  7419. attachRemoteLogger is called to attach a RemoteLogger object to
  7420. the local Logger.
  7421. attachRemoteLogger calls init on the provided RemoteLogger proxy.
  7422. </summary>
  7423. <param name="prx">A proxy to the remote logger.
  7424. </param>
  7425. <param name="messageTypes">The list of message types that the remote logger wishes to receive.
  7426. An empty list means no filtering (send all message types).
  7427. </param>
  7428. <param name="traceCategories">The categories of traces that the remote logger wishes to receive.
  7429. This parameter is ignored if messageTypes is not empty and does not include trace.
  7430. An empty list means no filtering (send all trace categories).
  7431. </param>
  7432. <param name="messageMax">The maximum number of log messages (of all types) to be provided
  7433. to RemoteLogger.init. A negative value requests all messages available.
  7434. </param>
  7435. <exception name="RemoteLoggerAlreadyAttachedException">Raised if this remote logger is already
  7436. attached to this admin object.</exception>
  7437. </member>
  7438. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminPrx.attachRemoteLogger(Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx,Ice.LogMessageType[],System.String[],System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  7439. <summary>
  7440. attachRemoteLogger is called to attach a RemoteLogger object to
  7441. the local Logger.
  7442. attachRemoteLogger calls init on the provided RemoteLogger proxy.
  7443. </summary>
  7444. <param name="prx">A proxy to the remote logger.
  7445. </param>
  7446. <param name="messageTypes">The list of message types that the remote logger wishes to receive.
  7447. An empty list means no filtering (send all message types).
  7448. </param>
  7449. <param name="traceCategories">The categories of traces that the remote logger wishes to receive.
  7450. This parameter is ignored if messageTypes is not empty and does not include trace.
  7451. An empty list means no filtering (send all trace categories).
  7452. </param>
  7453. <param name="messageMax">The maximum number of log messages (of all types) to be provided
  7454. to RemoteLogger.init. A negative value requests all messages available.
  7455. </param>
  7456. <exception name="RemoteLoggerAlreadyAttachedException">Raised if this remote logger is already
  7457. attached to this admin object.</exception>
  7458. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7459. </member>
  7460. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminPrx.begin_attachRemoteLogger(Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx,Ice.LogMessageType[],System.String[],System.Int32)">
  7461. <summary>
  7462. attachRemoteLogger is called to attach a RemoteLogger object to
  7463. the local Logger.
  7464. attachRemoteLogger calls init on the provided RemoteLogger proxy.
  7465. </summary>
  7466. <param name="prx">A proxy to the remote logger.
  7467. </param>
  7468. <param name="messageTypes">The list of message types that the remote logger wishes to receive.
  7469. An empty list means no filtering (send all message types).
  7470. </param>
  7471. <param name="traceCategories">The categories of traces that the remote logger wishes to receive.
  7472. This parameter is ignored if messageTypes is not empty and does not include trace.
  7473. An empty list means no filtering (send all trace categories).
  7474. </param>
  7475. <param name="messageMax">The maximum number of log messages (of all types) to be provided
  7476. to RemoteLogger.init. A negative value requests all messages available.
  7477. </param>
  7478. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7479. </member>
  7480. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminPrx.begin_attachRemoteLogger(Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx,Ice.LogMessageType[],System.String[],System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  7481. <summary>
  7482. attachRemoteLogger is called to attach a RemoteLogger object to
  7483. the local Logger.
  7484. attachRemoteLogger calls init on the provided RemoteLogger proxy.
  7485. </summary>
  7486. <param name="prx">A proxy to the remote logger.
  7487. </param>
  7488. <param name="messageTypes">The list of message types that the remote logger wishes to receive.
  7489. An empty list means no filtering (send all message types).
  7490. </param>
  7491. <param name="traceCategories">The categories of traces that the remote logger wishes to receive.
  7492. This parameter is ignored if messageTypes is not empty and does not include trace.
  7493. An empty list means no filtering (send all trace categories).
  7494. </param>
  7495. <param name="messageMax">The maximum number of log messages (of all types) to be provided
  7496. to RemoteLogger.init. A negative value requests all messages available.
  7497. </param>
  7498. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7499. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7500. </member>
  7501. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminPrx.begin_attachRemoteLogger(Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx,Ice.LogMessageType[],System.String[],System.Int32,Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  7502. <summary>
  7503. attachRemoteLogger is called to attach a RemoteLogger object to
  7504. the local Logger.
  7505. attachRemoteLogger calls init on the provided RemoteLogger proxy.
  7506. </summary>
  7507. <param name="prx">A proxy to the remote logger.
  7508. </param>
  7509. <param name="messageTypes">The list of message types that the remote logger wishes to receive.
  7510. An empty list means no filtering (send all message types).
  7511. </param>
  7512. <param name="traceCategories">The categories of traces that the remote logger wishes to receive.
  7513. This parameter is ignored if messageTypes is not empty and does not include trace.
  7514. An empty list means no filtering (send all trace categories).
  7515. </param>
  7516. <param name="messageMax">The maximum number of log messages (of all types) to be provided
  7517. to RemoteLogger.init. A negative value requests all messages available.
  7518. </param>
  7519. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  7520. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  7521. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7522. </member>
  7523. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminPrx.begin_attachRemoteLogger(Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx,Ice.LogMessageType[],System.String[],System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  7524. <summary>
  7525. attachRemoteLogger is called to attach a RemoteLogger object to
  7526. the local Logger.
  7527. attachRemoteLogger calls init on the provided RemoteLogger proxy.
  7528. </summary>
  7529. <param name="prx">A proxy to the remote logger.
  7530. </param>
  7531. <param name="messageTypes">The list of message types that the remote logger wishes to receive.
  7532. An empty list means no filtering (send all message types).
  7533. </param>
  7534. <param name="traceCategories">The categories of traces that the remote logger wishes to receive.
  7535. This parameter is ignored if messageTypes is not empty and does not include trace.
  7536. An empty list means no filtering (send all trace categories).
  7537. </param>
  7538. <param name="messageMax">The maximum number of log messages (of all types) to be provided
  7539. to RemoteLogger.init. A negative value requests all messages available.
  7540. </param>
  7541. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7542. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  7543. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  7544. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7545. </member>
  7546. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminPrx.end_attachRemoteLogger(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  7547. <summary>
  7548. attachRemoteLogger is called to attach a RemoteLogger object to
  7549. the local Logger.
  7550. attachRemoteLogger calls init on the provided RemoteLogger proxy.
  7551. </summary>
  7552. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  7553. </member>
  7554. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminPrx.detachRemoteLogger(Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx)">
  7555. <summary>
  7556. detachRemoteLogger is called to detach a RemoteLogger object from
  7557. the local Logger.
  7558. </summary>
  7559. <param name="prx">A proxy to the remote logger.
  7560. </param>
  7561. <returns>True if the provided remote logger proxy was detached, and false otherwise.</returns>
  7562. </member>
  7563. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminPrx.detachRemoteLogger(Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  7564. <summary>
  7565. detachRemoteLogger is called to detach a RemoteLogger object from
  7566. the local Logger.
  7567. </summary>
  7568. <param name="prx">A proxy to the remote logger.
  7569. </param>
  7570. <returns>True if the provided remote logger proxy was detached, and false otherwise.</returns>
  7571. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7572. </member>
  7573. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminPrx.begin_detachRemoteLogger(Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx)">
  7574. <summary>
  7575. detachRemoteLogger is called to detach a RemoteLogger object from
  7576. the local Logger.
  7577. </summary>
  7578. <param name="prx">A proxy to the remote logger.
  7579. </param>
  7580. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7581. </member>
  7582. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminPrx.begin_detachRemoteLogger(Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  7583. <summary>
  7584. detachRemoteLogger is called to detach a RemoteLogger object from
  7585. the local Logger.
  7586. </summary>
  7587. <param name="prx">A proxy to the remote logger.
  7588. </param>
  7589. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7590. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7591. </member>
  7592. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminPrx.begin_detachRemoteLogger(Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx,Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  7593. <summary>
  7594. detachRemoteLogger is called to detach a RemoteLogger object from
  7595. the local Logger.
  7596. </summary>
  7597. <param name="prx">A proxy to the remote logger.
  7598. </param>
  7599. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  7600. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  7601. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7602. </member>
  7603. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminPrx.begin_detachRemoteLogger(Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  7604. <summary>
  7605. detachRemoteLogger is called to detach a RemoteLogger object from
  7606. the local Logger.
  7607. </summary>
  7608. <param name="prx">A proxy to the remote logger.
  7609. </param>
  7610. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7611. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  7612. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  7613. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7614. </member>
  7615. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminPrx.end_detachRemoteLogger(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  7616. <summary>
  7617. detachRemoteLogger is called to detach a RemoteLogger object from
  7618. the local Logger.
  7619. </summary>
  7620. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  7621. <returns>True if the provided remote logger proxy was detached, and false otherwise.</returns>
  7622. </member>
  7623. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminPrx.getLog(Ice.LogMessageType[],System.String[],System.Int32,System.String@)">
  7624. <summary>
  7625. getLog retrieves log messages recently logged.
  7626. </summary>
  7627. <param name="messageTypes">The list of message types that the caller wishes to receive.
  7628. An empty list means no filtering (send all message types).
  7629. </param>
  7630. <param name="traceCategories">The categories of traces that caller wish to receive.
  7631. This parameter is ignored if messageTypes is not empty and does not include trace.
  7632. An empty list means no filtering (send all trace categories).
  7633. </param>
  7634. <param name="messageMax">The maximum number of log messages (of all types) to be returned.
  7635. A negative value requests all messages available.
  7636. </param>
  7637. <param name="prefix">The prefix of the associated local Logger.
  7638. </param>
  7639. <returns>The Log messages.</returns>
  7640. </member>
  7641. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminPrx.getLog(Ice.LogMessageType[],System.String[],System.Int32,System.String@,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  7642. <summary>
  7643. getLog retrieves log messages recently logged.
  7644. </summary>
  7645. <param name="messageTypes">The list of message types that the caller wishes to receive.
  7646. An empty list means no filtering (send all message types).
  7647. </param>
  7648. <param name="traceCategories">The categories of traces that caller wish to receive.
  7649. This parameter is ignored if messageTypes is not empty and does not include trace.
  7650. An empty list means no filtering (send all trace categories).
  7651. </param>
  7652. <param name="messageMax">The maximum number of log messages (of all types) to be returned.
  7653. A negative value requests all messages available.
  7654. </param>
  7655. <param name="prefix">The prefix of the associated local Logger.
  7656. </param>
  7657. <returns>The Log messages.</returns>
  7658. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7659. </member>
  7660. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminPrx.begin_getLog(Ice.LogMessageType[],System.String[],System.Int32)">
  7661. <summary>
  7662. getLog retrieves log messages recently logged.
  7663. </summary>
  7664. <param name="messageTypes">The list of message types that the caller wishes to receive.
  7665. An empty list means no filtering (send all message types).
  7666. </param>
  7667. <param name="traceCategories">The categories of traces that caller wish to receive.
  7668. This parameter is ignored if messageTypes is not empty and does not include trace.
  7669. An empty list means no filtering (send all trace categories).
  7670. </param>
  7671. <param name="messageMax">The maximum number of log messages (of all types) to be returned.
  7672. A negative value requests all messages available.
  7673. </param>
  7674. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7675. </member>
  7676. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminPrx.begin_getLog(Ice.LogMessageType[],System.String[],System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  7677. <summary>
  7678. getLog retrieves log messages recently logged.
  7679. </summary>
  7680. <param name="messageTypes">The list of message types that the caller wishes to receive.
  7681. An empty list means no filtering (send all message types).
  7682. </param>
  7683. <param name="traceCategories">The categories of traces that caller wish to receive.
  7684. This parameter is ignored if messageTypes is not empty and does not include trace.
  7685. An empty list means no filtering (send all trace categories).
  7686. </param>
  7687. <param name="messageMax">The maximum number of log messages (of all types) to be returned.
  7688. A negative value requests all messages available.
  7689. </param>
  7690. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7691. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7692. </member>
  7693. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminPrx.begin_getLog(Ice.LogMessageType[],System.String[],System.Int32,Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  7694. <summary>
  7695. getLog retrieves log messages recently logged.
  7696. </summary>
  7697. <param name="messageTypes">The list of message types that the caller wishes to receive.
  7698. An empty list means no filtering (send all message types).
  7699. </param>
  7700. <param name="traceCategories">The categories of traces that caller wish to receive.
  7701. This parameter is ignored if messageTypes is not empty and does not include trace.
  7702. An empty list means no filtering (send all trace categories).
  7703. </param>
  7704. <param name="messageMax">The maximum number of log messages (of all types) to be returned.
  7705. A negative value requests all messages available.
  7706. </param>
  7707. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  7708. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  7709. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7710. </member>
  7711. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminPrx.begin_getLog(Ice.LogMessageType[],System.String[],System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  7712. <summary>
  7713. getLog retrieves log messages recently logged.
  7714. </summary>
  7715. <param name="messageTypes">The list of message types that the caller wishes to receive.
  7716. An empty list means no filtering (send all message types).
  7717. </param>
  7718. <param name="traceCategories">The categories of traces that caller wish to receive.
  7719. This parameter is ignored if messageTypes is not empty and does not include trace.
  7720. An empty list means no filtering (send all trace categories).
  7721. </param>
  7722. <param name="messageMax">The maximum number of log messages (of all types) to be returned.
  7723. A negative value requests all messages available.
  7724. </param>
  7725. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7726. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  7727. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  7728. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7729. </member>
  7730. <member name="M:Ice.LoggerAdminPrx.end_getLog(System.String@,Ice.AsyncResult)">
  7731. <summary>
  7732. getLog retrieves log messages recently logged.
  7733. </summary>
  7734. <param name="prefix">The prefix of the associated local Logger.
  7735. </param>
  7736. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  7737. <returns>The Log messages.</returns>
  7738. </member>
  7739. <member name="T:Ice.RouterOperations_">
  7740. <summary>
  7741. The Ice router interface.
  7742. Routers can be set either globally with
  7743. Communicator.setDefaultRouter, or with ice_router on specific
  7744. proxies.
  7745. </summary>
  7746. </member>
  7747. <member name="M:Ice.RouterOperations_.getClientProxy(Ice.Current)">
  7748. <summary>
  7749. Get the router's client proxy, i.e., the proxy to use for
  7750. forwarding requests from the client to the router.
  7751. If a null proxy is returned, the client will forward requests
  7752. to the router's endpoints.
  7753. </summary>
  7754. <returns>The router's client proxy.</returns>
  7755. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  7756. </member>
  7757. <member name="M:Ice.RouterOperations_.getServerProxy(Ice.Current)">
  7758. <summary>
  7759. Get the router's server proxy, i.e., the proxy to use for
  7760. forwarding requests from the server to the router.
  7761. </summary>
  7762. <returns>The router's server proxy.</returns>
  7763. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  7764. </member>
  7765. <member name="M:Ice.RouterOperations_.addProxies(Ice.ObjectPrx[],Ice.Current)">
  7766. <summary>
  7767. Add new proxy information to the router's routing table.
  7768. </summary>
  7769. <param name="proxies">The proxies to add.
  7770. </param>
  7771. <returns>Proxies discarded by the router.</returns>
  7772. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  7773. </member>
  7774. <member name="T:Ice.RouterOperationsNC_">
  7775. <summary>
  7776. The Ice router interface.
  7777. Routers can be set either globally with
  7778. Communicator.setDefaultRouter, or with ice_router on specific
  7779. proxies.
  7780. </summary>
  7781. </member>
  7782. <member name="M:Ice.RouterOperationsNC_.getClientProxy">
  7783. <summary>
  7784. Get the router's client proxy, i.e., the proxy to use for
  7785. forwarding requests from the client to the router.
  7786. If a null proxy is returned, the client will forward requests
  7787. to the router's endpoints.
  7788. </summary>
  7789. <returns>The router's client proxy.</returns>
  7790. </member>
  7791. <member name="M:Ice.RouterOperationsNC_.getServerProxy">
  7792. <summary>
  7793. Get the router's server proxy, i.e., the proxy to use for
  7794. forwarding requests from the server to the router.
  7795. </summary>
  7796. <returns>The router's server proxy.</returns>
  7797. </member>
  7798. <member name="M:Ice.RouterOperationsNC_.addProxies(Ice.ObjectPrx[])">
  7799. <summary>
  7800. Add new proxy information to the router's routing table.
  7801. </summary>
  7802. <param name="proxies">The proxies to add.
  7803. </param>
  7804. <returns>Proxies discarded by the router.</returns>
  7805. </member>
  7806. <member name="T:Ice.RouterFinderOperations_">
  7807. <summary>
  7808. This inferface should be implemented by services implementing the
  7809. Ice::Router interface.
  7810. It should be advertised through an Ice
  7811. object with the identity `Ice/RouterFinder'. This allows clients to
  7812. retrieve the router proxy with just the endpoint information of the
  7813. service.
  7814. </summary>
  7815. </member>
  7816. <member name="M:Ice.RouterFinderOperations_.getRouter(Ice.Current)">
  7817. <summary>
  7818. Get the router proxy implemented by the process hosting this
  7819. finder object.
  7820. The proxy might point to several replicas.
  7821. </summary>
  7822. <returns>The router proxy.</returns>
  7823. <param name="current__">The Current object for the invocation.</param>
  7824. </member>
  7825. <member name="T:Ice.RouterFinderOperationsNC_">
  7826. <summary>
  7827. This inferface should be implemented by services implementing the
  7828. Ice::Router interface.
  7829. It should be advertised through an Ice
  7830. object with the identity `Ice/RouterFinder'. This allows clients to
  7831. retrieve the router proxy with just the endpoint information of the
  7832. service.
  7833. </summary>
  7834. </member>
  7835. <member name="M:Ice.RouterFinderOperationsNC_.getRouter">
  7836. <summary>
  7837. Get the router proxy implemented by the process hosting this
  7838. finder object.
  7839. The proxy might point to several replicas.
  7840. </summary>
  7841. <returns>The router proxy.</returns>
  7842. </member>
  7843. <member name="T:Ice.RouterPrx">
  7844. <summary>
  7845. The Ice router interface.
  7846. Routers can be set either globally with
  7847. Communicator.setDefaultRouter, or with ice_router on specific
  7848. proxies.
  7849. </summary>
  7850. </member>
  7851. <member name="M:Ice.RouterPrx.getClientProxy">
  7852. <summary>
  7853. Get the router's client proxy, i.e., the proxy to use for
  7854. forwarding requests from the client to the router.
  7855. If a null proxy is returned, the client will forward requests
  7856. to the router's endpoints.
  7857. </summary>
  7858. <returns>The router's client proxy.</returns>
  7859. </member>
  7860. <member name="M:Ice.RouterPrx.getClientProxy(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  7861. <summary>
  7862. Get the router's client proxy, i.e., the proxy to use for
  7863. forwarding requests from the client to the router.
  7864. If a null proxy is returned, the client will forward requests
  7865. to the router's endpoints.
  7866. </summary>
  7867. <returns>The router's client proxy.</returns>
  7868. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7869. </member>
  7870. <member name="M:Ice.RouterPrx.begin_getClientProxy">
  7871. <summary>
  7872. Get the router's client proxy, i.e., the proxy to use for
  7873. forwarding requests from the client to the router.
  7874. If a null proxy is returned, the client will forward requests
  7875. </summary>
  7876. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7877. </member>
  7878. <member name="M:Ice.RouterPrx.begin_getClientProxy(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  7879. <summary>
  7880. Get the router's client proxy, i.e., the proxy to use for
  7881. forwarding requests from the client to the router.
  7882. If a null proxy is returned, the client will forward requests
  7883. </summary>
  7884. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7885. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7886. </member>
  7887. <member name="M:Ice.RouterPrx.begin_getClientProxy(Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  7888. <summary>
  7889. Get the router's client proxy, i.e., the proxy to use for
  7890. forwarding requests from the client to the router.
  7891. If a null proxy is returned, the client will forward requests
  7892. </summary>
  7893. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  7894. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  7895. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7896. </member>
  7897. <member name="M:Ice.RouterPrx.begin_getClientProxy(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  7898. <summary>
  7899. Get the router's client proxy, i.e., the proxy to use for
  7900. forwarding requests from the client to the router.
  7901. If a null proxy is returned, the client will forward requests
  7902. </summary>
  7903. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7904. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  7905. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  7906. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7907. </member>
  7908. <member name="M:Ice.RouterPrx.end_getClientProxy(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  7909. <summary>
  7910. Get the router's client proxy, i.e., the proxy to use for
  7911. forwarding requests from the client to the router.
  7912. If a null proxy is returned, the client will forward requests
  7913. </summary>
  7914. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  7915. <returns>The router's client proxy.</returns>
  7916. </member>
  7917. <member name="M:Ice.RouterPrx.getServerProxy">
  7918. <summary>
  7919. Get the router's server proxy, i.e., the proxy to use for
  7920. forwarding requests from the server to the router.
  7921. </summary>
  7922. <returns>The router's server proxy.</returns>
  7923. </member>
  7924. <member name="M:Ice.RouterPrx.getServerProxy(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  7925. <summary>
  7926. Get the router's server proxy, i.e., the proxy to use for
  7927. forwarding requests from the server to the router.
  7928. </summary>
  7929. <returns>The router's server proxy.</returns>
  7930. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7931. </member>
  7932. <member name="M:Ice.RouterPrx.begin_getServerProxy">
  7933. <summary>
  7934. Get the router's server proxy, i.e., the proxy to use for
  7935. forwarding requests from the server to the router.
  7936. </summary>
  7937. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7938. </member>
  7939. <member name="M:Ice.RouterPrx.begin_getServerProxy(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  7940. <summary>
  7941. Get the router's server proxy, i.e., the proxy to use for
  7942. forwarding requests from the server to the router.
  7943. </summary>
  7944. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7945. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7946. </member>
  7947. <member name="M:Ice.RouterPrx.begin_getServerProxy(Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  7948. <summary>
  7949. Get the router's server proxy, i.e., the proxy to use for
  7950. forwarding requests from the server to the router.
  7951. </summary>
  7952. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  7953. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  7954. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7955. </member>
  7956. <member name="M:Ice.RouterPrx.begin_getServerProxy(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  7957. <summary>
  7958. Get the router's server proxy, i.e., the proxy to use for
  7959. forwarding requests from the server to the router.
  7960. </summary>
  7961. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7962. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  7963. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  7964. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7965. </member>
  7966. <member name="M:Ice.RouterPrx.end_getServerProxy(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  7967. <summary>
  7968. Get the router's server proxy, i.e., the proxy to use for
  7969. forwarding requests from the server to the router.
  7970. </summary>
  7971. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  7972. <returns>The router's server proxy.</returns>
  7973. </member>
  7974. <member name="M:Ice.RouterPrx.addProxies(Ice.ObjectPrx[])">
  7975. <summary>
  7976. Add new proxy information to the router's routing table.
  7977. </summary>
  7978. <param name="proxies">The proxies to add.
  7979. </param>
  7980. <returns>Proxies discarded by the router.</returns>
  7981. </member>
  7982. <member name="M:Ice.RouterPrx.addProxies(Ice.ObjectPrx[],System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  7983. <summary>
  7984. Add new proxy information to the router's routing table.
  7985. </summary>
  7986. <param name="proxies">The proxies to add.
  7987. </param>
  7988. <returns>Proxies discarded by the router.</returns>
  7989. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  7990. </member>
  7991. <member name="M:Ice.RouterPrx.begin_addProxies(Ice.ObjectPrx[])">
  7992. <summary>
  7993. Add new proxy information to the router's routing table.
  7994. </summary>
  7995. <param name="proxies">The proxies to add.
  7996. </param>
  7997. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  7998. </member>
  7999. <member name="M:Ice.RouterPrx.begin_addProxies(Ice.ObjectPrx[],System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  8000. <summary>
  8001. Add new proxy information to the router's routing table.
  8002. </summary>
  8003. <param name="proxies">The proxies to add.
  8004. </param>
  8005. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  8006. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  8007. </member>
  8008. <member name="M:Ice.RouterPrx.begin_addProxies(Ice.ObjectPrx[],Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  8009. <summary>
  8010. Add new proxy information to the router's routing table.
  8011. </summary>
  8012. <param name="proxies">The proxies to add.
  8013. </param>
  8014. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  8015. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  8016. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  8017. </member>
  8018. <member name="M:Ice.RouterPrx.begin_addProxies(Ice.ObjectPrx[],System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  8019. <summary>
  8020. Add new proxy information to the router's routing table.
  8021. </summary>
  8022. <param name="proxies">The proxies to add.
  8023. </param>
  8024. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  8025. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  8026. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  8027. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  8028. </member>
  8029. <member name="M:Ice.RouterPrx.end_addProxies(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  8030. <summary>
  8031. Add new proxy information to the router's routing table.
  8032. </summary>
  8033. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  8034. <returns>Proxies discarded by the router.</returns>
  8035. </member>
  8036. <member name="T:Ice.RouterFinderPrx">
  8037. <summary>
  8038. This inferface should be implemented by services implementing the
  8039. Ice::Router interface.
  8040. It should be advertised through an Ice
  8041. object with the identity `Ice/RouterFinder'. This allows clients to
  8042. retrieve the router proxy with just the endpoint information of the
  8043. service.
  8044. </summary>
  8045. </member>
  8046. <member name="M:Ice.RouterFinderPrx.getRouter">
  8047. <summary>
  8048. Get the router proxy implemented by the process hosting this
  8049. finder object.
  8050. The proxy might point to several replicas.
  8051. </summary>
  8052. <returns>The router proxy.</returns>
  8053. </member>
  8054. <member name="M:Ice.RouterFinderPrx.getRouter(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  8055. <summary>
  8056. Get the router proxy implemented by the process hosting this
  8057. finder object.
  8058. The proxy might point to several replicas.
  8059. </summary>
  8060. <returns>The router proxy.</returns>
  8061. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  8062. </member>
  8063. <member name="M:Ice.RouterFinderPrx.begin_getRouter">
  8064. <summary>
  8065. Get the router proxy implemented by the process hosting this
  8066. finder object.
  8067. The proxy might point to several replicas.
  8068. </summary>
  8069. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  8070. </member>
  8071. <member name="M:Ice.RouterFinderPrx.begin_getRouter(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})">
  8072. <summary>
  8073. Get the router proxy implemented by the process hosting this
  8074. finder object.
  8075. The proxy might point to several replicas.
  8076. </summary>
  8077. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  8078. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  8079. </member>
  8080. <member name="M:Ice.RouterFinderPrx.begin_getRouter(Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  8081. <summary>
  8082. Get the router proxy implemented by the process hosting this
  8083. finder object.
  8084. The proxy might point to several replicas.
  8085. </summary>
  8086. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  8087. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  8088. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  8089. </member>
  8090. <member name="M:Ice.RouterFinderPrx.begin_getRouter(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},Ice.AsyncCallback,System.Object)">
  8091. <summary>
  8092. Get the router proxy implemented by the process hosting this
  8093. finder object.
  8094. The proxy might point to several replicas.
  8095. </summary>
  8096. <param name="ctx__">The Context map to send with the invocation.</param>
  8097. <param name="cb__">Asynchronous callback invoked when the operation completes.</param>
  8098. <param name="cookie__">Application data to store in the asynchronous result object.</param>
  8099. <returns>An asynchronous result object.</returns>
  8100. </member>
  8101. <member name="M:Ice.RouterFinderPrx.end_getRouter(Ice.AsyncResult)">
  8102. <summary>
  8103. Get the router proxy implemented by the process hosting this
  8104. finder object.
  8105. The proxy might point to several replicas.
  8106. </summary>
  8107. <param name="r__">The asynchronous result object for the invocation.</param>
  8108. <returns>The router proxy.</returns>
  8109. </member>
  8110. <member name="M:Ice.ServantLocator.locate(Ice.Current,System.Object@)">
  8111. <summary>
  8112. Called before a request is dispatched if a
  8113. servant cannot be found in the object adapter's active servant
  8114. map.
  8115. Note that the object adapter does not automatically insert
  8116. the returned servant into its active servant map. This must be
  8117. done by the servant locator implementation, if this is desired.
  8118. locate can throw any user exception. If it does, that exception
  8119. is marshaled back to the client. If the Slice definition for the
  8120. corresponding operation includes that user exception, the client
  8121. receives that user exception; otherwise, the client receives
  8122. UnknownUserException.
  8123. If locate throws any exception, the Ice run time does not
  8124. call finished.
  8125. If you call locate from your own code, you
  8126. must also call finished when you have finished using the
  8127. servant, provided that locate returned a non-null servant;
  8128. otherwise, you will get undefined behavior if you use
  8129. servant locators such as the Freeze Evictor.
  8130. </summary>
  8131. <param name="curr">Information about the current operation for which
  8132. a servant is required.
  8133. </param>
  8134. <param name="cookie">A "cookie" that will be passed to finished.
  8135. </param>
  8136. <returns>The located servant, or null if no suitable servant has
  8137. been found.
  8138. </returns>
  8139. </member>
  8140. <member name="M:Ice.ServantLocator.finished(Ice.Current,Ice.Object,System.Object)">
  8141. <summary>
  8142. Called by the object adapter after a request has been
  8143. made.
  8144. This operation is only called if locate was called
  8145. prior to the request and returned a non-null servant. This
  8146. operation can be used for cleanup purposes after a request.
  8147. finished can throw any user exception. If it does, that exception
  8148. is marshaled back to the client. If the Slice definition for the
  8149. corresponding operation includes that user exception, the client
  8150. receives that user exception; otherwise, the client receives
  8151. UnknownUserException.
  8152. If both the operation and finished throw an exception, the
  8153. exception thrown by finished is marshaled back to the client.
  8154. </summary>
  8155. <param name="curr">Information about the current operation call for
  8156. which a servant was located by locate.
  8157. </param>
  8158. <param name="servant">The servant that was returned by locate.
  8159. </param>
  8160. <param name="cookie">The cookie that was returned by locate.
  8161. </param>
  8162. </member>
  8163. <member name="M:Ice.ServantLocator.deactivate(System.String)">
  8164. <summary>
  8165. Called when the object adapter in which this servant locator is
  8166. installed is destroyed.
  8167. </summary>
  8168. <param name="category">Indicates for which category the servant locator
  8169. is being deactivated.
  8170. </param>
  8171. </member>
  8172. </members>
  8173. </doc>