UnityEngine.UI Event Data associated with Axis Events (Controller / Keyboard). MoveDirection for this event. Raw input vector associated with this event. A class that contains the base event data that is common to all event types in the new EventSystem. A reference to the BaseInputModule that sent this event. The object currently considered selected by the EventSystem. Has the event been marked as used? Construct a BaseEventData tied to the passed EventSystem. Reset the Event to the default state. Use the event. A base module that raises events and sends them to GameObjects. Called when the module is activated. Override this if you want custom code to execute when you activate your module. Called when the module is deactivated. Override this if you want custom code to execute when you deactivate your module. Given an input movement, determine the best MoveDirection. X movement. Y movement. Dead zone. Given an input movement, determine the best MoveDirection. X movement. Y movement. Dead zone. Given 2 GameObjects, return a common root GameObject (or null). Return the first valid RaycastResult. Given some input data generate an AxisEventData that can be used by the event system. X movement. Y movement. Dead Zone. Generate a BaseEventData that can be used by the EventSystem. Handle sending enter and exit events when a new enter targer is found. Check to see if the module is supported. Override this if you have a platfrom specific module (eg. TouchInputModule that you do not want to activate on standalone. Is the module supported. Is the pointer over a GameObject that is controlled by the EventSystem. Pointer id. See MonoBehaviour.OnDisable. Process the current tick for the module. Should be activated. Should the module be activated. Update the internal state of the Module. Base class for any RayCaster. The camera that will generate rays for this raycaster. Priority of the caster relative to other casters. Priority of the raycaster based upon render order. Priority of the raycaster based upon sort order. See MonoBehaviour.OnDisable. Raycast against the scene. Current event data. List of hit Objects. Enum that tracks event State. Unused. Used. Handles input, raycasting, and sending events. Returns true if the EventSystem is already in a SetSelectedGameObject. Return the current EventSystem. The currently active EventSystems.BaseInputModule. The GameObject currently considered active by the EventSystem. The GameObject that was selected first. The soft area for dragging in pixels. Should the EventSystem allow navigation events (move submit cancel). Is the pointer with the given id over an EventSystem object? Pointer (touch / mouse) id. Is the pointer with the given id over an EventSystem object? Pointer (touch / mouse) id. See MonoBehaviour.OnDisable. Raycast into the scene using all configured BaseRaycasters. Current pointer data. List of 'hits' to populate. Set the object as selected. Will send an OnDeselect the the old selected object and OnSelect to the new selected object. GameObject to select. Associated EventData. Recalculate the internal list of BaseInputModules. Receives events from the EventSystem and calls registered functions for each event. All the functions registered in this EventTrigger. All the functions registered in this EventTrigger. An Entry in the EventSystem delegates list. The desired UnityEvent to be Invoked. What type of event is the associated callback listening for. See IBeginDragHandler.OnBeginDrag. See ICancelHandler.OnCancel. See IDeselectHandler.OnDeselect. See IDragHandler.OnDrag. See IDropHandler.OnDrop. See See IBeginDragHandler.OnEndDrag. Called by a BaseInputModule when a drag has been found but before it is valid to begin the drag. See IMoveHandler.OnMove. See IPointerClickHandler.OnPointerClick. See IPointerDownHandler.OnPointerDown. See IPointerEnterHandler.OnPointerEnter. See IPointerExitHandler.OnPointerExit. See IPointerUpHandler.OnPointerUp. See IScrollHandler.OnScroll. See ISelectHandler.OnSelect. See ISubmitHandler.OnSubmit. See IUpdateSelectedHandler.OnUpdateSelected. UnityEvent class for Triggers. The type of event the TriggerEvent is intercepting. Intercepts IBeginDragHandler.OnBeginDrag. Intercepts ICancelHandler.OnCancel. Intercepts a IDeselectHandler.OnDeselect. Intercepts a IDragHandler.OnDrag. Intercepts a IDropHandler.OnDrop. Intercepts IEndDragHandler.OnEndDrag. Intercepts IInitializePotentialDrag.InitializePotentialDrag. Intercepts a IMoveHandler.OnMove. Intercepts a IPointerClickHandler.OnPointerClick. Intercepts a IPointerDownHandler.OnPointerDown. Intercepts a IPointerEnterHandler.OnPointerEnter. Intercepts a IPointerExitHandler.OnPointerExit. Intercepts a IPointerUpHandler.OnPointerUp. Intercepts a IScrollHandler.OnScroll. Intercepts a ISelectHandler.OnSelect. Intercepts ISubmitHandler.Submit. Intercepts a IUpdateSelectedHandler.OnUpdateSelected. Helper class that can be used to send IEventSystemHandler events to GameObjects. IBeginDragHandler execute helper function. ICancelHandler execute helper function. IDeselectHandler execute helper function. IDragHandler execute helper function. IDropHandler execute helper function. IEndDragHandler execute helper function. IInitializePotentialDragHandler execute helper function. IMoveHandler execute helper function. IPointerClickHandler execute helper function. IPointerDownHandler execute helper function. IPointerEnterHandler execute helper function. IPointerExitHandler execute helper function. IPointerUpHandler execute helper function. IScrollHandler execute helper function. ISelectHandler execute helper function. ISubmitHandler execute helper function. IUpdateSelectedHandler execute helper function. Can the given GameObject handle the IEventSystemHandler of type T. GameObject. Can Handle. Funtion definition for an EventFunction that is used to map a given EventInterface into a specific event call. Execute the event of type T : IEventSystemHandler on GameObject. Target GameObject. Data associated with the Executing event. Function to execute on the gameObject components. Was there a handler for the event. Recurse up the hierarchy calling Execute<T> until there is a GameObject that can handle the event. Start GameObject. Data associated with the Executing event. Function to execute on the gameObject components. GameObject that handled the event. Starting the hierarchy (starting at root) for a GameObject that can handle <T> Root GameObject. Handling GameObject. Attempt to convert the data to type T. If conversion fails an ArgumentException is thrown. Data to validate. Data as T. Interface to implement if you wish to receive OnBeginDrag callbacks. Called by a BaseInputModule before a drag is started. Current event data. Interface to implement if you wish to receive OnCancel callbacks. Called by a BaseInputModule when a Cancel event occurs. Current event data. Interface to implement if you wish to receive OnDeselect callbacks. Called by the EventSystem when a new object is being selected. Current event data. Interface to implement if you wish to receive OnDrag callbacks. When draging is occuring this will be called every time the cursor is moved. Current event data. Interface to implement if you wish to receive OnDrop callbacks. Called by a BaseInputModule on a target that can accept a drop. Current event data. Interface to implement if you wish to receive OnEndDrag callbacks. Called by a BaseInputModule when a drag is ended. Current event data. Base class that all EventSystem events inherit from. Interface to implement if you wish to receive OnInitializePotentialDrag callbacks. Called by a BaseInputModule when a drag has been found but before it is valid to begin the drag. Interface to implement if you wish to receive OnMove callbacks. Called by a BaseInputModule when a move event occurs. Current event data. Interface to implement if you wish to receive OnPointerClick callbacks. Current event data. Interface to implement if you wish to receive OnPointerDown callbacks. Current event data. Interface to implement if you wish to receive OnPointerEnter callbacks. Current event data. Interface to implement if you wish to receive OnPointerExit callbacks. Current event data. Interface to implement if you wish to receive OnPointerUp callbacks. Current event data. Interface to implement if you wish to receive OnScroll callbacks. Current event data. Interface to implement if you wish to receive OnSelect callbacks. Current event data. Interface to implement if you wish to receive OnSubmit callbacks. Current event data. Interface to implement if you wish to receive OnUpdateSelected callbacks. Current event data. 8 direction movement enum. Down. Left. None. Right. Up. Raycaster for casting against 2D Physics components. See: BaseRaycaster. Raycaster for casting against 3D Physics components. Get the depth of the configured camera. Get the camera that is used for this module. Mask of allowed raycast events. Logical and of Camera mask and eventMask. See: BaseRaycaster. Event payload associated with pointer (mouse / touch) events. The EventSystems.PointerEventData.InputButton for this event. Number of clicks in a row. The last time a click event was sent. Pointer delta since last update. Is a drag operation currently occuring. The camera associated with the last OnPointerEnter event. List of objects in the hover stack. The GameObject for the last press event. RaycastResult associated with the current event. The object that is receiving 'OnDrag'. The object that received 'OnPointerEnter'. Id of the pointer (touch id). The GameObject that received the OnPointerDown. RaycastResult associated with the pointer press. Current pointer position. The camera associated with the last OnPointerPress event. Position of the press. The object that the press happened on even if it can not handle the press event. The amount of scroll since the last update. Should a drag threshold be used? The state of a press for the given frame. Same as last frame. Button was pressed this frame. Button was pressed and released this frame. Button was released this frame. Input press tracking. Left button. Middle button. Right button. Is the pointer moving. Moving. Is scroll being used on the input device. Scrolling. A BaseInputModule for pointer input. Touch id for when simulating touches on a non touch device. Id of the cached left mouse pointer event. Id of the cached middle mouse pointer event. Id of the cached right mouse pointer event. Clear all pointers and deselect any selected objects in the EventSystem. Copy one PointerEventData to another. Deselect the current selected GameObject if the currently pointed-at GameObject is different. The GameObject the pointer is currently over. Current event data. Return the last PointerEventData for the given touch / mouse id. Return the current MouseState. Return the current MouseState. Seach the cache for currently active pointers, return true if found. Touch ID. Found data. If not found should it be created. True if a pointer is found. Given a touch populate the PointerEventData and return if we are pressed or released. Processing Touch. Are we pressed. Are we released. Information about a mouse button event. Pointer data associated with the mouse event. The state of the button this frame. Was the button pressed this frame? Was the button released this frame? Process the drag for the current frame with the given pointer event. Process movement for the current frame with the given pointer event. Remove the PointerEventData from the cache. Given a mouse button return the current state for the frame. Mouse Button id. A hit result from a BaseRaycastModule. The relative depth of the element. Distance to the hit. The GameObject that was hit by the raycast. Hit index. Is there an associated module and a hit GameObject. BaseInputModule that raised the hit. The screen position from which the raycast was generated. The SortingLayer of the hit object. The SortingOrder for the hit object. The normal at the hit location of the raycast. The world position of the where the raycast has hit. Reset the result. A BaseInputModule designed for mouse keyboard controller input. Is this module allowed to be activated if you are on mobile. Input manager name for the 'cancel' button. Force this module to be active. Input manager name for the horizontal axis button. Number of keyboard / controller inputs allowed per second. Delay in seconds before the input actions per second repeat rate takes effect. Maximum number of input events handled per second. Input manager name for the vertical axis. See BaseInputModule. See BaseInputModule. See BaseInputModule. Supported. See BaseInputModule. Iterate through all the different mouse events. The mouse pointer Event data id to get. Iterate through all the different mouse events. The mouse pointer Event data id to get. Calulate and process any mouse button state changes. The data pertaining to the current mouse state. Calculate and send a move event to the current selected object. If the move event was used by the selected object. Calculate and send a submit event to the current selected object. If the submit event was used by the selected object. Send a update event to the currently selected object. If the update event was used by the selected object. See BaseInputModule. Should activate. See BaseInputModule. Input module used for touch based input. Can this module be activated on a standalone platform? Force this module to be active. See BaseInputModule. See BaseInputModule. Supported. See BaseInputModule. See BaseInputModule. Should activate. See BaseInputModule. Base behaviour that has protected implementations of Unity lifecycle functions. See MonoBehaviour.Awake. Returns true if the GameObject and the Component are active. Active. Returns true if the native representation of the behaviour has been destroyed. True if Destroyed. See MonoBehaviour.OnBeforeTransformParentChanged. See MonoBehaviour.OnCanvasGroupChanged. Called when the state of the parent Canvas is changed. See MonoBehaviour.OnDestroy. See MonoBehaviour.OnDidApplyAnimationProperties. See MonoBehaviour.OnDisable. See MonoBehaviour.OnEnable. See MonoBehaviour.OnRectTransformDimensionsChange. See MonoBehaviour.OnRectTransformParentChanged. See MonoBehaviour.OnValidate. See MonoBehaviour.Reset. See MonoBehaviour.Start. Structure to store the state of an animation transition on a Selectable. Trigger to send to animator when entering disabled state. Trigger to send to animator when entering highlighted state. Trigger to send to animator when entering normal state. Trigger to send to animator when entering pressed state. Resizes a RectTransform to fit a specified aspect ratio. The mode to use to enforce the aspect ratio. The aspect ratio to enforce. This means width divided by height. Specifies a mode to use to enforce an aspect ratio. Sizes the rectangle such that the parent rectangle is fully contained within. Sizes the rectangle such that it's fully contained within the parent rectangle. Changes the width of the rectangle to match the aspect ratio. The aspect ratio is not enforced. Changes the height of the rectangle to match the aspect ratio. See MonoBehaviour.OnDisable. Mark the AspectRatioFitter as dirty. Method called by the layout system. Method called by the layout system. Base class for effects that modify the generated Mesh. See:IMeshModifier. See MonoBehaviour.OnDisable. Base class for effects that modify the the generated Vertex Buffers. See:IVertexModifier. A standard button that can be clicked in order to trigger an event. UnityEvent to be fired when the buttons is pressed. Function definition for a button click event. Registered IPointerClickHandler callback. Data passed in (Typically by the event system). Registered ISubmitHandler callback. Data passed in (Typically by the event system). The Canvas Scaler component is used for controlling the overall scale and pixel density of UI elements in the Canvas. This scaling affects everything under the Canvas, including font sizes and image borders. The pixels per inch to use for sprites that have a 'Pixels Per Unit' setting that matches the 'Reference Pixels Per Unit' setting. The amount of pixels per unit to use for dynamically created bitmaps in the UI, such as Text. The DPI to assume if the screen DPI is not known. Setting to scale the Canvas to match the width or height of the reference resolution, or a combination. The physical unit to specify positions and sizes in. If a sprite has this 'Pixels Per Unit' setting, then one pixel in the sprite will cover one unit in the UI. The resolution the UI layout is designed for. Scales all UI elements in the Canvas by this factor. A mode used to scale the canvas area if the aspect ratio of the current resolution doesn't fit the reference resolution. Determines how UI elements in the Canvas are scaled. Method that handles calculations of canvas scaling. Handles canvas scaling for a constant physical size. Handles canvas scaling for a constant pixel size. Handles canvas scaling that scales with the screen size. Handles canvas scaling for world canvas. See MonoBehaviour.OnDisable. Determines how UI elements in the Canvas are scaled. Using the Constant Physical Size mode, positions and sizes of UI elements are specified in physical units, such as millimeters, points, or picas. Using the Constant Pixel Size mode, positions and sizes of UI elements are specified in pixels on the screen. Using the Scale With Screen Size mode, positions and sizes can be specified according to the pixels of a specified reference resolution. If the current screen resolution is larger then the reference resolution, the Canvas will keep having only the resolution of the reference resolution, but will scale up in order to fit the screen. If the current screen resolution is smaller than the reference resolution, the Canvas will similarly be scaled down to fit. Scale the canvas area with the width as reference, the height as reference, or something in between. Expand the canvas area either horizontally or vertically, so the size of the canvas will never be smaller than the reference. Scale the canvas area with the width as reference, the height as reference, or something in between. Crop the canvas area either horizontally or vertically, so the size of the canvas will never be larger than the reference. Sets the referencePixelsPerUnit on the Canvas. Sets the scale factor on the canvas. The scale factor to use. Settings used to specify a physical unit. Use centimeters. A centimeter is 1/100 of a meter. Use inches. Use millimeters. A millimeter is 110 of a centimeter, and 11000 of a meter. Use picas. One pica is 1/6 of an inch. Use points. One point is 112 of a pica, and 172 of an inch. Handles per-frame checking if the canvas scaling needs to be updated. Values of 'update' called on a Canvas update. Called late, before render. Called for layout. Max enum value. Called after layout. Called before layout. Called before rendering. A place where CanvasElements can register themselves for rebuilding. Get the singleton registry. Are graphics being rebuild. Rebuilding graphics. Is layout being rebuilt? Rebuilding layout. Rebuild the graphics of the given element. Element to rebuild. Rebuild the layout of the given element. Element to rebuild. Rebuild the layout of the given element. Element to rebuild. Was the element scheduled. Was the element scheduled. Element to rebuild. Was the element scheduled. Remove the given element from rebuild. Element to remove. Registry class to keep track of all IClippers that exist in the scene. Singleton instance. Perform the clipping on all registered IClipper. Register an IClipper. Unregister an IClipper. Utility class to help when clipping using IClipper. Find the Rect to use for clipping. RectMasks to build the overlap rect from. Was there a valid Rect found. The compound Rect. Structure to store the state of a color transition on a Selectable. Multiplier applied to colors (allows brightening greater then base color). Simple getter for the default ColorBlock. Disabled Color. How long a color transition should take. Highlighted Color. Normal Color. Pressed Color. Resizes a RectTransform to fit the size of its content. The fit mode to use to determine the width. The fit mode to use to determine the height. The size fit mode to use. Resize to the minimum size of the content. Resize to the preferred size of the content. Don't perform any resizing. See MonoBehaviour.OnDisable. Mark the ContentSizeFitter as dirty. Method called by the layout system. Method called by the layout system. Utility class for creating default implementations of builtin UI controls. Create a button. Object with resources to use. The root GameObject of the created element. Create a dropdown. Object with resources to use. The root GameObject of the created element. Create an image. Object with resources to use. The root GameObject of the created element. Create an input field. Object with resources to use. The root GameObject of the created element. Create a panel. Object with resources to use. The root GameObject of the created element. Create a raw image. Object with resources to use. The root GameObject of the created element. Create a scrollbar. Object with resources to use. The root GameObject of the created element. Create a scroll view. Object with resources to use. The root GameObject of the created element. Create a slider. Object with resources to use. The root GameObject of the created element. Create a text object. C. The root GameObject of the created element. Create a toggle. Object with resources to use. The root GameObject of the created element. Object used to pass resources to use for the default controls. Sprite used for background elements. Sprite used for representation of an "on" state when present, such as a checkmark. Sprite used to indicate that a button will open a dropdown when clicked. Sprite used as background for input fields. Sprite used for knobs that can be dragged, such as on a slider. Sprite used for masking purposes, for example to be used for the viewport of a scroll view. The primary sprite to be used for graphical UI elements, used by the button, toggle, and dropdown controls, among others. A standard dropdown that presents a list of options when clicked, of which one can be chosen. The Image component to hold the image of the currently selected option. The Text component to hold the text of the currently selected option. The Image component to hold the image of the item. The Text component to hold the text of the item. A UnityEvent that is invoked when when a user has clicked one of the options in the dropdown list. The list of possible options. A text string and an image can be specified for each option. The Rect Transform of the template for the dropdown list. The index of the currently selected option. 0 is the first option, 1 is the second, and so on. Override this method to implement a different way to obtain a blocker GameObject. The root canvas the dropdown is under. The obtained blocker. Override this method to implement a different way to obtain a dropdown list GameObject. The template to create the dropdown list from. The obtained dropdown list. Override this method to implement a different way to obtain an option item. The template to create the option item from. The obtained option item. Override this method to implement a different way to dispose of a blocker GameObject that blocks clicks to other controls while the dropdown list is open. The blocker to dispose of. Override this method to implement a different way to dispose of a dropdown list GameObject. The dropdown list to dispose of. Override this method to implement a different way to dispose of an option item. The option item to dispose of. UnityEvent callback for when a dropdown current option is changed. Hide the dropdown list. Called by a BaseInputModule when a Cancel event occurs. Handling for when the dropdown is 'clicked'. Current event. What to do when the event system sends a submit Event. Current event. Class to store the text and/or image of a single option in the dropdown list. The image associated with the option. The text associated with the option. Create an object representing a single option for the dropdown list. Optional text for the option. Optional image for the option. Create an object representing a single option for the dropdown list. Optional text for the option. Optional image for the option. Create an object representing a single option for the dropdown list. Optional text for the option. Optional image for the option. Create an object representing a single option for the dropdown list. Optional text for the option. Optional image for the option. Class used internally to store the list of options for the dropdown list. The list of options for the dropdown list. Show the dropdown list. Struct for storing Text generation settings. How is the text aligned. Is best fit used. Get a font data with sensible defaults. Font to use. Font size. Font Style. Horizontal overflow mode. Line spacing. Maximum text size. Minimum text size. Should RichText be used? Vertical overflow mode. Utility class that is used to help with Text update. Register a Text element for receiving texture atlas rebuild calls. Deregister a Text element from receiving texture atlas rebuild calls. Base class for all visual UI Component. A reference to the Canvas this Graphic is rendering to. The CanvasRenderer used by this Graphic. Base color of the Graphic. Default material used to draw UI elements if no explicit material was specified. Returns the default material for the graphic. Absolute depth of the graphic in the hierarchy, used by rendering and events. The graphic's texture. (Read Only). The Material set by the user. The material that will be sent for Rendering (Read only). Should this graphic be considered a target for raycasting? The RectTransform component used by the Graphic. Tweens the alpha of the CanvasRenderer color associated with this Graphic. Target alpha. Duration of the tween in seconds. Should ignore Time.scale? Tweens the CanvasRenderer color associated with this Graphic. Target color. Tween duration. Should ignore Time.scale? Should also Tween the alpha channel? Returns a pixel perfect Rect closest to the Graphic RectTransform. Pixel perfect Rect. See ICanvasElement.GraphicUpdateComplete. See ICanvasElement.LayoutComplete. See MonoBehaviour.OnDisable. Callback function when a UI element needs to generate vertices. Mesh to populate with UI data. Callback function when a UI element needs to generate vertices. Mesh to populate with UI data. Editor-only callback that is issued by Unity if a rebuild of the Graphic is required. Adjusts the given pixel to be pixel perfect. Local space point. Pixel perfect adjusted point. When a GraphicRaycaster is raycasting into the scene it will first filter the elments using their RectTransform rect and then it will use this function to determine the elements hit mby the raycast. Screen point. Camera. True if the provided point is a valid location for GraphicRaycaster raycasts. Rebuilds the graphic geometry and its material on the PreRender cycle. The current step of the rendering CanvasUpdate cycle. Add a listener to receive notification when the graphics layout is dirtied. Add a listener to receive notification when the graphics material is dirtied. Add a listener to receive notification when the graphics vertices are dirtied. Mark the Graphic as dirty. Mark the layout as dirty. Mark the Material as dirty. Adjusts the graphic size to make it pixel-perfect. Mark the vertices as dirty. Remove a listener from receiving notifications when the graphics layout is dirtied. Remove a listener from receiving notifications when the graphics material is dirtied. Remove a listener from receiving notifications when the graphics vertices are dirtied. The delegate function to remove. Call to update the geometry of the Graphic onto the CanvasRenderer. Call to update the Material of the graphic onto the CanvasRenderer. A BaseRaycaster to raycast against Graphic elements. Type of objects that will block graphic raycasts. See: BaseRaycaster. Should graphics facing away from the raycaster be considered? List of Raycasters to check for canvas blocking elements. Blocked by 2D and 3D. Not blocked. 3D physics blocking. 2D physics blocking. See: BaseRaycaster. EditorOnly class for tracking all Graphics. Track a Graphic. Untrack a Graphic. Registry which maps a Graphic to the canvas it belongs to. Singleton instance. Return a list of Graphics that are registered on the Canvas. Input canvas. Graphics on the input canvas. Store a link between the given canvas and graphic in the registry. Canvas to register. Graphic to register. Deregister the given Graphic from a Canvas. Canvas. Graphic to deregister. Layout child layout elements in a grid. The size to use for each cell in the grid. Which constraint to use for the GridLayoutGroup. How many cells there should be along the constrained axis. The spacing to use between layout elements in the grid. Which axis should cells be placed along first? Which corner should the first cell be placed in? An axis that can be horizontal or vertical. Horizontal. Vertical. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. A constraint on either the number of columns or rows. Constraint the number of columns to a specified number. Constraint the number of rows to a specified number. Don't constrain the number of rows or columns. One of the four corners in a rectangle. Lower left. Lower right. Upper left. Upper right. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. Layout child layout elements side by side. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. Abstract base class for HorizontalLayoutGroup and VerticalLayoutGroup. Whether to force the children to expand to fill additional available vertical space. Whether to force the children to expand to fill additional available horizontal space. The spacing to use between layout elements in the layout group. Calculate the layout element properties for this layout element along the given axis. The axis to calculate for. 0 is horizontal and 1 is vertical. Is this group a vertical group? Set the positions and sizes of the child layout elements for the given axis. The axis to handle. 0 is horizontal and 1 is vertical. Is this group a vertical group? This is an element that can live on a Canvas. Get the transform associated with the ICanvasElement. Callback sent when this ICanvasElement has completed Graphic rebuild. Return true if the element is considered destroyed. Used if the native representation has been destroyed. Callback sent when this ICanvasElement has completed layout. Rebuild the element for the given stage. Stage being rebuild. Interface for elements that can be clipped if they are under an [[IClipper]. RectTransform of the clippable. Clip and cull the IClippable given the clipRect. Rectangle to clip against. Is the Rect valid. If not then the rect has 0 size. Called when the state of a parent IClippable changes. Set the clip rect for the IClippable. Interface that can be used to recieve clipping callbacks as part of the canvas update loop. Called after layout and before Graphic update of the Canvas update loop. Base interface to implement by componets that control the layout of RectTransforms. Callback invoked by the auto layout system which handles horizontal aspects of the layout. Callback invoked by the auto layout system which handles vertical aspects of the layout. A component is treated as a layout element by the auto layout system if it implements ILayoutElement. The extra relative height this layout element should be allocated if there is additional available space. The extra relative width this layout element should be allocated if there is additional available space. The layout priority of this component. The minimum height this layout element may be allocated. The minimum width this layout element may be allocated. The preferred height this layout element should be allocated if there is sufficient space. The preferred width this layout element should be allocated if there is sufficient space. The minWidth, preferredWidth, and flexibleWidth values may be calculated in this callback. The minHeight, preferredHeight, and flexibleHeight values may be calculated in this callback. ILayoutGroup is an ILayoutController that should drive the RectTransforms of its children. A RectTransform will be ignored by the layout system if it has a component which implements ILayoutIgnorer. Should this RectTransform be ignored bvy the layout system? ILayoutSelfController is an ILayoutController that should drive its own RectTransform. Displays a Sprite for the UI System. The alpha threshold specifying the minimum alpha a pixel must have for the event to be passed through. Amount of the Image shown when the Image.type is set to Image.Type.Filled. Whether or not to render the center of a Tiled or Sliced image. Whether the Image should be filled clockwise (true) or counter-clockwise (false). What type of fill method to use. Controls the origin point of the Fill process. Value means different things with each fill method. See ILayoutElement.flexibleHeight. See ILayoutElement.flexibleWidth. True if the sprite used has borders. See ILayoutElement.layoutPriority. The image's texture. (ReadOnly). See ILayoutElement.minHeight. See ILayoutElement.minWidth. Set an override sprite to be used for rendering. The number of pixels in the Image that correspond to one unit in world space. See ILayoutElement.preferredHeight. See ILayoutElement.preferredWidth. Whether this image should preserve its Sprite aspect ratio. The sprite that is used to render this image. How the Image is draw. See ILayoutElement.CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal. See ILayoutElement.CalculateLayoutInputVertical. Fill method to be used by the Image. The Image will be filled Horizontally. The Image will be filled Radially with the radial center in one of the edges. The Image will be filled Radially with the radial center at the center. The Image will be filled Radially with the radial center in one of the corners. The Image will be filled Vertically. See:ICanvasRaycastFilter. Serialization Callback. Serialization Callback. Origin for the Image.FillMethod.Radial180. Center of the radial at the center of the Bottom edge. Center of the radial at the center of the Left edge. Center of the radial at the center of the Right edge. Center of the radial at the center of the Top edge. One of the points of the Arc for the Image.FillMethod.Radial360. Arc starting at the center of the Bottom edge. Arc starting at the center of the Left edge. Arc starting at the center of the Right edge. Arc starting at the center of the Top edge. Origin for the Image.FillMethod.Radial90. Radial starting at the Bottom Left corner. Radial starting at the Bottom Right corner. Radial starting at the Top Left corner. Radial starting at the Top Right corner. Origin for the Image.FillMethod.Horizontal. Origin at the Left side. Origin at the Right side. Origin for the Image.FillMethod.Vertical. Origin at the Bottom edge. Origin at the Top edge. Adjusts the image size to make it pixel-perfect. Image Type. Display portion of the Image. Displayes the full Image. Displays the Image as a 9-sliced Image. Displays the Image Tiling the central part of the Sprite. Is this element a mask. Return the RectTransform associated with this mask. Is the mask enabled. This element is capable of being masked out. Recalculate masking for this element and all children elements. Interface which allows for the modification of the Material used to render a Graphic before they are passed to the CanvasRenderer. Perform material modification in this function. Configured Material. Modified material. Interface which allows for the modification of verticies in a Graphic before they are passed to the CanvasRenderer. Call used to modify mesh. Turn a simple label into a interactable input field. The character used for password fields. The blinking rate of the input caret, defined as the number of times the blink cycle occurs per second. Current InputField caret position (also selection tail). Current InputField selection head. How many characters the input field is limited to. 0 = infinite. The type of validation to perform on a character. Specifies the type of the input text content. The type of input expected. See InputField.InputType. Does the InputField currently have focus and is able to process events. They type of mobile keyboard that will be used. The LineType used by the InputField. If the input field supports multiple lines. The Unity Event to call when editing has ended. The function to call to validate the input characters. Accessor to the OnChangeEvent. Optional graphic to show when the InputField text is empty. A placeholder graphic can be used to show subtle hints or make it more obvious that the control is an InputField. The beginning point of the selection. The color of the highlight to show which characters are selected. The the end point of the selection. Should the mobile keyboard input be hidden. The current value of the input field. The Text component that is going to be used to render the text to screen. If the UI.InputField was canceled and will revert back to the original text upon DeactivateInputField. Function to activate the InputField to begin processing Events. Append a character to the input field. Character / string to append. Append a character to the input field. Character / string to append. The type of characters that are allowed to be added to the string. Allows letters A-Z, a-z and numbers 0-9. Allows decimal numbers (positive or negative). Characters 0-9, . (dot), and - (dash / minus sign) are allowed. The dash is only allowed as the first character. Only one dot in the string is allowed. Allows the characters that are allowed in an email address. Allow whole numbers (positive or negative). Only allow names and enforces capitalization. No validation. Any input is valid. Clamp the pos to be between 0 and the current text length. The position represenation to be clamped. Specifies the type of the input text content. Allows letters A-Z, a-z and numbers 0-9. Allows all input and performs auto-correction on platforms that support it. Custom types that allows user-defined settings. Allows decimal numbers (positive or negative). The input is used for typing in an email address. Allow whole numbers (positive or negative). The InputField is used for typing in a name and enforces capitalization. Allows all input and hides the typed characters by showing them as asterisks characters. Allows integer numbers and hides the typed characters by showing them as asterisks characters. Allows all input. Function to deactivate the InputField to stop the processing of Events and send OnSubmit if not canceled. The character that is under the mouse. Mouse position. Character index with in value. See ICanvasElement.GraphicUpdateComplete. Type of data expected by the input field. The mobile autocorrect keyboard. The mobile password keyboard. The standard mobile keyboard. Process the Event and perform the appropreate action for that key. The Event that is currently being processed. If we should continue processing events or we have hit an end condition. See ICanvasElement.LayoutComplete. The LineType is used to describe the behavior of the InputField. Is a multiline InputField with vertical scrolling and overflow. Pressing the return key will insert a new line character. Is a multiline InputField with vertical scrolling and overflow. Pressing the return key will submit. Only allows 1 line to be entered. Has horizontal scrolling and no word wrap. Pressing enter will submit the InputField. Move the caret index to end of text. Only move the selectionPosition. Move the caret index to start of text. Only move the selectionPosition. Capture the OnBeginDrag callback from the EventSystem and ensure we should listen to the drag events to follow. The data passed by the EventSystem. The callback sent anytime the Inputfield is updated. What to do when the event system sends a Deselect Event. See MonoBehaviour.OnDisable. What to do when the event system sends a Drag Event. Capture the OnEndDrag callback from the EventSystem and cancel the listening of drag events. The eventData sent by the EventSystem. Focus the input field initializing properties. What to do when the event system sends a pointer click Event. What to do when the event system sends a pointer down Event. What to do when the event system sends a submit Event. What to do when the event system sends a Update selected Event. Custom validation callback. Helper function to allow separate events to be processed by the InputField. The Event to be processed. Rebuild the input fields geometry. (caret and highlight). Convert screen space into input field local space. Highlight the whole InputField. Convenience function to make functionality to send the SubmitEvent easier. Unity Event with a inputfield as a param. Update the Text associated with this input field. Predefined validation functionality for different characterValidation types. The whole text string to validate. The position at which the current character is being inserted. The character that is being inserted. The character that should be inserted. Interface which allows for the modification of verticies in a Graphic before they are passed to the CanvasRenderer. Call used to modify vertices. To modify. Add this component to a GameObject to make it into a layout element or override values on an existing layout element. The extra relative height this layout element should be allocated if there is additional available space. The extra relative width this layout element should be allocated if there is additional available space. Should this RectTransform be ignored by the layout system? Called by the layout system. The minimum height this layout element may be allocated. The minimum width this layout element may be allocated. The preferred height this layout element should be allocated if there is sufficient space. The preferred width this layout element should be allocated if there is sufficient space. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. See MonoBehaviour.OnDisable. Mark the LayoutElement as dirty. Abstract base class to use for layout groups. The alignment to use for the child layout elements in the layout group. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. The padding to add around the child layout elements. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. Returns the calculated position of the first child layout element along the given axis. The axis index. 0 is horizontal and 1 is vertical. The total space required on the given axis for all the layout elements including spacing and excluding padding. The position of the first child along the given axis. The flexible size for the layout group on the given axis. The axis index. 0 is horizontal and 1 is vertical. The flexible size. The min size for the layout group on the given axis. The axis index. 0 is horizontal and 1 is vertical. The min size. The preferred size for the layout group on the given axis. The axis index. 0 is horizontal and 1 is vertical. The preferred size. Callback for when properties have been changed by animation. See MonoBehaviour.OnDisable. Set the position and size of a child layout element along the given axis. The RectTransform of the child layout element. The axis to set the position and size along. 0 is horizontal and 1 is vertical. The position from the left side or top. The size. Mark the LayoutGroup as dirty. Called by the layout system. Used to set the calculated layout properties for the given axis. The min size for the layout group. The preferred size for the layout group. The flexible size for the layout group. The axis to set sizes for. 0 is horizontal and 1 is vertical. Called by the layout system. Helper method used to set a given property if it has changed. A reference to the member value. The new value. Wrapper class for managing layout rebuilding of CanvasElement. See ICanvasElement. Does the passed rebuilder point to the same CanvasElement. Other. Equal. Forces an immediate rebuild of the layout element and child layout elements affected by the calculations. The layout element to perform the layout rebuild on. See ICanvasElement.GraphicUpdateComplete. Has the native representation of this LayoutRebuilder been destroyed? See ICanvasElement.LayoutComplete. Mark the given RectTransform as needing it's layout to be recalculated during the next layout pass. Rect to rebuild. See ICanvasElement.Rebuild. Utility functions for querying layout elements for their minimum, preferred, and flexible sizes. Returns the flexible height of the layout element. The RectTransform of the layout element to query. Returns the flexible size of the layout element. The RectTransform of the layout element to query. The axis to query. This can be 0 or 1. Returns the flexible width of the layout element. The RectTransform of the layout element to query. Gets a calculated layout property for the layout element with the given RectTransform. The RectTransform of the layout element to get a property for. The property to calculate. The default value to use if no component on the layout element supplies the given property. Optional out parameter to get the component that supplied the calculated value. The calculated value of the layout property. Gets a calculated layout property for the layout element with the given RectTransform. The RectTransform of the layout element to get a property for. The property to calculate. The default value to use if no component on the layout element supplies the given property. Optional out parameter to get the component that supplied the calculated value. The calculated value of the layout property. Returns the minimum height of the layout element. The RectTransform of the layout element to query. Returns the minimum size of the layout element. The RectTransform of the layout element to query. The axis to query. This can be 0 or 1. Returns the minimum width of the layout element. The RectTransform of the layout element to query. Returns the preferred height of the layout element. The RectTransform of the layout element to query. Returns the preferred size of the layout element. The RectTransform of the layout element to query. The axis to query. This can be 0 or 1. Returns the preferred width of the layout element. The RectTransform of the layout element to query. A component for masking children elements. The graphic associated with the Mask. Cached RectTransform. Show the graphic that is associated with the Mask render area. See: IMaterialModifier. See:ICanvasRaycastFilter. See:IMask. See MonoBehaviour.OnDisable. See:IGraphicEnabledDisabled. A Graphic that is capable of being mased out. Does this graphic allow masking. Callback issued when culling changes. See IClippable.Cull. See IMaterialModifier.GetModifiedMaterial. See MonoBehaviour.OnDisable. See: IMaskable. See: IClippable.RecalculateClipping. See: IMaskable.RecalculateMasking. See IClippable.SetClipRect. Mask related utility class. Find a root Canvas. Search start. Canvas transform. Find the correct RectMask2D for a given IClippable. Clippable to search from. Search for all RectMask2D that apply to the given RectMask2D (includes self). Find the stencil depth for a given element. Notify all IClippables under the given component that they need to recalculate clipping. Notify all IMaskable under the given component that they need to recalculate masking. Structure storing details related to navigation. Return a Navigation with sensible default values. Navitation mode. Selectable to select on down. Selectable to select on left. Selectable to select on right. Selectable to select on up. Navigation mode. Used by Selectable. Automatic navigation. Explicit navigaion. Horizontal Navigation. No navigation. Vertical navigation. Adds an outline to a graphic using IVertexModifier. An IVertexModifier which sets the raw vertex position into UV1 of the generated verts. Displays a Texture2D for the UI System. The RawImage's texture. (ReadOnly). The RawImage's texture. The RawImage texture coordinates. Adjusts the raw image size to make it pixel-perfect. A 2D rectangular mask that allows for clipping / masking of areas outside the mask. Get the Rect for the mask in canvas space. Get the RectTransform for the mask. Add a [IClippable]] to be tracked by the mask. See:ICanvasRaycastFilter. See: IClipper.PerformClipping. Remove an IClippable from being tracked by the mask. A standard scrollbar with a variable sized handle that can be dragged between 0 and 1. The direction of the scrollbar from minimum to maximum value. The RectTransform to use for the handle. The number of steps to use for the value. A value of 0 disables use of steps. Handling for when the scrollbar value is changed. The size of the scrollbar handle where 1 means it fills the entire scrollbar. The current value of the scrollbar, between 0 and 1. Coroutine function for handling continual press during OnPointerDown. Setting that indicates one of four directions. From bottom to top. From left to right. From right to left. From top to bottom. See member in base class. See member in base class. See member in base class. See member in base class. See ICanvasElement.GraphicUpdateComplete. See ICanvasElement.LayoutComplete. Handling for when the scrollbar value is begin being dragged. See MonoBehaviour.OnDisable. Handling for when the scrollbar value is dragged. See: IInitializePotentialDragHandler.OnInitializePotentialDrag. Handling for movement events. Handling for when the canvas is rebuilt. UnityEvent callback for when a scrollbar is scrolled. Set the direction of the scrollbar, optionally setting the layout as well. The direction of the scrollbar. Should the layout be flipped together with the direction? A component for making a child RectTransform scroll. The content that can be scrolled. It should be a child of the GameObject with ScrollRect on it. The rate at which movement slows down. The amount of elasticity to use when the content moves beyond the scroll rect. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. Should horizontal scrolling be enabled? The horizontal scroll position as a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being at the left. Optional Scrollbar object linked to the horizontal scrolling of the ScrollRect. The space between the scrollbar and the viewport. The mode of visibility for the horizontal scrollbar. Should movement inertia be enabled? Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. The behavior to use when the content moves beyond the scroll rect. The scroll position as a Vector2 between (0,0) and (1,1) with (0,0) being the lower left corner. Callback executed when the scroll position of the slider is changed. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. The sensitivity to scroll wheel and track pad scroll events. The current velocity of the content. Should vertical scrolling be enabled? The vertical scroll position as a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being at the bottom. Optional Scrollbar object linked to the vertical scrolling of the ScrollRect. The space between the scrollbar and the viewport. The mode of visibility for the vertical scrollbar. Reference to the viewport RectTransform that is the parent of the content RectTransform. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. See ICanvasElement.GraphicUpdateComplete. See member in base class. See ICanvasElement.LayoutComplete. A setting for which behavior to use when content moves beyond the confines of its container. Clamped movement. The content can not be moved beyond its container. Elastic movement. The content is allowed to temporarily move beyond the container, but is pulled back elastically. Unrestricted movement. The content can move forever. Handling for when the content is beging being dragged. See MonoBehaviour.OnDisable. Handling for when the content is dragged. Handling for when the content has finished being dragged. See: IInitializePotentialDragHandler.OnInitializePotentialDrag. See IScrollHandler.OnScroll. Rebuilds the scroll rect data after initialization. The current step of the rendering CanvasUpdate cycle. Enum for which behavior to use for scrollbar visibility. Automatically hide the scrollbar when no scrolling is needed on this axis. The viewport rect will not be changed. Automatically hide the scrollbar when no scrolling is needed on this axis, and expand the viewport rect accordingly. Always show the scrollbar. Event type used by the ScrollRect. Sets the anchored position of the content. Override to alter or add to the code that keeps the appearance of the scroll rect synced with its data. Override to alter or add to the code that caches data to avoid repeated heavy operations. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. Sets the velocity to zero on both axes so the content stops moving. Simple selectable object - derived from to create a selectable control. List of all the selectable objects currently active in the scene. The AnimationTriggers for this selectable object. Convenience function to get the Animator component on the GameObject. The ColorBlock for this selectable object. Convenience function that converts the referenced Graphic to a Image, if possible. UI.Selectable.interactable. The Navigation setting for this selectable object. The SpriteState for this selectable object. Graphic that will be transitioned upon. The type of transition that will be applied to the targetGraphic when the state changes. Transition the Selectable to the entered state. State to transition to. Should the transition occur instantly. Finds the selectable object next to this one. The direction in which to search for a neighbouring Selectable object. The neighbouring Selectable object. Null if none found. Find the selectable object below this one. The Selectable object below current. Find the selectable object to the left of this one. The Selectable object to the left of current. Find the selectable object to the right of this one. The Selectable object to the right of current. Find the selectable object above this one. The Selectable object above current. Clear any internal state from the Selectable (used when disabling). Is the selectable currently 'highlighted'. UI.Selectable.IsInteractable. Unset selection and transition to appropriate state. The eventData usually sent by the EventSystem. See MonoBehaviour.OnDisable. Determine in which of the 4 move directions the next selectable object should be found. The EventData usually sent by the EventSystem. Evaluate current state and transition to pressed state. The EventData usually sent by the EventSystem. Evaluate current state and transition to appropriate state. The EventData usually sent by the EventSystem. Evaluate current state and transition to normal state. The EventData usually sent by the EventSystem. Evaluate eventData and transition to appropriate state. The EventData usually sent by the EventSystem. Set selection and transition to appropriate state. The EventData usually sent by the EventSystem. Selects this Selectable. Transition mode for a Selectable. Use an animation transition. Use an color tint transition. No Transition. Use a sprite swap transition. Internally update the selection state of the Selectable. Adds an outline to a graphic using IVertexModifier. Color for the effect. How far is the shadow from the graphic. Should the shadow inherit the alpha from the graphic? Duplicate vertices from start to end and turn them into shadows with the given offset. Verts List. Shadow Color. Start Index. End Index. Shadow x offset. Shadow y offset. See: IMeshModifier. A standard slider that can be moved between a minimum and maximum value. The direction of the slider, from minimum to maximum value. Optional RectTransform to use as fill for the slider. Optional RectTransform to use as a handle for the slider. The maximum allowed value of the slider. The minimum allowed value of the slider. The current value of the slider normalized into a value between 0 and 1. Callback executed when the value of the slider is changed. The current value of the slider. Should the value only be allowed to be whole numbers? Setting that indicates one of four directions. From bottom to top. From left to right. From right to left. From top to bottom. See member in base class. See member in base class. See member in base class. See member in base class. See ICanvasElement.GraphicUpdateComplete. See ICanvasElement.LayoutComplete. See MonoBehaviour.OnDisable. Handling for when the slider is dragged. See: IInitializePotentialDragHandler.OnInitializePotentialDrag. Handling for movement events. Handling for when the canvas is rebuilt. Set the value of the slider. The new value for the slider. If the OnValueChanged callback should be invoked. Sets the direction of this slider, optionally changing the layout as well. The direction of the slider. Should the layout be flipped together with the slider direction? Event type used by the Slider. Structure to store the state of a sprite transition on a Selectable. Disabled sprite. Highlighted sprite. Pressed sprite. The default Graphic to draw font data to screen. The positioning of the text reliative to its RectTransform. The cached TextGenerator used when generating visible Text. The cached TextGenerator used when determine Layout. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. The Font used by the text. The size that the Font should render at. FontStyle used by the text. Horizontal overflow mode. Called by the layout system. Line spacing, specified as a factor of font line height. A value of 1 will produce normal line spacing. The Texture that comes from the Font. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. (Read Only) Provides information about how fonts are scale to the screen. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. Should the text be allowed to auto resized. The maximum size the text is allowed to be. 1 = infinitly large. The minimum size the text is allowed to be. Whether this Text will support rich text. The string value this text will display. Vertical overflow mode. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. Called by the [FontUpdateTracker] when the texture associated with a font is modified. Convenience function to populate the generation setting for the text. The extents the text can draw in. Generated settings. Convenience function to determine the vector offset of the anchor. See MonoBehaviour.OnDisable. A standard toggle that has an on / off state. Graphic affected by the toggle. Group the toggle belongs to. Is the toggle on. Callback executed when the value of the toggle is changed. Transition mode for the toggle. See ICanvasElement.GraphicUpdateComplete. See ICanvasElement.LayoutComplete. See MonoBehaviour.OnDisable. Handling for when the toggle is 'clicked'. Current event. Handling for when the submit key is pressed. Current event. Handling for when the canvas is rebuilt. UnityEvent callback for when a toggle is toggled. Display settings for when a toggle is activated or deactivated. Fade the toggle in / out. Show / hide the toggle instantly. A component that represents a group of Toggles. Is it allowed that no toggle is switched on? Returns the toggles in this group that are active. The active toggles in the group. Are any of the toggles on? Notify the group that the given toggle is enabled. Register a toggle with the group. To register. Switch all toggles off. Toggle to unregister. Unregister toggle. A utility class that can aid in the generation of meshes for the UI. Get the number of indices set on the VertexHelper. Current number of vertices in the buffer. Add a triangle to the buffer. Index 0. Index 1. Index 2. Add a quad to the stream. 4 Vertices representing the quad. Add a stream of custom UIVertex and corrisponding indices. The custom stream of verts to add to the helpers internal data. The custom stream of indices to add to the helpers internal data. Add a list of triangles to the stream. Vertices to add. Length should be divisible by 3. Add a single vertex to the stream. Add a single vertex to the stream. Add a single vertex to the stream. Clear all vertices from the stream. Cleanup allocated memory. Fill the given mesh with the stream data. Create a stream of UI vertex (in triangles) from the stream. Fill a UIVertex with data from index i of the stream. Vertex to populate. Index to populate from. Set a UIVertex at the given index. Layout child layout elements below each other. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system. Called by the layout system.