- SharpFont.Bdf
- SharpFont.Fnt
- PostScript
- SharpFont.PostScript
- Postscript
- 'BBox.Reference.get()'
- 'BitmapGlyph.BitmapGlyph(IntPtr)'
- 'BitmapGlyph.Reference.get()'
- 'BitmapGlyph.Reference.set(IntPtr)'
- 'BitmapSize.BitmapSize(BitmapSizeRec)'
- 'BitmapSize.Reference.get()'
- 'CharMap.GetCharmapIndex()'
- 'CharMap.GetCMapFormat()'
- 'CharMap.GetCMapLanguageId()'
- 'Data'
- System.Data
- 'Data.Data(IntPtr)'
- 'Data.Reference.get()'
- 'Data.Reference.set(IntPtr)'
- 'EmbeddingTypes'
- 'EmbeddingTypes.Installable'
- 'Error'
- Error
- 'Error'
- 'Face.AvailableSizes'
- 'Face.CharMaps'
- 'Face.GetCidIsInternallyCidKeyed()'
- 'Face.GetFSTypeFlags()'
- 'Face.GetMMVar()'
- 'Face.GetMultiMaster()'
- 'Face.GetPostscriptName()'
- 'Face.GetPSFontInfo()'
- 'Face.GetPSFontPrivate()'
- 'Face.GetSfntNameCount()'
- 'Face.GetWinFntHeader()'
- 'Face.GetX11FontFormat()'
- 'FreeTypeException'
- 'FreeTypeException'
- protected FreeTypeException(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)
- 'FreeTypeException'
- public FreeTypeException()
- 'FreeTypeException'
- public FreeTypeException(String)
- 'FreeTypeException'
- public FreeTypeException(String, Exception)
- 'FT.FT_Reference_Library(IntPtr)'
- 'FTBitmap.BufferData'
- 'FTList.FTList(IntPtr)'
- 'FTList.Reference.set(IntPtr)'
- 'FTMatrix'
- 'FTMatrix'
- 'FTMatrix'
- 'FTStream'
- Stream
- 'FTVector'
- 'FTVector'
- 'FTVector'
- 'Gasp'
- 'Gasp'
- 0x4, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x100, 0x200, 0x400, 0x800, 0x1000, 0x2000, 0x4000, 0x8000, 0x10000, 0x20000, 0x40000, 0x80000, 0x100000, 0x200000, 0x400000, 0x800000, 0x1000000, 0x2000000, 0x4000000, 0x8000000, 0x10000000, 0x20000000, 0x40000000, 0x80000000, 0x100000000, 0x200000000, 0x400000000, 0x800000000, 0x1000000000, 0x2000000000, 0x4000000000, 0x8000000000, 0x10000000000, 0x20000000000, 0x40000000000, 0x80000000000, 0x100000000000, 0x200000000000, 0x400000000000, 0x800000000000, 0x1000000000000, 0x2000000000000, 0x4000000000000, 0x8000000000000, 0x10000000000000, 0x20000000000000, 0x40000000000000, 0x80000000000000, 0x100000000000000, 0x200000000000000, 0x400000000000000, 0x800000000000000, 0x1000000000000000, 0x2000000000000000, 0x4000000000000000, 0x8000000000000000
- NoTable
- 'Gasp.NoTable'
- Notable
- 'Generic'
- System.Collections.Generic
- 'Generic.Generic(IntPtr)'
- 'Generic.Generic(IntPtr, int)'
- 'GlyphMetrics.GlyphMetrics(IntPtr)'
- 'GlyphMetrics.Reference.get()'
- 'GlyphMetrics.Reference.set(IntPtr)'
- 'GlyphSlot.GetGlyph()'
- 'GlyphSlot.Subglyphs'
- 'LcdFilter'
- 'Library.GetTrueTypeEngineType()'
- 'LoadFlags'
- 'LoadFlags.Default'
- 'LoadTarget'
- 'Module'
- Module
- 'OpenArgs.OpenArgs(IntPtr)'
- 'OpenArgs.Params'
- 'OpenArgs.Reference.set(IntPtr)'
- PostScript
- 'Orientation.PostScript'
- Postscript
- 'Outline.Outline(IntPtr, Library)'
- 'Outline.Contours'
- 'Outline.GetBBox()'
- 'Outline.GetCBox()'
- 'Outline.GetInsideBorder()'
- 'Outline.GetOrientation()'
- 'Outline.GetOutsideBorder()'
- 'Outline.Points'
- 'Outline.Tags'
- 'OutlineGlyph.OutlineGlyph(IntPtr)'
- 'OutlineGlyph.Reference.get()'
- 'OutlineGlyph.Reference.set(IntPtr)'
- 'Parameter.Reference.get()'
- 'ParamTag'
- 'RasterFlags'
- 'RasterFlags.Default'
- 'RasterFuncs.Reference.get()'
- 'RasterResetFunc'
- base
- 'pool_base'
- Base
- 'RasterResetFunc'
- size
- 'pool_size'
- Size
- 'RasterResetFunc'
- 'pool_base'
- 'RasterResetFunc'
- 'pool_size'
- 'RendererClass.RendererClass(IntPtr)'
- 'RendererClass.Reference.get()'
- 'RendererClass.Reference.set(IntPtr)'
- 'SizeMetrics.SizeMetrics(IntPtr)'
- 'SizeMetrics.Reference.get()'
- 'SizeMetrics.Reference.set(IntPtr)'
- 'SizeRequest.SizeRequest(IntPtr)'
- 'SizeRequest.Reference.set(IntPtr)'
- 'StreamDesc.Reference.get()'
- SubPath
- 'Stroker.BeginSubPath(FTVector, bool)'
- Subpath
- SubPath
- 'Stroker.EndSubPath()'
- Subpath
- 'SubGlyph.SubGlyph(IntPtr)'
- 'SubGlyph.Reference.get()'
- 'Property'
- Property
- Integer
- 'Property.Integer'
- 'Property.Reference.get()'
- 'Property.Type'
- 'object.GetType()'
- 'PropertyRec'
- 'PropertyRec.atom'
- 'CMapCache'
- 'ImageType.ImageType(IntPtr)'
- 'ImageType.Reference.set(IntPtr)'
- 'SBit.Reference.get()'
- 'Scaler.Scaler(IntPtr)'
- 'Scaler.Reference.set(IntPtr)'
- 'Header.Copyright'
- 'Header.Reference.get()'
- 'Header.Reserved1'
- 'FaceMarshsaler.GetInstance(string)'
- 'ListNodeMarshaler.GetInstance(string)'
- 'MemoryMarshaler.GetInstance(string)'
- 'ModuleMarshaler.GetInstance(string)'
- 'RasterMarshaler.GetInstance(string)'
- 'RasterParamsMarshaler.GetInstance(string)'
- 'SpanMarshaler.GetInstance(string)'
- 'StreamMarshaler.GetInstance(string)'
- 'MMAxis.MMAxis(IntPtr)'
- 'MMAxis.Reference.get()'
- 'MMAxis.Reference.set(IntPtr)'
- 'MMVar.Reference.get()'
- 'MultiMaster.Axis'
- 'MultiMaster.Reference.get()'
- 'VarAxis.Reference.get()'
- 'VarNamedStyle.Reference.get()'
- 'BlendFlags'
- 'DictionaryKeys'
- 'FaceDict.Reference.get()'
- 'FaceInfo.Xuid'
- 'FontInfo.Reference.get()'
- 'Private'
- Private
- 'Private.BlueValues'
- 'Private.FamilyBlues'
- 'Private.FamilyOtherBlues'
- 'Private.MinFeature'
- 'Private.OtherBlues'
- 'Private.Reference.get()'
- 'Private.SnapHeights'
- 'Private.SnapWidths'
- 'Header.Created'
- 'Header.Modified'
- 'Header.Reference.get()'
- Long
- 'HoriHeader.LongMetrics'
- 'HoriHeader.Reference.get()'
- 'HoriHeader.Reserved'
- Short
- 'HoriHeader.ShortMetrics'
- 'MaxProfile.Reference.get()'
- 'OS2.Panose'
- 'OS2.Reference.get()'
- 'OS2.VendorId'
- 'Pclt.CharacterComplement'
- 'Pclt.FileName'
- 'Pclt.Reference.get()'
- 'PlatformId'
- 'Postscript'
- SharpFont.PostScript
- 'Postscript.Reference.get()'
- 'SfntName.Reference.get()'
- Long
- 'VertHeader.LongMetrics'
- TopSide
- 'VertHeader.MinimumTopSideBearing'
- Topside
- 'VertHeader.Reference.get()'
- 'VertHeader.Reserved'
- Short
- 'VertHeader.ShortMetrics'
FreeType API forces a -1 value, but otherwise a flags enum.
Consider merging the types defined in '{0}' with another namespace.
{0} appears to have no upstream public or protected callers.
The compound word '{0}' in member name {1} exists as a discrete term. If your usage is intended to be single word, case it as '{2}' or strip the first token entirely if it represents any sort of Hungarian notation.
The compound word '{0}' in namespace name '{1}' exists as a discrete term. If your usage is intended to be single word, case it as '{2}'.
{0} is marked with FlagsAttribute but a discrete member cannot be found for every settable bit that is used across the range of enum values. Remove FlagsAttribute from the type or define new members for the following (currently missing) values: {1}
In enum {0}, change the name of {1} to 'None'.
Add a member to {0} that has a value of zero with a suggested name of 'None'.
If enumeration name {0} is singular, change it to a plural form.
In delegate {0}, correct the casing of '{1}' in parameter name {2} by changing it to '{3}'.
Consider replacing the language-specific data type identifier '{0}' in member name {1} with either a language-independent equivalent or a more generic term, such as 'value'.
In delegate {0}, remove the underscores from parameter name {1}.
Remove the leading 'C' from type name {0}.
Rename type name {0} so that it does not end in '{1}'.
Rename type {0} so that it no longer conflicts with the reserved language keyword '{1}'. Using a reserved keyword as the name of a type makes it harder for consumers in other languages to use the type.
Add an implementation of GetObjectData to type {0}.
Add the following constructor to {0}: {1}.
The constituent members of {0} appear to represent flags that can be combined rather than discrete values. If this is correct, mark the enumeration with FlagsAttribute.
If the name {0} is plural, change it to its singular form.
{0} should override Equals.
{0} should override the equality (==) and inequality (!=) operators.
Change {0} to return a collection or make it a method.
The property name {0} is confusing given the existence of inherited method {1}. Rename or remove this property.
The type name {0} conflicts in whole or in part with the namespace name '{1}'. Change either name to eliminate the conflict.
The type name {0} conflicts in whole or in part with the namespace name '{1}' defined in the .NET Framework. Rename the type to eliminate the conflict.
Implement IDisposable on {0}.
Change {0} to a property if appropriate.
Structure {0} contains the following non-portable fields: {1}.