UnityEditor.xml 1.0 MB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
  2. <doc>
  3. <members>
  4. <assembly>
  5. <name>UnityEditor</name>
  6. </assembly>
  7. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ActionOnDotNetUnhandledException">
  8. <summary>
  9. <para>The behavior in case of unhandled .NET exception.</para>
  10. </summary>
  11. </member>
  12. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ActionOnDotNetUnhandledException.Crash">
  13. <summary>
  14. <para>Crash in case of unhandled .NET exception (Crash Report will be generated).</para>
  15. </summary>
  16. </member>
  17. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ActionOnDotNetUnhandledException.SilentExit">
  18. <summary>
  19. <para>Silent exit in case of unhandled .NET exception (no Crash Report generated).</para>
  20. </summary>
  21. </member>
  22. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AlphabeticalSort">
  23. <summary>
  24. <para>Hierarchy sort method to allow for items and their children to be sorted alphabetically.</para>
  25. </summary>
  26. </member>
  27. <member name="P:UnityEditor.AlphabeticalSort.content">
  28. <summary>
  29. <para>Content to visualize the alphabetical sorting method.</para>
  30. </summary>
  31. </member>
  32. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AndroidGamepadSupportLevel">
  33. <summary>
  34. <para>Gamepad support level for Android TV.</para>
  35. </summary>
  36. </member>
  37. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidGamepadSupportLevel.RequiresGamepad">
  38. <summary>
  39. <para>Requires a gamepad for gameplay.</para>
  40. </summary>
  41. </member>
  42. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidGamepadSupportLevel.SupportsDPad">
  43. <summary>
  44. <para>Game is fully operational with a D-pad, no gamepad needed.</para>
  45. </summary>
  46. </member>
  47. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidGamepadSupportLevel.SupportsGamepad">
  48. <summary>
  49. <para>Works with a gamepad, but does not require it.</para>
  50. </summary>
  51. </member>
  52. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AndroidPreferredInstallLocation">
  53. <summary>
  54. <para>Preferred application install location.</para>
  55. </summary>
  56. </member>
  57. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidPreferredInstallLocation.Auto">
  58. <summary>
  59. <para>Let the OS decide, app doesn't have any preferences.</para>
  60. </summary>
  61. </member>
  62. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidPreferredInstallLocation.ForceInternal">
  63. <summary>
  64. <para>Force installation into internal memory. Needed for things like Live Wallpapers.</para>
  65. </summary>
  66. </member>
  67. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidPreferredInstallLocation.PreferExternal">
  68. <summary>
  69. <para>Prefer external, if possible. Install to internal otherwise.</para>
  70. </summary>
  71. </member>
  72. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AndroidSdkVersions">
  73. <summary>
  74. <para>Supported Android SDK versions.</para>
  75. </summary>
  76. </member>
  77. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidSdkVersions.AndroidApiLevel10">
  78. <summary>
  79. <para>Android 2.3.3, "Gingerbread", API level 10.</para>
  80. </summary>
  81. </member>
  82. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidSdkVersions.AndroidApiLevel11">
  83. <summary>
  84. <para>Android 3.0, "Honeycomb", API level 11.</para>
  85. </summary>
  86. </member>
  87. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidSdkVersions.AndroidApiLevel12">
  88. <summary>
  89. <para>Android 3.1, "Honeycomb", API level 12.</para>
  90. </summary>
  91. </member>
  92. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidSdkVersions.AndroidApiLevel13">
  93. <summary>
  94. <para>Android 3.2, "Honeycomb", API level 13.</para>
  95. </summary>
  96. </member>
  97. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidSdkVersions.AndroidApiLevel14">
  98. <summary>
  99. <para>Android 4.0, "Ice Cream Sandwich", API level 14.</para>
  100. </summary>
  101. </member>
  102. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidSdkVersions.AndroidApiLevel15">
  103. <summary>
  104. <para>Android 4.0.3, "Ice Cream Sandwich", API level 15.</para>
  105. </summary>
  106. </member>
  107. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidSdkVersions.AndroidApiLevel16">
  108. <summary>
  109. <para>Android 4.1, "Jelly Bean", API level 16.</para>
  110. </summary>
  111. </member>
  112. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidSdkVersions.AndroidApiLevel17">
  113. <summary>
  114. <para>Android 4.2, "Jelly Bean", API level 17.</para>
  115. </summary>
  116. </member>
  117. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidSdkVersions.AndroidApiLevel18">
  118. <summary>
  119. <para>Android 4.3, "Jelly Bean", API level 18.</para>
  120. </summary>
  121. </member>
  122. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidSdkVersions.AndroidApiLevel19">
  123. <summary>
  124. <para>Android 4.4, "KitKat", API level 19.</para>
  125. </summary>
  126. </member>
  127. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidSdkVersions.AndroidApiLevel21">
  128. <summary>
  129. <para>Android 5.0, "Lollipop", API level 21.</para>
  130. </summary>
  131. </member>
  132. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidSdkVersions.AndroidApiLevel22">
  133. <summary>
  134. <para>Android 5.1, "Lollipop", API level 22.</para>
  135. </summary>
  136. </member>
  137. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidSdkVersions.AndroidApiLevel9">
  138. <summary>
  139. <para>Android 2.3.1, "Gingerbread", API level 9.</para>
  140. </summary>
  141. </member>
  142. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AndroidShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading">
  143. <summary>
  144. <para>Application should show ActivityIndicator when loading.</para>
  145. </summary>
  146. </member>
  147. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading.DontShow">
  148. <summary>
  149. <para>Don't Show.</para>
  150. </summary>
  151. </member>
  152. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading.InversedLarge">
  153. <summary>
  154. <para>Inversed Large.</para>
  155. </summary>
  156. </member>
  157. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading.InversedSmall">
  158. <summary>
  159. <para>Inversed Small.</para>
  160. </summary>
  161. </member>
  162. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading.Large">
  163. <summary>
  164. <para>Large.</para>
  165. </summary>
  166. </member>
  167. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading.Small">
  168. <summary>
  169. <para>Small.</para>
  170. </summary>
  171. </member>
  172. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AndroidSplashScreenScale">
  173. <summary>
  174. <para>Android splash screen scale modes.</para>
  175. </summary>
  176. </member>
  177. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidSplashScreenScale.Center">
  178. <summary>
  179. <para>Center.</para>
  180. </summary>
  181. </member>
  182. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidSplashScreenScale.ScaleToFill">
  183. <summary>
  184. <para>Scale to fill.</para>
  185. </summary>
  186. </member>
  187. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidSplashScreenScale.ScaleToFit">
  188. <summary>
  189. <para>Scale to fit.</para>
  190. </summary>
  191. </member>
  192. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AndroidTargetDevice">
  193. <summary>
  194. <para>Target Android device architecture.</para>
  195. </summary>
  196. </member>
  197. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidTargetDevice.x86">
  198. <summary>
  199. <para>Intel only.</para>
  200. </summary>
  201. </member>
  202. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidTargetDevice.ARMv7">
  203. <summary>
  204. <para>ARMv7 only.</para>
  205. </summary>
  206. </member>
  207. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AndroidTargetDevice.FAT">
  208. <summary>
  209. <para>All supported architectures.</para>
  210. </summary>
  211. </member>
  212. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.AnimBool">
  213. <summary>
  214. <para>Lerp from 0 - 1.</para>
  215. </summary>
  216. </member>
  217. <member name="P:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.AnimBool.faded">
  218. <summary>
  219. <para>Retuns the float value of the tween.</para>
  220. </summary>
  221. </member>
  222. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.AnimBool.#ctor">
  223. <summary>
  224. <para>Constructor.</para>
  225. </summary>
  226. <param name="value">Start Value.</param>
  227. <param name="callback"></param>
  228. </member>
  229. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.AnimBool.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
  230. <summary>
  231. <para>Constructor.</para>
  232. </summary>
  233. <param name="value">Start Value.</param>
  234. <param name="callback"></param>
  235. </member>
  236. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.AnimBool.#ctor(UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction)">
  237. <summary>
  238. <para>Constructor.</para>
  239. </summary>
  240. <param name="value">Start Value.</param>
  241. <param name="callback"></param>
  242. </member>
  243. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.AnimBool.#ctor(System.Boolean,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction)">
  244. <summary>
  245. <para>Constructor.</para>
  246. </summary>
  247. <param name="value">Start Value.</param>
  248. <param name="callback"></param>
  249. </member>
  250. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.AnimBool.Fade(System.Single,System.Single)">
  251. <summary>
  252. <para>Returns a value between from and to depending on the current value of the bools animation.</para>
  253. </summary>
  254. <param name="from">Value to lerp from.</param>
  255. <param name="to">Value to lerp to.</param>
  256. </member>
  257. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.AnimBool.GetValue">
  258. <summary>
  259. <para>Type specific implementation of BaseAnimValue_1.GetValue.</para>
  260. </summary>
  261. <returns>
  262. <para>Current value.</para>
  263. </returns>
  264. </member>
  265. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.AnimFloat">
  266. <summary>
  267. <para>An animated float value.</para>
  268. </summary>
  269. </member>
  270. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.AnimFloat.#ctor(System.Single)">
  271. <summary>
  272. <para>Constructor.</para>
  273. </summary>
  274. <param name="value">Start Value.</param>
  275. <param name="callback"></param>
  276. </member>
  277. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.AnimFloat.#ctor(System.Single,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction)">
  278. <summary>
  279. <para>Constructor.</para>
  280. </summary>
  281. <param name="value">Start Value.</param>
  282. <param name="callback"></param>
  283. </member>
  284. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.AnimFloat.GetValue">
  285. <summary>
  286. <para>Type specific implementation of BaseAnimValue_1.GetValue.</para>
  287. </summary>
  288. <returns>
  289. <para>Current Value.</para>
  290. </returns>
  291. </member>
  292. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.AnimQuaternion">
  293. <summary>
  294. <para>An animated Quaternion value.</para>
  295. </summary>
  296. </member>
  297. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.AnimQuaternion.#ctor(UnityEngine.Quaternion)">
  298. <summary>
  299. <para>Constructor.</para>
  300. </summary>
  301. <param name="value">Start Value.</param>
  302. <param name="callback"></param>
  303. </member>
  304. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.AnimQuaternion.#ctor(UnityEngine.Quaternion,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction)">
  305. <summary>
  306. <para>Constructor.</para>
  307. </summary>
  308. <param name="value">Start Value.</param>
  309. <param name="callback"></param>
  310. </member>
  311. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.AnimQuaternion.GetValue">
  312. <summary>
  313. <para>Type specific implementation of BaseAnimValue_1.GetValue.</para>
  314. </summary>
  315. <returns>
  316. <para>Current Value.</para>
  317. </returns>
  318. </member>
  319. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.AnimVector3">
  320. <summary>
  321. <para>An animated Vector3 value.</para>
  322. </summary>
  323. </member>
  324. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.AnimVector3.#ctor">
  325. <summary>
  326. <para>Constructor.</para>
  327. </summary>
  328. <param name="value">Start Value.</param>
  329. <param name="callback"></param>
  330. </member>
  331. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.AnimVector3.#ctor(UnityEngine.Vector3)">
  332. <summary>
  333. <para>Constructor.</para>
  334. </summary>
  335. <param name="value">Start Value.</param>
  336. <param name="callback"></param>
  337. </member>
  338. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.AnimVector3.#ctor(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction)">
  339. <summary>
  340. <para>Constructor.</para>
  341. </summary>
  342. <param name="value">Start Value.</param>
  343. <param name="callback"></param>
  344. </member>
  345. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.AnimVector3.GetValue">
  346. <summary>
  347. <para>Type specific implementation of BaseAnimValue_1.GetValue.</para>
  348. </summary>
  349. <returns>
  350. <para>Current Value.</para>
  351. </returns>
  352. </member>
  353. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.BaseAnimValue`1">
  354. <summary>
  355. <para>Abstract base class for Animated Values.</para>
  356. </summary>
  357. </member>
  358. <member name="P:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.BaseAnimValue_1.isAnimating">
  359. <summary>
  360. <para>Is the value currently animating.</para>
  361. </summary>
  362. </member>
  363. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.BaseAnimValue_1.speed">
  364. <summary>
  365. <para>Speed of the tween.</para>
  366. </summary>
  367. </member>
  368. <member name="P:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.BaseAnimValue_1.target">
  369. <summary>
  370. <para>Target to tween towards.</para>
  371. </summary>
  372. </member>
  373. <member name="P:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.BaseAnimValue_1.value">
  374. <summary>
  375. <para>Current value of the animation.</para>
  376. </summary>
  377. </member>
  378. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.BaseAnimValue_1.valueChanged">
  379. <summary>
  380. <para>Callback while the value is changing.</para>
  381. </summary>
  382. </member>
  383. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.BaseAnimValue_1.BeginAnimating(T,T)">
  384. <summary>
  385. <para>Begin an animation moving from the start value to the target value.</para>
  386. </summary>
  387. <param name="newTarget">Target value.</param>
  388. <param name="newStart">Start value.</param>
  389. </member>
  390. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.BaseAnimValue_1.GetValue">
  391. <summary>
  392. <para>Abstract function to be overridden in derived types. Should return the current value of the animated value.</para>
  393. </summary>
  394. <returns>
  395. <para>Current Value.</para>
  396. </returns>
  397. </member>
  398. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimatedValues.BaseAnimValue_1.StopAnim(T)">
  399. <summary>
  400. <para>Stop the animation and assign the given value.</para>
  401. </summary>
  402. <param name="newValue">Value to assign.</param>
  403. </member>
  404. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AnimationClipCurveData">
  405. <summary>
  406. <para>An AnimationClipCurveData object contains all the information needed to identify a specific curve in an AnimationClip. The curve animates a specific property of a component material attached to a game object animated bone.</para>
  407. </summary>
  408. </member>
  409. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AnimationClipCurveData.curve">
  410. <summary>
  411. <para>The actual animation curve.</para>
  412. </summary>
  413. </member>
  414. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AnimationClipCurveData.path">
  415. <summary>
  416. <para>The path of the game object / bone being animated.</para>
  417. </summary>
  418. </member>
  419. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AnimationClipCurveData.propertyName">
  420. <summary>
  421. <para>The name of the property being animated.</para>
  422. </summary>
  423. </member>
  424. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AnimationClipCurveData.type">
  425. <summary>
  426. <para>The type of the component / material being animated.</para>
  427. </summary>
  428. </member>
  429. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AnimationMode">
  430. <summary>
  431. <para>AnimationMode is used by the AnimationWindow to store properties modifed by the AnimationClip playback.</para>
  432. </summary>
  433. </member>
  434. <member name="P:UnityEditor.AnimationMode.animatedPropertyColor">
  435. <summary>
  436. <para>The color used to show that a property is currently being animated.</para>
  437. </summary>
  438. </member>
  439. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationMode.InAnimationMode">
  440. <summary>
  441. <para>Are we currently in AnimationMode.</para>
  442. </summary>
  443. </member>
  444. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationMode.IsPropertyAnimated(UnityEngine.Object,System.String)">
  445. <summary>
  446. <para>Is the specified property currently in animation mode and being animated?</para>
  447. </summary>
  448. <param name="target"></param>
  449. <param name="propertyPath"></param>
  450. </member>
  451. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationMode.SampleAnimationClip(UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEngine.AnimationClip,System.Single)">
  452. <summary>
  453. <para>Samples an AnimationClip on the object and also records any modified properties in AnimationMode.</para>
  454. </summary>
  455. <param name="gameObject"></param>
  456. <param name="clip"></param>
  457. <param name="time"></param>
  458. </member>
  459. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationMode.StartAnimationMode">
  460. <summary>
  461. <para>Starts the animation mode.</para>
  462. </summary>
  463. </member>
  464. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationMode.StopAnimationMode">
  465. <summary>
  466. <para>Stops Animation mode, reverts all properties that were animated in animation mode.</para>
  467. </summary>
  468. </member>
  469. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorCondition">
  470. <summary>
  471. <para>Condition that is used to determine if a transition must be taken.</para>
  472. </summary>
  473. </member>
  474. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorCondition.mode">
  475. <summary>
  476. <para>The mode of the condition.</para>
  477. </summary>
  478. </member>
  479. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorCondition.parameter">
  480. <summary>
  481. <para>The name of the parameter used in the condition.</para>
  482. </summary>
  483. </member>
  484. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorCondition.threshold">
  485. <summary>
  486. <para>The AnimatorParameter's threshold value for the condition to be true.</para>
  487. </summary>
  488. </member>
  489. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorConditionMode">
  490. <summary>
  491. <para>The mode of the condition.</para>
  492. </summary>
  493. </member>
  494. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorConditionMode.Equals">
  495. <summary>
  496. <para>The condition is true when parameter value is equal to the threshold.</para>
  497. </summary>
  498. </member>
  499. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorConditionMode.Greater">
  500. <summary>
  501. <para>The condition is true when parameter value is greater than the threshold.</para>
  502. </summary>
  503. </member>
  504. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorConditionMode.If">
  505. <summary>
  506. <para>The condition is true when the parameter value is true.</para>
  507. </summary>
  508. </member>
  509. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorConditionMode.IfNot">
  510. <summary>
  511. <para>The condition is true when the parameter value is false.</para>
  512. </summary>
  513. </member>
  514. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorConditionMode.Less">
  515. <summary>
  516. <para>The condition is true when the parameter value is less than the threshold.</para>
  517. </summary>
  518. </member>
  519. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorConditionMode.NotEqual">
  520. <summary>
  521. <para>The condition is true when the parameter value is not equal to the threshold.</para>
  522. </summary>
  523. </member>
  524. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController">
  525. <summary>
  526. <para>The Animator Controller controls animation through layers with state machines, controlled by parameters.</para>
  527. </summary>
  528. </member>
  529. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.layers">
  530. <summary>
  531. <para>The layers in the controller.</para>
  532. </summary>
  533. </member>
  534. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.parameters">
  535. <summary>
  536. <para>Parameters are used to communicate between scripting and the controller. They are used to drive transitions and blendtrees for example.</para>
  537. </summary>
  538. </member>
  539. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.AddEffectiveStateMachineBehaviour(System.Type,UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState,System.Int32)">
  540. <summary>
  541. <para>Adds a state machine behaviour class of type stateMachineBehaviourType to the AnimatorState for layer layerIndex. This function should be used when you are dealing with synchronized layer and would like to add a state machine behaviour on a synchronized layer. C# Users can use a generic version.</para>
  542. </summary>
  543. <param name="stateMachineBehaviourType"></param>
  544. <param name="state"></param>
  545. <param name="layerIndex"></param>
  546. </member>
  547. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.AddEffectiveStateMachineBehaviour(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState,System.Int32)">
  548. <summary>
  549. <para>Generic version. See the page for more details.</para>
  550. </summary>
  551. <param name="state"></param>
  552. <param name="layerIndex"></param>
  553. </member>
  554. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.AddLayer(System.String)">
  555. <summary>
  556. <para>Utility function to add a layer to the controller.</para>
  557. </summary>
  558. <param name="name">The name of the Layer.</param>
  559. <param name="layer">The layer to add.</param>
  560. </member>
  561. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.AddLayer(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorControllerLayer)">
  562. <summary>
  563. <para>Utility function to add a layer to the controller.</para>
  564. </summary>
  565. <param name="name">The name of the Layer.</param>
  566. <param name="layer">The layer to add.</param>
  567. </member>
  568. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.AddMotion(UnityEngine.Motion)">
  569. <summary>
  570. <para>Utility function that creates a new state with the motion in it.</para>
  571. </summary>
  572. <param name="motion">The Motion that will be in the AnimatorState.</param>
  573. <param name="layerIndex">The layer where the Motion will be added.</param>
  574. </member>
  575. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.AddMotion(UnityEngine.Motion,System.Int32)">
  576. <summary>
  577. <para>Utility function that creates a new state with the motion in it.</para>
  578. </summary>
  579. <param name="motion">The Motion that will be in the AnimatorState.</param>
  580. <param name="layerIndex">The layer where the Motion will be added.</param>
  581. </member>
  582. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.AddParameter(System.String,UnityEngine.AnimatorControllerParameterType)">
  583. <summary>
  584. <para>Utility function to add a parameter to the controller.</para>
  585. </summary>
  586. <param name="name">The name of the parameter.</param>
  587. <param name="type">The type of the parameter.</param>
  588. <param name="paramater">The parameter to add.</param>
  589. </member>
  590. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.AddParameter(UnityEngine.AnimatorControllerParameter)">
  591. <summary>
  592. <para>Utility function to add a parameter to the controller.</para>
  593. </summary>
  594. <param name="name">The name of the parameter.</param>
  595. <param name="type">The type of the parameter.</param>
  596. <param name="paramater">The parameter to add.</param>
  597. </member>
  598. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.CreateAnimatorControllerAtPath(System.String)">
  599. <summary>
  600. <para>Creates an AnimatorController at the given path.</para>
  601. </summary>
  602. <param name="path">The path where the AnimatorController asset will be created.</param>
  603. <returns>
  604. <para>The created AnimationController or null if an error occured.</para>
  605. </returns>
  606. </member>
  607. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.CreateAnimatorControllerAtPathWithClip(System.String,UnityEngine.AnimationClip)">
  608. <summary>
  609. <para>Creates an AnimatorController at the given path, and automatically create an AnimatorLayer with an AnimatorStateMachine that will add a State with the AnimationClip in it.</para>
  610. </summary>
  611. <param name="path">The path where the AnimatorController will be created.</param>
  612. <param name="clip">The default clip that will be played by the AnimatorController.</param>
  613. </member>
  614. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.CreateBlendTreeInController(System.String,UnityEditor.Animations.BlendTree&amp;)">
  615. <summary>
  616. <para>Creates a BlendTree in a new AnimatorState.</para>
  617. </summary>
  618. <param name="name">The name of the BlendTree.</param>
  619. <param name="tree">The created BlendTree.</param>
  620. <param name="layerIndex">The index where the BlendTree will be created.</param>
  621. </member>
  622. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.CreateBlendTreeInController(System.String,UnityEditor.Animations.BlendTree&amp;,System.Int32)">
  623. <summary>
  624. <para>Creates a BlendTree in a new AnimatorState.</para>
  625. </summary>
  626. <param name="name">The name of the BlendTree.</param>
  627. <param name="tree">The created BlendTree.</param>
  628. <param name="layerIndex">The index where the BlendTree will be created.</param>
  629. </member>
  630. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.CreateStateMachineBehaviour(UnityEditor.MonoScript)">
  631. <summary>
  632. <para>This function will create a StateMachineBehaviour instance based on the class define in this script.</para>
  633. </summary>
  634. <param name="script">MonoScript class to instantiate.</param>
  635. <returns>
  636. <para>Returns instance id of created object, returns 0 if something is not valid.</para>
  637. </returns>
  638. </member>
  639. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.#ctor">
  640. <summary>
  641. <para>Constructor.</para>
  642. </summary>
  643. </member>
  644. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.FindStateMachineBehaviourContext(UnityEngine.StateMachineBehaviour)">
  645. <summary>
  646. <para>Use this function to retrieve the owner of this behaviour.</para>
  647. </summary>
  648. <param name="behaviour">The State Machine Behaviour to get context for.</param>
  649. <returns>
  650. <para>Returns the State Machine Behaviour edition context.</para>
  651. </returns>
  652. </member>
  653. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.GetBehaviours">
  654. <summary>
  655. <para>Returns all StateMachineBehaviour that match type T or are derived from T.</para>
  656. </summary>
  657. </member>
  658. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.GetStateEffectiveBehaviours(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState,System.Int32)">
  659. <summary>
  660. <para>Gets the effective state machine behaviour list for the AnimatorState. Behaviours are either stored in the AnimatorStateMachine or in the AnimatorLayer's ovverrides. Use this function to get Behaviour list that is effectively used.</para>
  661. </summary>
  662. <param name="state">The AnimatorState which we want the Behaviour list.</param>
  663. <param name="layerIndex">The layer that is queried.</param>
  664. </member>
  665. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.GetStateEffectiveMotion(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState)">
  666. <summary>
  667. <para>Gets the effective Motion for the AnimatorState. The Motion is either stored in the AnimatorStateMachine or in the AnimatorLayer's ovverrides. Use this function to get the Motion that is effectively used.</para>
  668. </summary>
  669. <param name="state">The AnimatorState which we want the Motion.</param>
  670. <param name="layerIndex">The layer that is queried.</param>
  671. </member>
  672. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.GetStateEffectiveMotion(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState,System.Int32)">
  673. <summary>
  674. <para>Gets the effective Motion for the AnimatorState. The Motion is either stored in the AnimatorStateMachine or in the AnimatorLayer's ovverrides. Use this function to get the Motion that is effectively used.</para>
  675. </summary>
  676. <param name="state">The AnimatorState which we want the Motion.</param>
  677. <param name="layerIndex">The layer that is queried.</param>
  678. </member>
  679. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.MakeUniqueLayerName(System.String)">
  680. <summary>
  681. <para>Creates a unique name for the layers.</para>
  682. </summary>
  683. <param name="name">The desired name of the AnimatorLayer.</param>
  684. </member>
  685. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.MakeUniqueParameterName(System.String)">
  686. <summary>
  687. <para>Creates a unique name for the parameter.</para>
  688. </summary>
  689. <param name="name">The desired name of the AnimatorParameter.</param>
  690. </member>
  691. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.RemoveLayer(System.Int32)">
  692. <summary>
  693. <para>Utility function to remove a layer from the controller.</para>
  694. </summary>
  695. <param name="index">The index of the AnimatorLayer.</param>
  696. </member>
  697. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.RemoveParameter(System.Int32)">
  698. <summary>
  699. <para>Utility function to remove a parameter from the controller.</para>
  700. </summary>
  701. <param name="index">The index of the AnimatorParameter.</param>
  702. </member>
  703. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.SetStateEffectiveBehaviours">
  704. <summary>
  705. <para>Sets the effective state machine Behaviour list for the AnimatorState. The Behaviour list is either stored in the AnimatorStateMachine or in the AnimatorLayer's ovverrides. Use this function to set the Behaviour list that is effectively used.</para>
  706. </summary>
  707. <param name="state">The AnimatorState which we want to set the Behaviour list.</param>
  708. <param name="layerIndex">The layer to set the Behaviour list.</param>
  709. <param name="behaviours">The Behaviour list that will be set.</param>
  710. </member>
  711. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.SetStateEffectiveMotion(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState,UnityEngine.Motion)">
  712. <summary>
  713. <para>Sets the effective Motion for the AnimatorState. The Motion is either stored in the AnimatorStateMachine or in the AnimatorLayer's ovverrides. Use this function to set the Motion that is effectively used.</para>
  714. </summary>
  715. <param name="state">The AnimatorState which we want to set the Motion.</param>
  716. <param name="motion">The Motion that will be set.</param>
  717. <param name="layerIndex">The layer to set the Motion.</param>
  718. </member>
  719. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.SetStateEffectiveMotion(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState,UnityEngine.Motion,System.Int32)">
  720. <summary>
  721. <para>Sets the effective Motion for the AnimatorState. The Motion is either stored in the AnimatorStateMachine or in the AnimatorLayer's ovverrides. Use this function to set the Motion that is effectively used.</para>
  722. </summary>
  723. <param name="state">The AnimatorState which we want to set the Motion.</param>
  724. <param name="motion">The Motion that will be set.</param>
  725. <param name="layerIndex">The layer to set the Motion.</param>
  726. </member>
  727. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorControllerLayer">
  728. <summary>
  729. <para>The Animation Layer contains a state machine that controls animations of a model or part of it.</para>
  730. </summary>
  731. </member>
  732. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorControllerLayer.avatarMask">
  733. <summary>
  734. <para>The AvatarMask that is used to mask the animation on the given layer.</para>
  735. </summary>
  736. </member>
  737. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorControllerLayer.blendingMode">
  738. <summary>
  739. <para>The blending mode used by the layer. It is not taken into account for the first layer.</para>
  740. </summary>
  741. </member>
  742. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorControllerLayer.defaultWeight">
  743. <summary>
  744. <para>The default blending weight that the layers has. It is not taken into account for the first layer.</para>
  745. </summary>
  746. </member>
  747. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorControllerLayer.iKPass">
  748. <summary>
  749. <para>When active, the layer will have an IK pass when evaluated. It will trigger an OnAnimatorIK callback.</para>
  750. </summary>
  751. </member>
  752. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorControllerLayer.name">
  753. <summary>
  754. <para>The name of the layer.</para>
  755. </summary>
  756. </member>
  757. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorControllerLayer.stateMachine">
  758. <summary>
  759. <para>The state machine for the layer.</para>
  760. </summary>
  761. </member>
  762. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorControllerLayer.syncedLayerAffectsTiming">
  763. <summary>
  764. <para>When active, the layer will take control of the duration of the Synced Layer.</para>
  765. </summary>
  766. </member>
  767. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorControllerLayer.syncedLayerIndex">
  768. <summary>
  769. <para>Specifies the index of the Synced Layer.</para>
  770. </summary>
  771. </member>
  772. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorControllerLayer.GetOverrideBehaviours(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState)">
  773. <summary>
  774. <para>Gets the override behaviour list for the state on the given layer.</para>
  775. </summary>
  776. <param name="state">The state which we want to get the behaviour list.</param>
  777. </member>
  778. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorControllerLayer.GetOverrideMotion(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState)">
  779. <summary>
  780. <para>Gets the override motion for the state on the given layer.</para>
  781. </summary>
  782. <param name="state">The state which we want to get the motion.</param>
  783. </member>
  784. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorControllerLayer.SetOverrideBehaviours">
  785. <summary>
  786. <para>Sets the override behaviour list for the state on the given layer.</para>
  787. </summary>
  788. <param name="state">The state which we want to set the behaviour list.</param>
  789. <param name="behaviours">The behaviour list that will be set.</param>
  790. </member>
  791. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorControllerLayer.SetOverrideMotion(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState,UnityEngine.Motion)">
  792. <summary>
  793. <para>Sets the override motion for the state on the given layer.</para>
  794. </summary>
  795. <param name="state">The state which we want to set the motion.</param>
  796. <param name="motion">The motion that will be set.</param>
  797. </member>
  798. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorLayerBlendingMode">
  799. <summary>
  800. <para>Specifies how the layer is blended with the previous layers.</para>
  801. </summary>
  802. </member>
  803. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorLayerBlendingMode.Additive">
  804. <summary>
  805. <para>Animations are added to the previous layers.</para>
  806. </summary>
  807. </member>
  808. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorLayerBlendingMode.Override">
  809. <summary>
  810. <para>Animations overrides to the previous layers.</para>
  811. </summary>
  812. </member>
  813. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState">
  814. <summary>
  815. <para>States are the basic building blocks of a state machine. Each state contains a Motion ( AnimationClip or BlendTree) which will play while the character is in that state. When an event in the game triggers a state transition, the character will be left in a new state whose animation sequence will then take over.</para>
  816. </summary>
  817. </member>
  818. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.behaviours">
  819. <summary>
  820. <para>The Behaviour list assigned to this state.</para>
  821. </summary>
  822. </member>
  823. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.cycleOffset">
  824. <summary>
  825. <para>Offset at which the animation loop starts. Useful for synchronizing looped animations.
  826. Units is normalized time.</para>
  827. </summary>
  828. </member>
  829. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.cycleOffsetParameter">
  830. <summary>
  831. <para>The animator controller parameter that drives the cycle offset value.</para>
  832. </summary>
  833. </member>
  834. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.cycleOffsetParameterActive">
  835. <summary>
  836. <para>Define if the cycle offset value is driven by an Animator controller parameter or by the value set in the editor.</para>
  837. </summary>
  838. </member>
  839. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.iKOnFeet">
  840. <summary>
  841. <para>Should Foot IK be respected for this state.</para>
  842. </summary>
  843. </member>
  844. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.mirror">
  845. <summary>
  846. <para>Should the state be mirrored.</para>
  847. </summary>
  848. </member>
  849. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.mirrorParameter">
  850. <summary>
  851. <para>The animator controller parameter that drives the mirror value.</para>
  852. </summary>
  853. </member>
  854. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.mirrorParameterActive">
  855. <summary>
  856. <para>Define if the mirror value is driven by an Animator controller parameter or by the value set in the editor.</para>
  857. </summary>
  858. </member>
  859. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.motion">
  860. <summary>
  861. <para>The motion assigned to this state.</para>
  862. </summary>
  863. </member>
  864. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.nameHash">
  865. <summary>
  866. <para>The hashed name of the state.</para>
  867. </summary>
  868. </member>
  869. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.speed">
  870. <summary>
  871. <para>The default speed of the motion.</para>
  872. </summary>
  873. </member>
  874. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.speedParameter">
  875. <summary>
  876. <para>The animator controller parameter that drives the speed value.</para>
  877. </summary>
  878. </member>
  879. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.speedParameterActive">
  880. <summary>
  881. <para>Define if the speed value is driven by an Animator controller parameter or by the value set in the editor.</para>
  882. </summary>
  883. </member>
  884. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.tag">
  885. <summary>
  886. <para>A tag can be used to identify a state.</para>
  887. </summary>
  888. </member>
  889. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.transitions">
  890. <summary>
  891. <para>The transitions that are going out of the state.</para>
  892. </summary>
  893. </member>
  894. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.writeDefaultValues">
  895. <summary>
  896. <para>Whether or not the AnimatorStates writes back the default values for properties that are not animated by its Motion.</para>
  897. </summary>
  898. </member>
  899. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.AddExitTransition">
  900. <summary>
  901. <para>Utility function to add an outgoing transition to the exit of the state's parent state machine.</para>
  902. </summary>
  903. <param name="defaultExitTime">If true, the exit time will be the equivalent of 0.25 second.</param>
  904. <returns>
  905. <para>The Animations.AnimatorStateTransition that was added.</para>
  906. </returns>
  907. </member>
  908. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.AddExitTransition(System.Boolean)">
  909. <summary>
  910. <para>Utility function to add an outgoing transition to the exit of the state's parent state machine.</para>
  911. </summary>
  912. <param name="defaultExitTime">If true, the exit time will be the equivalent of 0.25 second.</param>
  913. <returns>
  914. <para>The Animations.AnimatorStateTransition that was added.</para>
  915. </returns>
  916. </member>
  917. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.AddStateMachineBehaviour(System.Type)">
  918. <summary>
  919. <para>Adds a state machine behaviour class of type stateMachineBehaviourType to the AnimatorState. C# Users can use a generic version.</para>
  920. </summary>
  921. <param name="stateMachineBehaviourType"></param>
  922. </member>
  923. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.AddStateMachineBehaviour">
  924. <summary>
  925. <para>Generic version. See the page for more details.</para>
  926. </summary>
  927. </member>
  928. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.AddTransition(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState)">
  929. <summary>
  930. <para>Utility function to add an outgoing transition to the destination state.</para>
  931. </summary>
  932. <param name="defaultExitTime">If true, the exit time will be the equivalent of 0.25 second.</param>
  933. <param name="destinationState">The destination state.</param>
  934. </member>
  935. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.AddTransition(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState,System.Boolean)">
  936. <summary>
  937. <para>Utility function to add an outgoing transition to the destination state.</para>
  938. </summary>
  939. <param name="defaultExitTime">If true, the exit time will be the equivalent of 0.25 second.</param>
  940. <param name="destinationState">The destination state.</param>
  941. </member>
  942. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.AddTransition(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine)">
  943. <summary>
  944. <para>Utility function to add an outgoing transition to the destination state machine.</para>
  945. </summary>
  946. <param name="defaultExitTime">If true, the exit time will be the equivalent of 0.25 second.</param>
  947. <param name="destinationStateMachine">The destination state machine.</param>
  948. </member>
  949. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.AddTransition(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine,System.Boolean)">
  950. <summary>
  951. <para>Utility function to add an outgoing transition to the destination state machine.</para>
  952. </summary>
  953. <param name="defaultExitTime">If true, the exit time will be the equivalent of 0.25 second.</param>
  954. <param name="destinationStateMachine">The destination state machine.</param>
  955. </member>
  956. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.AddTransition(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateTransition)">
  957. <summary>
  958. <para>Utility function to add an outgoing transition.</para>
  959. </summary>
  960. <param name="transition">The transition to add.</param>
  961. </member>
  962. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState.RemoveTransition(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateTransition)">
  963. <summary>
  964. <para>Utility function to remove a transition from the state.</para>
  965. </summary>
  966. <param name="transition">Transition to remove.</param>
  967. </member>
  968. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine">
  969. <summary>
  970. <para>A graph controlling the interaction of states. Each state references a motion.</para>
  971. </summary>
  972. </member>
  973. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.anyStatePosition">
  974. <summary>
  975. <para>The position of the AnyState node.</para>
  976. </summary>
  977. </member>
  978. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.anyStateTransitions">
  979. <summary>
  980. <para>The list of AnyState transitions.</para>
  981. </summary>
  982. </member>
  983. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.behaviours">
  984. <summary>
  985. <para>The Behaviour list assigned to this state machine.</para>
  986. </summary>
  987. </member>
  988. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.defaultState">
  989. <summary>
  990. <para>The state that the state machine will be in when it starts.</para>
  991. </summary>
  992. </member>
  993. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.entryPosition">
  994. <summary>
  995. <para>The position of the entry node.</para>
  996. </summary>
  997. </member>
  998. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.entryTransitions">
  999. <summary>
  1000. <para>The list of entry transitions in the state machine.</para>
  1001. </summary>
  1002. </member>
  1003. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.exitPosition">
  1004. <summary>
  1005. <para>The position of the exit node.</para>
  1006. </summary>
  1007. </member>
  1008. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.parentStateMachinePosition">
  1009. <summary>
  1010. <para>The position of the parent state machine node. Only valid when in a hierachic state machine.</para>
  1011. </summary>
  1012. </member>
  1013. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.stateMachines">
  1014. <summary>
  1015. <para>The list of sub state machines.</para>
  1016. </summary>
  1017. </member>
  1018. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.states">
  1019. <summary>
  1020. <para>The list of states.</para>
  1021. </summary>
  1022. </member>
  1023. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.AddAnyStateTransition(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState)">
  1024. <summary>
  1025. <para>Utility function to add an AnyState transition to the specified state or statemachine.</para>
  1026. </summary>
  1027. <param name="destinationState">The destination state.</param>
  1028. <param name="destinationStateMachine">The destination statemachine.</param>
  1029. </member>
  1030. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.AddAnyStateTransition(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine)">
  1031. <summary>
  1032. <para>Utility function to add an AnyState transition to the specified state or statemachine.</para>
  1033. </summary>
  1034. <param name="destinationState">The destination state.</param>
  1035. <param name="destinationStateMachine">The destination statemachine.</param>
  1036. </member>
  1037. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.AddEntryTransition(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState)">
  1038. <summary>
  1039. <para>Utility function to add an incoming transition to the exit of it's parent state machine.</para>
  1040. </summary>
  1041. <param name="destinationState">The destination Animations.AnimatorState state.</param>
  1042. <param name="destinationStateMachine">The destination Animations.AnimatorStateMachine state machine.</param>
  1043. </member>
  1044. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.AddEntryTransition(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine)">
  1045. <summary>
  1046. <para>Utility function to add an incoming transition to the exit of it's parent state machine.</para>
  1047. </summary>
  1048. <param name="destinationState">The destination Animations.AnimatorState state.</param>
  1049. <param name="destinationStateMachine">The destination Animations.AnimatorStateMachine state machine.</param>
  1050. </member>
  1051. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.AddState(System.String)">
  1052. <summary>
  1053. <para>Utility function to add a state to the state machine.</para>
  1054. </summary>
  1055. <param name="name">The name of the new state.</param>
  1056. <param name="position">The position of the state node.</param>
  1057. <returns>
  1058. <para>The AnimatorState that was created for this state.</para>
  1059. </returns>
  1060. </member>
  1061. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.AddState(System.String,UnityEngine.Vector3)">
  1062. <summary>
  1063. <para>Utility function to add a state to the state machine.</para>
  1064. </summary>
  1065. <param name="name">The name of the new state.</param>
  1066. <param name="position">The position of the state node.</param>
  1067. <returns>
  1068. <para>The AnimatorState that was created for this state.</para>
  1069. </returns>
  1070. </member>
  1071. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.AddState(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState,UnityEngine.Vector3)">
  1072. <summary>
  1073. <para>Utility function to add a state to the state machine.</para>
  1074. </summary>
  1075. <param name="state">The state to add.</param>
  1076. <param name="position">The position of the state node.</param>
  1077. </member>
  1078. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.AddStateMachine(System.String)">
  1079. <summary>
  1080. <para>Utility function to add a state machine to the state machine.</para>
  1081. </summary>
  1082. <param name="name">The name of the new state machine.</param>
  1083. <param name="position">The position of the state machine node.</param>
  1084. <returns>
  1085. <para>The newly created Animations.AnimatorStateMachine state machine.</para>
  1086. </returns>
  1087. </member>
  1088. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.AddStateMachine(System.String,UnityEngine.Vector3)">
  1089. <summary>
  1090. <para>Utility function to add a state machine to the state machine.</para>
  1091. </summary>
  1092. <param name="name">The name of the new state machine.</param>
  1093. <param name="position">The position of the state machine node.</param>
  1094. <returns>
  1095. <para>The newly created Animations.AnimatorStateMachine state machine.</para>
  1096. </returns>
  1097. </member>
  1098. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.AddStateMachine(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine,UnityEngine.Vector3)">
  1099. <summary>
  1100. <para>Utility function to add a state machine to the state machine.</para>
  1101. </summary>
  1102. <param name="stateMachine">The state machine to add.</param>
  1103. <param name="position">The position of the state machine node.</param>
  1104. </member>
  1105. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.AddStateMachineBehaviour(System.Type)">
  1106. <summary>
  1107. <para>Adds a state machine behaviour class of type stateMachineBehaviourType to the AnimatorStateMachine. C# Users can use a generic version.</para>
  1108. </summary>
  1109. <param name="stateMachineBehaviourType"></param>
  1110. </member>
  1111. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.AddStateMachineBehaviour">
  1112. <summary>
  1113. <para>Generic version. See the page for more details.</para>
  1114. </summary>
  1115. </member>
  1116. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.AddStateMachineExitTransition(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine)">
  1117. <summary>
  1118. <para>Utility function to add an outgoing transition from the source state machine to the exit of it's parent state machine.</para>
  1119. </summary>
  1120. <param name="sourceStateMachine">The source state machine.</param>
  1121. </member>
  1122. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.AddStateMachineTransition(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine)">
  1123. <summary>
  1124. <para>Utility function to add an outgoing transition from the source state machine to the destination.</para>
  1125. </summary>
  1126. <param name="sourceStateMachine">The source state machine.</param>
  1127. <param name="destinationStateMachine">The destination state machine.</param>
  1128. <param name="destinationState">The destination state.</param>
  1129. <returns>
  1130. <para>The Animations.AnimatorTransition transition that was created.</para>
  1131. </returns>
  1132. </member>
  1133. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.AddStateMachineTransition(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine,UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine)">
  1134. <summary>
  1135. <para>Utility function to add an outgoing transition from the source state machine to the destination.</para>
  1136. </summary>
  1137. <param name="sourceStateMachine">The source state machine.</param>
  1138. <param name="destinationStateMachine">The destination state machine.</param>
  1139. <param name="destinationState">The destination state.</param>
  1140. <returns>
  1141. <para>The Animations.AnimatorTransition transition that was created.</para>
  1142. </returns>
  1143. </member>
  1144. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.AddStateMachineTransition(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine,UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState)">
  1145. <summary>
  1146. <para>Utility function to add an outgoing transition from the source state machine to the destination.</para>
  1147. </summary>
  1148. <param name="sourceStateMachine">The source state machine.</param>
  1149. <param name="destinationStateMachine">The destination state machine.</param>
  1150. <param name="destinationState">The destination state.</param>
  1151. <returns>
  1152. <para>The Animations.AnimatorTransition transition that was created.</para>
  1153. </returns>
  1154. </member>
  1155. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.GetStateMachineTransitions(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine)">
  1156. <summary>
  1157. <para>Gets the list of all outgoing state machine transitions from given state machine.</para>
  1158. </summary>
  1159. <param name="sourceStateMachine">The source state machine.</param>
  1160. </member>
  1161. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.MakeUniqueStateMachineName(System.String)">
  1162. <summary>
  1163. <para>Makes a unique state machine name in the context of the parent state machine.</para>
  1164. </summary>
  1165. <param name="name">Desired name for the state machine.</param>
  1166. </member>
  1167. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.MakeUniqueStateName(System.String)">
  1168. <summary>
  1169. <para>Makes a unique state name in the context of the parent state machine.</para>
  1170. </summary>
  1171. <param name="name">Desired name for the state.</param>
  1172. </member>
  1173. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.RemoveAnyStateTransition(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateTransition)">
  1174. <summary>
  1175. <para>Utility function to remove an AnyState transition from the state machine.</para>
  1176. </summary>
  1177. <param name="transition">The AnyStat transition to remove.</param>
  1178. </member>
  1179. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.RemoveEntryTransition(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorTransition)">
  1180. <summary>
  1181. <para>Utility function to remove an entry transition from the state machine.</para>
  1182. </summary>
  1183. <param name="transition">The transition to remove.</param>
  1184. </member>
  1185. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.RemoveState(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorState)">
  1186. <summary>
  1187. <para>Utility function to remove a state from the state machine.</para>
  1188. </summary>
  1189. <param name="state">The state to remove.</param>
  1190. </member>
  1191. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.RemoveStateMachine(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine)">
  1192. <summary>
  1193. <para>Utility function to remove a state machine from its parent state machine.</para>
  1194. </summary>
  1195. <param name="stateMachine">The state machine to remove.</param>
  1196. </member>
  1197. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.RemoveStateMachineTransition(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine,UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorTransition)">
  1198. <summary>
  1199. <para>Utility function to remove an outgoing transition from source state machine.</para>
  1200. </summary>
  1201. <param name="transition">The transition to remove.</param>
  1202. <param name="sourceStateMachine">The source state machine.</param>
  1203. </member>
  1204. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.SetStateMachineTransitions(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateMachine,UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorTransition[])">
  1205. <summary>
  1206. <para>Sets the list of all outgoing state machine transitions from given state machine.</para>
  1207. </summary>
  1208. <param name="stateMachine">The source state machine.</param>
  1209. <param name="transitions">The outgoing transitions.</param>
  1210. <param name="sourceStateMachine"></param>
  1211. </member>
  1212. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateTransition">
  1213. <summary>
  1214. <para>Transitions define when and how the state machine switch from one state to another. AnimatorStateTransition always originate from an Animator State (or AnyState) and have timing parameters.</para>
  1215. </summary>
  1216. </member>
  1217. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateTransition.canTransitionToSelf">
  1218. <summary>
  1219. <para>Set to true to allow or disallow transition to self during AnyState transition.</para>
  1220. </summary>
  1221. </member>
  1222. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateTransition.duration">
  1223. <summary>
  1224. <para>The duration of the transition.</para>
  1225. </summary>
  1226. </member>
  1227. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateTransition.exitTime">
  1228. <summary>
  1229. <para>The normalized time of the source state when the condition is true.</para>
  1230. </summary>
  1231. </member>
  1232. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateTransition.hasExitTime">
  1233. <summary>
  1234. <para>When active the transition will have an exit time condition.</para>
  1235. </summary>
  1236. </member>
  1237. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateTransition.hasFixedDuration">
  1238. <summary>
  1239. <para>When active the transition duration will have a fixed duration.</para>
  1240. </summary>
  1241. </member>
  1242. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateTransition.interruptionSource">
  1243. <summary>
  1244. <para>Which AnimatorState transitions can interrupt the Transition.</para>
  1245. </summary>
  1246. </member>
  1247. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateTransition.offset">
  1248. <summary>
  1249. <para>The time at which the destination state will start.</para>
  1250. </summary>
  1251. </member>
  1252. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateTransition.orderedInterruption">
  1253. <summary>
  1254. <para>The Transition can be interrupted by a transition that has a higher priority.</para>
  1255. </summary>
  1256. </member>
  1257. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorStateTransition.#ctor">
  1258. <summary>
  1259. <para>Creates a new animator state transition.</para>
  1260. </summary>
  1261. </member>
  1262. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorTransition">
  1263. <summary>
  1264. <para>Transitions define when and how the state machine switch from on state to another. AnimatorTransition always originate from a StateMachine or a StateMachine entry. They do not define timing parameters.</para>
  1265. </summary>
  1266. </member>
  1267. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorTransition.#ctor">
  1268. <summary>
  1269. <para>Creates a new animator transition.</para>
  1270. </summary>
  1271. </member>
  1272. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorTransitionBase">
  1273. <summary>
  1274. <para>Base class for animator transitions. Transitions define when and how the state machine switches from one state to another.</para>
  1275. </summary>
  1276. </member>
  1277. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorTransitionBase.conditions">
  1278. <summary>
  1279. <para>Animations.AnimatorCondition conditions that need to be met for a transition to happen.</para>
  1280. </summary>
  1281. </member>
  1282. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorTransitionBase.destinationState">
  1283. <summary>
  1284. <para>The destination state of the transition.</para>
  1285. </summary>
  1286. </member>
  1287. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorTransitionBase.destinationStateMachine">
  1288. <summary>
  1289. <para>The destination state machine of the transition.</para>
  1290. </summary>
  1291. </member>
  1292. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorTransitionBase.isExit">
  1293. <summary>
  1294. <para>Is the transition destination the exit of the current state machine.</para>
  1295. </summary>
  1296. </member>
  1297. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorTransitionBase.mute">
  1298. <summary>
  1299. <para>Mutes the transition. The transition will never occur.</para>
  1300. </summary>
  1301. </member>
  1302. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorTransitionBase.solo">
  1303. <summary>
  1304. <para>Mutes all other transitions in the source state.</para>
  1305. </summary>
  1306. </member>
  1307. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorTransitionBase.AddCondition(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorConditionMode,System.Single,System.String)">
  1308. <summary>
  1309. <para>Utility function to add a condition to a transition.</para>
  1310. </summary>
  1311. <param name="mode">The Animations.AnimatorCondition mode of the condition.</param>
  1312. <param name="threshold">The threshold value of the condition.</param>
  1313. <param name="parameter">The name of the parameter.</param>
  1314. </member>
  1315. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorTransitionBase.RemoveCondition(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorCondition)">
  1316. <summary>
  1317. <para>Utility function to remove a condition from the transition.</para>
  1318. </summary>
  1319. <param name="condition">The condition to remove.</param>
  1320. </member>
  1321. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMask">
  1322. <summary>
  1323. <para>AvatarMask are used to mask out humanoid body parts and transforms.</para>
  1324. </summary>
  1325. </member>
  1326. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMask.transformCount">
  1327. <summary>
  1328. <para>Number of transforms.</para>
  1329. </summary>
  1330. </member>
  1331. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMask.#ctor">
  1332. <summary>
  1333. <para>Creates a new AvatarMask.</para>
  1334. </summary>
  1335. </member>
  1336. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMask.GetHumanoidBodyPartActive(UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMaskBodyPart)">
  1337. <summary>
  1338. <para>Returns true if the humanoid body part at the given index is active.</para>
  1339. </summary>
  1340. <param name="index">The index of the humanoid body part.</param>
  1341. </member>
  1342. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMask.GetTransformActive(System.Int32)">
  1343. <summary>
  1344. <para>Returns true if the transform at the given index is active.</para>
  1345. </summary>
  1346. <param name="index">The index of the transform.</param>
  1347. </member>
  1348. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMask.GetTransformPath(System.Int32)">
  1349. <summary>
  1350. <para>Returns the path of the transform at the given index.</para>
  1351. </summary>
  1352. <param name="index">The index of the transform.</param>
  1353. </member>
  1354. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMask.SetHumanoidBodyPartActive(UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMaskBodyPart,System.Boolean)">
  1355. <summary>
  1356. <para>Sets the humanoid body part at the given index to active or not.</para>
  1357. </summary>
  1358. <param name="index">The index of the humanoid body part.</param>
  1359. <param name="value">Active or not.</param>
  1360. </member>
  1361. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMask.SetTransformActive(System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  1362. <summary>
  1363. <para>Sets the tranform at the given index to active or not.</para>
  1364. </summary>
  1365. <param name="index">The index of the transform.</param>
  1366. <param name="value">Active or not.</param>
  1367. </member>
  1368. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMask.SetTransformPath(System.Int32,System.String)">
  1369. <summary>
  1370. <para>Sets the path of the transform at the given index.</para>
  1371. </summary>
  1372. <param name="index">The index of the transform.</param>
  1373. <param name="path">The path of the transform.</param>
  1374. </member>
  1375. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMaskBodyPart">
  1376. <summary>
  1377. <para>Avatar body part.</para>
  1378. </summary>
  1379. </member>
  1380. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMaskBodyPart.Body">
  1381. <summary>
  1382. <para>The Body.</para>
  1383. </summary>
  1384. </member>
  1385. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMaskBodyPart.Head">
  1386. <summary>
  1387. <para>The Head.</para>
  1388. </summary>
  1389. </member>
  1390. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMaskBodyPart.LastBodyPart">
  1391. <summary>
  1392. <para>Total number of body parts.</para>
  1393. </summary>
  1394. </member>
  1395. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMaskBodyPart.LeftArm">
  1396. <summary>
  1397. <para>The Left Arm.</para>
  1398. </summary>
  1399. </member>
  1400. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMaskBodyPart.LeftFingers">
  1401. <summary>
  1402. <para>Left Fingers.</para>
  1403. </summary>
  1404. </member>
  1405. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMaskBodyPart.LeftFootIK">
  1406. <summary>
  1407. <para>Left Foot IK.</para>
  1408. </summary>
  1409. </member>
  1410. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMaskBodyPart.LeftHandIK">
  1411. <summary>
  1412. <para>Left Hand IK.</para>
  1413. </summary>
  1414. </member>
  1415. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMaskBodyPart.LeftLeg">
  1416. <summary>
  1417. <para>The Left Leg.</para>
  1418. </summary>
  1419. </member>
  1420. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMaskBodyPart.RightArm">
  1421. <summary>
  1422. <para>The Right Arm.</para>
  1423. </summary>
  1424. </member>
  1425. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMaskBodyPart.RightFingers">
  1426. <summary>
  1427. <para>Right Fingers.</para>
  1428. </summary>
  1429. </member>
  1430. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMaskBodyPart.RightFootIK">
  1431. <summary>
  1432. <para>Right Foot IK.</para>
  1433. </summary>
  1434. </member>
  1435. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMaskBodyPart.RightHandIK">
  1436. <summary>
  1437. <para>Right Hand IK.</para>
  1438. </summary>
  1439. </member>
  1440. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMaskBodyPart.RightLeg">
  1441. <summary>
  1442. <para>The Right Leg.</para>
  1443. </summary>
  1444. </member>
  1445. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.AvatarMaskBodyPart.Root">
  1446. <summary>
  1447. <para>The Root.</para>
  1448. </summary>
  1449. </member>
  1450. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Animations.BlendTree">
  1451. <summary>
  1452. <para>Blend trees are used to blend continuously animation between their childs. They can either be 1D or 2D.</para>
  1453. </summary>
  1454. </member>
  1455. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.BlendTree.blendParameter">
  1456. <summary>
  1457. <para>Parameter that is used to compute the blending weight of the childs in 1D blend trees or on the X axis of a 2D blend tree.</para>
  1458. </summary>
  1459. </member>
  1460. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.BlendTree.blendParameterY">
  1461. <summary>
  1462. <para>Parameter that is used to compute the blending weight of the childs on the Y axis of a 2D blend tree.</para>
  1463. </summary>
  1464. </member>
  1465. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.BlendTree.blendType">
  1466. <summary>
  1467. <para>The Blending type can be either 1D or different types of 2D.</para>
  1468. </summary>
  1469. </member>
  1470. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.BlendTree.children">
  1471. <summary>
  1472. <para>A copy of the list of the blend tree child motions.</para>
  1473. </summary>
  1474. </member>
  1475. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.BlendTree.maxThreshold">
  1476. <summary>
  1477. <para>Sets the maximum threshold that will be used by the ChildMotion. Only used when useAutomaticThresholds is true.</para>
  1478. </summary>
  1479. </member>
  1480. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.BlendTree.minThreshold">
  1481. <summary>
  1482. <para>Sets the minimum threshold that will be used by the ChildMotion. Only used when useAutomaticThresholds is true.</para>
  1483. </summary>
  1484. </member>
  1485. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.BlendTree.useAutomaticThresholds">
  1486. <summary>
  1487. <para>When active, the children's thresholds are automatically spread between 0 and 1.</para>
  1488. </summary>
  1489. </member>
  1490. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.BlendTree.AddChild(UnityEngine.Motion)">
  1491. <summary>
  1492. <para>Utility function to add a child motion to a blend trees.</para>
  1493. </summary>
  1494. <param name="motion">The motion to add as child.</param>
  1495. <param name="position">The position of the child. When using 2D blend trees.</param>
  1496. <param name="threshold">The threshold of the child. When using 1D blend trees.</param>
  1497. </member>
  1498. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.BlendTree.AddChild(UnityEngine.Motion,UnityEngine.Vector2)">
  1499. <summary>
  1500. <para>Utility function to add a child motion to a blend trees.</para>
  1501. </summary>
  1502. <param name="motion">The motion to add as child.</param>
  1503. <param name="position">The position of the child. When using 2D blend trees.</param>
  1504. <param name="threshold">The threshold of the child. When using 1D blend trees.</param>
  1505. </member>
  1506. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.BlendTree.AddChild(UnityEngine.Motion,System.Single)">
  1507. <summary>
  1508. <para>Utility function to add a child motion to a blend trees.</para>
  1509. </summary>
  1510. <param name="motion">The motion to add as child.</param>
  1511. <param name="position">The position of the child. When using 2D blend trees.</param>
  1512. <param name="threshold">The threshold of the child. When using 1D blend trees.</param>
  1513. </member>
  1514. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.BlendTree.CreateBlendTreeChild(System.Single)">
  1515. <summary>
  1516. <para>Utility function to add a child blend tree to a blend tree.</para>
  1517. </summary>
  1518. <param name="position">The position of the child. When using 2D blend trees.</param>
  1519. <param name="threshold">The threshold of the child. When using 1D blend trees.</param>
  1520. </member>
  1521. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.BlendTree.CreateBlendTreeChild(UnityEngine.Vector2)">
  1522. <summary>
  1523. <para>Utility function to add a child blend tree to a blend tree.</para>
  1524. </summary>
  1525. <param name="position">The position of the child. When using 2D blend trees.</param>
  1526. <param name="threshold">The threshold of the child. When using 1D blend trees.</param>
  1527. </member>
  1528. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Animations.BlendTree.RemoveChild(System.Int32)">
  1529. <summary>
  1530. <para>Utility function to remove the child of a blend tree.</para>
  1531. </summary>
  1532. <param name="index">The index of the blend tree to remove.</param>
  1533. </member>
  1534. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Animations.BlendTreeType">
  1535. <summary>
  1536. <para>The type of blending algorithm that the blend tree uses.</para>
  1537. </summary>
  1538. </member>
  1539. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.BlendTreeType.Direct">
  1540. <summary>
  1541. <para>Direct control of blending weight for each node.</para>
  1542. </summary>
  1543. </member>
  1544. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.BlendTreeType.FreeformCartesian2D">
  1545. <summary>
  1546. <para>Best used when your motions do not represent different directions.</para>
  1547. </summary>
  1548. </member>
  1549. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.BlendTreeType.FreeformDirectional2D">
  1550. <summary>
  1551. <para>This blend type is used when your motions represent different directions, however you can have multiple motions in the same direction, for example "walk forward" and "run forward".</para>
  1552. </summary>
  1553. </member>
  1554. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.BlendTreeType.Simple1D">
  1555. <summary>
  1556. <para>Basic blending using a single parameter.</para>
  1557. </summary>
  1558. </member>
  1559. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.BlendTreeType.SimpleDirectional2D">
  1560. <summary>
  1561. <para>Best used when your motions represent different directions, such as "walk forward", "walk backward", "walk left", and "walk right", or "aim up", "aim down", "aim left", and "aim right".</para>
  1562. </summary>
  1563. </member>
  1564. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Animations.ChildAnimatorState">
  1565. <summary>
  1566. <para>Structure that represents a state in the context of its parent state machine.</para>
  1567. </summary>
  1568. </member>
  1569. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.ChildAnimatorState.position">
  1570. <summary>
  1571. <para>The position the the state node in the context of its parent state machine.</para>
  1572. </summary>
  1573. </member>
  1574. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.ChildAnimatorState.state">
  1575. <summary>
  1576. <para>The state.</para>
  1577. </summary>
  1578. </member>
  1579. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Animations.ChildAnimatorStateMachine">
  1580. <summary>
  1581. <para>Structure that represents a state machine in the context of its parent state machine.</para>
  1582. </summary>
  1583. </member>
  1584. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.ChildAnimatorStateMachine.position">
  1585. <summary>
  1586. <para>The position the the state machine node in the context of its parent state machine.</para>
  1587. </summary>
  1588. </member>
  1589. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.ChildAnimatorStateMachine.stateMachine">
  1590. <summary>
  1591. <para>The state machine.</para>
  1592. </summary>
  1593. </member>
  1594. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Animations.ChildMotion">
  1595. <summary>
  1596. <para>Structure that represents a motion in the context of its parent blend tree.</para>
  1597. </summary>
  1598. </member>
  1599. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.ChildMotion.cycleOffset">
  1600. <summary>
  1601. <para>Normalized time offset of the child.</para>
  1602. </summary>
  1603. </member>
  1604. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.ChildMotion.directBlendParameter">
  1605. <summary>
  1606. <para>The parameter used by the child when used in a BlendTree of type BlendTreeType.Direct.</para>
  1607. </summary>
  1608. </member>
  1609. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.ChildMotion.mirror">
  1610. <summary>
  1611. <para>Mirror of the child.</para>
  1612. </summary>
  1613. </member>
  1614. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.ChildMotion.motion">
  1615. <summary>
  1616. <para>The motion itself.</para>
  1617. </summary>
  1618. </member>
  1619. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.ChildMotion.position">
  1620. <summary>
  1621. <para>The position of the child. Used in 2D blend trees.</para>
  1622. </summary>
  1623. </member>
  1624. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.ChildMotion.threshold">
  1625. <summary>
  1626. <para>The threshold of the child. Used in 1D blend trees.</para>
  1627. </summary>
  1628. </member>
  1629. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Animations.ChildMotion.timeScale">
  1630. <summary>
  1631. <para>The relative speed of the child.</para>
  1632. </summary>
  1633. </member>
  1634. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Animations.StateMachineBehaviourContext">
  1635. <summary>
  1636. <para>This class contains all the owner's information for this State Machine Behaviour.</para>
  1637. </summary>
  1638. </member>
  1639. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.StateMachineBehaviourContext.animatorController">
  1640. <summary>
  1641. <para>The Animations.AnimatorController that owns this state machine behaviour.</para>
  1642. </summary>
  1643. </member>
  1644. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.StateMachineBehaviourContext.animatorObject">
  1645. <summary>
  1646. <para>The object that owns this state machine behaviour. Could be an Animations.AnimatorState or Animations.AnimatorStateMachine.</para>
  1647. </summary>
  1648. </member>
  1649. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.StateMachineBehaviourContext.layerIndex">
  1650. <summary>
  1651. <para>The animator's layer index that owns this state machine behaviour.</para>
  1652. </summary>
  1653. </member>
  1654. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Animations.TransitionInterruptionSource">
  1655. <summary>
  1656. <para>Which AnimatorState transitions can interrupt the Transition.</para>
  1657. </summary>
  1658. </member>
  1659. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.TransitionInterruptionSource.Destination">
  1660. <summary>
  1661. <para>The Transition can be interrupted by transitions in the destination AnimatorState.</para>
  1662. </summary>
  1663. </member>
  1664. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.TransitionInterruptionSource.DestinationThenSource">
  1665. <summary>
  1666. <para>The Transition can be interrupted by transitions in the source or the destination AnimatorState.</para>
  1667. </summary>
  1668. </member>
  1669. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.TransitionInterruptionSource.None">
  1670. <summary>
  1671. <para>The Transition cannot be interrupted. Formely know as Atomic.</para>
  1672. </summary>
  1673. </member>
  1674. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.TransitionInterruptionSource.Source">
  1675. <summary>
  1676. <para>The Transition can be interrupted by transitions in the source AnimatorState.</para>
  1677. </summary>
  1678. </member>
  1679. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Animations.TransitionInterruptionSource.SourceThenDestination">
  1680. <summary>
  1681. <para>The Transition can be interrupted by transitions in the source or the destination AnimatorState.</para>
  1682. </summary>
  1683. </member>
  1684. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AnimationUtility">
  1685. <summary>
  1686. <para>Editor utility functions for modifying animation clips.</para>
  1687. </summary>
  1688. </member>
  1689. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.onCurveWasModified">
  1690. <summary>
  1691. <para>Triggered when an animation curve inside an animation clip has been modified.</para>
  1692. </summary>
  1693. </member>
  1694. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.CalculateTransformPath(UnityEngine.Transform,UnityEngine.Transform)">
  1695. <summary>
  1696. <para>Calculates path from root transform to target transform.</para>
  1697. </summary>
  1698. <param name="targetTransform"></param>
  1699. <param name="root"></param>
  1700. </member>
  1701. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.CurveModifiedType">
  1702. <summary>
  1703. <para>Describes the type of modification that caused OnCurveWasModified to fire.</para>
  1704. </summary>
  1705. </member>
  1706. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.GetAllCurves(UnityEngine.AnimationClip)">
  1707. <summary>
  1708. <para>Retrieves all curves from a specific animation clip.</para>
  1709. </summary>
  1710. <param name="clip"></param>
  1711. <param name="includeCurveData"></param>
  1712. </member>
  1713. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.GetAllCurves(UnityEngine.AnimationClip,System.Boolean)">
  1714. <summary>
  1715. <para>Retrieves all curves from a specific animation clip.</para>
  1716. </summary>
  1717. <param name="clip"></param>
  1718. <param name="includeCurveData"></param>
  1719. </member>
  1720. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.GetAnimatableBindings(UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEngine.GameObject)">
  1721. <summary>
  1722. <para>Returns all the animatable bindings that a specific game object has.</para>
  1723. </summary>
  1724. <param name="targetObject"></param>
  1725. <param name="root"></param>
  1726. </member>
  1727. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.GetAnimatedObject(UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEditor.EditorCurveBinding)">
  1728. <summary>
  1729. <para>Returns the animated object that the binding is pointing to.</para>
  1730. </summary>
  1731. <param name="root"></param>
  1732. <param name="binding"></param>
  1733. </member>
  1734. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClips(UnityEngine.Animation)">
  1735. <summary>
  1736. <para>Returns the array of AnimationClips that are referenced in the Animation component.</para>
  1737. </summary>
  1738. <param name="component"></param>
  1739. </member>
  1740. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.GetAnimationEvents(UnityEngine.AnimationClip)">
  1741. <summary>
  1742. <para>Retrieves all animation events associated with the animation clip.</para>
  1743. </summary>
  1744. <param name="clip"></param>
  1745. </member>
  1746. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.GetCurveBindings(UnityEngine.AnimationClip)">
  1747. <summary>
  1748. <para>Returns all the float curve bindings currently stored in the clip.</para>
  1749. </summary>
  1750. <param name="clip"></param>
  1751. </member>
  1752. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(UnityEngine.AnimationClip,System.String,System.Type,System.String)">
  1753. <summary>
  1754. <para>Return the float curve that the binding is pointing to.</para>
  1755. </summary>
  1756. <param name="clip"></param>
  1757. <param name="relativePath"></param>
  1758. <param name="type"></param>
  1759. <param name="propertyName"></param>
  1760. <param name="binding"></param>
  1761. </member>
  1762. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.GetEditorCurve(UnityEngine.AnimationClip,UnityEditor.EditorCurveBinding)">
  1763. <summary>
  1764. <para>Return the float curve that the binding is pointing to.</para>
  1765. </summary>
  1766. <param name="clip"></param>
  1767. <param name="relativePath"></param>
  1768. <param name="type"></param>
  1769. <param name="propertyName"></param>
  1770. <param name="binding"></param>
  1771. </member>
  1772. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.GetFloatValue(UnityEngine.GameObject,System.String,System.Type,System.String,System.Single&amp;)">
  1773. <summary>
  1774. <para>Retrieves the current float value by sampling a curve value on a specific game object.</para>
  1775. </summary>
  1776. <param name="root"></param>
  1777. <param name="relativePath"></param>
  1778. <param name="type"></param>
  1779. <param name="propertyName"></param>
  1780. <param name="data"></param>
  1781. </member>
  1782. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.GetObjectReferenceCurve(UnityEngine.AnimationClip,UnityEditor.EditorCurveBinding)">
  1783. <summary>
  1784. <para>Return the object reference curve that the binding is pointing to.</para>
  1785. </summary>
  1786. <param name="clip"></param>
  1787. <param name="binding"></param>
  1788. </member>
  1789. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.GetObjectReferenceCurveBindings(UnityEngine.AnimationClip)">
  1790. <summary>
  1791. <para>Returns all the object reference curve bindings currently stored in the clip.</para>
  1792. </summary>
  1793. <param name="clip"></param>
  1794. </member>
  1795. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.OnCurveWasModified">
  1796. <summary>
  1797. <para>Triggered when an animation curve inside an animation clip has been modified.</para>
  1798. </summary>
  1799. <param name="clip"></param>
  1800. <param name="binding"></param>
  1801. <param name="deleted"></param>
  1802. </member>
  1803. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.SetAdditiveReferencePose(UnityEngine.AnimationClip,UnityEngine.AnimationClip,System.Single)">
  1804. <summary>
  1805. <para>Set the additive reference pose from referenceClip at time for animation clip clip.</para>
  1806. </summary>
  1807. <param name="clip">The animation clip to be used.</param>
  1808. <param name="referenceClip">The animation clip containing the reference pose.</param>
  1809. <param name="time">Time that defines the reference pose in referenceClip.</param>
  1810. </member>
  1811. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.SetAnimationClips(UnityEngine.Animation,UnityEngine.AnimationClip[])">
  1812. <summary>
  1813. <para>Sets the array of AnimationClips to be referenced in the Animation component.</para>
  1814. </summary>
  1815. <param name="animation"></param>
  1816. <param name="clips"></param>
  1817. </member>
  1818. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.SetAnimationEvents(UnityEngine.AnimationClip,UnityEngine.AnimationEvent[])">
  1819. <summary>
  1820. <para>Replaces all animation events in the animation clip.</para>
  1821. </summary>
  1822. <param name="clip"></param>
  1823. <param name="events"></param>
  1824. </member>
  1825. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.SetEditorCurve(UnityEngine.AnimationClip,UnityEditor.EditorCurveBinding,UnityEngine.AnimationCurve)">
  1826. <summary>
  1827. <para>Adds, modifies or removes an editor float curve in a given clip.</para>
  1828. </summary>
  1829. <param name="clip">The animation clip to which the curve will be added.</param>
  1830. <param name="binding">The bindings which defines the path and the property of the curve.</param>
  1831. <param name="curve">The curve to add. Setting this to null will remove the curve.</param>
  1832. </member>
  1833. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(UnityEngine.AnimationClip,UnityEditor.EditorCurveBinding,UnityEditor.ObjectReferenceKeyframe[])">
  1834. <summary>
  1835. <para>Adds, modifies or removes an object reference curve in a given clip.</para>
  1836. </summary>
  1837. <param name="keyframes">Setting this to null will remove the curve.</param>
  1838. <param name="clip"></param>
  1839. <param name="binding"></param>
  1840. </member>
  1841. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ApiCompatibilityLevel">
  1842. <summary>
  1843. <para>.NET API compatibility level.</para>
  1844. </summary>
  1845. </member>
  1846. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ApiCompatibilityLevel.NET_2_0">
  1847. <summary>
  1848. <para>.NET 2.0.</para>
  1849. </summary>
  1850. </member>
  1851. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ApiCompatibilityLevel.NET_2_0_Subset">
  1852. <summary>
  1853. <para>.NET 2.0 Subset.</para>
  1854. </summary>
  1855. </member>
  1856. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ArrayUtility">
  1857. <summary>
  1858. <para>Helpers for builtin arrays ...</para>
  1859. </summary>
  1860. </member>
  1861. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ArrayUtility.Add(T[]&amp;,T)">
  1862. <summary>
  1863. <para>Appends item to the end of array.</para>
  1864. </summary>
  1865. <param name="array"></param>
  1866. <param name="item"></param>
  1867. </member>
  1868. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ArrayUtility.AddRange(T[]&amp;,T[])">
  1869. <summary>
  1870. <para>Appends items to the end of array.</para>
  1871. </summary>
  1872. <param name="array"></param>
  1873. <param name="items"></param>
  1874. </member>
  1875. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ArrayUtility.ArrayEquals(T[],T[])">
  1876. <summary>
  1877. <para>Compares two arrays.</para>
  1878. </summary>
  1879. <param name="lhs"></param>
  1880. <param name="rhs"></param>
  1881. <returns>
  1882. <para>True if both have the same number of elements and the contents are equal.</para>
  1883. </returns>
  1884. </member>
  1885. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ArrayUtility.Clear(T[]&amp;)">
  1886. <summary>
  1887. <para>Clears the array.</para>
  1888. </summary>
  1889. <param name="array"></param>
  1890. </member>
  1891. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ArrayUtility.Contains(T[],T)">
  1892. <summary>
  1893. <para>Determines if the array contains the item.</para>
  1894. </summary>
  1895. <param name="array"></param>
  1896. <param name="item"></param>
  1897. <returns>
  1898. <para>True if item is in array, false otherwise.</para>
  1899. </returns>
  1900. </member>
  1901. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ArrayUtility.FindIndex(T[],System.Predicate`1&lt;T&gt;)">
  1902. <summary>
  1903. <para>Find the index of the first element that satisfies the predicate.</para>
  1904. </summary>
  1905. <param name="array"></param>
  1906. <param name="match"></param>
  1907. <returns>
  1908. <para>The zero-based index of the first occurrence of the element, if found; otherwise, �1.</para>
  1909. </returns>
  1910. </member>
  1911. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ArrayUtility.IndexOf(T[],T)">
  1912. <summary>
  1913. <para>Index of first element with value value.</para>
  1914. </summary>
  1915. <param name="array"></param>
  1916. <param name="value"></param>
  1917. <returns>
  1918. <para>The zero-based index of the element, if found; otherwise -1.</para>
  1919. </returns>
  1920. </member>
  1921. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ArrayUtility.Insert(T[]&amp;,System.Int32,T)">
  1922. <summary>
  1923. <para>Inserts item item at position index.</para>
  1924. </summary>
  1925. <param name="array"></param>
  1926. <param name="index"></param>
  1927. <param name="item"></param>
  1928. </member>
  1929. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ArrayUtility.LastIndexOf(T[],T)">
  1930. <summary>
  1931. <para>Index of the last element with value value.</para>
  1932. </summary>
  1933. <param name="array"></param>
  1934. <param name="value"></param>
  1935. <returns>
  1936. <para>The zero-based index of the element, if found; otherwise -1.</para>
  1937. </returns>
  1938. </member>
  1939. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ArrayUtility.Remove(T[]&amp;,T)">
  1940. <summary>
  1941. <para>Removes item from array.</para>
  1942. </summary>
  1943. <param name="array"></param>
  1944. <param name="item"></param>
  1945. </member>
  1946. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ArrayUtility.RemoveAt(T[]&amp;,System.Int32)">
  1947. <summary>
  1948. <para>Remove element at position index.</para>
  1949. </summary>
  1950. <param name="array"></param>
  1951. <param name="index"></param>
  1952. </member>
  1953. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AscentCalculationMode">
  1954. <summary>
  1955. <para>Method used for calculating a font's ascent.</para>
  1956. </summary>
  1957. </member>
  1958. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AscentCalculationMode.FaceAscender">
  1959. <summary>
  1960. <para>Ascender method.</para>
  1961. </summary>
  1962. </member>
  1963. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AscentCalculationMode.FaceBoundingBox">
  1964. <summary>
  1965. <para>Bounding box method.</para>
  1966. </summary>
  1967. </member>
  1968. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AscentCalculationMode.Legacy2x">
  1969. <summary>
  1970. <para>Legacy bounding box method.</para>
  1971. </summary>
  1972. </member>
  1973. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AspectRatio">
  1974. <summary>
  1975. <para>Aspect ratio.</para>
  1976. </summary>
  1977. </member>
  1978. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AspectRatio.Aspect16by10">
  1979. <summary>
  1980. <para>16:10 aspect ratio.</para>
  1981. </summary>
  1982. </member>
  1983. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AspectRatio.Aspect16by9">
  1984. <summary>
  1985. <para>16:9 aspect ratio.</para>
  1986. </summary>
  1987. </member>
  1988. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AspectRatio.Aspect4by3">
  1989. <summary>
  1990. <para>4:3 aspect ratio.</para>
  1991. </summary>
  1992. </member>
  1993. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AspectRatio.Aspect5by4">
  1994. <summary>
  1995. <para>5:4 aspect ratio.</para>
  1996. </summary>
  1997. </member>
  1998. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AspectRatio.AspectOthers">
  1999. <summary>
  2000. <para>Undefined aspect ratios.</para>
  2001. </summary>
  2002. </member>
  2003. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AssetBundleBuild">
  2004. <summary>
  2005. <para>AssetBundle building map entry.</para>
  2006. </summary>
  2007. </member>
  2008. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AssetBundleBuild.assetBundleName">
  2009. <summary>
  2010. <para>AssetBundle name.</para>
  2011. </summary>
  2012. </member>
  2013. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AssetBundleBuild.assetBundleVariant">
  2014. <summary>
  2015. <para>AssetBundle variant.</para>
  2016. </summary>
  2017. </member>
  2018. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AssetBundleBuild.assetNames">
  2019. <summary>
  2020. <para>Asset names which belong to the given AssetBundle.</para>
  2021. </summary>
  2022. </member>
  2023. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase">
  2024. <summary>
  2025. <para>An Interface for accessing assets and performing operations on assets.</para>
  2026. </summary>
  2027. </member>
  2028. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(UnityEngine.Object,System.String)">
  2029. <summary>
  2030. <para>Adds objectToAdd to an existing asset at path.</para>
  2031. </summary>
  2032. <param name="objectToAdd">Object to add to the existing asset.</param>
  2033. <param name="path">Filesystem path to the asset.</param>
  2034. </member>
  2035. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(UnityEngine.Object,UnityEngine.Object)">
  2036. <summary>
  2037. <para>Adds objectToAdd to an existing asset identified by assetObject.</para>
  2038. </summary>
  2039. <param name="objectToAdd"></param>
  2040. <param name="assetObject"></param>
  2041. </member>
  2042. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(System.String)">
  2043. <summary>
  2044. <para>Get the GUID for the asset at path.</para>
  2045. </summary>
  2046. <param name="path">Filesystem path for the asset.</param>
  2047. <returns>
  2048. <para>GUID</para>
  2049. </returns>
  2050. </member>
  2051. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.ClearLabels(UnityEngine.Object)">
  2052. <summary>
  2053. <para>Removes all labels attached to an asset.</para>
  2054. </summary>
  2055. <param name="obj"></param>
  2056. </member>
  2057. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.Contains(UnityEngine.Object)">
  2058. <summary>
  2059. <para>Is object an asset?</para>
  2060. </summary>
  2061. <param name="obj"></param>
  2062. <param name="instanceID"></param>
  2063. </member>
  2064. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.Contains(System.Int32)">
  2065. <summary>
  2066. <para>Is object an asset?</para>
  2067. </summary>
  2068. <param name="obj"></param>
  2069. <param name="instanceID"></param>
  2070. </member>
  2071. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.CopyAsset(System.String,System.String)">
  2072. <summary>
  2073. <para>Duplicates the asset at path and stores it at newPath.</para>
  2074. </summary>
  2075. <param name="path">Filesystem path of the source asset.</param>
  2076. <param name="newPath">Filesystem path of the new asset to create.</param>
  2077. </member>
  2078. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(UnityEngine.Object,System.String)">
  2079. <summary>
  2080. <para>Creates a new asset at path.</para>
  2081. </summary>
  2082. <param name="asset">Object to use in creating the asset.</param>
  2083. <param name="path">Filesystem path for the new asset.</param>
  2084. </member>
  2085. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.CreateFolder(System.String,System.String)">
  2086. <summary>
  2087. <para>Create a new folder.</para>
  2088. </summary>
  2089. <param name="parentFolder">The name of the parent folder.</param>
  2090. <param name="newFolderName">The name of the new folder.</param>
  2091. <returns>
  2092. <para>The GUID of the newly created folder.</para>
  2093. </returns>
  2094. </member>
  2095. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(System.String)">
  2096. <summary>
  2097. <para>Deletes the asset file at path.</para>
  2098. </summary>
  2099. <param name="path">Filesystem path of the asset to be deleted.</param>
  2100. </member>
  2101. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.ExportPackage(System.String[],System.String)">
  2102. <summary>
  2103. <para>Exports the assets identified by assetPathNames to a unitypackage file in fileName.</para>
  2104. </summary>
  2105. <param name="assetPathNames"></param>
  2106. <param name="fileName"></param>
  2107. <param name="flags"></param>
  2108. <param name="assetPathName"></param>
  2109. </member>
  2110. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.ExportPackage(System.String,System.String)">
  2111. <summary>
  2112. <para>Exports the assets identified by assetPathNames to a unitypackage file in fileName.</para>
  2113. </summary>
  2114. <param name="assetPathNames"></param>
  2115. <param name="fileName"></param>
  2116. <param name="flags"></param>
  2117. <param name="assetPathName"></param>
  2118. </member>
  2119. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.ExportPackage(System.String,System.String,UnityEditor.ExportPackageOptions)">
  2120. <summary>
  2121. <para>Exports the assets identified by assetPathNames to a unitypackage file in fileName.</para>
  2122. </summary>
  2123. <param name="assetPathNames"></param>
  2124. <param name="fileName"></param>
  2125. <param name="flags"></param>
  2126. <param name="assetPathName"></param>
  2127. </member>
  2128. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.ExportPackage(System.String[],System.String,UnityEditor.ExportPackageOptions)">
  2129. <summary>
  2130. <para>Exports the assets identified by assetPathNames to a unitypackage file in fileName.</para>
  2131. </summary>
  2132. <param name="assetPathNames"></param>
  2133. <param name="fileName"></param>
  2134. <param name="flags"></param>
  2135. <param name="assetPathName"></param>
  2136. </member>
  2137. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.FindAssets(System.String)">
  2138. <summary>
  2139. <para>Search the asset database using a search filter string.</para>
  2140. </summary>
  2141. <param name="filter">The filter string can contain search data for: names, asset labels and types (class names).</param>
  2142. <param name="searchInFolders">Specifying one or more folders will limit the searching to these folders and their child folders (and is faster than searching all assets).</param>
  2143. <returns>
  2144. <para>Array of matching asset GUIDs.</para>
  2145. </returns>
  2146. </member>
  2147. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.FindAssets(System.String,System.String[])">
  2148. <summary>
  2149. <para>Search the asset database using a search filter string.</para>
  2150. </summary>
  2151. <param name="filter">The filter string can contain search data for: names, asset labels and types (class names).</param>
  2152. <param name="searchInFolders">Specifying one or more folders will limit the searching to these folders and their child folders (and is faster than searching all assets).</param>
  2153. <returns>
  2154. <para>Array of matching asset GUIDs.</para>
  2155. </returns>
  2156. </member>
  2157. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(System.String)">
  2158. <summary>
  2159. <para>Creates a new unique path for an asset.</para>
  2160. </summary>
  2161. <param name="path"></param>
  2162. </member>
  2163. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetBundleNames">
  2164. <summary>
  2165. <para>Return all the AssetBundle names in the asset database.</para>
  2166. </summary>
  2167. <returns>
  2168. <para>Array of asset bundle names.</para>
  2169. </returns>
  2170. </member>
  2171. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetDependencyHash(System.String)">
  2172. <summary>
  2173. <para>Returns the hash of all the dependencies of an asset.</para>
  2174. </summary>
  2175. <param name="path">Path to the asset.</param>
  2176. <returns>
  2177. <para>Aggregate hash.</para>
  2178. </returns>
  2179. </member>
  2180. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetOrScenePath(UnityEngine.Object)">
  2181. <summary>
  2182. <para>Returns the path name relative to the project folder where the asset is stored.</para>
  2183. </summary>
  2184. <param name="assetObject"></param>
  2185. </member>
  2186. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(System.Int32)">
  2187. <summary>
  2188. <para>Returns the path name relative to the project folder where the asset is stored.</para>
  2189. </summary>
  2190. <param name="instanceID">The instance ID of the asset.</param>
  2191. <param name="assetObject">A reference to the asset.</param>
  2192. <returns>
  2193. <para>The asset path name, or null, or an empty string if the asset does not exist.</para>
  2194. </returns>
  2195. </member>
  2196. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(UnityEngine.Object)">
  2197. <summary>
  2198. <para>Returns the path name relative to the project folder where the asset is stored.</para>
  2199. </summary>
  2200. <param name="instanceID">The instance ID of the asset.</param>
  2201. <param name="assetObject">A reference to the asset.</param>
  2202. <returns>
  2203. <para>The asset path name, or null, or an empty string if the asset does not exist.</para>
  2204. </returns>
  2205. </member>
  2206. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetPathFromTextMetaFilePath(System.String)">
  2207. <summary>
  2208. <para>Gets the path to the asset file associated with a text .meta file.</para>
  2209. </summary>
  2210. <param name="path"></param>
  2211. </member>
  2212. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetPathsFromAssetBundle(System.String)">
  2213. <summary>
  2214. <para>Get the paths of the assets which have been marked with the given assetBundle name.</para>
  2215. </summary>
  2216. <param name="assetBundleName"></param>
  2217. </member>
  2218. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetPathsFromAssetBundleAndAssetName(System.String,System.String)">
  2219. <summary>
  2220. <para>Get the asset paths from the given assetBundle name and asset name.</para>
  2221. </summary>
  2222. <param name="assetBundleName"></param>
  2223. <param name="assetName"></param>
  2224. </member>
  2225. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetCachedIcon(System.String)">
  2226. <summary>
  2227. <para>Retrieves an icon for the asset at the given asset path.</para>
  2228. </summary>
  2229. <param name="path"></param>
  2230. </member>
  2231. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetDependencies(System.String)">
  2232. <summary>
  2233. <para>Given a pathName, returns the list of all assets that it depends on.</para>
  2234. </summary>
  2235. <param name="pathName">The path to the asset for which dependencies are required.</param>
  2236. <param name="recursive">If false, return only assets which are direct dependencies of the input; if true, include all indirect dependencies of the input. Defaults to true.</param>
  2237. <returns>
  2238. <para>The paths of all assets that the input depends on.</para>
  2239. </returns>
  2240. </member>
  2241. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetDependencies(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  2242. <summary>
  2243. <para>Given a pathName, returns the list of all assets that it depends on.</para>
  2244. </summary>
  2245. <param name="pathName">The path to the asset for which dependencies are required.</param>
  2246. <param name="recursive">If false, return only assets which are direct dependencies of the input; if true, include all indirect dependencies of the input. Defaults to true.</param>
  2247. <returns>
  2248. <para>The paths of all assets that the input depends on.</para>
  2249. </returns>
  2250. </member>
  2251. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetDependencies(System.String[])">
  2252. <summary>
  2253. <para>Given an array of pathNames, returns the list of all assets that the input depend on.</para>
  2254. </summary>
  2255. <param name="pathNames">The path to the assets for which dependencies are required.</param>
  2256. <param name="recursive">If false, return only assets which are direct dependencies of the input; if true, include all indirect dependencies of the input. Defaults to true.</param>
  2257. <returns>
  2258. <para>The paths of all assets that the input depends on.</para>
  2259. </returns>
  2260. </member>
  2261. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetDependencies(System.String[],System.Boolean)">
  2262. <summary>
  2263. <para>Given an array of pathNames, returns the list of all assets that the input depend on.</para>
  2264. </summary>
  2265. <param name="pathNames">The path to the assets for which dependencies are required.</param>
  2266. <param name="recursive">If false, return only assets which are direct dependencies of the input; if true, include all indirect dependencies of the input. Defaults to true.</param>
  2267. <returns>
  2268. <para>The paths of all assets that the input depends on.</para>
  2269. </returns>
  2270. </member>
  2271. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetLabels(UnityEngine.Object)">
  2272. <summary>
  2273. <para>Returns all labels attached to a given asset.</para>
  2274. </summary>
  2275. <param name="obj"></param>
  2276. </member>
  2277. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetSubFolders(System.String)">
  2278. <summary>
  2279. <para>Given an absolute path to a directory, this method will return an array of all it's subdirectories.</para>
  2280. </summary>
  2281. <param name="path"></param>
  2282. </member>
  2283. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetTextMetaDataPathFromAssetPath(System.String)">
  2284. <summary>
  2285. <para>Gets the path to the text .meta file associated with an asset.</para>
  2286. </summary>
  2287. <param name="path">The path to the asset.</param>
  2288. <returns>
  2289. <para>The path to the .meta text file or empty string if the file does not exist.</para>
  2290. </returns>
  2291. </member>
  2292. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetTextMetaFilePathFromAssetPath(System.String)">
  2293. <summary>
  2294. <para>Gets the path to the text .meta file associated with an asset.</para>
  2295. </summary>
  2296. <param name="path">The path to the asset.</param>
  2297. <returns>
  2298. <para>The path to the .meta text file or empty string if the file does not exist.</para>
  2299. </returns>
  2300. </member>
  2301. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetUnusedAssetBundleNames">
  2302. <summary>
  2303. <para>Return all the unused assetBundle names in the asset database.</para>
  2304. </summary>
  2305. </member>
  2306. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(System.String)">
  2307. <summary>
  2308. <para>Translate a GUID to its current asset path.</para>
  2309. </summary>
  2310. <param name="guid"></param>
  2311. </member>
  2312. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(System.String)">
  2313. <summary>
  2314. <para>Import asset at path.</para>
  2315. </summary>
  2316. <param name="path"></param>
  2317. <param name="options"></param>
  2318. </member>
  2319. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(System.String,UnityEditor.ImportAssetOptions)">
  2320. <summary>
  2321. <para>Import asset at path.</para>
  2322. </summary>
  2323. <param name="path"></param>
  2324. <param name="options"></param>
  2325. </member>
  2326. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.ImportPackage(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  2327. <summary>
  2328. <para>Imports package at packagePath into the current project.</para>
  2329. </summary>
  2330. <param name="packagePath"></param>
  2331. <param name="interactive"></param>
  2332. </member>
  2333. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.IsForeignAsset(UnityEngine.Object)">
  2334. <summary>
  2335. <para>Is asset a foreign asset?</para>
  2336. </summary>
  2337. <param name="obj"></param>
  2338. <param name="instanceID"></param>
  2339. </member>
  2340. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.IsForeignAsset(System.Int32)">
  2341. <summary>
  2342. <para>Is asset a foreign asset?</para>
  2343. </summary>
  2344. <param name="obj"></param>
  2345. <param name="instanceID"></param>
  2346. </member>
  2347. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.IsMainAsset(UnityEngine.Object)">
  2348. <summary>
  2349. <para>Is asset a main asset in the project window?</para>
  2350. </summary>
  2351. <param name="obj"></param>
  2352. <param name="instanceID"></param>
  2353. </member>
  2354. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.IsMainAsset(System.Int32)">
  2355. <summary>
  2356. <para>Is asset a main asset in the project window?</para>
  2357. </summary>
  2358. <param name="obj"></param>
  2359. <param name="instanceID"></param>
  2360. </member>
  2361. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.IsNativeAsset(UnityEngine.Object)">
  2362. <summary>
  2363. <para>Is asset a native asset?</para>
  2364. </summary>
  2365. <param name="obj"></param>
  2366. <param name="instanceID"></param>
  2367. </member>
  2368. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.IsNativeAsset(System.Int32)">
  2369. <summary>
  2370. <para>Is asset a native asset?</para>
  2371. </summary>
  2372. <param name="obj"></param>
  2373. <param name="instanceID"></param>
  2374. </member>
  2375. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.IsOpenForEdit(UnityEngine.Object)">
  2376. <summary>
  2377. <para>Use IsOpenForEdit to determine if the asset is open for edit by the version control.</para>
  2378. </summary>
  2379. <param name="assetPath">Is the path to the asset on disk relative to project folder.</param>
  2380. <param name="message">Used to give reason for not open.</param>
  2381. <param name="assetObject"></param>
  2382. <param name="assetOrMetaFilePath"></param>
  2383. <returns>
  2384. <para>True is the asset can be edited.</para>
  2385. </returns>
  2386. </member>
  2387. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.IsOpenForEdit(System.String)">
  2388. <summary>
  2389. <para>Use IsOpenForEdit to determine if the asset is open for edit by the version control.</para>
  2390. </summary>
  2391. <param name="assetPath">Is the path to the asset on disk relative to project folder.</param>
  2392. <param name="message">Used to give reason for not open.</param>
  2393. <param name="assetObject"></param>
  2394. <param name="assetOrMetaFilePath"></param>
  2395. <returns>
  2396. <para>True is the asset can be edited.</para>
  2397. </returns>
  2398. </member>
  2399. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.IsOpenForEdit(UnityEngine.Object,System.String&amp;)">
  2400. <summary>
  2401. <para>Use IsOpenForEdit to determine if the asset is open for edit by the version control.</para>
  2402. </summary>
  2403. <param name="assetPath">Is the path to the asset on disk relative to project folder.</param>
  2404. <param name="message">Used to give reason for not open.</param>
  2405. <param name="assetObject"></param>
  2406. <param name="assetOrMetaFilePath"></param>
  2407. <returns>
  2408. <para>True is the asset can be edited.</para>
  2409. </returns>
  2410. </member>
  2411. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.IsOpenForEdit(System.String,System.String&amp;)">
  2412. <summary>
  2413. <para>Use IsOpenForEdit to determine if the asset is open for edit by the version control.</para>
  2414. </summary>
  2415. <param name="assetPath">Is the path to the asset on disk relative to project folder.</param>
  2416. <param name="message">Used to give reason for not open.</param>
  2417. <param name="assetObject"></param>
  2418. <param name="assetOrMetaFilePath"></param>
  2419. <returns>
  2420. <para>True is the asset can be edited.</para>
  2421. </returns>
  2422. </member>
  2423. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.IsSubAsset(UnityEngine.Object)">
  2424. <summary>
  2425. <para>Does the asset form part of another asset?</para>
  2426. </summary>
  2427. <param name="obj">The asset Object to query.</param>
  2428. <param name="instanceID">Instance ID of the asset Object to query.</param>
  2429. </member>
  2430. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.IsSubAsset(System.Int32)">
  2431. <summary>
  2432. <para>Does the asset form part of another asset?</para>
  2433. </summary>
  2434. <param name="obj">The asset Object to query.</param>
  2435. <param name="instanceID">Instance ID of the asset Object to query.</param>
  2436. </member>
  2437. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder(System.String)">
  2438. <summary>
  2439. <para>Given an absolute path to a folder, returns true if it exists, false otherwise.</para>
  2440. </summary>
  2441. <param name="path"></param>
  2442. </member>
  2443. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetRepresentationsAtPath(System.String)">
  2444. <summary>
  2445. <para>Returns all asset representations at assetPath.</para>
  2446. </summary>
  2447. <param name="assetPath"></param>
  2448. </member>
  2449. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(System.String)">
  2450. <summary>
  2451. <para>Returns an array of all asset objects at assetPath.</para>
  2452. </summary>
  2453. <param name="assetPath">Filesystem path to the asset.</param>
  2454. </member>
  2455. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(System.String,System.Type)">
  2456. <summary>
  2457. <para>Returns the first asset object of type type at given path assetPath.</para>
  2458. </summary>
  2459. <param name="assetPath">Path of the asset to load.</param>
  2460. <param name="type">Data type of the asset.</param>
  2461. <returns>
  2462. <para>The asset matching the parameters</para>
  2463. </returns>
  2464. </member>
  2465. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(System.String)">
  2466. <summary>
  2467. <para>Returns the main asset object at assetPath.</para>
  2468. </summary>
  2469. <param name="assetPath">Filesystem path of the asset to load.</param>
  2470. </member>
  2471. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.MoveAsset(System.String,System.String)">
  2472. <summary>
  2473. <para>Move an asset file from one folder to another.</para>
  2474. </summary>
  2475. <param name="oldPath">The path where the asset currently resides.</param>
  2476. <param name="newPath">The path which the asset should be moved to.</param>
  2477. <returns>
  2478. <para>An empty string if the asset has been successfully moved, otherwise an error message.</para>
  2479. </returns>
  2480. </member>
  2481. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.MoveAssetToTrash(System.String)">
  2482. <summary>
  2483. <para>Moves the asset at path to the trash.</para>
  2484. </summary>
  2485. <param name="path"></param>
  2486. </member>
  2487. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.OpenAsset(System.Int32)">
  2488. <summary>
  2489. <para>Opens the asset with associated application.</para>
  2490. </summary>
  2491. <param name="instanceID"></param>
  2492. <param name="lineNumber"></param>
  2493. <param name="target"></param>
  2494. </member>
  2495. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.OpenAsset(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  2496. <summary>
  2497. <para>Opens the asset with associated application.</para>
  2498. </summary>
  2499. <param name="instanceID"></param>
  2500. <param name="lineNumber"></param>
  2501. <param name="target"></param>
  2502. </member>
  2503. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.OpenAsset(UnityEngine.Object)">
  2504. <summary>
  2505. <para>Opens the asset with associated application.</para>
  2506. </summary>
  2507. <param name="instanceID"></param>
  2508. <param name="lineNumber"></param>
  2509. <param name="target"></param>
  2510. </member>
  2511. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.OpenAsset(UnityEngine.Object,System.Int32)">
  2512. <summary>
  2513. <para>Opens the asset with associated application.</para>
  2514. </summary>
  2515. <param name="instanceID"></param>
  2516. <param name="lineNumber"></param>
  2517. <param name="target"></param>
  2518. </member>
  2519. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.OpenAsset(UnityEngine.Object[])">
  2520. <summary>
  2521. <para>Opens the asset(s) with associated application(s).</para>
  2522. </summary>
  2523. <param name="objects"></param>
  2524. </member>
  2525. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.Refresh()">
  2526. <summary>
  2527. <para>Import any changed assets.</para>
  2528. </summary>
  2529. <param name="options"></param>
  2530. </member>
  2531. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.Refresh(UnityEditor.ImportAssetOptions)">
  2532. <summary>
  2533. <para>Import any changed assets.</para>
  2534. </summary>
  2535. <param name="options"></param>
  2536. </member>
  2537. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.RemoveAssetBundleName(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  2538. <summary>
  2539. <para>Remove the assetBundle name from the asset database. The forceRemove flag is used to indicate if you want to remove it even it's in use.</para>
  2540. </summary>
  2541. <param name="assetBundleName">The assetBundle name you want to remove.</param>
  2542. <param name="forceRemove">Flag to indicate if you want to remove the assetBundle name even it's in use.</param>
  2543. </member>
  2544. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.RemoveUnusedAssetBundleNames">
  2545. <summary>
  2546. <para>Remove all the unused assetBundle names in the asset database.</para>
  2547. </summary>
  2548. </member>
  2549. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.RenameAsset(System.String,System.String)">
  2550. <summary>
  2551. <para>Rename an asset file.</para>
  2552. </summary>
  2553. <param name="pathName">The path where the asset currently resides.</param>
  2554. <param name="newName">The new name which should be given to the asset.</param>
  2555. <returns>
  2556. <para>An empty string, if the asset has been successfully renamed, otherwise an error message.</para>
  2557. </returns>
  2558. </member>
  2559. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.SaveAssets">
  2560. <summary>
  2561. <para>Writes all unsaved asset changes to disk.</para>
  2562. </summary>
  2563. </member>
  2564. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.SetLabels(UnityEngine.Object,System.String[])">
  2565. <summary>
  2566. <para>Replaces that list of labels on an asset.</para>
  2567. </summary>
  2568. <param name="obj"></param>
  2569. <param name="labels"></param>
  2570. </member>
  2571. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.StartAssetEditing">
  2572. <summary>
  2573. <para>Begin Asset importing. This lets you group several asset imports together into one larger import.</para>
  2574. </summary>
  2575. </member>
  2576. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.StopAssetEditing">
  2577. <summary>
  2578. <para>Stop Asset importing. This lets you group several asset imports together into one larger import.</para>
  2579. </summary>
  2580. </member>
  2581. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.ValidateMoveAsset(System.String,System.String)">
  2582. <summary>
  2583. <para>Checks if an asset file can be moved from one folder to another. (Without actually moving the file).</para>
  2584. </summary>
  2585. <param name="oldPath">The path where the asset currently resides.</param>
  2586. <param name="newPath">The path which the asset should be moved to.</param>
  2587. <returns>
  2588. <para>An empty string if the asset can be moved, otherwise an error message.</para>
  2589. </returns>
  2590. </member>
  2591. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.WriteImportSettingsIfDirty(System.String)">
  2592. <summary>
  2593. <para>Writes the import settings to disk.</para>
  2594. </summary>
  2595. <param name="path"></param>
  2596. </member>
  2597. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AssetDeleteResult">
  2598. <summary>
  2599. <para>Result of Asset delete operation</para>
  2600. </summary>
  2601. </member>
  2602. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AssetDeleteResult.DidDelete">
  2603. <summary>
  2604. <para>Tells Unity that the asset was deleted by the callback. Unity will not try to delete the asset, but will delete the cached version and preview file.</para>
  2605. </summary>
  2606. </member>
  2607. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AssetDeleteResult.DidNotDelete">
  2608. <summary>
  2609. <para>Tells the internal implementation that the callback did not delete the asset. The asset will be delete by the internal implementation.</para>
  2610. </summary>
  2611. </member>
  2612. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AssetDeleteResult.FailedDelete">
  2613. <summary>
  2614. <para>Tells Unity that the file cannot be deleted and Unity should leave it alone.</para>
  2615. </summary>
  2616. </member>
  2617. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AssetImporter">
  2618. <summary>
  2619. <para>Base class from which asset importers for specific asset types derive.</para>
  2620. </summary>
  2621. </member>
  2622. <member name="P:UnityEditor.AssetImporter.assetBundleName">
  2623. <summary>
  2624. <para>Get or set the AssetBundle name.</para>
  2625. </summary>
  2626. </member>
  2627. <member name="P:UnityEditor.AssetImporter.assetBundleVariant">
  2628. <summary>
  2629. <para>Get or set the AssetBundle variant.</para>
  2630. </summary>
  2631. </member>
  2632. <member name="P:UnityEditor.AssetImporter.assetPath">
  2633. <summary>
  2634. <para>The path name of the asset for this importer. (Read Only)</para>
  2635. </summary>
  2636. </member>
  2637. <member name="P:UnityEditor.AssetImporter.userData">
  2638. <summary>
  2639. <para>Get or set any user data.</para>
  2640. </summary>
  2641. </member>
  2642. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetImporter.GetAtPath(System.String)">
  2643. <summary>
  2644. <para>Retrieves the asset importer for the asset at path.</para>
  2645. </summary>
  2646. <param name="path"></param>
  2647. </member>
  2648. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetImporter.SaveAndReimport">
  2649. <summary>
  2650. <para>Save asset importer settings if asset importer is dirty.</para>
  2651. </summary>
  2652. </member>
  2653. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetImporter.SetAssetBundleNameAndVariant(System.String,System.String)">
  2654. <summary>
  2655. <para>Set the AssetBundle name and variant.</para>
  2656. </summary>
  2657. <param name="assetBundleName">AssetBundle name.</param>
  2658. <param name="assetBundleVariant">AssetBundle variant.</param>
  2659. </member>
  2660. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AssetModificationProcessor">
  2661. <summary>
  2662. <para>AssetModificationProcessor lets you hook into saving of serialized assets and scenes which are edited inside Unity.</para>
  2663. </summary>
  2664. </member>
  2665. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AssetMoveResult">
  2666. <summary>
  2667. <para>Result of Asset move</para>
  2668. </summary>
  2669. </member>
  2670. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AssetMoveResult.DidMove">
  2671. <summary>
  2672. <para>Tells the internal implementation that the script moved the asset physically on disk.</para>
  2673. </summary>
  2674. </member>
  2675. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AssetMoveResult.DidNotMove">
  2676. <summary>
  2677. <para>Tells the internal implementation that the asset was not moved physically on disk by the script.</para>
  2678. </summary>
  2679. </member>
  2680. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AssetMoveResult.FailedMove">
  2681. <summary>
  2682. <para>Tells the internal implementation that the script could not move the assets.</para>
  2683. </summary>
  2684. </member>
  2685. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AssetPostprocessor">
  2686. <summary>
  2687. <para>AssetPostprocessor lets you hook into the import pipeline and run scripts prior or after importing assets.</para>
  2688. </summary>
  2689. </member>
  2690. <member name="P:UnityEditor.AssetPostprocessor.assetImporter">
  2691. <summary>
  2692. <para>Reference to the asset importer.</para>
  2693. </summary>
  2694. </member>
  2695. <member name="P:UnityEditor.AssetPostprocessor.assetPath">
  2696. <summary>
  2697. <para>The path name of the asset being imported.</para>
  2698. </summary>
  2699. </member>
  2700. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetPostprocessor.GetPostprocessOrder">
  2701. <summary>
  2702. <para>Override the order in which importers are processed.</para>
  2703. </summary>
  2704. </member>
  2705. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetPostprocessor.GetVersion">
  2706. <summary>
  2707. <para>Returns the version of the asset postprocessor.</para>
  2708. </summary>
  2709. </member>
  2710. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetPostprocessor.LogError(System.String)">
  2711. <summary>
  2712. <para>Logs an import error message to the console.</para>
  2713. </summary>
  2714. <param name="warning"></param>
  2715. <param name="context"></param>
  2716. </member>
  2717. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetPostprocessor.LogError(System.String,UnityEngine.Object)">
  2718. <summary>
  2719. <para>Logs an import error message to the console.</para>
  2720. </summary>
  2721. <param name="warning"></param>
  2722. <param name="context"></param>
  2723. </member>
  2724. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetPostprocessor.LogWarning(System.String)">
  2725. <summary>
  2726. <para>Logs an import warning to the console.</para>
  2727. </summary>
  2728. <param name="warning"></param>
  2729. <param name="context"></param>
  2730. </member>
  2731. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetPostprocessor.LogWarning(System.String,UnityEngine.Object)">
  2732. <summary>
  2733. <para>Logs an import warning to the console.</para>
  2734. </summary>
  2735. <param name="warning"></param>
  2736. <param name="context"></param>
  2737. </member>
  2738. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AssetPreview">
  2739. <summary>
  2740. <para>Utility for fetching asset previews by instance ID of assets, See AssetPreview.GetAssetPreview. Since previews are loaded asynchronously methods are provided for requesting if all previews have been fully loaded, see AssetPreview.IsLoadingAssetPreviews. Loaded previews are stored in a cache, the size of the cache can be controlled by calling [AssetPreview.SetPreviewTextureCacheSize].</para>
  2741. </summary>
  2742. </member>
  2743. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetPreview.GetAssetPreview(UnityEngine.Object)">
  2744. <summary>
  2745. <para>Returns a preview texture for an asset.</para>
  2746. </summary>
  2747. <param name="asset"></param>
  2748. </member>
  2749. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetPreview.GetAssetPreview">
  2750. <summary>
  2751. <para>Returns a preview texture for an instanceID of an asset.</para>
  2752. </summary>
  2753. </member>
  2754. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetPreview.GetMiniThumbnail(UnityEngine.Object)">
  2755. <summary>
  2756. <para>Returns the thumbnail for an object (like the ones you see in the project view).</para>
  2757. </summary>
  2758. <param name="obj"></param>
  2759. </member>
  2760. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetPreview.GetMiniTypeThumbnail(System.Type)">
  2761. <summary>
  2762. <para>Returns the thumbnail for the type.</para>
  2763. </summary>
  2764. <param name="type"></param>
  2765. </member>
  2766. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetPreview.GetMiniTypeThumbnail">
  2767. <summary>
  2768. <para>Returns the thumbnail for the object's type.</para>
  2769. </summary>
  2770. </member>
  2771. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetPreview.IsLoadingAssetPreview(System.Int32)">
  2772. <summary>
  2773. <para>Loading previews is asynchronous so it is useful to know if a specific asset preview is in the process of being loaded so client code e.g can repaint while waiting for the loading to finish.</para>
  2774. </summary>
  2775. <param name="instanceID">InstanceID of the assset that a preview has been requested for by: AssetPreview.GetAssetPreview().</param>
  2776. </member>
  2777. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetPreview.IsLoadingAssetPreviews">
  2778. <summary>
  2779. <para>Loading previews is asynchronous so it is useful to know if any requested previews are in the process of being loaded so client code e.g can repaint while waiting.</para>
  2780. </summary>
  2781. </member>
  2782. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AssetPreview.SetPreviewTextureCacheSize(System.Int32)">
  2783. <summary>
  2784. <para>Set the asset preview cache to a size that can hold all visible previews on the screen at once.</para>
  2785. </summary>
  2786. <param name="size">The number of previews that can be loaded into the cache before the least used previews are being unloaded.</param>
  2787. </member>
  2788. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AudioCurveRendering">
  2789. <summary>
  2790. <para>Antialiased curve rendering functionality used by audio tools in the editor.</para>
  2791. </summary>
  2792. </member>
  2793. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AudioCurveRendering.AudioCurveAndColorEvaluator">
  2794. <summary>
  2795. <para>Curve evaluation function that allows simultaneous evaluation of the curve y-value and a color of the curve at that point.</para>
  2796. </summary>
  2797. <param name="x">Normalized x-position in the range [0; 1] at which the curve should be evaluated.</param>
  2798. <param name="col">Color of the curve at the evaluated point.</param>
  2799. </member>
  2800. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AudioCurveRendering.AudioCurveEvaluator">
  2801. <summary>
  2802. <para>Curve evaluation function used to evaluate the curve y-value and at the specified point.</para>
  2803. </summary>
  2804. <param name="x">Normalized x-position in the range [0; 1] at which the curve should be evaluated.</param>
  2805. </member>
  2806. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AudioCurveRendering.AudioMinMaxCurveAndColorEvaluator">
  2807. <summary>
  2808. <para>Curve evaluation function that allows simultaneous evaluation of the min- and max-curves. The returned minValue and maxValue values are expected to be in the range [-1; 1] and a value of 0 corresponds to the vertical center of the rectangle that is drawn into. Values outside of this range will be clamped. Additionally the color of the curve at this point is evaluated.</para>
  2809. </summary>
  2810. <param name="x">Normalized x-position in the range [0; 1] at which the min- and max-curves should be evaluated.</param>
  2811. <param name="col">Color of the curve at the specified evaluation point.</param>
  2812. <param name="minValue">Returned value of the minimum curve. Clamped to [-1; 1].</param>
  2813. <param name="maxValue">Returned value of the maximum curve. Clamped to [-1; 1].</param>
  2814. </member>
  2815. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AudioCurveRendering.DrawCurve(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.AudioCurveRendering/AudioCurveEvaluator,UnityEngine.Color)">
  2816. <summary>
  2817. <para>Renders a thin curve determined by the curve evaluation function. The solid color of the curve is set by the curveColor argument.</para>
  2818. </summary>
  2819. <param name="r">Rectangle determining the size of the graph.</param>
  2820. <param name="eval">Curve evaluation function.</param>
  2821. <param name="curveColor">Solid fill color of the curve. The alpha-channel determines the amount of opacity.</param>
  2822. </member>
  2823. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AudioCurveRendering.DrawFilledCurve(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.AudioCurveRendering/AudioCurveEvaluator,UnityEngine.Color)">
  2824. <summary>
  2825. <para>Fills the area between the curve evaluated by the AudioCurveAndColorEvaluator provided and the bottom of the rectngle with smooth gradients along the edges.</para>
  2826. </summary>
  2827. <param name="r">Rectangle determining the size of the graph.</param>
  2828. <param name="eval">Normalized x-position in the range [0; 1] at which the curve should be evaluated. The returned value is expected to be in the range [-1; 1] and a value of 0 corresponds to the vertical center of the rectangle that is drawn into. Values outside of this range will be clamped.</param>
  2829. <param name="curveColor">Solid fill color of the curve. The alpha-channel determines the amount of opacity.</param>
  2830. </member>
  2831. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AudioCurveRendering.DrawFilledCurve(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.AudioCurveRendering/AudioCurveAndColorEvaluator)">
  2832. <summary>
  2833. <para>Fills the area between the curve evaluated by the AudioCurveAndColorEvaluator provided and the bottom of the rectngle with smooth gradients along the edges.</para>
  2834. </summary>
  2835. <param name="r">Rectangle determining the size of the graph.</param>
  2836. <param name="eval">Normalized x-position in the range [0; 1] at which the curve should be evaluated. The returned value is expected to be in the range [-1; 1] and a value of 0 corresponds to the vertical center of the rectangle that is drawn into. Values outside of this range will be clamped.</param>
  2837. <param name="curveColor">Solid fill color of the curve. The alpha-channel determines the amount of opacity.</param>
  2838. </member>
  2839. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AudioCurveRendering.DrawMinMaxFilledCurve(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.AudioCurveRendering/AudioMinMaxCurveAndColorEvaluator)">
  2840. <summary>
  2841. <para>Fills the area between the two curves evaluated by the AudioMinMaxCurveAndColorEvaluator provided with smooth gradients along the edges.</para>
  2842. </summary>
  2843. <param name="r">Rectangle determining the size of the graph.</param>
  2844. <param name="eval">Normalized x-position in the range [0; 1] at which the min- and max-curves should be evaluated. The returned minValue and maxValue values are expected to be in the range [-1; 1] and a value of 0 corresponds to the vertical center of the rectangle that is drawn into. Values outside of this range will be clamped.</param>
  2845. </member>
  2846. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AudioCurveRendering.DrawSymmetricFilledCurve(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.AudioCurveRendering/AudioCurveAndColorEvaluator)">
  2847. <summary>
  2848. <para>Fills the area between the curve evaluated by the AudioCurveAndColorEvaluator provided and its vertical mirror image with smooth gradients along the edges. Useful for drawing amplitude plots of audio signals.</para>
  2849. </summary>
  2850. <param name="r">Rectangle determining the size of the graph.</param>
  2851. <param name="eval">Normalized x-position in the range [0; 1] at which the curve should be evaluated. The returned value is expected to be in the range [0; 1] and a value of 0 corresponds to the vertical center of the rectangle that is drawn into. Values outside of this range will be clamped.</param>
  2852. </member>
  2853. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AudioImporter">
  2854. <summary>
  2855. <para>Audio importer lets you modify AudioClip import settings from editor scripts.</para>
  2856. </summary>
  2857. </member>
  2858. <member name="P:UnityEditor.AudioImporter.compressionBitrate">
  2859. <summary>
  2860. <para>Compression bitrate.</para>
  2861. </summary>
  2862. </member>
  2863. <member name="P:UnityEditor.AudioImporter.defaultSampleSettings">
  2864. <summary>
  2865. <para>The default sample settings for the AudioClip importer.</para>
  2866. </summary>
  2867. </member>
  2868. <member name="P:UnityEditor.AudioImporter.forceToMono">
  2869. <summary>
  2870. <para>Force this clip to mono?</para>
  2871. </summary>
  2872. </member>
  2873. <member name="P:UnityEditor.AudioImporter.loadInBackground">
  2874. <summary>
  2875. <para>Corresponding to the "Load In Background" flag in the AudioClip inspector, when this flag is set, the loading of the clip will happen delayed without blocking the main thread.</para>
  2876. </summary>
  2877. </member>
  2878. <member name="P:UnityEditor.AudioImporter.preloadAudioData">
  2879. <summary>
  2880. <para>Preloads audio data of the clip when the clip asset is loaded. When this flag is off, scripts have to call AudioClip.LoadAudioData() to load the data before the clip can be played. Properties like length, channels and format are available before the audio data has been loaded.</para>
  2881. </summary>
  2882. </member>
  2883. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AudioImporter.ClearSampleSettingOverride(System.String)">
  2884. <summary>
  2885. <para>Clears the sample settings override for the given platform.</para>
  2886. </summary>
  2887. <param name="platform">The platform to clear the overrides for.</param>
  2888. <returns>
  2889. <para>Returns true if any overrides were actually cleared.</para>
  2890. </returns>
  2891. </member>
  2892. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AudioImporter.ContainsSampleSettingsOverride(System.String)">
  2893. <summary>
  2894. <para>Returns whether a given build target has its sample settings currently overridden.</para>
  2895. </summary>
  2896. <param name="platform">The platform to query if this AudioImporter has an override for.</param>
  2897. <returns>
  2898. <para>Returns true if the platform is currently overriden in this AudioImporter.</para>
  2899. </returns>
  2900. </member>
  2901. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AudioImporter.GetOverrideSampleSettings(System.String)">
  2902. <summary>
  2903. <para>Return the current override settings for the given platform.</para>
  2904. </summary>
  2905. <param name="platform">The platform to get the override settings for.</param>
  2906. <returns>
  2907. <para>The override sample settings for the given platform.</para>
  2908. </returns>
  2909. </member>
  2910. <member name="M:UnityEditor.AudioImporter.SetOverrideSampleSettings(System.String,UnityEditor.AudioImporterSampleSettings)">
  2911. <summary>
  2912. <para>Sets the override sample settings for the given platform.</para>
  2913. </summary>
  2914. <param name="platform">The platform which will have the sample settings overridden.</param>
  2915. <param name="settings">The override settings for the given platform.</param>
  2916. <returns>
  2917. <para>Returns true if the settings were successfully overriden. Some setting overrides are not possible for the given platform, in which case false is returned and the settings are not registered.</para>
  2918. </returns>
  2919. </member>
  2920. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AudioImporterSampleSettings">
  2921. <summary>
  2922. <para>This structure contains a collection of settings used to define how an AudioClip should be imported.
  2923. This structure is used with the AudioImporter to define how the AudioClip should be imported and treated during loading within the scene.</para>
  2924. </summary>
  2925. </member>
  2926. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AudioImporterSampleSettings.compressionFormat">
  2927. <summary>
  2928. <para>CompressionFormat defines the compression type that the audio file is encoded to. Different compression types have different performance and audio artifact characteristics.</para>
  2929. </summary>
  2930. </member>
  2931. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AudioImporterSampleSettings.loadType">
  2932. <summary>
  2933. <para>LoadType defines how the imported AudioClip data should be loaded.</para>
  2934. </summary>
  2935. </member>
  2936. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AudioImporterSampleSettings.quality">
  2937. <summary>
  2938. <para>Audio compression quality (0-1)
  2939. Amount of compression. The value roughly corresponds to the ratio between the resulting and the source file sizes.</para>
  2940. </summary>
  2941. </member>
  2942. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AudioImporterSampleSettings.sampleRateOverride">
  2943. <summary>
  2944. <para>Target sample rate to convert to when samplerateSetting is set to OverrideSampleRate.</para>
  2945. </summary>
  2946. </member>
  2947. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AudioImporterSampleSettings.sampleRateSetting">
  2948. <summary>
  2949. <para>Defines how the sample rate is modified (if at all) of the importer audio file.</para>
  2950. </summary>
  2951. </member>
  2952. <member name="T:UnityEditor.AudioSampleRateSetting">
  2953. <summary>
  2954. <para>The sample rate setting used within the AudioImporter. This defines the sample rate conversion of audio on import.</para>
  2955. </summary>
  2956. </member>
  2957. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AudioSampleRateSetting.OptimizeSampleRate">
  2958. <summary>
  2959. <para>Let Unity deduce the optimal sample rate for the AudioClip being imported. The audio file will be analysed and a minimal sample rate chosen while still preserving audio quality.</para>
  2960. </summary>
  2961. </member>
  2962. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AudioSampleRateSetting.OverrideSampleRate">
  2963. <summary>
  2964. <para>Override the sample rate of the imported audio file with a custom value.</para>
  2965. </summary>
  2966. </member>
  2967. <member name="F:UnityEditor.AudioSampleRateSetting.PreserveSampleRate">
  2968. <summary>
  2969. <para>Do not change the sample rate of the imported audio file. The sample rate will be preserved for the imported AudioClip.</para>
  2970. </summary>
  2971. </member>
  2972. <member name="T:UnityEditor.BaseHierarchySort">
  2973. <summary>
  2974. <para>The base class used to create new sorting.</para>
  2975. </summary>
  2976. </member>
  2977. <member name="P:UnityEditor.BaseHierarchySort.content">
  2978. <summary>
  2979. <para>The content to display to quickly identify the hierarchy's mode.</para>
  2980. </summary>
  2981. </member>
  2982. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BaseHierarchySort.Compare(UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEngine.GameObject)">
  2983. <summary>
  2984. <para>The sorting method used to determine the order of GameObjects.</para>
  2985. </summary>
  2986. <param name="lhs"></param>
  2987. <param name="rhs"></param>
  2988. </member>
  2989. <member name="T:UnityEditor.BuildAssetBundleOptions">
  2990. <summary>
  2991. <para>Asset Bundle building options.</para>
  2992. </summary>
  2993. </member>
  2994. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildAssetBundleOptions.AppendHashToAssetBundleName">
  2995. <summary>
  2996. <para>Append the hash to the assetBundle name.</para>
  2997. </summary>
  2998. </member>
  2999. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildAssetBundleOptions.ChunkBasedCompression">
  3000. <summary>
  3001. <para>Use chunk-based LZ4 compression when creating the AssetBundle.</para>
  3002. </summary>
  3003. </member>
  3004. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildAssetBundleOptions.CollectDependencies">
  3005. <summary>
  3006. <para>Includes all dependencies.</para>
  3007. </summary>
  3008. </member>
  3009. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildAssetBundleOptions.CompleteAssets">
  3010. <summary>
  3011. <para>Forces inclusion of the entire asset.</para>
  3012. </summary>
  3013. </member>
  3014. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildAssetBundleOptions.DeterministicAssetBundle">
  3015. <summary>
  3016. <para>Builds an asset bundle using a hash for the id of the object stored in the asset bundle.</para>
  3017. </summary>
  3018. </member>
  3019. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildAssetBundleOptions.DisableWriteTypeTree">
  3020. <summary>
  3021. <para>Do not include type information within the AssetBundle.</para>
  3022. </summary>
  3023. </member>
  3024. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildAssetBundleOptions.ForceRebuildAssetBundle">
  3025. <summary>
  3026. <para>Force rebuild the assetBundles.</para>
  3027. </summary>
  3028. </member>
  3029. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildAssetBundleOptions.IgnoreTypeTreeChanges">
  3030. <summary>
  3031. <para>Ignore the type tree changes when doing the incremental build check.</para>
  3032. </summary>
  3033. </member>
  3034. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildAssetBundleOptions.None">
  3035. <summary>
  3036. <para>Build assetBundle without any special option.</para>
  3037. </summary>
  3038. </member>
  3039. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildAssetBundleOptions.UncompressedAssetBundle">
  3040. <summary>
  3041. <para>Don't compress the data when creating the asset bundle.</para>
  3042. </summary>
  3043. </member>
  3044. <member name="T:UnityEditor.BuildOptions">
  3045. <summary>
  3046. <para>Building options. Multiple options can be combined together.</para>
  3047. </summary>
  3048. </member>
  3049. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildOptions.AcceptExternalModificationsToPlayer">
  3050. <summary>
  3051. <para>Used when building Xcode (iOS) or Eclipse (Android) projects.</para>
  3052. </summary>
  3053. </member>
  3054. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildOptions.AllowDebugging">
  3055. <summary>
  3056. <para>Allow script debuggers to attach to the player remotely.</para>
  3057. </summary>
  3058. </member>
  3059. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildOptions.AutoRunPlayer">
  3060. <summary>
  3061. <para>Run the built player.</para>
  3062. </summary>
  3063. </member>
  3064. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildOptions.BuildAdditionalStreamedScenes">
  3065. <summary>
  3066. <para>Build a compressed asset bundle that contains streamed scenes loadable with the WWW class.</para>
  3067. </summary>
  3068. </member>
  3069. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildOptions.BuildScriptsOnly">
  3070. <summary>
  3071. <para>Build only the scripts of a project.</para>
  3072. </summary>
  3073. </member>
  3074. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildOptions.ConnectWithProfiler">
  3075. <summary>
  3076. <para>Start the player with a connection to the profiler in the editor.</para>
  3077. </summary>
  3078. </member>
  3079. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildOptions.Development">
  3080. <summary>
  3081. <para>Build a development version of the player.</para>
  3082. </summary>
  3083. </member>
  3084. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildOptions.EnableHeadlessMode">
  3085. <summary>
  3086. <para>Build headless Linux standalone.</para>
  3087. </summary>
  3088. </member>
  3089. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildOptions.ForceEnableAssertions">
  3090. <summary>
  3091. <para>Include assertions in the build. By default, the assertions are only included in development builds.</para>
  3092. </summary>
  3093. </member>
  3094. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildOptions.ForceOptimizeScriptCompilation">
  3095. <summary>
  3096. <para>Force full optimizations for script complilation in Development builds.</para>
  3097. </summary>
  3098. </member>
  3099. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildOptions.None">
  3100. <summary>
  3101. <para>Perform the specified build without any special settings or extra tasks.</para>
  3102. </summary>
  3103. </member>
  3104. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildOptions.ShowBuiltPlayer">
  3105. <summary>
  3106. <para>Show the built player.</para>
  3107. </summary>
  3108. </member>
  3109. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildOptions.SymlinkLibraries">
  3110. <summary>
  3111. <para>Symlink runtime libraries when generating iOS Xcode project. (Faster iteration time).</para>
  3112. </summary>
  3113. </member>
  3114. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildOptions.UncompressedAssetBundle">
  3115. <summary>
  3116. <para>Don't compress the data when creating the asset bundle.</para>
  3117. </summary>
  3118. </member>
  3119. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildOptions.WebPlayerOfflineDeployment">
  3120. <summary>
  3121. <para>Copy UnityObject.js alongside Web Player so it wouldn't have to be downloaded from internet.</para>
  3122. </summary>
  3123. </member>
  3124. <member name="T:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline">
  3125. <summary>
  3126. <para>Lets you programmatically build players or AssetBundles which can be loaded from the web.</para>
  3127. </summary>
  3128. </member>
  3129. <member name="P:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.isBuildingPlayer">
  3130. <summary>
  3131. <para>Is a player currently being built?</para>
  3132. </summary>
  3133. </member>
  3134. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(UnityEngine.Object,UnityEngine.Object[],System.String)">
  3135. <summary>
  3136. <para>Builds an asset bundle.</para>
  3137. </summary>
  3138. <param name="mainAsset">Lets you specify a specific object that can be conveniently retrieved using AssetBundle.mainAsset.</param>
  3139. <param name="assets">An array of assets to write into the bundle.</param>
  3140. <param name="pathName">The filename where to write the compressed asset bundle.</param>
  3141. <param name="assetBundleOptions">Automatically include dependencies or always include complete assets instead of just the exact referenced objects.</param>
  3142. <param name="targetPlatform">The platform to build the bundle for.</param>
  3143. <param name="crc">The optional crc output parameter can be used to get a CRC checksum for the generated AssetBundle, which can be used to verify content when downloading AssetBundles using WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload.</param>
  3144. </member>
  3145. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(UnityEngine.Object,UnityEngine.Object[],System.String,System.UInt32&amp;,UnityEditor.BuildAssetBundleOptions)">
  3146. <summary>
  3147. <para>Builds an asset bundle.</para>
  3148. </summary>
  3149. <param name="mainAsset">Lets you specify a specific object that can be conveniently retrieved using AssetBundle.mainAsset.</param>
  3150. <param name="assets">An array of assets to write into the bundle.</param>
  3151. <param name="pathName">The filename where to write the compressed asset bundle.</param>
  3152. <param name="assetBundleOptions">Automatically include dependencies or always include complete assets instead of just the exact referenced objects.</param>
  3153. <param name="targetPlatform">The platform to build the bundle for.</param>
  3154. <param name="crc">The optional crc output parameter can be used to get a CRC checksum for the generated AssetBundle, which can be used to verify content when downloading AssetBundles using WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload.</param>
  3155. </member>
  3156. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(UnityEngine.Object,UnityEngine.Object[],System.String,UnityEditor.BuildAssetBundleOptions)">
  3157. <summary>
  3158. <para>Builds an asset bundle.</para>
  3159. </summary>
  3160. <param name="mainAsset">Lets you specify a specific object that can be conveniently retrieved using AssetBundle.mainAsset.</param>
  3161. <param name="assets">An array of assets to write into the bundle.</param>
  3162. <param name="pathName">The filename where to write the compressed asset bundle.</param>
  3163. <param name="assetBundleOptions">Automatically include dependencies or always include complete assets instead of just the exact referenced objects.</param>
  3164. <param name="targetPlatform">The platform to build the bundle for.</param>
  3165. <param name="crc">The optional crc output parameter can be used to get a CRC checksum for the generated AssetBundle, which can be used to verify content when downloading AssetBundles using WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload.</param>
  3166. </member>
  3167. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(UnityEngine.Object,UnityEngine.Object[],System.String,System.UInt32&amp;)">
  3168. <summary>
  3169. <para>Builds an asset bundle.</para>
  3170. </summary>
  3171. <param name="mainAsset">Lets you specify a specific object that can be conveniently retrieved using AssetBundle.mainAsset.</param>
  3172. <param name="assets">An array of assets to write into the bundle.</param>
  3173. <param name="pathName">The filename where to write the compressed asset bundle.</param>
  3174. <param name="assetBundleOptions">Automatically include dependencies or always include complete assets instead of just the exact referenced objects.</param>
  3175. <param name="targetPlatform">The platform to build the bundle for.</param>
  3176. <param name="crc">The optional crc output parameter can be used to get a CRC checksum for the generated AssetBundle, which can be used to verify content when downloading AssetBundles using WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload.</param>
  3177. </member>
  3178. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(UnityEngine.Object,UnityEngine.Object[],System.String,UnityEditor.BuildAssetBundleOptions,UnityEditor.BuildTarget)">
  3179. <summary>
  3180. <para>Builds an asset bundle.</para>
  3181. </summary>
  3182. <param name="mainAsset">Lets you specify a specific object that can be conveniently retrieved using AssetBundle.mainAsset.</param>
  3183. <param name="assets">An array of assets to write into the bundle.</param>
  3184. <param name="pathName">The filename where to write the compressed asset bundle.</param>
  3185. <param name="assetBundleOptions">Automatically include dependencies or always include complete assets instead of just the exact referenced objects.</param>
  3186. <param name="targetPlatform">The platform to build the bundle for.</param>
  3187. <param name="crc">The optional crc output parameter can be used to get a CRC checksum for the generated AssetBundle, which can be used to verify content when downloading AssetBundles using WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload.</param>
  3188. </member>
  3189. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(UnityEngine.Object,UnityEngine.Object[],System.String,System.UInt32&amp;,UnityEditor.BuildAssetBundleOptions,UnityEditor.BuildTarget)">
  3190. <summary>
  3191. <para>Builds an asset bundle.</para>
  3192. </summary>
  3193. <param name="mainAsset">Lets you specify a specific object that can be conveniently retrieved using AssetBundle.mainAsset.</param>
  3194. <param name="assets">An array of assets to write into the bundle.</param>
  3195. <param name="pathName">The filename where to write the compressed asset bundle.</param>
  3196. <param name="assetBundleOptions">Automatically include dependencies or always include complete assets instead of just the exact referenced objects.</param>
  3197. <param name="targetPlatform">The platform to build the bundle for.</param>
  3198. <param name="crc">The optional crc output parameter can be used to get a CRC checksum for the generated AssetBundle, which can be used to verify content when downloading AssetBundles using WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload.</param>
  3199. </member>
  3200. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundleExplicitAssetNames(UnityEngine.Object[],System.String[],System.String,UnityEditor.BuildAssetBundleOptions)">
  3201. <summary>
  3202. <para>Builds an asset bundle, with custom names for the assets.</para>
  3203. </summary>
  3204. <param name="assets">A collection of assets to be built into the asset bundle. Asset bundles can contain any asset found in the project folder.</param>
  3205. <param name="assetNames">An array of strings of the same size as the number of assets.
  3206. These will be used as asset names, which you can then pass to AssetBundle.Load to load a specific asset. Use BuildAssetBundle to just use the asset's path names instead.</param>
  3207. <param name="pathName">The location where the compressed asset bundle will be written to.</param>
  3208. <param name="assetBundleOptions">Automatically include dependencies or always include complete assets instead of just the exact referenced objects.</param>
  3209. <param name="targetPlatform">The platform where the asset bundle will be used.</param>
  3210. <param name="crc">An optional output parameter used to get a CRC checksum for the generated AssetBundle. (Used to verify content when downloading AssetBundles using WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload.)</param>
  3211. </member>
  3212. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundleExplicitAssetNames(UnityEngine.Object[],System.String[],System.String,System.UInt32&amp;,UnityEditor.BuildAssetBundleOptions)">
  3213. <summary>
  3214. <para>Builds an asset bundle, with custom names for the assets.</para>
  3215. </summary>
  3216. <param name="assets">A collection of assets to be built into the asset bundle. Asset bundles can contain any asset found in the project folder.</param>
  3217. <param name="assetNames">An array of strings of the same size as the number of assets.
  3218. These will be used as asset names, which you can then pass to AssetBundle.Load to load a specific asset. Use BuildAssetBundle to just use the asset's path names instead.</param>
  3219. <param name="pathName">The location where the compressed asset bundle will be written to.</param>
  3220. <param name="assetBundleOptions">Automatically include dependencies or always include complete assets instead of just the exact referenced objects.</param>
  3221. <param name="targetPlatform">The platform where the asset bundle will be used.</param>
  3222. <param name="crc">An optional output parameter used to get a CRC checksum for the generated AssetBundle. (Used to verify content when downloading AssetBundles using WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload.)</param>
  3223. </member>
  3224. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundleExplicitAssetNames(UnityEngine.Object[],System.String[],System.String)">
  3225. <summary>
  3226. <para>Builds an asset bundle, with custom names for the assets.</para>
  3227. </summary>
  3228. <param name="assets">A collection of assets to be built into the asset bundle. Asset bundles can contain any asset found in the project folder.</param>
  3229. <param name="assetNames">An array of strings of the same size as the number of assets.
  3230. These will be used as asset names, which you can then pass to AssetBundle.Load to load a specific asset. Use BuildAssetBundle to just use the asset's path names instead.</param>
  3231. <param name="pathName">The location where the compressed asset bundle will be written to.</param>
  3232. <param name="assetBundleOptions">Automatically include dependencies or always include complete assets instead of just the exact referenced objects.</param>
  3233. <param name="targetPlatform">The platform where the asset bundle will be used.</param>
  3234. <param name="crc">An optional output parameter used to get a CRC checksum for the generated AssetBundle. (Used to verify content when downloading AssetBundles using WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload.)</param>
  3235. </member>
  3236. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundleExplicitAssetNames(UnityEngine.Object[],System.String[],System.String,System.UInt32&amp;)">
  3237. <summary>
  3238. <para>Builds an asset bundle, with custom names for the assets.</para>
  3239. </summary>
  3240. <param name="assets">A collection of assets to be built into the asset bundle. Asset bundles can contain any asset found in the project folder.</param>
  3241. <param name="assetNames">An array of strings of the same size as the number of assets.
  3242. These will be used as asset names, which you can then pass to AssetBundle.Load to load a specific asset. Use BuildAssetBundle to just use the asset's path names instead.</param>
  3243. <param name="pathName">The location where the compressed asset bundle will be written to.</param>
  3244. <param name="assetBundleOptions">Automatically include dependencies or always include complete assets instead of just the exact referenced objects.</param>
  3245. <param name="targetPlatform">The platform where the asset bundle will be used.</param>
  3246. <param name="crc">An optional output parameter used to get a CRC checksum for the generated AssetBundle. (Used to verify content when downloading AssetBundles using WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload.)</param>
  3247. </member>
  3248. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundleExplicitAssetNames(UnityEngine.Object[],System.String[],System.String,UnityEditor.BuildAssetBundleOptions,UnityEditor.BuildTarget)">
  3249. <summary>
  3250. <para>Builds an asset bundle, with custom names for the assets.</para>
  3251. </summary>
  3252. <param name="assets">A collection of assets to be built into the asset bundle. Asset bundles can contain any asset found in the project folder.</param>
  3253. <param name="assetNames">An array of strings of the same size as the number of assets.
  3254. These will be used as asset names, which you can then pass to AssetBundle.Load to load a specific asset. Use BuildAssetBundle to just use the asset's path names instead.</param>
  3255. <param name="pathName">The location where the compressed asset bundle will be written to.</param>
  3256. <param name="assetBundleOptions">Automatically include dependencies or always include complete assets instead of just the exact referenced objects.</param>
  3257. <param name="targetPlatform">The platform where the asset bundle will be used.</param>
  3258. <param name="crc">An optional output parameter used to get a CRC checksum for the generated AssetBundle. (Used to verify content when downloading AssetBundles using WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload.)</param>
  3259. </member>
  3260. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundleExplicitAssetNames(UnityEngine.Object[],System.String[],System.String,System.UInt32&amp;,UnityEditor.BuildAssetBundleOptions,UnityEditor.BuildTarget)">
  3261. <summary>
  3262. <para>Builds an asset bundle, with custom names for the assets.</para>
  3263. </summary>
  3264. <param name="assets">A collection of assets to be built into the asset bundle. Asset bundles can contain any asset found in the project folder.</param>
  3265. <param name="assetNames">An array of strings of the same size as the number of assets.
  3266. These will be used as asset names, which you can then pass to AssetBundle.Load to load a specific asset. Use BuildAssetBundle to just use the asset's path names instead.</param>
  3267. <param name="pathName">The location where the compressed asset bundle will be written to.</param>
  3268. <param name="assetBundleOptions">Automatically include dependencies or always include complete assets instead of just the exact referenced objects.</param>
  3269. <param name="targetPlatform">The platform where the asset bundle will be used.</param>
  3270. <param name="crc">An optional output parameter used to get a CRC checksum for the generated AssetBundle. (Used to verify content when downloading AssetBundles using WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload.)</param>
  3271. </member>
  3272. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(System.String,UnityEditor.BuildAssetBundleOptions,UnityEditor.BuildTarget)">
  3273. <summary>
  3274. <para>Build all AssetBundles specified in the editor.</para>
  3275. </summary>
  3276. <param name="outputPath">Output path for the AssetBundles.</param>
  3277. <param name="assetBundleOptions">AssetBundle building options.</param>
  3278. <param name="targetPlatform">Target build platform.</param>
  3279. </member>
  3280. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(System.String,UnityEditor.AssetBundleBuild[],UnityEditor.BuildAssetBundleOptions,UnityEditor.BuildTarget)">
  3281. <summary>
  3282. <para>Build AssetBundles from a building map.</para>
  3283. </summary>
  3284. <param name="outputPath">Output path for the AssetBundles.</param>
  3285. <param name="assetBundleOptions">AssetBundle building options.</param>
  3286. <param name="targetPlatform">Target build platform.</param>
  3287. <param name="builds">AssetBundle building map.</param>
  3288. </member>
  3289. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(System.String[],System.String,UnityEditor.BuildTarget,UnityEditor.BuildOptions)">
  3290. <summary>
  3291. <para>Builds a player.</para>
  3292. </summary>
  3293. <param name="levels">The scenes to be included in the build. If empty, the currently open scene will be built. Paths are relative to the project folder (AssetsMyLevelsMyScene.unity).</param>
  3294. <param name="locationPathName">The path where the application will be built.</param>
  3295. <param name="target">The BuildTarget to build.</param>
  3296. <param name="options">Additional BuildOptions, like whether to run the built player.</param>
  3297. <returns>
  3298. <para>An error message if an error occurred.</para>
  3299. </returns>
  3300. </member>
  3301. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildStreamedSceneAssetBundle(System.String[],System.String,UnityEditor.BuildTarget)">
  3302. <summary>
  3303. <para>Builds one or more scenes and all their dependencies into a compressed asset bundle.</para>
  3304. </summary>
  3305. <param name="levels">Pathnames of levels to include in the asset bundle.</param>
  3306. <param name="locationPath">Pathname for the output asset bundle.</param>
  3307. <param name="target">Runtime platform on which the asset bundle will be used.</param>
  3308. <param name="crc">Output parameter to receive CRC checksum of generated assetbundle.</param>
  3309. <param name="options">Build options. See BuildOptions for possible values.</param>
  3310. <returns>
  3311. <para>String with an error message, empty on success.</para>
  3312. </returns>
  3313. </member>
  3314. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildStreamedSceneAssetBundle(System.String[],System.String,UnityEditor.BuildTarget,System.UInt32&amp;)">
  3315. <summary>
  3316. <para>Builds one or more scenes and all their dependencies into a compressed asset bundle.</para>
  3317. </summary>
  3318. <param name="levels">Pathnames of levels to include in the asset bundle.</param>
  3319. <param name="locationPath">Pathname for the output asset bundle.</param>
  3320. <param name="target">Runtime platform on which the asset bundle will be used.</param>
  3321. <param name="crc">Output parameter to receive CRC checksum of generated assetbundle.</param>
  3322. <param name="options">Build options. See BuildOptions for possible values.</param>
  3323. <returns>
  3324. <para>String with an error message, empty on success.</para>
  3325. </returns>
  3326. </member>
  3327. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildStreamedSceneAssetBundle(System.String[],System.String,UnityEditor.BuildTarget,UnityEditor.BuildOptions)">
  3328. <summary>
  3329. <para>Builds one or more scenes and all their dependencies into a compressed asset bundle.</para>
  3330. </summary>
  3331. <param name="levels">Pathnames of levels to include in the asset bundle.</param>
  3332. <param name="locationPath">Pathname for the output asset bundle.</param>
  3333. <param name="target">Runtime platform on which the asset bundle will be used.</param>
  3334. <param name="crc">Output parameter to receive CRC checksum of generated assetbundle.</param>
  3335. <param name="options">Build options. See BuildOptions for possible values.</param>
  3336. <returns>
  3337. <para>String with an error message, empty on success.</para>
  3338. </returns>
  3339. </member>
  3340. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildStreamedSceneAssetBundle(System.String[],System.String,UnityEditor.BuildTarget,System.UInt32&amp;,UnityEditor.BuildOptions)">
  3341. <summary>
  3342. <para>Builds one or more scenes and all their dependencies into a compressed asset bundle.</para>
  3343. </summary>
  3344. <param name="levels">Pathnames of levels to include in the asset bundle.</param>
  3345. <param name="locationPath">Pathname for the output asset bundle.</param>
  3346. <param name="target">Runtime platform on which the asset bundle will be used.</param>
  3347. <param name="crc">Output parameter to receive CRC checksum of generated assetbundle.</param>
  3348. <param name="options">Build options. See BuildOptions for possible values.</param>
  3349. <returns>
  3350. <para>String with an error message, empty on success.</para>
  3351. </returns>
  3352. </member>
  3353. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.GetCRCForAssetBundle(System.String,System.UInt32&amp;)">
  3354. <summary>
  3355. <para>Extract the crc checksum for the given AssetBundle.</para>
  3356. </summary>
  3357. <param name="targetPath"></param>
  3358. <param name="crc"></param>
  3359. </member>
  3360. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.GetHashForAssetBundle(System.String,UnityEngine.Hash128&amp;)">
  3361. <summary>
  3362. <para>Extract the hash for the given AssetBundle.</para>
  3363. </summary>
  3364. <param name="targetPath"></param>
  3365. <param name="hash"></param>
  3366. </member>
  3367. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.PopAssetDependencies">
  3368. <summary>
  3369. <para>Lets you manage cross-references and dependencies between different asset bundles and player builds.</para>
  3370. </summary>
  3371. </member>
  3372. <member name="M:UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.PushAssetDependencies">
  3373. <summary>
  3374. <para>Lets you manage cross-references and dependencies between different asset bundles and player builds.</para>
  3375. </summary>
  3376. </member>
  3377. <member name="T:UnityEditor.BuildTarget">
  3378. <summary>
  3379. <para>Target build platform.</para>
  3380. </summary>
  3381. </member>
  3382. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.iOS">
  3383. <summary>
  3384. <para>Build an iOS player.</para>
  3385. </summary>
  3386. </member>
  3387. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.iPhone">
  3388. <summary>
  3389. <para>OBSOLETE: Use iOS. Build an iOS player.</para>
  3390. </summary>
  3391. </member>
  3392. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.tvOS">
  3393. <summary>
  3394. <para>Build to Apple's tvOS platform.</para>
  3395. </summary>
  3396. </member>
  3397. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.Android">
  3398. <summary>
  3399. <para>Build an Android .apk standalone app.</para>
  3400. </summary>
  3401. </member>
  3402. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.Nintendo3DS">
  3403. <summary>
  3404. <para>Build to Nintendo 3DS platform.</para>
  3405. </summary>
  3406. </member>
  3407. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.PS3">
  3408. <summary>
  3409. <para>Build a PS3 Standalone.</para>
  3410. </summary>
  3411. </member>
  3412. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.PS4">
  3413. <summary>
  3414. <para>Build a PS4 Standalone.</para>
  3415. </summary>
  3416. </member>
  3417. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.PSP2">
  3418. <summary>
  3419. <para>Build a PS Vita Standalone.</para>
  3420. </summary>
  3421. </member>
  3422. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.SamsungTV">
  3423. <summary>
  3424. <para>Build to Samsung Smart TV platform.</para>
  3425. </summary>
  3426. </member>
  3427. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.StandaloneLinux">
  3428. <summary>
  3429. <para>Build a Linux standalone.</para>
  3430. </summary>
  3431. </member>
  3432. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.StandaloneLinux64">
  3433. <summary>
  3434. <para>Build a Linux 64-bit standalone.</para>
  3435. </summary>
  3436. </member>
  3437. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.StandaloneLinuxUniversal">
  3438. <summary>
  3439. <para>Build a Linux universal standalone.</para>
  3440. </summary>
  3441. </member>
  3442. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.StandaloneOSXIntel">
  3443. <summary>
  3444. <para>Build an OS X standalone (Intel only).</para>
  3445. </summary>
  3446. </member>
  3447. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.StandaloneOSXIntel64">
  3448. <summary>
  3449. <para>Build an OSX Intel 64-bit standalone.</para>
  3450. </summary>
  3451. </member>
  3452. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.StandaloneOSXUniversal">
  3453. <summary>
  3454. <para>Build a universal OSX standalone.</para>
  3455. </summary>
  3456. </member>
  3457. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows">
  3458. <summary>
  3459. <para>Build a Windows standalone.</para>
  3460. </summary>
  3461. </member>
  3462. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64">
  3463. <summary>
  3464. <para>Build a Windows 64-bit standalone.</para>
  3465. </summary>
  3466. </member>
  3467. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.Tizen">
  3468. <summary>
  3469. <para>Build a Tizen player.</para>
  3470. </summary>
  3471. </member>
  3472. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.WebGL">
  3473. <summary>
  3474. <para>WebGL.</para>
  3475. </summary>
  3476. </member>
  3477. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.WebPlayer">
  3478. <summary>
  3479. <para>Build a web player. (This build target is deprecated. Building for web player will no longer be supported in future versions of Unity.)</para>
  3480. </summary>
  3481. </member>
  3482. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.WebPlayerStreamed">
  3483. <summary>
  3484. <para>Build a streamed web player.</para>
  3485. </summary>
  3486. </member>
  3487. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.WiiU">
  3488. <summary>
  3489. <para>Build a Wii U standalone.</para>
  3490. </summary>
  3491. </member>
  3492. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.WSAPlayer">
  3493. <summary>
  3494. <para>Build an Windows Store Apps player.</para>
  3495. </summary>
  3496. </member>
  3497. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.XBOX360">
  3498. <summary>
  3499. <para>Build a XBox Standalone.</para>
  3500. </summary>
  3501. </member>
  3502. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTarget.XboxOne">
  3503. <summary>
  3504. <para>Build a Xbox One Standalone.</para>
  3505. </summary>
  3506. </member>
  3507. <member name="T:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup">
  3508. <summary>
  3509. <para>Build target group.</para>
  3510. </summary>
  3511. </member>
  3512. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup.iOS">
  3513. <summary>
  3514. <para>Apple iOS target.</para>
  3515. </summary>
  3516. </member>
  3517. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup.iPhone">
  3518. <summary>
  3519. <para>OBSOLETE: Use iOS. Apple iOS target.</para>
  3520. </summary>
  3521. </member>
  3522. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup.tvOS">
  3523. <summary>
  3524. <para>Apple's tvOS target.</para>
  3525. </summary>
  3526. </member>
  3527. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup.Android">
  3528. <summary>
  3529. <para>Android target.</para>
  3530. </summary>
  3531. </member>
  3532. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup.GLESEmu">
  3533. <summary>
  3534. <para>GLESEmu target.</para>
  3535. </summary>
  3536. </member>
  3537. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup.Nintendo3DS">
  3538. <summary>
  3539. <para>Nintendo 3DS target.</para>
  3540. </summary>
  3541. </member>
  3542. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup.PS3">
  3543. <summary>
  3544. <para>Sony Playstation 3 target.</para>
  3545. </summary>
  3546. </member>
  3547. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup.PS4">
  3548. <summary>
  3549. <para>Sony Playstation 4 target.</para>
  3550. </summary>
  3551. </member>
  3552. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup.PSP2">
  3553. <summary>
  3554. <para>Sony PS Vita target.</para>
  3555. </summary>
  3556. </member>
  3557. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup.SamsungTV">
  3558. <summary>
  3559. <para>Samsung Smart TV target.</para>
  3560. </summary>
  3561. </member>
  3562. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup.Standalone">
  3563. <summary>
  3564. <para>Mac/PC standalone target.</para>
  3565. </summary>
  3566. </member>
  3567. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup.Tizen">
  3568. <summary>
  3569. <para>Samsung Tizen target.</para>
  3570. </summary>
  3571. </member>
  3572. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup.Unknown">
  3573. <summary>
  3574. <para>Unknown target.</para>
  3575. </summary>
  3576. </member>
  3577. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup.WebGL">
  3578. <summary>
  3579. <para>WebGL.</para>
  3580. </summary>
  3581. </member>
  3582. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup.WebPlayer">
  3583. <summary>
  3584. <para>Mac/PC webplayer target.</para>
  3585. </summary>
  3586. </member>
  3587. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup.WiiU">
  3588. <summary>
  3589. <para>Nintendo Wii U target.</para>
  3590. </summary>
  3591. </member>
  3592. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup.WSA">
  3593. <summary>
  3594. <para>Windows Store Apps target.</para>
  3595. </summary>
  3596. </member>
  3597. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup.XBOX360">
  3598. <summary>
  3599. <para>Microsoft XBOX360 target.</para>
  3600. </summary>
  3601. </member>
  3602. <member name="F:UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup.XboxOne">
  3603. <summary>
  3604. <para>Microsoft Xbox One target.</para>
  3605. </summary>
  3606. </member>
  3607. <member name="T:UnityEditor.CallbackOrderAttribute">
  3608. <summary>
  3609. <para>Base class for Attributes that require a callback index.</para>
  3610. </summary>
  3611. </member>
  3612. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Callbacks.DidReloadScripts">
  3613. <summary>
  3614. <para>Add this attribute to a method to get a notification after scripts have been reloaded.</para>
  3615. </summary>
  3616. </member>
  3617. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Callbacks.DidReloadScripts.#ctor">
  3618. <summary>
  3619. <para>DidReloadScripts attribute.</para>
  3620. </summary>
  3621. <param name="callbackOrder">Order in which separate attributes will be processed.</param>
  3622. </member>
  3623. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Callbacks.DidReloadScripts.#ctor(System.Int32)">
  3624. <summary>
  3625. <para>DidReloadScripts attribute.</para>
  3626. </summary>
  3627. <param name="callbackOrder">Order in which separate attributes will be processed.</param>
  3628. </member>
  3629. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Callbacks.OnOpenAssetAttribute">
  3630. <summary>
  3631. <para>Callback attribute for opening an asset in Unity (e.g the callback is fired when double clicking an asset in the Project Browser).</para>
  3632. </summary>
  3633. </member>
  3634. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Callbacks.PostProcessBuildAttribute">
  3635. <summary>
  3636. <para>Add this attribute to a method to get a notification just after building the player.</para>
  3637. </summary>
  3638. </member>
  3639. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Callbacks.PostProcessSceneAttribute">
  3640. <summary>
  3641. <para>Add this attribute to get a callback just before building the scene.</para>
  3642. </summary>
  3643. </member>
  3644. <member name="T:UnityEditor.CanEditMultipleObjects">
  3645. <summary>
  3646. <para>Attribute used to make a custom editor support multi-object editing.</para>
  3647. </summary>
  3648. </member>
  3649. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ClipAnimationInfoCurve">
  3650. <summary>
  3651. <para>Stores a curve and its name that will be used to create additionnal curves during the import process.</para>
  3652. </summary>
  3653. </member>
  3654. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ClipAnimationInfoCurve.curve">
  3655. <summary>
  3656. <para>The animation curve.</para>
  3657. </summary>
  3658. </member>
  3659. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ClipAnimationInfoCurve.name">
  3660. <summary>
  3661. <para>The name of the animation curve.</para>
  3662. </summary>
  3663. </member>
  3664. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ClipAnimationMaskType">
  3665. <summary>
  3666. <para>AnimationClip mask options for ModelImporterClipAnimation.</para>
  3667. </summary>
  3668. </member>
  3669. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ClipAnimationMaskType.CopyFromOther">
  3670. <summary>
  3671. <para>Use a mask from your project to specify which transforms animation should be imported.</para>
  3672. </summary>
  3673. </member>
  3674. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ClipAnimationMaskType.CreateFromThisModel">
  3675. <summary>
  3676. <para>A mask containing all the transform in the file will be created internally.</para>
  3677. </summary>
  3678. </member>
  3679. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ColorPickerHDRConfig">
  3680. <summary>
  3681. <para>Used as input to ColorField to configure the HDR color ranges in the ColorPicker.</para>
  3682. </summary>
  3683. </member>
  3684. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ColorPickerHDRConfig.maxBrightness">
  3685. <summary>
  3686. <para>Maximum allowed color component value when using the ColorPicker.</para>
  3687. </summary>
  3688. </member>
  3689. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ColorPickerHDRConfig.maxExposureValue">
  3690. <summary>
  3691. <para>Maximum exposure value allowed in the Color Picker.</para>
  3692. </summary>
  3693. </member>
  3694. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ColorPickerHDRConfig.minBrightness">
  3695. <summary>
  3696. <para>Minimum allowed color component value when using the ColorPicker.</para>
  3697. </summary>
  3698. </member>
  3699. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ColorPickerHDRConfig.minExposureValue">
  3700. <summary>
  3701. <para>Minimum exposure value allowed in the Color Picker.</para>
  3702. </summary>
  3703. </member>
  3704. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ColorPickerHDRConfig.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
  3705. <summary>
  3706. <para></para>
  3707. </summary>
  3708. <param name="minBrightness">Minimum brightness value allowed when using the Color Picker.</param>
  3709. <param name="maxBrightness">Maximum brightness value allowed when using the Color Picker.</param>
  3710. <param name="minExposureValue">Minimum exposure value used in the tonemapping section of the Color Picker.</param>
  3711. <param name="maxExposureValue">Maximum exposure value used in the tonemapping section of the Color Picker.</param>
  3712. </member>
  3713. <member name="T:UnityEditor.CustomEditor">
  3714. <summary>
  3715. <para>Tells an Editor class which run-time type it's an editor for.</para>
  3716. </summary>
  3717. </member>
  3718. <member name="P:UnityEditor.CustomEditor.isFallback">
  3719. <summary>
  3720. <para>If true, match this editor only if all non-fallback editors do not match. Defaults to false.</para>
  3721. </summary>
  3722. </member>
  3723. <member name="M:UnityEditor.CustomEditor.#ctor(System.Type)">
  3724. <summary>
  3725. <para>Defines which object type the custom editor class can edit.</para>
  3726. </summary>
  3727. <param name="inspectedType">Type that this editor can edit.</param>
  3728. <param name="editorForChildClasses">If true, child classes of inspectedType will also show this editor. Defaults to false.</param>
  3729. </member>
  3730. <member name="M:UnityEditor.CustomEditor.#ctor(System.Type,System.Boolean)">
  3731. <summary>
  3732. <para>Defines which object type the custom editor class can edit.</para>
  3733. </summary>
  3734. <param name="inspectedType">Type that this editor can edit.</param>
  3735. <param name="editorForChildClasses">If true, child classes of inspectedType will also show this editor. Defaults to false.</param>
  3736. </member>
  3737. <member name="T:UnityEditor.CustomPreviewAttribute">
  3738. <summary>
  3739. <para>Adds an extra preview in the Inspector for the specified type.</para>
  3740. </summary>
  3741. </member>
  3742. <member name="M:UnityEditor.CustomPreviewAttribute.#ctor(System.Type)">
  3743. <summary>
  3744. <para>Tells a DefaultPreview which class it's a preview for.</para>
  3745. </summary>
  3746. <param name="type">The type you want to create a custom preview for.</param>
  3747. </member>
  3748. <member name="T:UnityEditor.CustomPropertyDrawer">
  3749. <summary>
  3750. <para>Tells a custom PropertyDrawer or DecoratorDrawer which run-time Serializable class or PropertyAttribute it's a drawer for.</para>
  3751. </summary>
  3752. </member>
  3753. <member name="M:UnityEditor.CustomPropertyDrawer.#ctor(System.Type)">
  3754. <summary>
  3755. <para>Tells a PropertyDrawer or DecoratorDrawer class which run-time class or attribute it's a drawer for.</para>
  3756. </summary>
  3757. <param name="type">If the drawer is for a custom Serializable class, the type should be that class. If the drawer is for script variables with a specific PropertyAttribute, the type should be that attribute.</param>
  3758. <param name="useForChildren">If true, the drawer will be used for any children of the specified class unless they define their own drawer.</param>
  3759. </member>
  3760. <member name="M:UnityEditor.CustomPropertyDrawer.#ctor(System.Type,System.Boolean)">
  3761. <summary>
  3762. <para>Tells a PropertyDrawer or DecoratorDrawer class which run-time class or attribute it's a drawer for.</para>
  3763. </summary>
  3764. <param name="type">If the drawer is for a custom Serializable class, the type should be that class. If the drawer is for script variables with a specific PropertyAttribute, the type should be that attribute.</param>
  3765. <param name="useForChildren">If true, the drawer will be used for any children of the specified class unless they define their own drawer.</param>
  3766. </member>
  3767. <member name="T:UnityEditor.D3D11FullscreenMode">
  3768. <summary>
  3769. <para>Direct3D 11 fullscreen mode.</para>
  3770. </summary>
  3771. </member>
  3772. <member name="F:UnityEditor.D3D11FullscreenMode.ExclusiveMode">
  3773. <summary>
  3774. <para>Exclusive mode.</para>
  3775. </summary>
  3776. </member>
  3777. <member name="F:UnityEditor.D3D11FullscreenMode.FullscreenWindow">
  3778. <summary>
  3779. <para>Fullscreen window.</para>
  3780. </summary>
  3781. </member>
  3782. <member name="T:UnityEditor.D3D9FullscreenMode">
  3783. <summary>
  3784. <para>Direct3D 9 fullscreen mode.</para>
  3785. </summary>
  3786. </member>
  3787. <member name="F:UnityEditor.D3D9FullscreenMode.ExclusiveMode">
  3788. <summary>
  3789. <para>Exclusive mode.</para>
  3790. </summary>
  3791. </member>
  3792. <member name="F:UnityEditor.D3D9FullscreenMode.FullscreenWindow">
  3793. <summary>
  3794. <para>Fullscreen window.</para>
  3795. </summary>
  3796. </member>
  3797. <member name="T:UnityEditor.DecoratorDrawer">
  3798. <summary>
  3799. <para>Base class to derive custom decorator drawers from.</para>
  3800. </summary>
  3801. </member>
  3802. <member name="P:UnityEditor.DecoratorDrawer.attribute">
  3803. <summary>
  3804. <para>The PropertyAttribute for the decorator. (Read Only)</para>
  3805. </summary>
  3806. </member>
  3807. <member name="M:UnityEditor.DecoratorDrawer.GetHeight">
  3808. <summary>
  3809. <para>Override this method to specify how tall the GUI for this decorator is in pixels.</para>
  3810. </summary>
  3811. </member>
  3812. <member name="M:UnityEditor.DecoratorDrawer.OnGUI(UnityEngine.Rect)">
  3813. <summary>
  3814. <para>Override this method to make your own GUI for the decorator.</para>
  3815. </summary>
  3816. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the decorator GUI.</param>
  3817. </member>
  3818. <member name="T:UnityEditor.DefaultAsset">
  3819. <summary>
  3820. <para>DefaultAsset is used for assets that does not have a specific type (yet).</para>
  3821. </summary>
  3822. </member>
  3823. <member name="M:UnityEditor.DefaultAsset.#ctor">
  3824. <summary>
  3825. <para>Constructor.</para>
  3826. </summary>
  3827. </member>
  3828. <member name="T:UnityEditor.DragAndDrop">
  3829. <summary>
  3830. <para>Editor drag &amp; drop operations.</para>
  3831. </summary>
  3832. </member>
  3833. <member name="P:UnityEditor.DragAndDrop.activeControlID">
  3834. <summary>
  3835. <para>Get or set ID of currently active drag and drop control.</para>
  3836. </summary>
  3837. </member>
  3838. <member name="P:UnityEditor.DragAndDrop.objectReferences">
  3839. <summary>
  3840. <para>References to Object|objects being dragged.</para>
  3841. </summary>
  3842. </member>
  3843. <member name="P:UnityEditor.DragAndDrop.paths">
  3844. <summary>
  3845. <para>The file names being dragged.</para>
  3846. </summary>
  3847. </member>
  3848. <member name="P:UnityEditor.DragAndDrop.visualMode">
  3849. <summary>
  3850. <para>The visual indication of the drag.</para>
  3851. </summary>
  3852. </member>
  3853. <member name="M:UnityEditor.DragAndDrop.AcceptDrag">
  3854. <summary>
  3855. <para>Accept a drag operation.</para>
  3856. </summary>
  3857. </member>
  3858. <member name="M:UnityEditor.DragAndDrop.GetGenericData(System.String)">
  3859. <summary>
  3860. <para>Get data associated with current drag and drop operation.</para>
  3861. </summary>
  3862. <param name="type"></param>
  3863. </member>
  3864. <member name="M:UnityEditor.DragAndDrop.PrepareStartDrag">
  3865. <summary>
  3866. <para>Clears drag &amp; drop data.</para>
  3867. </summary>
  3868. </member>
  3869. <member name="M:UnityEditor.DragAndDrop.SetGenericData(System.String,System.Object)">
  3870. <summary>
  3871. <para>Set data associated with current drag and drop operation.</para>
  3872. </summary>
  3873. <param name="type"></param>
  3874. <param name="data"></param>
  3875. </member>
  3876. <member name="M:UnityEditor.DragAndDrop.StartDrag(System.String)">
  3877. <summary>
  3878. <para>Start a drag operation.</para>
  3879. </summary>
  3880. <param name="title"></param>
  3881. </member>
  3882. <member name="T:UnityEditor.DragAndDropVisualMode">
  3883. <summary>
  3884. <para>Visual indication mode for Drag &amp; Drop operation.</para>
  3885. </summary>
  3886. </member>
  3887. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DragAndDropVisualMode.Copy">
  3888. <summary>
  3889. <para>Copy dragged objects.</para>
  3890. </summary>
  3891. </member>
  3892. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DragAndDropVisualMode.Generic">
  3893. <summary>
  3894. <para>Generic drag operation.</para>
  3895. </summary>
  3896. </member>
  3897. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DragAndDropVisualMode.Link">
  3898. <summary>
  3899. <para>Link dragged objects to target.</para>
  3900. </summary>
  3901. </member>
  3902. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DragAndDropVisualMode.Move">
  3903. <summary>
  3904. <para>Move dragged objects.</para>
  3905. </summary>
  3906. </member>
  3907. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DragAndDropVisualMode.None">
  3908. <summary>
  3909. <para>No indication (drag should not be performed).</para>
  3910. </summary>
  3911. </member>
  3912. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DragAndDropVisualMode.Rejected">
  3913. <summary>
  3914. <para>Rejected drag operation.</para>
  3915. </summary>
  3916. </member>
  3917. <member name="T:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode">
  3918. <summary>
  3919. <para>Drawing modes for Handles.DrawCamera.</para>
  3920. </summary>
  3921. </member>
  3922. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode.Albedo">
  3923. <summary>
  3924. <para>Draw objects with the albedo component only.</para>
  3925. </summary>
  3926. </member>
  3927. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode.AlphaChannel">
  3928. <summary>
  3929. <para>Display alpha channel of the rendering.</para>
  3930. </summary>
  3931. </member>
  3932. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode.Baked">
  3933. <summary>
  3934. <para>Draw objects with baked GI only.</para>
  3935. </summary>
  3936. </member>
  3937. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode.Charting">
  3938. <summary>
  3939. <para>Draw objects with different color for each chart (UV island).</para>
  3940. </summary>
  3941. </member>
  3942. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode.Clustering">
  3943. <summary>
  3944. <para>Draw with different color for each cluster.</para>
  3945. </summary>
  3946. </member>
  3947. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode.DeferredDiffuse">
  3948. <summary>
  3949. <para>Draw diffuse color of Deferred Shading g-buffer.</para>
  3950. </summary>
  3951. </member>
  3952. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode.DeferredNormal">
  3953. <summary>
  3954. <para>Draw world space normal of Deferred Shading g-buffer.</para>
  3955. </summary>
  3956. </member>
  3957. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode.DeferredSmoothness">
  3958. <summary>
  3959. <para>Draw smoothness value of Deferred Shading g-buffer.</para>
  3960. </summary>
  3961. </member>
  3962. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode.DeferredSpecular">
  3963. <summary>
  3964. <para>Draw specular color of Deferred Shading g-buffer.</para>
  3965. </summary>
  3966. </member>
  3967. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode.Directionality">
  3968. <summary>
  3969. <para>Draw objects with directionality for real-time GI.</para>
  3970. </summary>
  3971. </member>
  3972. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode.Emissive">
  3973. <summary>
  3974. <para>Draw objects with the emission component only.</para>
  3975. </summary>
  3976. </member>
  3977. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode.Irradiance">
  3978. <summary>
  3979. <para>Draw objects with real-time GI only.</para>
  3980. </summary>
  3981. </member>
  3982. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode.LitClustering">
  3983. <summary>
  3984. <para>Draw lit clusters.</para>
  3985. </summary>
  3986. </member>
  3987. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode.Mipmaps">
  3988. <summary>
  3989. <para>Display texture resolution, with red tint indicating too high resolution, and blue tint indicating texture sizes that could be higher.</para>
  3990. </summary>
  3991. </member>
  3992. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode.Normal">
  3993. <summary>
  3994. <para>Draw the camera like it would be drawn in-game. This uses the clear flags of the camera.</para>
  3995. </summary>
  3996. </member>
  3997. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode.Overdraw">
  3998. <summary>
  3999. <para>Display scene overdraw, with brighter colors indicating more overdraw.</para>
  4000. </summary>
  4001. </member>
  4002. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode.RenderPaths">
  4003. <summary>
  4004. <para>Draw color-coded render paths.</para>
  4005. </summary>
  4006. </member>
  4007. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode.ShadowCascades">
  4008. <summary>
  4009. <para>Draw directional light shadowmap cascades.</para>
  4010. </summary>
  4011. </member>
  4012. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode.Systems">
  4013. <summary>
  4014. <para>Draw objects with different color for each GI system.</para>
  4015. </summary>
  4016. </member>
  4017. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode.Textured">
  4018. <summary>
  4019. <para>Draw the camera textured with selection wireframe and no background clearing.</para>
  4020. </summary>
  4021. </member>
  4022. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode.TexturedWire">
  4023. <summary>
  4024. <para>Draw the camera where all objects have a wireframe overlay. and no background clearing.</para>
  4025. </summary>
  4026. </member>
  4027. <member name="F:UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode.Wireframe">
  4028. <summary>
  4029. <para>Draw the camera in wireframe and no background clearing.</para>
  4030. </summary>
  4031. </member>
  4032. <member name="T:UnityEditor.DrawGizmo">
  4033. <summary>
  4034. <para>The DrawGizmo attribute allows you to supply a gizmo renderer for any Component.</para>
  4035. </summary>
  4036. </member>
  4037. <member name="M:UnityEditor.DrawGizmo.#ctor(UnityEditor.GizmoType)">
  4038. <summary>
  4039. <para>Defines when the gizmo should be invoked for drawing.</para>
  4040. </summary>
  4041. <param name="gizmo">Flags to denote when the gizmo should be drawn.</param>
  4042. </member>
  4043. <member name="M:UnityEditor.DrawGizmo.#ctor(UnityEditor.GizmoType,System.Type)">
  4044. <summary>
  4045. <para>Same as above. drawnGizmoType determines of what type the object we are drawing the gizmo of has to be.</para>
  4046. </summary>
  4047. <param name="gizmo">Flags to denote when the gizmo should be drawn.</param>
  4048. <param name="drawnGizmoType">Type of object for which the gizmo should be drawn.</param>
  4049. </member>
  4050. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Editor">
  4051. <summary>
  4052. <para>Base class to derive custom Editors from. Use this to create your own custom inspectors and editors for your objects.</para>
  4053. </summary>
  4054. </member>
  4055. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Editor.serializedObject">
  4056. <summary>
  4057. <para>A SerializedObject representing the object or objects being inspected.</para>
  4058. </summary>
  4059. </member>
  4060. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Editor.target">
  4061. <summary>
  4062. <para>The object being inspected.</para>
  4063. </summary>
  4064. </member>
  4065. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Editor.targets">
  4066. <summary>
  4067. <para>An array of all the object being inspected.</para>
  4068. </summary>
  4069. </member>
  4070. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Editor.CreateCachedEditor(UnityEngine.Object,System.Type,UnityEditor.Editor&amp;)">
  4071. <summary>
  4072. <para>On return previousEditor is an editor for targetObject or targetObjects. The function either returns if the editor is already tracking the objects, or Destroys the previous editor and creates a new one.</para>
  4073. </summary>
  4074. <param name="obj">The object the editor is tracking.</param>
  4075. <param name="editorType">The requested editor type. null for the default editor for the object.</param>
  4076. <param name="previousEditor">The previous editor for the object. Once CreateCachedEditor returns previousEditor is an editor for the targetObject or targetObjects.</param>
  4077. <param name="objects">The objects the editor is tracking.</param>
  4078. <param name="targetObject"></param>
  4079. <param name="targetObjects"></param>
  4080. </member>
  4081. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Editor.CreateCachedEditor(UnityEngine.Object[],System.Type,UnityEditor.Editor&amp;)">
  4082. <summary>
  4083. <para>On return previousEditor is an editor for targetObject or targetObjects. The function either returns if the editor is already tracking the objects, or Destroys the previous editor and creates a new one.</para>
  4084. </summary>
  4085. <param name="obj">The object the editor is tracking.</param>
  4086. <param name="editorType">The requested editor type. null for the default editor for the object.</param>
  4087. <param name="previousEditor">The previous editor for the object. Once CreateCachedEditor returns previousEditor is an editor for the targetObject or targetObjects.</param>
  4088. <param name="objects">The objects the editor is tracking.</param>
  4089. <param name="targetObject"></param>
  4090. <param name="targetObjects"></param>
  4091. </member>
  4092. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Editor.CreateEditor(UnityEngine.Object)">
  4093. <summary>
  4094. <para>Make a custom editor for targetObject or targetObjects.</para>
  4095. </summary>
  4096. <param name="objects">All objects must be of same exact type.</param>
  4097. <param name="targetObject"></param>
  4098. <param name="editorType"></param>
  4099. <param name="targetObjects"></param>
  4100. </member>
  4101. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Editor.CreateEditor(UnityEngine.Object,System.Type)">
  4102. <summary>
  4103. <para>Make a custom editor for targetObject or targetObjects.</para>
  4104. </summary>
  4105. <param name="objects">All objects must be of same exact type.</param>
  4106. <param name="targetObject"></param>
  4107. <param name="editorType"></param>
  4108. <param name="targetObjects"></param>
  4109. </member>
  4110. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Editor.CreateEditor(UnityEngine.Object[])">
  4111. <summary>
  4112. <para>Make a custom editor for targetObject or targetObjects.</para>
  4113. </summary>
  4114. <param name="objects">All objects must be of same exact type.</param>
  4115. <param name="targetObject"></param>
  4116. <param name="editorType"></param>
  4117. <param name="targetObjects"></param>
  4118. </member>
  4119. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Editor.CreateEditor(UnityEngine.Object[],System.Type)">
  4120. <summary>
  4121. <para>Make a custom editor for targetObject or targetObjects.</para>
  4122. </summary>
  4123. <param name="objects">All objects must be of same exact type.</param>
  4124. <param name="targetObject"></param>
  4125. <param name="editorType"></param>
  4126. <param name="targetObjects"></param>
  4127. </member>
  4128. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Editor.DrawDefaultInspector">
  4129. <summary>
  4130. <para>Draw the built-in inspector.</para>
  4131. </summary>
  4132. </member>
  4133. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Editor.DrawHeader">
  4134. <summary>
  4135. <para>Call this function to draw the header of the editor.</para>
  4136. </summary>
  4137. </member>
  4138. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Editor.DrawPreview(UnityEngine.Rect)">
  4139. <summary>
  4140. <para>The first entry point for Preview Drawing.</para>
  4141. </summary>
  4142. <param name="previewPosition">The available area to draw the preview.</param>
  4143. <param name="previewArea"></param>
  4144. </member>
  4145. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Editor.GetInfoString">
  4146. <summary>
  4147. <para>Implement this method to show asset information on top of the asset preview.</para>
  4148. </summary>
  4149. </member>
  4150. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Editor.GetPreviewTitle">
  4151. <summary>
  4152. <para>Override this method if you want to change the label of the Preview area.</para>
  4153. </summary>
  4154. </member>
  4155. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Editor.HasPreviewGUI">
  4156. <summary>
  4157. <para>Override this method in subclasses if you implement OnPreviewGUI.</para>
  4158. </summary>
  4159. <returns>
  4160. <para>True if this component can be Previewed in its current state.</para>
  4161. </returns>
  4162. </member>
  4163. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Editor.OnInspectorGUI">
  4164. <summary>
  4165. <para>Implement this function to make a custom inspector.</para>
  4166. </summary>
  4167. </member>
  4168. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Editor.OnInteractivePreviewGUI(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  4169. <summary>
  4170. <para>Implement to create your own interactive custom preview. Interactive custom previews are used in the preview area of the inspector and the object selector.</para>
  4171. </summary>
  4172. <param name="r">Rectangle in which to draw the preview.</param>
  4173. <param name="background">Background image.</param>
  4174. </member>
  4175. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Editor.OnPreviewGUI(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  4176. <summary>
  4177. <para>Implement to create your own custom preview for the preview area of the inspector, primary editor headers and the object selector.</para>
  4178. </summary>
  4179. <param name="r">Rectangle in which to draw the preview.</param>
  4180. <param name="background">Background image.</param>
  4181. </member>
  4182. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Editor.OnPreviewSettings">
  4183. <summary>
  4184. <para>Override this method if you want to show custom controls in the preview header.</para>
  4185. </summary>
  4186. </member>
  4187. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Editor.RenderStaticPreview(System.String,UnityEngine.Object[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  4188. <summary>
  4189. <para>Override this method if you want to render a static preview that shows.</para>
  4190. </summary>
  4191. <param name="assetPath"></param>
  4192. <param name="subAssets"></param>
  4193. <param name="width"></param>
  4194. <param name="height"></param>
  4195. </member>
  4196. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Editor.Repaint">
  4197. <summary>
  4198. <para>Repaint any inspectors that shows this editor.</para>
  4199. </summary>
  4200. </member>
  4201. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Editor.RequiresConstantRepaint">
  4202. <summary>
  4203. <para>Does this edit require to be repainted constantly in its current state?</para>
  4204. </summary>
  4205. </member>
  4206. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Editor.UseDefaultMargins">
  4207. <summary>
  4208. <para>Override this method in subclasses to return false if you don't want default margins.</para>
  4209. </summary>
  4210. </member>
  4211. <member name="T:UnityEditor.EditorApplication">
  4212. <summary>
  4213. <para>Main Application class.</para>
  4214. </summary>
  4215. </member>
  4216. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.applicationContentsPath">
  4217. <summary>
  4218. <para>Path to the Unity editor contents folder. (Read Only)</para>
  4219. </summary>
  4220. </member>
  4221. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.applicationPath">
  4222. <summary>
  4223. <para>Returns the path to the Unity editor application. (Read Only)</para>
  4224. </summary>
  4225. </member>
  4226. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.currentScene">
  4227. <summary>
  4228. <para>The path of the scene that the user has currently open (Will be an empty string if no scene is currently open). (Read Only)</para>
  4229. </summary>
  4230. </member>
  4231. <member name="F:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.delayCall">
  4232. <summary>
  4233. <para>Delegate which is called once after all inspectors update.</para>
  4234. </summary>
  4235. </member>
  4236. <member name="F:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.hierarchyWindowChanged">
  4237. <summary>
  4238. <para>A callback to be raised when an object in the hierarchy changes.
  4239. Each time an object is (or a group of objects are) created, renamed, parented, unparented or destroyed this callback is raised.
  4240. </para>
  4241. </summary>
  4242. </member>
  4243. <member name="F:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.hierarchyWindowItemOnGUI">
  4244. <summary>
  4245. <para>Delegate for OnGUI events for every visible list item in the HierarchyWindow.</para>
  4246. </summary>
  4247. </member>
  4248. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isCompiling">
  4249. <summary>
  4250. <para>Is editor currently compiling scripts? (Read Only)</para>
  4251. </summary>
  4252. </member>
  4253. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPaused">
  4254. <summary>
  4255. <para>Is editor currently paused?</para>
  4256. </summary>
  4257. </member>
  4258. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying">
  4259. <summary>
  4260. <para>Is editor currently in play mode?</para>
  4261. </summary>
  4262. </member>
  4263. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode">
  4264. <summary>
  4265. <para>Is editor either currently in play mode, or about to switch to it? (Read Only)</para>
  4266. </summary>
  4267. </member>
  4268. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isRemoteConnected">
  4269. <summary>
  4270. <para>Is editor currently connected to Unity Remote 4 client app.</para>
  4271. </summary>
  4272. </member>
  4273. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isSceneDirty">
  4274. <summary>
  4275. <para>Is true if the currently open scene in the editor contains unsaved modifications.</para>
  4276. </summary>
  4277. </member>
  4278. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isUpdating">
  4279. <summary>
  4280. <para>Is editor currently updating? (Read Only)</para>
  4281. </summary>
  4282. </member>
  4283. <member name="F:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.modifierKeysChanged">
  4284. <summary>
  4285. <para>Delegate for changed keyboard modifier keys.</para>
  4286. </summary>
  4287. </member>
  4288. <member name="F:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged">
  4289. <summary>
  4290. <para>Delegate for play mode state changes.</para>
  4291. </summary>
  4292. </member>
  4293. <member name="F:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.projectWindowChanged">
  4294. <summary>
  4295. <para>Callback raised whenever the state of the Project window changes.</para>
  4296. </summary>
  4297. </member>
  4298. <member name="F:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.projectWindowItemOnGUI">
  4299. <summary>
  4300. <para>Delegate for OnGUI events for every visible list item in the ProjectWindow.</para>
  4301. </summary>
  4302. </member>
  4303. <member name="F:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.searchChanged">
  4304. <summary>
  4305. <para>Callback raised whenever the contents of a window's search box are changed.</para>
  4306. </summary>
  4307. </member>
  4308. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup">
  4309. <summary>
  4310. <para>The time since the editor was started. (Read Only)</para>
  4311. </summary>
  4312. </member>
  4313. <member name="F:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.update">
  4314. <summary>
  4315. <para>Delegate for generic updates.</para>
  4316. </summary>
  4317. </member>
  4318. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.Beep">
  4319. <summary>
  4320. <para>Plays system beep sound.</para>
  4321. </summary>
  4322. </member>
  4323. <member name="T:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.CallbackFunction">
  4324. <summary>
  4325. <para>Delegate to be called from EditorApplication callbacks.</para>
  4326. </summary>
  4327. </member>
  4328. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.DirtyHierarchyWindowSorting">
  4329. <summary>
  4330. <para>Set the hierarchy sorting method as dirty.</para>
  4331. </summary>
  4332. </member>
  4333. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItem(System.String)">
  4334. <summary>
  4335. <para>Invokes the menu item in the specified path.</para>
  4336. </summary>
  4337. <param name="menuItemPath"></param>
  4338. </member>
  4339. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.Exit(System.Int32)">
  4340. <summary>
  4341. <para>Exit the Unity editor application.</para>
  4342. </summary>
  4343. <param name="returnValue"></param>
  4344. </member>
  4345. <member name="T:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.HierarchyWindowItemCallback">
  4346. <summary>
  4347. <para>Delegate to be called for every visible list item in the HierarchyWindow on every OnGUI event.</para>
  4348. </summary>
  4349. <param name="instanceID"></param>
  4350. <param name="selectionRect"></param>
  4351. </member>
  4352. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.LoadLevelAdditiveAsyncInPlayMode(System.String)">
  4353. <summary>
  4354. <para>Load the given level additively in play mode asynchronously</para>
  4355. </summary>
  4356. <param name="path"></param>
  4357. </member>
  4358. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.LoadLevelAdditiveInPlayMode(System.String)">
  4359. <summary>
  4360. <para>Load the given level additively in play mode.</para>
  4361. </summary>
  4362. <param name="path"></param>
  4363. </member>
  4364. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.LoadLevelAsyncInPlayMode(System.String)">
  4365. <summary>
  4366. <para>Load the given level in play mode asynchronously.</para>
  4367. </summary>
  4368. <param name="path"></param>
  4369. </member>
  4370. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.LoadLevelInPlayMode(System.String)">
  4371. <summary>
  4372. <para>Load the given level in play mode.</para>
  4373. </summary>
  4374. <param name="path"></param>
  4375. </member>
  4376. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.LockReloadAssemblies">
  4377. <summary>
  4378. <para>Prevents loading of assemblies when it is inconvenient.</para>
  4379. </summary>
  4380. </member>
  4381. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.MarkSceneDirty">
  4382. <summary>
  4383. <para>Explicitly mark the current opened scene as modified.</para>
  4384. </summary>
  4385. </member>
  4386. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.NewEmptyScene">
  4387. <summary>
  4388. <para>Create a new absolutely empty scene.</para>
  4389. </summary>
  4390. </member>
  4391. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.NewScene">
  4392. <summary>
  4393. <para>Create a new scene.</para>
  4394. </summary>
  4395. </member>
  4396. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.OpenProject(System.String,System.String[])">
  4397. <summary>
  4398. <para>Open another project.</para>
  4399. </summary>
  4400. <param name="projectPath">The path of a project to open.</param>
  4401. <param name="args">Arguments to pass to command line.</param>
  4402. </member>
  4403. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.OpenScene(System.String)">
  4404. <summary>
  4405. <para>Opens the scene at path.</para>
  4406. </summary>
  4407. <param name="path"></param>
  4408. </member>
  4409. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.OpenSceneAdditive(System.String)">
  4410. <summary>
  4411. <para>Opens the scene at path additively.</para>
  4412. </summary>
  4413. <param name="path"></param>
  4414. </member>
  4415. <member name="T:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.ProjectWindowItemCallback">
  4416. <summary>
  4417. <para>Delegate to be called for every visible list item in the ProjectWindow on every OnGUI event.</para>
  4418. </summary>
  4419. <param name="guid"></param>
  4420. <param name="selectionRect"></param>
  4421. </member>
  4422. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.RepaintHierarchyWindow">
  4423. <summary>
  4424. <para>Can be used to ensure repaint of the HierarchyWindow.</para>
  4425. </summary>
  4426. </member>
  4427. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.RepaintProjectWindow">
  4428. <summary>
  4429. <para>Can be used to ensure repaint of the ProjectWindow.</para>
  4430. </summary>
  4431. </member>
  4432. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.SaveAssets">
  4433. <summary>
  4434. <para>Saves all serializable assets that have not yet been written to disk (eg. Materials).</para>
  4435. </summary>
  4436. </member>
  4437. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.SaveCurrentSceneIfUserWantsTo">
  4438. <summary>
  4439. <para>Ask the user if he wants to save the open scene.</para>
  4440. </summary>
  4441. </member>
  4442. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.SaveScene">
  4443. <summary>
  4444. <para>Save the open scene.</para>
  4445. </summary>
  4446. <param name="path">The file path to save at. If empty, the current open scene will be overwritten, or if never saved before, a save dialog is shown.</param>
  4447. <param name="saveAsCopy">If set to true, the scene will be saved without changing the currentScene and without clearing the unsaved changes marker.</param>
  4448. <returns>
  4449. <para>True if the save succeeded, otherwise false.</para>
  4450. </returns>
  4451. </member>
  4452. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.SaveScene(System.String)">
  4453. <summary>
  4454. <para>Save the open scene.</para>
  4455. </summary>
  4456. <param name="path">The file path to save at. If empty, the current open scene will be overwritten, or if never saved before, a save dialog is shown.</param>
  4457. <param name="saveAsCopy">If set to true, the scene will be saved without changing the currentScene and without clearing the unsaved changes marker.</param>
  4458. <returns>
  4459. <para>True if the save succeeded, otherwise false.</para>
  4460. </returns>
  4461. </member>
  4462. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.SaveScene(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  4463. <summary>
  4464. <para>Save the open scene.</para>
  4465. </summary>
  4466. <param name="path">The file path to save at. If empty, the current open scene will be overwritten, or if never saved before, a save dialog is shown.</param>
  4467. <param name="saveAsCopy">If set to true, the scene will be saved without changing the currentScene and without clearing the unsaved changes marker.</param>
  4468. <returns>
  4469. <para>True if the save succeeded, otherwise false.</para>
  4470. </returns>
  4471. </member>
  4472. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.Step">
  4473. <summary>
  4474. <para>Perform a single frame step.</para>
  4475. </summary>
  4476. </member>
  4477. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorApplication.UnlockReloadAssemblies">
  4478. <summary>
  4479. <para>Must be called after LockReloadAssemblies, to reenable loading of assemblies.</para>
  4480. </summary>
  4481. </member>
  4482. <member name="T:UnityEditor.EditorCurveBinding">
  4483. <summary>
  4484. <para>Defines how a curve is attached to an object that it controls.</para>
  4485. </summary>
  4486. </member>
  4487. <member name="F:UnityEditor.EditorCurveBinding.path">
  4488. <summary>
  4489. <para>The transform path of the object that is animated.</para>
  4490. </summary>
  4491. </member>
  4492. <member name="F:UnityEditor.EditorCurveBinding.propertyName">
  4493. <summary>
  4494. <para>The property of the object that is animated.</para>
  4495. </summary>
  4496. </member>
  4497. <member name="T:UnityEditor.EditorGUI">
  4498. <summary>
  4499. <para>These work pretty much like the normal GUI functions - and also have matching implementations in EditorGUILayout.</para>
  4500. </summary>
  4501. </member>
  4502. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.actionKey">
  4503. <summary>
  4504. <para>Is the platform-dependent "action" modifier key held down? (Read Only)</para>
  4505. </summary>
  4506. </member>
  4507. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.indentLevel">
  4508. <summary>
  4509. <para>The indent level of the field labels.</para>
  4510. </summary>
  4511. </member>
  4512. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.showMixedValue">
  4513. <summary>
  4514. <para>Makes the following controls give the appearance of editing multiple different values.</para>
  4515. </summary>
  4516. </member>
  4517. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck">
  4518. <summary>
  4519. <para>Check if any control was changed inside a block of code.</para>
  4520. </summary>
  4521. </member>
  4522. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(System.Boolean)">
  4523. <summary>
  4524. <para>Create a group of controls that can be disabled.</para>
  4525. </summary>
  4526. <param name="disabled">Boolean specifying if the controls inside the group should be disabled.</param>
  4527. </member>
  4528. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.BeginProperty(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty)">
  4529. <summary>
  4530. <para>Create a Property wrapper, useful for making regular GUI controls work with SerializedProperty.</para>
  4531. </summary>
  4532. <param name="totalPosition">Rectangle on the screen to use for the control, including label if applicable.</param>
  4533. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider. Use null to use the name from the SerializedProperty. Use GUIContent.none to not display a label.</param>
  4534. <param name="property">The SerializedProperty to use for the control.</param>
  4535. <returns>
  4536. <para>The actual label to use for the control.</para>
  4537. </returns>
  4538. </member>
  4539. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.BoundsField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Bounds)">
  4540. <summary>
  4541. <para>Make Center &amp; Extents field for entering a Bounds.</para>
  4542. </summary>
  4543. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  4544. <param name="label">Optional label to display above the field.</param>
  4545. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  4546. <returns>
  4547. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  4548. </returns>
  4549. </member>
  4550. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.BoundsField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.Bounds)">
  4551. <summary>
  4552. <para>Make Center &amp; Extents field for entering a Bounds.</para>
  4553. </summary>
  4554. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  4555. <param name="label">Optional label to display above the field.</param>
  4556. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  4557. <returns>
  4558. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  4559. </returns>
  4560. </member>
  4561. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.ColorField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Color)">
  4562. <summary>
  4563. <para>Make a field for selecting a Color.</para>
  4564. </summary>
  4565. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  4566. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the field.</param>
  4567. <param name="value">The color to edit.</param>
  4568. <param name="showEyedropper">If true, the color picker should show the eyedropper control. If false, don't show it.</param>
  4569. <param name="showAlpha">If true, allow the user to set an alpha value for the color. If false, hide the alpha component.</param>
  4570. <param name="hdr">If true, treat the color as an HDR value. If false, treat it as a standard LDR value.</param>
  4571. <param name="hdrConfig">An object that sets the presentation parameters for an HDR color. If not using an HDR color, set this to null.</param>
  4572. <returns>
  4573. <para>The color selected by the user.</para>
  4574. </returns>
  4575. </member>
  4576. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.ColorField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.Color)">
  4577. <summary>
  4578. <para>Make a field for selecting a Color.</para>
  4579. </summary>
  4580. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  4581. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the field.</param>
  4582. <param name="value">The color to edit.</param>
  4583. <param name="showEyedropper">If true, the color picker should show the eyedropper control. If false, don't show it.</param>
  4584. <param name="showAlpha">If true, allow the user to set an alpha value for the color. If false, hide the alpha component.</param>
  4585. <param name="hdr">If true, treat the color as an HDR value. If false, treat it as a standard LDR value.</param>
  4586. <param name="hdrConfig">An object that sets the presentation parameters for an HDR color. If not using an HDR color, set this to null.</param>
  4587. <returns>
  4588. <para>The color selected by the user.</para>
  4589. </returns>
  4590. </member>
  4591. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.ColorField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.Color)">
  4592. <summary>
  4593. <para>Make a field for selecting a Color.</para>
  4594. </summary>
  4595. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  4596. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the field.</param>
  4597. <param name="value">The color to edit.</param>
  4598. <param name="showEyedropper">If true, the color picker should show the eyedropper control. If false, don't show it.</param>
  4599. <param name="showAlpha">If true, allow the user to set an alpha value for the color. If false, hide the alpha component.</param>
  4600. <param name="hdr">If true, treat the color as an HDR value. If false, treat it as a standard LDR value.</param>
  4601. <param name="hdrConfig">An object that sets the presentation parameters for an HDR color. If not using an HDR color, set this to null.</param>
  4602. <returns>
  4603. <para>The color selected by the user.</para>
  4604. </returns>
  4605. </member>
  4606. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.ColorField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.Color,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,UnityEditor.ColorPickerHDRConfig)">
  4607. <summary>
  4608. <para>Make a field for selecting a Color.</para>
  4609. </summary>
  4610. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  4611. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the field.</param>
  4612. <param name="value">The color to edit.</param>
  4613. <param name="showEyedropper">If true, the color picker should show the eyedropper control. If false, don't show it.</param>
  4614. <param name="showAlpha">If true, allow the user to set an alpha value for the color. If false, hide the alpha component.</param>
  4615. <param name="hdr">If true, treat the color as an HDR value. If false, treat it as a standard LDR value.</param>
  4616. <param name="hdrConfig">An object that sets the presentation parameters for an HDR color. If not using an HDR color, set this to null.</param>
  4617. <returns>
  4618. <para>The color selected by the user.</para>
  4619. </returns>
  4620. </member>
  4621. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.CurveField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.AnimationCurve)">
  4622. <summary>
  4623. <para>Make a field for editing an AnimationCurve.</para>
  4624. </summary>
  4625. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  4626. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the field.</param>
  4627. <param name="value">The curve to edit.</param>
  4628. <param name="color">The color to show the curve with.</param>
  4629. <param name="ranges">Optional rectangle that the curve is restrained within.</param>
  4630. <returns>
  4631. <para>The curve edited by the user.</para>
  4632. </returns>
  4633. </member>
  4634. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.CurveField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.AnimationCurve)">
  4635. <summary>
  4636. <para>Make a field for editing an AnimationCurve.</para>
  4637. </summary>
  4638. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  4639. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the field.</param>
  4640. <param name="value">The curve to edit.</param>
  4641. <param name="color">The color to show the curve with.</param>
  4642. <param name="ranges">Optional rectangle that the curve is restrained within.</param>
  4643. <returns>
  4644. <para>The curve edited by the user.</para>
  4645. </returns>
  4646. </member>
  4647. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.CurveField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.AnimationCurve)">
  4648. <summary>
  4649. <para>Make a field for editing an AnimationCurve.</para>
  4650. </summary>
  4651. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  4652. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the field.</param>
  4653. <param name="value">The curve to edit.</param>
  4654. <param name="color">The color to show the curve with.</param>
  4655. <param name="ranges">Optional rectangle that the curve is restrained within.</param>
  4656. <returns>
  4657. <para>The curve edited by the user.</para>
  4658. </returns>
  4659. </member>
  4660. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.CurveField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.AnimationCurve,UnityEngine.Color,UnityEngine.Rect)">
  4661. <summary>
  4662. <para>Make a field for editing an AnimationCurve.</para>
  4663. </summary>
  4664. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  4665. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the field.</param>
  4666. <param name="value">The curve to edit.</param>
  4667. <param name="color">The color to show the curve with.</param>
  4668. <param name="ranges">Optional rectangle that the curve is restrained within.</param>
  4669. <returns>
  4670. <para>The curve edited by the user.</para>
  4671. </returns>
  4672. </member>
  4673. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.CurveField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.AnimationCurve,UnityEngine.Color,UnityEngine.Rect)">
  4674. <summary>
  4675. <para>Make a field for editing an AnimationCurve.</para>
  4676. </summary>
  4677. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  4678. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the field.</param>
  4679. <param name="value">The curve to edit.</param>
  4680. <param name="color">The color to show the curve with.</param>
  4681. <param name="ranges">Optional rectangle that the curve is restrained within.</param>
  4682. <returns>
  4683. <para>The curve edited by the user.</para>
  4684. </returns>
  4685. </member>
  4686. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.CurveField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.AnimationCurve,UnityEngine.Color,UnityEngine.Rect)">
  4687. <summary>
  4688. <para>Make a field for editing an AnimationCurve.</para>
  4689. </summary>
  4690. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  4691. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the field.</param>
  4692. <param name="value">The curve to edit.</param>
  4693. <param name="color">The color to show the curve with.</param>
  4694. <param name="ranges">Optional rectangle that the curve is restrained within.</param>
  4695. <returns>
  4696. <para>The curve edited by the user.</para>
  4697. </returns>
  4698. </member>
  4699. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.CurveField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.Color,UnityEngine.Rect)">
  4700. <summary>
  4701. <para>Make a field for editing an AnimationCurve.</para>
  4702. </summary>
  4703. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  4704. <param name="property">The curve to edit.</param>
  4705. <param name="color">The color to show the curve with.</param>
  4706. <param name="ranges">Optional rectangle that the curve is restrained within.</param>
  4707. <param name="value"></param>
  4708. </member>
  4709. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DelayedFloatField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  4710. <summary>
  4711. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering floats.</para>
  4712. </summary>
  4713. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the float field.</param>
  4714. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field.</param>
  4715. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  4716. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  4717. <returns>
  4718. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the float field.</para>
  4719. </returns>
  4720. </member>
  4721. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DelayedFloatField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  4722. <summary>
  4723. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering floats.</para>
  4724. </summary>
  4725. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the float field.</param>
  4726. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field.</param>
  4727. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  4728. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  4729. <returns>
  4730. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the float field.</para>
  4731. </returns>
  4732. </member>
  4733. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DelayedFloatField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  4734. <summary>
  4735. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering floats.</para>
  4736. </summary>
  4737. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the float field.</param>
  4738. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field.</param>
  4739. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  4740. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  4741. <returns>
  4742. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the float field.</para>
  4743. </returns>
  4744. </member>
  4745. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DelayedFloatField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  4746. <summary>
  4747. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering floats.</para>
  4748. </summary>
  4749. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the float field.</param>
  4750. <param name="property">The float property to edit.</param>
  4751. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field. Pass GUIContent.none to hide label.</param>
  4752. </member>
  4753. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DelayedIntField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  4754. <summary>
  4755. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering integers.</para>
  4756. </summary>
  4757. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the int field.</param>
  4758. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  4759. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  4760. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  4761. <returns>
  4762. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the int field.</para>
  4763. </returns>
  4764. </member>
  4765. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DelayedIntField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  4766. <summary>
  4767. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering integers.</para>
  4768. </summary>
  4769. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the int field.</param>
  4770. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  4771. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  4772. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  4773. <returns>
  4774. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the int field.</para>
  4775. </returns>
  4776. </member>
  4777. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DelayedIntField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  4778. <summary>
  4779. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering integers.</para>
  4780. </summary>
  4781. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the int field.</param>
  4782. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  4783. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  4784. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  4785. <returns>
  4786. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the int field.</para>
  4787. </returns>
  4788. </member>
  4789. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DelayedIntField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  4790. <summary>
  4791. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the int field.</para>
  4792. </summary>
  4793. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the int field.</param>
  4794. <param name="property">The int property to edit.</param>
  4795. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field. Pass GUIContent.none to hide label.</param>
  4796. </member>
  4797. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DelayedTextField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  4798. <summary>
  4799. <para>Make a delayed text field.</para>
  4800. </summary>
  4801. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
  4802. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  4803. <param name="text">The value to edit.</param>
  4804. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  4805. <returns>
  4806. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the text field.</para>
  4807. </returns>
  4808. </member>
  4809. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DelayedTextField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  4810. <summary>
  4811. <para>Make a delayed text field.</para>
  4812. </summary>
  4813. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
  4814. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  4815. <param name="text">The value to edit.</param>
  4816. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  4817. <returns>
  4818. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the text field.</para>
  4819. </returns>
  4820. </member>
  4821. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DelayedTextField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  4822. <summary>
  4823. <para>Make a delayed text field.</para>
  4824. </summary>
  4825. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
  4826. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  4827. <param name="text">The value to edit.</param>
  4828. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  4829. <returns>
  4830. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the text field.</para>
  4831. </returns>
  4832. </member>
  4833. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DelayedTextField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  4834. <summary>
  4835. <para>Make a delayed text field.</para>
  4836. </summary>
  4837. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
  4838. <param name="property">The text property to edit.</param>
  4839. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field. Pass GUIContent.none to hide label.</param>
  4840. </member>
  4841. <member name="T:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope">
  4842. <summary>
  4843. <para>Create a group of controls that can be disabled.</para>
  4844. </summary>
  4845. </member>
  4846. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
  4847. <summary>
  4848. <para>Create a new DisabledGroupScope and begin the corresponding group.</para>
  4849. </summary>
  4850. <param name="disabled">Boolean specifying if the controls inside the group should be disabled.</param>
  4851. </member>
  4852. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DoubleField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Double,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  4853. <summary>
  4854. <para>Make a text field for entering doubles.</para>
  4855. </summary>
  4856. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the double field.</param>
  4857. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the double field.</param>
  4858. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  4859. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  4860. <returns>
  4861. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  4862. </returns>
  4863. </member>
  4864. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DoubleField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Double,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  4865. <summary>
  4866. <para>Make a text field for entering doubles.</para>
  4867. </summary>
  4868. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the double field.</param>
  4869. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the double field.</param>
  4870. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  4871. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  4872. <returns>
  4873. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  4874. </returns>
  4875. </member>
  4876. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DoubleField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Double,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  4877. <summary>
  4878. <para>Make a text field for entering doubles.</para>
  4879. </summary>
  4880. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the double field.</param>
  4881. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the double field.</param>
  4882. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  4883. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  4884. <returns>
  4885. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  4886. </returns>
  4887. </member>
  4888. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture)">
  4889. <summary>
  4890. <para>Draws the texture within a rectangle.</para>
  4891. </summary>
  4892. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to draw the texture within.</param>
  4893. <param name="image">Texture to display.</param>
  4894. <param name="mat">Material to be used when drawing the texture.</param>
  4895. <param name="scaleMode">How to scale the image when the aspect ratio of it doesn't fit the aspect ratio to be drawn within.</param>
  4896. <param name="imageAspect">Aspect ratio to use for the source image. If 0 (the default), the aspect ratio from the image is used.</param>
  4897. </member>
  4898. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.Material)">
  4899. <summary>
  4900. <para>Draws the texture within a rectangle.</para>
  4901. </summary>
  4902. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to draw the texture within.</param>
  4903. <param name="image">Texture to display.</param>
  4904. <param name="mat">Material to be used when drawing the texture.</param>
  4905. <param name="scaleMode">How to scale the image when the aspect ratio of it doesn't fit the aspect ratio to be drawn within.</param>
  4906. <param name="imageAspect">Aspect ratio to use for the source image. If 0 (the default), the aspect ratio from the image is used.</param>
  4907. </member>
  4908. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.Material,UnityEngine.ScaleMode)">
  4909. <summary>
  4910. <para>Draws the texture within a rectangle.</para>
  4911. </summary>
  4912. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to draw the texture within.</param>
  4913. <param name="image">Texture to display.</param>
  4914. <param name="mat">Material to be used when drawing the texture.</param>
  4915. <param name="scaleMode">How to scale the image when the aspect ratio of it doesn't fit the aspect ratio to be drawn within.</param>
  4916. <param name="imageAspect">Aspect ratio to use for the source image. If 0 (the default), the aspect ratio from the image is used.</param>
  4917. </member>
  4918. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.Material,UnityEngine.ScaleMode,System.Single)">
  4919. <summary>
  4920. <para>Draws the texture within a rectangle.</para>
  4921. </summary>
  4922. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to draw the texture within.</param>
  4923. <param name="image">Texture to display.</param>
  4924. <param name="mat">Material to be used when drawing the texture.</param>
  4925. <param name="scaleMode">How to scale the image when the aspect ratio of it doesn't fit the aspect ratio to be drawn within.</param>
  4926. <param name="imageAspect">Aspect ratio to use for the source image. If 0 (the default), the aspect ratio from the image is used.</param>
  4927. </member>
  4928. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DrawRect(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Color)">
  4929. <summary>
  4930. <para>Draws a filled rectangle of color at the specified position and size within the current editor window.</para>
  4931. </summary>
  4932. <param name="rect">The position and size of the rectangle to draw.</param>
  4933. <param name="color">The color of the rectange.</param>
  4934. </member>
  4935. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DrawTextureAlpha(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture)">
  4936. <summary>
  4937. <para>Draws the alpha channel of a texture within a rectangle.</para>
  4938. </summary>
  4939. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to draw the texture within.</param>
  4940. <param name="image">Texture to display.</param>
  4941. <param name="scaleMode">How to scale the image when the aspect ratio of it doesn't fit the aspect ratio to be drawn within.</param>
  4942. <param name="imageAspect">Aspect ratio to use for the source image. If 0 (the default), the aspect ratio from the image is used.</param>
  4943. </member>
  4944. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DrawTextureAlpha(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.ScaleMode)">
  4945. <summary>
  4946. <para>Draws the alpha channel of a texture within a rectangle.</para>
  4947. </summary>
  4948. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to draw the texture within.</param>
  4949. <param name="image">Texture to display.</param>
  4950. <param name="scaleMode">How to scale the image when the aspect ratio of it doesn't fit the aspect ratio to be drawn within.</param>
  4951. <param name="imageAspect">Aspect ratio to use for the source image. If 0 (the default), the aspect ratio from the image is used.</param>
  4952. </member>
  4953. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DrawTextureAlpha(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Texture,UnityEngine.ScaleMode,System.Single)">
  4954. <summary>
  4955. <para>Draws the alpha channel of a texture within a rectangle.</para>
  4956. </summary>
  4957. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to draw the texture within.</param>
  4958. <param name="image">Texture to display.</param>
  4959. <param name="scaleMode">How to scale the image when the aspect ratio of it doesn't fit the aspect ratio to be drawn within.</param>
  4960. <param name="imageAspect">Aspect ratio to use for the source image. If 0 (the default), the aspect ratio from the image is used.</param>
  4961. </member>
  4962. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DropShadowLabel(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String)">
  4963. <summary>
  4964. <para>Draws a label with a drop shadow.</para>
  4965. </summary>
  4966. <param name="position">Where to show the label.</param>
  4967. <param name="content">Text to show
  4968. @style style to use.</param>
  4969. <param name="text"></param>
  4970. <param name="style"></param>
  4971. </member>
  4972. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DropShadowLabel(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  4973. <summary>
  4974. <para>Draws a label with a drop shadow.</para>
  4975. </summary>
  4976. <param name="position">Where to show the label.</param>
  4977. <param name="content">Text to show
  4978. @style style to use.</param>
  4979. <param name="text"></param>
  4980. <param name="style"></param>
  4981. </member>
  4982. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DropShadowLabel(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  4983. <summary>
  4984. <para>Draws a label with a drop shadow.</para>
  4985. </summary>
  4986. <param name="position">Where to show the label.</param>
  4987. <param name="content">Text to show
  4988. @style style to use.</param>
  4989. <param name="text"></param>
  4990. <param name="style"></param>
  4991. </member>
  4992. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.DropShadowLabel(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  4993. <summary>
  4994. <para>Draws a label with a drop shadow.</para>
  4995. </summary>
  4996. <param name="position">Where to show the label.</param>
  4997. <param name="content">Text to show
  4998. @style style to use.</param>
  4999. <param name="text"></param>
  5000. <param name="style"></param>
  5001. </member>
  5002. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck">
  5003. <summary>
  5004. <para>Ends a change check started with BeginChangeCheck ().</para>
  5005. </summary>
  5006. <returns>
  5007. <para>True if GUI.changed was set to true, otherwise false.</para>
  5008. </returns>
  5009. </member>
  5010. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup">
  5011. <summary>
  5012. <para>Ends a disabled group started with BeginDisabledGroup.</para>
  5013. </summary>
  5014. </member>
  5015. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.EndProperty">
  5016. <summary>
  5017. <para>Ends a Property wrapper started with BeginProperty.</para>
  5018. </summary>
  5019. </member>
  5020. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.EnumMaskField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Enum)">
  5021. <summary>
  5022. <para>Make a field for enum based masks.</para>
  5023. </summary>
  5024. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for this control.</param>
  5025. <param name="enumValue">Enum to use for the flags.</param>
  5026. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5027. <param name="label">Caption/label for the control.</param>
  5028. <returns>
  5029. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  5030. </returns>
  5031. </member>
  5032. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.EnumMaskField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Enum)">
  5033. <summary>
  5034. <para>Make a field for enum based masks.</para>
  5035. </summary>
  5036. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for this control.</param>
  5037. <param name="enumValue">Enum to use for the flags.</param>
  5038. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5039. <param name="label">Caption/label for the control.</param>
  5040. <returns>
  5041. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  5042. </returns>
  5043. </member>
  5044. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.EnumMaskField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Enum)">
  5045. <summary>
  5046. <para>Make a field for enum based masks.</para>
  5047. </summary>
  5048. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for this control.</param>
  5049. <param name="enumValue">Enum to use for the flags.</param>
  5050. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5051. <param name="label">Caption/label for the control.</param>
  5052. <returns>
  5053. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  5054. </returns>
  5055. </member>
  5056. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.EnumMaskField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Enum,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5057. <summary>
  5058. <para>Make a field for enum based masks.</para>
  5059. </summary>
  5060. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for this control.</param>
  5061. <param name="enumValue">Enum to use for the flags.</param>
  5062. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5063. <param name="label">Caption/label for the control.</param>
  5064. <returns>
  5065. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  5066. </returns>
  5067. </member>
  5068. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.EnumMaskField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Enum,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5069. <summary>
  5070. <para>Make a field for enum based masks.</para>
  5071. </summary>
  5072. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for this control.</param>
  5073. <param name="enumValue">Enum to use for the flags.</param>
  5074. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5075. <param name="label">Caption/label for the control.</param>
  5076. <returns>
  5077. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  5078. </returns>
  5079. </member>
  5080. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.EnumMaskField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Enum,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5081. <summary>
  5082. <para>Make a field for enum based masks.</para>
  5083. </summary>
  5084. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for this control.</param>
  5085. <param name="enumValue">Enum to use for the flags.</param>
  5086. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5087. <param name="label">Caption/label for the control.</param>
  5088. <returns>
  5089. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  5090. </returns>
  5091. </member>
  5092. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.EnumMaskField">
  5093. <summary>
  5094. <para>Internal version that also gives you back which flags were changed and what they were changed to.</para>
  5095. </summary>
  5096. </member>
  5097. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.EnumMaskPopup(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Enum,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5098. <summary>
  5099. <para>Make an enum popup selection field for a bitmask.</para>
  5100. </summary>
  5101. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5102. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5103. <param name="selected">The enum options the field shows.</param>
  5104. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5105. <returns>
  5106. <para>The enum options that has been selected by the user.</para>
  5107. </returns>
  5108. </member>
  5109. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.EnumPopup(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Enum)">
  5110. <summary>
  5111. <para>Make an enum popup selection field.</para>
  5112. </summary>
  5113. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5114. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5115. <param name="selected">The enum option the field shows.</param>
  5116. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5117. <returns>
  5118. <para>The enum option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  5119. </returns>
  5120. </member>
  5121. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.EnumPopup(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Enum)">
  5122. <summary>
  5123. <para>Make an enum popup selection field.</para>
  5124. </summary>
  5125. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5126. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5127. <param name="selected">The enum option the field shows.</param>
  5128. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5129. <returns>
  5130. <para>The enum option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  5131. </returns>
  5132. </member>
  5133. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.EnumPopup(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Enum)">
  5134. <summary>
  5135. <para>Make an enum popup selection field.</para>
  5136. </summary>
  5137. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5138. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5139. <param name="selected">The enum option the field shows.</param>
  5140. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5141. <returns>
  5142. <para>The enum option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  5143. </returns>
  5144. </member>
  5145. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.EnumPopup(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Enum,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5146. <summary>
  5147. <para>Make an enum popup selection field.</para>
  5148. </summary>
  5149. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5150. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5151. <param name="selected">The enum option the field shows.</param>
  5152. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5153. <returns>
  5154. <para>The enum option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  5155. </returns>
  5156. </member>
  5157. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.EnumPopup(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Enum,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5158. <summary>
  5159. <para>Make an enum popup selection field.</para>
  5160. </summary>
  5161. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5162. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5163. <param name="selected">The enum option the field shows.</param>
  5164. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5165. <returns>
  5166. <para>The enum option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  5167. </returns>
  5168. </member>
  5169. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.EnumPopup(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Enum,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5170. <summary>
  5171. <para>Make an enum popup selection field.</para>
  5172. </summary>
  5173. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5174. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5175. <param name="selected">The enum option the field shows.</param>
  5176. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5177. <returns>
  5178. <para>The enum option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  5179. </returns>
  5180. </member>
  5181. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.FloatField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5182. <summary>
  5183. <para>Make a text field for entering floats.</para>
  5184. </summary>
  5185. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the float field.</param>
  5186. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field.</param>
  5187. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  5188. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5189. <returns>
  5190. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  5191. </returns>
  5192. </member>
  5193. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.FloatField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5194. <summary>
  5195. <para>Make a text field for entering floats.</para>
  5196. </summary>
  5197. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the float field.</param>
  5198. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field.</param>
  5199. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  5200. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5201. <returns>
  5202. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  5203. </returns>
  5204. </member>
  5205. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.FloatField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5206. <summary>
  5207. <para>Make a text field for entering floats.</para>
  5208. </summary>
  5209. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the float field.</param>
  5210. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field.</param>
  5211. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  5212. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5213. <returns>
  5214. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  5215. </returns>
  5216. </member>
  5217. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.FocusTextInControl(System.String)">
  5218. <summary>
  5219. <para>Move keyboard focus to a named text field and begin editing of the content.</para>
  5220. </summary>
  5221. <param name="name">Name set using GUI.SetNextControlName.</param>
  5222. </member>
  5223. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Foldout(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,System.String)">
  5224. <summary>
  5225. <para>Make a label with a foldout arrow to the left of it.</para>
  5226. </summary>
  5227. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the arrow and label.</param>
  5228. <param name="foldout">The shown foldout state.</param>
  5229. <param name="content">The label to show.</param>
  5230. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5231. <param name="toggleOnLabelClick">Should the label be a clickable part of the control?</param>
  5232. <returns>
  5233. <para>The foldout state selected by the user. If true, you should render sub-objects.</para>
  5234. </returns>
  5235. </member>
  5236. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Foldout(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  5237. <summary>
  5238. <para>Make a label with a foldout arrow to the left of it.</para>
  5239. </summary>
  5240. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the arrow and label.</param>
  5241. <param name="foldout">The shown foldout state.</param>
  5242. <param name="content">The label to show.</param>
  5243. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5244. <param name="toggleOnLabelClick">Should the label be a clickable part of the control?</param>
  5245. <returns>
  5246. <para>The foldout state selected by the user. If true, you should render sub-objects.</para>
  5247. </returns>
  5248. </member>
  5249. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Foldout(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  5250. <summary>
  5251. <para>Make a label with a foldout arrow to the left of it.</para>
  5252. </summary>
  5253. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the arrow and label.</param>
  5254. <param name="foldout">The shown foldout state.</param>
  5255. <param name="content">The label to show.</param>
  5256. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5257. <param name="toggleOnLabelClick">Should the label be a clickable part of the control?</param>
  5258. <returns>
  5259. <para>The foldout state selected by the user. If true, you should render sub-objects.</para>
  5260. </returns>
  5261. </member>
  5262. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Foldout(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Boolean)">
  5263. <summary>
  5264. <para>Make a label with a foldout arrow to the left of it.</para>
  5265. </summary>
  5266. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the arrow and label.</param>
  5267. <param name="foldout">The shown foldout state.</param>
  5268. <param name="content">The label to show.</param>
  5269. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5270. <param name="toggleOnLabelClick">Should the label be a clickable part of the control?</param>
  5271. <returns>
  5272. <para>The foldout state selected by the user. If true, you should render sub-objects.</para>
  5273. </returns>
  5274. </member>
  5275. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Foldout(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5276. <summary>
  5277. <para>Make a label with a foldout arrow to the left of it.</para>
  5278. </summary>
  5279. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the arrow and label.</param>
  5280. <param name="foldout">The shown foldout state.</param>
  5281. <param name="content">The label to show.</param>
  5282. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5283. <param name="toggleOnLabelClick">Should the label be a clickable part of the control?</param>
  5284. <returns>
  5285. <para>The foldout state selected by the user. If true, you should render sub-objects.</para>
  5286. </returns>
  5287. </member>
  5288. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Foldout(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,System.String,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5289. <summary>
  5290. <para>Make a label with a foldout arrow to the left of it.</para>
  5291. </summary>
  5292. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the arrow and label.</param>
  5293. <param name="foldout">The shown foldout state.</param>
  5294. <param name="content">The label to show.</param>
  5295. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5296. <param name="toggleOnLabelClick">Should the label be a clickable part of the control?</param>
  5297. <returns>
  5298. <para>The foldout state selected by the user. If true, you should render sub-objects.</para>
  5299. </returns>
  5300. </member>
  5301. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Foldout(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5302. <summary>
  5303. <para>Make a label with a foldout arrow to the left of it.</para>
  5304. </summary>
  5305. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the arrow and label.</param>
  5306. <param name="foldout">The shown foldout state.</param>
  5307. <param name="content">The label to show.</param>
  5308. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5309. <param name="toggleOnLabelClick">Should the label be a clickable part of the control?</param>
  5310. <returns>
  5311. <para>The foldout state selected by the user. If true, you should render sub-objects.</para>
  5312. </returns>
  5313. </member>
  5314. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Foldout(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5315. <summary>
  5316. <para>Make a label with a foldout arrow to the left of it.</para>
  5317. </summary>
  5318. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the arrow and label.</param>
  5319. <param name="foldout">The shown foldout state.</param>
  5320. <param name="content">The label to show.</param>
  5321. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5322. <param name="toggleOnLabelClick">Should the label be a clickable part of the control?</param>
  5323. <returns>
  5324. <para>The foldout state selected by the user. If true, you should render sub-objects.</para>
  5325. </returns>
  5326. </member>
  5327. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.GetPropertyHeight(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty)">
  5328. <summary>
  5329. <para>Get the height needed for a PropertyField control.</para>
  5330. </summary>
  5331. <param name="property">Height of the property area.</param>
  5332. <param name="label">Descriptive text or image.</param>
  5333. <param name="includeChildren">Should the returned height include the height of child properties?</param>
  5334. </member>
  5335. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.GetPropertyHeight(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  5336. <summary>
  5337. <para>Get the height needed for a PropertyField control.</para>
  5338. </summary>
  5339. <param name="property">Height of the property area.</param>
  5340. <param name="label">Descriptive text or image.</param>
  5341. <param name="includeChildren">Should the returned height include the height of child properties?</param>
  5342. </member>
  5343. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.GetPropertyHeight(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Boolean)">
  5344. <summary>
  5345. <para>Get the height needed for a PropertyField control.</para>
  5346. </summary>
  5347. <param name="property">Height of the property area.</param>
  5348. <param name="label">Descriptive text or image.</param>
  5349. <param name="includeChildren">Should the returned height include the height of child properties?</param>
  5350. </member>
  5351. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.HandlePrefixLabel(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  5352. <summary>
  5353. <para>Make a label for some control.</para>
  5354. </summary>
  5355. <param name="totalPosition">Rectangle on the screen to use in total for both the label and the control.</param>
  5356. <param name="labelPosition">Rectangle on the screen to use for the label.</param>
  5357. <param name="label">Label to show for the control.</param>
  5358. <param name="id">The unique ID of the control. If none specified, the ID of the following control is used.</param>
  5359. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle to use for the label.</param>
  5360. </member>
  5361. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.HandlePrefixLabel(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32)">
  5362. <summary>
  5363. <para>Make a label for some control.</para>
  5364. </summary>
  5365. <param name="totalPosition">Rectangle on the screen to use in total for both the label and the control.</param>
  5366. <param name="labelPosition">Rectangle on the screen to use for the label.</param>
  5367. <param name="label">Label to show for the control.</param>
  5368. <param name="id">The unique ID of the control. If none specified, the ID of the following control is used.</param>
  5369. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle to use for the label.</param>
  5370. </member>
  5371. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.HandlePrefixLabel(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5372. <summary>
  5373. <para>Make a label for some control.</para>
  5374. </summary>
  5375. <param name="totalPosition">Rectangle on the screen to use in total for both the label and the control.</param>
  5376. <param name="labelPosition">Rectangle on the screen to use for the label.</param>
  5377. <param name="label">Label to show for the control.</param>
  5378. <param name="id">The unique ID of the control. If none specified, the ID of the following control is used.</param>
  5379. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle to use for the label.</param>
  5380. </member>
  5381. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.HelpBox(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEditor.MessageType)">
  5382. <summary>
  5383. <para>Make a help box with a message to the user.</para>
  5384. </summary>
  5385. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to draw the help box within.</param>
  5386. <param name="message">The message text.</param>
  5387. <param name="type">The type of message.</param>
  5388. </member>
  5389. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.InspectorTitlebar">
  5390. <summary>
  5391. <para>Make an inspector-window-like titlebar.</para>
  5392. </summary>
  5393. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the titlebar.</param>
  5394. <param name="foldout">The foldout state shown with the arrow.</param>
  5395. <param name="targetObj">The object (for example a component) that the titlebar is for.</param>
  5396. <param name="targetObjs">The objects that the titlebar is for.</param>
  5397. <param name="expandable">Whether this editor should display a foldout arrow in order to toggle the display of its properties.</param>
  5398. <returns>
  5399. <para>The foldout state selected by the user.</para>
  5400. </returns>
  5401. </member>
  5402. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.InspectorTitlebar">
  5403. <summary>
  5404. <para>Make an inspector-window-like titlebar.</para>
  5405. </summary>
  5406. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the titlebar.</param>
  5407. <param name="foldout">The foldout state shown with the arrow.</param>
  5408. <param name="targetObj">The object (for example a component) that the titlebar is for.</param>
  5409. <param name="targetObjs">The objects that the titlebar is for.</param>
  5410. <param name="expandable">Whether this editor should display a foldout arrow in order to toggle the display of its properties.</param>
  5411. <returns>
  5412. <para>The foldout state selected by the user.</para>
  5413. </returns>
  5414. </member>
  5415. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.InspectorTitlebar(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.Object,System.Boolean)">
  5416. <summary>
  5417. <para>Make an inspector-window-like titlebar.</para>
  5418. </summary>
  5419. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the titlebar.</param>
  5420. <param name="foldout">The foldout state shown with the arrow.</param>
  5421. <param name="targetObj">The object (for example a component) that the titlebar is for.</param>
  5422. <param name="targetObjs">The objects that the titlebar is for.</param>
  5423. <param name="expandable">Whether this editor should display a foldout arrow in order to toggle the display of its properties.</param>
  5424. <returns>
  5425. <para>The foldout state selected by the user.</para>
  5426. </returns>
  5427. </member>
  5428. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.InspectorTitlebar(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.Object[],System.Boolean)">
  5429. <summary>
  5430. <para>Make an inspector-window-like titlebar.</para>
  5431. </summary>
  5432. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the titlebar.</param>
  5433. <param name="foldout">The foldout state shown with the arrow.</param>
  5434. <param name="targetObj">The object (for example a component) that the titlebar is for.</param>
  5435. <param name="targetObjs">The objects that the titlebar is for.</param>
  5436. <param name="expandable">Whether this editor should display a foldout arrow in order to toggle the display of its properties.</param>
  5437. <returns>
  5438. <para>The foldout state selected by the user.</para>
  5439. </returns>
  5440. </member>
  5441. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.IntField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32)">
  5442. <summary>
  5443. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  5444. </summary>
  5445. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the int field.</param>
  5446. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  5447. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  5448. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5449. <returns>
  5450. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  5451. </returns>
  5452. </member>
  5453. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.IntField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Int32)">
  5454. <summary>
  5455. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  5456. </summary>
  5457. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the int field.</param>
  5458. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  5459. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  5460. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5461. <returns>
  5462. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  5463. </returns>
  5464. </member>
  5465. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.IntField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32)">
  5466. <summary>
  5467. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  5468. </summary>
  5469. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the int field.</param>
  5470. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  5471. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  5472. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5473. <returns>
  5474. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  5475. </returns>
  5476. </member>
  5477. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.IntField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5478. <summary>
  5479. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  5480. </summary>
  5481. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the int field.</param>
  5482. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  5483. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  5484. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5485. <returns>
  5486. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  5487. </returns>
  5488. </member>
  5489. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.IntField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5490. <summary>
  5491. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  5492. </summary>
  5493. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the int field.</param>
  5494. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  5495. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  5496. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5497. <returns>
  5498. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  5499. </returns>
  5500. </member>
  5501. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.IntField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5502. <summary>
  5503. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  5504. </summary>
  5505. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the int field.</param>
  5506. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  5507. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  5508. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5509. <returns>
  5510. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  5511. </returns>
  5512. </member>
  5513. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.IntPopup(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,System.String[],System.Int32[])">
  5514. <summary>
  5515. <para>Make an integer popup selection field.</para>
  5516. </summary>
  5517. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5518. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5519. <param name="selectedValue">The value of the option the field shows.</param>
  5520. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the displayed options the user can choose from.</param>
  5521. <param name="optionValues">An array with the values for each option. If optionValues a direct mapping of selectedValue to displayedOptions is assumed.</param>
  5522. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5523. <returns>
  5524. <para>The value of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  5525. </returns>
  5526. </member>
  5527. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.IntPopup(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],System.Int32[])">
  5528. <summary>
  5529. <para>Make an integer popup selection field.</para>
  5530. </summary>
  5531. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5532. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5533. <param name="selectedValue">The value of the option the field shows.</param>
  5534. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the displayed options the user can choose from.</param>
  5535. <param name="optionValues">An array with the values for each option. If optionValues a direct mapping of selectedValue to displayedOptions is assumed.</param>
  5536. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5537. <returns>
  5538. <para>The value of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  5539. </returns>
  5540. </member>
  5541. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.IntPopup(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,System.String[],System.Int32[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5542. <summary>
  5543. <para>Make an integer popup selection field.</para>
  5544. </summary>
  5545. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5546. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5547. <param name="selectedValue">The value of the option the field shows.</param>
  5548. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the displayed options the user can choose from.</param>
  5549. <param name="optionValues">An array with the values for each option. If optionValues a direct mapping of selectedValue to displayedOptions is assumed.</param>
  5550. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5551. <returns>
  5552. <para>The value of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  5553. </returns>
  5554. </member>
  5555. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.IntPopup(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],System.Int32[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5556. <summary>
  5557. <para>Make an integer popup selection field.</para>
  5558. </summary>
  5559. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5560. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5561. <param name="selectedValue">The value of the option the field shows.</param>
  5562. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the displayed options the user can choose from.</param>
  5563. <param name="optionValues">An array with the values for each option. If optionValues a direct mapping of selectedValue to displayedOptions is assumed.</param>
  5564. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5565. <returns>
  5566. <para>The value of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  5567. </returns>
  5568. </member>
  5569. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.IntPopup(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Int32,System.String[],System.Int32[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5570. <summary>
  5571. <para>Make an integer popup selection field.</para>
  5572. </summary>
  5573. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5574. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5575. <param name="selectedValue">The value of the option the field shows.</param>
  5576. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the displayed options the user can choose from.</param>
  5577. <param name="optionValues">An array with the values for each option. If optionValues a direct mapping of selectedValue to displayedOptions is assumed.</param>
  5578. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5579. <returns>
  5580. <para>The value of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  5581. </returns>
  5582. </member>
  5583. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.IntPopup(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Int32,System.String[],System.Int32[])">
  5584. <summary>
  5585. <para>Make an integer popup selection field.</para>
  5586. </summary>
  5587. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5588. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5589. <param name="selectedValue">The value of the option the field shows.</param>
  5590. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the displayed options the user can choose from.</param>
  5591. <param name="optionValues">An array with the values for each option. If optionValues a direct mapping of selectedValue to displayedOptions is assumed.</param>
  5592. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5593. <returns>
  5594. <para>The value of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  5595. </returns>
  5596. </member>
  5597. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.IntPopup(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],System.Int32[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5598. <summary>
  5599. <para>Make an integer popup selection field.</para>
  5600. </summary>
  5601. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5602. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5603. <param name="selectedValue">The value of the option the field shows.</param>
  5604. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the displayed options the user can choose from.</param>
  5605. <param name="optionValues">An array with the values for each option. If optionValues a direct mapping of selectedValue to displayedOptions is assumed.</param>
  5606. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5607. <returns>
  5608. <para>The value of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  5609. </returns>
  5610. </member>
  5611. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.IntPopup(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],System.Int32[])">
  5612. <summary>
  5613. <para>Make an integer popup selection field.</para>
  5614. </summary>
  5615. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5616. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5617. <param name="selectedValue">The value of the option the field shows.</param>
  5618. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the displayed options the user can choose from.</param>
  5619. <param name="optionValues">An array with the values for each option. If optionValues a direct mapping of selectedValue to displayedOptions is assumed.</param>
  5620. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5621. <returns>
  5622. <para>The value of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  5623. </returns>
  5624. </member>
  5625. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.IntPopup(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],System.Int32[])">
  5626. <summary>
  5627. <para></para>
  5628. </summary>
  5629. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5630. <param name="property">The SerializedProperty to use for the control.</param>
  5631. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the displayed options the user can choose from.</param>
  5632. <param name="optionValues">An array with the values for each option. If optionValues a direct mapping of selectedValue to displayedOptions is assumed.</param>
  5633. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5634. </member>
  5635. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.IntPopup(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],System.Int32[],UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  5636. <summary>
  5637. <para></para>
  5638. </summary>
  5639. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5640. <param name="property">The SerializedProperty to use for the control.</param>
  5641. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the displayed options the user can choose from.</param>
  5642. <param name="optionValues">An array with the values for each option. If optionValues a direct mapping of selectedValue to displayedOptions is assumed.</param>
  5643. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5644. </member>
  5645. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.IntSlider(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  5646. <summary>
  5647. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change an integer value between a min and a max.</para>
  5648. </summary>
  5649. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the slider.</param>
  5650. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  5651. <param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  5652. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  5653. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  5654. <returns>
  5655. <para>The value that has been set by the user.</para>
  5656. </returns>
  5657. </member>
  5658. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.IntSlider(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  5659. <summary>
  5660. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change an integer value between a min and a max.</para>
  5661. </summary>
  5662. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the slider.</param>
  5663. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  5664. <param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  5665. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  5666. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  5667. <returns>
  5668. <para>The value that has been set by the user.</para>
  5669. </returns>
  5670. </member>
  5671. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.IntSlider(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  5672. <summary>
  5673. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change an integer value between a min and a max.</para>
  5674. </summary>
  5675. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the slider.</param>
  5676. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  5677. <param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  5678. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  5679. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  5680. <returns>
  5681. <para>The value that has been set by the user.</para>
  5682. </returns>
  5683. </member>
  5684. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.IntSlider(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  5685. <summary>
  5686. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
  5687. </summary>
  5688. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the slider.</param>
  5689. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  5690. <param name="property">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  5691. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  5692. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  5693. </member>
  5694. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.IntSlider(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String)">
  5695. <summary>
  5696. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
  5697. </summary>
  5698. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the slider.</param>
  5699. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  5700. <param name="property">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  5701. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  5702. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  5703. </member>
  5704. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.IntSlider(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,System.Int32,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  5705. <summary>
  5706. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
  5707. </summary>
  5708. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the slider.</param>
  5709. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  5710. <param name="property">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  5711. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  5712. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  5713. </member>
  5714. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.LabelField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String)">
  5715. <summary>
  5716. <para>Make a label field. (Useful for showing read-only info.)</para>
  5717. </summary>
  5718. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the label field.</param>
  5719. <param name="label">Label in front of the label field.</param>
  5720. <param name="label2">The label to show to the right.</param>
  5721. <param name="style">Style information (color, etc) for displaying the label.</param>
  5722. </member>
  5723. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.LabelField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  5724. <summary>
  5725. <para>Make a label field. (Useful for showing read-only info.)</para>
  5726. </summary>
  5727. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the label field.</param>
  5728. <param name="label">Label in front of the label field.</param>
  5729. <param name="label2">The label to show to the right.</param>
  5730. <param name="style">Style information (color, etc) for displaying the label.</param>
  5731. </member>
  5732. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.LabelField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.String)">
  5733. <summary>
  5734. <para>Make a label field. (Useful for showing read-only info.)</para>
  5735. </summary>
  5736. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the label field.</param>
  5737. <param name="label">Label in front of the label field.</param>
  5738. <param name="label2">The label to show to the right.</param>
  5739. <param name="style">Style information (color, etc) for displaying the label.</param>
  5740. </member>
  5741. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.LabelField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  5742. <summary>
  5743. <para>Make a label field. (Useful for showing read-only info.)</para>
  5744. </summary>
  5745. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the label field.</param>
  5746. <param name="label">Label in front of the label field.</param>
  5747. <param name="label2">The label to show to the right.</param>
  5748. <param name="style">Style information (color, etc) for displaying the label.</param>
  5749. </member>
  5750. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.LabelField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5751. <summary>
  5752. <para>Make a label field. (Useful for showing read-only info.)</para>
  5753. </summary>
  5754. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the label field.</param>
  5755. <param name="label">Label in front of the label field.</param>
  5756. <param name="label2">The label to show to the right.</param>
  5757. <param name="style">Style information (color, etc) for displaying the label.</param>
  5758. </member>
  5759. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.LabelField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5760. <summary>
  5761. <para>Make a label field. (Useful for showing read-only info.)</para>
  5762. </summary>
  5763. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the label field.</param>
  5764. <param name="label">Label in front of the label field.</param>
  5765. <param name="label2">The label to show to the right.</param>
  5766. <param name="style">Style information (color, etc) for displaying the label.</param>
  5767. </member>
  5768. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.LabelField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5769. <summary>
  5770. <para>Make a label field. (Useful for showing read-only info.)</para>
  5771. </summary>
  5772. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the label field.</param>
  5773. <param name="label">Label in front of the label field.</param>
  5774. <param name="label2">The label to show to the right.</param>
  5775. <param name="style">Style information (color, etc) for displaying the label.</param>
  5776. </member>
  5777. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.LabelField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5778. <summary>
  5779. <para>Make a label field. (Useful for showing read-only info.)</para>
  5780. </summary>
  5781. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the label field.</param>
  5782. <param name="label">Label in front of the label field.</param>
  5783. <param name="label2">The label to show to the right.</param>
  5784. <param name="style">Style information (color, etc) for displaying the label.</param>
  5785. </member>
  5786. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.LayerField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32)">
  5787. <summary>
  5788. <para>Make a layer selection field.</para>
  5789. </summary>
  5790. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5791. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5792. <param name="layer">The layer shown in the field.</param>
  5793. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5794. <returns>
  5795. <para>The layer selected by the user.</para>
  5796. </returns>
  5797. </member>
  5798. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.LayerField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Int32)">
  5799. <summary>
  5800. <para>Make a layer selection field.</para>
  5801. </summary>
  5802. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5803. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5804. <param name="layer">The layer shown in the field.</param>
  5805. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5806. <returns>
  5807. <para>The layer selected by the user.</para>
  5808. </returns>
  5809. </member>
  5810. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.LayerField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32)">
  5811. <summary>
  5812. <para>Make a layer selection field.</para>
  5813. </summary>
  5814. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5815. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5816. <param name="layer">The layer shown in the field.</param>
  5817. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5818. <returns>
  5819. <para>The layer selected by the user.</para>
  5820. </returns>
  5821. </member>
  5822. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.LayerField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5823. <summary>
  5824. <para>Make a layer selection field.</para>
  5825. </summary>
  5826. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5827. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5828. <param name="layer">The layer shown in the field.</param>
  5829. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5830. <returns>
  5831. <para>The layer selected by the user.</para>
  5832. </returns>
  5833. </member>
  5834. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.LayerField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5835. <summary>
  5836. <para>Make a layer selection field.</para>
  5837. </summary>
  5838. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5839. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5840. <param name="layer">The layer shown in the field.</param>
  5841. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5842. <returns>
  5843. <para>The layer selected by the user.</para>
  5844. </returns>
  5845. </member>
  5846. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.LayerField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5847. <summary>
  5848. <para>Make a layer selection field.</para>
  5849. </summary>
  5850. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  5851. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  5852. <param name="layer">The layer shown in the field.</param>
  5853. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5854. <returns>
  5855. <para>The layer selected by the user.</para>
  5856. </returns>
  5857. </member>
  5858. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.LongField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int64)">
  5859. <summary>
  5860. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  5861. </summary>
  5862. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the long field.</param>
  5863. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the long field.</param>
  5864. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  5865. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5866. <returns>
  5867. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  5868. </returns>
  5869. </member>
  5870. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.LongField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Int64)">
  5871. <summary>
  5872. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  5873. </summary>
  5874. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the long field.</param>
  5875. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the long field.</param>
  5876. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  5877. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5878. <returns>
  5879. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  5880. </returns>
  5881. </member>
  5882. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.LongField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int64)">
  5883. <summary>
  5884. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  5885. </summary>
  5886. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the long field.</param>
  5887. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the long field.</param>
  5888. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  5889. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5890. <returns>
  5891. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  5892. </returns>
  5893. </member>
  5894. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.LongField">
  5895. <summary>
  5896. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  5897. </summary>
  5898. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the long field.</param>
  5899. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the long field.</param>
  5900. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  5901. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5902. <returns>
  5903. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  5904. </returns>
  5905. </member>
  5906. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.LongField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Int64,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5907. <summary>
  5908. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  5909. </summary>
  5910. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the long field.</param>
  5911. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the long field.</param>
  5912. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  5913. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5914. <returns>
  5915. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  5916. </returns>
  5917. </member>
  5918. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.LongField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int64,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5919. <summary>
  5920. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  5921. </summary>
  5922. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the long field.</param>
  5923. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the long field.</param>
  5924. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  5925. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5926. <returns>
  5927. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  5928. </returns>
  5929. </member>
  5930. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.MaskField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,System.String[])">
  5931. <summary>
  5932. <para>Make a field for masks.</para>
  5933. </summary>
  5934. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for this control.</param>
  5935. <param name="label">Label for the field.</param>
  5936. <param name="mask">The current mask to display.</param>
  5937. <param name="displayedOption">A string array containing the labels for each flag.</param>
  5938. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5939. <param name="displayedOptions">A string array containing the labels for each flag.</param>
  5940. <returns>
  5941. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  5942. </returns>
  5943. </member>
  5944. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.MaskField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Int32,System.String[])">
  5945. <summary>
  5946. <para>Make a field for masks.</para>
  5947. </summary>
  5948. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for this control.</param>
  5949. <param name="label">Label for the field.</param>
  5950. <param name="mask">The current mask to display.</param>
  5951. <param name="displayedOption">A string array containing the labels for each flag.</param>
  5952. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5953. <param name="displayedOptions">A string array containing the labels for each flag.</param>
  5954. <returns>
  5955. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  5956. </returns>
  5957. </member>
  5958. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.MaskField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,System.String[])">
  5959. <summary>
  5960. <para>Make a field for masks.</para>
  5961. </summary>
  5962. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for this control.</param>
  5963. <param name="label">Label for the field.</param>
  5964. <param name="mask">The current mask to display.</param>
  5965. <param name="displayedOption">A string array containing the labels for each flag.</param>
  5966. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5967. <param name="displayedOptions">A string array containing the labels for each flag.</param>
  5968. <returns>
  5969. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  5970. </returns>
  5971. </member>
  5972. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.MaskField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,System.String[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5973. <summary>
  5974. <para>Make a field for masks.</para>
  5975. </summary>
  5976. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for this control.</param>
  5977. <param name="label">Label for the field.</param>
  5978. <param name="mask">The current mask to display.</param>
  5979. <param name="displayedOption">A string array containing the labels for each flag.</param>
  5980. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5981. <param name="displayedOptions">A string array containing the labels for each flag.</param>
  5982. <returns>
  5983. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  5984. </returns>
  5985. </member>
  5986. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.MaskField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Int32,System.String[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  5987. <summary>
  5988. <para>Make a field for masks.</para>
  5989. </summary>
  5990. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for this control.</param>
  5991. <param name="label">Label for the field.</param>
  5992. <param name="mask">The current mask to display.</param>
  5993. <param name="displayedOption">A string array containing the labels for each flag.</param>
  5994. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  5995. <param name="displayedOptions">A string array containing the labels for each flag.</param>
  5996. <returns>
  5997. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  5998. </returns>
  5999. </member>
  6000. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.MaskField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,System.String[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6001. <summary>
  6002. <para>Make a field for masks.</para>
  6003. </summary>
  6004. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for this control.</param>
  6005. <param name="label">Label for the field.</param>
  6006. <param name="mask">The current mask to display.</param>
  6007. <param name="displayedOption">A string array containing the labels for each flag.</param>
  6008. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6009. <param name="displayedOptions">A string array containing the labels for each flag.</param>
  6010. <returns>
  6011. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  6012. </returns>
  6013. </member>
  6014. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.MinMaxSlider(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.Rect,System.Single&amp;,System.Single&amp;,System.Single,System.Single)">
  6015. <summary>
  6016. <para>Make a special slider the user can use to specify a range between a min and a max.</para>
  6017. </summary>
  6018. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  6019. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the slider.</param>
  6020. <param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  6021. <param name="minValue">The lower value of the range the slider shows, passed by reference.</param>
  6022. <param name="maxValue">The upper value at the range the slider shows, passed by reference.</param>
  6023. <param name="minLimit">The limit at the left end of the slider.</param>
  6024. <param name="maxLimit">The limit at the right end of the slider.</param>
  6025. </member>
  6026. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.MinMaxSlider(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Single&amp;,System.Single&amp;,System.Single,System.Single)">
  6027. <summary>
  6028. <para>Make a special slider the user can use to specify a range between a min and a max.</para>
  6029. </summary>
  6030. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  6031. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the slider.</param>
  6032. <param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  6033. <param name="minValue">The lower value of the range the slider shows, passed by reference.</param>
  6034. <param name="maxValue">The upper value at the range the slider shows, passed by reference.</param>
  6035. <param name="minLimit">The limit at the left end of the slider.</param>
  6036. <param name="maxLimit">The limit at the right end of the slider.</param>
  6037. </member>
  6038. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.MultiFloatField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],System.Single[])">
  6039. <summary>
  6040. <para>Make a multi-control with text fields for entering multiple floats in the same line.</para>
  6041. </summary>
  6042. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the float field.</param>
  6043. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field.</param>
  6044. <param name="subLabels">Array with small labels to show in front of each float field. There is room for one letter per field only.</param>
  6045. <param name="values">Array with the values to edit.</param>
  6046. </member>
  6047. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.MultiFloatField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],System.Single[])">
  6048. <summary>
  6049. <para>Make a multi-control with text fields for entering multiple floats in the same line.</para>
  6050. </summary>
  6051. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the float field.</param>
  6052. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field.</param>
  6053. <param name="subLabels">Array with small labels to show in front of each float field. There is room for one letter per field only.</param>
  6054. <param name="values">Array with the values to edit.</param>
  6055. </member>
  6056. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.MultiPropertyField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  6057. <summary>
  6058. <para>Make a multi-control with several property fields in the same line.</para>
  6059. </summary>
  6060. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the multi-property field.</param>
  6061. <param name="valuesIterator">The SerializedProperty of the first property to make a control for.</param>
  6062. <param name="label">Optional label to use. If not specified the label of the property itself is used. Use GUIContent.none to not display a label at all.</param>
  6063. <param name="subLabels">Array with small labels to show in front of each float field. There is room for one letter per field only.</param>
  6064. </member>
  6065. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.MultiPropertyField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],UnityEditor.SerializedProperty)">
  6066. <summary>
  6067. <para>Make a multi-control with several property fields in the same line.</para>
  6068. </summary>
  6069. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the multi-property field.</param>
  6070. <param name="valuesIterator">The SerializedProperty of the first property to make a control for.</param>
  6071. <param name="label">Optional label to use. If not specified the label of the property itself is used. Use GUIContent.none to not display a label at all.</param>
  6072. <param name="subLabels">Array with small labels to show in front of each float field. There is room for one letter per field only.</param>
  6073. </member>
  6074. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.ObjectField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Object,System.Type)">
  6075. <summary>
  6076. <para>Make an object field. You can assign objects either by drag and drop objects or by selecting an object using the Object Picker.</para>
  6077. </summary>
  6078. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6079. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  6080. <param name="obj">The object the field shows.</param>
  6081. <param name="objType">The type of the objects that can be assigned.</param>
  6082. <param name="allowSceneObjects">Allow assigning scene objects. See Description for more info.</param>
  6083. <returns>
  6084. <para>The object that has been set by the user.</para>
  6085. </returns>
  6086. </member>
  6087. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.ObjectField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.Object,System.Type)">
  6088. <summary>
  6089. <para>Make an object field. You can assign objects either by drag and drop objects or by selecting an object using the Object Picker.</para>
  6090. </summary>
  6091. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6092. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  6093. <param name="obj">The object the field shows.</param>
  6094. <param name="objType">The type of the objects that can be assigned.</param>
  6095. <param name="allowSceneObjects">Allow assigning scene objects. See Description for more info.</param>
  6096. <returns>
  6097. <para>The object that has been set by the user.</para>
  6098. </returns>
  6099. </member>
  6100. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.ObjectField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.Object,System.Type)">
  6101. <summary>
  6102. <para>Make an object field. You can assign objects either by drag and drop objects or by selecting an object using the Object Picker.</para>
  6103. </summary>
  6104. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6105. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  6106. <param name="obj">The object the field shows.</param>
  6107. <param name="objType">The type of the objects that can be assigned.</param>
  6108. <param name="allowSceneObjects">Allow assigning scene objects. See Description for more info.</param>
  6109. <returns>
  6110. <para>The object that has been set by the user.</para>
  6111. </returns>
  6112. </member>
  6113. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.ObjectField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Object,System.Type,System.Boolean)">
  6114. <summary>
  6115. <para>Make an object field. You can assign objects either by drag and drop objects or by selecting an object using the Object Picker.</para>
  6116. </summary>
  6117. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6118. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  6119. <param name="obj">The object the field shows.</param>
  6120. <param name="objType">The type of the objects that can be assigned.</param>
  6121. <param name="allowSceneObjects">Allow assigning scene objects. See Description for more info.</param>
  6122. <returns>
  6123. <para>The object that has been set by the user.</para>
  6124. </returns>
  6125. </member>
  6126. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.ObjectField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.Object,System.Type,System.Boolean)">
  6127. <summary>
  6128. <para>Make an object field. You can assign objects either by drag and drop objects or by selecting an object using the Object Picker.</para>
  6129. </summary>
  6130. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6131. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  6132. <param name="obj">The object the field shows.</param>
  6133. <param name="objType">The type of the objects that can be assigned.</param>
  6134. <param name="allowSceneObjects">Allow assigning scene objects. See Description for more info.</param>
  6135. <returns>
  6136. <para>The object that has been set by the user.</para>
  6137. </returns>
  6138. </member>
  6139. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.ObjectField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.Object,System.Type,System.Boolean)">
  6140. <summary>
  6141. <para>Make an object field. You can assign objects either by drag and drop objects or by selecting an object using the Object Picker.</para>
  6142. </summary>
  6143. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6144. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  6145. <param name="obj">The object the field shows.</param>
  6146. <param name="objType">The type of the objects that can be assigned.</param>
  6147. <param name="allowSceneObjects">Allow assigning scene objects. See Description for more info.</param>
  6148. <returns>
  6149. <para>The object that has been set by the user.</para>
  6150. </returns>
  6151. </member>
  6152. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.PasswordField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String)">
  6153. <summary>
  6154. <para>Make a text field where the user can enter a password.</para>
  6155. </summary>
  6156. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the password field.</param>
  6157. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the password field.</param>
  6158. <param name="password">The password to edit.</param>
  6159. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6160. <returns>
  6161. <para>The password entered by the user.</para>
  6162. </returns>
  6163. </member>
  6164. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.PasswordField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.String)">
  6165. <summary>
  6166. <para>Make a text field where the user can enter a password.</para>
  6167. </summary>
  6168. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the password field.</param>
  6169. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the password field.</param>
  6170. <param name="password">The password to edit.</param>
  6171. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6172. <returns>
  6173. <para>The password entered by the user.</para>
  6174. </returns>
  6175. </member>
  6176. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.PasswordField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.String)">
  6177. <summary>
  6178. <para>Make a text field where the user can enter a password.</para>
  6179. </summary>
  6180. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the password field.</param>
  6181. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the password field.</param>
  6182. <param name="password">The password to edit.</param>
  6183. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6184. <returns>
  6185. <para>The password entered by the user.</para>
  6186. </returns>
  6187. </member>
  6188. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.PasswordField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6189. <summary>
  6190. <para>Make a text field where the user can enter a password.</para>
  6191. </summary>
  6192. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the password field.</param>
  6193. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the password field.</param>
  6194. <param name="password">The password to edit.</param>
  6195. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6196. <returns>
  6197. <para>The password entered by the user.</para>
  6198. </returns>
  6199. </member>
  6200. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.PasswordField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6201. <summary>
  6202. <para>Make a text field where the user can enter a password.</para>
  6203. </summary>
  6204. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the password field.</param>
  6205. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the password field.</param>
  6206. <param name="password">The password to edit.</param>
  6207. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6208. <returns>
  6209. <para>The password entered by the user.</para>
  6210. </returns>
  6211. </member>
  6212. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.PasswordField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6213. <summary>
  6214. <para>Make a text field where the user can enter a password.</para>
  6215. </summary>
  6216. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the password field.</param>
  6217. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the password field.</param>
  6218. <param name="password">The password to edit.</param>
  6219. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6220. <returns>
  6221. <para>The password entered by the user.</para>
  6222. </returns>
  6223. </member>
  6224. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Popup(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,System.String[])">
  6225. <summary>
  6226. <para>Make a generic popup selection field.</para>
  6227. </summary>
  6228. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6229. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  6230. <param name="selectedIndex">The index of the option the field shows.</param>
  6231. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the options shown in the popup.</param>
  6232. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6233. <returns>
  6234. <para>The index of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  6235. </returns>
  6236. </member>
  6237. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Popup(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[])">
  6238. <summary>
  6239. <para>Make a generic popup selection field.</para>
  6240. </summary>
  6241. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6242. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  6243. <param name="selectedIndex">The index of the option the field shows.</param>
  6244. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the options shown in the popup.</param>
  6245. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6246. <returns>
  6247. <para>The index of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  6248. </returns>
  6249. </member>
  6250. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Popup(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Int32,System.String[])">
  6251. <summary>
  6252. <para>Make a generic popup selection field.</para>
  6253. </summary>
  6254. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6255. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  6256. <param name="selectedIndex">The index of the option the field shows.</param>
  6257. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the options shown in the popup.</param>
  6258. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6259. <returns>
  6260. <para>The index of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  6261. </returns>
  6262. </member>
  6263. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Popup(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[])">
  6264. <summary>
  6265. <para>Make a generic popup selection field.</para>
  6266. </summary>
  6267. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6268. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  6269. <param name="selectedIndex">The index of the option the field shows.</param>
  6270. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the options shown in the popup.</param>
  6271. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6272. <returns>
  6273. <para>The index of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  6274. </returns>
  6275. </member>
  6276. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Popup(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,System.String[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6277. <summary>
  6278. <para>Make a generic popup selection field.</para>
  6279. </summary>
  6280. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6281. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  6282. <param name="selectedIndex">The index of the option the field shows.</param>
  6283. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the options shown in the popup.</param>
  6284. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6285. <returns>
  6286. <para>The index of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  6287. </returns>
  6288. </member>
  6289. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Popup(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6290. <summary>
  6291. <para>Make a generic popup selection field.</para>
  6292. </summary>
  6293. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6294. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  6295. <param name="selectedIndex">The index of the option the field shows.</param>
  6296. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the options shown in the popup.</param>
  6297. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6298. <returns>
  6299. <para>The index of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  6300. </returns>
  6301. </member>
  6302. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Popup(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Int32,System.String[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6303. <summary>
  6304. <para>Make a generic popup selection field.</para>
  6305. </summary>
  6306. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6307. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  6308. <param name="selectedIndex">The index of the option the field shows.</param>
  6309. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the options shown in the popup.</param>
  6310. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6311. <returns>
  6312. <para>The index of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  6313. </returns>
  6314. </member>
  6315. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Popup(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6316. <summary>
  6317. <para>Make a generic popup selection field.</para>
  6318. </summary>
  6319. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6320. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  6321. <param name="selectedIndex">The index of the option the field shows.</param>
  6322. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the options shown in the popup.</param>
  6323. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6324. <returns>
  6325. <para>The index of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  6326. </returns>
  6327. </member>
  6328. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  6329. <summary>
  6330. <para>Make a label in front of some control.</para>
  6331. </summary>
  6332. <param name="totalPosition">Rectangle on the screen to use in total for both the label and the control.</param>
  6333. <param name="id">The unique ID of the control. If none specified, the ID of the following control is used.</param>
  6334. <param name="label">Label to show in front of the control.</param>
  6335. <param name="style">Style to use for the label.</param>
  6336. <returns>
  6337. <para>Rectangle on the screen to use just for the control itself.</para>
  6338. </returns>
  6339. </member>
  6340. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6341. <summary>
  6342. <para>Make a label in front of some control.</para>
  6343. </summary>
  6344. <param name="totalPosition">Rectangle on the screen to use in total for both the label and the control.</param>
  6345. <param name="id">The unique ID of the control. If none specified, the ID of the following control is used.</param>
  6346. <param name="label">Label to show in front of the control.</param>
  6347. <param name="style">Style to use for the label.</param>
  6348. <returns>
  6349. <para>Rectangle on the screen to use just for the control itself.</para>
  6350. </returns>
  6351. </member>
  6352. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  6353. <summary>
  6354. <para>Make a label in front of some control.</para>
  6355. </summary>
  6356. <param name="totalPosition">Rectangle on the screen to use in total for both the label and the control.</param>
  6357. <param name="id">The unique ID of the control. If none specified, the ID of the following control is used.</param>
  6358. <param name="label">Label to show in front of the control.</param>
  6359. <param name="style">Style to use for the label.</param>
  6360. <returns>
  6361. <para>Rectangle on the screen to use just for the control itself.</para>
  6362. </returns>
  6363. </member>
  6364. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6365. <summary>
  6366. <para>Make a label in front of some control.</para>
  6367. </summary>
  6368. <param name="totalPosition">Rectangle on the screen to use in total for both the label and the control.</param>
  6369. <param name="id">The unique ID of the control. If none specified, the ID of the following control is used.</param>
  6370. <param name="label">Label to show in front of the control.</param>
  6371. <param name="style">Style to use for the label.</param>
  6372. <returns>
  6373. <para>Rectangle on the screen to use just for the control itself.</para>
  6374. </returns>
  6375. </member>
  6376. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.ProgressBar(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Single,System.String)">
  6377. <summary>
  6378. <para>Make a progress bar.</para>
  6379. </summary>
  6380. <param name="totalPosition">Rectangle on the screen to use in total for both the control.</param>
  6381. <param name="value">Value that is shown.</param>
  6382. <param name="position"></param>
  6383. <param name="text"></param>
  6384. </member>
  6385. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.PropertyField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,System.Boolean)">
  6386. <summary>
  6387. <para>Make a field for SerializedProperty.</para>
  6388. </summary>
  6389. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the property field.</param>
  6390. <param name="property">The SerializedProperty to make a field for.</param>
  6391. <param name="label">Optional label to use. If not specified the label of the property itself is used. Use GUIContent.none to not display a label at all.</param>
  6392. <param name="includeChildren">If true the property including children is drawn; otherwise only the control itself (such as only a foldout but nothing below it).</param>
  6393. <returns>
  6394. <para>True if the property has children and is expanded and includeChildren was set to false; otherwise false.</para>
  6395. </returns>
  6396. </member>
  6397. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.PropertyField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Boolean)">
  6398. <summary>
  6399. <para>Make a field for SerializedProperty.</para>
  6400. </summary>
  6401. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the property field.</param>
  6402. <param name="property">The SerializedProperty to make a field for.</param>
  6403. <param name="label">Optional label to use. If not specified the label of the property itself is used. Use GUIContent.none to not display a label at all.</param>
  6404. <param name="includeChildren">If true the property including children is drawn; otherwise only the control itself (such as only a foldout but nothing below it).</param>
  6405. <returns>
  6406. <para>True if the property has children and is expanded and includeChildren was set to false; otherwise false.</para>
  6407. </returns>
  6408. </member>
  6409. <member name="T:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.PropertyScope">
  6410. <summary>
  6411. <para>Create a Property wrapper, useful for making regular GUI controls work with SerializedProperty.</para>
  6412. </summary>
  6413. </member>
  6414. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.PropertyScope.content">
  6415. <summary>
  6416. <para>The actual label to use for the control.</para>
  6417. </summary>
  6418. </member>
  6419. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.PropertyScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty)">
  6420. <summary>
  6421. <para>Create a new PropertyScope and begin the corresponding property.</para>
  6422. </summary>
  6423. <param name="totalPosition">Rectangle on the screen to use for the control, including label if applicable.</param>
  6424. <param name="label">Label in front of the slider. Use null to use the name from the SerializedProperty. Use GUIContent.none to not display a label.</param>
  6425. <param name="property">The SerializedProperty to use for the control.</param>
  6426. </member>
  6427. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.RectField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Rect)">
  6428. <summary>
  6429. <para>Make an X, Y, W &amp; H field for entering a Rect.</para>
  6430. </summary>
  6431. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6432. <param name="label">Optional label to display above the field.</param>
  6433. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  6434. <returns>
  6435. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  6436. </returns>
  6437. </member>
  6438. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.RectField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.Rect)">
  6439. <summary>
  6440. <para>Make an X, Y, W &amp; H field for entering a Rect.</para>
  6441. </summary>
  6442. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6443. <param name="label">Optional label to display above the field.</param>
  6444. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  6445. <returns>
  6446. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  6447. </returns>
  6448. </member>
  6449. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.RectField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.Rect)">
  6450. <summary>
  6451. <para>Make an X, Y, W &amp; H field for entering a Rect.</para>
  6452. </summary>
  6453. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6454. <param name="label">Optional label to display above the field.</param>
  6455. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  6456. <returns>
  6457. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  6458. </returns>
  6459. </member>
  6460. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.RectField">
  6461. <summary>
  6462. <para>Make an X, Y, W &amp; H for Rect using SerializedProperty (not public).</para>
  6463. </summary>
  6464. </member>
  6465. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.SelectableLabel(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String)">
  6466. <summary>
  6467. <para>Make a selectable label field. (Useful for showing read-only info that can be copy-pasted.)</para>
  6468. </summary>
  6469. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the label.</param>
  6470. <param name="text">The text to show.</param>
  6471. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6472. </member>
  6473. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.SelectableLabel(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6474. <summary>
  6475. <para>Make a selectable label field. (Useful for showing read-only info that can be copy-pasted.)</para>
  6476. </summary>
  6477. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the label.</param>
  6478. <param name="text">The text to show.</param>
  6479. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6480. </member>
  6481. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Slider(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
  6482. <summary>
  6483. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
  6484. </summary>
  6485. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the slider.</param>
  6486. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  6487. <param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  6488. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  6489. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  6490. <returns>
  6491. <para>The value that has been set by the user.</para>
  6492. </returns>
  6493. </member>
  6494. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Slider(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
  6495. <summary>
  6496. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
  6497. </summary>
  6498. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the slider.</param>
  6499. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  6500. <param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  6501. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  6502. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  6503. <returns>
  6504. <para>The value that has been set by the user.</para>
  6505. </returns>
  6506. </member>
  6507. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Slider(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
  6508. <summary>
  6509. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
  6510. </summary>
  6511. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the slider.</param>
  6512. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  6513. <param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  6514. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  6515. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  6516. <returns>
  6517. <para>The value that has been set by the user.</para>
  6518. </returns>
  6519. </member>
  6520. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Slider(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,System.Single,System.Single)">
  6521. <summary>
  6522. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
  6523. </summary>
  6524. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the slider.</param>
  6525. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  6526. <param name="property">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  6527. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  6528. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  6529. </member>
  6530. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Slider(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,System.Single,System.Single,System.String)">
  6531. <summary>
  6532. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
  6533. </summary>
  6534. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the slider.</param>
  6535. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  6536. <param name="property">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  6537. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  6538. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  6539. </member>
  6540. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Slider(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  6541. <summary>
  6542. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
  6543. </summary>
  6544. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the slider.</param>
  6545. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  6546. <param name="property">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  6547. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  6548. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  6549. </member>
  6550. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.TagField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String)">
  6551. <summary>
  6552. <para>Make a tag selection field.</para>
  6553. </summary>
  6554. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6555. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  6556. <param name="tag">The tag the field shows.</param>
  6557. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6558. <returns>
  6559. <para>The tag selected by the user.</para>
  6560. </returns>
  6561. </member>
  6562. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.TagField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.String)">
  6563. <summary>
  6564. <para>Make a tag selection field.</para>
  6565. </summary>
  6566. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6567. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  6568. <param name="tag">The tag the field shows.</param>
  6569. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6570. <returns>
  6571. <para>The tag selected by the user.</para>
  6572. </returns>
  6573. </member>
  6574. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.TagField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.String)">
  6575. <summary>
  6576. <para>Make a tag selection field.</para>
  6577. </summary>
  6578. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6579. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  6580. <param name="tag">The tag the field shows.</param>
  6581. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6582. <returns>
  6583. <para>The tag selected by the user.</para>
  6584. </returns>
  6585. </member>
  6586. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.TagField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6587. <summary>
  6588. <para>Make a tag selection field.</para>
  6589. </summary>
  6590. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6591. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  6592. <param name="tag">The tag the field shows.</param>
  6593. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6594. <returns>
  6595. <para>The tag selected by the user.</para>
  6596. </returns>
  6597. </member>
  6598. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.TagField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6599. <summary>
  6600. <para>Make a tag selection field.</para>
  6601. </summary>
  6602. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6603. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  6604. <param name="tag">The tag the field shows.</param>
  6605. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6606. <returns>
  6607. <para>The tag selected by the user.</para>
  6608. </returns>
  6609. </member>
  6610. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.TagField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6611. <summary>
  6612. <para>Make a tag selection field.</para>
  6613. </summary>
  6614. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6615. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  6616. <param name="tag">The tag the field shows.</param>
  6617. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6618. <returns>
  6619. <para>The tag selected by the user.</para>
  6620. </returns>
  6621. </member>
  6622. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.TextArea(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String)">
  6623. <summary>
  6624. <para>Make a text area.</para>
  6625. </summary>
  6626. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
  6627. <param name="text">The text to edit.</param>
  6628. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6629. <returns>
  6630. <para>The text entered by the user.</para>
  6631. </returns>
  6632. </member>
  6633. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.TextArea(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6634. <summary>
  6635. <para>Make a text area.</para>
  6636. </summary>
  6637. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
  6638. <param name="text">The text to edit.</param>
  6639. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6640. <returns>
  6641. <para>The text entered by the user.</para>
  6642. </returns>
  6643. </member>
  6644. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.TextField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String)">
  6645. <summary>
  6646. <para>Make a text field.</para>
  6647. </summary>
  6648. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
  6649. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the text field.</param>
  6650. <param name="text">The text to edit.</param>
  6651. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6652. <returns>
  6653. <para>The text entered by the user.</para>
  6654. </returns>
  6655. </member>
  6656. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.TextField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.String)">
  6657. <summary>
  6658. <para>Make a text field.</para>
  6659. </summary>
  6660. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
  6661. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the text field.</param>
  6662. <param name="text">The text to edit.</param>
  6663. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6664. <returns>
  6665. <para>The text entered by the user.</para>
  6666. </returns>
  6667. </member>
  6668. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.TextField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.String)">
  6669. <summary>
  6670. <para>Make a text field.</para>
  6671. </summary>
  6672. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
  6673. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the text field.</param>
  6674. <param name="text">The text to edit.</param>
  6675. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6676. <returns>
  6677. <para>The text entered by the user.</para>
  6678. </returns>
  6679. </member>
  6680. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.TextField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6681. <summary>
  6682. <para>Make a text field.</para>
  6683. </summary>
  6684. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
  6685. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the text field.</param>
  6686. <param name="text">The text to edit.</param>
  6687. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6688. <returns>
  6689. <para>The text entered by the user.</para>
  6690. </returns>
  6691. </member>
  6692. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.TextField(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6693. <summary>
  6694. <para>Make a text field.</para>
  6695. </summary>
  6696. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
  6697. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the text field.</param>
  6698. <param name="text">The text to edit.</param>
  6699. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6700. <returns>
  6701. <para>The text entered by the user.</para>
  6702. </returns>
  6703. </member>
  6704. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.TextField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6705. <summary>
  6706. <para>Make a text field.</para>
  6707. </summary>
  6708. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the text field.</param>
  6709. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the text field.</param>
  6710. <param name="text">The text to edit.</param>
  6711. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6712. <returns>
  6713. <para>The text entered by the user.</para>
  6714. </returns>
  6715. </member>
  6716. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Toggle(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean)">
  6717. <summary>
  6718. <para>Make a toggle.</para>
  6719. </summary>
  6720. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the toggle.</param>
  6721. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the toggle.</param>
  6722. <param name="value">The shown state of the toggle.</param>
  6723. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6724. <returns>
  6725. <para>The selected state of the toggle.</para>
  6726. </returns>
  6727. </member>
  6728. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Toggle(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  6729. <summary>
  6730. <para>Make a toggle.</para>
  6731. </summary>
  6732. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the toggle.</param>
  6733. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the toggle.</param>
  6734. <param name="value">The shown state of the toggle.</param>
  6735. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6736. <returns>
  6737. <para>The selected state of the toggle.</para>
  6738. </returns>
  6739. </member>
  6740. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Toggle(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6741. <summary>
  6742. <para>Make a toggle.</para>
  6743. </summary>
  6744. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the toggle.</param>
  6745. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the toggle.</param>
  6746. <param name="value">The shown state of the toggle.</param>
  6747. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6748. <returns>
  6749. <para>The selected state of the toggle.</para>
  6750. </returns>
  6751. </member>
  6752. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Toggle(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6753. <summary>
  6754. <para>Make a toggle.</para>
  6755. </summary>
  6756. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the toggle.</param>
  6757. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the toggle.</param>
  6758. <param name="value">The shown state of the toggle.</param>
  6759. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6760. <returns>
  6761. <para>The selected state of the toggle.</para>
  6762. </returns>
  6763. </member>
  6764. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Toggle(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Boolean)">
  6765. <summary>
  6766. <para>Make a toggle.</para>
  6767. </summary>
  6768. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the toggle.</param>
  6769. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the toggle.</param>
  6770. <param name="value">The shown state of the toggle.</param>
  6771. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6772. <returns>
  6773. <para>The selected state of the toggle.</para>
  6774. </returns>
  6775. </member>
  6776. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Toggle(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6777. <summary>
  6778. <para>Make a toggle.</para>
  6779. </summary>
  6780. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the toggle.</param>
  6781. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the toggle.</param>
  6782. <param name="value">The shown state of the toggle.</param>
  6783. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6784. <returns>
  6785. <para>The selected state of the toggle.</para>
  6786. </returns>
  6787. </member>
  6788. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.ToggleLeft(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  6789. <summary>
  6790. <para>Make a toggle field where the toggle is to the left and the label immediately to the right of it.</para>
  6791. </summary>
  6792. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the toggle.</param>
  6793. <param name="label">Label to display next to the toggle.</param>
  6794. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  6795. <param name="labelStyle">Optional GUIStyle to use for the label.</param>
  6796. <returns>
  6797. <para>The value set by the user.</para>
  6798. </returns>
  6799. </member>
  6800. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.ToggleLeft(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6801. <summary>
  6802. <para>Make a toggle field where the toggle is to the left and the label immediately to the right of it.</para>
  6803. </summary>
  6804. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the toggle.</param>
  6805. <param name="label">Label to display next to the toggle.</param>
  6806. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  6807. <param name="labelStyle">Optional GUIStyle to use for the label.</param>
  6808. <returns>
  6809. <para>The value set by the user.</para>
  6810. </returns>
  6811. </member>
  6812. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.ToggleLeft(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Boolean)">
  6813. <summary>
  6814. <para>Make a toggle field where the toggle is to the left and the label immediately to the right of it.</para>
  6815. </summary>
  6816. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the toggle.</param>
  6817. <param name="label">Label to display next to the toggle.</param>
  6818. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  6819. <param name="labelStyle">Optional GUIStyle to use for the label.</param>
  6820. <returns>
  6821. <para>The value set by the user.</para>
  6822. </returns>
  6823. </member>
  6824. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.ToggleLeft(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  6825. <summary>
  6826. <para>Make a toggle field where the toggle is to the left and the label immediately to the right of it.</para>
  6827. </summary>
  6828. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the toggle.</param>
  6829. <param name="label">Label to display next to the toggle.</param>
  6830. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  6831. <param name="labelStyle">Optional GUIStyle to use for the label.</param>
  6832. <returns>
  6833. <para>The value set by the user.</para>
  6834. </returns>
  6835. </member>
  6836. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Vector2Field(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.Vector2)">
  6837. <summary>
  6838. <para>Make an X &amp; Y field for entering a Vector2.</para>
  6839. </summary>
  6840. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6841. <param name="label">Label to display above the field.</param>
  6842. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  6843. <returns>
  6844. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  6845. </returns>
  6846. </member>
  6847. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Vector2Field(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.Vector2)">
  6848. <summary>
  6849. <para>Make an X &amp; Y field for entering a Vector2.</para>
  6850. </summary>
  6851. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6852. <param name="label">Label to display above the field.</param>
  6853. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  6854. <returns>
  6855. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  6856. </returns>
  6857. </member>
  6858. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Vector3Field(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.Vector3)">
  6859. <summary>
  6860. <para>Make an X, Y &amp; Z field for entering a Vector3.</para>
  6861. </summary>
  6862. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6863. <param name="label">Label to display above the field.</param>
  6864. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  6865. <returns>
  6866. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  6867. </returns>
  6868. </member>
  6869. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Vector3Field(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.Vector3)">
  6870. <summary>
  6871. <para>Make an X, Y &amp; Z field for entering a Vector3.</para>
  6872. </summary>
  6873. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6874. <param name="label">Label to display above the field.</param>
  6875. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  6876. <returns>
  6877. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  6878. </returns>
  6879. </member>
  6880. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUI.Vector4Field(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEngine.Vector4)">
  6881. <summary>
  6882. <para>Make an X, Y, Z &amp; W field for entering a Vector4.</para>
  6883. </summary>
  6884. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.</param>
  6885. <param name="label">Label to display above the field.</param>
  6886. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  6887. <returns>
  6888. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  6889. </returns>
  6890. </member>
  6891. <member name="T:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout">
  6892. <summary>
  6893. <para>Auto-layouted version of EditorGUI.</para>
  6894. </summary>
  6895. </member>
  6896. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.BeginFadeGroup(System.Single)">
  6897. <summary>
  6898. <para>Begins a group that can be be hidden/shown and the transition will be animated.</para>
  6899. </summary>
  6900. <param name="value">A value between 0 and 1, 0 being hidden, and 1 being fully visible.</param>
  6901. <returns>
  6902. <para>If the group is visible or not.</para>
  6903. </returns>
  6904. </member>
  6905. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  6906. <summary>
  6907. <para>Begin a horizontal group and get its rect back.</para>
  6908. </summary>
  6909. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6910. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  6911. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  6912. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  6913. </member>
  6914. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  6915. <summary>
  6916. <para>Begin a horizontal group and get its rect back.</para>
  6917. </summary>
  6918. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  6919. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  6920. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  6921. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  6922. </member>
  6923. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal">
  6924. <summary>
  6925. <para></para>
  6926. </summary>
  6927. </member>
  6928. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  6929. <summary>
  6930. <para>Begin an automatically layouted scrollview.</para>
  6931. </summary>
  6932. <param name="scrollPosition">The position to use display.</param>
  6933. <param name="alwayShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
  6934. <param name="alwayShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when content inside the ScrollView is taller than the scrollview itself.</param>
  6935. <param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
  6936. <param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
  6937. <param name="options"></param>
  6938. <param name="alwaysShowHorizontal"></param>
  6939. <param name="alwaysShowVertical"></param>
  6940. <param name="background"></param>
  6941. <returns>
  6942. <para>The modified scrollPosition. Feed this back into the variable you pass in, as shown in the example.</para>
  6943. </returns>
  6944. </member>
  6945. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(UnityEngine.Vector2,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  6946. <summary>
  6947. <para>Begin an automatically layouted scrollview.</para>
  6948. </summary>
  6949. <param name="scrollPosition">The position to use display.</param>
  6950. <param name="alwayShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
  6951. <param name="alwayShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when content inside the ScrollView is taller than the scrollview itself.</param>
  6952. <param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
  6953. <param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
  6954. <param name="options"></param>
  6955. <param name="alwaysShowHorizontal"></param>
  6956. <param name="alwaysShowVertical"></param>
  6957. <param name="background"></param>
  6958. <returns>
  6959. <para>The modified scrollPosition. Feed this back into the variable you pass in, as shown in the example.</para>
  6960. </returns>
  6961. </member>
  6962. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  6963. <summary>
  6964. <para>Begin an automatically layouted scrollview.</para>
  6965. </summary>
  6966. <param name="scrollPosition">The position to use display.</param>
  6967. <param name="alwayShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
  6968. <param name="alwayShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when content inside the ScrollView is taller than the scrollview itself.</param>
  6969. <param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
  6970. <param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
  6971. <param name="options"></param>
  6972. <param name="alwaysShowHorizontal"></param>
  6973. <param name="alwaysShowVertical"></param>
  6974. <param name="background"></param>
  6975. <returns>
  6976. <para>The modified scrollPosition. Feed this back into the variable you pass in, as shown in the example.</para>
  6977. </returns>
  6978. </member>
  6979. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView">
  6980. <summary>
  6981. <para>Begin an automatically layouted scrollview.</para>
  6982. </summary>
  6983. <param name="scrollPosition">The position to use display.</param>
  6984. <param name="alwayShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
  6985. <param name="alwayShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when content inside the ScrollView is taller than the scrollview itself.</param>
  6986. <param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
  6987. <param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
  6988. <param name="options"></param>
  6989. <param name="alwaysShowHorizontal"></param>
  6990. <param name="alwaysShowVertical"></param>
  6991. <param name="background"></param>
  6992. <returns>
  6993. <para>The modified scrollPosition. Feed this back into the variable you pass in, as shown in the example.</para>
  6994. </returns>
  6995. </member>
  6996. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(UnityEngine.Vector2,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  6997. <summary>
  6998. <para>Begin an automatically layouted scrollview.</para>
  6999. </summary>
  7000. <param name="scrollPosition">The position to use display.</param>
  7001. <param name="alwayShowHorizontal">Optional parameter to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
  7002. <param name="alwayShowVertical">Optional parameter to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false or left out, it is only shown when content inside the ScrollView is taller than the scrollview itself.</param>
  7003. <param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
  7004. <param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
  7005. <param name="options"></param>
  7006. <param name="alwaysShowHorizontal"></param>
  7007. <param name="alwaysShowVertical"></param>
  7008. <param name="background"></param>
  7009. <returns>
  7010. <para>The modified scrollPosition. Feed this back into the variable you pass in, as shown in the example.</para>
  7011. </returns>
  7012. </member>
  7013. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.BeginToggleGroup(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  7014. <summary>
  7015. <para>Begin a vertical group with a toggle to enable or disable all the controls within at once.</para>
  7016. </summary>
  7017. <param name="label">Label to show above the toggled controls.</param>
  7018. <param name="toggle">Enabled state of the toggle group.</param>
  7019. <returns>
  7020. <para>The enabled state selected by the user.</para>
  7021. </returns>
  7022. </member>
  7023. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.BeginToggleGroup(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Boolean)">
  7024. <summary>
  7025. <para>Begin a vertical group with a toggle to enable or disable all the controls within at once.</para>
  7026. </summary>
  7027. <param name="label">Label to show above the toggled controls.</param>
  7028. <param name="toggle">Enabled state of the toggle group.</param>
  7029. <returns>
  7030. <para>The enabled state selected by the user.</para>
  7031. </returns>
  7032. </member>
  7033. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7034. <summary>
  7035. <para>Begin a vertical group and get its rect back.</para>
  7036. </summary>
  7037. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7038. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7039. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7040. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7041. </member>
  7042. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7043. <summary>
  7044. <para>Begin a vertical group and get its rect back.</para>
  7045. </summary>
  7046. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7047. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7048. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7049. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7050. </member>
  7051. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical">
  7052. <summary>
  7053. <para></para>
  7054. </summary>
  7055. </member>
  7056. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.BoundsField(UnityEngine.Bounds,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7057. <summary>
  7058. <para>Make Center &amp; Extents field for entering a Bounds.</para>
  7059. </summary>
  7060. <param name="label">Label to display above the field.</param>
  7061. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7062. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7063. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7064. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7065. <returns>
  7066. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  7067. </returns>
  7068. </member>
  7069. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.BoundsField(System.String,UnityEngine.Bounds,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7070. <summary>
  7071. <para>Make Center &amp; Extents field for entering a Bounds.</para>
  7072. </summary>
  7073. <param name="label">Label to display above the field.</param>
  7074. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7075. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7076. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7077. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7078. <returns>
  7079. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  7080. </returns>
  7081. </member>
  7082. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.BoundsField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.Bounds,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7083. <summary>
  7084. <para>Make Center &amp; Extents field for entering a Bounds.</para>
  7085. </summary>
  7086. <param name="label">Label to display above the field.</param>
  7087. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7088. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7089. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7090. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7091. <returns>
  7092. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  7093. </returns>
  7094. </member>
  7095. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ColorField(UnityEngine.Color,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7096. <summary>
  7097. <para>Make a field for selecting a Color.</para>
  7098. </summary>
  7099. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the field.</param>
  7100. <param name="value">The color to edit.</param>
  7101. <param name="showEyedropper">If true, the color picker should show the eyedropper control. If false, don't show it.</param>
  7102. <param name="showAlpha">If true, allow the user to set an alpha value for the color. If false, hide the alpha component.</param>
  7103. <param name="hdr">If true, treat the color as an HDR value. If false, treat it as a standard LDR value.</param>
  7104. <param name="hdrConfig">An object that sets the presentation parameters for an HDR color. If not using an HDR color, set this to null.</param>
  7105. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7106. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7107. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7108. <returns>
  7109. <para>The color selected by the user.</para>
  7110. </returns>
  7111. </member>
  7112. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ColorField(System.String,UnityEngine.Color,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7113. <summary>
  7114. <para>Make a field for selecting a Color.</para>
  7115. </summary>
  7116. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the field.</param>
  7117. <param name="value">The color to edit.</param>
  7118. <param name="showEyedropper">If true, the color picker should show the eyedropper control. If false, don't show it.</param>
  7119. <param name="showAlpha">If true, allow the user to set an alpha value for the color. If false, hide the alpha component.</param>
  7120. <param name="hdr">If true, treat the color as an HDR value. If false, treat it as a standard LDR value.</param>
  7121. <param name="hdrConfig">An object that sets the presentation parameters for an HDR color. If not using an HDR color, set this to null.</param>
  7122. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7123. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7124. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7125. <returns>
  7126. <para>The color selected by the user.</para>
  7127. </returns>
  7128. </member>
  7129. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ColorField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.Color,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7130. <summary>
  7131. <para>Make a field for selecting a Color.</para>
  7132. </summary>
  7133. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the field.</param>
  7134. <param name="value">The color to edit.</param>
  7135. <param name="showEyedropper">If true, the color picker should show the eyedropper control. If false, don't show it.</param>
  7136. <param name="showAlpha">If true, allow the user to set an alpha value for the color. If false, hide the alpha component.</param>
  7137. <param name="hdr">If true, treat the color as an HDR value. If false, treat it as a standard LDR value.</param>
  7138. <param name="hdrConfig">An object that sets the presentation parameters for an HDR color. If not using an HDR color, set this to null.</param>
  7139. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7140. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7141. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7142. <returns>
  7143. <para>The color selected by the user.</para>
  7144. </returns>
  7145. </member>
  7146. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ColorField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.Color,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,UnityEditor.ColorPickerHDRConfig,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7147. <summary>
  7148. <para>Make a field for selecting a Color.</para>
  7149. </summary>
  7150. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the field.</param>
  7151. <param name="value">The color to edit.</param>
  7152. <param name="showEyedropper">If true, the color picker should show the eyedropper control. If false, don't show it.</param>
  7153. <param name="showAlpha">If true, allow the user to set an alpha value for the color. If false, hide the alpha component.</param>
  7154. <param name="hdr">If true, treat the color as an HDR value. If false, treat it as a standard LDR value.</param>
  7155. <param name="hdrConfig">An object that sets the presentation parameters for an HDR color. If not using an HDR color, set this to null.</param>
  7156. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7157. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7158. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7159. <returns>
  7160. <para>The color selected by the user.</para>
  7161. </returns>
  7162. </member>
  7163. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.CurveField(UnityEngine.AnimationCurve,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7164. <summary>
  7165. <para>Make a field for editing an AnimationCurve.</para>
  7166. </summary>
  7167. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the field.</param>
  7168. <param name="value">The curve to edit.</param>
  7169. <param name="color">The color to show the curve with.</param>
  7170. <param name="ranges">Optional rectangle that the curve is restrained within.</param>
  7171. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7172. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7173. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7174. <returns>
  7175. <para>The curve edited by the user.</para>
  7176. </returns>
  7177. </member>
  7178. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.CurveField(System.String,UnityEngine.AnimationCurve,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7179. <summary>
  7180. <para>Make a field for editing an AnimationCurve.</para>
  7181. </summary>
  7182. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the field.</param>
  7183. <param name="value">The curve to edit.</param>
  7184. <param name="color">The color to show the curve with.</param>
  7185. <param name="ranges">Optional rectangle that the curve is restrained within.</param>
  7186. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7187. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7188. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7189. <returns>
  7190. <para>The curve edited by the user.</para>
  7191. </returns>
  7192. </member>
  7193. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.CurveField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.AnimationCurve,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7194. <summary>
  7195. <para>Make a field for editing an AnimationCurve.</para>
  7196. </summary>
  7197. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the field.</param>
  7198. <param name="value">The curve to edit.</param>
  7199. <param name="color">The color to show the curve with.</param>
  7200. <param name="ranges">Optional rectangle that the curve is restrained within.</param>
  7201. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7202. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7203. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7204. <returns>
  7205. <para>The curve edited by the user.</para>
  7206. </returns>
  7207. </member>
  7208. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.CurveField(UnityEngine.AnimationCurve,UnityEngine.Color,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7209. <summary>
  7210. <para>Make a field for editing an AnimationCurve.</para>
  7211. </summary>
  7212. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the field.</param>
  7213. <param name="value">The curve to edit.</param>
  7214. <param name="color">The color to show the curve with.</param>
  7215. <param name="ranges">Optional rectangle that the curve is restrained within.</param>
  7216. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7217. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7218. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7219. <returns>
  7220. <para>The curve edited by the user.</para>
  7221. </returns>
  7222. </member>
  7223. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.CurveField(System.String,UnityEngine.AnimationCurve,UnityEngine.Color,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7224. <summary>
  7225. <para>Make a field for editing an AnimationCurve.</para>
  7226. </summary>
  7227. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the field.</param>
  7228. <param name="value">The curve to edit.</param>
  7229. <param name="color">The color to show the curve with.</param>
  7230. <param name="ranges">Optional rectangle that the curve is restrained within.</param>
  7231. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7232. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7233. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7234. <returns>
  7235. <para>The curve edited by the user.</para>
  7236. </returns>
  7237. </member>
  7238. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.CurveField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.AnimationCurve,UnityEngine.Color,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7239. <summary>
  7240. <para>Make a field for editing an AnimationCurve.</para>
  7241. </summary>
  7242. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the field.</param>
  7243. <param name="value">The curve to edit.</param>
  7244. <param name="color">The color to show the curve with.</param>
  7245. <param name="ranges">Optional rectangle that the curve is restrained within.</param>
  7246. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7247. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7248. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7249. <returns>
  7250. <para>The curve edited by the user.</para>
  7251. </returns>
  7252. </member>
  7253. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.CurveField">
  7254. <summary>
  7255. <para>Make a field for editing an AnimationCurve.</para>
  7256. </summary>
  7257. <param name="property">The curve to edit.</param>
  7258. <param name="color">The color to show the curve with.</param>
  7259. <param name="ranges">Optional rectangle that the curve is restrained within.</param>
  7260. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7261. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7262. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7263. </member>
  7264. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedFloatField(System.Single,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7265. <summary>
  7266. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering floats.</para>
  7267. </summary>
  7268. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field.</param>
  7269. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7270. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7271. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7272. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7273. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7274. <returns>
  7275. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the float field.</para>
  7276. </returns>
  7277. </member>
  7278. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedFloatField(System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7279. <summary>
  7280. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering floats.</para>
  7281. </summary>
  7282. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field.</param>
  7283. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7284. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7285. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7286. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7287. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7288. <returns>
  7289. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the float field.</para>
  7290. </returns>
  7291. </member>
  7292. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedFloatField(System.String,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7293. <summary>
  7294. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering floats.</para>
  7295. </summary>
  7296. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field.</param>
  7297. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7298. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7299. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7300. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7301. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7302. <returns>
  7303. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the float field.</para>
  7304. </returns>
  7305. </member>
  7306. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedFloatField(System.String,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7307. <summary>
  7308. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering floats.</para>
  7309. </summary>
  7310. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field.</param>
  7311. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7312. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7313. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7314. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7315. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7316. <returns>
  7317. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the float field.</para>
  7318. </returns>
  7319. </member>
  7320. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedFloatField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7321. <summary>
  7322. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering floats.</para>
  7323. </summary>
  7324. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field.</param>
  7325. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7326. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7327. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7328. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7329. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7330. <returns>
  7331. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the float field.</para>
  7332. </returns>
  7333. </member>
  7334. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedFloatField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7335. <summary>
  7336. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering floats.</para>
  7337. </summary>
  7338. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field.</param>
  7339. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7340. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7341. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7342. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7343. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7344. <returns>
  7345. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the float field.</para>
  7346. </returns>
  7347. </member>
  7348. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedFloatField(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7349. <summary>
  7350. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering floats.</para>
  7351. </summary>
  7352. <param name="property">The float property to edit.</param>
  7353. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field. Pass GUIContent.none to hide label.</param>
  7354. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7355. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7356. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7357. </member>
  7358. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedFloatField(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7359. <summary>
  7360. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering floats.</para>
  7361. </summary>
  7362. <param name="property">The float property to edit.</param>
  7363. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field. Pass GUIContent.none to hide label.</param>
  7364. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7365. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7366. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7367. </member>
  7368. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedIntField(System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7369. <summary>
  7370. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering integers.</para>
  7371. </summary>
  7372. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  7373. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7374. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7375. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7376. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7377. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7378. <returns>
  7379. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the int field.</para>
  7380. </returns>
  7381. </member>
  7382. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedIntField(System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7383. <summary>
  7384. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering integers.</para>
  7385. </summary>
  7386. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  7387. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7388. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7389. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7390. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7391. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7392. <returns>
  7393. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the int field.</para>
  7394. </returns>
  7395. </member>
  7396. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedIntField(System.String,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7397. <summary>
  7398. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering integers.</para>
  7399. </summary>
  7400. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  7401. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7402. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7403. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7404. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7405. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7406. <returns>
  7407. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the int field.</para>
  7408. </returns>
  7409. </member>
  7410. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedIntField(System.String,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7411. <summary>
  7412. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering integers.</para>
  7413. </summary>
  7414. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  7415. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7416. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7417. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7418. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7419. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7420. <returns>
  7421. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the int field.</para>
  7422. </returns>
  7423. </member>
  7424. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedIntField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7425. <summary>
  7426. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering integers.</para>
  7427. </summary>
  7428. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  7429. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7430. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7431. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7432. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7433. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7434. <returns>
  7435. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the int field.</para>
  7436. </returns>
  7437. </member>
  7438. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedIntField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7439. <summary>
  7440. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering integers.</para>
  7441. </summary>
  7442. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  7443. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7444. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7445. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7446. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7447. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7448. <returns>
  7449. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the int field.</para>
  7450. </returns>
  7451. </member>
  7452. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedIntField(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7453. <summary>
  7454. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering integers.</para>
  7455. </summary>
  7456. <param name="property">The int property to edit.</param>
  7457. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field. Pass GUIContent.none to hide label.</param>
  7458. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7459. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7460. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7461. </member>
  7462. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedIntField(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7463. <summary>
  7464. <para>Make a delayed text field for entering integers.</para>
  7465. </summary>
  7466. <param name="property">The int property to edit.</param>
  7467. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field. Pass GUIContent.none to hide label.</param>
  7468. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7469. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7470. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7471. </member>
  7472. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedTextField(System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7473. <summary>
  7474. <para>Make a delayed text field.</para>
  7475. </summary>
  7476. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  7477. <param name="text">The text to edit.</param>
  7478. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7479. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7480. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7481. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7482. <returns>
  7483. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the text field.</para>
  7484. </returns>
  7485. </member>
  7486. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedTextField(System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7487. <summary>
  7488. <para>Make a delayed text field.</para>
  7489. </summary>
  7490. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  7491. <param name="text">The text to edit.</param>
  7492. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7493. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7494. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7495. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7496. <returns>
  7497. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the text field.</para>
  7498. </returns>
  7499. </member>
  7500. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedTextField(System.String,System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7501. <summary>
  7502. <para>Make a delayed text field.</para>
  7503. </summary>
  7504. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  7505. <param name="text">The text to edit.</param>
  7506. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7507. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7508. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7509. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7510. <returns>
  7511. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the text field.</para>
  7512. </returns>
  7513. </member>
  7514. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedTextField(System.String,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7515. <summary>
  7516. <para>Make a delayed text field.</para>
  7517. </summary>
  7518. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  7519. <param name="text">The text to edit.</param>
  7520. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7521. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7522. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7523. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7524. <returns>
  7525. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the text field.</para>
  7526. </returns>
  7527. </member>
  7528. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedTextField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7529. <summary>
  7530. <para>Make a delayed text field.</para>
  7531. </summary>
  7532. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  7533. <param name="text">The text to edit.</param>
  7534. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7535. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7536. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7537. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7538. <returns>
  7539. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the text field.</para>
  7540. </returns>
  7541. </member>
  7542. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedTextField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7543. <summary>
  7544. <para>Make a delayed text field.</para>
  7545. </summary>
  7546. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  7547. <param name="text">The text to edit.</param>
  7548. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7549. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7550. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7551. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7552. <returns>
  7553. <para>The value entered by the user. Note that the return value will not change until the user has pressed enter or focus is moved away from the text field.</para>
  7554. </returns>
  7555. </member>
  7556. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedTextField(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7557. <summary>
  7558. <para>Make a delayed text field.</para>
  7559. </summary>
  7560. <param name="property">The text property to edit.</param>
  7561. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field. Pass GUIContent.none to hide label.</param>
  7562. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7563. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7564. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7565. </member>
  7566. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DelayedTextField(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7567. <summary>
  7568. <para>Make a delayed text field.</para>
  7569. </summary>
  7570. <param name="property">The text property to edit.</param>
  7571. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field. Pass GUIContent.none to hide label.</param>
  7572. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7573. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7574. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7575. </member>
  7576. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DoubleField(System.Double,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7577. <summary>
  7578. <para>Make a text field for entering double values.</para>
  7579. </summary>
  7580. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the double field.</param>
  7581. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7582. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7583. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7584. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7585. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7586. <returns>
  7587. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  7588. </returns>
  7589. </member>
  7590. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DoubleField(System.Double,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7591. <summary>
  7592. <para>Make a text field for entering double values.</para>
  7593. </summary>
  7594. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the double field.</param>
  7595. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7596. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7597. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7598. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7599. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7600. <returns>
  7601. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  7602. </returns>
  7603. </member>
  7604. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DoubleField(System.String,System.Double,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7605. <summary>
  7606. <para>Make a text field for entering double values.</para>
  7607. </summary>
  7608. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the double field.</param>
  7609. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7610. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7611. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7612. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7613. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7614. <returns>
  7615. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  7616. </returns>
  7617. </member>
  7618. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DoubleField(System.String,System.Double,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7619. <summary>
  7620. <para>Make a text field for entering double values.</para>
  7621. </summary>
  7622. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the double field.</param>
  7623. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7624. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7625. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7626. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7627. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7628. <returns>
  7629. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  7630. </returns>
  7631. </member>
  7632. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DoubleField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Double,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7633. <summary>
  7634. <para>Make a text field for entering double values.</para>
  7635. </summary>
  7636. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the double field.</param>
  7637. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7638. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7639. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7640. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7641. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7642. <returns>
  7643. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  7644. </returns>
  7645. </member>
  7646. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.DoubleField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Double,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7647. <summary>
  7648. <para>Make a text field for entering double values.</para>
  7649. </summary>
  7650. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the double field.</param>
  7651. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7652. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7653. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7654. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7655. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7656. <returns>
  7657. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  7658. </returns>
  7659. </member>
  7660. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.EndFadeGroup">
  7661. <summary>
  7662. <para>Closes a group started with BeginFadeGroup.</para>
  7663. </summary>
  7664. </member>
  7665. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal">
  7666. <summary>
  7667. <para>Close a group started with BeginHorizontal.</para>
  7668. </summary>
  7669. </member>
  7670. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView">
  7671. <summary>
  7672. <para>Ends a scrollview started with a call to BeginScrollView.</para>
  7673. </summary>
  7674. </member>
  7675. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.EndToggleGroup">
  7676. <summary>
  7677. <para>Close a group started with BeginToggleGroup.</para>
  7678. </summary>
  7679. </member>
  7680. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.EndVertical">
  7681. <summary>
  7682. <para>Close a group started with BeginVertical.</para>
  7683. </summary>
  7684. </member>
  7685. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.EnumMaskField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Enum,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7686. <summary>
  7687. <para>Make a field for enum based masks.</para>
  7688. </summary>
  7689. <param name="label">Prefix label for this field.</param>
  7690. <param name="enumValue">Enum to use for the flags.</param>
  7691. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7692. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7693. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7694. <param name="style"></param>
  7695. <returns>
  7696. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  7697. </returns>
  7698. </member>
  7699. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.EnumMaskField(System.String,System.Enum,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7700. <summary>
  7701. <para>Make a field for enum based masks.</para>
  7702. </summary>
  7703. <param name="label">Prefix label for this field.</param>
  7704. <param name="enumValue">Enum to use for the flags.</param>
  7705. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7706. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7707. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7708. <param name="style"></param>
  7709. <returns>
  7710. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  7711. </returns>
  7712. </member>
  7713. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.EnumMaskField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Enum,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7714. <summary>
  7715. <para>Make a field for enum based masks.</para>
  7716. </summary>
  7717. <param name="label">Prefix label for this field.</param>
  7718. <param name="enumValue">Enum to use for the flags.</param>
  7719. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7720. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7721. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7722. <param name="style"></param>
  7723. <returns>
  7724. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  7725. </returns>
  7726. </member>
  7727. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.EnumMaskField(System.String,System.Enum,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7728. <summary>
  7729. <para>Make a field for enum based masks.</para>
  7730. </summary>
  7731. <param name="label">Prefix label for this field.</param>
  7732. <param name="enumValue">Enum to use for the flags.</param>
  7733. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7734. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7735. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7736. <param name="style"></param>
  7737. <returns>
  7738. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  7739. </returns>
  7740. </member>
  7741. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.EnumMaskField(System.Enum,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7742. <summary>
  7743. <para>Make a field for enum based masks.</para>
  7744. </summary>
  7745. <param name="label">Prefix label for this field.</param>
  7746. <param name="enumValue">Enum to use for the flags.</param>
  7747. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7748. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7749. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7750. <param name="style"></param>
  7751. <returns>
  7752. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  7753. </returns>
  7754. </member>
  7755. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.EnumMaskField(System.Enum,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7756. <summary>
  7757. <para>Make a field for enum based masks.</para>
  7758. </summary>
  7759. <param name="label">Prefix label for this field.</param>
  7760. <param name="enumValue">Enum to use for the flags.</param>
  7761. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7762. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7763. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7764. <param name="style"></param>
  7765. <returns>
  7766. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  7767. </returns>
  7768. </member>
  7769. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.EnumMaskPopup(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Enum,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7770. <summary>
  7771. <para>Make an enum popup selection field for a bitmask.</para>
  7772. </summary>
  7773. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  7774. <param name="selected">The enum options the field shows.</param>
  7775. <param name="options">Optional layout options.</param>
  7776. <returns>
  7777. <para>The enum options that has been selected by the user.</para>
  7778. </returns>
  7779. </member>
  7780. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(System.Enum,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7781. <summary>
  7782. <para>Make an enum popup selection field.</para>
  7783. </summary>
  7784. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  7785. <param name="selected">The enum option the field shows.</param>
  7786. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7787. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7788. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7789. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7790. <returns>
  7791. <para>The enum option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  7792. </returns>
  7793. </member>
  7794. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(System.Enum,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7795. <summary>
  7796. <para>Make an enum popup selection field.</para>
  7797. </summary>
  7798. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  7799. <param name="selected">The enum option the field shows.</param>
  7800. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7801. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7802. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7803. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7804. <returns>
  7805. <para>The enum option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  7806. </returns>
  7807. </member>
  7808. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(System.String,System.Enum,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7809. <summary>
  7810. <para>Make an enum popup selection field.</para>
  7811. </summary>
  7812. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  7813. <param name="selected">The enum option the field shows.</param>
  7814. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7815. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7816. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7817. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7818. <returns>
  7819. <para>The enum option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  7820. </returns>
  7821. </member>
  7822. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(System.String,System.Enum,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7823. <summary>
  7824. <para>Make an enum popup selection field.</para>
  7825. </summary>
  7826. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  7827. <param name="selected">The enum option the field shows.</param>
  7828. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7829. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7830. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7831. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7832. <returns>
  7833. <para>The enum option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  7834. </returns>
  7835. </member>
  7836. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Enum,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7837. <summary>
  7838. <para>Make an enum popup selection field.</para>
  7839. </summary>
  7840. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  7841. <param name="selected">The enum option the field shows.</param>
  7842. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7843. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7844. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7845. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7846. <returns>
  7847. <para>The enum option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  7848. </returns>
  7849. </member>
  7850. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Enum,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7851. <summary>
  7852. <para>Make an enum popup selection field.</para>
  7853. </summary>
  7854. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  7855. <param name="selected">The enum option the field shows.</param>
  7856. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7857. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7858. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7859. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7860. <returns>
  7861. <para>The enum option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  7862. </returns>
  7863. </member>
  7864. <member name="T:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.FadeGroupScope">
  7865. <summary>
  7866. <para>Begins a group that can be be hidden/shown and the transition will be animated.</para>
  7867. </summary>
  7868. </member>
  7869. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.FadeGroupScope.visible">
  7870. <summary>
  7871. <para>Whether the group is visible.</para>
  7872. </summary>
  7873. </member>
  7874. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.FadeGroupScope.#ctor(System.Single)">
  7875. <summary>
  7876. <para>Create a new FadeGroupScope and begin the corresponding group.</para>
  7877. </summary>
  7878. <param name="value">A value between 0 and 1, 0 being hidden, and 1 being fully visible.</param>
  7879. </member>
  7880. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.FloatField(System.Single,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7881. <summary>
  7882. <para>Make a text field for entering float values.</para>
  7883. </summary>
  7884. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field.</param>
  7885. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7886. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7887. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7888. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7889. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7890. <returns>
  7891. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  7892. </returns>
  7893. </member>
  7894. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.FloatField(System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7895. <summary>
  7896. <para>Make a text field for entering float values.</para>
  7897. </summary>
  7898. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field.</param>
  7899. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7900. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7901. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7902. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7903. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7904. <returns>
  7905. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  7906. </returns>
  7907. </member>
  7908. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.FloatField(System.String,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7909. <summary>
  7910. <para>Make a text field for entering float values.</para>
  7911. </summary>
  7912. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field.</param>
  7913. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7914. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7915. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7916. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7917. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7918. <returns>
  7919. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  7920. </returns>
  7921. </member>
  7922. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.FloatField(System.String,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7923. <summary>
  7924. <para>Make a text field for entering float values.</para>
  7925. </summary>
  7926. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field.</param>
  7927. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7928. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7929. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7930. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7931. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7932. <returns>
  7933. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  7934. </returns>
  7935. </member>
  7936. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.FloatField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7937. <summary>
  7938. <para>Make a text field for entering float values.</para>
  7939. </summary>
  7940. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field.</param>
  7941. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7942. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7943. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7944. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7945. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7946. <returns>
  7947. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  7948. </returns>
  7949. </member>
  7950. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.FloatField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  7951. <summary>
  7952. <para>Make a text field for entering float values.</para>
  7953. </summary>
  7954. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the float field.</param>
  7955. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  7956. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7957. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  7958. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  7959. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  7960. <returns>
  7961. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  7962. </returns>
  7963. </member>
  7964. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Foldout(System.Boolean,System.String)">
  7965. <summary>
  7966. <para>Make a label with a foldout arrow to the left of it.</para>
  7967. </summary>
  7968. <param name="foldout">The shown foldout state.</param>
  7969. <param name="content">The label to show.</param>
  7970. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7971. <returns>
  7972. <para>The foldout state selected by the user. If true, you should render sub-objects.</para>
  7973. </returns>
  7974. </member>
  7975. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Foldout(System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  7976. <summary>
  7977. <para>Make a label with a foldout arrow to the left of it.</para>
  7978. </summary>
  7979. <param name="foldout">The shown foldout state.</param>
  7980. <param name="content">The label to show.</param>
  7981. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7982. <returns>
  7983. <para>The foldout state selected by the user. If true, you should render sub-objects.</para>
  7984. </returns>
  7985. </member>
  7986. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Foldout(System.Boolean,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  7987. <summary>
  7988. <para>Make a label with a foldout arrow to the left of it.</para>
  7989. </summary>
  7990. <param name="foldout">The shown foldout state.</param>
  7991. <param name="content">The label to show.</param>
  7992. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  7993. <returns>
  7994. <para>The foldout state selected by the user. If true, you should render sub-objects.</para>
  7995. </returns>
  7996. </member>
  7997. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Foldout(System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  7998. <summary>
  7999. <para>Make a label with a foldout arrow to the left of it.</para>
  8000. </summary>
  8001. <param name="foldout">The shown foldout state.</param>
  8002. <param name="content">The label to show.</param>
  8003. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8004. <returns>
  8005. <para>The foldout state selected by the user. If true, you should render sub-objects.</para>
  8006. </returns>
  8007. </member>
  8008. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8009. <summary>
  8010. <para>Get a rect for an Editor control.</para>
  8011. </summary>
  8012. <param name="hasLabel">Optional boolean to specify if the control has a label. Default is true.</param>
  8013. <param name="height">The height in pixels of the control. Default is EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight.</param>
  8014. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle to use for the control.</param>
  8015. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.
  8016. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8017. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8018. </member>
  8019. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8020. <summary>
  8021. <para>Get a rect for an Editor control.</para>
  8022. </summary>
  8023. <param name="hasLabel">Optional boolean to specify if the control has a label. Default is true.</param>
  8024. <param name="height">The height in pixels of the control. Default is EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight.</param>
  8025. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle to use for the control.</param>
  8026. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.
  8027. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8028. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8029. </member>
  8030. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(System.Boolean,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8031. <summary>
  8032. <para>Get a rect for an Editor control.</para>
  8033. </summary>
  8034. <param name="hasLabel">Optional boolean to specify if the control has a label. Default is true.</param>
  8035. <param name="height">The height in pixels of the control. Default is EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight.</param>
  8036. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle to use for the control.</param>
  8037. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.
  8038. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8039. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8040. </member>
  8041. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(System.Boolean,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8042. <summary>
  8043. <para>Get a rect for an Editor control.</para>
  8044. </summary>
  8045. <param name="hasLabel">Optional boolean to specify if the control has a label. Default is true.</param>
  8046. <param name="height">The height in pixels of the control. Default is EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight.</param>
  8047. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle to use for the control.</param>
  8048. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.
  8049. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8050. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8051. </member>
  8052. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(System.String,UnityEditor.MessageType)">
  8053. <summary>
  8054. <para>Make a help box with a message to the user.</para>
  8055. </summary>
  8056. <param name="message">The message text.</param>
  8057. <param name="type">The type of message.</param>
  8058. <param name="wide">If true, the box will cover the whole width of the window; otherwise it will cover the controls part only.</param>
  8059. </member>
  8060. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(System.String,UnityEditor.MessageType,System.Boolean)">
  8061. <summary>
  8062. <para>Make a help box with a message to the user.</para>
  8063. </summary>
  8064. <param name="message">The message text.</param>
  8065. <param name="type">The type of message.</param>
  8066. <param name="wide">If true, the box will cover the whole width of the window; otherwise it will cover the controls part only.</param>
  8067. </member>
  8068. <member name="T:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope">
  8069. <summary>
  8070. <para>Disposable helper class for managing BeginHorizontal / EndHorizontal.</para>
  8071. </summary>
  8072. </member>
  8073. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope.rect">
  8074. <summary>
  8075. <para>The rect of the horizontal group.</para>
  8076. </summary>
  8077. </member>
  8078. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8079. <summary>
  8080. <para>Create a new HorizontalScope and begin the corresponding horizontal group.</para>
  8081. </summary>
  8082. <param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
  8083. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8084. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8085. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8086. </member>
  8087. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8088. <summary>
  8089. <para>Create a new HorizontalScope and begin the corresponding horizontal group.</para>
  8090. </summary>
  8091. <param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
  8092. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8093. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8094. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8095. </member>
  8096. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.InspectorTitlebar(System.Boolean,UnityEngine.Object)">
  8097. <summary>
  8098. <para>Make an inspector-window-like titlebar.</para>
  8099. </summary>
  8100. <param name="foldout">The foldout state shown with the arrow.</param>
  8101. <param name="targetObj">The object (for example a component) or objects that the titlebar is for.</param>
  8102. <param name="targetObjs"></param>
  8103. <returns>
  8104. <para>The foldout state selected by the user.</para>
  8105. </returns>
  8106. </member>
  8107. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.InspectorTitlebar(System.Boolean,UnityEngine.Object[])">
  8108. <summary>
  8109. <para>Make an inspector-window-like titlebar.</para>
  8110. </summary>
  8111. <param name="foldout">The foldout state shown with the arrow.</param>
  8112. <param name="targetObj">The object (for example a component) or objects that the titlebar is for.</param>
  8113. <param name="targetObjs"></param>
  8114. <returns>
  8115. <para>The foldout state selected by the user.</para>
  8116. </returns>
  8117. </member>
  8118. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntField(System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8119. <summary>
  8120. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  8121. </summary>
  8122. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  8123. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  8124. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8125. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8126. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8127. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8128. <returns>
  8129. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  8130. </returns>
  8131. </member>
  8132. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntField(System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8133. <summary>
  8134. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  8135. </summary>
  8136. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  8137. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  8138. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8139. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8140. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8141. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8142. <returns>
  8143. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  8144. </returns>
  8145. </member>
  8146. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntField(System.String,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8147. <summary>
  8148. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  8149. </summary>
  8150. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  8151. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  8152. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8153. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8154. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8155. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8156. <returns>
  8157. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  8158. </returns>
  8159. </member>
  8160. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntField(System.String,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8161. <summary>
  8162. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  8163. </summary>
  8164. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  8165. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  8166. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8167. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8168. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8169. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8170. <returns>
  8171. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  8172. </returns>
  8173. </member>
  8174. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8175. <summary>
  8176. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  8177. </summary>
  8178. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  8179. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  8180. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8181. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8182. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8183. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8184. <returns>
  8185. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  8186. </returns>
  8187. </member>
  8188. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8189. <summary>
  8190. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  8191. </summary>
  8192. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the int field.</param>
  8193. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  8194. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8195. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8196. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8197. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8198. <returns>
  8199. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  8200. </returns>
  8201. </member>
  8202. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(System.Int32,System.String[],System.Int32[],UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8203. <summary>
  8204. <para>Make an integer popup selection field.</para>
  8205. </summary>
  8206. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8207. <param name="selectedValue">The value of the option the field shows.</param>
  8208. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the displayed options the user can choose from.</param>
  8209. <param name="optionValues">An array with the values for each option.</param>
  8210. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8211. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8212. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8213. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8214. <returns>
  8215. <para>The value of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  8216. </returns>
  8217. </member>
  8218. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(System.Int32,System.String[],System.Int32[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8219. <summary>
  8220. <para>Make an integer popup selection field.</para>
  8221. </summary>
  8222. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8223. <param name="selectedValue">The value of the option the field shows.</param>
  8224. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the displayed options the user can choose from.</param>
  8225. <param name="optionValues">An array with the values for each option.</param>
  8226. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8227. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8228. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8229. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8230. <returns>
  8231. <para>The value of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  8232. </returns>
  8233. </member>
  8234. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],System.Int32[],UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8235. <summary>
  8236. <para>Make an integer popup selection field.</para>
  8237. </summary>
  8238. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8239. <param name="selectedValue">The value of the option the field shows.</param>
  8240. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the displayed options the user can choose from.</param>
  8241. <param name="optionValues">An array with the values for each option.</param>
  8242. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8243. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8244. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8245. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8246. <returns>
  8247. <para>The value of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  8248. </returns>
  8249. </member>
  8250. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],System.Int32[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8251. <summary>
  8252. <para>Make an integer popup selection field.</para>
  8253. </summary>
  8254. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8255. <param name="selectedValue">The value of the option the field shows.</param>
  8256. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the displayed options the user can choose from.</param>
  8257. <param name="optionValues">An array with the values for each option.</param>
  8258. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8259. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8260. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8261. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8262. <returns>
  8263. <para>The value of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  8264. </returns>
  8265. </member>
  8266. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(System.String,System.Int32,System.String[],System.Int32[],UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8267. <summary>
  8268. <para>Make an integer popup selection field.</para>
  8269. </summary>
  8270. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8271. <param name="selectedValue">The value of the option the field shows.</param>
  8272. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the displayed options the user can choose from.</param>
  8273. <param name="optionValues">An array with the values for each option.</param>
  8274. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8275. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8276. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8277. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8278. <returns>
  8279. <para>The value of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  8280. </returns>
  8281. </member>
  8282. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(System.String,System.Int32,System.String[],System.Int32[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8283. <summary>
  8284. <para>Make an integer popup selection field.</para>
  8285. </summary>
  8286. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8287. <param name="selectedValue">The value of the option the field shows.</param>
  8288. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the displayed options the user can choose from.</param>
  8289. <param name="optionValues">An array with the values for each option.</param>
  8290. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8291. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8292. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8293. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8294. <returns>
  8295. <para>The value of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  8296. </returns>
  8297. </member>
  8298. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],System.Int32[],UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8299. <summary>
  8300. <para>Make an integer popup selection field.</para>
  8301. </summary>
  8302. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8303. <param name="selectedValue">The value of the option the field shows.</param>
  8304. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the displayed options the user can choose from.</param>
  8305. <param name="optionValues">An array with the values for each option.</param>
  8306. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8307. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8308. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8309. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8310. <returns>
  8311. <para>The value of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  8312. </returns>
  8313. </member>
  8314. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],System.Int32[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8315. <summary>
  8316. <para>Make an integer popup selection field.</para>
  8317. </summary>
  8318. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8319. <param name="selectedValue">The value of the option the field shows.</param>
  8320. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the displayed options the user can choose from.</param>
  8321. <param name="optionValues">An array with the values for each option.</param>
  8322. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8323. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8324. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8325. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8326. <returns>
  8327. <para>The value of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  8328. </returns>
  8329. </member>
  8330. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],System.Int32[],UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8331. <summary>
  8332. <para>Make an integer popup selection field.</para>
  8333. </summary>
  8334. <param name="property">The value of the option the field shows.</param>
  8335. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the displayed options the user can choose from.</param>
  8336. <param name="optionValues">An array with the values for each option.</param>
  8337. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8338. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8339. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8340. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8341. <param name="style"></param>
  8342. </member>
  8343. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],System.Int32[],UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8344. <summary>
  8345. <para>Make an integer popup selection field.</para>
  8346. </summary>
  8347. <param name="property">The value of the option the field shows.</param>
  8348. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the displayed options the user can choose from.</param>
  8349. <param name="optionValues">An array with the values for each option.</param>
  8350. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8351. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8352. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8353. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8354. <param name="style"></param>
  8355. </member>
  8356. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],System.Int32[],UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8357. <summary>
  8358. <para>Make an integer popup selection field.</para>
  8359. </summary>
  8360. <param name="property">The value of the option the field shows.</param>
  8361. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the displayed options the user can choose from.</param>
  8362. <param name="optionValues">An array with the values for each option.</param>
  8363. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8364. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8365. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8366. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8367. <param name="style"></param>
  8368. </member>
  8369. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8370. <summary>
  8371. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change an integer value between a min and a max.</para>
  8372. </summary>
  8373. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  8374. <param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  8375. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  8376. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  8377. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8378. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8379. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8380. <returns>
  8381. <para>The value that has been set by the user.</para>
  8382. </returns>
  8383. </member>
  8384. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8385. <summary>
  8386. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change an integer value between a min and a max.</para>
  8387. </summary>
  8388. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  8389. <param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  8390. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  8391. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  8392. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8393. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8394. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8395. <returns>
  8396. <para>The value that has been set by the user.</para>
  8397. </returns>
  8398. </member>
  8399. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8400. <summary>
  8401. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change an integer value between a min and a max.</para>
  8402. </summary>
  8403. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  8404. <param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  8405. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  8406. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  8407. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8408. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8409. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8410. <returns>
  8411. <para>The value that has been set by the user.</para>
  8412. </returns>
  8413. </member>
  8414. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,System.Int32,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8415. <summary>
  8416. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change an integer value between a min and a max.</para>
  8417. </summary>
  8418. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  8419. <param name="property">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  8420. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  8421. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  8422. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8423. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8424. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8425. </member>
  8426. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8427. <summary>
  8428. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change an integer value between a min and a max.</para>
  8429. </summary>
  8430. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  8431. <param name="property">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  8432. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  8433. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  8434. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8435. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8436. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8437. </member>
  8438. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,System.Int32,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8439. <summary>
  8440. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change an integer value between a min and a max.</para>
  8441. </summary>
  8442. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  8443. <param name="property">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  8444. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  8445. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  8446. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8447. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8448. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8449. </member>
  8450. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.LabelField(System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8451. <summary>
  8452. <para>Make a label field. (Useful for showing read-only info.)</para>
  8453. </summary>
  8454. <param name="label">Label in front of the label field.</param>
  8455. <param name="label2">The label to show to the right.</param>
  8456. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8457. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8458. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8459. <param name="style"></param>
  8460. </member>
  8461. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.LabelField(System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8462. <summary>
  8463. <para>Make a label field. (Useful for showing read-only info.)</para>
  8464. </summary>
  8465. <param name="label">Label in front of the label field.</param>
  8466. <param name="label2">The label to show to the right.</param>
  8467. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8468. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8469. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8470. <param name="style"></param>
  8471. </member>
  8472. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.LabelField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8473. <summary>
  8474. <para>Make a label field. (Useful for showing read-only info.)</para>
  8475. </summary>
  8476. <param name="label">Label in front of the label field.</param>
  8477. <param name="label2">The label to show to the right.</param>
  8478. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8479. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8480. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8481. <param name="style"></param>
  8482. </member>
  8483. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.LabelField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8484. <summary>
  8485. <para>Make a label field. (Useful for showing read-only info.)</para>
  8486. </summary>
  8487. <param name="label">Label in front of the label field.</param>
  8488. <param name="label2">The label to show to the right.</param>
  8489. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8490. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8491. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8492. <param name="style"></param>
  8493. </member>
  8494. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.LabelField(System.String,System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8495. <summary>
  8496. <para>Make a label field. (Useful for showing read-only info.)</para>
  8497. </summary>
  8498. <param name="label">Label in front of the label field.</param>
  8499. <param name="label2">The label to show to the right.</param>
  8500. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8501. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8502. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8503. <param name="style"></param>
  8504. </member>
  8505. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.LabelField(System.String,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8506. <summary>
  8507. <para>Make a label field. (Useful for showing read-only info.)</para>
  8508. </summary>
  8509. <param name="label">Label in front of the label field.</param>
  8510. <param name="label2">The label to show to the right.</param>
  8511. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8512. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8513. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8514. <param name="style"></param>
  8515. </member>
  8516. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.LabelField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8517. <summary>
  8518. <para>Make a label field. (Useful for showing read-only info.)</para>
  8519. </summary>
  8520. <param name="label">Label in front of the label field.</param>
  8521. <param name="label2">The label to show to the right.</param>
  8522. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8523. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8524. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8525. <param name="style"></param>
  8526. </member>
  8527. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.LabelField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8528. <summary>
  8529. <para>Make a label field. (Useful for showing read-only info.)</para>
  8530. </summary>
  8531. <param name="label">Label in front of the label field.</param>
  8532. <param name="label2">The label to show to the right.</param>
  8533. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8534. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8535. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8536. <param name="style"></param>
  8537. </member>
  8538. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.LayerField(System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8539. <summary>
  8540. <para>Make a layer selection field.</para>
  8541. </summary>
  8542. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8543. <param name="layer">The layer shown in the field.</param>
  8544. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8545. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8546. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8547. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8548. <returns>
  8549. <para>The layer selected by the user.</para>
  8550. </returns>
  8551. </member>
  8552. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.LayerField(System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8553. <summary>
  8554. <para>Make a layer selection field.</para>
  8555. </summary>
  8556. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8557. <param name="layer">The layer shown in the field.</param>
  8558. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8559. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8560. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8561. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8562. <returns>
  8563. <para>The layer selected by the user.</para>
  8564. </returns>
  8565. </member>
  8566. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.LayerField(System.String,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8567. <summary>
  8568. <para>Make a layer selection field.</para>
  8569. </summary>
  8570. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8571. <param name="layer">The layer shown in the field.</param>
  8572. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8573. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8574. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8575. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8576. <returns>
  8577. <para>The layer selected by the user.</para>
  8578. </returns>
  8579. </member>
  8580. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.LayerField(System.String,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8581. <summary>
  8582. <para>Make a layer selection field.</para>
  8583. </summary>
  8584. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8585. <param name="layer">The layer shown in the field.</param>
  8586. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8587. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8588. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8589. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8590. <returns>
  8591. <para>The layer selected by the user.</para>
  8592. </returns>
  8593. </member>
  8594. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.LayerField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8595. <summary>
  8596. <para>Make a layer selection field.</para>
  8597. </summary>
  8598. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8599. <param name="layer">The layer shown in the field.</param>
  8600. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8601. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8602. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8603. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8604. <returns>
  8605. <para>The layer selected by the user.</para>
  8606. </returns>
  8607. </member>
  8608. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.LayerField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8609. <summary>
  8610. <para>Make a layer selection field.</para>
  8611. </summary>
  8612. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8613. <param name="layer">The layer shown in the field.</param>
  8614. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8615. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8616. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8617. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8618. <returns>
  8619. <para>The layer selected by the user.</para>
  8620. </returns>
  8621. </member>
  8622. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.LongField(System.Int64,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8623. <summary>
  8624. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  8625. </summary>
  8626. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the long field.</param>
  8627. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  8628. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8629. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8630. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8631. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8632. <returns>
  8633. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  8634. </returns>
  8635. </member>
  8636. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.LongField(System.Int64,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8637. <summary>
  8638. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  8639. </summary>
  8640. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the long field.</param>
  8641. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  8642. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8643. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8644. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8645. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8646. <returns>
  8647. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  8648. </returns>
  8649. </member>
  8650. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.LongField(System.String,System.Int64,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8651. <summary>
  8652. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  8653. </summary>
  8654. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the long field.</param>
  8655. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  8656. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8657. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8658. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8659. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8660. <returns>
  8661. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  8662. </returns>
  8663. </member>
  8664. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.LongField(System.String,System.Int64,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8665. <summary>
  8666. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  8667. </summary>
  8668. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the long field.</param>
  8669. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  8670. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8671. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8672. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8673. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8674. <returns>
  8675. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  8676. </returns>
  8677. </member>
  8678. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.LongField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int64,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8679. <summary>
  8680. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  8681. </summary>
  8682. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the long field.</param>
  8683. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  8684. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8685. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8686. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8687. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8688. <returns>
  8689. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  8690. </returns>
  8691. </member>
  8692. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.LongField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int64,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8693. <summary>
  8694. <para>Make a text field for entering integers.</para>
  8695. </summary>
  8696. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the long field.</param>
  8697. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  8698. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8699. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8700. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8701. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8702. <returns>
  8703. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  8704. </returns>
  8705. </member>
  8706. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.MaskField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,System.String[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8707. <summary>
  8708. <para>Make a field for masks.</para>
  8709. </summary>
  8710. <param name="label">Prefix label of the field.</param>
  8711. <param name="mask">The current mask to display.</param>
  8712. <param name="displayedOption">A string array containing the labels for each flag.</param>
  8713. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8714. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8715. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8716. <param name="displayedOptions"></param>
  8717. <param name="style"></param>
  8718. <returns>
  8719. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  8720. </returns>
  8721. </member>
  8722. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.MaskField(System.String,System.Int32,System.String[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8723. <summary>
  8724. <para>Make a field for masks.</para>
  8725. </summary>
  8726. <param name="label">Prefix label of the field.</param>
  8727. <param name="mask">The current mask to display.</param>
  8728. <param name="displayedOption">A string array containing the labels for each flag.</param>
  8729. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8730. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8731. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8732. <param name="displayedOptions"></param>
  8733. <param name="style"></param>
  8734. <returns>
  8735. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  8736. </returns>
  8737. </member>
  8738. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.MaskField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,System.String[],UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8739. <summary>
  8740. <para>Make a field for masks.</para>
  8741. </summary>
  8742. <param name="label">Prefix label of the field.</param>
  8743. <param name="mask">The current mask to display.</param>
  8744. <param name="displayedOption">A string array containing the labels for each flag.</param>
  8745. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8746. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8747. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8748. <param name="displayedOptions"></param>
  8749. <param name="style"></param>
  8750. <returns>
  8751. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  8752. </returns>
  8753. </member>
  8754. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.MaskField(System.String,System.Int32,System.String[],UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8755. <summary>
  8756. <para>Make a field for masks.</para>
  8757. </summary>
  8758. <param name="label">Prefix label of the field.</param>
  8759. <param name="mask">The current mask to display.</param>
  8760. <param name="displayedOption">A string array containing the labels for each flag.</param>
  8761. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8762. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8763. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8764. <param name="displayedOptions"></param>
  8765. <param name="style"></param>
  8766. <returns>
  8767. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  8768. </returns>
  8769. </member>
  8770. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.MaskField(System.Int32,System.String[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8771. <summary>
  8772. <para>Make a field for masks.</para>
  8773. </summary>
  8774. <param name="label">Prefix label of the field.</param>
  8775. <param name="mask">The current mask to display.</param>
  8776. <param name="displayedOption">A string array containing the labels for each flag.</param>
  8777. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8778. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8779. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8780. <param name="displayedOptions"></param>
  8781. <param name="style"></param>
  8782. <returns>
  8783. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  8784. </returns>
  8785. </member>
  8786. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.MaskField(System.Int32,System.String[],UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8787. <summary>
  8788. <para>Make a field for masks.</para>
  8789. </summary>
  8790. <param name="label">Prefix label of the field.</param>
  8791. <param name="mask">The current mask to display.</param>
  8792. <param name="displayedOption">A string array containing the labels for each flag.</param>
  8793. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8794. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8795. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8796. <param name="displayedOptions"></param>
  8797. <param name="style"></param>
  8798. <returns>
  8799. <para>The value modified by the user.</para>
  8800. </returns>
  8801. </member>
  8802. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.MinMaxSlider(System.Single&amp;,System.Single&amp;,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8803. <summary>
  8804. <para>Make a special slider the user can use to specify a range between a min and a max.</para>
  8805. </summary>
  8806. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  8807. <param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  8808. <param name="minValue">The lower value of the range the slider shows, passed by reference.</param>
  8809. <param name="maxValue">The upper value at the range the slider shows, passed by reference.</param>
  8810. <param name="minLimit">The limit at the left end of the slider.</param>
  8811. <param name="maxLimit">The limit at the right end of the slider.</param>
  8812. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8813. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8814. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8815. </member>
  8816. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.MinMaxSlider(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Single&amp;,System.Single&amp;,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8817. <summary>
  8818. <para>Make a special slider the user can use to specify a range between a min and a max.</para>
  8819. </summary>
  8820. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  8821. <param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  8822. <param name="minValue">The lower value of the range the slider shows, passed by reference.</param>
  8823. <param name="maxValue">The upper value at the range the slider shows, passed by reference.</param>
  8824. <param name="minLimit">The limit at the left end of the slider.</param>
  8825. <param name="maxLimit">The limit at the right end of the slider.</param>
  8826. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8827. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8828. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8829. </member>
  8830. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(UnityEngine.Object,System.Type,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8831. <summary>
  8832. <para>Make a field to receive any object type.</para>
  8833. </summary>
  8834. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8835. <param name="obj">The object the field shows.</param>
  8836. <param name="objType">The type of the objects that can be assigned.</param>
  8837. <param name="allowSceneObjects">Allow assigning scene objects. See Description for more info.</param>
  8838. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layout properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.
  8839. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8840. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8841. <returns>
  8842. <para>The object that has been set by the user.</para>
  8843. </returns>
  8844. </member>
  8845. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(System.String,UnityEngine.Object,System.Type,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8846. <summary>
  8847. <para>Make a field to receive any object type.</para>
  8848. </summary>
  8849. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8850. <param name="obj">The object the field shows.</param>
  8851. <param name="objType">The type of the objects that can be assigned.</param>
  8852. <param name="allowSceneObjects">Allow assigning scene objects. See Description for more info.</param>
  8853. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layout properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.
  8854. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8855. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8856. <returns>
  8857. <para>The object that has been set by the user.</para>
  8858. </returns>
  8859. </member>
  8860. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.Object,System.Type,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8861. <summary>
  8862. <para>Make a field to receive any object type.</para>
  8863. </summary>
  8864. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8865. <param name="obj">The object the field shows.</param>
  8866. <param name="objType">The type of the objects that can be assigned.</param>
  8867. <param name="allowSceneObjects">Allow assigning scene objects. See Description for more info.</param>
  8868. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layout properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.
  8869. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8870. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8871. <returns>
  8872. <para>The object that has been set by the user.</para>
  8873. </returns>
  8874. </member>
  8875. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.PasswordField(System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8876. <summary>
  8877. <para>Make a text field where the user can enter a password.</para>
  8878. </summary>
  8879. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the password field.</param>
  8880. <param name="password">The password to edit.</param>
  8881. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8882. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8883. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8884. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8885. <returns>
  8886. <para>The password entered by the user.</para>
  8887. </returns>
  8888. </member>
  8889. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.PasswordField(System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8890. <summary>
  8891. <para>Make a text field where the user can enter a password.</para>
  8892. </summary>
  8893. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the password field.</param>
  8894. <param name="password">The password to edit.</param>
  8895. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8896. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8897. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8898. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8899. <returns>
  8900. <para>The password entered by the user.</para>
  8901. </returns>
  8902. </member>
  8903. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.PasswordField(System.String,System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8904. <summary>
  8905. <para>Make a text field where the user can enter a password.</para>
  8906. </summary>
  8907. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the password field.</param>
  8908. <param name="password">The password to edit.</param>
  8909. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8910. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8911. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8912. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8913. <returns>
  8914. <para>The password entered by the user.</para>
  8915. </returns>
  8916. </member>
  8917. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.PasswordField(System.String,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8918. <summary>
  8919. <para>Make a text field where the user can enter a password.</para>
  8920. </summary>
  8921. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the password field.</param>
  8922. <param name="password">The password to edit.</param>
  8923. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8924. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8925. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8926. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8927. <returns>
  8928. <para>The password entered by the user.</para>
  8929. </returns>
  8930. </member>
  8931. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.PasswordField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8932. <summary>
  8933. <para>Make a text field where the user can enter a password.</para>
  8934. </summary>
  8935. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the password field.</param>
  8936. <param name="password">The password to edit.</param>
  8937. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8938. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8939. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8940. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8941. <returns>
  8942. <para>The password entered by the user.</para>
  8943. </returns>
  8944. </member>
  8945. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.PasswordField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8946. <summary>
  8947. <para>Make a text field where the user can enter a password.</para>
  8948. </summary>
  8949. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the password field.</param>
  8950. <param name="password">The password to edit.</param>
  8951. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8952. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8953. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8954. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8955. <returns>
  8956. <para>The password entered by the user.</para>
  8957. </returns>
  8958. </member>
  8959. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Popup(System.Int32,System.String[],UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8960. <summary>
  8961. <para>Make a generic popup selection field.</para>
  8962. </summary>
  8963. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8964. <param name="selectedIndex">The index of the option the field shows.</param>
  8965. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the options shown in the popup.</param>
  8966. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8967. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8968. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8969. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8970. <returns>
  8971. <para>The index of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  8972. </returns>
  8973. </member>
  8974. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Popup(System.Int32,System.String[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8975. <summary>
  8976. <para>Make a generic popup selection field.</para>
  8977. </summary>
  8978. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8979. <param name="selectedIndex">The index of the option the field shows.</param>
  8980. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the options shown in the popup.</param>
  8981. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8982. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8983. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8984. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  8985. <returns>
  8986. <para>The index of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  8987. </returns>
  8988. </member>
  8989. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Popup(System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  8990. <summary>
  8991. <para>Make a generic popup selection field.</para>
  8992. </summary>
  8993. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  8994. <param name="selectedIndex">The index of the option the field shows.</param>
  8995. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the options shown in the popup.</param>
  8996. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  8997. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  8998. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  8999. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9000. <returns>
  9001. <para>The index of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  9002. </returns>
  9003. </member>
  9004. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Popup(System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9005. <summary>
  9006. <para>Make a generic popup selection field.</para>
  9007. </summary>
  9008. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  9009. <param name="selectedIndex">The index of the option the field shows.</param>
  9010. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the options shown in the popup.</param>
  9011. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9012. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9013. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9014. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9015. <returns>
  9016. <para>The index of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  9017. </returns>
  9018. </member>
  9019. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Popup(System.String,System.Int32,System.String[],UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9020. <summary>
  9021. <para>Make a generic popup selection field.</para>
  9022. </summary>
  9023. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  9024. <param name="selectedIndex">The index of the option the field shows.</param>
  9025. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the options shown in the popup.</param>
  9026. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9027. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9028. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9029. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9030. <returns>
  9031. <para>The index of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  9032. </returns>
  9033. </member>
  9034. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Popup(System.String,System.Int32,System.String[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9035. <summary>
  9036. <para>Make a generic popup selection field.</para>
  9037. </summary>
  9038. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  9039. <param name="selectedIndex">The index of the option the field shows.</param>
  9040. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the options shown in the popup.</param>
  9041. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9042. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9043. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9044. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9045. <returns>
  9046. <para>The index of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  9047. </returns>
  9048. </member>
  9049. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Popup(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9050. <summary>
  9051. <para>Make a generic popup selection field.</para>
  9052. </summary>
  9053. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  9054. <param name="selectedIndex">The index of the option the field shows.</param>
  9055. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the options shown in the popup.</param>
  9056. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9057. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9058. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9059. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9060. <returns>
  9061. <para>The index of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  9062. </returns>
  9063. </member>
  9064. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Popup(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Int32,UnityEngine.GUIContent[],UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9065. <summary>
  9066. <para>Make a generic popup selection field.</para>
  9067. </summary>
  9068. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  9069. <param name="selectedIndex">The index of the option the field shows.</param>
  9070. <param name="displayedOptions">An array with the options shown in the popup.</param>
  9071. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9072. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9073. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9074. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9075. <returns>
  9076. <para>The index of the option that has been selected by the user.</para>
  9077. </returns>
  9078. </member>
  9079. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(System.String)">
  9080. <summary>
  9081. <para>Make a label in front of some control.</para>
  9082. </summary>
  9083. <param name="label">Label to show in front of the control.</param>
  9084. <param name="followingStyle"></param>
  9085. <param name="labelStyle"></param>
  9086. </member>
  9087. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  9088. <summary>
  9089. <para>Make a label in front of some control.</para>
  9090. </summary>
  9091. <param name="label">Label to show in front of the control.</param>
  9092. <param name="followingStyle"></param>
  9093. <param name="labelStyle"></param>
  9094. </member>
  9095. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  9096. <summary>
  9097. <para>Make a label in front of some control.</para>
  9098. </summary>
  9099. <param name="label">Label to show in front of the control.</param>
  9100. <param name="followingStyle"></param>
  9101. <param name="labelStyle"></param>
  9102. </member>
  9103. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  9104. <summary>
  9105. <para>Make a label in front of some control.</para>
  9106. </summary>
  9107. <param name="label">Label to show in front of the control.</param>
  9108. <param name="followingStyle"></param>
  9109. <param name="labelStyle"></param>
  9110. </member>
  9111. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  9112. <summary>
  9113. <para>Make a label in front of some control.</para>
  9114. </summary>
  9115. <param name="label">Label to show in front of the control.</param>
  9116. <param name="followingStyle"></param>
  9117. <param name="labelStyle"></param>
  9118. </member>
  9119. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  9120. <summary>
  9121. <para>Make a label in front of some control.</para>
  9122. </summary>
  9123. <param name="label">Label to show in front of the control.</param>
  9124. <param name="followingStyle"></param>
  9125. <param name="labelStyle"></param>
  9126. </member>
  9127. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9128. <summary>
  9129. <para>Make a field for SerializedProperty.</para>
  9130. </summary>
  9131. <param name="property">The SerializedProperty to make a field for.</param>
  9132. <param name="label">Optional label to use. If not specified the label of the property itself is used. Use GUIContent.none to not display a label at all.</param>
  9133. <param name="includeChildren">If true the property including children is drawn; otherwise only the control itself (such as only a foldout but nothing below it).</param>
  9134. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9135. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9136. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9137. <returns>
  9138. <para>True if the property has children and is expanded and includeChildren was set to false; otherwise false.</para>
  9139. </returns>
  9140. </member>
  9141. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9142. <summary>
  9143. <para>Make a field for SerializedProperty.</para>
  9144. </summary>
  9145. <param name="property">The SerializedProperty to make a field for.</param>
  9146. <param name="label">Optional label to use. If not specified the label of the property itself is used. Use GUIContent.none to not display a label at all.</param>
  9147. <param name="includeChildren">If true the property including children is drawn; otherwise only the control itself (such as only a foldout but nothing below it).</param>
  9148. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9149. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9150. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9151. <returns>
  9152. <para>True if the property has children and is expanded and includeChildren was set to false; otherwise false.</para>
  9153. </returns>
  9154. </member>
  9155. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9156. <summary>
  9157. <para>Make a field for SerializedProperty.</para>
  9158. </summary>
  9159. <param name="property">The SerializedProperty to make a field for.</param>
  9160. <param name="label">Optional label to use. If not specified the label of the property itself is used. Use GUIContent.none to not display a label at all.</param>
  9161. <param name="includeChildren">If true the property including children is drawn; otherwise only the control itself (such as only a foldout but nothing below it).</param>
  9162. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9163. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9164. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9165. <returns>
  9166. <para>True if the property has children and is expanded and includeChildren was set to false; otherwise false.</para>
  9167. </returns>
  9168. </member>
  9169. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9170. <summary>
  9171. <para>Make a field for SerializedProperty.</para>
  9172. </summary>
  9173. <param name="property">The SerializedProperty to make a field for.</param>
  9174. <param name="label">Optional label to use. If not specified the label of the property itself is used. Use GUIContent.none to not display a label at all.</param>
  9175. <param name="includeChildren">If true the property including children is drawn; otherwise only the control itself (such as only a foldout but nothing below it).</param>
  9176. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9177. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9178. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9179. <returns>
  9180. <para>True if the property has children and is expanded and includeChildren was set to false; otherwise false.</para>
  9181. </returns>
  9182. </member>
  9183. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.RectField(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9184. <summary>
  9185. <para>Make an X, Y, W &amp; H field for entering a Rect.</para>
  9186. </summary>
  9187. <param name="label">Label to display above the field.</param>
  9188. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  9189. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9190. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9191. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9192. <returns>
  9193. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  9194. </returns>
  9195. </member>
  9196. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.RectField(System.String,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9197. <summary>
  9198. <para>Make an X, Y, W &amp; H field for entering a Rect.</para>
  9199. </summary>
  9200. <param name="label">Label to display above the field.</param>
  9201. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  9202. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9203. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9204. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9205. <returns>
  9206. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  9207. </returns>
  9208. </member>
  9209. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.RectField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9210. <summary>
  9211. <para>Make an X, Y, W &amp; H field for entering a Rect.</para>
  9212. </summary>
  9213. <param name="label">Label to display above the field.</param>
  9214. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  9215. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9216. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9217. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9218. <returns>
  9219. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  9220. </returns>
  9221. </member>
  9222. <member name="T:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ScrollViewScope">
  9223. <summary>
  9224. <para>Disposable helper class for managing BeginScrollView / EndScrollView.</para>
  9225. </summary>
  9226. </member>
  9227. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ScrollViewScope.handleScrollWheel">
  9228. <summary>
  9229. <para>Whether this ScrollView should handle scroll wheel events. (default: true).</para>
  9230. </summary>
  9231. </member>
  9232. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ScrollViewScope.scrollPosition">
  9233. <summary>
  9234. <para>The modified scrollPosition. Feed this back into the variable you pass in, as shown in the example.</para>
  9235. </summary>
  9236. </member>
  9237. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ScrollViewScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9238. <summary>
  9239. <para>Create a new ScrollViewScope and begin the corresponding ScrollView.</para>
  9240. </summary>
  9241. <param name="scrollPosition">The scroll position to use.</param>
  9242. <param name="alwaysShowHorizontal">Whether to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
  9243. <param name="alwaysShowVertical">Whether to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is higher than the scrollview itself.</param>
  9244. <param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
  9245. <param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
  9246. <param name="options"></param>
  9247. <param name="style"></param>
  9248. <param name="background"></param>
  9249. </member>
  9250. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ScrollViewScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Vector2,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9251. <summary>
  9252. <para>Create a new ScrollViewScope and begin the corresponding ScrollView.</para>
  9253. </summary>
  9254. <param name="scrollPosition">The scroll position to use.</param>
  9255. <param name="alwaysShowHorizontal">Whether to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
  9256. <param name="alwaysShowVertical">Whether to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is higher than the scrollview itself.</param>
  9257. <param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
  9258. <param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
  9259. <param name="options"></param>
  9260. <param name="style"></param>
  9261. <param name="background"></param>
  9262. </member>
  9263. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ScrollViewScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9264. <summary>
  9265. <para>Create a new ScrollViewScope and begin the corresponding ScrollView.</para>
  9266. </summary>
  9267. <param name="scrollPosition">The scroll position to use.</param>
  9268. <param name="alwaysShowHorizontal">Whether to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
  9269. <param name="alwaysShowVertical">Whether to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is higher than the scrollview itself.</param>
  9270. <param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
  9271. <param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
  9272. <param name="options"></param>
  9273. <param name="style"></param>
  9274. <param name="background"></param>
  9275. </member>
  9276. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ScrollViewScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9277. <summary>
  9278. <para>Create a new ScrollViewScope and begin the corresponding ScrollView.</para>
  9279. </summary>
  9280. <param name="scrollPosition">The scroll position to use.</param>
  9281. <param name="alwaysShowHorizontal">Whether to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
  9282. <param name="alwaysShowVertical">Whether to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is higher than the scrollview itself.</param>
  9283. <param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
  9284. <param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
  9285. <param name="options"></param>
  9286. <param name="style"></param>
  9287. <param name="background"></param>
  9288. </member>
  9289. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ScrollViewScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.Vector2,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9290. <summary>
  9291. <para>Create a new ScrollViewScope and begin the corresponding ScrollView.</para>
  9292. </summary>
  9293. <param name="scrollPosition">The scroll position to use.</param>
  9294. <param name="alwaysShowHorizontal">Whether to always show the horizontal scrollbar. If false, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is wider than the scrollview itself.</param>
  9295. <param name="alwaysShowVertical">Whether to always show the vertical scrollbar. If false, it is only shown when the content inside the ScrollView is higher than the scrollview itself.</param>
  9296. <param name="horizontalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the horizontal scrollbar. If left out, the horizontalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
  9297. <param name="verticalScrollbar">Optional GUIStyle to use for the vertical scrollbar. If left out, the verticalScrollbar style from the current GUISkin is used.</param>
  9298. <param name="options"></param>
  9299. <param name="style"></param>
  9300. <param name="background"></param>
  9301. </member>
  9302. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.SelectableLabel(System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9303. <summary>
  9304. <para>Make a selectable label field. (Useful for showing read-only info that can be copy-pasted.)</para>
  9305. </summary>
  9306. <param name="text">The text to show.</param>
  9307. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9308. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9309. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9310. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9311. </member>
  9312. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.SelectableLabel(System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9313. <summary>
  9314. <para>Make a selectable label field. (Useful for showing read-only info that can be copy-pasted.)</para>
  9315. </summary>
  9316. <param name="text">The text to show.</param>
  9317. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9318. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9319. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9320. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9321. </member>
  9322. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Slider(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9323. <summary>
  9324. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
  9325. </summary>
  9326. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  9327. <param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  9328. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  9329. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  9330. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9331. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9332. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9333. <returns>
  9334. <para>The value that has been set by the user.</para>
  9335. </returns>
  9336. </member>
  9337. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Slider(System.String,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9338. <summary>
  9339. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
  9340. </summary>
  9341. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  9342. <param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  9343. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  9344. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  9345. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9346. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9347. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9348. <returns>
  9349. <para>The value that has been set by the user.</para>
  9350. </returns>
  9351. </member>
  9352. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Slider(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9353. <summary>
  9354. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
  9355. </summary>
  9356. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  9357. <param name="value">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  9358. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  9359. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  9360. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9361. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9362. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9363. <returns>
  9364. <para>The value that has been set by the user.</para>
  9365. </returns>
  9366. </member>
  9367. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Slider(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9368. <summary>
  9369. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
  9370. </summary>
  9371. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  9372. <param name="property">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  9373. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  9374. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  9375. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9376. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9377. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9378. </member>
  9379. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Slider(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,System.Single,System.Single,System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9380. <summary>
  9381. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
  9382. </summary>
  9383. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  9384. <param name="property">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  9385. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  9386. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  9387. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9388. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9389. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9390. </member>
  9391. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Slider(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9392. <summary>
  9393. <para>Make a slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max.</para>
  9394. </summary>
  9395. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the slider.</param>
  9396. <param name="property">The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.</param>
  9397. <param name="leftValue">The value at the left end of the slider.</param>
  9398. <param name="rightValue">The value at the right end of the slider.</param>
  9399. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9400. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9401. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9402. </member>
  9403. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Space">
  9404. <summary>
  9405. <para>Make a small space between the previous control and the following.</para>
  9406. </summary>
  9407. </member>
  9408. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.TagField(System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9409. <summary>
  9410. <para>Make a tag selection field.</para>
  9411. </summary>
  9412. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  9413. <param name="tag">The tag the field shows.</param>
  9414. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9415. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9416. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9417. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9418. <returns>
  9419. <para>The tag selected by the user.</para>
  9420. </returns>
  9421. </member>
  9422. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.TagField(System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9423. <summary>
  9424. <para>Make a tag selection field.</para>
  9425. </summary>
  9426. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  9427. <param name="tag">The tag the field shows.</param>
  9428. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9429. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9430. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9431. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9432. <returns>
  9433. <para>The tag selected by the user.</para>
  9434. </returns>
  9435. </member>
  9436. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.TagField(System.String,System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9437. <summary>
  9438. <para>Make a tag selection field.</para>
  9439. </summary>
  9440. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  9441. <param name="tag">The tag the field shows.</param>
  9442. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9443. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9444. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9445. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9446. <returns>
  9447. <para>The tag selected by the user.</para>
  9448. </returns>
  9449. </member>
  9450. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.TagField(System.String,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9451. <summary>
  9452. <para>Make a tag selection field.</para>
  9453. </summary>
  9454. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  9455. <param name="tag">The tag the field shows.</param>
  9456. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9457. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9458. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9459. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9460. <returns>
  9461. <para>The tag selected by the user.</para>
  9462. </returns>
  9463. </member>
  9464. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.TagField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9465. <summary>
  9466. <para>Make a tag selection field.</para>
  9467. </summary>
  9468. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  9469. <param name="tag">The tag the field shows.</param>
  9470. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9471. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9472. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9473. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9474. <returns>
  9475. <para>The tag selected by the user.</para>
  9476. </returns>
  9477. </member>
  9478. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.TagField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9479. <summary>
  9480. <para>Make a tag selection field.</para>
  9481. </summary>
  9482. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the field.</param>
  9483. <param name="tag">The tag the field shows.</param>
  9484. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9485. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9486. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9487. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9488. <returns>
  9489. <para>The tag selected by the user.</para>
  9490. </returns>
  9491. </member>
  9492. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.TextArea(System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9493. <summary>
  9494. <para>Make a text area.</para>
  9495. </summary>
  9496. <param name="text">The text to edit.</param>
  9497. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9498. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9499. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9500. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9501. <returns>
  9502. <para>The text entered by the user.</para>
  9503. </returns>
  9504. </member>
  9505. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.TextArea(System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9506. <summary>
  9507. <para>Make a text area.</para>
  9508. </summary>
  9509. <param name="text">The text to edit.</param>
  9510. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9511. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9512. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9513. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9514. <returns>
  9515. <para>The text entered by the user.</para>
  9516. </returns>
  9517. </member>
  9518. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.TextField(System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9519. <summary>
  9520. <para>Make a text field.</para>
  9521. </summary>
  9522. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the text field.</param>
  9523. <param name="text">The text to edit.</param>
  9524. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9525. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9526. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9527. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9528. <returns>
  9529. <para>The text entered by the user.</para>
  9530. </returns>
  9531. </member>
  9532. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.TextField(System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9533. <summary>
  9534. <para>Make a text field.</para>
  9535. </summary>
  9536. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the text field.</param>
  9537. <param name="text">The text to edit.</param>
  9538. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9539. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9540. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9541. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9542. <returns>
  9543. <para>The text entered by the user.</para>
  9544. </returns>
  9545. </member>
  9546. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.TextField(System.String,System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9547. <summary>
  9548. <para>Make a text field.</para>
  9549. </summary>
  9550. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the text field.</param>
  9551. <param name="text">The text to edit.</param>
  9552. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9553. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9554. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9555. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9556. <returns>
  9557. <para>The text entered by the user.</para>
  9558. </returns>
  9559. </member>
  9560. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.TextField(System.String,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9561. <summary>
  9562. <para>Make a text field.</para>
  9563. </summary>
  9564. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the text field.</param>
  9565. <param name="text">The text to edit.</param>
  9566. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9567. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9568. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9569. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9570. <returns>
  9571. <para>The text entered by the user.</para>
  9572. </returns>
  9573. </member>
  9574. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.TextField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.String,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9575. <summary>
  9576. <para>Make a text field.</para>
  9577. </summary>
  9578. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the text field.</param>
  9579. <param name="text">The text to edit.</param>
  9580. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9581. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9582. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9583. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9584. <returns>
  9585. <para>The text entered by the user.</para>
  9586. </returns>
  9587. </member>
  9588. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.TextField(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9589. <summary>
  9590. <para>Make a text field.</para>
  9591. </summary>
  9592. <param name="label">Optional label to display in front of the text field.</param>
  9593. <param name="text">The text to edit.</param>
  9594. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9595. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9596. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9597. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9598. <returns>
  9599. <para>The text entered by the user.</para>
  9600. </returns>
  9601. </member>
  9602. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Toggle(System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9603. <summary>
  9604. <para>Make a toggle.</para>
  9605. </summary>
  9606. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the toggle.</param>
  9607. <param name="value">The shown state of the toggle.</param>
  9608. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9609. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9610. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9611. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9612. <returns>
  9613. <para>The selected state of the toggle.</para>
  9614. </returns>
  9615. </member>
  9616. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Toggle(System.String,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9617. <summary>
  9618. <para>Make a toggle.</para>
  9619. </summary>
  9620. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the toggle.</param>
  9621. <param name="value">The shown state of the toggle.</param>
  9622. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9623. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9624. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9625. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9626. <returns>
  9627. <para>The selected state of the toggle.</para>
  9628. </returns>
  9629. </member>
  9630. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Toggle(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9631. <summary>
  9632. <para>Make a toggle.</para>
  9633. </summary>
  9634. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the toggle.</param>
  9635. <param name="value">The shown state of the toggle.</param>
  9636. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9637. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9638. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9639. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9640. <returns>
  9641. <para>The selected state of the toggle.</para>
  9642. </returns>
  9643. </member>
  9644. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Toggle(System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9645. <summary>
  9646. <para>Make a toggle.</para>
  9647. </summary>
  9648. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the toggle.</param>
  9649. <param name="value">The shown state of the toggle.</param>
  9650. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9651. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9652. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9653. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9654. <returns>
  9655. <para>The selected state of the toggle.</para>
  9656. </returns>
  9657. </member>
  9658. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Toggle(System.String,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9659. <summary>
  9660. <para>Make a toggle.</para>
  9661. </summary>
  9662. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the toggle.</param>
  9663. <param name="value">The shown state of the toggle.</param>
  9664. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9665. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9666. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9667. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9668. <returns>
  9669. <para>The selected state of the toggle.</para>
  9670. </returns>
  9671. </member>
  9672. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Toggle(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9673. <summary>
  9674. <para>Make a toggle.</para>
  9675. </summary>
  9676. <param name="label">Optional label in front of the toggle.</param>
  9677. <param name="value">The shown state of the toggle.</param>
  9678. <param name="style">Optional GUIStyle.</param>
  9679. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9680. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9681. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9682. <returns>
  9683. <para>The selected state of the toggle.</para>
  9684. </returns>
  9685. </member>
  9686. <member name="T:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ToggleGroupScope">
  9687. <summary>
  9688. <para>Begin a vertical group with a toggle to enable or disable all the controls within at once.</para>
  9689. </summary>
  9690. </member>
  9691. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ToggleGroupScope.enabled">
  9692. <summary>
  9693. <para>The enabled state selected by the user.</para>
  9694. </summary>
  9695. </member>
  9696. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ToggleGroupScope.#ctor(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  9697. <summary>
  9698. <para></para>
  9699. </summary>
  9700. <param name="label">Label to show above the toggled controls.</param>
  9701. <param name="toggle">Enabled state of the toggle group.</param>
  9702. </member>
  9703. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ToggleGroupScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Boolean)">
  9704. <summary>
  9705. <para></para>
  9706. </summary>
  9707. <param name="label">Label to show above the toggled controls.</param>
  9708. <param name="toggle">Enabled state of the toggle group.</param>
  9709. </member>
  9710. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft(System.String,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9711. <summary>
  9712. <para>Make a toggle field where the toggle is to the left and the label immediately to the right of it.</para>
  9713. </summary>
  9714. <param name="label">Label to display next to the toggle.</param>
  9715. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  9716. <param name="labelStyle">Optional GUIStyle to use for the label.</param>
  9717. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9718. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9719. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9720. </member>
  9721. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9722. <summary>
  9723. <para>Make a toggle field where the toggle is to the left and the label immediately to the right of it.</para>
  9724. </summary>
  9725. <param name="label">Label to display next to the toggle.</param>
  9726. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  9727. <param name="labelStyle">Optional GUIStyle to use for the label.</param>
  9728. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9729. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9730. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9731. </member>
  9732. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft(System.String,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9733. <summary>
  9734. <para>Make a toggle field where the toggle is to the left and the label immediately to the right of it.</para>
  9735. </summary>
  9736. <param name="label">Label to display next to the toggle.</param>
  9737. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  9738. <param name="labelStyle">Optional GUIStyle to use for the label.</param>
  9739. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9740. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9741. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9742. </member>
  9743. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Boolean,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9744. <summary>
  9745. <para>Make a toggle field where the toggle is to the left and the label immediately to the right of it.</para>
  9746. </summary>
  9747. <param name="label">Label to display next to the toggle.</param>
  9748. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  9749. <param name="labelStyle">Optional GUIStyle to use for the label.</param>
  9750. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9751. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9752. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9753. </member>
  9754. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field(System.String,UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9755. <summary>
  9756. <para>Make an X &amp; Y field for entering a Vector2.</para>
  9757. </summary>
  9758. <param name="label">Label to display above the field.</param>
  9759. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  9760. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9761. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9762. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9763. <returns>
  9764. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  9765. </returns>
  9766. </member>
  9767. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9768. <summary>
  9769. <para>Make an X &amp; Y field for entering a Vector2.</para>
  9770. </summary>
  9771. <param name="label">Label to display above the field.</param>
  9772. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  9773. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9774. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9775. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9776. <returns>
  9777. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  9778. </returns>
  9779. </member>
  9780. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field(System.String,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9781. <summary>
  9782. <para>Make an X, Y &amp; Z field for entering a Vector3.</para>
  9783. </summary>
  9784. <param name="label">Label to display above the field.</param>
  9785. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  9786. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9787. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9788. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9789. <returns>
  9790. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  9791. </returns>
  9792. </member>
  9793. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9794. <summary>
  9795. <para>Make an X, Y &amp; Z field for entering a Vector3.</para>
  9796. </summary>
  9797. <param name="label">Label to display above the field.</param>
  9798. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  9799. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9800. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9801. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9802. <returns>
  9803. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  9804. </returns>
  9805. </member>
  9806. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.Vector4Field(System.String,UnityEngine.Vector4,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9807. <summary>
  9808. <para>Make an X, Y, Z &amp; W field for entering a Vector4.</para>
  9809. </summary>
  9810. <param name="label">Label to display above the field.</param>
  9811. <param name="value">The value to edit.</param>
  9812. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9813. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9814. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9815. <returns>
  9816. <para>The value entered by the user.</para>
  9817. </returns>
  9818. </member>
  9819. <member name="T:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope">
  9820. <summary>
  9821. <para>Disposable helper class for managing BeginVertical / EndVertical.</para>
  9822. </summary>
  9823. </member>
  9824. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope.rect">
  9825. <summary>
  9826. <para>The rect of the vertical group.</para>
  9827. </summary>
  9828. </member>
  9829. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9830. <summary>
  9831. <para>Create a new VerticalScope and begin the corresponding vertical group.</para>
  9832. </summary>
  9833. <param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
  9834. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9835. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9836. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9837. </member>
  9838. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope.#ctor(UnityEngine.GUIStyle,UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])">
  9839. <summary>
  9840. <para>Create a new VerticalScope and begin the corresponding vertical group.</para>
  9841. </summary>
  9842. <param name="style">The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.</param>
  9843. <param name="options">An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.&lt;br&gt;
  9844. See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight,
  9845. GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.</param>
  9846. </member>
  9847. <member name="T:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility">
  9848. <summary>
  9849. <para>Miscellaneous helper stuff for EditorGUI.</para>
  9850. </summary>
  9851. </member>
  9852. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth">
  9853. <summary>
  9854. <para>The width of the GUI area for the current EditorWindow or other view.</para>
  9855. </summary>
  9856. </member>
  9857. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.editingTextField">
  9858. <summary>
  9859. <para>Is a text field currently editing text?</para>
  9860. </summary>
  9861. </member>
  9862. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth">
  9863. <summary>
  9864. <para>The minimum width in pixels reserved for the fields of Editor GUI controls.</para>
  9865. </summary>
  9866. </member>
  9867. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.hierarchyMode">
  9868. <summary>
  9869. <para>Is the Editor GUI is hierarchy mode?</para>
  9870. </summary>
  9871. </member>
  9872. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin">
  9873. <summary>
  9874. <para>Is the user currently using the pro skin? (Read Only)</para>
  9875. </summary>
  9876. </member>
  9877. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth">
  9878. <summary>
  9879. <para>The width in pixels reserved for labels of Editor GUI controls.</para>
  9880. </summary>
  9881. </member>
  9882. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight">
  9883. <summary>
  9884. <para>Get the height used for a single Editor control such as a one-line EditorGUI.TextField or EditorGUI.Popup.</para>
  9885. </summary>
  9886. </member>
  9887. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing">
  9888. <summary>
  9889. <para>Get the height used by default for vertical spacing between controls.</para>
  9890. </summary>
  9891. </member>
  9892. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer">
  9893. <summary>
  9894. <para>The system copy buffer.</para>
  9895. </summary>
  9896. </member>
  9897. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture">
  9898. <summary>
  9899. <para>Get a white texture.</para>
  9900. </summary>
  9901. </member>
  9902. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.wideMode">
  9903. <summary>
  9904. <para>Is the Editor GUI currently in wide mode?</para>
  9905. </summary>
  9906. </member>
  9907. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.MouseCursor)">
  9908. <summary>
  9909. <para>Add a custom mouse pointer to a control.</para>
  9910. </summary>
  9911. <param name="position">The rectangle the control should be shown within.</param>
  9912. <param name="mouse">The mouse cursor to use.</param>
  9913. <param name="controlID">ID of a target control.</param>
  9914. </member>
  9915. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.MouseCursor,System.Int32)">
  9916. <summary>
  9917. <para>Add a custom mouse pointer to a control.</para>
  9918. </summary>
  9919. <param name="position">The rectangle the control should be shown within.</param>
  9920. <param name="mouse">The mouse cursor to use.</param>
  9921. <param name="controlID">ID of a target control.</param>
  9922. </member>
  9923. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.CommandEvent(System.String)">
  9924. <summary>
  9925. <para>Creates an event.</para>
  9926. </summary>
  9927. <param name="commandName"></param>
  9928. </member>
  9929. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Color)">
  9930. <summary>
  9931. <para>Draw a color swatch.</para>
  9932. </summary>
  9933. <param name="position">The rectangle to draw the color swatch within.</param>
  9934. <param name="color">The color to draw.</param>
  9935. </member>
  9936. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.DrawCurveSwatch(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.AnimationCurve,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.Color,UnityEngine.Color)">
  9937. <summary>
  9938. <para>Draw a curve swatch.</para>
  9939. </summary>
  9940. <param name="position">The rectangle to draw the color swatch within.</param>
  9941. <param name="curve">The curve to draw.</param>
  9942. <param name="property">The curve to draw as a SerializedProperty.</param>
  9943. <param name="color">The color to draw the curve with.</param>
  9944. <param name="bgColor">The color to draw the background with.</param>
  9945. <param name="curveRanges">Optional parameter to specify the range of the curve which should be included in swatch.</param>
  9946. </member>
  9947. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.DrawCurveSwatch(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.AnimationCurve,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.Color,UnityEngine.Color,UnityEngine.Rect)">
  9948. <summary>
  9949. <para>Draw a curve swatch.</para>
  9950. </summary>
  9951. <param name="position">The rectangle to draw the color swatch within.</param>
  9952. <param name="curve">The curve to draw.</param>
  9953. <param name="property">The curve to draw as a SerializedProperty.</param>
  9954. <param name="color">The color to draw the curve with.</param>
  9955. <param name="bgColor">The color to draw the background with.</param>
  9956. <param name="curveRanges">Optional parameter to specify the range of the curve which should be included in swatch.</param>
  9957. </member>
  9958. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.DrawRegionSwatch(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.Color,UnityEngine.Color,UnityEngine.Rect)">
  9959. <summary>
  9960. <para>Draw swatch with a filled region between two SerializedProperty curves.</para>
  9961. </summary>
  9962. <param name="position"></param>
  9963. <param name="property"></param>
  9964. <param name="property2"></param>
  9965. <param name="color"></param>
  9966. <param name="bgColor"></param>
  9967. <param name="curveRanges"></param>
  9968. </member>
  9969. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.DrawRegionSwatch(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.AnimationCurve,UnityEngine.AnimationCurve,UnityEngine.Color,UnityEngine.Color,UnityEngine.Rect)">
  9970. <summary>
  9971. <para>Draw swatch with a filled region between two curves.</para>
  9972. </summary>
  9973. <param name="position"></param>
  9974. <param name="curve"></param>
  9975. <param name="curve2"></param>
  9976. <param name="color"></param>
  9977. <param name="bgColor"></param>
  9978. <param name="curveRanges"></param>
  9979. </member>
  9980. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture(System.String)">
  9981. <summary>
  9982. <para>Get a texture from its source filename.</para>
  9983. </summary>
  9984. <param name="name"></param>
  9985. </member>
  9986. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.GetBuiltinSkin(UnityEditor.EditorSkin)">
  9987. <summary>
  9988. <para>Get one of the built-in GUI skins, which can be the game view, inspector or scene view skin as chosen by the parameter.</para>
  9989. </summary>
  9990. <param name="skin"></param>
  9991. </member>
  9992. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.GetFlowLayoutedRects(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIStyle,System.Single,System.Single,System.Collections.Generic.List`1&lt;System.String&gt;)">
  9993. <summary>
  9994. <para>Layout list of string items left to right, top to bottom in the given area.</para>
  9995. </summary>
  9996. <param name="rect">Area where to layout the items.</param>
  9997. <param name="style">Style for the items.</param>
  9998. <param name="horizontalSpacing">Extra horizontal spacing between successive items.</param>
  9999. <param name="verticalSpacing">Extra vertical spacing between item rows.</param>
  10000. <param name="items">Strings to layout.</param>
  10001. <returns>
  10002. <para>List of rectangles for the passed items.</para>
  10003. </returns>
  10004. </member>
  10005. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.GetIconSize">
  10006. <summary>
  10007. <para>Get the size that has been set using SetIconSize.</para>
  10008. </summary>
  10009. </member>
  10010. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.GetObjectPickerControlID">
  10011. <summary>
  10012. <para>The controlID of the currently showing object picker.</para>
  10013. </summary>
  10014. </member>
  10015. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.GetObjectPickerObject">
  10016. <summary>
  10017. <para>The object currently selected in the object picker.</para>
  10018. </summary>
  10019. </member>
  10020. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.HasObjectThumbnail(System.Type)">
  10021. <summary>
  10022. <para>Does a given class have per-object thumbnails?</para>
  10023. </summary>
  10024. <param name="objType"></param>
  10025. </member>
  10026. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.IconContent(System.String)">
  10027. <summary>
  10028. <para>Fetch the GUIContent from the Unity builtin resources with the given name.</para>
  10029. </summary>
  10030. <param name="name">Content name.</param>
  10031. <param name="tooltip">Tooltip.</param>
  10032. </member>
  10033. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.IconContent(System.String,System.String)">
  10034. <summary>
  10035. <para>Fetch the GUIContent from the Unity builtin resources with the given name.</para>
  10036. </summary>
  10037. <param name="name">Content name.</param>
  10038. <param name="tooltip">Tooltip.</param>
  10039. </member>
  10040. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.IsDisplayReferencedByCameras(System.Int32)">
  10041. <summary>
  10042. <para>Check if any enabled camera can render to a particular display.</para>
  10043. </summary>
  10044. <param name="displayIndex">Display index.</param>
  10045. <returns>
  10046. <para>True if a camera will render to the display.</para>
  10047. </returns>
  10048. </member>
  10049. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.Load(System.String)">
  10050. <summary>
  10051. <para>Load a built-in resource.</para>
  10052. </summary>
  10053. <param name="path"></param>
  10054. </member>
  10055. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.LoadRequired(System.String)">
  10056. <summary>
  10057. <para>Load a built-in resource that has to be there.</para>
  10058. </summary>
  10059. <param name="path"></param>
  10060. </member>
  10061. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls()">
  10062. <summary>
  10063. <para>Make all EditorGUI look like regular controls.</para>
  10064. </summary>
  10065. <param name="labelWidth">Width to use for prefixed labels.</param>
  10066. <param name="fieldWidth">Width of text entries.</param>
  10067. </member>
  10068. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(System.Single)">
  10069. <summary>
  10070. <para>Make all EditorGUI look like regular controls.</para>
  10071. </summary>
  10072. <param name="labelWidth">Width to use for prefixed labels.</param>
  10073. <param name="fieldWidth">Width of text entries.</param>
  10074. </member>
  10075. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(System.Single,System.Single)">
  10076. <summary>
  10077. <para>Make all EditorGUI look like regular controls.</para>
  10078. </summary>
  10079. <param name="labelWidth">Width to use for prefixed labels.</param>
  10080. <param name="fieldWidth">Width of text entries.</param>
  10081. </member>
  10082. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeInspector">
  10083. <summary>
  10084. <para>Make all EditorGUI look like simplified outline view controls.</para>
  10085. </summary>
  10086. </member>
  10087. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.ObjectContent(UnityEngine.Object,System.Type)">
  10088. <summary>
  10089. <para>Return a GUIContent object with the name and icon of an Object.</para>
  10090. </summary>
  10091. <param name="obj"></param>
  10092. <param name="type"></param>
  10093. </member>
  10094. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(UnityEngine.Object)">
  10095. <summary>
  10096. <para>Ping an object in a window like clicking it in an inspector.</para>
  10097. </summary>
  10098. <param name="obj"></param>
  10099. <param name="targetInstanceID"></param>
  10100. </member>
  10101. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(System.Int32)">
  10102. <summary>
  10103. <para>Ping an object in a window like clicking it in an inspector.</para>
  10104. </summary>
  10105. <param name="obj"></param>
  10106. <param name="targetInstanceID"></param>
  10107. </member>
  10108. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.QueueGameViewInputEvent(UnityEngine.Event)">
  10109. <summary>
  10110. <para>Send an input event into the game.</para>
  10111. </summary>
  10112. <param name="evt"></param>
  10113. </member>
  10114. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.RenderGameViewCameras(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  10115. <summary>
  10116. <para>Render all ingame cameras.</para>
  10117. </summary>
  10118. <param name="cameraRect">The device coordinates to render all game cameras into.</param>
  10119. <param name="gizmos">Show gizmos as well.</param>
  10120. <param name="gui"></param>
  10121. <param name="statsRect"></param>
  10122. </member>
  10123. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.RenderGameViewCameras(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  10124. <summary>
  10125. <para>Render all ingame cameras.</para>
  10126. </summary>
  10127. <param name="cameraRect">The device coordinates to render all game cameras into.</param>
  10128. <param name="gizmos">Show gizmos as well.</param>
  10129. <param name="gui"></param>
  10130. <param name="statsRect"></param>
  10131. </member>
  10132. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize(UnityEngine.Vector2)">
  10133. <summary>
  10134. <para>Set icons rendered as part of GUIContent to be rendered at a specific size.</para>
  10135. </summary>
  10136. <param name="size"></param>
  10137. </member>
  10138. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility.ShowObjectPicker(UnityEngine.Object,System.Boolean,System.String,System.Int32)">
  10139. <summary>
  10140. <para>Show the object picker from code.</para>
  10141. </summary>
  10142. <param name="obj">The object to be selected by default.</param>
  10143. <param name="allowSceneObjects">Is selection of scene objects allowed, or should it only show assets.</param>
  10144. <param name="searchFilter">Default search filter to apply.</param>
  10145. <param name="controlID">The id of the control to set. This is useful if you are showing more than one of these. You can get the value at a later time.</param>
  10146. </member>
  10147. <member name="T:UnityEditor.EditorJsonUtility">
  10148. <summary>
  10149. <para>Utility functions for working with JSON data and engine objects.</para>
  10150. </summary>
  10151. </member>
  10152. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorJsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(System.String,UnityEngine.Object)">
  10153. <summary>
  10154. <para>Overwrite data in an object by reading from its JSON representation.</para>
  10155. </summary>
  10156. <param name="json">The JSON representation of the object.</param>
  10157. <param name="objectToOverwrite">The object to overwrite.</param>
  10158. </member>
  10159. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorJsonUtility.ToJson(UnityEngine.Object)">
  10160. <summary>
  10161. <para>Generate a JSON representation of an object.</para>
  10162. </summary>
  10163. <param name="obj">The object to convert to JSON form.</param>
  10164. <param name="prettyPrint">If true, format the output for readability. If false, format the output for minimum size. Default is false.</param>
  10165. <returns>
  10166. <para>The object's data in JSON format.</para>
  10167. </returns>
  10168. </member>
  10169. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorJsonUtility.ToJson(UnityEngine.Object,System.Boolean)">
  10170. <summary>
  10171. <para>Generate a JSON representation of an object.</para>
  10172. </summary>
  10173. <param name="obj">The object to convert to JSON form.</param>
  10174. <param name="prettyPrint">If true, format the output for readability. If false, format the output for minimum size. Default is false.</param>
  10175. <returns>
  10176. <para>The object's data in JSON format.</para>
  10177. </returns>
  10178. </member>
  10179. <member name="T:UnityEditor.EditorPrefs">
  10180. <summary>
  10181. <para>Stores and accesses Unity editor preferences.</para>
  10182. </summary>
  10183. </member>
  10184. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.DeleteAll">
  10185. <summary>
  10186. <para>Removes all keys and values from the preferences. Use with caution.</para>
  10187. </summary>
  10188. </member>
  10189. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.DeleteKey(System.String)">
  10190. <summary>
  10191. <para>Removes key and its corresponding value from the preferences.</para>
  10192. </summary>
  10193. <param name="key"></param>
  10194. </member>
  10195. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.GetBool(System.String)">
  10196. <summary>
  10197. <para>Returns the value corresponding to key in the preference file if it exists.</para>
  10198. </summary>
  10199. <param name="key"></param>
  10200. <param name="defaultValue"></param>
  10201. </member>
  10202. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.GetBool(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  10203. <summary>
  10204. <para>Returns the value corresponding to key in the preference file if it exists.</para>
  10205. </summary>
  10206. <param name="key"></param>
  10207. <param name="defaultValue"></param>
  10208. </member>
  10209. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.GetFloat(System.String)">
  10210. <summary>
  10211. <para>Returns the value corresponding to key in the preference file if it exists.</para>
  10212. </summary>
  10213. <param name="key"></param>
  10214. <param name="defaultValue"></param>
  10215. </member>
  10216. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.GetFloat(System.String,System.Single)">
  10217. <summary>
  10218. <para>Returns the value corresponding to key in the preference file if it exists.</para>
  10219. </summary>
  10220. <param name="key"></param>
  10221. <param name="defaultValue"></param>
  10222. </member>
  10223. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.GetInt(System.String)">
  10224. <summary>
  10225. <para>Returns the value corresponding to key in the preference file if it exists.</para>
  10226. </summary>
  10227. <param name="key"></param>
  10228. <param name="defaultValue"></param>
  10229. </member>
  10230. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.GetInt(System.String,System.Int32)">
  10231. <summary>
  10232. <para>Returns the value corresponding to key in the preference file if it exists.</para>
  10233. </summary>
  10234. <param name="key"></param>
  10235. <param name="defaultValue"></param>
  10236. </member>
  10237. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.GetString(System.String)">
  10238. <summary>
  10239. <para>Returns the value corresponding to key in the preference file if it exists.</para>
  10240. </summary>
  10241. <param name="key"></param>
  10242. <param name="defaultValue"></param>
  10243. </member>
  10244. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.GetString(System.String,System.String)">
  10245. <summary>
  10246. <para>Returns the value corresponding to key in the preference file if it exists.</para>
  10247. </summary>
  10248. <param name="key"></param>
  10249. <param name="defaultValue"></param>
  10250. </member>
  10251. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.HasKey(System.String)">
  10252. <summary>
  10253. <para>Returns true if key exists in the preferences.</para>
  10254. </summary>
  10255. <param name="key"></param>
  10256. </member>
  10257. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.SetBool(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  10258. <summary>
  10259. <para>Sets the value of the preference identified by key.</para>
  10260. </summary>
  10261. <param name="key"></param>
  10262. <param name="value"></param>
  10263. </member>
  10264. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.SetFloat(System.String,System.Single)">
  10265. <summary>
  10266. <para>Sets the value of the preference identified by key.</para>
  10267. </summary>
  10268. <param name="key"></param>
  10269. <param name="value"></param>
  10270. </member>
  10271. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.SetInt(System.String,System.Int32)">
  10272. <summary>
  10273. <para>Sets the value of the preference identified by key as an integer.</para>
  10274. </summary>
  10275. <param name="key"></param>
  10276. <param name="value"></param>
  10277. </member>
  10278. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorPrefs.SetString(System.String,System.String)">
  10279. <summary>
  10280. <para>Sets the value of the preference identified by key.</para>
  10281. </summary>
  10282. <param name="key"></param>
  10283. <param name="value"></param>
  10284. </member>
  10285. <member name="T:UnityEditor.EditorSkin">
  10286. <summary>
  10287. <para>Enum that selects which skin to return from EditorGUIUtility.GetBuiltinSkin.</para>
  10288. </summary>
  10289. </member>
  10290. <member name="F:UnityEditor.EditorSkin.Game">
  10291. <summary>
  10292. <para>The skin used for game views.</para>
  10293. </summary>
  10294. </member>
  10295. <member name="F:UnityEditor.EditorSkin.Inspector">
  10296. <summary>
  10297. <para>The skin used for inspectors.</para>
  10298. </summary>
  10299. </member>
  10300. <member name="F:UnityEditor.EditorSkin.Scene">
  10301. <summary>
  10302. <para>The skin used for scene views.</para>
  10303. </summary>
  10304. </member>
  10305. <member name="T:UnityEditor.EditorStyles">
  10306. <summary>
  10307. <para>Common GUIStyles used for EditorGUI controls.</para>
  10308. </summary>
  10309. </member>
  10310. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.boldFont">
  10311. <summary>
  10312. <para>Bold font.</para>
  10313. </summary>
  10314. </member>
  10315. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.boldLabel">
  10316. <summary>
  10317. <para>Style for bold label.</para>
  10318. </summary>
  10319. </member>
  10320. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.centeredGreyMiniLabel">
  10321. <summary>
  10322. <para>Style for label with small font which is centered and grey.</para>
  10323. </summary>
  10324. </member>
  10325. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.colorField">
  10326. <summary>
  10327. <para>Style used for headings for Color fields.</para>
  10328. </summary>
  10329. </member>
  10330. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.foldout">
  10331. <summary>
  10332. <para>Style used for headings for EditorGUI.Foldout.</para>
  10333. </summary>
  10334. </member>
  10335. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.foldoutPreDrop">
  10336. <summary>
  10337. <para>Style used for headings for EditorGUI.Foldout.</para>
  10338. </summary>
  10339. </member>
  10340. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.helpBox">
  10341. <summary>
  10342. <para>Style used for background box for EditorGUI.HelpBox.</para>
  10343. </summary>
  10344. </member>
  10345. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.inspectorDefaultMargins">
  10346. <summary>
  10347. <para>Wrap content in a vertical group with this style to get the default margins used in the Inspector.</para>
  10348. </summary>
  10349. </member>
  10350. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.inspectorFullWidthMargins">
  10351. <summary>
  10352. <para>Wrap content in a vertical group with this style to get full width margins in the Inspector.</para>
  10353. </summary>
  10354. </member>
  10355. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.label">
  10356. <summary>
  10357. <para>Style used for the labelled on all EditorGUI overloads that take a prefix label.</para>
  10358. </summary>
  10359. </member>
  10360. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.largeLabel">
  10361. <summary>
  10362. <para>Style for label with large font.</para>
  10363. </summary>
  10364. </member>
  10365. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.layerMaskField">
  10366. <summary>
  10367. <para>Style used for headings for Layer masks.</para>
  10368. </summary>
  10369. </member>
  10370. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.miniBoldFont">
  10371. <summary>
  10372. <para>Mini Bold font.</para>
  10373. </summary>
  10374. </member>
  10375. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.miniBoldLabel">
  10376. <summary>
  10377. <para>Style for mini bold label.</para>
  10378. </summary>
  10379. </member>
  10380. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.miniButton">
  10381. <summary>
  10382. <para>Style used for a standalone small button.</para>
  10383. </summary>
  10384. </member>
  10385. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.miniButtonLeft">
  10386. <summary>
  10387. <para>Style used for the leftmost button in a horizontal button group.</para>
  10388. </summary>
  10389. </member>
  10390. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.miniButtonMid">
  10391. <summary>
  10392. <para>Style used for the middle buttons in a horizontal group.</para>
  10393. </summary>
  10394. </member>
  10395. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.miniButtonRight">
  10396. <summary>
  10397. <para>Style used for the rightmost button in a horizontal group.</para>
  10398. </summary>
  10399. </member>
  10400. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.miniFont">
  10401. <summary>
  10402. <para>Mini font.</para>
  10403. </summary>
  10404. </member>
  10405. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.miniLabel">
  10406. <summary>
  10407. <para>Style for label with small font.</para>
  10408. </summary>
  10409. </member>
  10410. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.miniTextField">
  10411. <summary>
  10412. <para>Smaller text field.</para>
  10413. </summary>
  10414. </member>
  10415. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.numberField">
  10416. <summary>
  10417. <para>Style used for field editors for numbers.</para>
  10418. </summary>
  10419. </member>
  10420. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.objectField">
  10421. <summary>
  10422. <para>Style used for headings for object fields.</para>
  10423. </summary>
  10424. </member>
  10425. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.objectFieldMiniThumb">
  10426. <summary>
  10427. <para>Style used for object fields that have a thumbnail (e.g Textures). </para>
  10428. </summary>
  10429. </member>
  10430. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.objectFieldThumb">
  10431. <summary>
  10432. <para>Style used for headings for the Select button in object fields.</para>
  10433. </summary>
  10434. </member>
  10435. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.popup">
  10436. <summary>
  10437. <para>Style used for EditorGUI.Popup, EditorGUI.EnumPopup,.</para>
  10438. </summary>
  10439. </member>
  10440. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.radioButton">
  10441. <summary>
  10442. <para>Style used for a radio button.</para>
  10443. </summary>
  10444. </member>
  10445. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.standardFont">
  10446. <summary>
  10447. <para>Standard font.</para>
  10448. </summary>
  10449. </member>
  10450. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.textArea">
  10451. <summary>
  10452. <para>Style used for EditorGUI.TextArea.</para>
  10453. </summary>
  10454. </member>
  10455. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.textField">
  10456. <summary>
  10457. <para>Style used for EditorGUI.TextField.</para>
  10458. </summary>
  10459. </member>
  10460. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.toggle">
  10461. <summary>
  10462. <para>Style used for headings for EditorGUI.Toggle.</para>
  10463. </summary>
  10464. </member>
  10465. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.toggleGroup">
  10466. <summary>
  10467. <para>Style used for headings for EditorGUILayout.BeginToggleGroup.</para>
  10468. </summary>
  10469. </member>
  10470. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.toolbar">
  10471. <summary>
  10472. <para>Toolbar background from top of windows.</para>
  10473. </summary>
  10474. </member>
  10475. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.toolbarButton">
  10476. <summary>
  10477. <para>Style for Button and Toggles in toolbars.</para>
  10478. </summary>
  10479. </member>
  10480. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.toolbarDropDown">
  10481. <summary>
  10482. <para>Toolbar Dropdown.</para>
  10483. </summary>
  10484. </member>
  10485. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.toolbarPopup">
  10486. <summary>
  10487. <para>Toolbar Popup.</para>
  10488. </summary>
  10489. </member>
  10490. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.toolbarTextField">
  10491. <summary>
  10492. <para>Toolbar text field.</para>
  10493. </summary>
  10494. </member>
  10495. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.whiteBoldLabel">
  10496. <summary>
  10497. <para>Style for white bold label.</para>
  10498. </summary>
  10499. </member>
  10500. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.whiteLabel">
  10501. <summary>
  10502. <para>Style for white label.</para>
  10503. </summary>
  10504. </member>
  10505. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.whiteLargeLabel">
  10506. <summary>
  10507. <para>Style for white large label.</para>
  10508. </summary>
  10509. </member>
  10510. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.whiteMiniLabel">
  10511. <summary>
  10512. <para>Style for white mini label.</para>
  10513. </summary>
  10514. </member>
  10515. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel">
  10516. <summary>
  10517. <para>Style for word wrapped label.</para>
  10518. </summary>
  10519. </member>
  10520. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorStyles.wordWrappedMiniLabel">
  10521. <summary>
  10522. <para>Style for word wrapped mini label.</para>
  10523. </summary>
  10524. </member>
  10525. <member name="T:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings">
  10526. <summary>
  10527. <para>User build settings for the Editor</para>
  10528. </summary>
  10529. </member>
  10530. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget">
  10531. <summary>
  10532. <para>The currently active build target.</para>
  10533. </summary>
  10534. </member>
  10535. <member name="F:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTargetChanged">
  10536. <summary>
  10537. <para>Triggered in response to SwitchActiveBuildTarget.</para>
  10538. </summary>
  10539. </member>
  10540. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.activeScriptCompilationDefines">
  10541. <summary>
  10542. <para>DEFINE directives for the compiler.</para>
  10543. </summary>
  10544. </member>
  10545. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.allowDebugging">
  10546. <summary>
  10547. <para>Enable source-level debuggers to connect.</para>
  10548. </summary>
  10549. </member>
  10550. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.androidBuildSubtarget">
  10551. <summary>
  10552. <para>Android platform options.</para>
  10553. </summary>
  10554. </member>
  10555. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.blackberryBuildSubtarget">
  10556. <summary>
  10557. <para>The texture compression type to be used when building.</para>
  10558. </summary>
  10559. </member>
  10560. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.blackberryBuildType">
  10561. <summary>
  10562. <para>The build type to be used.</para>
  10563. </summary>
  10564. </member>
  10565. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.buildScriptsOnly">
  10566. <summary>
  10567. <para>Is build script only enabled.</para>
  10568. </summary>
  10569. </member>
  10570. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.compressWithPsArc">
  10571. <summary>
  10572. <para>Build data compressed with PSArc.</para>
  10573. </summary>
  10574. </member>
  10575. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.connectProfiler">
  10576. <summary>
  10577. <para>Start the player with a connection to the profiler.</para>
  10578. </summary>
  10579. </member>
  10580. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.development">
  10581. <summary>
  10582. <para>Enables a development build.</para>
  10583. </summary>
  10584. </member>
  10585. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.enableHeadlessMode">
  10586. <summary>
  10587. <para>Enables a Linux headless build.</para>
  10588. </summary>
  10589. </member>
  10590. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.explicitNullChecks">
  10591. <summary>
  10592. <para>Are null references actively checked?</para>
  10593. </summary>
  10594. </member>
  10595. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.exportAsGoogleAndroidProject">
  10596. <summary>
  10597. <para>Export Android Project for use wih Android Studio or Eclipse.</para>
  10598. </summary>
  10599. </member>
  10600. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.forceInstallation">
  10601. <summary>
  10602. <para>Force installation of package, even if error.</para>
  10603. </summary>
  10604. </member>
  10605. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.forceOptimizeScriptCompilation">
  10606. <summary>
  10607. <para>Force full optimizations for script complilation in Development builds.</para>
  10608. </summary>
  10609. </member>
  10610. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.installInBuildFolder">
  10611. <summary>
  10612. <para>Place the built player in the build folder.</para>
  10613. </summary>
  10614. </member>
  10615. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.n3dsCreateCIAFile">
  10616. <summary>
  10617. <para>Create a .cia "download image" for deploying to test kits (3DS).</para>
  10618. </summary>
  10619. </member>
  10620. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.needSubmissionMaterials">
  10621. <summary>
  10622. <para>Build submission materials.</para>
  10623. </summary>
  10624. </member>
  10625. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.ps4BuildSubtarget">
  10626. <summary>
  10627. <para>PS4 Build Subtarget.</para>
  10628. </summary>
  10629. </member>
  10630. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.psmBuildSubtarget">
  10631. <summary>
  10632. <para>PSM Build Subtarget.</para>
  10633. </summary>
  10634. </member>
  10635. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.psp2BuildSubtarget">
  10636. <summary>
  10637. <para>PS Vita Build subtarget.</para>
  10638. </summary>
  10639. </member>
  10640. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.sceBuildSubtarget">
  10641. <summary>
  10642. <para>SCE Build subtarget.</para>
  10643. </summary>
  10644. </member>
  10645. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.selectedBuildTargetGroup">
  10646. <summary>
  10647. <para>The currently selected build target group.</para>
  10648. </summary>
  10649. </member>
  10650. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.selectedStandaloneTarget">
  10651. <summary>
  10652. <para>The currently selected target for a standalone build.</para>
  10653. </summary>
  10654. </member>
  10655. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.streamingInstallLaunchRange">
  10656. <summary>
  10657. <para>When building an Xbox One Streaming Install package (makepkg.exe) The layout generation code in Unity will assign each scene and associated assets to individual chunks. Unity will mark scene 0 as being part of the launch range, IE the set of chunks required to launch the game, you may include additional scenes in this launch range if you desire, this specifies a range of scenes (starting at 0) to be included in the launch set. </para>
  10658. </summary>
  10659. </member>
  10660. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.symlinkLibraries">
  10661. <summary>
  10662. <para>Symlink runtime libraries with an iOS Xcode project.</para>
  10663. </summary>
  10664. </member>
  10665. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.tizenBuildSubtarget">
  10666. <summary>
  10667. <para>The texture compression type to be used when building.</para>
  10668. </summary>
  10669. </member>
  10670. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.webGLOptimizationLevel">
  10671. <summary>
  10672. <para>Optimization level for WebGL.</para>
  10673. </summary>
  10674. </member>
  10675. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.webPlayerOfflineDeployment">
  10676. <summary>
  10677. <para>Build the webplayer along with the UnityObject.js file (so it doesn't need to be downloaded).</para>
  10678. </summary>
  10679. </member>
  10680. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.webPlayerStreamed">
  10681. <summary>
  10682. <para>Select the streaming option for a webplayer build.</para>
  10683. </summary>
  10684. </member>
  10685. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.wiiUBootMode">
  10686. <summary>
  10687. <para>Boot mode of a devkit.</para>
  10688. </summary>
  10689. </member>
  10690. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.wiiUBuildDebugLevel">
  10691. <summary>
  10692. <para>Wii U player debug level.</para>
  10693. </summary>
  10694. </member>
  10695. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.wiiuBuildOutput">
  10696. <summary>
  10697. <para>Built player postprocessing options.</para>
  10698. </summary>
  10699. </member>
  10700. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.wiiUEnableNetAPI">
  10701. <summary>
  10702. <para>Enable network API.</para>
  10703. </summary>
  10704. </member>
  10705. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.wsaGenerateReferenceProjects">
  10706. <summary>
  10707. <para>Generate and reference C# projects from your main solution.</para>
  10708. </summary>
  10709. </member>
  10710. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.wsaSDK">
  10711. <summary>
  10712. <para>Target Windows SDK.</para>
  10713. </summary>
  10714. </member>
  10715. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.xboxBuildSubtarget">
  10716. <summary>
  10717. <para>Xbox Build subtarget.</para>
  10718. </summary>
  10719. </member>
  10720. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.xboxOneDeployMethod">
  10721. <summary>
  10722. <para>The currently selected Xbox One Deploy Method.</para>
  10723. </summary>
  10724. </member>
  10725. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.xboxOneNetworkSharePath">
  10726. <summary>
  10727. <para>Network shared folder path e.g.
  10729. </summary>
  10730. </member>
  10731. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.xboxOneUsername">
  10732. <summary>
  10733. <para>Windows account username associated with PC share folder.</para>
  10734. </summary>
  10735. </member>
  10736. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.xboxRunMethod">
  10737. <summary>
  10738. <para>Selected Xbox Run Method.</para>
  10739. </summary>
  10740. </member>
  10741. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.GetBuildLocation(UnityEditor.BuildTarget)">
  10742. <summary>
  10743. <para>Get the current location for the build.</para>
  10744. </summary>
  10745. <param name="target"></param>
  10746. </member>
  10747. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.GetWSADotNetNative(UnityEditor.WSABuildType)">
  10748. <summary>
  10749. <para>Is .NET Native enabled for specific build configuration.
  10750. More information - https:msdn.microsoft.comen-uslibrary/dn584397(v=vs.110).aspx.</para>
  10751. </summary>
  10752. <param name="config">Build configuration.</param>
  10753. <returns>
  10754. <para>True if .NET Native is enabled for the specific build configuration.</para>
  10755. </returns>
  10756. </member>
  10757. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.SetBuildLocation(UnityEditor.BuildTarget,System.String)">
  10758. <summary>
  10759. <para>Set a new location for the build.</para>
  10760. </summary>
  10761. <param name="target"></param>
  10762. <param name="location"></param>
  10763. </member>
  10764. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.SetWSADotNetNative(UnityEditor.WSABuildType,System.Boolean)">
  10765. <summary>
  10766. <para>Enables or Disables .NET Native for specific build configuration.
  10767. More information - https:msdn.microsoft.comen-uslibrary/dn584397(v=vs.110).aspx.</para>
  10768. </summary>
  10769. <param name="config">Build configuration.</param>
  10770. <param name="enabled">Is enabled?</param>
  10771. </member>
  10772. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.SwitchActiveBuildTarget(UnityEditor.BuildTarget)">
  10773. <summary>
  10774. <para>Select a new build target to be active.</para>
  10775. </summary>
  10776. <param name="target"></param>
  10777. <returns>
  10778. <para>True if the build target was successfully switched, false otherwise (for example, if license checks fail, files are missing, or if the user has cancelled the operation via the UI).</para>
  10779. </returns>
  10780. </member>
  10781. <member name="T:UnityEditor.EditorUtility">
  10782. <summary>
  10783. <para>Editor utility functions.</para>
  10784. </summary>
  10785. </member>
  10786. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar">
  10787. <summary>
  10788. <para>Removes progress bar.</para>
  10789. </summary>
  10790. </member>
  10791. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.CollectDeepHierarchy(UnityEngine.Object[])">
  10792. <summary>
  10793. <para>Collect all objects in the hierarchy rooted at each of the given objects.</para>
  10794. </summary>
  10795. <param name="roots">Array of objects where the search will start.</param>
  10796. <returns>
  10797. <para>Array of objects heirarchically attached to the search array.</para>
  10798. </returns>
  10799. </member>
  10800. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.CollectDependencies(UnityEngine.Object[])">
  10801. <summary>
  10802. <para>Calculates and returns a list of all assets the assets listed in roots depend on.</para>
  10803. </summary>
  10804. <param name="roots"></param>
  10805. </member>
  10806. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.CompressTexture(UnityEngine.Texture2D,UnityEngine.TextureFormat,System.Int32)">
  10807. <summary>
  10808. <para>Compress a texture.</para>
  10809. </summary>
  10810. <param name="texture"></param>
  10811. <param name="format"></param>
  10812. <param name="quality"></param>
  10813. </member>
  10814. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.CompressTexture(UnityEngine.Texture2D,UnityEngine.TextureFormat,UnityEngine.TextureCompressionQuality)">
  10815. <summary>
  10816. <para>Compress a texture.</para>
  10817. </summary>
  10818. <param name="texture"></param>
  10819. <param name="format"></param>
  10820. <param name="quality"></param>
  10821. </member>
  10822. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.CopySerialized(UnityEngine.Object,UnityEngine.Object)">
  10823. <summary>
  10824. <para>Copy all settings of a Unity Object.</para>
  10825. </summary>
  10826. <param name="source"></param>
  10827. <param name="dest"></param>
  10828. </member>
  10829. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.CreateGameObjectWithHideFlags(System.String,UnityEngine.HideFlags,System.Type[])">
  10830. <summary>
  10831. <para>Creates a game object with HideFlags and specified components.</para>
  10832. </summary>
  10833. <param name="name"></param>
  10834. <param name="flags"></param>
  10835. <param name="components"></param>
  10836. </member>
  10837. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar(System.String,System.String,System.Single)">
  10838. <summary>
  10839. <para>Displays or updates a progress bar that has a cancel button.</para>
  10840. </summary>
  10841. <param name="title"></param>
  10842. <param name="info"></param>
  10843. <param name="progress"></param>
  10844. </member>
  10845. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  10846. <summary>
  10847. <para>Displays a modal dialog.</para>
  10848. </summary>
  10849. <param name="title">The title of the message box.</param>
  10850. <param name="message">The text of the message.</param>
  10851. <param name="ok">Label displayed on the OK dialog button.</param>
  10852. <param name="cancel">Label displayed on the Cancel dialog button.</param>
  10853. </member>
  10854. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  10855. <summary>
  10856. <para>Displays a modal dialog.</para>
  10857. </summary>
  10858. <param name="title">The title of the message box.</param>
  10859. <param name="message">The text of the message.</param>
  10860. <param name="ok">Label displayed on the OK dialog button.</param>
  10861. <param name="cancel">Label displayed on the Cancel dialog button.</param>
  10862. </member>
  10863. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  10864. <summary>
  10865. <para>Displays a modal dialog with three buttons.</para>
  10866. </summary>
  10867. <param name="title"></param>
  10868. <param name="message"></param>
  10869. <param name="ok"></param>
  10870. <param name="cancel"></param>
  10871. <param name="alt"></param>
  10872. </member>
  10873. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayPopupMenu(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String,UnityEditor.MenuCommand)">
  10874. <summary>
  10875. <para>Displays a popup menu.</para>
  10876. </summary>
  10877. <param name="position"></param>
  10878. <param name="menuItemPath"></param>
  10879. <param name="command"></param>
  10880. </member>
  10881. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar(System.String,System.String,System.Single)">
  10882. <summary>
  10883. <para>Displays or updates a progress bar.</para>
  10884. </summary>
  10885. <param name="title"></param>
  10886. <param name="info"></param>
  10887. <param name="progress"></param>
  10888. </member>
  10889. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.ExtractOggFile(UnityEngine.Object,System.String)">
  10890. <summary>
  10891. <para>Saves an AudioClip or MovieTexture to a file.</para>
  10892. </summary>
  10893. <param name="obj"></param>
  10894. <param name="path"></param>
  10895. </member>
  10896. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.FocusProjectWindow">
  10897. <summary>
  10898. <para>Brings the project window to the front and focuses it.</para>
  10899. </summary>
  10900. </member>
  10901. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.FormatBytes(System.Int32)">
  10902. <summary>
  10903. <para>Returns a text for a number of bytes.</para>
  10904. </summary>
  10905. <param name="bytes"></param>
  10906. </member>
  10907. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.GetObjectEnabled(UnityEngine.Object)">
  10908. <summary>
  10909. <para>Is the object enabled (0 disabled, 1 enabled, -1 has no enabled button).</para>
  10910. </summary>
  10911. <param name="target"></param>
  10912. </member>
  10913. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(System.Int32)">
  10914. <summary>
  10915. <para>Translates an instance ID to a reference to an object.</para>
  10916. </summary>
  10917. <param name="instanceID"></param>
  10918. </member>
  10919. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.IsPersistent(UnityEngine.Object)">
  10920. <summary>
  10921. <para>Determines if an object is stored on disk.</para>
  10922. </summary>
  10923. <param name="target"></param>
  10924. </member>
  10925. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.NaturalCompare(System.String,System.String)">
  10926. <summary>
  10927. <para>Human-like sorting.</para>
  10928. </summary>
  10929. <param name="a"></param>
  10930. <param name="b"></param>
  10931. </member>
  10932. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  10933. <summary>
  10934. <para>Displays the "open file" dialog and returns the selected path name.</para>
  10935. </summary>
  10936. <param name="title"></param>
  10937. <param name="directory"></param>
  10938. <param name="extension"></param>
  10939. </member>
  10940. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.OpenFilePanelWithFilters(System.String,System.String,System.String[])">
  10941. <summary>
  10942. <para>Displays the "open file" dialog and returns the selected path name.</para>
  10943. </summary>
  10944. <param name="title">Title for dialog.</param>
  10945. <param name="directory">Default directory.</param>
  10946. <param name="filters">File extensions in form { "Image files", "png,jpg,jpeg", "All files", "*" }.</param>
  10947. </member>
  10948. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  10949. <summary>
  10950. <para>Displays the "open folder" dialog and returns the selected path name.</para>
  10951. </summary>
  10952. <param name="title"></param>
  10953. <param name="folder"></param>
  10954. <param name="defaultName"></param>
  10955. </member>
  10956. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  10957. <summary>
  10958. <para>Displays the "save file" dialog and returns the selected path name.</para>
  10959. </summary>
  10960. <param name="title"></param>
  10961. <param name="directory"></param>
  10962. <param name="defaultName"></param>
  10963. <param name="extension"></param>
  10964. </member>
  10965. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  10966. <summary>
  10967. <para>Displays the "save file" dialog in the Assets folder of the project and returns the selected path name.</para>
  10968. </summary>
  10969. <param name="title"></param>
  10970. <param name="defaultName"></param>
  10971. <param name="extension"></param>
  10972. <param name="message"></param>
  10973. </member>
  10974. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SaveFolderPanel(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  10975. <summary>
  10976. <para>Displays the "save folder" dialog and returns the selected path name.</para>
  10977. </summary>
  10978. <param name="title"></param>
  10979. <param name="folder"></param>
  10980. <param name="defaultName"></param>
  10981. </member>
  10982. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(UnityEngine.Object)">
  10983. <summary>
  10984. <para>Marks target object as dirty.</para>
  10985. </summary>
  10986. <param name="target"></param>
  10987. </member>
  10988. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetObjectEnabled(UnityEngine.Object,System.Boolean)">
  10989. <summary>
  10990. <para>Set the enabled state of the object.</para>
  10991. </summary>
  10992. <param name="target"></param>
  10993. <param name="enabled"></param>
  10994. </member>
  10995. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetSelectedWireframeHidden(UnityEngine.Renderer,System.Boolean)">
  10996. <summary>
  10997. <para>Set whether the renderer's wireframe will be hidden when the renderer's gameobject is selected.</para>
  10998. </summary>
  10999. <param name="renderer"></param>
  11000. <param name="enabled"></param>
  11001. </member>
  11002. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.UnloadUnusedAssetsImmediate">
  11003. <summary>
  11004. <para>Unloads assets that are not used.</para>
  11005. </summary>
  11006. <param name="ignoreReferencesFromScript">When true delete assets even if linked in scripts.</param>
  11007. </member>
  11008. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorUtility.UnloadUnusedAssetsImmediate(System.Boolean)">
  11009. <summary>
  11010. <para>Unloads assets that are not used.</para>
  11011. </summary>
  11012. <param name="ignoreReferencesFromScript">When true delete assets even if linked in scripts.</param>
  11013. </member>
  11014. <member name="T:UnityEditor.EditorWindow">
  11015. <summary>
  11016. <para>Derive from this class to create an editor window.</para>
  11017. </summary>
  11018. </member>
  11019. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.autoRepaintOnSceneChange">
  11020. <summary>
  11021. <para>Does the window automatically repaint whenever the scene has changed?</para>
  11022. </summary>
  11023. </member>
  11024. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.focusedWindow">
  11025. <summary>
  11026. <para>The EditorWindow which currently has keyboard focus. (Read Only)</para>
  11027. </summary>
  11028. </member>
  11029. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.maximized">
  11030. <summary>
  11031. <para>Is this window maximized.</para>
  11032. </summary>
  11033. </member>
  11034. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.maxSize">
  11035. <summary>
  11036. <para>The maximum size of this window.</para>
  11037. </summary>
  11038. </member>
  11039. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.minSize">
  11040. <summary>
  11041. <para>The minimum size of this window.</para>
  11042. </summary>
  11043. </member>
  11044. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.mouseOverWindow">
  11045. <summary>
  11046. <para>The EditorWindow currently under the mouse cursor. (Read Only)</para>
  11047. </summary>
  11048. </member>
  11049. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.position">
  11050. <summary>
  11051. <para>The position of the window in screen space.</para>
  11052. </summary>
  11053. </member>
  11054. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.title">
  11055. <summary>
  11056. <para>The title of this window.</para>
  11057. </summary>
  11058. </member>
  11059. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.titleContent">
  11060. <summary>
  11061. <para>The GUIContent used for drawing the title of EditorWindows.</para>
  11062. </summary>
  11063. </member>
  11064. <member name="P:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.wantsMouseMove">
  11065. <summary>
  11066. <para>Does the GUI in this editor window want MouseMove events?</para>
  11067. </summary>
  11068. </member>
  11069. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.BeginWindows">
  11070. <summary>
  11071. <para>Mark the beginning area of all popup windows.</para>
  11072. </summary>
  11073. </member>
  11074. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.Close">
  11075. <summary>
  11076. <para>Close the editor window.</para>
  11077. </summary>
  11078. </member>
  11079. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.EndWindows">
  11080. <summary>
  11081. <para>Close a window group started with EditorWindow.BeginWindows.</para>
  11082. </summary>
  11083. </member>
  11084. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.Focus">
  11085. <summary>
  11086. <para>Moves keyboard focus to this EditorWindow.</para>
  11087. </summary>
  11088. </member>
  11089. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.FocusWindowIfItsOpen(System.Type)">
  11090. <summary>
  11091. <para>Focuses the first found EditorWindow of specified type if it is open.</para>
  11092. </summary>
  11093. <param name="t">The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.</param>
  11094. </member>
  11095. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.FocusWindowIfItsOpen">
  11096. <summary>
  11097. <para>Focuses the first found EditorWindow of type T if it is open.</para>
  11098. </summary>
  11099. <param name="T">The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.</param>
  11100. </member>
  11101. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.GetWindow(System.Type)">
  11102. <summary>
  11103. <para>Returns the first EditorWindow of type t which is currently on the screen.</para>
  11104. </summary>
  11105. <param name="t">The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.</param>
  11106. <param name="utility">Set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.</param>
  11107. <param name="title">If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.</param>
  11108. <param name="focus">Whether to give the window focus, if it already exists. (If GetWindow creates a new window, it will always get focus).</param>
  11109. </member>
  11110. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.GetWindow(System.Type,System.Boolean)">
  11111. <summary>
  11112. <para>Returns the first EditorWindow of type t which is currently on the screen.</para>
  11113. </summary>
  11114. <param name="t">The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.</param>
  11115. <param name="utility">Set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.</param>
  11116. <param name="title">If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.</param>
  11117. <param name="focus">Whether to give the window focus, if it already exists. (If GetWindow creates a new window, it will always get focus).</param>
  11118. </member>
  11119. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.GetWindow(System.Type,System.Boolean,System.String)">
  11120. <summary>
  11121. <para>Returns the first EditorWindow of type t which is currently on the screen.</para>
  11122. </summary>
  11123. <param name="t">The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.</param>
  11124. <param name="utility">Set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.</param>
  11125. <param name="title">If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.</param>
  11126. <param name="focus">Whether to give the window focus, if it already exists. (If GetWindow creates a new window, it will always get focus).</param>
  11127. </member>
  11128. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.GetWindow(System.Type,System.Boolean,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  11129. <summary>
  11130. <para>Returns the first EditorWindow of type t which is currently on the screen.</para>
  11131. </summary>
  11132. <param name="t">The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.</param>
  11133. <param name="utility">Set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.</param>
  11134. <param name="title">If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.</param>
  11135. <param name="focus">Whether to give the window focus, if it already exists. (If GetWindow creates a new window, it will always get focus).</param>
  11136. </member>
  11137. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.GetWindow">
  11138. <summary>
  11139. <para>Returns the first EditorWindow of type T which is currently on the screen.</para>
  11140. </summary>
  11141. <param name="T">The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.</param>
  11142. <param name="utility">Set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.</param>
  11143. <param name="title">If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.</param>
  11144. <param name="focus">Whether to give the window focus, if it already exists. (If GetWindow creates a new window, it will always get focus).</param>
  11145. </member>
  11146. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.GetWindow(System.Boolean)">
  11147. <summary>
  11148. <para>Returns the first EditorWindow of type T which is currently on the screen.</para>
  11149. </summary>
  11150. <param name="T">The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.</param>
  11151. <param name="utility">Set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.</param>
  11152. <param name="title">If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.</param>
  11153. <param name="focus">Whether to give the window focus, if it already exists. (If GetWindow creates a new window, it will always get focus).</param>
  11154. </member>
  11155. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.GetWindow(System.Boolean,System.String)">
  11156. <summary>
  11157. <para>Returns the first EditorWindow of type T which is currently on the screen.</para>
  11158. </summary>
  11159. <param name="T">The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.</param>
  11160. <param name="utility">Set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.</param>
  11161. <param name="title">If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.</param>
  11162. <param name="focus">Whether to give the window focus, if it already exists. (If GetWindow creates a new window, it will always get focus).</param>
  11163. </member>
  11164. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.GetWindow(System.String)">
  11165. <summary>
  11166. <para>Returns the first EditorWindow of type T which is currently on the screen.</para>
  11167. </summary>
  11168. <param name="T">The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.</param>
  11169. <param name="utility">Set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.</param>
  11170. <param name="title">If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.</param>
  11171. <param name="focus">Whether to give the window focus, if it already exists. (If GetWindow creates a new window, it will always get focus).</param>
  11172. </member>
  11173. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.GetWindow(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  11174. <summary>
  11175. <para>Returns the first EditorWindow of type T which is currently on the screen.</para>
  11176. </summary>
  11177. <param name="T">The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.</param>
  11178. <param name="utility">Set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.</param>
  11179. <param name="title">If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.</param>
  11180. <param name="focus">Whether to give the window focus, if it already exists. (If GetWindow creates a new window, it will always get focus).</param>
  11181. </member>
  11182. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.GetWindow(System.Boolean,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  11183. <summary>
  11184. <para>Returns the first EditorWindow of type T which is currently on the screen.</para>
  11185. </summary>
  11186. <param name="T">The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.</param>
  11187. <param name="utility">Set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.</param>
  11188. <param name="title">If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.</param>
  11189. <param name="focus">Whether to give the window focus, if it already exists. (If GetWindow creates a new window, it will always get focus).</param>
  11190. </member>
  11191. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.GetWindow(System.Type[])">
  11192. <summary>
  11193. <para>Returns the first EditorWindow of type T which is currently on the screen.</para>
  11194. </summary>
  11195. <param name="T">The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.</param>
  11196. <param name="title">If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.</param>
  11197. <param name="desiredDockNextTo">An array of EditorWindow types that the window will attempt to dock onto.</param>
  11198. <param name="focus">Whether to give the window focus, if it already exists. (If GetWindow creates a new window, it will always get focus).</param>
  11199. </member>
  11200. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.GetWindow(System.String,System.Type[])">
  11201. <summary>
  11202. <para>Returns the first EditorWindow of type T which is currently on the screen.</para>
  11203. </summary>
  11204. <param name="T">The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.</param>
  11205. <param name="title">If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.</param>
  11206. <param name="desiredDockNextTo">An array of EditorWindow types that the window will attempt to dock onto.</param>
  11207. <param name="focus">Whether to give the window focus, if it already exists. (If GetWindow creates a new window, it will always get focus).</param>
  11208. </member>
  11209. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.GetWindow(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Type[])">
  11210. <summary>
  11211. <para>Returns the first EditorWindow of type T which is currently on the screen.</para>
  11212. </summary>
  11213. <param name="T">The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.</param>
  11214. <param name="title">If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.</param>
  11215. <param name="desiredDockNextTo">An array of EditorWindow types that the window will attempt to dock onto.</param>
  11216. <param name="focus">Whether to give the window focus, if it already exists. (If GetWindow creates a new window, it will always get focus).</param>
  11217. </member>
  11218. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.GetWindowWithRect(System.Type,UnityEngine.Rect)">
  11219. <summary>
  11220. <para>Returns the first EditorWindow of type t which is currently on the screen.</para>
  11221. </summary>
  11222. <param name="t">The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.</param>
  11223. <param name="rect">The position on the screen where a newly created window will show.</param>
  11224. <param name="utility">Set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.</param>
  11225. <param name="title">If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.</param>
  11226. </member>
  11227. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.GetWindowWithRect(System.Type,UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean)">
  11228. <summary>
  11229. <para>Returns the first EditorWindow of type t which is currently on the screen.</para>
  11230. </summary>
  11231. <param name="t">The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.</param>
  11232. <param name="rect">The position on the screen where a newly created window will show.</param>
  11233. <param name="utility">Set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.</param>
  11234. <param name="title">If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.</param>
  11235. </member>
  11236. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.GetWindowWithRect(System.Type,UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,System.String)">
  11237. <summary>
  11238. <para>Returns the first EditorWindow of type t which is currently on the screen.</para>
  11239. </summary>
  11240. <param name="t">The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.</param>
  11241. <param name="rect">The position on the screen where a newly created window will show.</param>
  11242. <param name="utility">Set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.</param>
  11243. <param name="title">If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.</param>
  11244. </member>
  11245. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.GetWindowWithRect(UnityEngine.Rect)">
  11246. <summary>
  11247. <para>Returns the first EditorWindow of type t which is currently on the screen.</para>
  11248. </summary>
  11249. <param name="t">The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.</param>
  11250. <param name="rect">The position on the screen where a newly created window will show.</param>
  11251. <param name="utility">Set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.</param>
  11252. <param name="title">If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.</param>
  11253. <param name="focus">Whether to give the window focus, if it already exists. (If GetWindow creates a new window, it will always get focus).</param>
  11254. </member>
  11255. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.GetWindowWithRect(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean)">
  11256. <summary>
  11257. <para>Returns the first EditorWindow of type t which is currently on the screen.</para>
  11258. </summary>
  11259. <param name="t">The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.</param>
  11260. <param name="rect">The position on the screen where a newly created window will show.</param>
  11261. <param name="utility">Set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.</param>
  11262. <param name="title">If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.</param>
  11263. <param name="focus">Whether to give the window focus, if it already exists. (If GetWindow creates a new window, it will always get focus).</param>
  11264. </member>
  11265. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.GetWindowWithRect(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,System.String)">
  11266. <summary>
  11267. <para>Returns the first EditorWindow of type t which is currently on the screen.</para>
  11268. </summary>
  11269. <param name="t">The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.</param>
  11270. <param name="rect">The position on the screen where a newly created window will show.</param>
  11271. <param name="utility">Set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.</param>
  11272. <param name="title">If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.</param>
  11273. <param name="focus">Whether to give the window focus, if it already exists. (If GetWindow creates a new window, it will always get focus).</param>
  11274. </member>
  11275. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.GetWindowWithRect(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  11276. <summary>
  11277. <para>Returns the first EditorWindow of type t which is currently on the screen.</para>
  11278. </summary>
  11279. <param name="t">The type of the window. Must derive from EditorWindow.</param>
  11280. <param name="rect">The position on the screen where a newly created window will show.</param>
  11281. <param name="utility">Set this to true, to create a floating utility window, false to create a normal window.</param>
  11282. <param name="title">If GetWindow creates a new window, it will get this title. If this value is null, use the class name as title.</param>
  11283. <param name="focus">Whether to give the window focus, if it already exists. (If GetWindow creates a new window, it will always get focus).</param>
  11284. </member>
  11285. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.RemoveNotification">
  11286. <summary>
  11287. <para>Stop showing notification message.</para>
  11288. </summary>
  11289. </member>
  11290. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.Repaint">
  11291. <summary>
  11292. <para>Make the window repaint.</para>
  11293. </summary>
  11294. </member>
  11295. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.SendEvent(UnityEngine.Event)">
  11296. <summary>
  11297. <para>Sends an Event to a window.</para>
  11298. </summary>
  11299. <param name="e"></param>
  11300. </member>
  11301. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.Show">
  11302. <summary>
  11303. <para>Show the EditorWindow.</para>
  11304. </summary>
  11305. <param name="immediateDisplay"></param>
  11306. </member>
  11307. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.Show(System.Boolean)">
  11308. <summary>
  11309. <para>Show the EditorWindow.</para>
  11310. </summary>
  11311. <param name="immediateDisplay"></param>
  11312. </member>
  11313. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.ShowAsDropDown(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Vector2)">
  11314. <summary>
  11315. <para>Show window with dropdown behaviour (e.g. window is closed when it loses focus) and having.</para>
  11316. </summary>
  11317. <param name="buttonRect">Is used for positioning the window.</param>
  11318. <param name="windowSize">Is used for setting up initial size of the window.</param>
  11319. </member>
  11320. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.ShowAuxWindow">
  11321. <summary>
  11322. <para>Show the editor window in the auxiliary window.</para>
  11323. </summary>
  11324. </member>
  11325. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.ShowNotification(UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  11326. <summary>
  11327. <para>Show a notification message.</para>
  11328. </summary>
  11329. <param name="notification"></param>
  11330. </member>
  11331. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.ShowPopup">
  11332. <summary>
  11333. <para>Shows an Editor window using popup-style framing.</para>
  11334. </summary>
  11335. </member>
  11336. <member name="M:UnityEditor.EditorWindow.ShowUtility">
  11337. <summary>
  11338. <para>Show the EditorWindow as a floating utility window.</para>
  11339. </summary>
  11340. </member>
  11341. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools">
  11342. <summary>
  11343. <para>Editor tools for working with persistent UnityEvents.</para>
  11344. </summary>
  11345. </member>
  11346. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.AddBoolPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`1&lt;System.Boolean&gt;,System.Boolean)">
  11347. <summary>
  11348. <para>Adds a persistent, preset call to the listener.</para>
  11349. </summary>
  11350. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11351. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11352. <param name="argument">Argument to use when invoking.</param>
  11353. </member>
  11354. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.AddFloatPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`1&lt;System.Single&gt;,System.Single)">
  11355. <summary>
  11356. <para>Adds a persistent, preset call to the listener.</para>
  11357. </summary>
  11358. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11359. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11360. <param name="argument">Argument to use when invoking.</param>
  11361. </member>
  11362. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.AddIntPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`1&lt;System.Int32&gt;,System.Int32)">
  11363. <summary>
  11364. <para>Adds a persistent, preset call to the listener.</para>
  11365. </summary>
  11366. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11367. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11368. <param name="argument">Argument to use when invoking.</param>
  11369. </member>
  11370. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.AddObjectPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`1&lt;T&gt;,T)">
  11371. <summary>
  11372. <para>Adds a persistent, preset call to the listener.</para>
  11373. </summary>
  11374. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11375. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11376. <param name="argument">Argument to use when invoking.</param>
  11377. </member>
  11378. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase)">
  11379. <summary>
  11380. <para>Adds a persistent, call to the listener. Will be invoked with the arguments as defined by the Event and sent from the call location.</para>
  11381. </summary>
  11382. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11383. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11384. </member>
  11385. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction)">
  11386. <summary>
  11387. <para>Adds a persistent, call to the listener. Will be invoked with the arguments as defined by the Event and sent from the call location.</para>
  11388. </summary>
  11389. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11390. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11391. </member>
  11392. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent`1&lt;T0&gt;,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`1&lt;T0&gt;)">
  11393. <summary>
  11394. <para>Adds a persistent, call to the listener. Will be invoked with the arguments as defined by the Event and sent from the call location.</para>
  11395. </summary>
  11396. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11397. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11398. </member>
  11399. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent`2&lt;T0,T1&gt;,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`2&lt;T0,T1&gt;)">
  11400. <summary>
  11401. <para>Adds a persistent, call to the listener. Will be invoked with the arguments as defined by the Event and sent from the call location.</para>
  11402. </summary>
  11403. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11404. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11405. </member>
  11406. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent`3&lt;T0,T1,T2&gt;,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`3&lt;T0,T1,T2&gt;)">
  11407. <summary>
  11408. <para>Adds a persistent, call to the listener. Will be invoked with the arguments as defined by the Event and sent from the call location.</para>
  11409. </summary>
  11410. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11411. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11412. </member>
  11413. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.AddPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent`4&lt;T0,T1,T2,T3&gt;,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`4&lt;T0,T1,T2,T3&gt;)">
  11414. <summary>
  11415. <para>Adds a persistent, call to the listener. Will be invoked with the arguments as defined by the Event and sent from the call location.</para>
  11416. </summary>
  11417. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11418. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11419. </member>
  11420. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.AddStringPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`1&lt;System.String&gt;,System.String)">
  11421. <summary>
  11422. <para>Adds a persistent, preset call to the listener.</para>
  11423. </summary>
  11424. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11425. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11426. <param name="argument">Argument to use when invoking.</param>
  11427. </member>
  11428. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.AddVoidPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction)">
  11429. <summary>
  11430. <para>Adds a persistent, preset call to the listener.</para>
  11431. </summary>
  11432. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11433. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11434. </member>
  11435. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.RegisterBoolPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase,System.Int32,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`1&lt;System.Boolean&gt;,System.Boolean)">
  11436. <summary>
  11437. <para>Modifies the event at the given index.</para>
  11438. </summary>
  11439. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11440. <param name="index">Index to modify.</param>
  11441. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11442. <param name="argument">Argument to use when invoking.</param>
  11443. </member>
  11444. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.RegisterFloatPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase,System.Int32,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`1&lt;System.Single&gt;,System.Single)">
  11445. <summary>
  11446. <para>Modifies the event at the given index.</para>
  11447. </summary>
  11448. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11449. <param name="index">Index to modify.</param>
  11450. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11451. <param name="argument">Argument to use when invoking.</param>
  11452. </member>
  11453. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.RegisterIntPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase,System.Int32,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`1&lt;System.Int32&gt;,System.Int32)">
  11454. <summary>
  11455. <para>Modifies the event at the given index.</para>
  11456. </summary>
  11457. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11458. <param name="index">Index to modify.</param>
  11459. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11460. <param name="argument">Argument to use when invoking.</param>
  11461. </member>
  11462. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.RegisterObjectPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase,System.Int32,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`1&lt;T&gt;,T)">
  11463. <summary>
  11464. <para>Modifies the event at the given index.</para>
  11465. </summary>
  11466. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11467. <param name="index">Index to modify.</param>
  11468. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11469. <param name="argument">Argument to use when invoking.</param>
  11470. </member>
  11471. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.RegisterPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent,System.Int32,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction)">
  11472. <summary>
  11473. <para>Modifies the event at the given index.</para>
  11474. </summary>
  11475. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11476. <param name="index">Index to modify.</param>
  11477. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11478. </member>
  11479. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.RegisterPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent`1&lt;T0&gt;,System.Int32,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`1&lt;T0&gt;)">
  11480. <summary>
  11481. <para>Modifies the event at the given index.</para>
  11482. </summary>
  11483. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11484. <param name="index">Index to modify.</param>
  11485. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11486. </member>
  11487. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.RegisterPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent`2&lt;T0,T1&gt;,System.Int32,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`2&lt;T0,T1&gt;)">
  11488. <summary>
  11489. <para>Modifies the event at the given index.</para>
  11490. </summary>
  11491. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11492. <param name="index">Index to modify.</param>
  11493. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11494. </member>
  11495. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.RegisterPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent`3&lt;T0,T1,T2&gt;,System.Int32,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`3&lt;T0,T1,T2&gt;)">
  11496. <summary>
  11497. <para>Modifies the event at the given index.</para>
  11498. </summary>
  11499. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11500. <param name="index">Index to modify.</param>
  11501. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11502. </member>
  11503. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.RegisterPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent`4&lt;T0,T1,T2,T3&gt;,System.Int32,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`4&lt;T0,T1,T2,T3&gt;)">
  11504. <summary>
  11505. <para>Modifies the event at the given index.</para>
  11506. </summary>
  11507. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11508. <param name="index">Index to modify.</param>
  11509. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11510. </member>
  11511. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.RegisterStringPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase,System.Int32,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`1&lt;System.String&gt;,System.String)">
  11512. <summary>
  11513. <para>Modifies the event at the given index.</para>
  11514. </summary>
  11515. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11516. <param name="index">Index to modify.</param>
  11517. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11518. <param name="argument">Argument to use when invoking.</param>
  11519. </member>
  11520. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.RegisterVoidPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase,System.Int32,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction)">
  11521. <summary>
  11522. <para>Modifies the event at the given index.</para>
  11523. </summary>
  11524. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11525. <param name="index">Index to modify.</param>
  11526. <param name="call">Function to call.</param>
  11527. </member>
  11528. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.RemovePersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase,System.Int32)">
  11529. <summary>
  11530. <para>Removes the given function from the event.</para>
  11531. </summary>
  11532. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11533. <param name="index">Index to remove (if specified).</param>
  11534. <param name="call">Function to remove (if specified).</param>
  11535. </member>
  11536. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.RemovePersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction)">
  11537. <summary>
  11538. <para>Removes the given function from the event.</para>
  11539. </summary>
  11540. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11541. <param name="index">Index to remove (if specified).</param>
  11542. <param name="call">Function to remove (if specified).</param>
  11543. </member>
  11544. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.RemovePersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`1&lt;T0&gt;)">
  11545. <summary>
  11546. <para>Removes the given function from the event.</para>
  11547. </summary>
  11548. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11549. <param name="index">Index to remove (if specified).</param>
  11550. <param name="call">Function to remove (if specified).</param>
  11551. </member>
  11552. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.RemovePersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`2&lt;T0,T1&gt;)">
  11553. <summary>
  11554. <para>Removes the given function from the event.</para>
  11555. </summary>
  11556. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11557. <param name="index">Index to remove (if specified).</param>
  11558. <param name="call">Function to remove (if specified).</param>
  11559. </member>
  11560. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.RemovePersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`3&lt;T0,T1,T2&gt;)">
  11561. <summary>
  11562. <para>Removes the given function from the event.</para>
  11563. </summary>
  11564. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11565. <param name="index">Index to remove (if specified).</param>
  11566. <param name="call">Function to remove (if specified).</param>
  11567. </member>
  11568. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.RemovePersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase,UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction`4&lt;T0,T1,T2,T3&gt;)">
  11569. <summary>
  11570. <para>Removes the given function from the event.</para>
  11571. </summary>
  11572. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11573. <param name="index">Index to remove (if specified).</param>
  11574. <param name="call">Function to remove (if specified).</param>
  11575. </member>
  11576. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Events.UnityEventTools.UnregisterPersistentListener(UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase,System.Int32)">
  11577. <summary>
  11578. <para>Unregisters the given listener at the specified index.</para>
  11579. </summary>
  11580. <param name="unityEvent">Event to modify.</param>
  11581. <param name="index">Index to unregister.</param>
  11582. </member>
  11583. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ExportPackageOptions">
  11584. <summary>
  11585. <para>Export package option. Multiple options can be combined together using the | operator.</para>
  11586. </summary>
  11587. </member>
  11588. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ExportPackageOptions.Default">
  11589. <summary>
  11590. <para>Default mode. Will not include dependencies or subdirectories nor include Library assets unless specifically included in the asset list.</para>
  11591. </summary>
  11592. </member>
  11593. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ExportPackageOptions.IncludeDependencies">
  11594. <summary>
  11595. <para>In addition to the assets paths listed, all dependent assets will be included as well.</para>
  11596. </summary>
  11597. </member>
  11598. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ExportPackageOptions.IncludeLibraryAssets">
  11599. <summary>
  11600. <para>The exported package will include all library assets, ie. the project settings located in the Library folder of the project.</para>
  11601. </summary>
  11602. </member>
  11603. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ExportPackageOptions.Interactive">
  11604. <summary>
  11605. <para>The export operation will be run asynchronously and reveal the exported package file in a file browser window after the export is finished.</para>
  11606. </summary>
  11607. </member>
  11608. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ExportPackageOptions.Recurse">
  11609. <summary>
  11610. <para>Will recurse through any subdirectories listed and include all assets inside them.</para>
  11611. </summary>
  11612. </member>
  11613. <member name="T:UnityEditor.FileUtil">
  11614. <summary>
  11615. <para>Lets you do move, copy, delete operations over files or directories.</para>
  11616. </summary>
  11617. </member>
  11618. <member name="M:UnityEditor.FileUtil.CopyFileOrDirectory(System.String,System.String)">
  11619. <summary>
  11620. <para>Copies a file or a directory.</para>
  11621. </summary>
  11622. <param name="from"></param>
  11623. <param name="to"></param>
  11624. </member>
  11625. <member name="M:UnityEditor.FileUtil.CopyFileOrDirectoryFollowSymlinks(System.String,System.String)">
  11626. <summary>
  11627. <para>Copies the file or directory.</para>
  11628. </summary>
  11629. <param name="from"></param>
  11630. <param name="to"></param>
  11631. </member>
  11632. <member name="M:UnityEditor.FileUtil.DeleteFileOrDirectory(System.String)">
  11633. <summary>
  11634. <para>Deletes a file or a directory given a path.</para>
  11635. </summary>
  11636. <param name="path"></param>
  11637. </member>
  11638. <member name="M:UnityEditor.FileUtil.GetUniqueTempPathInProject">
  11639. <summary>
  11640. <para>Returns a unique path in the Temp folder within your current project.</para>
  11641. </summary>
  11642. </member>
  11643. <member name="M:UnityEditor.FileUtil.MoveFileOrDirectory(System.String,System.String)">
  11644. <summary>
  11645. <para>Moves a file or a directory from a given path to another path.</para>
  11646. </summary>
  11647. <param name="from"></param>
  11648. <param name="to"></param>
  11649. </member>
  11650. <member name="M:UnityEditor.FileUtil.ReplaceDirectory(System.String,System.String)">
  11651. <summary>
  11652. <para>Replaces a directory.</para>
  11653. </summary>
  11654. <param name="src"></param>
  11655. <param name="dst"></param>
  11656. </member>
  11657. <member name="M:UnityEditor.FileUtil.ReplaceFile(System.String,System.String)">
  11658. <summary>
  11659. <para>Replaces a file.</para>
  11660. </summary>
  11661. <param name="src"></param>
  11662. <param name="dst"></param>
  11663. </member>
  11664. <member name="T:UnityEditor.FontRenderingMode">
  11665. <summary>
  11666. <para>Font rendering mode constants for TrueTypeFontImporter.</para>
  11667. </summary>
  11668. </member>
  11669. <member name="F:UnityEditor.FontRenderingMode.HintedRaster">
  11670. <summary>
  11671. <para>Use hinted font rendering without anti-aliasing. This is the crispest font rendering option, and may be most readable for small.</para>
  11672. </summary>
  11673. </member>
  11674. <member name="F:UnityEditor.FontRenderingMode.HintedSmooth">
  11675. <summary>
  11676. <para>Use Anti-Aliased Font rendering with hinting. This forces character lines to run along pixel boundaries, and generally produces.</para>
  11677. </summary>
  11678. </member>
  11679. <member name="F:UnityEditor.FontRenderingMode.OSDefault">
  11680. <summary>
  11681. <para>Use the OS default font rendering mode. This selects either FontRenderingMode.HintedSmooth or.</para>
  11682. </summary>
  11683. </member>
  11684. <member name="F:UnityEditor.FontRenderingMode.Smooth">
  11685. <summary>
  11686. <para>Use Anti-Aliased Font rendering. When using dynamic fonts, this is the mode which is fastest in rendering font textures.</para>
  11687. </summary>
  11688. </member>
  11689. <member name="T:UnityEditor.FontTextureCase">
  11690. <summary>
  11691. <para>Texture case constants for TrueTypeFontImporter.</para>
  11692. </summary>
  11693. </member>
  11694. <member name="F:UnityEditor.FontTextureCase.ASCII">
  11695. <summary>
  11696. <para>Import basic ASCII character set.</para>
  11697. </summary>
  11698. </member>
  11699. <member name="F:UnityEditor.FontTextureCase.ASCIILowerCase">
  11700. <summary>
  11701. <para>Only import lower case ASCII character set.</para>
  11702. </summary>
  11703. </member>
  11704. <member name="F:UnityEditor.FontTextureCase.ASCIIUpperCase">
  11705. <summary>
  11706. <para>Only import upper case ASCII character set.</para>
  11707. </summary>
  11708. </member>
  11709. <member name="F:UnityEditor.FontTextureCase.CustomSet">
  11710. <summary>
  11711. <para>Custom set of characters.</para>
  11712. </summary>
  11713. </member>
  11714. <member name="F:UnityEditor.FontTextureCase.Dynamic">
  11715. <summary>
  11716. <para>Render characters into font texture at runtime as needed.</para>
  11717. </summary>
  11718. </member>
  11719. <member name="F:UnityEditor.FontTextureCase.Unicode">
  11720. <summary>
  11721. <para>Import a set of Unicode characters common for latin scripts.</para>
  11722. </summary>
  11723. </member>
  11724. <member name="T:UnityEditor.GameObjectUtility">
  11725. <summary>
  11726. <para>GameObject utility functions.</para>
  11727. </summary>
  11728. </member>
  11729. <member name="M:UnityEditor.GameObjectUtility.AreStaticEditorFlagsSet(UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEditor.StaticEditorFlags)">
  11730. <summary>
  11731. <para>Returns true if the passed in StaticEditorFlags are set on the GameObject specified.</para>
  11732. </summary>
  11733. <param name="go">The GameObject to check.</param>
  11734. <param name="flags">The flags you want to check.</param>
  11735. <returns>
  11736. <para>Whether the GameObject's static flags match the flags specified.</para>
  11737. </returns>
  11738. </member>
  11739. <member name="M:UnityEditor.GameObjectUtility.GetNavMeshArea(UnityEngine.GameObject)">
  11740. <summary>
  11741. <para>Get the navmesh area index for the GameObject.</para>
  11742. </summary>
  11743. <param name="go">GameObject to query.</param>
  11744. <returns>
  11745. <para>NavMesh area index.</para>
  11746. </returns>
  11747. </member>
  11748. <member name="M:UnityEditor.GameObjectUtility.GetNavMeshAreaFromName(System.String)">
  11749. <summary>
  11750. <para>Get the navmesh area index from the area name.</para>
  11751. </summary>
  11752. <param name="name">NavMesh area name to query.</param>
  11753. <returns>
  11754. <para>The NavMesh area index. If there is no NavMesh area with the requested name, the return value is -1.</para>
  11755. </returns>
  11756. </member>
  11757. <member name="M:UnityEditor.GameObjectUtility.GetNavMeshAreaNames">
  11758. <summary>
  11759. <para>Get all the navmesh area names.</para>
  11760. </summary>
  11761. <returns>
  11762. <para>Names of all the NavMesh areas.</para>
  11763. </returns>
  11764. </member>
  11765. <member name="M:UnityEditor.GameObjectUtility.GetNavMeshLayer(UnityEngine.GameObject)">
  11766. <summary>
  11767. <para>Get the navmesh layer for the GameObject.</para>
  11768. </summary>
  11769. <param name="go">The GameObject to check.</param>
  11770. <returns>
  11771. <para>The navmesh layer for the GameObject specified.</para>
  11772. </returns>
  11773. </member>
  11774. <member name="M:UnityEditor.GameObjectUtility.GetNavMeshLayerFromName(System.String)">
  11775. <summary>
  11776. <para>Get the navmesh layer from the layer name.</para>
  11777. </summary>
  11778. <param name="name">The name of the navmesh layer.</param>
  11779. <returns>
  11780. <para>The layer number of the navmesh layer name specified.</para>
  11781. </returns>
  11782. </member>
  11783. <member name="M:UnityEditor.GameObjectUtility.GetNavMeshLayerNames">
  11784. <summary>
  11785. <para>Get all the navmesh layer names.</para>
  11786. </summary>
  11787. <returns>
  11788. <para>An array of the names of all navmesh layers.</para>
  11789. </returns>
  11790. </member>
  11791. <member name="M:UnityEditor.GameObjectUtility.GetStaticEditorFlags(UnityEngine.GameObject)">
  11792. <summary>
  11793. <para>Gets the StaticEditorFlags of the GameObject specified.</para>
  11794. </summary>
  11795. <param name="go">The GameObject whose flags you are interested in.</param>
  11796. <returns>
  11797. <para>The static editor flags of the GameObject specified.</para>
  11798. </returns>
  11799. </member>
  11800. <member name="M:UnityEditor.GameObjectUtility.GetUniqueNameForSibling(UnityEngine.Transform,System.String)">
  11801. <summary>
  11802. <para>Get unique name for a new GameObject compared to existing siblings. Useful when trying to avoid duplicate naming. When duplicate(s) are found, uses incremental a number after the base name.</para>
  11803. </summary>
  11804. <param name="parent">Target parent for a new GameObject. Null means root level.</param>
  11805. <param name="name">Requested name for a new GameObject.</param>
  11806. <returns>
  11807. <para>Unique name for a new GameObject.</para>
  11808. </returns>
  11809. </member>
  11810. <member name="M:UnityEditor.GameObjectUtility.SetNavMeshArea(UnityEngine.GameObject,System.Int32)">
  11811. <summary>
  11812. <para>Set the navmesh area for the gameobject.</para>
  11813. </summary>
  11814. <param name="go">GameObject to modify.</param>
  11815. <param name="areaIndex">NavMesh area index to set.</param>
  11816. </member>
  11817. <member name="M:UnityEditor.GameObjectUtility.SetNavMeshLayer(UnityEngine.GameObject,System.Int32)">
  11818. <summary>
  11819. <para>Set the navmesh layer for the GameObject.</para>
  11820. </summary>
  11821. <param name="go">The GameObject on which to set the navmesh layer.</param>
  11822. <param name="areaIndex">The layer number you want to set.</param>
  11823. </member>
  11824. <member name="M:UnityEditor.GameObjectUtility.SetParentAndAlign(UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEngine.GameObject)">
  11825. <summary>
  11826. <para>Sets the parent and gives the child the same layer and position.</para>
  11827. </summary>
  11828. <param name="child">The GameObject that should have a new parent set.</param>
  11829. <param name="parent">The GameObject that the child should get as a parent and have position and layer copied from. If null, this function does nothing.</param>
  11830. </member>
  11831. <member name="M:UnityEditor.GameObjectUtility.SetStaticEditorFlags(UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEditor.StaticEditorFlags)">
  11832. <summary>
  11833. <para>Sets the static editor flags on the specified GameObject.</para>
  11834. </summary>
  11835. <param name="go">The GameObject whose static editor flags you want to set.</param>
  11836. <param name="flags">The flags to set on the GameObject.</param>
  11837. </member>
  11838. <member name="T:UnityEditor.GenericMenu">
  11839. <summary>
  11840. <para>The GenericMenu lets you create a custom context and dropdown menus.</para>
  11841. </summary>
  11842. </member>
  11843. <member name="M:UnityEditor.GenericMenu.AddDisabledItem(UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  11844. <summary>
  11845. <para>Add a disabled item to the menu.</para>
  11846. </summary>
  11847. <param name="content">The GUIContent to display as a disabled menu item.</param>
  11848. </member>
  11849. <member name="M:UnityEditor.GenericMenu.AddItem(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Boolean,UnityEditor.GenericMenu/MenuFunction)">
  11850. <summary>
  11851. <para>Add an item to the menu.</para>
  11852. </summary>
  11853. <param name="content">The GUIContent to add as a menu item.</param>
  11854. <param name="on">Whether to show the item is currently activated (i.e. a tick next to the item in the menu).</param>
  11855. <param name="func">The function to call when the menu item is selected.</param>
  11856. </member>
  11857. <member name="M:UnityEditor.GenericMenu.AddItem(UnityEngine.GUIContent,System.Boolean,UnityEditor.GenericMenu/MenuFunction2,System.Object)">
  11858. <summary>
  11859. <para>Add an item to the menu.</para>
  11860. </summary>
  11861. <param name="content">The GUIContent to add as a menu item.</param>
  11862. <param name="on">Whether to show the item is currently activated (i.e. a tick next to the item in the menu).</param>
  11863. <param name="func">The function to call when the menu item is selected.</param>
  11864. <param name="userData">The data to pass to the function called when the item is selected.</param>
  11865. </member>
  11866. <member name="M:UnityEditor.GenericMenu.AddSeparator(System.String)">
  11867. <summary>
  11868. <para>Add a seperator item to the menu.</para>
  11869. </summary>
  11870. <param name="path">The path to the submenu, if adding a separator to a submenu. When adding a separator to the top level of a menu, use an empty string as the path.</param>
  11871. </member>
  11872. <member name="M:UnityEditor.GenericMenu.DropDown(UnityEngine.Rect)">
  11873. <summary>
  11874. <para>Show the menu at the given screen rect.</para>
  11875. </summary>
  11876. <param name="position">The position at which to show the menu.</param>
  11877. </member>
  11878. <member name="M:UnityEditor.GenericMenu.GetItemCount">
  11879. <summary>
  11880. <para>Get number of items in the menu.</para>
  11881. </summary>
  11882. <returns>
  11883. <para>The number of items in the menu.</para>
  11884. </returns>
  11885. </member>
  11886. <member name="T:UnityEditor.GenericMenu.MenuFunction">
  11887. <summary>
  11888. <para>Callback function, called when a menu item is selected.</para>
  11889. </summary>
  11890. </member>
  11891. <member name="T:UnityEditor.GenericMenu.MenuFunction2">
  11892. <summary>
  11893. <para>Callback function with user data, called when a menu item is selected.</para>
  11894. </summary>
  11895. <param name="userData">The data to pass through to the callback function.</param>
  11896. </member>
  11897. <member name="M:UnityEditor.GenericMenu.ShowAsContext">
  11898. <summary>
  11899. <para>Show the menu under the mouse when right-clicked.</para>
  11900. </summary>
  11901. </member>
  11902. <member name="T:UnityEditor.GizmoType">
  11903. <summary>
  11904. <para>Determines how a gizmo is drawn or picked in the Unity editor.</para>
  11905. </summary>
  11906. </member>
  11907. <member name="F:UnityEditor.GizmoType.Active">
  11908. <summary>
  11909. <para>Draw the gizmo if it is active (shown in the inspector).</para>
  11910. </summary>
  11911. </member>
  11912. <member name="F:UnityEditor.GizmoType.InSelectionHierarchy">
  11913. <summary>
  11914. <para>Draw the gizmo if it is selected or it is a child/descendent of the selected.</para>
  11915. </summary>
  11916. </member>
  11917. <member name="F:UnityEditor.GizmoType.NonSelected">
  11918. <summary>
  11919. <para>Draw the gizmo if it is not selected.</para>
  11920. </summary>
  11921. </member>
  11922. <member name="F:UnityEditor.GizmoType.NotInSelectionHierarchy">
  11923. <summary>
  11924. <para>Draw the gizmo if it is not selected and also no parent/ancestor is selected.</para>
  11925. </summary>
  11926. </member>
  11927. <member name="F:UnityEditor.GizmoType.Pickable">
  11928. <summary>
  11929. <para>The gizmo can be picked in the editor.</para>
  11930. </summary>
  11931. </member>
  11932. <member name="F:UnityEditor.GizmoType.Selected">
  11933. <summary>
  11934. <para>Draw the gizmo if it is selected.</para>
  11935. </summary>
  11936. </member>
  11937. <member name="T:UnityEditor.GUIDrawer">
  11938. <summary>
  11939. <para>Base class for PropertyDrawer and DecoratorDrawer.</para>
  11940. </summary>
  11941. </member>
  11942. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Handles">
  11943. <summary>
  11944. <para>Custom 3D GUI controls and drawing in the scene view.</para>
  11945. </summary>
  11946. </member>
  11947. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Handles.centerColor">
  11948. <summary>
  11949. <para>Color to use for handles that represent the center of something.</para>
  11950. </summary>
  11951. </member>
  11952. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Handles.color">
  11953. <summary>
  11954. <para>Colors of the handles.</para>
  11955. </summary>
  11956. </member>
  11957. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Handles.currentCamera">
  11958. <summary>
  11959. <para>Setup viewport and stuff for a current camera.</para>
  11960. </summary>
  11961. </member>
  11962. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Handles.inverseMatrix">
  11963. <summary>
  11964. <para>The inverse of the matrix for all handle operations.</para>
  11965. </summary>
  11966. </member>
  11967. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Handles.lighting">
  11968. <summary>
  11969. <para>Are handles lit?</para>
  11970. </summary>
  11971. </member>
  11972. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Handles.matrix">
  11973. <summary>
  11974. <para>Matrix for all handle operations.</para>
  11975. </summary>
  11976. </member>
  11977. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Handles.secondaryColor">
  11978. <summary>
  11979. <para>Soft color to use for for general things.</para>
  11980. </summary>
  11981. </member>
  11982. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Handles.selectedColor">
  11983. <summary>
  11984. <para>Color to use for the currently active handle.</para>
  11985. </summary>
  11986. </member>
  11987. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Handles.xAxisColor">
  11988. <summary>
  11989. <para>Color to use for handles that manipulates the X coordinate of something.</para>
  11990. </summary>
  11991. </member>
  11992. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Handles.yAxisColor">
  11993. <summary>
  11994. <para>Color to use for handles that manipulates the Y coordinate of something.</para>
  11995. </summary>
  11996. </member>
  11997. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Handles.zAxisColor">
  11998. <summary>
  11999. <para>Color to use for handles that manipulates the Z coordinate of something.</para>
  12000. </summary>
  12001. </member>
  12002. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.ArrowCap(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,System.Single)">
  12003. <summary>
  12004. <para>Draw an arrow like those used by the move tool.</para>
  12005. </summary>
  12006. <param name="controlID">The control ID for the handle.</param>
  12007. <param name="position">The world-space position of the handle's start point.</param>
  12008. <param name="rotation">The rotation of the handle.</param>
  12009. <param name="size">The size of the handle in world-space units.</param>
  12010. </member>
  12011. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.BeginGUI">
  12012. <summary>
  12013. <para>Begin a 2D GUI block inside the 3D handle GUI.</para>
  12014. </summary>
  12015. <param name="position">The position and size of the 2D GUI area.</param>
  12016. </member>
  12017. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.BeginGUI(UnityEngine.Rect)">
  12018. <summary>
  12019. <para>Begin a 2D GUI block inside the 3D handle GUI.</para>
  12020. </summary>
  12021. <param name="position">The position and size of the 2D GUI area.</param>
  12022. </member>
  12023. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.Button(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,System.Single,System.Single,UnityEditor.Handles/DrawCapFunction)">
  12024. <summary>
  12025. <para>Make a 3D Button.</para>
  12026. </summary>
  12027. <param name="position">The world-space position to draw the button.</param>
  12028. <param name="direction">The rotation of the button.</param>
  12029. <param name="size">The visual size of the button.</param>
  12030. <param name="pickSize">The size of the button for the purpose of detecting a click.</param>
  12031. <param name="capFunc">The draw style of the button.</param>
  12032. <returns>
  12033. <para>True when the user clicks the button.</para>
  12034. </returns>
  12035. </member>
  12036. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.CircleCap(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,System.Single)">
  12037. <summary>
  12038. <para>Draw a camera-facing Circle. Pass this into handle functions.</para>
  12039. </summary>
  12040. <param name="controlID">The control ID for the handle.</param>
  12041. <param name="position">The world-space position for the start of the handle.</param>
  12042. <param name="rotation">The rotation of the handle.</param>
  12043. <param name="size">The size of the handle in world-space units.</param>
  12044. </member>
  12045. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.ClearCamera(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Camera)">
  12046. <summary>
  12047. <para>Clears the camera.</para>
  12048. </summary>
  12049. <param name="position">Where in the Scene to clear.</param>
  12050. <param name="camera">The camera to clear.</param>
  12051. </member>
  12052. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.ConeCap(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,System.Single)">
  12053. <summary>
  12054. <para>Draw a Cone. Pass this into handle functions.</para>
  12055. </summary>
  12056. <param name="controlID">The control ID for the handle.</param>
  12057. <param name="position">The world-space position of the handle's start point.</param>
  12058. <param name="rotation">The rotation of the handle.</param>
  12059. <param name="size">The size of the handle in world-space units.</param>
  12060. </member>
  12061. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.CubeCap(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,System.Single)">
  12062. <summary>
  12063. <para>Draw a cube. Pass this into handle functions.</para>
  12064. </summary>
  12065. <param name="controlID">The control ID for the handle.</param>
  12066. <param name="position">The world-space position of the handle's start point.</param>
  12067. <param name="rotation">The rotation of the handle.</param>
  12068. <param name="size">The size of the handle in world-space units.</param>
  12069. </member>
  12070. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.CylinderCap(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,System.Single)">
  12071. <summary>
  12072. <para>Draw a Cylinder. Pass this into handle functions.</para>
  12073. </summary>
  12074. <param name="controlID">The control ID for the handle.</param>
  12075. <param name="position">The world-space position of the handle's start point.</param>
  12076. <param name="rotation">The rotation of the handle.</param>
  12077. <param name="size">The size of the handle in world-space units.</param>
  12078. </member>
  12079. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.Disc(UnityEngine.Quaternion,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single,System.Boolean,System.Single)">
  12080. <summary>
  12081. <para>Make a 3D disc that can be dragged with the mouse.</para>
  12082. </summary>
  12083. <param name="rotation">The rotation of the disc.</param>
  12084. <param name="position">The center of the disc.</param>
  12085. <param name="axis">The axis to rotate around.</param>
  12086. <param name="size">The size of the disc in world space See Also:HandleUtility.GetHandleSize.</param>
  12087. <param name="cutoffPlane">If true, only the front-facing half of the circle is draw / draggable. This is useful when you have many overlapping rotation axes (like in the default rotate tool) to avoid clutter.</param>
  12088. <param name="snap">The new value after the user has modified it.
  12089. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</param>
  12090. </member>
  12091. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DotCap(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,System.Single)">
  12092. <summary>
  12093. <para>Draw a camera-facing dot. Pass this into handle functions.</para>
  12094. </summary>
  12095. <param name="controlID">The control ID for the handle.</param>
  12096. <param name="position">The world-space position of the handle's start point.</param>
  12097. <param name="rotation">The rotation of the handle.</param>
  12098. <param name="size">The size of the handle in world-space units.</param>
  12099. </member>
  12100. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawAAConvexPolygon(UnityEngine.Vector3[])">
  12101. <summary>
  12102. <para>Draw anti-aliased convex polygon specified with point array.</para>
  12103. </summary>
  12104. <param name="points">List of points describing the convex polygon.</param>
  12105. </member>
  12106. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawAAPolyLine(UnityEngine.Vector3[])">
  12107. <summary>
  12108. <para>Draw anti-aliased line specified with point array and width.</para>
  12109. </summary>
  12110. <param name="lineTex">The AA texture used for rendering. To get an anti-aliased effect use a texture that is 1x2 pixels with one transparent white pixel and one opaque white pixel.</param>
  12111. <param name="width">The width of the line. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</param>
  12112. <param name="points">List of points to build the line from.</param>
  12113. <param name="actualNumberOfPoints"></param>
  12114. </member>
  12115. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawAAPolyLine(System.Single,UnityEngine.Vector3[])">
  12116. <summary>
  12117. <para>Draw anti-aliased line specified with point array and width.</para>
  12118. </summary>
  12119. <param name="lineTex">The AA texture used for rendering. To get an anti-aliased effect use a texture that is 1x2 pixels with one transparent white pixel and one opaque white pixel.</param>
  12120. <param name="width">The width of the line. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</param>
  12121. <param name="points">List of points to build the line from.</param>
  12122. <param name="actualNumberOfPoints"></param>
  12123. </member>
  12124. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawAAPolyLine(UnityEngine.Texture2D,UnityEngine.Vector3[])">
  12125. <summary>
  12126. <para>Draw anti-aliased line specified with point array and width.</para>
  12127. </summary>
  12128. <param name="lineTex">The AA texture used for rendering. To get an anti-aliased effect use a texture that is 1x2 pixels with one transparent white pixel and one opaque white pixel.</param>
  12129. <param name="width">The width of the line. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</param>
  12130. <param name="points">List of points to build the line from.</param>
  12131. <param name="actualNumberOfPoints"></param>
  12132. </member>
  12133. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawAAPolyLine(System.Single,System.Int32,UnityEngine.Vector3[])">
  12134. <summary>
  12135. <para>Draw anti-aliased line specified with point array and width.</para>
  12136. </summary>
  12137. <param name="lineTex">The AA texture used for rendering. To get an anti-aliased effect use a texture that is 1x2 pixels with one transparent white pixel and one opaque white pixel.</param>
  12138. <param name="width">The width of the line. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</param>
  12139. <param name="points">List of points to build the line from.</param>
  12140. <param name="actualNumberOfPoints"></param>
  12141. </member>
  12142. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawAAPolyLine(UnityEngine.Texture2D,System.Single,UnityEngine.Vector3[])">
  12143. <summary>
  12144. <para>Draw anti-aliased line specified with point array and width.</para>
  12145. </summary>
  12146. <param name="lineTex">The AA texture used for rendering. To get an anti-aliased effect use a texture that is 1x2 pixels with one transparent white pixel and one opaque white pixel.</param>
  12147. <param name="width">The width of the line. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</param>
  12148. <param name="points">List of points to build the line from.</param>
  12149. <param name="actualNumberOfPoints"></param>
  12150. </member>
  12151. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawBezier(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Color,UnityEngine.Texture2D,System.Single)">
  12152. <summary>
  12153. <para>Draw textured bezier line through start and end points with the given tangents. To get an anti-aliased effect use a texture that is 1x2 pixels with one transparent white pixel and one opaque white pixel. The bezier curve will be swept using this texture.</para>
  12154. </summary>
  12155. <param name="startPosition">The start point of the bezier line.</param>
  12156. <param name="endPosition">The end point of the bezier line.</param>
  12157. <param name="startTangent">The start tangent of the bezier line.</param>
  12158. <param name="endTangent">The end tangent of the bezier line.</param>
  12159. <param name="color">The color to use for the bezier line.</param>
  12160. <param name="texture">The texture to use for drawing the bezier line.</param>
  12161. <param name="width">The width of the bezier line.</param>
  12162. </member>
  12163. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawCamera">
  12164. <summary>
  12165. <para>Draws a camera inside a rectangle.</para>
  12166. </summary>
  12167. <param name="position">The area to draw the camera within in GUI coordinates.</param>
  12168. <param name="camera">The camera to draw.</param>
  12169. <param name="drawMode">How the camera is drawn (textured, wireframe, etc).</param>
  12170. <param name="gridParam">Parameters of grid drawing (can be omitted).</param>
  12171. </member>
  12172. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawCamera(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Camera)">
  12173. <summary>
  12174. <para>Draws a camera inside a rectangle.</para>
  12175. </summary>
  12176. <param name="position">The area to draw the camera within in GUI coordinates.</param>
  12177. <param name="camera">The camera to draw.</param>
  12178. <param name="drawMode">How the camera is drawn (textured, wireframe, etc.).</param>
  12179. </member>
  12180. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawCamera(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Camera,UnityEditor.DrawCameraMode)">
  12181. <summary>
  12182. <para>Draws a camera inside a rectangle.</para>
  12183. </summary>
  12184. <param name="position">The area to draw the camera within in GUI coordinates.</param>
  12185. <param name="camera">The camera to draw.</param>
  12186. <param name="drawMode">How the camera is drawn (textured, wireframe, etc.).</param>
  12187. </member>
  12188. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawCapFunction">
  12189. <summary>
  12190. <para>The function to use for drawing the handle e.g. Handles.RectangleCap.</para>
  12191. </summary>
  12192. <param name="controlID"></param>
  12193. <param name="position"></param>
  12194. <param name="rotation"></param>
  12195. <param name="size"></param>
  12196. </member>
  12197. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawDottedLine(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single)">
  12198. <summary>
  12199. <para>Draw a dotted line from p1 to p2.</para>
  12200. </summary>
  12201. <param name="p1">The start point.</param>
  12202. <param name="p2">The end point.</param>
  12203. <param name="screenSpaceSize">The size in pixels for the lengths of the line segments and the gaps between them.</param>
  12204. </member>
  12205. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawDottedLines(UnityEngine.Vector3[],System.Single)">
  12206. <summary>
  12207. <para>Draw a list of dotted line segments.</para>
  12208. </summary>
  12209. <param name="lineSegments">A list of pairs of points that represent the start and end of line segments.</param>
  12210. <param name="screenSpaceSize">The size in pixels for the lengths of the line segments and the gaps between them.</param>
  12211. </member>
  12212. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawDottedLines(UnityEngine.Vector3[],System.Int32[],System.Single)">
  12213. <summary>
  12214. <para>Draw a list of indexed dotted line segments.</para>
  12215. </summary>
  12216. <param name="points">A list of points.</param>
  12217. <param name="segmentIndices">A list of pairs of indices to the start and end points of the line segments.</param>
  12218. <param name="screenSpaceSize">The size in pixels for the lengths of the line segments and the gaps between them.</param>
  12219. </member>
  12220. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawLine(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3)">
  12221. <summary>
  12222. <para>Draw a line from p1 to p2.</para>
  12223. </summary>
  12224. <param name="p1"></param>
  12225. <param name="p2"></param>
  12226. </member>
  12227. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawLines(UnityEngine.Vector3[])">
  12228. <summary>
  12229. <para>Draw a list of line segments.</para>
  12230. </summary>
  12231. <param name="lineSegments">A list of pairs of points that represent the start and end of line segments.</param>
  12232. </member>
  12233. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawLines(UnityEngine.Vector3[],System.Int32[])">
  12234. <summary>
  12235. <para>Draw a list of indexed line segments.</para>
  12236. </summary>
  12237. <param name="points">A list of points.</param>
  12238. <param name="segmentIndices">A list of pairs of indices to the start and end points of the line segments.</param>
  12239. </member>
  12240. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawPolyLine(UnityEngine.Vector3[])">
  12241. <summary>
  12242. <para>Draw a line going through the list of all points.</para>
  12243. </summary>
  12244. <param name="points"></param>
  12245. </member>
  12246. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawSolidArc(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single,System.Single)">
  12247. <summary>
  12248. <para>Draw a circular sector (pie piece) in 3D space.</para>
  12249. </summary>
  12250. <param name="center">The center of the circle.</param>
  12251. <param name="normal">The normal of the circle.</param>
  12252. <param name="from">The direction of the point on the circumference, relative to the center, where the sector begins.</param>
  12253. <param name="angle">The angle of the sector, in degrees.</param>
  12254. <param name="radius">The radius of the circle
  12255. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</param>
  12256. </member>
  12257. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawSolidDisc(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single)">
  12258. <summary>
  12259. <para>Draw a solid flat disc in 3D space.</para>
  12260. </summary>
  12261. <param name="center">The center of the dics.</param>
  12262. <param name="normal">The normal of the disc.</param>
  12263. <param name="radius">The radius of the dics
  12264. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</param>
  12265. </member>
  12266. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(UnityEngine.Vector3[],UnityEngine.Color,UnityEngine.Color)">
  12267. <summary>
  12268. <para>Draw a solid outlined rectangle in 3D space.</para>
  12269. </summary>
  12270. <param name="verts">The 4 vertices of the rectangle in world coordinates.</param>
  12271. <param name="faceColor">The color of the rectangle's face.</param>
  12272. <param name="outlineColor">The outline color of the rectangle.</param>
  12273. </member>
  12274. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawWireArc(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single,System.Single)">
  12275. <summary>
  12276. <para>Draw a circular arc in 3D space.</para>
  12277. </summary>
  12278. <param name="center">The center of the circle.</param>
  12279. <param name="normal">The normal of the circle.</param>
  12280. <param name="from">The direction of the point on the circle circumference, relative to the center, where the arc begins.</param>
  12281. <param name="angle">The angle of the arc, in degrees.</param>
  12282. <param name="radius">The radius of the circle
  12283. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</param>
  12284. </member>
  12285. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.DrawWireDisc(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single)">
  12286. <summary>
  12287. <para>Draw the outline of a flat disc in 3D space.</para>
  12288. </summary>
  12289. <param name="center">The center of the dics.</param>
  12290. <param name="normal">The normal of the disc.</param>
  12291. <param name="radius">The radius of the dics
  12292. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</param>
  12293. </member>
  12294. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.EndGUI">
  12295. <summary>
  12296. <para>End a 2D GUI block and get back to the 3D handle GUI.</para>
  12297. </summary>
  12298. </member>
  12299. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.FreeMoveHandle(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,System.Single,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEditor.Handles/DrawCapFunction)">
  12300. <summary>
  12301. <para>Make an unconstrained movement handle.</para>
  12302. </summary>
  12303. <param name="position">The position of the handle.</param>
  12304. <param name="rotation">The rotation of the handle. this defines the space along.</param>
  12305. <param name="size">The size of the handle.</param>
  12306. <param name="capFunc">The function to use for drawing the handle, eg, Handles.RectangleCap
  12307. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</param>
  12308. <param name="snap"></param>
  12309. </member>
  12310. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.FreeRotateHandle(UnityEngine.Quaternion,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single)">
  12311. <summary>
  12312. <para>Make an unconstrained rotation handle.</para>
  12313. </summary>
  12314. <param name="rotation">Orientation of the handle.</param>
  12315. <param name="position">Center of the handle in 3D space.</param>
  12316. <param name="size">The size of the handle.
  12317. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</param>
  12318. </member>
  12319. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.GetMainGameViewSize">
  12320. <summary>
  12321. <para>Get the width and height of the main game view.</para>
  12322. </summary>
  12323. </member>
  12324. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.Label(UnityEngine.Vector3,System.String)">
  12325. <summary>
  12326. <para>Make a text label positioned in 3D space.</para>
  12327. </summary>
  12328. <param name="position">Position in 3D space as seen from the current handle camera.</param>
  12329. <param name="text">Text to display on the label.</param>
  12330. <param name="image">Texture to display on the label.</param>
  12331. <param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this label.</param>
  12332. <param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the label style from the current GUISkin is used.
  12333. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</param>
  12334. </member>
  12335. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.Label(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Texture)">
  12336. <summary>
  12337. <para>Make a text label positioned in 3D space.</para>
  12338. </summary>
  12339. <param name="position">Position in 3D space as seen from the current handle camera.</param>
  12340. <param name="text">Text to display on the label.</param>
  12341. <param name="image">Texture to display on the label.</param>
  12342. <param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this label.</param>
  12343. <param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the label style from the current GUISkin is used.
  12344. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</param>
  12345. </member>
  12346. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.Label(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  12347. <summary>
  12348. <para>Make a text label positioned in 3D space.</para>
  12349. </summary>
  12350. <param name="position">Position in 3D space as seen from the current handle camera.</param>
  12351. <param name="text">Text to display on the label.</param>
  12352. <param name="image">Texture to display on the label.</param>
  12353. <param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this label.</param>
  12354. <param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the label style from the current GUISkin is used.
  12355. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</param>
  12356. </member>
  12357. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.Label(UnityEngine.Vector3,System.String,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  12358. <summary>
  12359. <para>Make a text label positioned in 3D space.</para>
  12360. </summary>
  12361. <param name="position">Position in 3D space as seen from the current handle camera.</param>
  12362. <param name="text">Text to display on the label.</param>
  12363. <param name="image">Texture to display on the label.</param>
  12364. <param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this label.</param>
  12365. <param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the label style from the current GUISkin is used.
  12366. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</param>
  12367. </member>
  12368. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.Label(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  12369. <summary>
  12370. <para>Make a text label positioned in 3D space.</para>
  12371. </summary>
  12372. <param name="position">Position in 3D space as seen from the current handle camera.</param>
  12373. <param name="text">Text to display on the label.</param>
  12374. <param name="image">Texture to display on the label.</param>
  12375. <param name="content">Text, image and tooltip for this label.</param>
  12376. <param name="style">The style to use. If left out, the label style from the current GUISkin is used.
  12377. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</param>
  12378. </member>
  12379. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.MakeBezierPoints(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Int32)">
  12380. <summary>
  12381. <para>Retuns an array of points to representing the bezier curve. See Handles.DrawBezier.</para>
  12382. </summary>
  12383. <param name="startPosition"></param>
  12384. <param name="endPosition"></param>
  12385. <param name="startTangent"></param>
  12386. <param name="endTangent"></param>
  12387. <param name="division"></param>
  12388. </member>
  12389. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.PositionHandle(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion)">
  12390. <summary>
  12391. <para>Make a 3D Scene view position handle.</para>
  12392. </summary>
  12393. <param name="position">Center of the handle in 3D space.</param>
  12394. <param name="rotation">Orientation of the handle in 3D space.</param>
  12395. <returns>
  12396. <para>The new position. If the user has not performed any operation, it will return the same value as you passed it in postion.
  12397. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</para>
  12398. </returns>
  12399. </member>
  12400. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.RadiusHandle(UnityEngine.Quaternion,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single,System.Boolean)">
  12401. <summary>
  12402. <para>Make a Scene view radius handle.</para>
  12403. </summary>
  12404. <param name="rotation">Orientation of the handle.</param>
  12405. <param name="position">Center of the handle in 3D space.</param>
  12406. <param name="radius">Radius to modify.</param>
  12407. <param name="handlesOnly"></param>
  12408. <returns>
  12409. <para>The modified radius
  12410. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</para>
  12411. </returns>
  12412. </member>
  12413. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.RadiusHandle(UnityEngine.Quaternion,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single)">
  12414. <summary>
  12415. <para>Make a Scene view radius handle.</para>
  12416. </summary>
  12417. <param name="rotation">Orientation of the handle.</param>
  12418. <param name="position">Center of the handle in 3D space.</param>
  12419. <param name="radius">Radius to modify.</param>
  12420. <param name="handlesOnly"></param>
  12421. <returns>
  12422. <para>The modified radius
  12423. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</para>
  12424. </returns>
  12425. </member>
  12426. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.RotationHandle(UnityEngine.Quaternion,UnityEngine.Vector3)">
  12427. <summary>
  12428. <para>Make a Scene view rotation handle.</para>
  12429. </summary>
  12430. <param name="rotation">Orientation of the handle.</param>
  12431. <param name="position">Center of the handle in 3D space.</param>
  12432. <returns>
  12433. <para>The modified rotation
  12434. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</para>
  12435. </returns>
  12436. </member>
  12437. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.ScaleHandle(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,System.Single)">
  12438. <summary>
  12439. <para>Make a Scene view scale handle.</para>
  12440. </summary>
  12441. <param name="scale">Scale to modify.</param>
  12442. <param name="position">The position of the handle.</param>
  12443. <param name="rotation">The rotation of the handle.</param>
  12444. <param name="size"></param>
  12445. <returns>
  12446. <para>The new scale vector.
  12447. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</para>
  12448. </returns>
  12449. </member>
  12450. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.ScaleSlider(System.Single,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,System.Single,System.Single)">
  12451. <summary>
  12452. <para>Make a directional scale slider.</para>
  12453. </summary>
  12454. <param name="scale">The value the user can modify.</param>
  12455. <param name="position">The position of the handle.</param>
  12456. <param name="direction">The direction of the handle.</param>
  12457. <param name="rotation">The rotation of whole object.</param>
  12458. <param name="size">The size of the handle.</param>
  12459. <param name="snap">The new value after the user has modified it.
  12460. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</param>
  12461. </member>
  12462. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.ScaleValueHandle(System.Single,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,System.Single,UnityEditor.Handles/DrawCapFunction,System.Single)">
  12463. <summary>
  12464. <para>Make a single-float draggable handle.</para>
  12465. </summary>
  12466. <param name="value">The value the user can modify.</param>
  12467. <param name="position">The position of the handle.</param>
  12468. <param name="rotation">The rotation of the handle.</param>
  12469. <param name="size">The size of the handle.</param>
  12470. <param name="capFunc">The function to use for drawing the handle e.g. Handles.RectangleCap.</param>
  12471. <param name="snap">The new value after the user has modified it.
  12472. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</param>
  12473. </member>
  12474. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.SelectionFrame(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,System.Single)">
  12475. <summary>
  12476. <para>Draw a camera facing selection frame.</para>
  12477. </summary>
  12478. <param name="controlID"></param>
  12479. <param name="position"></param>
  12480. <param name="rotation"></param>
  12481. <param name="size"></param>
  12482. </member>
  12483. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.SetCamera(UnityEngine.Camera)">
  12484. <summary>
  12485. <para>Set the current camera so all Handles and Gizmos are draw with its settings.</para>
  12486. </summary>
  12487. <param name="camera"></param>
  12488. <param name="position"></param>
  12489. </member>
  12490. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.SetCamera(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Camera)">
  12491. <summary>
  12492. <para>Set the current camera so all Handles and Gizmos are draw with its settings.</para>
  12493. </summary>
  12494. <param name="camera"></param>
  12495. <param name="position"></param>
  12496. </member>
  12497. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.Slider(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3)">
  12498. <summary>
  12499. <para>Make a 3D slider.</para>
  12500. </summary>
  12501. <param name="position">The position of the current point.</param>
  12502. <param name="direction">The direction of the sliding.</param>
  12503. <param name="size">3D size the size of the handle.</param>
  12504. <param name="drawFunc">The function to call for doing the actual drawing - by default, it's Handles.ArrowCap, but any function that has the same signature can be used.</param>
  12505. <param name="snap">The snap value (see Handles.SnapValue).
  12506. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</param>
  12507. </member>
  12508. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.Slider(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single,UnityEditor.Handles/DrawCapFunction,System.Single)">
  12509. <summary>
  12510. <para>Make a 3D slider.</para>
  12511. </summary>
  12512. <param name="position">The position of the current point.</param>
  12513. <param name="direction">The direction of the sliding.</param>
  12514. <param name="size">3D size the size of the handle.</param>
  12515. <param name="drawFunc">The function to call for doing the actual drawing - by default, it's Handles.ArrowCap, but any function that has the same signature can be used.</param>
  12516. <param name="snap">The snap value (see Handles.SnapValue).
  12517. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</param>
  12518. </member>
  12519. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.Slider2D(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single,UnityEditor.Handles/DrawCapFunction,UnityEngine.Vector2,System.Boolean)">
  12520. <summary>
  12521. <para>Slide a handle in a 2D plane.</para>
  12522. </summary>
  12523. <param name="id">(optional) override the default ControlID for this Slider2D instance.</param>
  12524. <param name="handlePos">The position of the current point.</param>
  12525. <param name="offset">(optional) renders the Slider2D at handlePos, but treats the Slider2D's origin as handlePos + offset. Useful for Slider2D instances that are placed/rendered relative to another object or handle.</param>
  12526. <param name="handleDir">The direction of the handle, only used for rendering of the handle.</param>
  12527. <param name="slideDir1">The first direction of the sliding.</param>
  12528. <param name="slideDir2">The second direction of the sliding.</param>
  12529. <param name="handleSize">The size of the handle.</param>
  12530. <param name="drawFunc">The function to call for doing the actual drawing - by default, it's Handles.ArrowCap, but any function that has the same signature can be used.</param>
  12531. <param name="snap">(float or Vector2) set the snap increment (Pass a Vector2 to use separate snap increments in each dimension).</param>
  12532. <param name="drawHelper">(default: false) render a rectangle around the handle when dragging.</param>
  12533. <returns>
  12534. <para>The new handle position
  12535. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</para>
  12536. </returns>
  12537. </member>
  12538. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.Slider2D(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single,UnityEditor.Handles/DrawCapFunction,UnityEngine.Vector2,System.Boolean)">
  12539. <summary>
  12540. <para>Slide a handle in a 2D plane.</para>
  12541. </summary>
  12542. <param name="id">(optional) override the default ControlID for this Slider2D instance.</param>
  12543. <param name="handlePos">The position of the current point.</param>
  12544. <param name="offset">(optional) renders the Slider2D at handlePos, but treats the Slider2D's origin as handlePos + offset. Useful for Slider2D instances that are placed/rendered relative to another object or handle.</param>
  12545. <param name="handleDir">The direction of the handle, only used for rendering of the handle.</param>
  12546. <param name="slideDir1">The first direction of the sliding.</param>
  12547. <param name="slideDir2">The second direction of the sliding.</param>
  12548. <param name="handleSize">The size of the handle.</param>
  12549. <param name="drawFunc">The function to call for doing the actual drawing - by default, it's Handles.ArrowCap, but any function that has the same signature can be used.</param>
  12550. <param name="snap">(float or Vector2) set the snap increment (Pass a Vector2 to use separate snap increments in each dimension).</param>
  12551. <param name="drawHelper">(default: false) render a rectangle around the handle when dragging.</param>
  12552. <returns>
  12553. <para>The new handle position
  12554. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</para>
  12555. </returns>
  12556. </member>
  12557. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.Slider2D(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single,UnityEditor.Handles/DrawCapFunction,UnityEngine.Vector2,System.Boolean)">
  12558. <summary>
  12559. <para>Slide a handle in a 2D plane.</para>
  12560. </summary>
  12561. <param name="id">(optional) override the default ControlID for this Slider2D instance.</param>
  12562. <param name="handlePos">The position of the current point.</param>
  12563. <param name="offset">(optional) renders the Slider2D at handlePos, but treats the Slider2D's origin as handlePos + offset. Useful for Slider2D instances that are placed/rendered relative to another object or handle.</param>
  12564. <param name="handleDir">The direction of the handle, only used for rendering of the handle.</param>
  12565. <param name="slideDir1">The first direction of the sliding.</param>
  12566. <param name="slideDir2">The second direction of the sliding.</param>
  12567. <param name="handleSize">The size of the handle.</param>
  12568. <param name="drawFunc">The function to call for doing the actual drawing - by default, it's Handles.ArrowCap, but any function that has the same signature can be used.</param>
  12569. <param name="snap">(float or Vector2) set the snap increment (Pass a Vector2 to use separate snap increments in each dimension).</param>
  12570. <param name="drawHelper">(default: false) render a rectangle around the handle when dragging.</param>
  12571. <returns>
  12572. <para>The new handle position
  12573. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</para>
  12574. </returns>
  12575. </member>
  12576. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.Slider2D(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single,UnityEditor.Handles/DrawCapFunction,System.Single)">
  12577. <summary>
  12578. <para>Slide a handle in a 2D plane.</para>
  12579. </summary>
  12580. <param name="id">(optional) override the default ControlID for this Slider2D instance.</param>
  12581. <param name="handlePos">The position of the current point.</param>
  12582. <param name="offset">(optional) renders the Slider2D at handlePos, but treats the Slider2D's origin as handlePos + offset. Useful for Slider2D instances that are placed/rendered relative to another object or handle.</param>
  12583. <param name="handleDir">The direction of the handle, only used for rendering of the handle.</param>
  12584. <param name="slideDir1">The first direction of the sliding.</param>
  12585. <param name="slideDir2">The second direction of the sliding.</param>
  12586. <param name="handleSize">The size of the handle.</param>
  12587. <param name="drawFunc">The function to call for doing the actual drawing - by default, it's Handles.ArrowCap, but any function that has the same signature can be used.</param>
  12588. <param name="snap">(float or Vector2) set the snap increment (Pass a Vector2 to use separate snap increments in each dimension).</param>
  12589. <param name="drawHelper">(default: false) render a rectangle around the handle when dragging.</param>
  12590. <returns>
  12591. <para>The new handle position
  12592. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</para>
  12593. </returns>
  12594. </member>
  12595. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.Slider2D(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single,UnityEditor.Handles/DrawCapFunction,UnityEngine.Vector2)">
  12596. <summary>
  12597. <para>Slide a handle in a 2D plane.</para>
  12598. </summary>
  12599. <param name="id">(optional) override the default ControlID for this Slider2D instance.</param>
  12600. <param name="handlePos">The position of the current point.</param>
  12601. <param name="offset">(optional) renders the Slider2D at handlePos, but treats the Slider2D's origin as handlePos + offset. Useful for Slider2D instances that are placed/rendered relative to another object or handle.</param>
  12602. <param name="handleDir">The direction of the handle, only used for rendering of the handle.</param>
  12603. <param name="slideDir1">The first direction of the sliding.</param>
  12604. <param name="slideDir2">The second direction of the sliding.</param>
  12605. <param name="handleSize">The size of the handle.</param>
  12606. <param name="drawFunc">The function to call for doing the actual drawing - by default, it's Handles.ArrowCap, but any function that has the same signature can be used.</param>
  12607. <param name="snap">(float or Vector2) set the snap increment (Pass a Vector2 to use separate snap increments in each dimension).</param>
  12608. <param name="drawHelper">(default: false) render a rectangle around the handle when dragging.</param>
  12609. <returns>
  12610. <para>The new handle position
  12611. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</para>
  12612. </returns>
  12613. </member>
  12614. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.Slider2D(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single,UnityEditor.Handles/DrawCapFunction,UnityEngine.Vector2)">
  12615. <summary>
  12616. <para>Slide a handle in a 2D plane.</para>
  12617. </summary>
  12618. <param name="id">(optional) override the default ControlID for this Slider2D instance.</param>
  12619. <param name="handlePos">The position of the current point.</param>
  12620. <param name="offset">(optional) renders the Slider2D at handlePos, but treats the Slider2D's origin as handlePos + offset. Useful for Slider2D instances that are placed/rendered relative to another object or handle.</param>
  12621. <param name="handleDir">The direction of the handle, only used for rendering of the handle.</param>
  12622. <param name="slideDir1">The first direction of the sliding.</param>
  12623. <param name="slideDir2">The second direction of the sliding.</param>
  12624. <param name="handleSize">The size of the handle.</param>
  12625. <param name="drawFunc">The function to call for doing the actual drawing - by default, it's Handles.ArrowCap, but any function that has the same signature can be used.</param>
  12626. <param name="snap">(float or Vector2) set the snap increment (Pass a Vector2 to use separate snap increments in each dimension).</param>
  12627. <param name="drawHelper">(default: false) render a rectangle around the handle when dragging.</param>
  12628. <returns>
  12629. <para>The new handle position
  12630. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</para>
  12631. </returns>
  12632. </member>
  12633. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.Slider2D(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single,UnityEditor.Handles/DrawCapFunction,UnityEngine.Vector2)">
  12634. <summary>
  12635. <para>Slide a handle in a 2D plane.</para>
  12636. </summary>
  12637. <param name="id">(optional) override the default ControlID for this Slider2D instance.</param>
  12638. <param name="handlePos">The position of the current point.</param>
  12639. <param name="offset">(optional) renders the Slider2D at handlePos, but treats the Slider2D's origin as handlePos + offset. Useful for Slider2D instances that are placed/rendered relative to another object or handle.</param>
  12640. <param name="handleDir">The direction of the handle, only used for rendering of the handle.</param>
  12641. <param name="slideDir1">The first direction of the sliding.</param>
  12642. <param name="slideDir2">The second direction of the sliding.</param>
  12643. <param name="handleSize">The size of the handle.</param>
  12644. <param name="drawFunc">The function to call for doing the actual drawing - by default, it's Handles.ArrowCap, but any function that has the same signature can be used.</param>
  12645. <param name="snap">(float or Vector2) set the snap increment (Pass a Vector2 to use separate snap increments in each dimension).</param>
  12646. <param name="drawHelper">(default: false) render a rectangle around the handle when dragging.</param>
  12647. <returns>
  12648. <para>The new handle position
  12649. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</para>
  12650. </returns>
  12651. </member>
  12652. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.Slider2D(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single,UnityEditor.Handles/DrawCapFunction,System.Single,System.Boolean)">
  12653. <summary>
  12654. <para>Slide a handle in a 2D plane.</para>
  12655. </summary>
  12656. <param name="id">(optional) override the default ControlID for this Slider2D instance.</param>
  12657. <param name="handlePos">The position of the current point.</param>
  12658. <param name="offset">(optional) renders the Slider2D at handlePos, but treats the Slider2D's origin as handlePos + offset. Useful for Slider2D instances that are placed/rendered relative to another object or handle.</param>
  12659. <param name="handleDir">The direction of the handle, only used for rendering of the handle.</param>
  12660. <param name="slideDir1">The first direction of the sliding.</param>
  12661. <param name="slideDir2">The second direction of the sliding.</param>
  12662. <param name="handleSize">The size of the handle.</param>
  12663. <param name="drawFunc">The function to call for doing the actual drawing - by default, it's Handles.ArrowCap, but any function that has the same signature can be used.</param>
  12664. <param name="snap">(float or Vector2) set the snap increment (Pass a Vector2 to use separate snap increments in each dimension).</param>
  12665. <param name="drawHelper">(default: false) render a rectangle around the handle when dragging.</param>
  12666. <returns>
  12667. <para>The new handle position
  12668. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.</para>
  12669. </returns>
  12670. </member>
  12671. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.SnapValue(System.Single,System.Single)">
  12672. <summary>
  12673. <para>Rounds the value val to the closest multiple of snap (snap can only be posiive).</para>
  12674. </summary>
  12675. <param name="val"></param>
  12676. <param name="snap"></param>
  12677. <returns>
  12678. <para>The rounded value, if snap is positive, and val otherwise.</para>
  12679. </returns>
  12680. </member>
  12681. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Handles.SphereCap(System.Int32,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,System.Single)">
  12682. <summary>
  12683. <para>Draw a Sphere. Pass this into handle functions.</para>
  12684. </summary>
  12685. <param name="controlID"></param>
  12686. <param name="position"></param>
  12687. <param name="rotation"></param>
  12688. <param name="size"></param>
  12689. </member>
  12690. <member name="T:UnityEditor.HandleUtility">
  12691. <summary>
  12692. <para>Helper functions for Scene View style 3D GUI.</para>
  12693. </summary>
  12694. </member>
  12695. <member name="P:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.acceleration">
  12696. <summary>
  12697. <para>Get standard acceleration for dragging values (Read Only).</para>
  12698. </summary>
  12699. </member>
  12700. <member name="P:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.niceMouseDelta">
  12701. <summary>
  12702. <para>Get nice mouse delta to use for dragging a float value (Read Only).</para>
  12703. </summary>
  12704. </member>
  12705. <member name="P:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.niceMouseDeltaZoom">
  12706. <summary>
  12707. <para>Get nice mouse delta to use for zooming (Read Only).</para>
  12708. </summary>
  12709. </member>
  12710. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.AddControl(System.Int32,System.Single)">
  12711. <summary>
  12712. <para>Record a distance measurement from a handle.</para>
  12713. </summary>
  12714. <param name="controlId"></param>
  12715. <param name="distance"></param>
  12716. </member>
  12717. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.AddDefaultControl(System.Int32)">
  12718. <summary>
  12719. <para>Add the ID for a default control. This will be picked if nothing else is.</para>
  12720. </summary>
  12721. <param name="controlId"></param>
  12722. </member>
  12723. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.CalcLineTranslation(UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3)">
  12724. <summary>
  12725. <para>Map a mouse drag onto a movement along a line in 3D space.</para>
  12726. </summary>
  12727. <param name="src">The source point of the drag.</param>
  12728. <param name="dest">The destination point of the drag.</param>
  12729. <param name="srcPosition">The 3D position the dragged object had at src ray.</param>
  12730. <param name="constraintDir">3D direction of constrained movement.</param>
  12731. <returns>
  12732. <para>The distance travelled along constraintDir.</para>
  12733. </returns>
  12734. </member>
  12735. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.ClosestPointToArc(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single,System.Single)">
  12736. <summary>
  12737. <para>Get the point on an arc (in 3D space) which is closest to the current mouse position.</para>
  12738. </summary>
  12739. <param name="center"></param>
  12740. <param name="normal"></param>
  12741. <param name="from"></param>
  12742. <param name="angle"></param>
  12743. <param name="radius"></param>
  12744. </member>
  12745. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.ClosestPointToDisc(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single)">
  12746. <summary>
  12747. <para>Get the point on an disc (in 3D space) which is closest to the current mouse position.</para>
  12748. </summary>
  12749. <param name="center"></param>
  12750. <param name="normal"></param>
  12751. <param name="radius"></param>
  12752. </member>
  12753. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.ClosestPointToPolyLine(UnityEngine.Vector3[])">
  12754. <summary>
  12755. <para>Get the point on a polyline (in 3D space) which is closest to the current mouse position.</para>
  12756. </summary>
  12757. <param name="vertices"></param>
  12758. </member>
  12759. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.DistancePointBezier(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3)">
  12760. <summary>
  12761. <para>Calculate distance between a point and a Bezier curve.</para>
  12762. </summary>
  12763. <param name="point"></param>
  12764. <param name="startPosition"></param>
  12765. <param name="endPosition"></param>
  12766. <param name="startTangent"></param>
  12767. <param name="endTangent"></param>
  12768. </member>
  12769. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.DistancePointLine(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3)">
  12770. <summary>
  12771. <para>Calculate distance between a point and a line.</para>
  12772. </summary>
  12773. <param name="point"></param>
  12774. <param name="lineStart"></param>
  12775. <param name="lineEnd"></param>
  12776. </member>
  12777. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.DistancePointToLine(UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Vector2)">
  12778. <summary>
  12779. <para>Distance from a point p in 2d to a line defined by two points a and b.</para>
  12780. </summary>
  12781. <param name="p"></param>
  12782. <param name="a"></param>
  12783. <param name="b"></param>
  12784. </member>
  12785. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.DistancePointToLineSegment(UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Vector2,UnityEngine.Vector2)">
  12786. <summary>
  12787. <para>Distance from a point p in 2d to a line segment defined by two points a and b.</para>
  12788. </summary>
  12789. <param name="p"></param>
  12790. <param name="a"></param>
  12791. <param name="b"></param>
  12792. </member>
  12793. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.DistanceToArc(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single,System.Single)">
  12794. <summary>
  12795. <para>Pixel distance from mouse pointer to a 3D section of a disc.</para>
  12796. </summary>
  12797. <param name="center"></param>
  12798. <param name="normal"></param>
  12799. <param name="from"></param>
  12800. <param name="angle"></param>
  12801. <param name="radius"></param>
  12802. </member>
  12803. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.DistanceToCircle(UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single)">
  12804. <summary>
  12805. <para>Pixel distance from mouse pointer to camera facing circle.</para>
  12806. </summary>
  12807. <param name="position"></param>
  12808. <param name="radius"></param>
  12809. </member>
  12810. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.DistanceToDisc(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,System.Single)">
  12811. <summary>
  12812. <para>Pixel distance from mouse pointer to a 3D disc.</para>
  12813. </summary>
  12814. <param name="center"></param>
  12815. <param name="normal"></param>
  12816. <param name="radius"></param>
  12817. </member>
  12818. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.DistanceToLine(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3)">
  12819. <summary>
  12820. <para>Pixel distance from mouse pointer to line.</para>
  12821. </summary>
  12822. <param name="p1"></param>
  12823. <param name="p2"></param>
  12824. </member>
  12825. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.DistanceToPolyLine(UnityEngine.Vector3[])">
  12826. <summary>
  12827. <para>Pixel distance from mouse pointer to a polyline.</para>
  12828. </summary>
  12829. <param name="points"></param>
  12830. </member>
  12831. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.DistanceToRectangle(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,System.Single)">
  12832. <summary>
  12833. <para>Pixel distance from mouse pointer to a rectangle on screen.</para>
  12834. </summary>
  12835. <param name="position"></param>
  12836. <param name="rotation"></param>
  12837. <param name="size"></param>
  12838. </member>
  12839. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(UnityEngine.Vector3)">
  12840. <summary>
  12841. <para>Get world space size of a manipulator handle at given position.</para>
  12842. </summary>
  12843. <param name="position"></param>
  12844. </member>
  12845. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(UnityEngine.Vector2)">
  12846. <summary>
  12847. <para>Convert 2D GUI position to a world space ray.</para>
  12848. </summary>
  12849. <param name="position"></param>
  12850. </member>
  12851. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.PickGameObject(UnityEngine.Vector2,System.Boolean)">
  12852. <summary>
  12853. <para>Pick game object closest to specified position.</para>
  12854. </summary>
  12855. <param name="selectPrefabRoot">Select prefab.</param>
  12856. <param name="materialIndex">Returns index into material array of the Renderer component that is closest to specified position.</param>
  12857. <param name="position"></param>
  12858. </member>
  12859. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.PickGameObject(UnityEngine.Vector2,System.Int32&amp;)">
  12860. <summary>
  12861. <para>Pick game object closest to specified position.</para>
  12862. </summary>
  12863. <param name="selectPrefabRoot">Select prefab.</param>
  12864. <param name="materialIndex">Returns index into material array of the Renderer component that is closest to specified position.</param>
  12865. <param name="position"></param>
  12866. </member>
  12867. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.PickRectObjects(UnityEngine.Rect)">
  12868. <summary>
  12869. <para>Pick GameObjects that lie within a specified screen rectangle.</para>
  12870. </summary>
  12871. <param name="rect">An screen rectangle specified with pixel coordinates.</param>
  12872. </member>
  12873. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.PickRectObjects(UnityEngine.Rect,System.Boolean)">
  12874. <summary>
  12875. <para></para>
  12876. </summary>
  12877. <param name="rect"></param>
  12878. <param name="selectPrefabRootsOnly"></param>
  12879. </member>
  12880. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.PointOnLineParameter(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3)">
  12881. <summary>
  12882. <para>Returns the parameter for the projection of the point on the given line.</para>
  12883. </summary>
  12884. <param name="point"></param>
  12885. <param name="linePoint"></param>
  12886. <param name="lineDirection"></param>
  12887. </member>
  12888. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.PopCamera(UnityEngine.Camera)">
  12889. <summary>
  12890. <para>Retrieve all camera settings.</para>
  12891. </summary>
  12892. <param name="camera"></param>
  12893. </member>
  12894. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.ProjectPointLine(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Vector3)">
  12895. <summary>
  12896. <para>Project point onto a line.</para>
  12897. </summary>
  12898. <param name="point"></param>
  12899. <param name="lineStart"></param>
  12900. <param name="lineEnd"></param>
  12901. </member>
  12902. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.PushCamera(UnityEngine.Camera)">
  12903. <summary>
  12904. <para>Store all camera settings.</para>
  12905. </summary>
  12906. <param name="camera"></param>
  12907. </member>
  12908. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.RaySnap(UnityEngine.Ray)">
  12909. <summary>
  12910. <para>Casts ray against the scene and report if an object lies in its path.</para>
  12911. </summary>
  12912. <param name="ray"></param>
  12913. <returns>
  12914. <para>A boxed RaycastHit, null if nothing hit it.</para>
  12915. </returns>
  12916. </member>
  12917. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.Repaint">
  12918. <summary>
  12919. <para>Repaint the current view.</para>
  12920. </summary>
  12921. </member>
  12922. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.WorldPointToSizedRect(UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  12923. <summary>
  12924. <para>Calculate a rectangle to display a 2D GUI element near a projected point in 3D space.</para>
  12925. </summary>
  12926. <param name="position">The world-space position to use.</param>
  12927. <param name="content">The content to make room for.</param>
  12928. <param name="style">The style to use. The style's alignment.</param>
  12929. </member>
  12930. <member name="M:UnityEditor.HandleUtility.WorldToGUIPoint(UnityEngine.Vector3)">
  12931. <summary>
  12932. <para>Convert world space point to a 2D GUI position.</para>
  12933. </summary>
  12934. <param name="world">Point in world space.</param>
  12935. </member>
  12936. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Help">
  12937. <summary>
  12938. <para>Helper class to access Unity documentation.</para>
  12939. </summary>
  12940. </member>
  12941. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Help.BrowseURL(System.String)">
  12942. <summary>
  12943. <para>Open url in the default web browser.</para>
  12944. </summary>
  12945. <param name="url"></param>
  12946. </member>
  12947. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Help.GetHelpURLForObject(UnityEngine.Object)">
  12948. <summary>
  12949. <para>Get the URL for this object's documentation.</para>
  12950. </summary>
  12951. <param name="obj">The object to retrieve documentation for.</param>
  12952. <returns>
  12953. <para>The documentation URL for the object. Note that this could use the http: or file: schemas.</para>
  12954. </returns>
  12955. </member>
  12956. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Help.HasHelpForObject(UnityEngine.Object)">
  12957. <summary>
  12958. <para>Is there a help page for this object?</para>
  12959. </summary>
  12960. <param name="obj"></param>
  12961. </member>
  12962. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Help.ShowHelpForObject(UnityEngine.Object)">
  12963. <summary>
  12964. <para>Show help page for this object.</para>
  12965. </summary>
  12966. <param name="obj"></param>
  12967. </member>
  12968. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Help.ShowHelpPage(System.String)">
  12969. <summary>
  12970. <para>Show a help page.</para>
  12971. </summary>
  12972. <param name="page"></param>
  12973. </member>
  12974. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Highlighter">
  12975. <summary>
  12976. <para>Use this class to highlight elements in the editor for use in in-editor tutorials and similar.</para>
  12977. </summary>
  12978. </member>
  12979. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Highlighter.active">
  12980. <summary>
  12981. <para>Is there currently an active highlight?</para>
  12982. </summary>
  12983. </member>
  12984. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Highlighter.activeRect">
  12985. <summary>
  12986. <para>The rect in screenspace of the current active highlight.</para>
  12987. </summary>
  12988. </member>
  12989. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Highlighter.activeText">
  12990. <summary>
  12991. <para>The text of the current active highlight.</para>
  12992. </summary>
  12993. </member>
  12994. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Highlighter.activeVisible">
  12995. <summary>
  12996. <para>Is the current active highlight visible yet?</para>
  12997. </summary>
  12998. </member>
  12999. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Highlighter.Highlight(System.String,System.String)">
  13000. <summary>
  13001. <para>Highlights an element in the editor.</para>
  13002. </summary>
  13003. <param name="windowTitle">The title of the window the element is inside.</param>
  13004. <param name="text">The text to identify the element with.</param>
  13005. <param name="mode">Optional mode to specify how to search for the element.</param>
  13006. <returns>
  13007. <para>true if the requested element was found; otherwise false.</para>
  13008. </returns>
  13009. </member>
  13010. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Highlighter.Highlight(System.String,System.String,UnityEditor.HighlightSearchMode)">
  13011. <summary>
  13012. <para>Highlights an element in the editor.</para>
  13013. </summary>
  13014. <param name="windowTitle">The title of the window the element is inside.</param>
  13015. <param name="text">The text to identify the element with.</param>
  13016. <param name="mode">Optional mode to specify how to search for the element.</param>
  13017. <returns>
  13018. <para>true if the requested element was found; otherwise false.</para>
  13019. </returns>
  13020. </member>
  13021. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Highlighter.HighlightIdentifier(UnityEngine.Rect,System.String)">
  13022. <summary>
  13023. <para>Call this method to create an identifiable rect that the Highlighter can find.</para>
  13024. </summary>
  13025. <param name="position">The position to make highlightable.</param>
  13026. <param name="identifier">The identifier text of the rect.</param>
  13027. </member>
  13028. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Highlighter.Stop">
  13029. <summary>
  13030. <para>Stops the active highlight.</para>
  13031. </summary>
  13032. </member>
  13033. <member name="T:UnityEditor.HighlightSearchMode">
  13034. <summary>
  13035. <para>Used to specify how to find a given element in the editor to highlight.</para>
  13036. </summary>
  13037. </member>
  13038. <member name="F:UnityEditor.HighlightSearchMode.Auto">
  13039. <summary>
  13040. <para>Highlights the first element found using any of the search modes.</para>
  13041. </summary>
  13042. </member>
  13043. <member name="F:UnityEditor.HighlightSearchMode.Content">
  13044. <summary>
  13045. <para>Highlights an element containing text using the text as identifier.</para>
  13046. </summary>
  13047. </member>
  13048. <member name="F:UnityEditor.HighlightSearchMode.Identifier">
  13049. <summary>
  13050. <para>Highlights an element with a given identifier text.</para>
  13051. </summary>
  13052. </member>
  13053. <member name="F:UnityEditor.HighlightSearchMode.None">
  13054. <summary>
  13055. <para>Highlights nothing.</para>
  13056. </summary>
  13057. </member>
  13058. <member name="F:UnityEditor.HighlightSearchMode.PrefixLabel">
  13059. <summary>
  13060. <para>Highlights an entire editor control using its label text as identifier.</para>
  13061. </summary>
  13062. </member>
  13063. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ImportAssetOptions">
  13064. <summary>
  13065. <para>Asset importing options.</para>
  13066. </summary>
  13067. </member>
  13068. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ImportAssetOptions.Default">
  13069. <summary>
  13070. <para>Default import options.</para>
  13071. </summary>
  13072. </member>
  13073. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ImportAssetOptions.DontDownloadFromCacheServer">
  13074. <summary>
  13075. <para>Force a full reimport but don't download the assets from the cache server.</para>
  13076. </summary>
  13077. </member>
  13078. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport">
  13079. <summary>
  13080. <para>Import all assets synchronously.</para>
  13081. </summary>
  13082. </member>
  13083. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ImportAssetOptions.ForceUncompressedImport">
  13084. <summary>
  13085. <para>Forces asset import as uncompressed for edition facilities.</para>
  13086. </summary>
  13087. </member>
  13088. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate">
  13089. <summary>
  13090. <para>User initiated asset import.</para>
  13091. </summary>
  13092. </member>
  13093. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ImportAssetOptions.ImportRecursive">
  13094. <summary>
  13095. <para>When a folder is imported, import all its contents as well.</para>
  13096. </summary>
  13097. </member>
  13098. <member name="T:UnityEditor.InitializeOnLoadAttribute">
  13099. <summary>
  13100. <para>Allow an editor class to be initialized when Unity loads without action from the user.</para>
  13101. </summary>
  13102. </member>
  13103. <member name="T:UnityEditor.InitializeOnLoadMethodAttribute">
  13104. <summary>
  13105. <para>Allow an editor class method to be initialized when Unity loads without action from the user.</para>
  13106. </summary>
  13107. </member>
  13108. <member name="T:UnityEditor.iOSDeviceRequirement">
  13109. <summary>
  13110. <para>A device requirement description used for configuration of App Slicing.</para>
  13111. </summary>
  13112. </member>
  13113. <member name="P:UnityEditor.iOSDeviceRequirement.values">
  13114. <summary>
  13115. <para>The values of the device requirement description.</para>
  13116. </summary>
  13117. </member>
  13118. <member name="M:UnityEditor.iOSDeviceRequirement.#ctor">
  13119. <summary>
  13120. <para>Constructs new device requirement description.</para>
  13121. </summary>
  13122. </member>
  13123. <member name="T:UnityEditor.iOSSdkVersion">
  13124. <summary>
  13125. <para>Supported iOS SDK versions.</para>
  13126. </summary>
  13127. </member>
  13128. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSSdkVersion.DeviceSDK">
  13129. <summary>
  13130. <para>Device SDK.</para>
  13131. </summary>
  13132. </member>
  13133. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSSdkVersion.SimulatorSDK">
  13134. <summary>
  13135. <para>Simulator SDK.</para>
  13136. </summary>
  13137. </member>
  13138. <member name="T:UnityEditor.iOSShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading">
  13139. <summary>
  13140. <para>Activity Indicator on loading.</para>
  13141. </summary>
  13142. </member>
  13143. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading.DontShow">
  13144. <summary>
  13145. <para>Don't Show.</para>
  13146. </summary>
  13147. </member>
  13148. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading.Gray">
  13149. <summary>
  13150. <para>Gray.</para>
  13151. </summary>
  13152. </member>
  13153. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading.White">
  13154. <summary>
  13155. <para>White.</para>
  13156. </summary>
  13157. </member>
  13158. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading.WhiteLarge">
  13159. <summary>
  13160. <para>White Large.</para>
  13161. </summary>
  13162. </member>
  13163. <member name="T:UnityEditor.iOSStatusBarStyle">
  13164. <summary>
  13165. <para>iOS status bar style.</para>
  13166. </summary>
  13167. </member>
  13168. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSStatusBarStyle.BlackOpaque">
  13169. <summary>
  13170. <para>Black opaque.</para>
  13171. </summary>
  13172. </member>
  13173. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSStatusBarStyle.BlackTranslucent">
  13174. <summary>
  13175. <para>Black translucent.</para>
  13176. </summary>
  13177. </member>
  13178. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSStatusBarStyle.Default">
  13179. <summary>
  13180. <para>Default.</para>
  13181. </summary>
  13182. </member>
  13183. <member name="T:UnityEditor.iOSTargetDevice">
  13184. <summary>
  13185. <para>Target iOS device.</para>
  13186. </summary>
  13187. </member>
  13188. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSTargetDevice.iPadOnly">
  13189. <summary>
  13190. <para>iPad Only.</para>
  13191. </summary>
  13192. </member>
  13193. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSTargetDevice.iPhoneAndiPad">
  13194. <summary>
  13195. <para>Universal : iPhone/iPod + iPad.</para>
  13196. </summary>
  13197. </member>
  13198. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSTargetDevice.iPhoneOnly">
  13199. <summary>
  13200. <para>iPhone/iPod Only.</para>
  13201. </summary>
  13202. </member>
  13203. <member name="T:UnityEditor.iOSTargetOSVersion">
  13204. <summary>
  13205. <para>Supported iOS deployment versions.</para>
  13206. </summary>
  13207. </member>
  13208. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSTargetOSVersion.iOS_4_0">
  13209. <summary>
  13210. <para>iOS 4.0.</para>
  13211. </summary>
  13212. </member>
  13213. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSTargetOSVersion.iOS_4_1">
  13214. <summary>
  13215. <para>iOS 4.1.</para>
  13216. </summary>
  13217. </member>
  13218. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSTargetOSVersion.iOS_4_2">
  13219. <summary>
  13220. <para>iOS 4.2.</para>
  13221. </summary>
  13222. </member>
  13223. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSTargetOSVersion.iOS_4_3">
  13224. <summary>
  13225. <para>iOS 4.3.</para>
  13226. </summary>
  13227. </member>
  13228. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSTargetOSVersion.iOS_5_0">
  13229. <summary>
  13230. <para>iOS 5.0.</para>
  13231. </summary>
  13232. </member>
  13233. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSTargetOSVersion.iOS_5_1">
  13234. <summary>
  13235. <para>iOS 5.1.</para>
  13236. </summary>
  13237. </member>
  13238. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSTargetOSVersion.iOS_6_0">
  13239. <summary>
  13240. <para>iOS 6.0.</para>
  13241. </summary>
  13242. </member>
  13243. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSTargetOSVersion.iOS_7_0">
  13244. <summary>
  13245. <para>iOS 7.0.</para>
  13246. </summary>
  13247. </member>
  13248. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSTargetOSVersion.iOS_7_1">
  13249. <summary>
  13250. <para>iOS 7.1.</para>
  13251. </summary>
  13252. </member>
  13253. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSTargetOSVersion.iOS_8_0">
  13254. <summary>
  13255. <para>iOS 8.0.</para>
  13256. </summary>
  13257. </member>
  13258. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSTargetOSVersion.iOS_8_1">
  13259. <summary>
  13260. <para>iOS 8.1.</para>
  13261. </summary>
  13262. </member>
  13263. <member name="F:UnityEditor.iOSTargetOSVersion.Unknown">
  13264. <summary>
  13265. <para>Unknown iOS version, managed by user.</para>
  13266. </summary>
  13267. </member>
  13268. <member name="T:UnityEditor.LightingDataAsset">
  13269. <summary>
  13270. <para>The lighting data asset used by the active scene.</para>
  13271. </summary>
  13272. </member>
  13273. <member name="T:UnityEditor.LightmapBakeQuality">
  13274. <summary>
  13275. <para>Bake quality setting for LightmapEditorSettings.</para>
  13276. </summary>
  13277. </member>
  13278. <member name="F:UnityEditor.LightmapBakeQuality.High">
  13279. <summary>
  13280. <para>High quality bake for final renderings.</para>
  13281. </summary>
  13282. </member>
  13283. <member name="F:UnityEditor.LightmapBakeQuality.Low">
  13284. <summary>
  13285. <para>Low quality bake for preview renderings.</para>
  13286. </summary>
  13287. </member>
  13288. <member name="T:UnityEditor.LightmapEditorSettings">
  13289. <summary>
  13290. <para>Various settings for the bake.</para>
  13291. </summary>
  13292. </member>
  13293. <member name="P:UnityEditor.LightmapEditorSettings.aoMaxDistance">
  13294. <summary>
  13295. <para>Beyond this distance a ray is considered to be unoccluded.</para>
  13296. </summary>
  13297. </member>
  13298. <member name="P:UnityEditor.LightmapEditorSettings.maxAtlasHeight">
  13299. <summary>
  13300. <para>The maximum height of an individual lightmap texture.</para>
  13301. </summary>
  13302. </member>
  13303. <member name="P:UnityEditor.LightmapEditorSettings.maxAtlasWidth">
  13304. <summary>
  13305. <para>The maximum width of an individual lightmap texture.</para>
  13306. </summary>
  13307. </member>
  13308. <member name="P:UnityEditor.LightmapEditorSettings.padding">
  13309. <summary>
  13310. <para>Texel separation between shapes.</para>
  13311. </summary>
  13312. </member>
  13313. <member name="P:UnityEditor.LightmapEditorSettings.reflectionCubemapCompression">
  13314. <summary>
  13315. <para>Determines how Unity will compress baked reflection cubemap.</para>
  13316. </summary>
  13317. </member>
  13318. <member name="P:UnityEditor.LightmapEditorSettings.resolution">
  13319. <summary>
  13320. <para>Lightmap resolution in texels per world unit. Higher resolution may take a long time to bake.</para>
  13321. </summary>
  13322. </member>
  13323. <member name="P:UnityEditor.LightmapEditorSettings.textureCompression">
  13324. <summary>
  13325. <para>Whether to use DXT1 compression on the generated lightmaps.</para>
  13326. </summary>
  13327. </member>
  13328. <member name="T:UnityEditor.LightmapParameters">
  13329. <summary>
  13330. <para>A collection of parameters that impact lightmap and realtime GI computations.</para>
  13331. </summary>
  13332. </member>
  13333. <member name="P:UnityEditor.LightmapParameters.antiAliasingSamples">
  13334. <summary>
  13335. <para>The maximum number of times to supersample a texel to reduce aliasing.</para>
  13336. </summary>
  13337. </member>
  13338. <member name="P:UnityEditor.LightmapParameters.backFaceTolerance">
  13339. <summary>
  13340. <para>The percentage of rays shot from a ray origin that must hit front faces to be considered usable.</para>
  13341. </summary>
  13342. </member>
  13343. <member name="P:UnityEditor.LightmapParameters.bakedLightmapTag">
  13344. <summary>
  13345. <para>BakedLightmapTag is an integer that affects the assignment to baked lightmaps. Objects with different values for bakedLightmapTag are guaranteed to not be assigned to the same lightmap even if the other baking parameters are the same.</para>
  13346. </summary>
  13347. </member>
  13348. <member name="P:UnityEditor.LightmapParameters.blurRadius">
  13349. <summary>
  13350. <para>The radius (in texels) of the post-processing filter that blurs baked direct lighting.</para>
  13351. </summary>
  13352. </member>
  13353. <member name="P:UnityEditor.LightmapParameters.clusterResolution">
  13354. <summary>
  13355. <para>Controls the resolution at which Enlighten stores and can transfer input light.</para>
  13356. </summary>
  13357. </member>
  13358. <member name="P:UnityEditor.LightmapParameters.directLightQuality">
  13359. <summary>
  13360. <para>The number of rays used for lights with an area. Allows for accurate soft shadowing.</para>
  13361. </summary>
  13362. </member>
  13363. <member name="P:UnityEditor.LightmapParameters.edgeStitching">
  13364. <summary>
  13365. <para>Whether pairs of edges should be stitched together.</para>
  13366. </summary>
  13367. </member>
  13368. <member name="P:UnityEditor.LightmapParameters.irradianceBudget">
  13369. <summary>
  13370. <para>The amount of data used for realtime GI texels. Specifies how detailed view of the scene a texel has. Small values mean more averaged out lighting.</para>
  13371. </summary>
  13372. </member>
  13373. <member name="P:UnityEditor.LightmapParameters.irradianceQuality">
  13374. <summary>
  13375. <para>The number of rays to cast for computing irradiance form factors.</para>
  13376. </summary>
  13377. </member>
  13378. <member name="P:UnityEditor.LightmapParameters.isTransparent">
  13379. <summary>
  13380. <para>If enabled, the object appears transparent during GlobalIllumination lighting calculations.</para>
  13381. </summary>
  13382. </member>
  13383. <member name="P:UnityEditor.LightmapParameters.modellingTolerance">
  13384. <summary>
  13385. <para>Maximum size of gaps that can be ignored for GI (multiplier on pixel size).</para>
  13386. </summary>
  13387. </member>
  13388. <member name="P:UnityEditor.LightmapParameters.resolution">
  13389. <summary>
  13390. <para>The texel resolution per meter used for realtime lightmaps. This value is multiplied by LightmapEditorSettings.resolution.</para>
  13391. </summary>
  13392. </member>
  13393. <member name="P:UnityEditor.LightmapParameters.systemTag">
  13394. <summary>
  13395. <para>System tag is an integer identifier. It lets you force an object into a different Enlighten system even though all the other parameters are the same.</para>
  13396. </summary>
  13397. </member>
  13398. <member name="P:UnityEditor.LightmapParameters.AOAntiAliasingSamples">
  13399. <summary>
  13400. <para>The maximum number of times to supersample a texel to reduce aliasing in AO.</para>
  13401. </summary>
  13402. </member>
  13403. <member name="P:UnityEditor.LightmapParameters.AOQuality">
  13404. <summary>
  13405. <para>The number of rays to cast for computing ambient occlusion.</para>
  13406. </summary>
  13407. </member>
  13408. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Lightmapping">
  13409. <summary>
  13410. <para>Allows to control the lightmapping job.</para>
  13411. </summary>
  13412. </member>
  13413. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.bounceBoost">
  13414. <summary>
  13415. <para>Boost the albedo.</para>
  13416. </summary>
  13417. </member>
  13418. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.buildProgress">
  13419. <summary>
  13420. <para>Returns the current lightmapping build progress or 0 if Lightmapping.isRunning is false.</para>
  13421. </summary>
  13422. </member>
  13423. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.completed">
  13424. <summary>
  13425. <para>Delegate which is called when bake job is completed.</para>
  13426. </summary>
  13427. </member>
  13428. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.giWorkflowMode">
  13429. <summary>
  13430. <para>The lightmap baking workflow mode used. Iterative mode is default, but you can switch to on demand mode which bakes only when the user presses the bake button.</para>
  13431. </summary>
  13432. </member>
  13433. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.indirectOutputScale">
  13434. <summary>
  13435. <para>Scale for indirect lighting.</para>
  13436. </summary>
  13437. </member>
  13438. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.isRunning">
  13439. <summary>
  13440. <para>Returns true when the bake job is running, false otherwise (Read Only).</para>
  13441. </summary>
  13442. </member>
  13443. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.lightingDataAsset">
  13444. <summary>
  13445. <para>The lighting data asset used by the active scene.</para>
  13446. </summary>
  13447. </member>
  13448. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.Bake">
  13449. <summary>
  13450. <para>Stars a synchronous bake job.</para>
  13451. </summary>
  13452. </member>
  13453. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.BakeAsync">
  13454. <summary>
  13455. <para>Starts an asynchronous bake job.</para>
  13456. </summary>
  13457. </member>
  13458. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.BakeLightProbesOnly">
  13459. <summary>
  13460. <para>Starts a synchronous bake job, but only bakes light probes.</para>
  13461. </summary>
  13462. </member>
  13463. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.BakeLightProbesOnlyAsync">
  13464. <summary>
  13465. <para>Starts an asynchronous bake job, but only bakes light probes.</para>
  13466. </summary>
  13467. </member>
  13468. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.BakeMultipleScenes(System.String[])">
  13469. <summary>
  13470. <para>Bakes an array of scenes.</para>
  13471. </summary>
  13472. <param name="paths">The path of the scenes that should be baked.</param>
  13473. </member>
  13474. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.BakeReflectionProbe(UnityEngine.ReflectionProbe,System.String)">
  13475. <summary>
  13476. <para>Starts a synchronous bake job for the probe.</para>
  13477. </summary>
  13478. <param name="probe">Target probe.</param>
  13479. <param name="path">The location where cubemap will be saved.</param>
  13480. <returns>
  13481. <para>Returns true if baking was succesful.</para>
  13482. </returns>
  13483. </member>
  13484. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.BakeSelected">
  13485. <summary>
  13486. <para>Starts a synchronous bake job for the selected objects.</para>
  13487. </summary>
  13488. </member>
  13489. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.BakeSelectedAsync">
  13490. <summary>
  13491. <para>Starts an asynchronous bake job for the selected objects.</para>
  13492. </summary>
  13493. </member>
  13494. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.Cancel">
  13495. <summary>
  13496. <para>Cancels the currently running asynchronous bake job.</para>
  13497. </summary>
  13498. </member>
  13499. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.Clear">
  13500. <summary>
  13501. <para>Deletes all lightmap assets and makes all lights behave as if they weren't baked yet.</para>
  13502. </summary>
  13503. </member>
  13504. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.ClearDiskCache">
  13505. <summary>
  13506. <para>Clears the cache used by lightmaps, reflection probes and default reflection.</para>
  13507. </summary>
  13508. </member>
  13509. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.ClearLightingDataAsset">
  13510. <summary>
  13511. <para>Remove the lighting data asset used by the current scene.</para>
  13512. </summary>
  13513. </member>
  13514. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.GetTerrainGIChunks(UnityEngine.Terrain,System.Int32&amp;,System.Int32&amp;)">
  13515. <summary>
  13516. <para>Get how many chunks the terrain is divided into for GI baking.</para>
  13517. </summary>
  13518. <param name="terrain">The terrain.</param>
  13519. <param name="numChunksX">Number of chunks in terrain width.</param>
  13520. <param name="numChunksY">Number of chunks in terrain length.</param>
  13521. </member>
  13522. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.GIWorkflowMode">
  13523. <summary>
  13524. <para>Workflow mode for lightmap baking. Default is Iterative.</para>
  13525. </summary>
  13526. </member>
  13527. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.GIWorkflowMode.Iterative">
  13528. <summary>
  13529. <para>Always run lightmapping, changes to the scene are detected automatically.</para>
  13530. </summary>
  13531. </member>
  13532. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.GIWorkflowMode.Legacy">
  13533. <summary>
  13534. <para>Deprecated 4.x lightmapping support.</para>
  13535. </summary>
  13536. </member>
  13537. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.GIWorkflowMode.OnDemand">
  13538. <summary>
  13539. <para>Run lightmapping only when the user presses the bake button.</para>
  13540. </summary>
  13541. </member>
  13542. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.OnCompletedFunction">
  13543. <summary>
  13544. <para>Delegate used by Lightmapping.completed callback.</para>
  13545. </summary>
  13546. </member>
  13547. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Lightmapping.Tetrahedralize(UnityEngine.Vector3[],System.Int32[]&amp;,UnityEngine.Vector3[]&amp;)">
  13548. <summary>
  13549. <para>Calculates a Delaunay Tetrahedralization of the 'positions' point set - the same way the lightmapper.</para>
  13550. </summary>
  13551. <param name="positions"></param>
  13552. <param name="outIndices"></param>
  13553. <param name="outPositions"></param>
  13554. </member>
  13555. <member name="T:UnityEditor.LODUtility">
  13556. <summary>
  13557. <para>LOD Utility Helpers.</para>
  13558. </summary>
  13559. </member>
  13560. <member name="M:UnityEditor.LODUtility.CalculateLODGroupBoundingBox(UnityEngine.LODGroup)">
  13561. <summary>
  13562. <para>Recalculate the bounding region for the given LODGroup.</para>
  13563. </summary>
  13564. <param name="group"></param>
  13565. </member>
  13566. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MacFullscreenMode">
  13567. <summary>
  13568. <para>Mac fullscreen mode.</para>
  13569. </summary>
  13570. </member>
  13571. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MacFullscreenMode.CaptureDisplay">
  13572. <summary>
  13573. <para>Capture the display.</para>
  13574. </summary>
  13575. </member>
  13576. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MacFullscreenMode.FullscreenWindow">
  13577. <summary>
  13578. <para>Fullscreen window.</para>
  13579. </summary>
  13580. </member>
  13581. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MacFullscreenMode.FullscreenWindowWithDockAndMenuBar">
  13582. <summary>
  13583. <para>Fullscreen window with Dock and Menu bar.</para>
  13584. </summary>
  13585. </member>
  13586. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor">
  13587. <summary>
  13588. <para>The Unity Material Editor.</para>
  13589. </summary>
  13590. </member>
  13591. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.isVisible">
  13592. <summary>
  13593. <para>Is the current material expanded.</para>
  13594. </summary>
  13595. </member>
  13596. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.kMiniTextureFieldLabelIndentLevel">
  13597. <summary>
  13598. <para>Useful for indenting shader properties that need the same indent as mini texture field.</para>
  13599. </summary>
  13600. </member>
  13601. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.ApplyMaterialPropertyDrawers(UnityEngine.Material)">
  13602. <summary>
  13603. <para>Apply initial MaterialPropertyDrawer values.</para>
  13604. </summary>
  13605. <param name="material"></param>
  13606. <param name="targets"></param>
  13607. </member>
  13608. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.ApplyMaterialPropertyDrawers(UnityEngine.Object[])">
  13609. <summary>
  13610. <para>Apply initial MaterialPropertyDrawer values.</para>
  13611. </summary>
  13612. <param name="material"></param>
  13613. <param name="targets"></param>
  13614. </member>
  13615. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.Awake">
  13616. <summary>
  13617. <para>Called when the Editor is woken up.</para>
  13618. </summary>
  13619. </member>
  13620. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.ColorProperty(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,System.String)">
  13621. <summary>
  13622. <para>Draw a property field for a color shader property.</para>
  13623. </summary>
  13624. <param name="label">Label for the property.</param>
  13625. <param name="position"></param>
  13626. <param name="prop"></param>
  13627. </member>
  13628. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.ColorProperty(UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,System.String)">
  13629. <summary>
  13630. <para>Draw a property field for a color shader property.</para>
  13631. </summary>
  13632. <param name="label">Label for the property.</param>
  13633. <param name="position"></param>
  13634. <param name="prop"></param>
  13635. </member>
  13636. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.DefaultPreviewGUI(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  13637. <summary>
  13638. <para>Default handling of preview area for materials.</para>
  13639. </summary>
  13640. <param name="r"></param>
  13641. <param name="background"></param>
  13642. </member>
  13643. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.DefaultPreviewSettingsGUI">
  13644. <summary>
  13645. <para>Default toolbar for material preview area.</para>
  13646. </summary>
  13647. </member>
  13648. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.DefaultShaderProperty(UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,System.String)">
  13649. <summary>
  13650. <para>Handles UI for one shader property ignoring any custom drawers.</para>
  13651. </summary>
  13652. <param name="prop"></param>
  13653. <param name="label"></param>
  13654. <param name="position"></param>
  13655. </member>
  13656. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.DefaultShaderProperty(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,System.String)">
  13657. <summary>
  13658. <para>Handles UI for one shader property ignoring any custom drawers.</para>
  13659. </summary>
  13660. <param name="prop"></param>
  13661. <param name="label"></param>
  13662. <param name="position"></param>
  13663. </member>
  13664. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.FloatProperty(UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,System.String)">
  13665. <summary>
  13666. <para>Draw a property field for a float shader property.</para>
  13667. </summary>
  13668. <param name="label">Label for the property.</param>
  13669. <param name="prop"></param>
  13670. <param name="position"></param>
  13671. </member>
  13672. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.FloatProperty(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,System.String)">
  13673. <summary>
  13674. <para>Draw a property field for a float shader property.</para>
  13675. </summary>
  13676. <param name="label">Label for the property.</param>
  13677. <param name="prop"></param>
  13678. <param name="position"></param>
  13679. </member>
  13680. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.GetDefaultPropertyHeight(UnityEditor.MaterialProperty)">
  13681. <summary>
  13682. <para>Calculate height needed for the property, ignoring custom drawers.</para>
  13683. </summary>
  13684. <param name="prop"></param>
  13685. </member>
  13686. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.GetFlexibleRectBetweenFieldAndRightEdge(UnityEngine.Rect)">
  13687. <summary>
  13688. <para>Utility method for GUI layouting ShaderGUI. Used e.g for the rect after a left aligned Color field.</para>
  13689. </summary>
  13690. <param name="r">Field Rect.</param>
  13691. <returns>
  13692. <para>A sub rect of the input Rect.</para>
  13693. </returns>
  13694. </member>
  13695. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.GetFlexibleRectBetweenLabelAndField(UnityEngine.Rect)">
  13696. <summary>
  13697. <para>Utility method for GUI layouting ShaderGUI.</para>
  13698. </summary>
  13699. <param name="r">Field Rect.</param>
  13700. <returns>
  13701. <para>A sub rect of the input Rect.</para>
  13702. </returns>
  13703. </member>
  13704. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.GetLeftAlignedFieldRect(UnityEngine.Rect)">
  13705. <summary>
  13706. <para>Utility method for GUI layouting ShaderGUI.</para>
  13707. </summary>
  13708. <param name="r">Field Rect.</param>
  13709. <returns>
  13710. <para>A sub rect of the input Rect.</para>
  13711. </returns>
  13712. </member>
  13713. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.GetMaterialProperties(UnityEngine.Object[])">
  13714. <summary>
  13715. <para>Get shader property information of the passed materials.</para>
  13716. </summary>
  13717. <param name="mats"></param>
  13718. </member>
  13719. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.GetMaterialProperty(UnityEngine.Object[],System.String)">
  13720. <summary>
  13721. <para>Get information about a single shader property.</para>
  13722. </summary>
  13723. <param name="mats">Selected materials.</param>
  13724. <param name="name">Property name.</param>
  13725. <param name="propertyIndex">Property index.</param>
  13726. </member>
  13727. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.GetMaterialProperty(UnityEngine.Object[],System.Int32)">
  13728. <summary>
  13729. <para>Get information about a single shader property.</para>
  13730. </summary>
  13731. <param name="mats">Selected materials.</param>
  13732. <param name="name">Property name.</param>
  13733. <param name="propertyIndex">Property index.</param>
  13734. </member>
  13735. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.GetPropertyHeight(UnityEditor.MaterialProperty)">
  13736. <summary>
  13737. <para>Calculate height needed for the property.</para>
  13738. </summary>
  13739. <param name="prop"></param>
  13740. <param name="label"></param>
  13741. </member>
  13742. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.GetPropertyHeight(UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,System.String)">
  13743. <summary>
  13744. <para>Calculate height needed for the property.</para>
  13745. </summary>
  13746. <param name="prop"></param>
  13747. <param name="label"></param>
  13748. </member>
  13749. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.GetRectAfterLabelWidth(UnityEngine.Rect)">
  13750. <summary>
  13751. <para>Utility method for GUI layouting ShaderGUI. This is the rect after the label which can be used for multiple properties. The input rect can be fetched by calling: EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect.</para>
  13752. </summary>
  13753. <param name="r">Line Rect.</param>
  13754. <returns>
  13755. <para>A sub rect of the input Rect.</para>
  13756. </returns>
  13757. </member>
  13758. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.GetRightAlignedFieldRect(UnityEngine.Rect)">
  13759. <summary>
  13760. <para>Utility method for GUI layouting ShaderGUI.</para>
  13761. </summary>
  13762. <param name="r">Field Rect.</param>
  13763. <returns>
  13764. <para>A sub rect of the input Rect.</para>
  13765. </returns>
  13766. </member>
  13767. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.GetTextureOffset(System.String,System.Boolean&amp;,System.Boolean&amp;)">
  13768. <summary>
  13769. <para>Get the value of a given texture offset for a given texture property.</para>
  13770. </summary>
  13771. <param name="propertyName">Name of the texture property that you wish to examine the offset of.</param>
  13772. <param name="hasMixedValueX">Does the x offset have multiple values?</param>
  13773. <param name="hasMixedValueY">Does the y offset have multiple values?</param>
  13774. </member>
  13775. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.GetTexturePropertyCustomArea(UnityEngine.Rect)">
  13776. <summary>
  13777. <para>Returns the free rect below the label and before the large thumb object field. Is used for e.g. tiling and offset properties.</para>
  13778. </summary>
  13779. <param name="position">The total rect of the texture property.</param>
  13780. </member>
  13781. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.GetTextureScale(System.String,System.Boolean&amp;,System.Boolean&amp;)">
  13782. <summary>
  13783. <para>Get the value of a given texture scale for a given texture property.</para>
  13784. </summary>
  13785. <param name="propertyName">Name of the texture property that you wish to examine the scale of.</param>
  13786. <param name="hasMixedValueX">Does the x scale have multiple values?</param>
  13787. <param name="hasMixedValueY">Does the y scale have multiple values?</param>
  13788. </member>
  13789. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.HasPreviewGUI">
  13790. <summary>
  13791. <para>Can this component be Previewed in its current state?</para>
  13792. </summary>
  13793. <returns>
  13794. <para>True if this component can be Previewed in its current state.</para>
  13795. </returns>
  13796. </member>
  13797. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.HelpBoxWithButton(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  13798. <summary>
  13799. <para>Make a help box with a message and button. Returns true, if button was pressed.</para>
  13800. </summary>
  13801. <param name="messageContent">The message text.</param>
  13802. <param name="buttonContent">The button text.</param>
  13803. <returns>
  13804. <para>Returns true, if button was pressed.</para>
  13805. </returns>
  13806. </member>
  13807. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.LightmapEmissionProperty">
  13808. <summary>
  13809. <para>This function will draw the UI for the lightmap emission property. (None, Realtime, baked)
  13810. See Also: MaterialLightmapFlags.</para>
  13811. </summary>
  13812. </member>
  13813. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.LightmapEmissionProperty">
  13814. <summary>
  13815. <para>This function will draw the UI for the lightmap emission property. (None, Realtime, baked)
  13816. See Also: MaterialLightmapFlags.</para>
  13817. </summary>
  13818. </member>
  13819. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.LightmapEmissionProperty">
  13820. <summary>
  13821. <para>This function will draw the UI for the lightmap emission property. (None, Realtime, baked)
  13822. See Also: MaterialLightmapFlags.</para>
  13823. </summary>
  13824. </member>
  13825. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.OnDisable">
  13826. <summary>
  13827. <para>Called when the editor is disabled, if overridden please call the base OnDisable() to ensure that the material inspector is set up properly.</para>
  13828. </summary>
  13829. </member>
  13830. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.OnEnable">
  13831. <summary>
  13832. <para>Called when the editor is enabled, if overridden please call the base OnEnable() to ensure that the material inspector is set up properly.</para>
  13833. </summary>
  13834. </member>
  13835. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.OnInspectorGUI">
  13836. <summary>
  13837. <para>Implement specific MaterialEditor GUI code here. If you want to simply extend the existing editor call the base OnInspectorGUI () before doing any custom GUI code.</para>
  13838. </summary>
  13839. </member>
  13840. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.OnPreviewGUI(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  13841. <summary>
  13842. <para>Custom preview for Image component.</para>
  13843. </summary>
  13844. <param name="r">Rectangle in which to draw the preview.</param>
  13845. <param name="background">Background image.</param>
  13846. </member>
  13847. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.PropertiesChanged">
  13848. <summary>
  13849. <para>Whenever a material property is changed call this function. This will rebuild the inspector and validate the properties.</para>
  13850. </summary>
  13851. </member>
  13852. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.PropertiesDefaultGUI(UnityEditor.MaterialProperty[])">
  13853. <summary>
  13854. <para>Default rendering of shader properties.</para>
  13855. </summary>
  13856. <param name="props">Array of material properties.</param>
  13857. </member>
  13858. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.PropertiesGUI">
  13859. <summary>
  13860. <para>Render the standard material properties. This method will either render properties using a IShaderGUI instance if found otherwise it uses PropertiesDefaultGUI.</para>
  13861. </summary>
  13862. <returns>
  13863. <para>Returns true if any value was changed.</para>
  13864. </returns>
  13865. </member>
  13866. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.RangeProperty(UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,System.String)">
  13867. <summary>
  13868. <para>Draw a range slider for a range shader property.</para>
  13869. </summary>
  13870. <param name="label">Label for the property.</param>
  13871. <param name="prop"></param>
  13872. <param name="position"></param>
  13873. </member>
  13874. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.RangeProperty(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,System.String)">
  13875. <summary>
  13876. <para>Draw a range slider for a range shader property.</para>
  13877. </summary>
  13878. <param name="label">Label for the property.</param>
  13879. <param name="prop"></param>
  13880. <param name="position"></param>
  13881. </member>
  13882. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.RegisterPropertyChangeUndo(System.String)">
  13883. <summary>
  13884. <para>Call this when you change a material property. It will add an undo for the action.</para>
  13885. </summary>
  13886. <param name="label">Undo Label.</param>
  13887. </member>
  13888. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.RequiresConstantRepaint">
  13889. <summary>
  13890. <para>Does this edit require to be repainted constantly in its current state?</para>
  13891. </summary>
  13892. </member>
  13893. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.SetDefaultGUIWidths">
  13894. <summary>
  13895. <para>Set EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth and labelWidth to the default values that PropertiesGUI uses.</para>
  13896. </summary>
  13897. </member>
  13898. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.SetShader(UnityEngine.Shader)">
  13899. <summary>
  13900. <para>Set the shader of the material.</para>
  13901. </summary>
  13902. <param name="shader">Shader to set.</param>
  13903. <param name="registerUndo">Should undo be registered.</param>
  13904. <param name="newShader"></param>
  13905. </member>
  13906. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.SetShader(UnityEngine.Shader,System.Boolean)">
  13907. <summary>
  13908. <para>Set the shader of the material.</para>
  13909. </summary>
  13910. <param name="shader">Shader to set.</param>
  13911. <param name="registerUndo">Should undo be registered.</param>
  13912. <param name="newShader"></param>
  13913. </member>
  13914. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.SetTextureOffset(System.String,UnityEngine.Vector2,System.Int32)">
  13915. <summary>
  13916. <para>Set the offset of a given texture property.</para>
  13917. </summary>
  13918. <param name="propertyName">Name of the texture property that you wish to modify the offset of.</param>
  13919. <param name="value">Scale to set.</param>
  13920. <param name="coord">Set the x or y component of the offset (0 for x, 1 for y).</param>
  13921. </member>
  13922. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.SetTextureScale(System.String,UnityEngine.Vector2,System.Int32)">
  13923. <summary>
  13924. <para>Set the scale of a given texture property.</para>
  13925. </summary>
  13926. <param name="propertyName">Name of the texture property that you wish to modify the scale of.</param>
  13927. <param name="value">Scale to set.</param>
  13928. <param name="coord">Set the x or y component of the scale (0 for x, 1 for y).</param>
  13929. </member>
  13930. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,System.String)">
  13931. <summary>
  13932. <para>Handes UI for one shader property.</para>
  13933. </summary>
  13934. <param name="prop"></param>
  13935. <param name="label"></param>
  13936. <param name="position"></param>
  13937. </member>
  13938. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,System.String)">
  13939. <summary>
  13940. <para>Handes UI for one shader property.</para>
  13941. </summary>
  13942. <param name="prop"></param>
  13943. <param name="label"></param>
  13944. <param name="position"></param>
  13945. </member>
  13946. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.TextureCompatibilityWarning(UnityEditor.MaterialProperty)">
  13947. <summary>
  13948. <para>Checks if particular property has incorrect type of texture specified by the material, displays appropriate warning and suggests the user to automatically fix the problem.</para>
  13949. </summary>
  13950. <param name="prop">The texture property to check and display warning for, if necessary.</param>
  13951. </member>
  13952. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.TextureProperty(UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,System.String)">
  13953. <summary>
  13954. <para>Draw a property field for a texture shader property.</para>
  13955. </summary>
  13956. <param name="label">Label for the field.</param>
  13957. <param name="scaleOffset">Draw scale / offset.</param>
  13958. <param name="prop"></param>
  13959. <param name="position"></param>
  13960. <param name="tooltip"></param>
  13961. </member>
  13962. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.TextureProperty(UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  13963. <summary>
  13964. <para>Draw a property field for a texture shader property.</para>
  13965. </summary>
  13966. <param name="label">Label for the field.</param>
  13967. <param name="scaleOffset">Draw scale / offset.</param>
  13968. <param name="prop"></param>
  13969. <param name="position"></param>
  13970. <param name="tooltip"></param>
  13971. </member>
  13972. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.TextureProperty(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,System.String)">
  13973. <summary>
  13974. <para>Draw a property field for a texture shader property.</para>
  13975. </summary>
  13976. <param name="label">Label for the field.</param>
  13977. <param name="scaleOffset">Draw scale / offset.</param>
  13978. <param name="prop"></param>
  13979. <param name="position"></param>
  13980. <param name="tooltip"></param>
  13981. </member>
  13982. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.TextureProperty(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  13983. <summary>
  13984. <para>Draw a property field for a texture shader property.</para>
  13985. </summary>
  13986. <param name="label">Label for the field.</param>
  13987. <param name="scaleOffset">Draw scale / offset.</param>
  13988. <param name="prop"></param>
  13989. <param name="position"></param>
  13990. <param name="tooltip"></param>
  13991. </member>
  13992. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.TextureProperty(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  13993. <summary>
  13994. <para>Draw a property field for a texture shader property.</para>
  13995. </summary>
  13996. <param name="label">Label for the field.</param>
  13997. <param name="scaleOffset">Draw scale / offset.</param>
  13998. <param name="prop"></param>
  13999. <param name="position"></param>
  14000. <param name="tooltip"></param>
  14001. </member>
  14002. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.TexturePropertyMiniThumbnail(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,System.String,System.String)">
  14003. <summary>
  14004. <para>Draw a property field for a texture shader property that only takes up a single line height.</para>
  14005. </summary>
  14006. <param name="position">Rect that this control should be rendered in.</param>
  14007. <param name="label">Label for the field.</param>
  14008. <param name="prop"></param>
  14009. <param name="tooltip"></param>
  14010. <returns>
  14011. <para>Returns total height used by this control.</para>
  14012. </returns>
  14013. </member>
  14014. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty)">
  14015. <summary>
  14016. <para>Method for showing a texture property control with additional inlined properites.</para>
  14017. </summary>
  14018. <param name="label">The label used for the texture property.</param>
  14019. <param name="textureProp">The texture property.</param>
  14020. <param name="extraProperty1">First optional property inlined after the texture property.</param>
  14021. <param name="extraProperty2">Second optional property inlined after the extraProperty1.</param>
  14022. <returns>
  14023. <para>Returns the Rect used.</para>
  14024. </returns>
  14025. </member>
  14026. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty)">
  14027. <summary>
  14028. <para>Method for showing a texture property control with additional inlined properites.</para>
  14029. </summary>
  14030. <param name="label">The label used for the texture property.</param>
  14031. <param name="textureProp">The texture property.</param>
  14032. <param name="extraProperty1">First optional property inlined after the texture property.</param>
  14033. <param name="extraProperty2">Second optional property inlined after the extraProperty1.</param>
  14034. <returns>
  14035. <para>Returns the Rect used.</para>
  14036. </returns>
  14037. </member>
  14038. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty)">
  14039. <summary>
  14040. <para>Method for showing a texture property control with additional inlined properites.</para>
  14041. </summary>
  14042. <param name="label">The label used for the texture property.</param>
  14043. <param name="textureProp">The texture property.</param>
  14044. <param name="extraProperty1">First optional property inlined after the texture property.</param>
  14045. <param name="extraProperty2">Second optional property inlined after the extraProperty1.</param>
  14046. <returns>
  14047. <para>Returns the Rect used.</para>
  14048. </returns>
  14049. </member>
  14050. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.TexturePropertyTwoLines(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty)">
  14051. <summary>
  14052. <para>Method for showing a compact layout of properties.</para>
  14053. </summary>
  14054. <param name="label">The label used for the texture property.</param>
  14055. <param name="textureProp">The texture property.</param>
  14056. <param name="extraProperty1">First extra property inlined after the texture property.</param>
  14057. <param name="label2">Label for the second extra property (on a new line and indented).</param>
  14058. <param name="extraProperty2">Second property on a new line below the texture.</param>
  14059. <returns>
  14060. <para>Returns the Rect used.</para>
  14061. </returns>
  14062. </member>
  14063. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.TexturePropertyWithHDRColor(UnityEngine.GUIContent,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,UnityEditor.ColorPickerHDRConfig,System.Boolean)">
  14064. <summary>
  14065. <para>Method for showing a texture property control with a HDR color field and its color brightness float field.</para>
  14066. </summary>
  14067. <param name="label">The label used for the texture property.</param>
  14068. <param name="textureProp">The texture property.</param>
  14069. <param name="colorProperty">The color property (will be treated as a HDR color).</param>
  14070. <param name="hdrConfig">The HDR color configuration used by the HDR Color Picker.</param>
  14071. <param name="showAlpha">If false then the alpha channel information will be hidden in the GUI.</param>
  14072. <returns>
  14073. <para>Return the Rect used.</para>
  14074. </returns>
  14075. </member>
  14076. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.TextureScaleOffsetProperty(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty)">
  14077. <summary>
  14078. <para>Draws tiling and offset properties for a texture.</para>
  14079. </summary>
  14080. <param name="position">Rect to draw this control in.</param>
  14081. <param name="property">Property to draw.</param>
  14082. <param name="partOfTexturePropertyControl">If this control should be rendered under large texture property control use 'true'. If this control should be shown seperately use 'false'.</param>
  14083. </member>
  14084. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.TextureScaleOffsetProperty(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,System.Boolean)">
  14085. <summary>
  14086. <para>Draws tiling and offset properties for a texture.</para>
  14087. </summary>
  14088. <param name="position">Rect to draw this control in.</param>
  14089. <param name="property">Property to draw.</param>
  14090. <param name="partOfTexturePropertyControl">If this control should be rendered under large texture property control use 'true'. If this control should be shown seperately use 'false'.</param>
  14091. </member>
  14092. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.TextureScaleOffsetProperty(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Vector4)">
  14093. <summary>
  14094. <para>TODO.</para>
  14095. </summary>
  14096. <param name="position"></param>
  14097. <param name="scaleOffset"></param>
  14098. <param name="partOfTexturePropertyControl"></param>
  14099. </member>
  14100. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.TextureScaleOffsetProperty(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.Vector4,System.Boolean)">
  14101. <summary>
  14102. <para>TODO.</para>
  14103. </summary>
  14104. <param name="position"></param>
  14105. <param name="scaleOffset"></param>
  14106. <param name="partOfTexturePropertyControl"></param>
  14107. </member>
  14108. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.VectorProperty(UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,System.String)">
  14109. <summary>
  14110. <para>Draw a property field for a vector shader property.</para>
  14111. </summary>
  14112. <param name="label">Label for the field.</param>
  14113. <param name="prop"></param>
  14114. <param name="position"></param>
  14115. </member>
  14116. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialEditor.VectorProperty(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,System.String)">
  14117. <summary>
  14118. <para>Draw a property field for a vector shader property.</para>
  14119. </summary>
  14120. <param name="label">Label for the field.</param>
  14121. <param name="prop"></param>
  14122. <param name="position"></param>
  14123. </member>
  14124. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty">
  14125. <summary>
  14126. <para>Describes information and value of a single shader property.</para>
  14127. </summary>
  14128. </member>
  14129. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.colorValue">
  14130. <summary>
  14131. <para>Color value of the property.</para>
  14132. </summary>
  14133. </member>
  14134. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.displayName">
  14135. <summary>
  14136. <para>Display name of the property (Read Only).</para>
  14137. </summary>
  14138. </member>
  14139. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.flags">
  14140. <summary>
  14141. <para>Flags that control how property is displayed (Read Only).</para>
  14142. </summary>
  14143. </member>
  14144. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.floatValue">
  14145. <summary>
  14146. <para>Float vaue of the property.</para>
  14147. </summary>
  14148. </member>
  14149. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.hasMixedValue">
  14150. <summary>
  14151. <para>Does this property have multiple different values? (Read Only)</para>
  14152. </summary>
  14153. </member>
  14154. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.name">
  14155. <summary>
  14156. <para>Name of the property (Read Only).</para>
  14157. </summary>
  14158. </member>
  14159. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.rangeLimits">
  14160. <summary>
  14161. <para>Min/max limits of a ranged float property (Read Only).</para>
  14162. </summary>
  14163. </member>
  14164. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.targets">
  14165. <summary>
  14166. <para>Material objects being edited by this property (Read Only).</para>
  14167. </summary>
  14168. </member>
  14169. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.textureDimension">
  14170. <summary>
  14171. <para>Texture dimension (2D, Cubemap etc.) of the property (Read Only).</para>
  14172. </summary>
  14173. </member>
  14174. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.textureValue">
  14175. <summary>
  14176. <para>Texture value of the property.</para>
  14177. </summary>
  14178. </member>
  14179. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.type">
  14180. <summary>
  14181. <para>Type of the property (Read Only).</para>
  14182. </summary>
  14183. </member>
  14184. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.vectorValue">
  14185. <summary>
  14186. <para>Vector value of the property.</para>
  14187. </summary>
  14188. </member>
  14189. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.PropFlags">
  14190. <summary>
  14191. <para>Flags that control how a MaterialProperty is displayed.</para>
  14192. </summary>
  14193. </member>
  14194. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.PropFlags.HDR">
  14195. <summary>
  14196. <para>Signifies that values of this property contain High Dynamic Range (HDR) data.</para>
  14197. </summary>
  14198. </member>
  14199. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.PropFlags.HideInInspector">
  14200. <summary>
  14201. <para>Do not show the property in the inspector.</para>
  14202. </summary>
  14203. </member>
  14204. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.PropFlags.None">
  14205. <summary>
  14206. <para>No flags are set.</para>
  14207. </summary>
  14208. </member>
  14209. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.PropFlags.Normal">
  14210. <summary>
  14211. <para>Signifies that values of this property contain Normal (normalized vector) data.</para>
  14212. </summary>
  14213. </member>
  14214. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.PropFlags.NoScaleOffset">
  14215. <summary>
  14216. <para>Do not show UV scale/offset fields next to a texture.</para>
  14217. </summary>
  14218. </member>
  14219. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.PropFlags.PerRendererData">
  14220. <summary>
  14221. <para>Texture value for this property will be queried from renderer's MaterialPropertyBlock, instead of from the material. This corresponds to the "[PerRendererData]" attribute in front of a property in the shader code.</para>
  14222. </summary>
  14223. </member>
  14224. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.PropType">
  14225. <summary>
  14226. <para>Material property type.</para>
  14227. </summary>
  14228. </member>
  14229. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.PropType.Color">
  14230. <summary>
  14231. <para>Color property.</para>
  14232. </summary>
  14233. </member>
  14234. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.PropType.Float">
  14235. <summary>
  14236. <para>Float property.</para>
  14237. </summary>
  14238. </member>
  14239. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.PropType.Range">
  14240. <summary>
  14241. <para>Ranged float (with min/max values) property.</para>
  14242. </summary>
  14243. </member>
  14244. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.PropType.Texture">
  14245. <summary>
  14246. <para>Texture property.</para>
  14247. </summary>
  14248. </member>
  14249. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.PropType.Vector">
  14250. <summary>
  14251. <para>Vector property.</para>
  14252. </summary>
  14253. </member>
  14254. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.TexDim">
  14255. <summary>
  14256. <para>Texture dimension of a property.</para>
  14257. </summary>
  14258. </member>
  14259. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.TexDim.Any">
  14260. <summary>
  14261. <para>Texture property accepts any texture type.</para>
  14262. </summary>
  14263. </member>
  14264. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.TexDim.Cube">
  14265. <summary>
  14266. <para>Cubemap property.</para>
  14267. </summary>
  14268. </member>
  14269. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.TexDim.None">
  14270. <summary>
  14271. <para>No texture type is set.</para>
  14272. </summary>
  14273. </member>
  14274. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.TexDim.Tex2D">
  14275. <summary>
  14276. <para>Texture2D property.</para>
  14277. </summary>
  14278. </member>
  14279. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MaterialProperty.TexDim.Tex3D">
  14280. <summary>
  14281. <para>Texture3D property.</para>
  14282. </summary>
  14283. </member>
  14284. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MaterialPropertyDrawer">
  14285. <summary>
  14286. <para>Base class to derive custom material property drawers from.</para>
  14287. </summary>
  14288. </member>
  14289. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialPropertyDrawer.Apply(UnityEditor.MaterialProperty)">
  14290. <summary>
  14291. <para>Apply extra initial values to the material.</para>
  14292. </summary>
  14293. <param name="prop">The MaterialProperty to apply values for.</param>
  14294. </member>
  14295. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialPropertyDrawer.GetPropertyHeight(UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,System.String,UnityEditor.MaterialEditor)">
  14296. <summary>
  14297. <para>Override this method to specify how tall the GUI for this property is in pixels.</para>
  14298. </summary>
  14299. <param name="prop">The MaterialProperty to make the custom GUI for.</param>
  14300. <param name="label">The label of this property.</param>
  14301. <param name="editor">Current material editor.</param>
  14302. </member>
  14303. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MaterialPropertyDrawer.OnGUI(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty,System.String,UnityEditor.MaterialEditor)">
  14304. <summary>
  14305. <para>Override this method to make your own GUI for the property.</para>
  14306. </summary>
  14307. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the property GUI.</param>
  14308. <param name="prop">The MaterialProperty to make the custom GUI for.</param>
  14309. <param name="label">The label of this property.</param>
  14310. <param name="editor">Current material editor.</param>
  14311. </member>
  14312. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.Connection">
  14313. <summary>
  14314. <para>A pair of from and to indices describing what thing keeps what other thing alive.</para>
  14315. </summary>
  14316. </member>
  14317. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.Connection.from">
  14318. <summary>
  14319. <para>Index into a virtual list of all GC handles, followed by all native objects.</para>
  14320. </summary>
  14321. </member>
  14322. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.Connection.to">
  14323. <summary>
  14324. <para>Index into a virtual list of all GC handles, followed by all native objects.</para>
  14325. </summary>
  14326. </member>
  14327. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.FieldDescription">
  14328. <summary>
  14329. <para>Description of a field of a managed type.</para>
  14330. </summary>
  14331. </member>
  14332. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.FieldDescription.isStatic">
  14333. <summary>
  14334. <para>Is this field static?</para>
  14335. </summary>
  14336. </member>
  14337. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.FieldDescription.name">
  14338. <summary>
  14339. <para>Name of this field.</para>
  14340. </summary>
  14341. </member>
  14342. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.FieldDescription.offset">
  14343. <summary>
  14344. <para>Offset of this field.</para>
  14345. </summary>
  14346. </member>
  14347. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.FieldDescription.typeIndex">
  14348. <summary>
  14349. <para>The typeindex into PackedMemorySnapshot.typeDescriptions of the type this field belongs to.</para>
  14350. </summary>
  14351. </member>
  14352. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.MemorySection">
  14353. <summary>
  14354. <para>A dump of a piece of memory from the player that's being profiled.</para>
  14355. </summary>
  14356. </member>
  14357. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.MemorySection.bytes">
  14358. <summary>
  14359. <para>The actual bytes of the memory dump.</para>
  14360. </summary>
  14361. </member>
  14362. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.MemorySection.startAddress">
  14363. <summary>
  14364. <para>The start address of this piece of memory.</para>
  14365. </summary>
  14366. </member>
  14367. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.MemorySnapshot">
  14368. <summary>
  14369. <para>MemorySnapshot is a profiling tool to help diagnose memory usage.</para>
  14370. </summary>
  14371. </member>
  14372. <member name="?:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.MemorySnapshot.OnSnapshotReceived(System.Action`1&lt;UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedMemorySnapshot&gt;)">
  14373. <summary>
  14374. <para>Event that will be fired when a new memory snapshot comes in through the profiler connection. Its argument will be a PackedMemorySnapshot.</para>
  14375. </summary>
  14376. <param name="value"></param>
  14377. </member>
  14378. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.MemorySnapshot.RequestNewSnapshot">
  14379. <summary>
  14380. <para>Requests a new snapshot from the currently connected target of the profiler. Currently only il2cpp-based players are able to provide memory snapshots.</para>
  14381. </summary>
  14382. </member>
  14383. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedGCHandle">
  14384. <summary>
  14385. <para>A description of a GC handle used by the virtual machine.</para>
  14386. </summary>
  14387. </member>
  14388. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedGCHandle.target">
  14389. <summary>
  14390. <para>The address of the managed object that the GC handle is referencing.</para>
  14391. </summary>
  14392. </member>
  14393. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedMemorySnapshot">
  14394. <summary>
  14395. <para>PackedMemorySnapshot is a compact representation of a memory snapshot that a player has sent through the profiler connection.</para>
  14396. </summary>
  14397. </member>
  14398. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedMemorySnapshot.connections">
  14399. <summary>
  14400. <para>Connections is an array of from,to pairs that describe which things are keeping which other things alive.</para>
  14401. </summary>
  14402. </member>
  14403. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedMemorySnapshot.gcHandles">
  14404. <summary>
  14405. <para>All GC handles in use in the memorysnapshot.</para>
  14406. </summary>
  14407. </member>
  14408. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedMemorySnapshot.managedHeapSections">
  14409. <summary>
  14410. <para>Array of actual managed heap memory sections.</para>
  14411. </summary>
  14412. </member>
  14413. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedMemorySnapshot.nativeObjects">
  14414. <summary>
  14415. <para>All native C++ objects that were loaded at time of the snapshot.</para>
  14416. </summary>
  14417. </member>
  14418. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedMemorySnapshot.nativeTypes">
  14419. <summary>
  14420. <para>Descriptions of all the C++ unity types the profiled player knows about.</para>
  14421. </summary>
  14422. </member>
  14423. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedMemorySnapshot.typeDescriptions">
  14424. <summary>
  14425. <para>Descriptions of all the managed types that were known to the virtual machine when the snapshot was taken.</para>
  14426. </summary>
  14427. </member>
  14428. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedMemorySnapshot.virtualMachineInformation">
  14429. <summary>
  14430. <para>Information about the virtual machine running executing the managade code inside the player.</para>
  14431. </summary>
  14432. </member>
  14433. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedNativeType">
  14434. <summary>
  14435. <para>A description of a C++ unity type.</para>
  14436. </summary>
  14437. </member>
  14438. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedNativeType.baseClassId">
  14439. <summary>
  14440. <para>ClassId of the base class of this C++ class.</para>
  14441. </summary>
  14442. </member>
  14443. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedNativeType.name">
  14444. <summary>
  14445. <para>Name of this C++ unity type.</para>
  14446. </summary>
  14447. </member>
  14448. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedNativeUnityEngineObject">
  14449. <summary>
  14450. <para>Description of a C++ unity object in memory.</para>
  14451. </summary>
  14452. </member>
  14453. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedNativeUnityEngineObject.classId">
  14454. <summary>
  14455. <para>ClassId of this C++ object. Use this classId to index into PackedMemorySnapshot.nativeTypes.</para>
  14456. </summary>
  14457. </member>
  14458. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedNativeUnityEngineObject.hideFlags">
  14459. <summary>
  14460. <para>The hideFlags this native object has.</para>
  14461. </summary>
  14462. </member>
  14463. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedNativeUnityEngineObject.instanceId">
  14464. <summary>
  14465. <para>InstanceId of this object.</para>
  14466. </summary>
  14467. </member>
  14468. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedNativeUnityEngineObject.isDontDestroyOnLoad">
  14469. <summary>
  14470. <para>Has this object has been marked as DontDestroyOnLoad?</para>
  14471. </summary>
  14472. </member>
  14473. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedNativeUnityEngineObject.isManager">
  14474. <summary>
  14475. <para>Is this native object an internal Unity manager object?</para>
  14476. </summary>
  14477. </member>
  14478. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedNativeUnityEngineObject.isPersistent">
  14479. <summary>
  14480. <para>Is this object persistent? (Assets are persistent, objects stored in scenes are persistent, dynamically created objects are not)</para>
  14481. </summary>
  14482. </member>
  14483. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedNativeUnityEngineObject.name">
  14484. <summary>
  14485. <para>Name of this object.</para>
  14486. </summary>
  14487. </member>
  14488. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.PackedNativeUnityEngineObject.size">
  14489. <summary>
  14490. <para>Size in bytes of this object.</para>
  14491. </summary>
  14492. </member>
  14493. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.TypeDescription">
  14494. <summary>
  14495. <para>Description of a managed type.</para>
  14496. </summary>
  14497. </member>
  14498. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.TypeDescription.arrayRank">
  14499. <summary>
  14500. <para>If this is an arrayType, this will return the rank of the array. (1 for a 1-dimensional array, 2 for a 2-dimensional array, etc)</para>
  14501. </summary>
  14502. </member>
  14503. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.TypeDescription.assembly">
  14504. <summary>
  14505. <para>Name of the assembly this type was loaded from.</para>
  14506. </summary>
  14507. </member>
  14508. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.TypeDescription.baseOrElementTypeIndex">
  14509. <summary>
  14510. <para>The base type for this type, pointed to by an index into PackedMemorySnapshot.typeDescriptions.</para>
  14511. </summary>
  14512. </member>
  14513. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.TypeDescription.fields">
  14514. <summary>
  14515. <para>An array containing descriptions of all fields of this type.</para>
  14516. </summary>
  14517. </member>
  14518. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.TypeDescription.isArray">
  14519. <summary>
  14520. <para>Is this type an array?</para>
  14521. </summary>
  14522. </member>
  14523. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.TypeDescription.isValueType">
  14524. <summary>
  14525. <para>Is this type a value type? (if it's not a value type, it's a reference type)</para>
  14526. </summary>
  14527. </member>
  14528. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.TypeDescription.name">
  14529. <summary>
  14530. <para>Name of this type.</para>
  14531. </summary>
  14532. </member>
  14533. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.TypeDescription.size">
  14534. <summary>
  14535. <para>Size in bytes of an instance of this type. If this type is an arraytype, this describes the amount of bytes a single element in the array will take up.</para>
  14536. </summary>
  14537. </member>
  14538. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.TypeDescription.staticFieldBytes">
  14539. <summary>
  14540. <para>The actual contents of the bytes that store this types static fields, at the point of time when the snapshot was taken.</para>
  14541. </summary>
  14542. </member>
  14543. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.TypeDescription.typeIndex">
  14544. <summary>
  14545. <para>The typeIndex of this type. This index is an index into the PackedMemorySnapshot.typeDescriptions array.</para>
  14546. </summary>
  14547. </member>
  14548. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.TypeDescription.typeInfoAddress">
  14549. <summary>
  14550. <para>The address in memory that contains the description of this type inside the virtual machine. This can be used to match managed objects in the heap to their corresponding TypeDescription, as the first pointer of a managed object points to its type description.</para>
  14551. </summary>
  14552. </member>
  14553. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.VirtualMachineInformation">
  14554. <summary>
  14555. <para>Information about a virtual machine that provided a memory snapshot.</para>
  14556. </summary>
  14557. </member>
  14558. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.VirtualMachineInformation.allocationGranularity">
  14559. <summary>
  14560. <para>Allocation granularity in bytes used by the virtual machine allocator.</para>
  14561. </summary>
  14562. </member>
  14563. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.VirtualMachineInformation.arrayBoundsOffsetInHeader">
  14564. <summary>
  14565. <para>Offset in bytes inside the object header of an array object where the bounds of the array is stored.</para>
  14566. </summary>
  14567. </member>
  14568. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.VirtualMachineInformation.arrayHeaderSize">
  14569. <summary>
  14570. <para>Size in bytes of the header of an array object.</para>
  14571. </summary>
  14572. </member>
  14573. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.VirtualMachineInformation.arraySizeOffsetInHeader">
  14574. <summary>
  14575. <para>Offset in bytes inside the object header of an array object where the size of the array is stored.</para>
  14576. </summary>
  14577. </member>
  14578. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.VirtualMachineInformation.heapFormatVersion">
  14579. <summary>
  14580. <para>A version number that will change when the object layout inside the managed heap will change.</para>
  14581. </summary>
  14582. </member>
  14583. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.VirtualMachineInformation.objectHeaderSize">
  14584. <summary>
  14585. <para>Size in bytes of the header of each managed object.</para>
  14586. </summary>
  14587. </member>
  14588. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MemoryProfiler.VirtualMachineInformation.pointerSize">
  14589. <summary>
  14590. <para>Size in bytes of a pointer.</para>
  14591. </summary>
  14592. </member>
  14593. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Menu">
  14594. <summary>
  14595. <para>Menu class to manipulate the menu item.</para>
  14596. </summary>
  14597. </member>
  14598. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Menu.#ctor">
  14599. <summary>
  14600. <para>Default constructor.</para>
  14601. </summary>
  14602. </member>
  14603. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Menu.GetChecked(System.String)">
  14604. <summary>
  14605. <para>Get the check status of the given menu.</para>
  14606. </summary>
  14607. <param name="menuPath"></param>
  14608. </member>
  14609. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Menu.SetChecked(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  14610. <summary>
  14611. <para>Set the check status of the given menu.</para>
  14612. </summary>
  14613. <param name="menuPath"></param>
  14614. <param name="isChecked"></param>
  14615. </member>
  14616. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MenuCommand">
  14617. <summary>
  14618. <para>Used to extract the context for a MenuItem. MenuCommand objects are passed to custom menu item functions defined using the MenuItem attribute.</para>
  14619. </summary>
  14620. </member>
  14621. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MenuCommand.context">
  14622. <summary>
  14623. <para>Context is the object that is the target of a menu command.</para>
  14624. </summary>
  14625. </member>
  14626. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MenuCommand.userData">
  14627. <summary>
  14628. <para>An integer for passing custom information to a menu item.</para>
  14629. </summary>
  14630. </member>
  14631. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MenuCommand.#ctor(UnityEngine.Object,System.Int32)">
  14632. <summary>
  14633. <para>Creates a new MenuCommand object.</para>
  14634. </summary>
  14635. <param name="inContext"></param>
  14636. <param name="inUserData"></param>
  14637. </member>
  14638. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MenuCommand.#ctor(UnityEngine.Object)">
  14639. <summary>
  14640. <para>Creates a new MenuCommand object.</para>
  14641. </summary>
  14642. <param name="inContext"></param>
  14643. </member>
  14644. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MenuItem">
  14645. <summary>
  14646. <para>The MenuItem attribute allows you to add menu items to the main menu and inspector context menus.</para>
  14647. </summary>
  14648. </member>
  14649. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MenuItem.#ctor(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Int32)">
  14650. <summary>
  14651. <para>Creates a menu item and invokes the static function following it, when the menu item is selected.</para>
  14652. </summary>
  14653. <param name="itemName"></param>
  14654. <param name="isValidateFunction"></param>
  14655. <param name="priority"></param>
  14656. </member>
  14657. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MenuItem.#ctor(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  14658. <summary>
  14659. <para>Creates a menu item and invokes the static function following it, when the menu item is selected.</para>
  14660. </summary>
  14661. <param name="itemName"></param>
  14662. <param name="isValidateFunction"></param>
  14663. </member>
  14664. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MenuItem.#ctor(System.String)">
  14665. <summary>
  14666. <para>Creates a menu item and invokes the static function following it, when the menu item is selected.</para>
  14667. </summary>
  14668. <param name="itemName"></param>
  14669. </member>
  14670. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MeshUtility">
  14671. <summary>
  14672. <para>Various utilities for mesh manipulation.</para>
  14673. </summary>
  14674. </member>
  14675. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MeshUtility.GetMeshCompression(UnityEngine.Mesh)">
  14676. <summary>
  14677. <para>Returns the mesh compression setting for a Mesh.</para>
  14678. </summary>
  14679. <param name="mesh">The mesh to get information on.</param>
  14680. </member>
  14681. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MeshUtility.Optimize(UnityEngine.Mesh)">
  14682. <summary>
  14683. <para>Optimizes the mesh for GPU access.</para>
  14684. </summary>
  14685. <param name="mesh"></param>
  14686. </member>
  14687. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MeshUtility.SetMeshCompression(UnityEngine.Mesh,UnityEditor.ModelImporterMeshCompression)">
  14688. <summary>
  14689. <para>Change the mesh compression setting for a mesh.</para>
  14690. </summary>
  14691. <param name="mesh">The mesh to set the compression mode for.</param>
  14692. <param name="compression">The compression mode to set.</param>
  14693. </member>
  14694. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MeshUtility.SetPerTriangleUV2(UnityEngine.Mesh,UnityEngine.Vector2[])">
  14695. <summary>
  14696. <para>Will insert per-triangle uv2 in mesh and handle vertex splitting etc.</para>
  14697. </summary>
  14698. <param name="src"></param>
  14699. <param name="triUV"></param>
  14700. </member>
  14701. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MessageType">
  14702. <summary>
  14703. <para>User message types.</para>
  14704. </summary>
  14705. </member>
  14706. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MessageType.Error">
  14707. <summary>
  14708. <para>Error message.</para>
  14709. </summary>
  14710. </member>
  14711. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MessageType.Info">
  14712. <summary>
  14713. <para>Info message.</para>
  14714. </summary>
  14715. </member>
  14716. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MessageType.None">
  14717. <summary>
  14718. <para>Neutral message.</para>
  14719. </summary>
  14720. </member>
  14721. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MessageType.Warning">
  14722. <summary>
  14723. <para>Warning message.</para>
  14724. </summary>
  14725. </member>
  14726. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MobileTextureSubtarget">
  14727. <summary>
  14728. <para>Compressed texture format for target build platform.</para>
  14729. </summary>
  14730. </member>
  14731. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MobileTextureSubtarget.ASTC">
  14732. <summary>
  14733. <para>ASTC texture compression.</para>
  14734. </summary>
  14735. </member>
  14736. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MobileTextureSubtarget.ATC">
  14737. <summary>
  14738. <para>ATI texture compression. Available on devices running Adreno GPU, including HTC Nexus One, Droid Incredible, EVO, and others.</para>
  14739. </summary>
  14740. </member>
  14741. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MobileTextureSubtarget.DXT">
  14742. <summary>
  14743. <para>S3 texture compression, nonspecific to DXT variant. Supported on devices running Nvidia Tegra2 platform, including Motorala Xoom, Motorola Atrix, Droid Bionic, and others.</para>
  14744. </summary>
  14745. </member>
  14746. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MobileTextureSubtarget.ETC">
  14747. <summary>
  14748. <para>ETC1 texture compression (or RGBA16 for textures with alpha), supported by all devices.</para>
  14749. </summary>
  14750. </member>
  14751. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MobileTextureSubtarget.ETC2">
  14752. <summary>
  14753. <para>ETC2 texture compression.</para>
  14754. </summary>
  14755. </member>
  14756. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MobileTextureSubtarget.Generic">
  14757. <summary>
  14758. <para>Don't override texture compression.</para>
  14759. </summary>
  14760. </member>
  14761. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MobileTextureSubtarget.PVRTC">
  14762. <summary>
  14763. <para>PowerVR texture compression. Available in devices running PowerVR SGX530/540 GPU, such as Motorola DROID series; Samsung Galaxy S, Nexus S, and Galaxy Tab; and others.</para>
  14764. </summary>
  14765. </member>
  14766. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ModelImporter">
  14767. <summary>
  14768. <para>Model importer lets you modify import settings from editor scripts.</para>
  14769. </summary>
  14770. </member>
  14771. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.addCollider">
  14772. <summary>
  14773. <para>Add to imported meshes.</para>
  14774. </summary>
  14775. </member>
  14776. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.animationCompression">
  14777. <summary>
  14778. <para>Animation compression setting.</para>
  14779. </summary>
  14780. </member>
  14781. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.animationPositionError">
  14782. <summary>
  14783. <para>Allowed error of animation position compression.</para>
  14784. </summary>
  14785. </member>
  14786. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.animationRotationError">
  14787. <summary>
  14788. <para>Allowed error of animation rotation compression.</para>
  14789. </summary>
  14790. </member>
  14791. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.animationScaleError">
  14792. <summary>
  14793. <para>Allowed error of animation scale compression.</para>
  14794. </summary>
  14795. </member>
  14796. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.animationType">
  14797. <summary>
  14798. <para>Animator generation mode.</para>
  14799. </summary>
  14800. </member>
  14801. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.animationWrapMode">
  14802. <summary>
  14803. <para>The default wrap mode for the generated animation clips.</para>
  14804. </summary>
  14805. </member>
  14806. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.bakeIK">
  14807. <summary>
  14808. <para>Bake Inverse Kinematics (IK) when importing.</para>
  14809. </summary>
  14810. </member>
  14811. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.clipAnimations">
  14812. <summary>
  14813. <para>Animation clips to split animation into.</para>
  14814. </summary>
  14815. </member>
  14816. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.defaultClipAnimations">
  14817. <summary>
  14818. <para>Generate a list of all default animation clip based on TakeInfo.</para>
  14819. </summary>
  14820. </member>
  14821. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.extraExposedTransformPaths">
  14822. <summary>
  14823. <para>Animation optimization setting.</para>
  14824. </summary>
  14825. </member>
  14826. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.fileScale">
  14827. <summary>
  14828. <para>File scale factor (if available) or default one. (Read-only).</para>
  14829. </summary>
  14830. </member>
  14831. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.generateAnimations">
  14832. <summary>
  14833. <para>Animation generation options.</para>
  14834. </summary>
  14835. </member>
  14836. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.generateMaterials">
  14837. <summary>
  14838. <para>Material generation options.</para>
  14839. </summary>
  14840. </member>
  14841. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.generateSecondaryUV">
  14842. <summary>
  14843. <para>Generate secondary UV set for lightmapping.</para>
  14844. </summary>
  14845. </member>
  14846. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.globalScale">
  14847. <summary>
  14848. <para>Global scale factor for importing.</para>
  14849. </summary>
  14850. </member>
  14851. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.humanDescription">
  14852. <summary>
  14853. <para>The human description that is used to generate an Avatar during the import process.</para>
  14854. </summary>
  14855. </member>
  14856. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.humanoidOversampling">
  14857. <summary>
  14858. <para>Controls how much oversampling is used when importing humanoid animations for retargeting.</para>
  14859. </summary>
  14860. </member>
  14861. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.importAnimation">
  14862. <summary>
  14863. <para>Import animation from file.</para>
  14864. </summary>
  14865. </member>
  14866. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.importBlendShapes">
  14867. <summary>
  14868. <para>Controls import of BlendShapes.</para>
  14869. </summary>
  14870. </member>
  14871. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.importedTakeInfos">
  14872. <summary>
  14873. <para>Generates the list of all imported take.</para>
  14874. </summary>
  14875. </member>
  14876. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.importMaterials">
  14877. <summary>
  14878. <para>Import materials from file.</para>
  14879. </summary>
  14880. </member>
  14881. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.importNormals">
  14882. <summary>
  14883. <para>Use normals vectors from file.</para>
  14884. </summary>
  14885. </member>
  14886. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.importTangents">
  14887. <summary>
  14888. <para>Use tangent vectors from file.</para>
  14889. </summary>
  14890. </member>
  14891. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.isBakeIKSupported">
  14892. <summary>
  14893. <para>Is Bake Inverse Kinematics (IK) supported by this importer.</para>
  14894. </summary>
  14895. </member>
  14896. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.isFileScaleUsed">
  14897. <summary>
  14898. <para>Is FileScale was used when importing.</para>
  14899. </summary>
  14900. </member>
  14901. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.isReadable">
  14902. <summary>
  14903. <para>Are mesh vertices and indices accessible from script?</para>
  14904. </summary>
  14905. </member>
  14906. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.isTangentImportSupported">
  14907. <summary>
  14908. <para>Is import of tangents supported by this importer.</para>
  14909. </summary>
  14910. </member>
  14911. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.isUseFileUnitsSupported">
  14912. <summary>
  14913. <para>Is useFileUnits supported for this asset.</para>
  14914. </summary>
  14915. </member>
  14916. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.materialName">
  14917. <summary>
  14918. <para>Material naming setting.</para>
  14919. </summary>
  14920. </member>
  14921. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.materialSearch">
  14922. <summary>
  14923. <para>Existing material search setting.</para>
  14924. </summary>
  14925. </member>
  14926. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.meshCompression">
  14927. <summary>
  14928. <para>Mesh compression setting.</para>
  14929. </summary>
  14930. </member>
  14931. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.motionNodeName">
  14932. <summary>
  14933. <para>The path of the transform used to generation the motion of the animation.</para>
  14934. </summary>
  14935. </member>
  14936. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.normalImportMode">
  14937. <summary>
  14938. <para>Normals import mode.</para>
  14939. </summary>
  14940. </member>
  14941. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.normalSmoothingAngle">
  14942. <summary>
  14943. <para>Smoothing angle (in degrees) for calculating normals.</para>
  14944. </summary>
  14945. </member>
  14946. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.optimizeGameObjects">
  14947. <summary>
  14948. <para>Animation optimization setting.</para>
  14949. </summary>
  14950. </member>
  14951. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.optimizeMesh">
  14952. <summary>
  14953. <para>Vertex optimization setting.</para>
  14954. </summary>
  14955. </member>
  14956. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.referencedClips">
  14957. <summary>
  14958. <para>Generates the list of all imported Animations.</para>
  14959. </summary>
  14960. </member>
  14961. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.resampleCurves">
  14962. <summary>
  14963. <para>If set to false, the importer will not resample animation curves when possible. Read more about.
  14964. Notes:
  14965. - Some unsupported FBX features (such as PreRotation or PostRotation on transforms) will override this setting. In these situations, animation curves will still be resampled even if the setting is disabled. For best results, avoid using PreRotation, PostRotation and GetRotationPivot.
  14966. - This option was introduced in Version 5.3. Prior to this version, Unity's import behaviour was as if this option was always enabled. Therefore enabling the option gives the same behaviour as pre-5.3 animation import.
  14967. </para>
  14968. </summary>
  14969. </member>
  14970. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.secondaryUVAngleDistortion">
  14971. <summary>
  14972. <para>Threshold for angle distortion (in degrees) when generating secondary UV.</para>
  14973. </summary>
  14974. </member>
  14975. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.secondaryUVAreaDistortion">
  14976. <summary>
  14977. <para>Threshold for area distortion when generating secondary UV.</para>
  14978. </summary>
  14979. </member>
  14980. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.secondaryUVHardAngle">
  14981. <summary>
  14982. <para>Hard angle (in degrees) for generating secondary UV.</para>
  14983. </summary>
  14984. </member>
  14985. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.secondaryUVPackMargin">
  14986. <summary>
  14987. <para>Margin to be left between charts when packing secondary UV.</para>
  14988. </summary>
  14989. </member>
  14990. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.sourceAvatar">
  14991. <summary>
  14992. <para>Imports the HumanDescription from the given Avatar.</para>
  14993. </summary>
  14994. </member>
  14995. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.splitTangentsAcrossSeams">
  14996. <summary>
  14997. <para>Should tangents be split across UV seams.</para>
  14998. </summary>
  14999. </member>
  15000. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.swapUVChannels">
  15001. <summary>
  15002. <para>Swap primary and secondary UV channels when importing.</para>
  15003. </summary>
  15004. </member>
  15005. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.tangentImportMode">
  15006. <summary>
  15007. <para>Tangents import mode.</para>
  15008. </summary>
  15009. </member>
  15010. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.transformPaths">
  15011. <summary>
  15012. <para>Generates the list of all imported Transforms.</para>
  15013. </summary>
  15014. </member>
  15015. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporter.useFileUnits">
  15016. <summary>
  15017. <para>Detect file units and import as 1FileUnit=1UnityUnit, otherwise it will import as 1cm=1UnityUnit.</para>
  15018. </summary>
  15019. </member>
  15020. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ModelImporterAnimationCompression">
  15021. <summary>
  15022. <para>Animation compression options for ModelImporter.</para>
  15023. </summary>
  15024. </member>
  15025. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterAnimationCompression.KeyframeReduction">
  15026. <summary>
  15027. <para>Perform keyframe reduction.</para>
  15028. </summary>
  15029. </member>
  15030. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterAnimationCompression.KeyframeReductionAndCompression">
  15031. <summary>
  15032. <para>Perform keyframe reduction and compression.</para>
  15033. </summary>
  15034. </member>
  15035. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterAnimationCompression.Off">
  15036. <summary>
  15037. <para>No animation compression.</para>
  15038. </summary>
  15039. </member>
  15040. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterAnimationCompression.Optimal">
  15041. <summary>
  15042. <para>Perform keyframe reduction and choose the best animation curve representation at runtime to reduce memory footprint (default).</para>
  15043. </summary>
  15044. </member>
  15045. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ModelImporterAnimationType">
  15046. <summary>
  15047. <para>Animation mode for ModelImporter.</para>
  15048. </summary>
  15049. </member>
  15050. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterAnimationType.Generic">
  15051. <summary>
  15052. <para>Generate a generic animator.</para>
  15053. </summary>
  15054. </member>
  15055. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterAnimationType.Human">
  15056. <summary>
  15057. <para>Generate a human animator.</para>
  15058. </summary>
  15059. </member>
  15060. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterAnimationType.Legacy">
  15061. <summary>
  15062. <para>Generate a legacy animation type.</para>
  15063. </summary>
  15064. </member>
  15065. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterAnimationType.None">
  15066. <summary>
  15067. <para>Generate no animation data.</para>
  15068. </summary>
  15069. </member>
  15070. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation">
  15071. <summary>
  15072. <para>Animation clips to split animation into.</para>
  15073. </summary>
  15074. </member>
  15075. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.additiveReferencePoseFrame">
  15076. <summary>
  15077. <para>The additive reference pose frame.</para>
  15078. </summary>
  15079. </member>
  15080. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.curves">
  15081. <summary>
  15082. <para>Additionnal curves that will be that will be added during the import process.</para>
  15083. </summary>
  15084. </member>
  15085. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.cycleOffset">
  15086. <summary>
  15087. <para>Offset to the cycle of a looping animation, if a different time in it is desired to be the start.</para>
  15088. </summary>
  15089. </member>
  15090. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.events">
  15091. <summary>
  15092. <para>AnimationEvents that will be added during the import process.</para>
  15093. </summary>
  15094. </member>
  15095. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.firstFrame">
  15096. <summary>
  15097. <para>First frame of the clip.</para>
  15098. </summary>
  15099. </member>
  15100. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.hasAdditiveReferencePose">
  15101. <summary>
  15102. <para>Enable to defines an additive reference pose.</para>
  15103. </summary>
  15104. </member>
  15105. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.heightFromFeet">
  15106. <summary>
  15107. <para>Keeps the feet aligned with the root transform position.</para>
  15108. </summary>
  15109. </member>
  15110. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.heightOffset">
  15111. <summary>
  15112. <para>Offset to the vertical root position.</para>
  15113. </summary>
  15114. </member>
  15115. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.keepOriginalOrientation">
  15116. <summary>
  15117. <para>Keeps the vertical position as it is authored in the source file.</para>
  15118. </summary>
  15119. </member>
  15120. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.keepOriginalPositionXZ">
  15121. <summary>
  15122. <para>Keeps the vertical position as it is authored in the source file.</para>
  15123. </summary>
  15124. </member>
  15125. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.keepOriginalPositionY">
  15126. <summary>
  15127. <para>Keeps the vertical position as it is authored in the source file.</para>
  15128. </summary>
  15129. </member>
  15130. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.lastFrame">
  15131. <summary>
  15132. <para>Last frame of the clip.</para>
  15133. </summary>
  15134. </member>
  15135. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.lockRootHeightY">
  15136. <summary>
  15137. <para>Enable to make vertical root motion be baked into the movement of the bones. Disable to make vertical root motion be stored as root motion.</para>
  15138. </summary>
  15139. </member>
  15140. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.lockRootPositionXZ">
  15141. <summary>
  15142. <para>Enable to make horizontal root motion be baked into the movement of the bones. Disable to make horizontal root motion be stored as root motion.</para>
  15143. </summary>
  15144. </member>
  15145. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.lockRootRotation">
  15146. <summary>
  15147. <para>Enable to make root rotation be baked into the movement of the bones. Disable to make root rotation be stored as root motion.</para>
  15148. </summary>
  15149. </member>
  15150. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.loop">
  15151. <summary>
  15152. <para>Is the clip a looping animation?</para>
  15153. </summary>
  15154. </member>
  15155. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.loopPose">
  15156. <summary>
  15157. <para>Enable to make the motion loop seamlessly.</para>
  15158. </summary>
  15159. </member>
  15160. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.loopTime">
  15161. <summary>
  15162. <para>Enable to make the clip loop.</para>
  15163. </summary>
  15164. </member>
  15165. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.maskNeedsUpdating">
  15166. <summary>
  15167. <para>Returns true when the source AvatarMask has changed. This only happens when ModelImporterClipAnimation.maskType is set to ClipAnimationMaskType.CopyFromOther
  15168. To force a reload of the mask, simply set ModelImporterClipAnimation.maskSource to the desired AvatarMask.</para>
  15169. </summary>
  15170. </member>
  15171. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.maskSource">
  15172. <summary>
  15173. <para>The AvatarMask used to mask transforms during the import process.</para>
  15174. </summary>
  15175. </member>
  15176. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.maskType">
  15177. <summary>
  15178. <para>Define mask type.</para>
  15179. </summary>
  15180. </member>
  15181. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.mirror">
  15182. <summary>
  15183. <para>Mirror left and right in this clip.</para>
  15184. </summary>
  15185. </member>
  15186. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.name">
  15187. <summary>
  15188. <para>Clip name.</para>
  15189. </summary>
  15190. </member>
  15191. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.rotationOffset">
  15192. <summary>
  15193. <para>Offset in degrees to the root rotation.</para>
  15194. </summary>
  15195. </member>
  15196. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.takeName">
  15197. <summary>
  15198. <para>Take name.</para>
  15199. </summary>
  15200. </member>
  15201. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipAnimation.wrapMode">
  15202. <summary>
  15203. <para>The wrap mode of the animation.</para>
  15204. </summary>
  15205. </member>
  15206. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ModelImporterGenerateAnimations">
  15207. <summary>
  15208. <para>Animation generation options for ModelImporter. These options relate to the legacy Animation system, they should only be used when ModelImporter.animationType==ModelImporterAnimationType.Legacy.</para>
  15209. </summary>
  15210. </member>
  15211. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterGenerateAnimations.GenerateAnimations">
  15212. <summary>
  15213. <para>Default animation import mode (All animations are stored in the root object).</para>
  15214. </summary>
  15215. </member>
  15216. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterGenerateAnimations.InNodes">
  15217. <summary>
  15218. <para>Generate animations in the objects that animate.</para>
  15219. </summary>
  15220. </member>
  15221. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterGenerateAnimations.InOriginalRoots">
  15222. <summary>
  15223. <para>Generate animations in the root objects of the animation package.</para>
  15224. </summary>
  15225. </member>
  15226. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterGenerateAnimations.InRoot">
  15227. <summary>
  15228. <para>Generate animations in the transform root objects.</para>
  15229. </summary>
  15230. </member>
  15231. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterGenerateAnimations.None">
  15232. <summary>
  15233. <para>Do not generate animations.</para>
  15234. </summary>
  15235. </member>
  15236. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ModelImporterGenerateMaterials">
  15237. <summary>
  15238. <para>Material generation options for ModelImporter.</para>
  15239. </summary>
  15240. </member>
  15241. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterGenerateMaterials.None">
  15242. <summary>
  15243. <para>Do not generate materials.</para>
  15244. </summary>
  15245. </member>
  15246. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterGenerateMaterials.PerSourceMaterial">
  15247. <summary>
  15248. <para>Generate a material for each material in the source asset.</para>
  15249. </summary>
  15250. </member>
  15251. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterGenerateMaterials.PerTexture">
  15252. <summary>
  15253. <para>Generate a material for each texture used.</para>
  15254. </summary>
  15255. </member>
  15256. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ModelImporterHumanoidOversampling">
  15257. <summary>
  15258. <para>Humanoid Oversampling available multipliers.</para>
  15259. </summary>
  15260. </member>
  15261. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterHumanoidOversampling.X1">
  15262. <summary>
  15263. <para>Default Humanoid Oversampling multiplier = 1 which is equivalent to no oversampling.</para>
  15264. </summary>
  15265. </member>
  15266. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterHumanoidOversampling.X2">
  15267. <summary>
  15268. <para>Humanoid Oversampling samples at 2 times the sampling rate found in the imported file.</para>
  15269. </summary>
  15270. </member>
  15271. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterHumanoidOversampling.X4">
  15272. <summary>
  15273. <para>Humanoid Oversampling samples at 4 times the sampling rate found in the imported file.</para>
  15274. </summary>
  15275. </member>
  15276. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterHumanoidOversampling.X8">
  15277. <summary>
  15278. <para>Humanoid Oversampling samples at 8 times the sampling rate found in the imported file.</para>
  15279. </summary>
  15280. </member>
  15281. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ModelImporterMaterialName">
  15282. <summary>
  15283. <para>Material naming options for ModelImporter.</para>
  15284. </summary>
  15285. </member>
  15286. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterMaterialName.BasedOnMaterialName">
  15287. <summary>
  15288. <para>Use a material name of the form &lt;materialName&gt;.mat.</para>
  15289. </summary>
  15290. </member>
  15291. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterMaterialName.BasedOnModelNameAndMaterialName">
  15292. <summary>
  15293. <para>Use material names in the form &lt;modelFileName&gt;-&lt;materialName&gt;.mat.</para>
  15294. </summary>
  15295. </member>
  15296. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterMaterialName.BasedOnTextureName">
  15297. <summary>
  15298. <para>Use material names in the form &lt;textureName&gt;.mat.</para>
  15299. </summary>
  15300. </member>
  15301. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterMaterialName.BasedOnTextureName_Or_ModelNameAndMaterialName">
  15302. <summary>
  15303. <para>&lt;textureName&gt;.mat or &lt;modelFileName&gt;-&lt;materialName&gt;.mat material name.</para>
  15304. </summary>
  15305. </member>
  15306. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ModelImporterMaterialSearch">
  15307. <summary>
  15308. <para>Material search options for ModelImporter.</para>
  15309. </summary>
  15310. </member>
  15311. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterMaterialSearch.Everywhere">
  15312. <summary>
  15313. <para>Search in all project.</para>
  15314. </summary>
  15315. </member>
  15316. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterMaterialSearch.Local">
  15317. <summary>
  15318. <para>Search in local Materials folder.</para>
  15319. </summary>
  15320. </member>
  15321. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterMaterialSearch.RecursiveUp">
  15322. <summary>
  15323. <para>Recursive-up search in Materials folders.</para>
  15324. </summary>
  15325. </member>
  15326. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ModelImporterMeshCompression">
  15327. <summary>
  15328. <para>Mesh compression options for ModelImporter.</para>
  15329. </summary>
  15330. </member>
  15331. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterMeshCompression.High">
  15332. <summary>
  15333. <para>High amount of mesh compression.</para>
  15334. </summary>
  15335. </member>
  15336. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterMeshCompression.Low">
  15337. <summary>
  15338. <para>Low amount of mesh compression.</para>
  15339. </summary>
  15340. </member>
  15341. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterMeshCompression.Medium">
  15342. <summary>
  15343. <para>Medium amount of mesh compression.</para>
  15344. </summary>
  15345. </member>
  15346. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterMeshCompression.Off">
  15347. <summary>
  15348. <para>No mesh compression (default).</para>
  15349. </summary>
  15350. </member>
  15351. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ModelImporterNormals">
  15352. <summary>
  15353. <para>This is legacy!</para>
  15354. </summary>
  15355. </member>
  15356. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterNormals.Calculate">
  15357. <summary>
  15358. <para>This is Legacy.</para>
  15359. </summary>
  15360. </member>
  15361. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterNormals.Import">
  15362. <summary>
  15363. <para>This is legacy!</para>
  15364. </summary>
  15365. </member>
  15366. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterNormals.None">
  15367. <summary>
  15368. <para>This is legacy!</para>
  15369. </summary>
  15370. </member>
  15371. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ModelImporterTangents">
  15372. <summary>
  15373. <para>This is legacy.</para>
  15374. </summary>
  15375. </member>
  15376. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterTangents.CalculateLegacy">
  15377. <summary>
  15378. <para>This is legacy.</para>
  15379. </summary>
  15380. </member>
  15381. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterTangents.CalculateLegacyWithSplitTangents">
  15382. <summary>
  15383. <para>This is legacy.</para>
  15384. </summary>
  15385. </member>
  15386. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterTangents.CalculateMikk">
  15387. <summary>
  15388. <para>This is legacy.</para>
  15389. </summary>
  15390. </member>
  15391. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterTangents.Import">
  15392. <summary>
  15393. <para>This is legacy.</para>
  15394. </summary>
  15395. </member>
  15396. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterTangents.None">
  15397. <summary>
  15398. <para>This is legacy.</para>
  15399. </summary>
  15400. </member>
  15401. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ModelImporterTangentSpaceMode">
  15402. <summary>
  15403. <para>Animation generation options for ModelImporter.</para>
  15404. </summary>
  15405. </member>
  15406. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterTangentSpaceMode.Calculate">
  15407. <summary>
  15408. <para>Calculate tangents.</para>
  15409. </summary>
  15410. </member>
  15411. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterTangentSpaceMode.Import">
  15412. <summary>
  15413. <para>Import normals/tangents from file.</para>
  15414. </summary>
  15415. </member>
  15416. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ModelImporterTangentSpaceMode.None">
  15417. <summary>
  15418. <para>Strip normals/tangents.</para>
  15419. </summary>
  15420. </member>
  15421. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MonoScript">
  15422. <summary>
  15423. <para>Representation of Script assets.</para>
  15424. </summary>
  15425. </member>
  15426. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MonoScript.FromMonoBehaviour(UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour)">
  15427. <summary>
  15428. <para>Returns the MonoScript object containing specified MonoBehaviour.</para>
  15429. </summary>
  15430. <param name="behaviour">The MonoBehaviour whose MonoScript should be returned.</param>
  15431. </member>
  15432. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MonoScript.FromScriptableObject(UnityEngine.ScriptableObject)">
  15433. <summary>
  15434. <para>Returns the MonoScript object containing specified ScriptableObject.</para>
  15435. </summary>
  15436. <param name="scriptableObject">The ScriptableObject whose MonoScript should be returned.</param>
  15437. </member>
  15438. <member name="M:UnityEditor.MonoScript.GetClass">
  15439. <summary>
  15440. <para>Returns the System.Type object of the class implemented by this script.</para>
  15441. </summary>
  15442. </member>
  15443. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MouseCursor">
  15444. <summary>
  15445. <para>Custom mouse cursor shapes used with EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect.</para>
  15446. </summary>
  15447. </member>
  15448. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MouseCursor.Arrow">
  15449. <summary>
  15450. <para>Normal pointer arrow.</para>
  15451. </summary>
  15452. </member>
  15453. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MouseCursor.ArrowMinus">
  15454. <summary>
  15455. <para>Arrow with the minus symbol next to it.</para>
  15456. </summary>
  15457. </member>
  15458. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MouseCursor.ArrowPlus">
  15459. <summary>
  15460. <para>Arrow with the plus symbol next to it.</para>
  15461. </summary>
  15462. </member>
  15463. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MouseCursor.CustomCursor">
  15464. <summary>
  15465. <para>The current user defined cursor.</para>
  15466. </summary>
  15467. </member>
  15468. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MouseCursor.FPS">
  15469. <summary>
  15470. <para>Cursor with an eye and stylized arrow keys for FPS navigation.</para>
  15471. </summary>
  15472. </member>
  15473. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MouseCursor.Link">
  15474. <summary>
  15475. <para>Arrow with a Link badge (for assigning pointers).</para>
  15476. </summary>
  15477. </member>
  15478. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MouseCursor.MoveArrow">
  15479. <summary>
  15480. <para>Arrow with the move symbol next to it for the sceneview.</para>
  15481. </summary>
  15482. </member>
  15483. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MouseCursor.Orbit">
  15484. <summary>
  15485. <para>Cursor with an eye for orbit.</para>
  15486. </summary>
  15487. </member>
  15488. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MouseCursor.Pan">
  15489. <summary>
  15490. <para>Cursor with a dragging hand for pan.</para>
  15491. </summary>
  15492. </member>
  15493. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MouseCursor.ResizeHorizontal">
  15494. <summary>
  15495. <para>Horizontal resize arrows.</para>
  15496. </summary>
  15497. </member>
  15498. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MouseCursor.ResizeUpLeft">
  15499. <summary>
  15500. <para>Resize up-Left for window edges.</para>
  15501. </summary>
  15502. </member>
  15503. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MouseCursor.ResizeUpRight">
  15504. <summary>
  15505. <para>Resize up-right for window edges.</para>
  15506. </summary>
  15507. </member>
  15508. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MouseCursor.ResizeVertical">
  15509. <summary>
  15510. <para>Vertical resize arrows.</para>
  15511. </summary>
  15512. </member>
  15513. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MouseCursor.RotateArrow">
  15514. <summary>
  15515. <para>Arrow with the rotate symbol next to it for the sceneview.</para>
  15516. </summary>
  15517. </member>
  15518. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MouseCursor.ScaleArrow">
  15519. <summary>
  15520. <para>Arrow with the scale symbol next to it for the sceneview.</para>
  15521. </summary>
  15522. </member>
  15523. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MouseCursor.SlideArrow">
  15524. <summary>
  15525. <para>Arrow with small arrows for indicating sliding at number fields.</para>
  15526. </summary>
  15527. </member>
  15528. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MouseCursor.SplitResizeLeftRight">
  15529. <summary>
  15530. <para>Left-Right resize arrows for window splitters.</para>
  15531. </summary>
  15532. </member>
  15533. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MouseCursor.SplitResizeUpDown">
  15534. <summary>
  15535. <para>Up-Down resize arrows for window splitters.</para>
  15536. </summary>
  15537. </member>
  15538. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MouseCursor.Text">
  15539. <summary>
  15540. <para>Text cursor.</para>
  15541. </summary>
  15542. </member>
  15543. <member name="F:UnityEditor.MouseCursor.Zoom">
  15544. <summary>
  15545. <para>Cursor with a magnifying glass for zoom.</para>
  15546. </summary>
  15547. </member>
  15548. <member name="T:UnityEditor.MovieImporter">
  15549. <summary>
  15550. <para>AssetImporter for importing MovieTextures.</para>
  15551. </summary>
  15552. </member>
  15553. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MovieImporter.duration">
  15554. <summary>
  15555. <para>Duration of the Movie to be imported in seconds.</para>
  15556. </summary>
  15557. </member>
  15558. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MovieImporter.linearTexture">
  15559. <summary>
  15560. <para>Is the movie texture storing non-color data?</para>
  15561. </summary>
  15562. </member>
  15563. <member name="P:UnityEditor.MovieImporter.quality">
  15564. <summary>
  15565. <para>Quality setting to use when importing the movie. This is a float value from 0 to 1.</para>
  15566. </summary>
  15567. </member>
  15568. <member name="T:UnityEditor.NavMeshBuilder">
  15569. <summary>
  15570. <para>Navigation mesh builder interface.</para>
  15571. </summary>
  15572. </member>
  15573. <member name="P:UnityEditor.NavMeshBuilder.isRunning">
  15574. <summary>
  15575. <para>Returns true if an asynchronous build is still running.</para>
  15576. </summary>
  15577. </member>
  15578. <member name="M:UnityEditor.NavMeshBuilder.BuildNavMesh">
  15579. <summary>
  15580. <para>Build the Navmesh.</para>
  15581. </summary>
  15582. </member>
  15583. <member name="M:UnityEditor.NavMeshBuilder.BuildNavMeshAsync">
  15584. <summary>
  15585. <para>Build the Navmesh Asyncronously.</para>
  15586. </summary>
  15587. </member>
  15588. <member name="M:UnityEditor.NavMeshBuilder.BuildNavMeshForMultipleScenes(System.String[])">
  15589. <summary>
  15590. <para>Builds the combined navmesh for the contents of multiple scenes.</para>
  15591. </summary>
  15592. <param name="paths">Array of paths to scenes that are used for building the navmesh.</param>
  15593. </member>
  15594. <member name="M:UnityEditor.NavMeshBuilder.Cancel">
  15595. <summary>
  15596. <para>Cancel Navmesh construction.</para>
  15597. </summary>
  15598. </member>
  15599. <member name="M:UnityEditor.NavMeshBuilder.ClearAllNavMeshes">
  15600. <summary>
  15601. <para>Clear all Navmeshes.</para>
  15602. </summary>
  15603. </member>
  15604. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ObjectNames">
  15605. <summary>
  15606. <para>Helper class for constructing displayable names for objects.</para>
  15607. </summary>
  15608. </member>
  15609. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ObjectNames.GetClassName(UnityEngine.Object)">
  15610. <summary>
  15611. <para>Class name of an object.</para>
  15612. </summary>
  15613. <param name="obj"></param>
  15614. </member>
  15615. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ObjectNames.GetDragAndDropTitle(UnityEngine.Object)">
  15616. <summary>
  15617. <para>Drag and drop title for an object.</para>
  15618. </summary>
  15619. <param name="obj"></param>
  15620. </member>
  15621. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ObjectNames.GetInspectorTitle(UnityEngine.Object)">
  15622. <summary>
  15623. <para>Inspector title for an object.</para>
  15624. </summary>
  15625. <param name="obj"></param>
  15626. </member>
  15627. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName(System.String)">
  15628. <summary>
  15629. <para>Make a displayable name for a variable.</para>
  15630. </summary>
  15631. <param name="name"></param>
  15632. </member>
  15633. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ObjectNames.SetNameSmart(UnityEngine.Object,System.String)">
  15634. <summary>
  15635. <para>Sets the name of an Object.</para>
  15636. </summary>
  15637. <param name="obj"></param>
  15638. <param name="name"></param>
  15639. </member>
  15640. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ObjectPreview">
  15641. <summary>
  15642. <para>Base Class to derive from when creating Custom Previews.</para>
  15643. </summary>
  15644. </member>
  15645. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ObjectPreview.target">
  15646. <summary>
  15647. <para>The object currently being previewed.</para>
  15648. </summary>
  15649. </member>
  15650. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ObjectPreview.DrawPreview(UnityEngine.Rect)">
  15651. <summary>
  15652. <para>This is the first entry point for Preview Drawing.</para>
  15653. </summary>
  15654. <param name="previewArea">The available area to draw the preview.</param>
  15655. </member>
  15656. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ObjectPreview.GetInfoString">
  15657. <summary>
  15658. <para>Implement this method to show object information on top of the object preview.</para>
  15659. </summary>
  15660. </member>
  15661. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ObjectPreview.GetPreviewTitle">
  15662. <summary>
  15663. <para>Override this method if you want to change the label of the Preview area.</para>
  15664. </summary>
  15665. </member>
  15666. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ObjectPreview.HasPreviewGUI">
  15667. <summary>
  15668. <para>Can this component be Previewed in its current state?</para>
  15669. </summary>
  15670. <returns>
  15671. <para>True if this component can be Previewed in its current state.</para>
  15672. </returns>
  15673. </member>
  15674. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ObjectPreview.Initialize(UnityEngine.Object[])">
  15675. <summary>
  15676. <para>Called when the Preview gets created with the objects being previewed.</para>
  15677. </summary>
  15678. <param name="targets">The objects being previewed.</param>
  15679. </member>
  15680. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ObjectPreview.MoveNextTarget">
  15681. <summary>
  15682. <para>Called to iterate through the targets, this will be used when previewing more than one target.</para>
  15683. </summary>
  15684. <returns>
  15685. <para>True if there is another target available.</para>
  15686. </returns>
  15687. </member>
  15688. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ObjectPreview.OnInteractivePreviewGUI(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  15689. <summary>
  15690. <para>Implement to create your own interactive custom preview. Interactive custom previews are used in the preview area of the inspector and the object selector.</para>
  15691. </summary>
  15692. <param name="r">Rectangle in which to draw the preview.</param>
  15693. <param name="background">Background image.</param>
  15694. </member>
  15695. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ObjectPreview.OnPreviewGUI(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  15696. <summary>
  15697. <para>Implement to create your own custom preview for the preview area of the inspector, primary editor headers and the object selector.</para>
  15698. </summary>
  15699. <param name="r">Rectangle in which to draw the preview.</param>
  15700. <param name="background">Background image.</param>
  15701. </member>
  15702. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ObjectPreview.OnPreviewSettings">
  15703. <summary>
  15704. <para>Override this method if you want to show custom controls in the preview header.</para>
  15705. </summary>
  15706. </member>
  15707. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ObjectPreview.ResetTarget">
  15708. <summary>
  15709. <para>Called to Reset the target before iterating through them.</para>
  15710. </summary>
  15711. </member>
  15712. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PivotMode">
  15713. <summary>
  15714. <para>Where is the tool handle placed.</para>
  15715. </summary>
  15716. </member>
  15717. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PivotMode.Center">
  15718. <summary>
  15719. <para>The tool handle is at the graphical center of the selection.</para>
  15720. </summary>
  15721. </member>
  15722. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PivotMode.Pivot">
  15723. <summary>
  15724. <para>The tool handle is on the pivot point of the active object.</para>
  15725. </summary>
  15726. </member>
  15727. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PivotRotation">
  15728. <summary>
  15729. <para>How is the tool handle oriented.</para>
  15730. </summary>
  15731. </member>
  15732. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PivotRotation.Global">
  15733. <summary>
  15734. <para>The tool handle is aligned along the global axes.</para>
  15735. </summary>
  15736. </member>
  15737. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PivotRotation.Local">
  15738. <summary>
  15739. <para>The tool handle is oriented from the active object.</para>
  15740. </summary>
  15741. </member>
  15742. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings">
  15743. <summary>
  15744. <para>Player Settings is where you define various parameters for the final game that you will build in Unity. Some of these values are used in the Resolution Dialog that launches when you open a standalone game.</para>
  15745. </summary>
  15746. </member>
  15747. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.accelerometerFrequency">
  15748. <summary>
  15749. <para>Accelerometer update frequency.</para>
  15750. </summary>
  15751. </member>
  15752. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.actionOnDotNetUnhandledException">
  15753. <summary>
  15754. <para>Sets the crash behavior on .NET unhandled exception.</para>
  15755. </summary>
  15756. </member>
  15757. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.advancedLicense">
  15758. <summary>
  15759. <para>Is the advanced version being used?</para>
  15760. </summary>
  15761. </member>
  15762. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.allowedAutorotateToLandscapeLeft">
  15763. <summary>
  15764. <para>Is auto-rotation to landscape left supported?</para>
  15765. </summary>
  15766. </member>
  15767. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.allowedAutorotateToLandscapeRight">
  15768. <summary>
  15769. <para>Is auto-rotation to landscape right supported?</para>
  15770. </summary>
  15771. </member>
  15772. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.allowedAutorotateToPortrait">
  15773. <summary>
  15774. <para>Is auto-rotation to portrait supported?</para>
  15775. </summary>
  15776. </member>
  15777. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.allowedAutorotateToPortraitUpsideDown">
  15778. <summary>
  15779. <para>Is auto-rotation to portrait upside-down supported?</para>
  15780. </summary>
  15781. </member>
  15782. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.allowFullscreenSwitch">
  15783. <summary>
  15784. <para>If enabled, allows the user to switch between full screen and windowed mode using OS specific keyboard short cuts.</para>
  15785. </summary>
  15786. </member>
  15787. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.aotOptions">
  15788. <summary>
  15789. <para>Additional AOT compilation options. Shared by AOT platforms.</para>
  15790. </summary>
  15791. </member>
  15792. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.apiCompatibilityLevel">
  15793. <summary>
  15794. <para>.NET API compatibility level.</para>
  15795. </summary>
  15796. </member>
  15797. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.bakeCollisionMeshes">
  15798. <summary>
  15799. <para>Pre bake collision meshes on player build.</para>
  15800. </summary>
  15801. </member>
  15802. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.bundleIdentifier">
  15803. <summary>
  15804. <para>Application bundle identifier shared between iOS &amp; Android platforms.</para>
  15805. </summary>
  15806. </member>
  15807. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.bundleVersion">
  15808. <summary>
  15809. <para>Application bundle version shared between iOS &amp; Android platforms.</para>
  15810. </summary>
  15811. </member>
  15812. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.captureSingleScreen">
  15813. <summary>
  15814. <para>Defines if fullscreen games should darken secondary displays.</para>
  15815. </summary>
  15816. </member>
  15817. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.cloudProjectId">
  15818. <summary>
  15819. <para>A unique cloud project identifier. It is unique for every project (Read Only).</para>
  15820. </summary>
  15821. </member>
  15822. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.colorSpace">
  15823. <summary>
  15824. <para>Set the rendering color space for the current project.</para>
  15825. </summary>
  15826. </member>
  15827. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.companyName">
  15828. <summary>
  15829. <para>The name of your company.</para>
  15830. </summary>
  15831. </member>
  15832. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.d3d11FullscreenMode">
  15833. <summary>
  15834. <para>Define how to handle fullscreen mode in Windows standalones (Direct3D 11 mode).</para>
  15835. </summary>
  15836. </member>
  15837. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.d3d9FullscreenMode">
  15838. <summary>
  15839. <para>Define how to handle fullscreen mode in Windows standalones (Direct3D 9 mode).</para>
  15840. </summary>
  15841. </member>
  15842. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.defaultInterfaceOrientation">
  15843. <summary>
  15844. <para>Default screen orientation for mobiles.</para>
  15845. </summary>
  15846. </member>
  15847. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.defaultIsFullScreen">
  15848. <summary>
  15849. <para>If enabled, the game will default to fullscreen mode.</para>
  15850. </summary>
  15851. </member>
  15852. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.defaultScreenHeight">
  15853. <summary>
  15854. <para>Default vertical dimension of stand-alone player window.</para>
  15855. </summary>
  15856. </member>
  15857. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.defaultScreenWidth">
  15858. <summary>
  15859. <para>Default horizontal dimension of stand-alone player window.</para>
  15860. </summary>
  15861. </member>
  15862. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.defaultWebScreenHeight">
  15863. <summary>
  15864. <para>Default vertical dimension of web player window.</para>
  15865. </summary>
  15866. </member>
  15867. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.defaultWebScreenWidth">
  15868. <summary>
  15869. <para>Default horizontal dimension of web player window.</para>
  15870. </summary>
  15871. </member>
  15872. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.displayResolutionDialog">
  15873. <summary>
  15874. <para>Defines the behaviour of the Resolution Dialog on product launch.</para>
  15875. </summary>
  15876. </member>
  15877. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.enableCrashReportAPI">
  15878. <summary>
  15879. <para>Enables CrashReport API.</para>
  15880. </summary>
  15881. </member>
  15882. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.enableInternalProfiler">
  15883. <summary>
  15884. <para>Enables internal profiler.</para>
  15885. </summary>
  15886. </member>
  15887. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.firstStreamedLevelWithResources">
  15888. <summary>
  15889. <para>First level to have access to all Resources.Load assets in Streamed Web Players.</para>
  15890. </summary>
  15891. </member>
  15892. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.forceSingleInstance">
  15893. <summary>
  15894. <para>Restrict standalone players to a single concurrent running instance.</para>
  15895. </summary>
  15896. </member>
  15897. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.gpuSkinning">
  15898. <summary>
  15899. <para>Enable GPU skinning on capable platforms.</para>
  15900. </summary>
  15901. </member>
  15902. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.iPhoneBundleIdentifier">
  15903. <summary>
  15904. <para>The bundle identifier of the iPhone application.</para>
  15905. </summary>
  15906. </member>
  15907. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.keyaliasPass">
  15908. <summary>
  15909. <para>Password for the key used for signing an Android application.</para>
  15910. </summary>
  15911. </member>
  15912. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.keystorePass">
  15913. <summary>
  15914. <para>Password used for interacting with the Android Keystore.</para>
  15915. </summary>
  15916. </member>
  15917. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.locationUsageDescription">
  15918. <summary>
  15919. <para>Describes the reason for access to the user's location data.</para>
  15920. </summary>
  15921. </member>
  15922. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.logObjCUncaughtExceptions">
  15923. <summary>
  15924. <para>Are ObjC uncaught exceptions logged?</para>
  15925. </summary>
  15926. </member>
  15927. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.macFullscreenMode">
  15928. <summary>
  15929. <para>Define how to handle fullscreen mode in Mac OS X standalones.</para>
  15930. </summary>
  15931. </member>
  15932. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.productName">
  15933. <summary>
  15934. <para>The name of your product.</para>
  15935. </summary>
  15936. </member>
  15937. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.renderingPath">
  15938. <summary>
  15939. <para>Which rendering path is enabled?</para>
  15940. </summary>
  15941. </member>
  15942. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.resizableWindow">
  15943. <summary>
  15944. <para>Use resizable window in standalone player builds.</para>
  15945. </summary>
  15946. </member>
  15947. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.resolutionDialogBanner">
  15948. <summary>
  15949. <para>The image to display in the Resolution Dialog window.</para>
  15950. </summary>
  15951. </member>
  15952. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.runInBackground">
  15953. <summary>
  15954. <para>If enabled, your game will continue to run after lost focus.</para>
  15955. </summary>
  15956. </member>
  15957. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.showUnitySplashScreen">
  15958. <summary>
  15959. <para>Should the builtin Unity splash screen be shown?</para>
  15960. </summary>
  15961. </member>
  15962. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.statusBarHidden">
  15963. <summary>
  15964. <para>Should status bar be hidden. Shared between iOS &amp; Android platforms.</para>
  15965. </summary>
  15966. </member>
  15967. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.stereoscopic3D">
  15968. <summary>
  15969. <para>Should player render in stereoscopic 3d on supported hardware?</para>
  15970. </summary>
  15971. </member>
  15972. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.stripEngineCode">
  15973. <summary>
  15974. <para>Remove unused Engine code from your build (IL2CPP-only).</para>
  15975. </summary>
  15976. </member>
  15977. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.strippingLevel">
  15978. <summary>
  15979. <para>Managed code stripping level.</para>
  15980. </summary>
  15981. </member>
  15982. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.stripUnusedMeshComponents">
  15983. <summary>
  15984. <para>Should unused Mesh components be excluded from game build?</para>
  15985. </summary>
  15986. </member>
  15987. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.use32BitDisplayBuffer">
  15988. <summary>
  15989. <para>32-bit Display Buffer is used.</para>
  15990. </summary>
  15991. </member>
  15992. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.useAnimatedAutorotation">
  15993. <summary>
  15994. <para>Let the OS autorotate the screen as the device orientation changes.</para>
  15995. </summary>
  15996. </member>
  15997. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.useDirect3D11">
  15998. <summary>
  15999. <para>Should Direct3D 11 be used when available?</para>
  16000. </summary>
  16001. </member>
  16002. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.useMacAppStoreValidation">
  16003. <summary>
  16004. <para>Enable receipt validation for the Mac App Store.</para>
  16005. </summary>
  16006. </member>
  16007. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.usePlayerLog">
  16008. <summary>
  16009. <para>Write a log file with debugging information.</para>
  16010. </summary>
  16011. </member>
  16012. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.virtualRealitySplashScreen">
  16013. <summary>
  16014. <para>Virtual Reality specific splash screen.</para>
  16015. </summary>
  16016. </member>
  16017. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.virtualRealitySupported">
  16018. <summary>
  16019. <para>Enable virtual reality support.</para>
  16020. </summary>
  16021. </member>
  16022. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.visibleInBackground">
  16023. <summary>
  16024. <para>On Windows, show the application in the background if Fullscreen Windowed mode is used.</para>
  16025. </summary>
  16026. </member>
  16027. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.xboxDeployKinectHeadOrientation">
  16028. <summary>
  16029. <para>Xbox 360 Kinect Head Orientation file deployment.</para>
  16030. </summary>
  16031. </member>
  16032. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.xboxDeployKinectHeadPosition">
  16033. <summary>
  16034. <para>Xbox 360 Kinect Head Position file deployment.</para>
  16035. </summary>
  16036. </member>
  16037. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.xboxDeployKinectResources">
  16038. <summary>
  16039. <para>Xbox 360 Kinect resource file deployment.</para>
  16040. </summary>
  16041. </member>
  16042. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.xboxEnableAvatar">
  16043. <summary>
  16044. <para>Xbox 360 Avatars.</para>
  16045. </summary>
  16046. </member>
  16047. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.xboxEnableKinect">
  16048. <summary>
  16049. <para>Xbox 360 Kinect title flag - if false, the Kinect APIs are inactive.</para>
  16050. </summary>
  16051. </member>
  16052. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.xboxEnableKinectAutoTracking">
  16053. <summary>
  16054. <para>Xbox 360 Kinect automatic skeleton tracking.</para>
  16055. </summary>
  16056. </member>
  16057. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.xboxEnableSpeech">
  16058. <summary>
  16059. <para>Xbox 360 Kinect Enable Speech Engine.</para>
  16060. </summary>
  16061. </member>
  16062. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.xboxGenerateSpa">
  16063. <summary>
  16064. <para>Xbox 360 auto-generation of _SPAConfig.cs.</para>
  16065. </summary>
  16066. </member>
  16067. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.xboxImageXexFilePath">
  16068. <summary>
  16069. <para>Xbox 360 ImageXex override configuration file path.</para>
  16070. </summary>
  16071. </member>
  16072. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.xboxSpaFilePath">
  16073. <summary>
  16074. <para>Xbox 360 SPA file path.</para>
  16075. </summary>
  16076. </member>
  16077. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.xboxSpeechDB">
  16078. <summary>
  16079. <para>Xbox 360 Kinect Speech DB.</para>
  16080. </summary>
  16081. </member>
  16082. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.xboxSplashScreen">
  16083. <summary>
  16084. <para>Xbox 360 splash screen.</para>
  16085. </summary>
  16086. </member>
  16087. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.xboxTitleId">
  16088. <summary>
  16089. <para>Xbox 360 title id.</para>
  16090. </summary>
  16091. </member>
  16092. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Android">
  16093. <summary>
  16094. <para>Android specific player settings.</para>
  16095. </summary>
  16096. </member>
  16097. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Android.androidIsGame">
  16098. <summary>
  16099. <para>Publish the build as a game rather than a regular application. This option affects devices running Android 5.0 Lollipop and later</para>
  16100. </summary>
  16101. </member>
  16102. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Android.androidTVCompatibility">
  16103. <summary>
  16104. <para>Provide a build that is Android TV compatible.</para>
  16105. </summary>
  16106. </member>
  16107. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Android.bundleVersionCode">
  16108. <summary>
  16109. <para>Android bundle version code.</para>
  16110. </summary>
  16111. </member>
  16112. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Android.disableDepthAndStencilBuffers">
  16113. <summary>
  16114. <para>Disable Depth and Stencil Buffers.</para>
  16115. </summary>
  16116. </member>
  16117. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Android.forceInternetPermission">
  16118. <summary>
  16119. <para>Force internet permission flag.</para>
  16120. </summary>
  16121. </member>
  16122. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Android.forceSDCardPermission">
  16123. <summary>
  16124. <para>Force SD card permission.</para>
  16125. </summary>
  16126. </member>
  16127. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Android.keyaliasName">
  16128. <summary>
  16129. <para>Android key alias name.</para>
  16130. </summary>
  16131. </member>
  16132. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Android.keyaliasPass">
  16133. <summary>
  16134. <para>Android key alias password.</para>
  16135. </summary>
  16136. </member>
  16137. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Android.keystoreName">
  16138. <summary>
  16139. <para>Android keystore name.</para>
  16140. </summary>
  16141. </member>
  16142. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Android.keystorePass">
  16143. <summary>
  16144. <para>Android keystore password.</para>
  16145. </summary>
  16146. </member>
  16147. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Android.licenseVerification">
  16148. <summary>
  16149. <para>License verification flag.</para>
  16150. </summary>
  16151. </member>
  16152. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Android.minSdkVersion">
  16153. <summary>
  16154. <para>Minimal Android SDK version.</para>
  16155. </summary>
  16156. </member>
  16157. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Android.preferredInstallLocation">
  16158. <summary>
  16159. <para>Preferred application install location.</para>
  16160. </summary>
  16161. </member>
  16162. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Android.showActivityIndicatorOnLoading">
  16163. <summary>
  16164. <para>Application should show ActivityIndicator when loading.</para>
  16165. </summary>
  16166. </member>
  16167. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Android.splashScreenScale">
  16168. <summary>
  16169. <para>Android splash screen scale mode.</para>
  16170. </summary>
  16171. </member>
  16172. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Android.targetDevice">
  16173. <summary>
  16174. <para>Android target device.</para>
  16175. </summary>
  16176. </member>
  16177. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Android.use24BitDepthBuffer">
  16178. <summary>
  16179. <para>24-bit Depth Buffer is used.</para>
  16180. </summary>
  16181. </member>
  16182. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Android.useAPKExpansionFiles">
  16183. <summary>
  16184. <para>Use APK Expansion Files.</para>
  16185. </summary>
  16186. </member>
  16187. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.GetGraphicsAPIs(UnityEditor.BuildTarget)">
  16188. <summary>
  16189. <para>Get graphics APIs to be used on a build platform.</para>
  16190. </summary>
  16191. <param name="platform">Platform to get APIs for.</param>
  16192. <returns>
  16193. <para>Array of graphics APIs.</para>
  16194. </returns>
  16195. </member>
  16196. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.GetIconsForTargetGroup(UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup)">
  16197. <summary>
  16198. <para>Returns the list of assigned icons for the specified platform.</para>
  16199. </summary>
  16200. <param name="platform"></param>
  16201. </member>
  16202. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.GetIconSizesForTargetGroup(UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup)">
  16203. <summary>
  16204. <para>Returns a list of icon sizes for the specified platform.</para>
  16205. </summary>
  16206. <param name="platform"></param>
  16207. </member>
  16208. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.GetPropertyBool(System.String,UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup)">
  16209. <summary>
  16210. <para>Returns a PlayerSettings named bool property (with an optional build target it should apply to).</para>
  16211. </summary>
  16212. <param name="name">Name of the property.</param>
  16213. <param name="target">BuildTarget for which the property should apply (use default value BuildTargetGroup.Unknown to apply to all targets).</param>
  16214. <returns>
  16215. <para>The current value of the property.</para>
  16216. </returns>
  16217. </member>
  16218. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.GetPropertyInt(System.String,UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup)">
  16219. <summary>
  16220. <para>Returns a PlayerSettings named int property (with an optional build target it should apply to).</para>
  16221. </summary>
  16222. <param name="name">Name of the property.</param>
  16223. <param name="target">BuildTarget for which the property should apply (use default value BuildTargetGroup.Unknown to apply to all targets).</param>
  16224. <returns>
  16225. <para>The current value of the property.</para>
  16226. </returns>
  16227. </member>
  16228. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.GetPropertyOptionalBool(System.String,System.Boolean&amp;,UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup)">
  16229. <summary>
  16230. <para>Searches for property and assigns it's value to given variable.</para>
  16231. </summary>
  16232. <param name="name">Name of the property.</param>
  16233. <param name="value">Variable, to which to store the value of the property, if set.</param>
  16234. <param name="target">An optional build target group, to which the property applies.</param>
  16235. <returns>
  16236. <para>True if property was set and it's value assigned to given variable.</para>
  16237. </returns>
  16238. </member>
  16239. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.GetPropertyOptionalInt(System.String,System.Int32&amp;,UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup)">
  16240. <summary>
  16241. <para>Searches for property and assigns it's value to given variable.</para>
  16242. </summary>
  16243. <param name="name">Name of the property.</param>
  16244. <param name="value">Variable, to which to store the value of the property, if set.</param>
  16245. <param name="target">An optional build target group, to which the property applies.</param>
  16246. <returns>
  16247. <para>True if property was set and it's value assigned to given variable.</para>
  16248. </returns>
  16249. </member>
  16250. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.GetPropertyOptionalString(System.String,System.String&amp;,UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup)">
  16251. <summary>
  16252. <para>Searches for property and assigns it's value to given variable.</para>
  16253. </summary>
  16254. <param name="name">Name of the property.</param>
  16255. <param name="value">Variable, to which to store the value of the property, if set.</param>
  16256. <param name="target">An optional build target group, to which the property applies.</param>
  16257. <returns>
  16258. <para>True if property was set and it's value assigned to given variable.</para>
  16259. </returns>
  16260. </member>
  16261. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.GetPropertyString(System.String,UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup)">
  16262. <summary>
  16263. <para>Returns a PlayerSettings named string property (with an optional build target it should apply to).</para>
  16264. </summary>
  16265. <param name="name">Name of the property.</param>
  16266. <param name="target">BuildTarget for which the property should apply (use default value BuildTargetGroup.Unknown to apply to all targets).</param>
  16267. <returns>
  16268. <para>The current value of the property.</para>
  16269. </returns>
  16270. </member>
  16271. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.GetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup(UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup)">
  16272. <summary>
  16273. <para>Get user-specified symbols for script compilation for the given build target group.</para>
  16274. </summary>
  16275. <param name="targetGroup"></param>
  16276. </member>
  16277. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.GetUseDefaultGraphicsAPIs(UnityEditor.BuildTarget)">
  16278. <summary>
  16279. <para>Is a build platform using automatic graphics API choice?</para>
  16280. </summary>
  16281. <param name="platform">Platform to get the flag for.</param>
  16282. <returns>
  16283. <para>Should best available graphics API be used.</para>
  16284. </returns>
  16285. </member>
  16286. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.HasAspectRatio(UnityEditor.AspectRatio)">
  16287. <summary>
  16288. <para>Returns whether or not the specified aspect ratio is enabled.</para>
  16289. </summary>
  16290. <param name="aspectRatio"></param>
  16291. </member>
  16292. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.iOS">
  16293. <summary>
  16294. <para>iOS specific player settings.</para>
  16295. </summary>
  16296. </member>
  16297. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.iOS.allowHTTPDownload">
  16298. <summary>
  16299. <para>Should insecure HTTP downloads be allowed?</para>
  16300. </summary>
  16301. </member>
  16302. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.iOS.applicationDisplayName">
  16303. <summary>
  16304. <para>iOS application display name.</para>
  16305. </summary>
  16306. </member>
  16307. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.iOS.buildNumber">
  16308. <summary>
  16309. <para>The build number of the bundle.</para>
  16310. </summary>
  16311. </member>
  16312. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.iOS.exitOnSuspend">
  16313. <summary>
  16314. <para>Application should exit when suspended to background.</para>
  16315. </summary>
  16316. </member>
  16317. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.iOS.overrideIPodMusic">
  16318. <summary>
  16319. <para>Determines iPod playing behavior.</para>
  16320. </summary>
  16321. </member>
  16322. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.iOS.prerenderedIcon">
  16323. <summary>
  16324. <para>Icon is prerendered.</para>
  16325. </summary>
  16326. </member>
  16327. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.iOS.requiresFullScreen">
  16328. <summary>
  16329. <para>RequiresFullScreen maps to Apple's plist build setting UIRequiresFullScreen, which is used to opt out of being eligible to participate in Slide Over and Split View for iOS 9.0 multitasking.</para>
  16330. </summary>
  16331. </member>
  16332. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.iOS.requiresPersistentWiFi">
  16333. <summary>
  16334. <para>Application requires persistent WiFi.</para>
  16335. </summary>
  16336. </member>
  16337. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.iOS.scriptCallOptimization">
  16338. <summary>
  16339. <para>Script calling optimization.</para>
  16340. </summary>
  16341. </member>
  16342. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.iOS.sdkVersion">
  16343. <summary>
  16344. <para>Active iOS SDK version used for build.</para>
  16345. </summary>
  16346. </member>
  16347. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.iOS.showActivityIndicatorOnLoading">
  16348. <summary>
  16349. <para>Application should show ActivityIndicator when loading.</para>
  16350. </summary>
  16351. </member>
  16352. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.iOS.statusBarStyle">
  16353. <summary>
  16354. <para>Status bar style.</para>
  16355. </summary>
  16356. </member>
  16357. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.iOS.targetDevice">
  16358. <summary>
  16359. <para>Targeted device.</para>
  16360. </summary>
  16361. </member>
  16362. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.iOS.targetOSVersion">
  16363. <summary>
  16364. <para>Deployment minimal version of iOS.</para>
  16365. </summary>
  16366. </member>
  16367. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.iOS.useOnDemandResources">
  16368. <summary>
  16369. <para>Indicates whether application will use On Demand Resources (ODR) API.</para>
  16370. </summary>
  16371. </member>
  16372. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.MTRendering">
  16373. <summary>
  16374. <para>Is multi-threaded rendering enabled?</para>
  16375. </summary>
  16376. </member>
  16377. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS">
  16378. <summary>
  16379. <para>Nintendo 3DS player settings.</para>
  16380. </summary>
  16381. </member>
  16382. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.applicationId">
  16383. <summary>
  16384. <para>The unique ID of the application, issued by Nintendo. (0x00300 -&gt; 0xf7fff)</para>
  16385. </summary>
  16386. </member>
  16387. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.compressStaticMem">
  16388. <summary>
  16389. <para>Specify true to enable static memory compression or false to disable it.</para>
  16390. </summary>
  16391. </member>
  16392. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.disableDepthAndStencilBuffers">
  16393. <summary>
  16394. <para>Disable depth/stencil buffers, to free up memory.</para>
  16395. </summary>
  16396. </member>
  16397. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.disableStereoscopicView">
  16398. <summary>
  16399. <para>Disable sterescopic (3D) view on the upper screen.</para>
  16400. </summary>
  16401. </member>
  16402. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.enableSharedListOpt">
  16403. <summary>
  16404. <para>Enable shared L/R command list, for increased performance with stereoscopic rendering.</para>
  16405. </summary>
  16406. </member>
  16407. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.enableVSync">
  16408. <summary>
  16409. <para>Enable vsync.</para>
  16410. </summary>
  16411. </member>
  16412. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.extSaveDataNumber">
  16413. <summary>
  16414. <para>Specify the expanded save data number using 20 bits.</para>
  16415. </summary>
  16416. </member>
  16417. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.logoStyle">
  16418. <summary>
  16419. <para>Application Logo Style.</para>
  16420. </summary>
  16421. </member>
  16422. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.mediaSize">
  16423. <summary>
  16424. <para>Distribution media size.</para>
  16425. </summary>
  16426. </member>
  16427. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.productCode">
  16428. <summary>
  16429. <para>Specifies the product code, or the add-on content code.</para>
  16430. </summary>
  16431. </member>
  16432. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.region">
  16433. <summary>
  16434. <para>Specifies the title region settings.</para>
  16435. </summary>
  16436. </member>
  16437. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.stackSize">
  16438. <summary>
  16439. <para>Specify the stack size of the main thread, in bytes.</para>
  16440. </summary>
  16441. </member>
  16442. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.targetPlatform">
  16443. <summary>
  16444. <para>The 3DS target platform.</para>
  16445. </summary>
  16446. </member>
  16447. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.title">
  16448. <summary>
  16449. <para>The title of the application.</para>
  16450. </summary>
  16451. </member>
  16452. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.useExtSaveData">
  16453. <summary>
  16454. <para>Specify true when using expanded save data.</para>
  16455. </summary>
  16456. </member>
  16457. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.LogoStyle">
  16458. <summary>
  16459. <para>Nintendo 3DS logo style specification.</para>
  16460. </summary>
  16461. </member>
  16462. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.LogoStyle.iQue">
  16463. <summary>
  16464. <para>For Chinese region titles.</para>
  16465. </summary>
  16466. </member>
  16467. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.LogoStyle.Distributed">
  16468. <summary>
  16469. <para>For titles for which Nintendo purchased the publishing license from the software manufacturer, etc.</para>
  16470. </summary>
  16471. </member>
  16472. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.LogoStyle.Licensed">
  16473. <summary>
  16474. <para>For all other titles.</para>
  16475. </summary>
  16476. </member>
  16477. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.LogoStyle.Nintendo">
  16478. <summary>
  16479. <para>For Nintendo first-party titles.</para>
  16480. </summary>
  16481. </member>
  16482. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.MediaSize">
  16483. <summary>
  16484. <para>Nintendo 3DS distribution media size.</para>
  16485. </summary>
  16486. </member>
  16487. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.MediaSize.128MB">
  16488. <summary>
  16489. <para>128MB</para>
  16490. </summary>
  16491. </member>
  16492. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.MediaSize.1GB">
  16493. <summary>
  16494. <para>1GB</para>
  16495. </summary>
  16496. </member>
  16497. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.MediaSize.256MB">
  16498. <summary>
  16499. <para>256MB</para>
  16500. </summary>
  16501. </member>
  16502. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.MediaSize.2GB">
  16503. <summary>
  16504. <para>2GB</para>
  16505. </summary>
  16506. </member>
  16507. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.MediaSize.512MB">
  16508. <summary>
  16509. <para>512MB</para>
  16510. </summary>
  16511. </member>
  16512. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.Region">
  16513. <summary>
  16514. <para>Nintendo 3DS Title region.</para>
  16515. </summary>
  16516. </member>
  16517. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.Region.All">
  16518. <summary>
  16519. <para>For all regions.</para>
  16520. </summary>
  16521. </member>
  16522. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.Region.America">
  16523. <summary>
  16524. <para>For the American region.</para>
  16525. </summary>
  16526. </member>
  16527. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.Region.China">
  16528. <summary>
  16529. <para>For the Chinese region.</para>
  16530. </summary>
  16531. </member>
  16532. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.Region.Europe">
  16533. <summary>
  16534. <para>For the European region.</para>
  16535. </summary>
  16536. </member>
  16537. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.Region.Japan">
  16538. <summary>
  16539. <para>For the Japanese region.</para>
  16540. </summary>
  16541. </member>
  16542. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.Region.Korea">
  16543. <summary>
  16544. <para>For the Korean region.</para>
  16545. </summary>
  16546. </member>
  16547. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.Region.Taiwan">
  16548. <summary>
  16549. <para>For the Taiwanese region.</para>
  16550. </summary>
  16551. </member>
  16552. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.TargetPlatform">
  16553. <summary>
  16554. <para>Nintendo 3DS target platform.</para>
  16555. </summary>
  16556. </member>
  16557. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.TargetPlatform.NewNintendo3DS">
  16558. <summary>
  16559. <para>Target the New Nintendo 3DS platform.</para>
  16560. </summary>
  16561. </member>
  16562. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Nintendo3DS.TargetPlatform.Nintendo3DS">
  16563. <summary>
  16564. <para>Target the Nintendo 3DS platform.</para>
  16565. </summary>
  16566. </member>
  16567. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS3">
  16568. <summary>
  16569. <para>PS3 specific player settings.</para>
  16570. </summary>
  16571. </member>
  16572. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS3.backgroundPath">
  16573. <summary>
  16574. <para>backgroundPath</para>
  16575. </summary>
  16576. </member>
  16577. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS3.bootCheckMaxSaveGameSizeKB">
  16578. <summary>
  16579. <para>bootCheckMaxSaveGameSizeKB</para>
  16580. </summary>
  16581. </member>
  16582. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS3.dlcConfigPath">
  16583. <summary>
  16584. <para>dlcConfigPath</para>
  16585. </summary>
  16586. </member>
  16587. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS3.npAgeRating">
  16588. <summary>
  16589. <para>npAgeRating</para>
  16590. </summary>
  16591. </member>
  16592. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS3.npCommunicationPassphrase">
  16593. <summary>
  16594. <para>npCommunicationPassphrase</para>
  16595. </summary>
  16596. </member>
  16597. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS3.npTrophyCommId">
  16598. <summary>
  16599. <para>npTrophyCommId</para>
  16600. </summary>
  16601. </member>
  16602. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS3.npTrophyCommSig">
  16603. <summary>
  16604. <para>npTrophyCommSig</para>
  16605. </summary>
  16606. </member>
  16607. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS3.npTrophyPackagePath">
  16608. <summary>
  16609. <para>npTrophyPackagePath</para>
  16610. </summary>
  16611. </member>
  16612. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS3.ps3SplashScreen">
  16613. <summary>
  16614. <para>Texture to use for PS3 Splash Screen on boot.</para>
  16615. </summary>
  16616. </member>
  16617. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS3.saveGameSlots">
  16618. <summary>
  16619. <para>saveGameSlots</para>
  16620. </summary>
  16621. </member>
  16622. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS3.soundPath">
  16623. <summary>
  16624. <para>soundPath</para>
  16625. </summary>
  16626. </member>
  16627. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS3.thumbnailPath">
  16628. <summary>
  16629. <para>thumbnailPath</para>
  16630. </summary>
  16631. </member>
  16632. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS3.titleConfigPath">
  16633. <summary>
  16634. <para>titleConfigPath</para>
  16635. </summary>
  16636. </member>
  16637. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS3.trialMode">
  16638. <summary>
  16639. <para>TrialMode.</para>
  16640. </summary>
  16641. </member>
  16642. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS3.videoMemoryForAudio">
  16643. <summary>
  16644. <para>Amount of video memory (in MB) to use as audio storage.</para>
  16645. </summary>
  16646. </member>
  16647. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS3.videoMemoryForVertexBuffers">
  16648. <summary>
  16649. <para>The amount of video memory (in MB) that is set aside for vertex data allocations. Allocations which do not fit into the area are allocated from system memory.</para>
  16650. </summary>
  16651. </member>
  16652. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS3.DisableDolbyEncoding">
  16653. <summary>
  16654. <para>DisableDolbyEncoding</para>
  16655. </summary>
  16656. </member>
  16657. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS3.EnableMoveSupport">
  16658. <summary>
  16659. <para>EnableMoveSupport</para>
  16660. </summary>
  16661. </member>
  16662. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS3.EnableVerboseMemoryStats">
  16663. <summary>
  16664. <para>Toggle for verbose memory statistics.</para>
  16665. </summary>
  16666. </member>
  16667. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS3.UseSPUForUmbra">
  16668. <summary>
  16669. <para>UseSPUForUmbra</para>
  16670. </summary>
  16671. </member>
  16672. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS4.PS4AppCategory">
  16673. <summary>
  16674. <para>PS4 application category.</para>
  16675. </summary>
  16676. </member>
  16677. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS4.PS4AppCategory.Application">
  16678. <summary>
  16679. <para>Application.</para>
  16680. </summary>
  16681. </member>
  16682. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS4.PS4EnterButtonAssignment">
  16683. <summary>
  16684. <para>PS4 enter button assignment.</para>
  16685. </summary>
  16686. </member>
  16687. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS4.PS4EnterButtonAssignment.CircleButton">
  16688. <summary>
  16689. <para>Circle button.</para>
  16690. </summary>
  16691. </member>
  16692. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS4.PS4EnterButtonAssignment.CrossButton">
  16693. <summary>
  16694. <para>Cross button.</para>
  16695. </summary>
  16696. </member>
  16697. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS4.PS4RemotePlayKeyAssignment">
  16698. <summary>
  16699. <para>Remote Play key assignment.</para>
  16700. </summary>
  16701. </member>
  16702. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS4.PS4RemotePlayKeyAssignment.None">
  16703. <summary>
  16704. <para>No Remote play key assignment.</para>
  16705. </summary>
  16706. </member>
  16707. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS4.PS4RemotePlayKeyAssignment.PatternA">
  16708. <summary>
  16709. <para>Remote Play key layout configuration A.</para>
  16710. </summary>
  16711. </member>
  16712. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS4.PS4RemotePlayKeyAssignment.PatternB">
  16713. <summary>
  16714. <para>Remote Play key layout configuration B.</para>
  16715. </summary>
  16716. </member>
  16717. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS4.PS4RemotePlayKeyAssignment.PatternC">
  16718. <summary>
  16719. <para>Remote Play key layout configuration C.</para>
  16720. </summary>
  16721. </member>
  16722. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS4.PS4RemotePlayKeyAssignment.PatternD">
  16723. <summary>
  16724. <para>Remote Play key layout configuration D.</para>
  16725. </summary>
  16726. </member>
  16727. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS4.PS4RemotePlayKeyAssignment.PatternE">
  16728. <summary>
  16729. <para>Remote Play key layout configuration E.</para>
  16730. </summary>
  16731. </member>
  16732. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS4.PS4RemotePlayKeyAssignment.PatternF">
  16733. <summary>
  16734. <para>Remote Play key layout configuration F.</para>
  16735. </summary>
  16736. </member>
  16737. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS4.PS4RemotePlayKeyAssignment.PatternG">
  16738. <summary>
  16739. <para>Remote Play key layout configuration G.</para>
  16740. </summary>
  16741. </member>
  16742. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PS4.PS4RemotePlayKeyAssignment.PatternH">
  16743. <summary>
  16744. <para>Remote Play key layout configuration H.</para>
  16745. </summary>
  16746. </member>
  16747. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita">
  16748. <summary>
  16749. <para>PS Vita specific player settings.</para>
  16750. </summary>
  16751. </member>
  16752. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.acquireBGM">
  16753. <summary>
  16754. <para>Aquire PS Vita background music.</para>
  16755. </summary>
  16756. </member>
  16757. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.appVersion">
  16758. <summary>
  16759. <para>The PS Vita application version.</para>
  16760. </summary>
  16761. </member>
  16762. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.category">
  16763. <summary>
  16764. <para>The package build category.</para>
  16765. </summary>
  16766. </member>
  16767. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.contentID">
  16768. <summary>
  16769. <para>The applications content ID.</para>
  16770. </summary>
  16771. </member>
  16772. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.drmType">
  16773. <summary>
  16774. <para>PS Vita DRM Type.</para>
  16775. </summary>
  16776. </member>
  16777. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.enterButtonAssignment">
  16778. <summary>
  16779. <para>Specifies whether circle or cross will be used as the default enter button.</para>
  16780. </summary>
  16781. </member>
  16782. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.healthWarning">
  16783. <summary>
  16784. <para>Specifies whether or not a health warning will be added to the software manual.</para>
  16785. </summary>
  16786. </member>
  16787. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.infoBarColor">
  16788. <summary>
  16789. <para>Specifies the color of the PS Vita information bar, true = white, false = black.</para>
  16790. </summary>
  16791. </member>
  16792. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.infoBarOnStartup">
  16793. <summary>
  16794. <para>Specifies whether or not to show the PS Vita information bar when the application starts.</para>
  16795. </summary>
  16796. </member>
  16797. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.keystoneFile">
  16798. <summary>
  16799. <para>Keystone file.</para>
  16800. </summary>
  16801. </member>
  16802. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.liveAreaBackroundPath">
  16803. <summary>
  16804. <para>PS Vita Live area background image.</para>
  16805. </summary>
  16806. </member>
  16807. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.liveAreaGatePath">
  16808. <summary>
  16809. <para>PS Vita Live area gate image.</para>
  16810. </summary>
  16811. </member>
  16812. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.liveAreaPath">
  16813. <summary>
  16814. <para>PS Vita Live area path.</para>
  16815. </summary>
  16816. </member>
  16817. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.liveAreaTrialPath">
  16818. <summary>
  16819. <para>PS Vita Live area trial path.</para>
  16820. </summary>
  16821. </member>
  16822. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.manualPath">
  16823. <summary>
  16824. <para>PS Vita sofware manual.</para>
  16825. </summary>
  16826. </member>
  16827. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.masterVersion">
  16828. <summary>
  16829. <para>PS Vita content master version.</para>
  16830. </summary>
  16831. </member>
  16832. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.mediaCapacity">
  16833. <summary>
  16834. <para>Should always = 01.00.</para>
  16835. </summary>
  16836. </member>
  16837. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.memoryExpansionMode">
  16838. <summary>
  16839. <para>PS Vita memory expansion mode.</para>
  16840. </summary>
  16841. </member>
  16842. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.npAgeRating">
  16843. <summary>
  16844. <para>PSN Age rating.</para>
  16845. </summary>
  16846. </member>
  16847. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.npCommsPassphrase">
  16848. <summary>
  16849. <para>PS Vita NP Passphrase.</para>
  16850. </summary>
  16851. </member>
  16852. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.npCommsSig">
  16853. <summary>
  16854. <para>PS Vita NP Signature.</para>
  16855. </summary>
  16856. </member>
  16857. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.npCommunicationsID">
  16858. <summary>
  16859. <para>PS Vita NP Communications ID.</para>
  16860. </summary>
  16861. </member>
  16862. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.npSupportGBMorGJP">
  16863. <summary>
  16864. <para>Support Game Boot Message or Game Joining Presence.</para>
  16865. </summary>
  16866. </member>
  16867. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.npTitleDatPath">
  16868. <summary>
  16869. <para>PS Vita NP Title Data File.</para>
  16870. </summary>
  16871. </member>
  16872. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.npTrophyPackPath">
  16873. <summary>
  16874. <para>Path specifying wher to copy a trophy pack from.</para>
  16875. </summary>
  16876. </member>
  16877. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.packagePassword">
  16878. <summary>
  16879. <para>32 character password for use if you want to access the contents of a package.</para>
  16880. </summary>
  16881. </member>
  16882. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.paramSfxPath">
  16883. <summary>
  16884. <para>Path specifying where to copy the package parameter file (param.sfx) from.</para>
  16885. </summary>
  16886. </member>
  16887. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.parentalLevel">
  16888. <summary>
  16889. <para>PS Vita parental level.</para>
  16890. </summary>
  16891. </member>
  16892. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.patchChangeInfoPath">
  16893. <summary>
  16894. <para>For cumlative patch packages.</para>
  16895. </summary>
  16896. </member>
  16897. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.patchOriginalPackage">
  16898. <summary>
  16899. <para>For building cumulative patch packages.</para>
  16900. </summary>
  16901. </member>
  16902. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.powerMode">
  16903. <summary>
  16904. <para>PS Vita power mode.</para>
  16905. </summary>
  16906. </member>
  16907. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.saveDataQuota">
  16908. <summary>
  16909. <para>Save data quota.</para>
  16910. </summary>
  16911. </member>
  16912. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.shortTitle">
  16913. <summary>
  16914. <para>The applications short title.</para>
  16915. </summary>
  16916. </member>
  16917. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.storageType">
  16918. <summary>
  16919. <para>PS Vita media type.</para>
  16920. </summary>
  16921. </member>
  16922. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.tvBootMode">
  16923. <summary>
  16924. <para>PS Vita TV boot mode.</para>
  16925. </summary>
  16926. </member>
  16927. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.tvDisableEmu">
  16928. <summary>
  16929. <para>PS Vita TV Disable Emu flag.</para>
  16930. </summary>
  16931. </member>
  16932. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.upgradable">
  16933. <summary>
  16934. <para>Indicates that this is an upgradable (trial) type application which can be converted to a full application by purchasing an upgrade.</para>
  16935. </summary>
  16936. </member>
  16937. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.useLibLocation">
  16938. <summary>
  16939. <para>Support for the PS Vita location library was removed by SCE in SDK 3.570.</para>
  16940. </summary>
  16941. </member>
  16942. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.AllowTwitterDialog">
  16943. <summary>
  16944. <para>Support for the PS Vita twitter dialog was removed by SCE in SDK 3.570.</para>
  16945. </summary>
  16946. </member>
  16947. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaAppCategory">
  16948. <summary>
  16949. <para>Application package category enum.</para>
  16950. </summary>
  16951. </member>
  16952. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaAppCategory.Application">
  16953. <summary>
  16954. <para>An application package.</para>
  16955. </summary>
  16956. </member>
  16957. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaAppCategory.ApplicationPatch">
  16958. <summary>
  16959. <para>Application patch package.</para>
  16960. </summary>
  16961. </member>
  16962. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaDRMType">
  16963. <summary>
  16964. <para>DRM type enum.</para>
  16965. </summary>
  16966. </member>
  16967. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaDRMType.Free">
  16968. <summary>
  16969. <para>Free content.</para>
  16970. </summary>
  16971. </member>
  16972. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaDRMType.PaidFor">
  16973. <summary>
  16974. <para>Paid for content.</para>
  16975. </summary>
  16976. </member>
  16977. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaEnterButtonAssignment">
  16978. <summary>
  16979. <para>Enter button assignment enum.</para>
  16980. </summary>
  16981. </member>
  16982. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaEnterButtonAssignment.CircleButton">
  16983. <summary>
  16984. <para>Circle button.</para>
  16985. </summary>
  16986. </member>
  16987. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaEnterButtonAssignment.CrossButton">
  16988. <summary>
  16989. <para>Cross button.</para>
  16990. </summary>
  16991. </member>
  16992. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaEnterButtonAssignment.Default">
  16993. <summary>
  16994. <para>Default.</para>
  16995. </summary>
  16996. </member>
  16997. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaMemoryExpansionMode">
  16998. <summary>
  16999. <para>Memory expansion mode enum.</para>
  17000. </summary>
  17001. </member>
  17002. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaMemoryExpansionMode.ExpandBy109MB">
  17003. <summary>
  17004. <para>Enable 109MB memory expansion mode.</para>
  17005. </summary>
  17006. </member>
  17007. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaMemoryExpansionMode.ExpandBy29MB">
  17008. <summary>
  17009. <para>Enable 29MB memory expansion mode.</para>
  17010. </summary>
  17011. </member>
  17012. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaMemoryExpansionMode.ExpandBy77MB">
  17013. <summary>
  17014. <para>Enable 77MB memory expansion mode.</para>
  17015. </summary>
  17016. </member>
  17017. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaMemoryExpansionMode.None">
  17018. <summary>
  17019. <para>Memory expansion disabled.</para>
  17020. </summary>
  17021. </member>
  17022. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaPowerMode">
  17023. <summary>
  17024. <para>Power mode enum.</para>
  17025. </summary>
  17026. </member>
  17027. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaPowerMode.ModeA">
  17028. <summary>
  17029. <para>Mode A - default.</para>
  17030. </summary>
  17031. </member>
  17032. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaPowerMode.ModeB">
  17033. <summary>
  17034. <para>Mode B - GPU High - No WLAN or COM.</para>
  17035. </summary>
  17036. </member>
  17037. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaPowerMode.ModeC">
  17038. <summary>
  17039. <para>Mode C - GPU High - No Camera, OLED Low brightness.</para>
  17040. </summary>
  17041. </member>
  17042. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaTvBootMode">
  17043. <summary>
  17044. <para>PS Vita TV boot mode enum.</para>
  17045. </summary>
  17046. </member>
  17047. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaTvBootMode.Default">
  17048. <summary>
  17049. <para>Default (Managed by System Software) (SCEE or SCEA).</para>
  17050. </summary>
  17051. </member>
  17052. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaTvBootMode.PSVitaBootablePSVitaTvBootable">
  17053. <summary>
  17054. <para>PS Vita Bootable, PS Vita TV Bootable (SCEJ or SCE Asia).</para>
  17055. </summary>
  17056. </member>
  17057. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.PSVita.PSVitaTvBootMode.PSVitaBootablePSVitaTvNotBootable">
  17058. <summary>
  17059. <para>PS Vita Bootable, PS Vita TV Not Bootable (SCEJ or SCE Asia).</para>
  17060. </summary>
  17061. </member>
  17062. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SamsungTV">
  17063. <summary>
  17064. <para>Samsung Smart TV specific Player Settings.</para>
  17065. </summary>
  17066. </member>
  17067. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SamsungTV.deviceAddress">
  17068. <summary>
  17069. <para>The address used when accessing the device.</para>
  17070. </summary>
  17071. </member>
  17072. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SamsungTV.productAuthor">
  17073. <summary>
  17074. <para>Author of the created product.</para>
  17075. </summary>
  17076. </member>
  17077. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SamsungTV.productAuthorEmail">
  17078. <summary>
  17079. <para>Product author's e-mail.</para>
  17080. </summary>
  17081. </member>
  17082. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SamsungTV.productCategory">
  17083. <summary>
  17084. <para>The category of the created product.</para>
  17085. </summary>
  17086. </member>
  17087. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SamsungTV.productDescription">
  17088. <summary>
  17089. <para>The description of the created product.</para>
  17090. </summary>
  17091. </member>
  17092. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SamsungTV.productLink">
  17093. <summary>
  17094. <para>The author's website link.</para>
  17095. </summary>
  17096. </member>
  17097. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SamsungTV.SamsungTVProductCategories">
  17098. <summary>
  17099. <para>Types of available product categories.</para>
  17100. </summary>
  17101. </member>
  17102. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SamsungTV.SamsungTVProductCategories.Education">
  17103. <summary>
  17104. <para>The education category.</para>
  17105. </summary>
  17106. </member>
  17107. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SamsungTV.SamsungTVProductCategories.Games">
  17108. <summary>
  17109. <para>The games category (default).</para>
  17110. </summary>
  17111. </member>
  17112. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SamsungTV.SamsungTVProductCategories.Information">
  17113. <summary>
  17114. <para>The information category.</para>
  17115. </summary>
  17116. </member>
  17117. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SamsungTV.SamsungTVProductCategories.Kids">
  17118. <summary>
  17119. <para>The kids category.</para>
  17120. </summary>
  17121. </member>
  17122. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SamsungTV.SamsungTVProductCategories.Lifestyle">
  17123. <summary>
  17124. <para>The lifestyle category.</para>
  17125. </summary>
  17126. </member>
  17127. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SamsungTV.SamsungTVProductCategories.Sports">
  17128. <summary>
  17129. <para>The sports category.</para>
  17130. </summary>
  17131. </member>
  17132. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SamsungTV.SamsungTVProductCategories.Videos">
  17133. <summary>
  17134. <para>The videos category.</para>
  17135. </summary>
  17136. </member>
  17137. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SetAspectRatio(UnityEditor.AspectRatio,System.Boolean)">
  17138. <summary>
  17139. <para>Enables the specified aspect ratio.</para>
  17140. </summary>
  17141. <param name="aspectRatio"></param>
  17142. <param name="enable"></param>
  17143. </member>
  17144. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SetGraphicsAPIs(UnityEditor.BuildTarget,UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType[])">
  17145. <summary>
  17146. <para>Set graphics APIs to be used on a build platform.</para>
  17147. </summary>
  17148. <param name="platform">Platform to set APIs for.</param>
  17149. <param name="apis">Array of graphics APIs.</param>
  17150. </member>
  17151. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SetIconsForTargetGroup(UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup,UnityEngine.Texture2D[])">
  17152. <summary>
  17153. <para>Assign a list of icons for the specified platform.</para>
  17154. </summary>
  17155. <param name="platform"></param>
  17156. <param name="icons"></param>
  17157. </member>
  17158. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SetPropertyBool(System.String,System.Boolean,UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup)">
  17159. <summary>
  17160. <para>Sets a PlayerSettings named bool property.</para>
  17161. </summary>
  17162. <param name="name">Name of the property.</param>
  17163. <param name="value">Value of the property (bool).</param>
  17164. <param name="target">BuildTarget for which the property should apply (use default value BuildTargetGroup.Unknown to apply to all targets).</param>
  17165. </member>
  17166. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SetPropertyInt(System.String,System.Int32,UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup)">
  17167. <summary>
  17168. <para>Sets a PlayerSettings named int property.</para>
  17169. </summary>
  17170. <param name="name">Name of the property.</param>
  17171. <param name="value">Value of the property (int).</param>
  17172. <param name="target">BuildTarget for which the property should apply (use default value BuildTargetGroup.Unknown to apply to all targets).</param>
  17173. </member>
  17174. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SetPropertyString(System.String,System.String,UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup)">
  17175. <summary>
  17176. <para>Sets a PlayerSettings named string property.</para>
  17177. </summary>
  17178. <param name="name">Name of the property.</param>
  17179. <param name="value">Value of the property (string).</param>
  17180. <param name="target">BuildTarget for which the property should apply (use default value BuildTargetGroup.Unknown to apply to all targets).</param>
  17181. </member>
  17182. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup(UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup,System.String)">
  17183. <summary>
  17184. <para>Set user-specified symbols for script compilation for the given build target group.</para>
  17185. </summary>
  17186. <param name="targetGroup"></param>
  17187. <param name="defines"></param>
  17188. </member>
  17189. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.SetUseDefaultGraphicsAPIs(UnityEditor.BuildTarget,System.Boolean)">
  17190. <summary>
  17191. <para>Should a build platform use automatic graphics API choice.</para>
  17192. </summary>
  17193. <param name="platform">Platform to set the flag for.</param>
  17194. <param name="automatic">Should best available graphics API be used?</param>
  17195. </member>
  17196. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Tizen">
  17197. <summary>
  17198. <para>Tizen specific player settings.</para>
  17199. </summary>
  17200. </member>
  17201. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Tizen.productDescription">
  17202. <summary>
  17203. <para>Description of your project to be displayed in the Tizen Store.</para>
  17204. </summary>
  17205. </member>
  17206. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Tizen.productURL">
  17207. <summary>
  17208. <para>URL of your project to be displayed in the Tizen Store.</para>
  17209. </summary>
  17210. </member>
  17211. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.Tizen.signingProfileName">
  17212. <summary>
  17213. <para>Name of the security profile to code sign Tizen applications with.</para>
  17214. </summary>
  17215. </member>
  17216. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability">
  17217. <summary>
  17218. <para>Tizen application capabilities.</para>
  17219. </summary>
  17220. </member>
  17221. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.AccountRead">
  17222. <summary>
  17223. <para></para>
  17224. </summary>
  17225. </member>
  17226. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.AccountWrite">
  17227. <summary>
  17228. <para></para>
  17229. </summary>
  17230. </member>
  17231. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.AlarmGet">
  17232. <summary>
  17233. <para></para>
  17234. </summary>
  17235. </member>
  17236. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.AlarmSet">
  17237. <summary>
  17238. <para></para>
  17239. </summary>
  17240. </member>
  17241. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.AppManagerLaunch">
  17242. <summary>
  17243. <para></para>
  17244. </summary>
  17245. </member>
  17246. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.Bluetooth">
  17247. <summary>
  17248. <para></para>
  17249. </summary>
  17250. </member>
  17251. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.CalendarRead">
  17252. <summary>
  17253. <para></para>
  17254. </summary>
  17255. </member>
  17256. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.CalendarWrite">
  17257. <summary>
  17258. <para></para>
  17259. </summary>
  17260. </member>
  17261. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.Call">
  17262. <summary>
  17263. <para></para>
  17264. </summary>
  17265. </member>
  17266. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.CallHistoryRead">
  17267. <summary>
  17268. <para></para>
  17269. </summary>
  17270. </member>
  17271. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.CallHistoryWrite">
  17272. <summary>
  17273. <para></para>
  17274. </summary>
  17275. </member>
  17276. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.Camera">
  17277. <summary>
  17278. <para></para>
  17279. </summary>
  17280. </member>
  17281. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.ContactRead">
  17282. <summary>
  17283. <para></para>
  17284. </summary>
  17285. </member>
  17286. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.ContactWrite">
  17287. <summary>
  17288. <para></para>
  17289. </summary>
  17290. </member>
  17291. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.ContentWrite">
  17292. <summary>
  17293. <para></para>
  17294. </summary>
  17295. </member>
  17296. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.DataSharing">
  17297. <summary>
  17298. <para></para>
  17299. </summary>
  17300. </member>
  17301. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.Display">
  17302. <summary>
  17303. <para></para>
  17304. </summary>
  17305. </member>
  17306. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.Download">
  17307. <summary>
  17308. <para></para>
  17309. </summary>
  17310. </member>
  17311. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.Email">
  17312. <summary>
  17313. <para></para>
  17314. </summary>
  17315. </member>
  17316. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.ExternalStorage">
  17317. <summary>
  17318. <para></para>
  17319. </summary>
  17320. </member>
  17321. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.ExternalStorageAppData">
  17322. <summary>
  17323. <para></para>
  17324. </summary>
  17325. </member>
  17326. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.Haptic">
  17327. <summary>
  17328. <para></para>
  17329. </summary>
  17330. </member>
  17331. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.Internet">
  17332. <summary>
  17333. <para></para>
  17334. </summary>
  17335. </member>
  17336. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.KeyManager">
  17337. <summary>
  17338. <para></para>
  17339. </summary>
  17340. </member>
  17341. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.LED">
  17342. <summary>
  17343. <para></para>
  17344. </summary>
  17345. </member>
  17346. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.Location">
  17347. <summary>
  17348. <para></para>
  17349. </summary>
  17350. </member>
  17351. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.MediaStorage">
  17352. <summary>
  17353. <para></para>
  17354. </summary>
  17355. </member>
  17356. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.MessageRead">
  17357. <summary>
  17358. <para></para>
  17359. </summary>
  17360. </member>
  17361. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.MessageWrite">
  17362. <summary>
  17363. <para></para>
  17364. </summary>
  17365. </member>
  17366. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.NetworkGet">
  17367. <summary>
  17368. <para></para>
  17369. </summary>
  17370. </member>
  17371. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.NetworkProfile">
  17372. <summary>
  17373. <para></para>
  17374. </summary>
  17375. </member>
  17376. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.NetworkSet">
  17377. <summary>
  17378. <para></para>
  17379. </summary>
  17380. </member>
  17381. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.NFC">
  17382. <summary>
  17383. <para></para>
  17384. </summary>
  17385. </member>
  17386. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.NFCCardEmulation">
  17387. <summary>
  17388. <para></para>
  17389. </summary>
  17390. </member>
  17391. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.Notification">
  17392. <summary>
  17393. <para></para>
  17394. </summary>
  17395. </member>
  17396. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.PackageManagerInfo">
  17397. <summary>
  17398. <para></para>
  17399. </summary>
  17400. </member>
  17401. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.Power">
  17402. <summary>
  17403. <para></para>
  17404. </summary>
  17405. </member>
  17406. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.Push">
  17407. <summary>
  17408. <para></para>
  17409. </summary>
  17410. </member>
  17411. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.Recorder">
  17412. <summary>
  17413. <para></para>
  17414. </summary>
  17415. </member>
  17416. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.Shortcut">
  17417. <summary>
  17418. <para></para>
  17419. </summary>
  17420. </member>
  17421. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.SystemSettings">
  17422. <summary>
  17423. <para></para>
  17424. </summary>
  17425. </member>
  17426. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.Telephony">
  17427. <summary>
  17428. <para></para>
  17429. </summary>
  17430. </member>
  17431. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.VolumeSet">
  17432. <summary>
  17433. <para></para>
  17434. </summary>
  17435. </member>
  17436. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.WifiDirect">
  17437. <summary>
  17438. <para></para>
  17439. </summary>
  17440. </member>
  17441. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.TizenCapability.WindowPrioritySet">
  17442. <summary>
  17443. <para></para>
  17444. </summary>
  17445. </member>
  17446. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.tvOS">
  17447. <summary>
  17448. <para>tvOS specific player settings.</para>
  17449. </summary>
  17450. </member>
  17451. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.tvOS.sdkVersion">
  17452. <summary>
  17453. <para>Active tvOS SDK version used for build.</para>
  17454. </summary>
  17455. </member>
  17456. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.tvOS.targetOSVersion">
  17457. <summary>
  17458. <para>Deployment minimal version of tvOS.</para>
  17459. </summary>
  17460. </member>
  17461. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.WSACompilationOverrides">
  17462. <summary>
  17463. <para>Compilation overrides for C# files.</para>
  17464. </summary>
  17465. </member>
  17466. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.WSACompilationOverrides.None">
  17467. <summary>
  17468. <para>C# files are compiled using Mono compiler.</para>
  17469. </summary>
  17470. </member>
  17471. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.WSACompilationOverrides.UseNetCore">
  17472. <summary>
  17473. <para>C# files are compiled using Microsoft compiler and .NET Core, you can use Windows Runtime API, but classes implemented in C# files aren't accessible from JS or Boo languages.</para>
  17474. </summary>
  17475. </member>
  17476. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.WSACompilationOverrides.UseNetCorePartially">
  17477. <summary>
  17478. <para>C# files not located in Plugins, Standard Assets, Pro Standard Assets folders are compiled using Microsoft compiler and .NET Core, all other C# files are compiled using Mono compiler. The advantage is that classes implemented in C# are accessible from JS and Boo languages.</para>
  17479. </summary>
  17480. </member>
  17481. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.WSAImageScale">
  17482. <summary>
  17483. <para>Various image scales, supported by Windows Store Apps.</para>
  17484. </summary>
  17485. </member>
  17486. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.WSAImageType">
  17487. <summary>
  17488. <para>Image types, supported by Windows Store Apps.</para>
  17489. </summary>
  17490. </member>
  17491. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne">
  17492. <summary>
  17493. <para>Xbox One Specific Player Settings.</para>
  17494. </summary>
  17495. </member>
  17496. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.monoLoggingLevel">
  17497. <summary>
  17498. <para>This option controls the mono trace log in XboxOne builds. This is a very verbose and expensive tool that can be used to help with debugging a potential mono issue.</para>
  17499. </summary>
  17500. </member>
  17501. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.AddAllowedProductId(System.String)">
  17502. <summary>
  17503. <para>Add a ProductId to the list of products that can load the content package created from your project. This setting is only available for content packages.</para>
  17504. </summary>
  17505. <param name="id"></param>
  17506. <returns>
  17507. <para>Returns false if the product Id was already in the allowed list.</para>
  17508. </returns>
  17509. </member>
  17510. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.AllowedProductIds">
  17511. <summary>
  17512. <para>Get the list of projects that can load this content package. This setting is only available for content packages.</para>
  17513. </summary>
  17514. </member>
  17515. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.AppManifestOverridePath">
  17516. <summary>
  17517. <para>Xbox One optional parameter that lets you use a specified Manifest file rather than generated for you.</para>
  17518. </summary>
  17519. </member>
  17520. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.ContentId">
  17521. <summary>
  17522. <para>Xbox One Content ID to be used in constructing game package.</para>
  17523. </summary>
  17524. </member>
  17525. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.Description">
  17526. <summary>
  17527. <para>A friendly description that can be displayed to users.</para>
  17528. </summary>
  17529. </member>
  17530. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.DisableKinectGpuReservation">
  17531. <summary>
  17532. <para>Disabling the kinect frees up additional GPU resources for use.</para>
  17533. </summary>
  17534. </member>
  17535. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.EnablePIXSampling">
  17536. <summary>
  17537. <para>Enable sampling profiler in development builds to provide better profile markers for PIX, including Start and Update markers for script behaviors.</para>
  17538. </summary>
  17539. </member>
  17540. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.EnableRenderThreadRunsJobs">
  17541. <summary>
  17542. <para>Turns on the ability for the render thread to service the normal general purpose job queue while waiting for rendering related work. This is considered an advanced feature and users should only enable if they have a good understanding of their pix profile.</para>
  17543. </summary>
  17544. </member>
  17545. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.EnableVariableGPU">
  17546. <summary>
  17547. <para>Turns on notifications that you are gaining/losing GPU resources.</para>
  17548. </summary>
  17549. </member>
  17550. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.GameOsOverridePath">
  17551. <summary>
  17552. <para>(optional override) Location of Xbox One Game OS image file to link into ERA package being created.</para>
  17553. </summary>
  17554. </member>
  17555. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.GetCapability(System.String)">
  17556. <summary>
  17557. <para>Returns a bool indicating if the given capability is enabled or not. Please see the XDK whitepaper titled "Xbox One Submission Validator" for valid capability names.</para>
  17558. </summary>
  17559. <param name="capability"></param>
  17560. </member>
  17561. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.GetGameRating(System.String)">
  17562. <summary>
  17563. <para>Get the rating value that is specified in the appxmanifest.xml file for the given ratings board.</para>
  17564. </summary>
  17565. <param name="name">The name of the ratings board that you want the rating value for.</param>
  17566. <returns>
  17567. <para>The current rating level. The meaning of the value depends on the name of the ratings board. The value corresponds to the entries the rating board's drop down menu, top most entry being 0 and each item lower in the list being 1 higher than the previous.</para>
  17568. </returns>
  17569. </member>
  17570. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.GetSocketDefinition(System.String,System.String&amp;,System.Int32&amp;,System.Int32[]&amp;,System.String&amp;,System.Int32&amp;,System.Int32[]&amp;)">
  17571. <summary>
  17572. <para>Get the values for the socket description with the given name.</para>
  17573. </summary>
  17574. <param name="name">The name of the socket description.</param>
  17575. <param name="port">The port or port range the socket can use.</param>
  17576. <param name="protocol">The protocol the socket uses.</param>
  17577. <param name="usages">The allowed usage flags for this socket description.</param>
  17578. <param name="templateName">The name of the device association template.</param>
  17579. <param name="sessionRequirment">Mutiplayer requirement setting for the device association template.</param>
  17580. <param name="deviceUsages">The allowed usage flags for the device association template.</param>
  17581. </member>
  17582. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.IsContentPackage">
  17583. <summary>
  17584. <para>Indicates if the game is a standalone game or a content package to an existing game.</para>
  17585. </summary>
  17586. </member>
  17587. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.PackageUpdateGranularity">
  17588. <summary>
  17589. <para>The update granularity the package will be built with.</para>
  17590. </summary>
  17591. </member>
  17592. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.PackagingEncryption">
  17593. <summary>
  17594. <para>Xbox One optional parameter that causes the makepkg process to encrypt the package for performance testing or with final retail encryption.</para>
  17595. </summary>
  17596. </member>
  17597. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.PackagingOverridePath">
  17598. <summary>
  17599. <para>Xbox One optional parameter that causes the makepkg process to use your specified layout file rather than generating one for you. Required if working with asset bundles.</para>
  17600. </summary>
  17601. </member>
  17602. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.PersistentLocalStorageSize">
  17603. <summary>
  17604. <para>Sets the size of the persistent local storage.</para>
  17605. </summary>
  17606. </member>
  17607. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.ProductId">
  17608. <summary>
  17609. <para>Xbox One Product ID to use when building a streaming install package.</para>
  17610. </summary>
  17611. </member>
  17612. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.RemoveAllowedProductId(System.String)">
  17613. <summary>
  17614. <para>Remove a ProductId from the list of products that can load the content package created from your project. This setting is only available for content packages.</para>
  17615. </summary>
  17616. <param name="id"></param>
  17617. </member>
  17618. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.RemoveSocketDefinition(System.String)">
  17619. <summary>
  17620. <para>Remove the socket description with the given name.</para>
  17621. </summary>
  17622. <param name="name"></param>
  17623. </member>
  17624. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.SandboxId">
  17625. <summary>
  17626. <para>Xbox One makepkg option. Specifies the Sandbox ID to be used when building a streaming install package.</para>
  17627. </summary>
  17628. </member>
  17629. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.SCID">
  17630. <summary>
  17631. <para>The service configuration ID for your title.</para>
  17632. </summary>
  17633. </member>
  17634. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.SetCapability(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  17635. <summary>
  17636. <para>Mark a specific capability as enabled or enabled in the appxmanifest.xml file. Please see the XDK whitepaper titled "Xbox One Submission Validator" for valid capability names.</para>
  17637. </summary>
  17638. <param name="capability">The name of the capability to set.</param>
  17639. <param name="value">Whether or not to enable the capability.</param>
  17640. </member>
  17641. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.SetGameRating(System.String,System.Int32)">
  17642. <summary>
  17643. <para>Set the rating value that is specified in the appxmanifest.xml file.</para>
  17644. </summary>
  17645. <param name="name">The name of the ratings board that you are setting the rating value for.</param>
  17646. <param name="value">The new rating level. The meaning of the value depends on the name of the ratings board. The value corresponds to the entries the rating board's drop down menu, top most entry being 0 and each item lower in the list being 1 higher than the previous.</param>
  17647. </member>
  17648. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.SetSocketDefinition(System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32[],System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32[])">
  17649. <summary>
  17650. <para>Set the values for the socket description with the given name.</para>
  17651. </summary>
  17652. <param name="name">The name of the socket description.</param>
  17653. <param name="port">The port or port range the socket can use.</param>
  17654. <param name="protocol">The protocol the socket uses.</param>
  17655. <param name="usages">The allowed usage flags for this socket description.</param>
  17656. <param name="templateName">The name of the device association template.</param>
  17657. <param name="sessionRequirment">Mutiplayer requirement setting for the device association template.</param>
  17658. <param name="deviceUsages">The allowed usage flags for the device association template.</param>
  17659. </member>
  17660. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.SocketNames">
  17661. <summary>
  17662. <para>Get the names of the socket descriptions for the project.</para>
  17663. </summary>
  17664. </member>
  17665. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.TitleId">
  17666. <summary>
  17667. <para>The TitleID uniquely identifying your title to Xbox Live services.</para>
  17668. </summary>
  17669. </member>
  17670. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.UpdateAllowedProductId(System.Int32,System.String)">
  17671. <summary>
  17672. <para>Update the value at the given index in the list of products that can load this content package. You can use the PlayerSettings.XboxOne.AllowedProductIds property to get the existing productIds and determine their indexes.</para>
  17673. </summary>
  17674. <param name="idx"></param>
  17675. <param name="id"></param>
  17676. </member>
  17677. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.UpdateKey">
  17678. <summary>
  17679. <para>Xbox One makepkg.exe option. Specifies the update key required when building game updates.</para>
  17680. </summary>
  17681. </member>
  17682. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.XboxOne.Version">
  17683. <summary>
  17684. <para>Xbox One Version Identifier used in the Application Manifest.</para>
  17685. </summary>
  17686. </member>
  17687. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PluginImporter">
  17688. <summary>
  17689. <para>Represents plugin importer.</para>
  17690. </summary>
  17691. </member>
  17692. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PluginImporter.isNativePlugin">
  17693. <summary>
  17694. <para>Is plugin native or managed? Note: C++ libraries with CLR support are treated as native plugins, because Unity cannot load such libraries. You can still access them via P/Invoke.</para>
  17695. </summary>
  17696. </member>
  17697. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PluginImporter.#ctor">
  17698. <summary>
  17699. <para>Constructor.</para>
  17700. </summary>
  17701. </member>
  17702. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PluginImporter.GetAllImporters">
  17703. <summary>
  17704. <para>Returns all plugin importers for all platforms.</para>
  17705. </summary>
  17706. </member>
  17707. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PluginImporter.GetCompatibleWithAnyPlatform">
  17708. <summary>
  17709. <para>Is plugin comptabile with any platform.</para>
  17710. </summary>
  17711. </member>
  17712. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PluginImporter.GetCompatibleWithEditor">
  17713. <summary>
  17714. <para>Is plugin compatible with editor.</para>
  17715. </summary>
  17716. </member>
  17717. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PluginImporter.GetCompatibleWithPlatform(UnityEditor.BuildTarget)">
  17718. <summary>
  17719. <para>Is plugin compatible with specified platform.</para>
  17720. </summary>
  17721. <param name="platform">Target platform.</param>
  17722. <param name="platformName"></param>
  17723. </member>
  17724. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PluginImporter.GetCompatibleWithPlatform(System.String)">
  17725. <summary>
  17726. <para>Is plugin compatible with specified platform.</para>
  17727. </summary>
  17728. <param name="platform">Target platform.</param>
  17729. <param name="platformName"></param>
  17730. </member>
  17731. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PluginImporter.GetEditorData(System.String)">
  17732. <summary>
  17733. <para>Returns editor specific data for specified key.</para>
  17734. </summary>
  17735. <param name="key">Key value for data.</param>
  17736. </member>
  17737. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PluginImporter.GetImporters(UnityEditor.BuildTarget)">
  17738. <summary>
  17739. <para>Returns all plugin importers for specfied platform.</para>
  17740. </summary>
  17741. <param name="platform">Target platform.</param>
  17742. <param name="platformName">Name of the target platform.</param>
  17743. </member>
  17744. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PluginImporter.GetImporters(System.String)">
  17745. <summary>
  17746. <para>Returns all plugin importers for specfied platform.</para>
  17747. </summary>
  17748. <param name="platform">Target platform.</param>
  17749. <param name="platformName">Name of the target platform.</param>
  17750. </member>
  17751. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PluginImporter.GetPlatformData(UnityEditor.BuildTarget,System.String)">
  17752. <summary>
  17753. <para>Get platform specific data.</para>
  17754. </summary>
  17755. <param name="platform">Target platform.</param>
  17756. <param name="key">Key value for data.</param>
  17757. <param name="platformName"></param>
  17758. </member>
  17759. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PluginImporter.GetPlatformData(System.String,System.String)">
  17760. <summary>
  17761. <para>Get platform specific data.</para>
  17762. </summary>
  17763. <param name="platform">Target platform.</param>
  17764. <param name="key">Key value for data.</param>
  17765. <param name="platformName"></param>
  17766. </member>
  17767. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PluginImporter.SetCompatibleWithAnyPlatform(System.Boolean)">
  17768. <summary>
  17769. <para>Set compatiblity with any platform.</para>
  17770. </summary>
  17771. <param name="enable">Is plugin compatible with any platform.</param>
  17772. </member>
  17773. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PluginImporter.SetCompatibleWithEditor(System.Boolean)">
  17774. <summary>
  17775. <para>Set compatiblity with any editor.</para>
  17776. </summary>
  17777. <param name="enable">Is plugin compatible with editor.</param>
  17778. </member>
  17779. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PluginImporter.SetCompatibleWithPlatform(UnityEditor.BuildTarget,System.Boolean)">
  17780. <summary>
  17781. <para>Set compatiblity with specified platform.</para>
  17782. </summary>
  17783. <param name="platform">Target platform.</param>
  17784. <param name="enable">Is plugin compatible with specified platform.</param>
  17785. <param name="platformName">Target platform.</param>
  17786. </member>
  17787. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PluginImporter.SetCompatibleWithPlatform(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  17788. <summary>
  17789. <para>Set compatiblity with specified platform.</para>
  17790. </summary>
  17791. <param name="platform">Target platform.</param>
  17792. <param name="enable">Is plugin compatible with specified platform.</param>
  17793. <param name="platformName">Target platform.</param>
  17794. </member>
  17795. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PluginImporter.SetEditorData(System.String,System.String)">
  17796. <summary>
  17797. <para>Set editor specific data.</para>
  17798. </summary>
  17799. <param name="key">Key value for data.</param>
  17800. <param name="value">Data.</param>
  17801. </member>
  17802. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PluginImporter.SetPlatformData(UnityEditor.BuildTarget,System.String,System.String)">
  17803. <summary>
  17804. <para>Set platform specific data.</para>
  17805. </summary>
  17806. <param name="platform">Target platform.</param>
  17807. <param name="key">Key value for data.</param>
  17808. <param name="value">Data.</param>
  17809. <param name="platformName"></param>
  17810. </member>
  17811. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PluginImporter.SetPlatformData(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  17812. <summary>
  17813. <para>Set platform specific data.</para>
  17814. </summary>
  17815. <param name="platform">Target platform.</param>
  17816. <param name="key">Key value for data.</param>
  17817. <param name="value">Data.</param>
  17818. <param name="platformName"></param>
  17819. </member>
  17820. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PopupWindow">
  17821. <summary>
  17822. <para>Class used to display popup windows that inherit from PopupWindowContent.</para>
  17823. </summary>
  17824. </member>
  17825. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PopupWindow.Show(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.PopupWindowContent)">
  17826. <summary>
  17827. <para>Show a popup with the given PopupWindowContent.</para>
  17828. </summary>
  17829. <param name="activatorRect">The rect of the button that opens the popup.</param>
  17830. <param name="windowContent">The content to show in the popup window.</param>
  17831. </member>
  17832. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PopupWindowContent">
  17833. <summary>
  17834. <para>Class used to implement content for a popup window.</para>
  17835. </summary>
  17836. </member>
  17837. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PopupWindowContent.editorWindow">
  17838. <summary>
  17839. <para>The EditorWindow that contains the popup content.</para>
  17840. </summary>
  17841. </member>
  17842. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PopupWindowContent.GetWindowSize">
  17843. <summary>
  17844. <para>The size of the popup window.</para>
  17845. </summary>
  17846. <returns>
  17847. <para>The size of the Popup window.</para>
  17848. </returns>
  17849. </member>
  17850. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PopupWindowContent.OnClose">
  17851. <summary>
  17852. <para>Callback when the popup window is closed.</para>
  17853. </summary>
  17854. </member>
  17855. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PopupWindowContent.OnGUI(UnityEngine.Rect)">
  17856. <summary>
  17857. <para>Callback for drawing GUI controls for the popup window.</para>
  17858. </summary>
  17859. <param name="rect">The rectangle to draw the GUI inside.</param>
  17860. </member>
  17861. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PopupWindowContent.OnOpen">
  17862. <summary>
  17863. <para>Callback when the popup window is opened.</para>
  17864. </summary>
  17865. </member>
  17866. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PrefabType">
  17867. <summary>
  17868. <para>The type of a prefab object as returned by EditorUtility.GetPrefabType.</para>
  17869. </summary>
  17870. </member>
  17871. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PrefabType.DisconnectedModelPrefabInstance">
  17872. <summary>
  17873. <para>The object is an instance of an imported 3D model, but the connection is broken.</para>
  17874. </summary>
  17875. </member>
  17876. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PrefabType.DisconnectedPrefabInstance">
  17877. <summary>
  17878. <para>The object is an instance of a user created prefab, but the connection is broken.</para>
  17879. </summary>
  17880. </member>
  17881. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PrefabType.MissingPrefabInstance">
  17882. <summary>
  17883. <para>The object was an instance of a prefab, but the original prefab could not be found.</para>
  17884. </summary>
  17885. </member>
  17886. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PrefabType.ModelPrefab">
  17887. <summary>
  17888. <para>The object is an imported 3D model asset.</para>
  17889. </summary>
  17890. </member>
  17891. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PrefabType.ModelPrefabInstance">
  17892. <summary>
  17893. <para>The object is an instance of an imported 3D model.</para>
  17894. </summary>
  17895. </member>
  17896. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PrefabType.None">
  17897. <summary>
  17898. <para>The object is not a prefab nor an instance of a prefab.</para>
  17899. </summary>
  17900. </member>
  17901. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PrefabType.Prefab">
  17902. <summary>
  17903. <para>The object is a user created prefab asset.</para>
  17904. </summary>
  17905. </member>
  17906. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PrefabType.PrefabInstance">
  17907. <summary>
  17908. <para>The object is an instance of a user created prefab.</para>
  17909. </summary>
  17910. </member>
  17911. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility">
  17912. <summary>
  17913. <para>Utility class for any prefab related operations.</para>
  17914. </summary>
  17915. </member>
  17916. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.prefabInstanceUpdated">
  17917. <summary>
  17918. <para>Called after prefab instances in the scene have been updated.</para>
  17919. </summary>
  17920. </member>
  17921. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.ConnectGameObjectToPrefab(UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEngine.GameObject)">
  17922. <summary>
  17923. <para>Connects the source prefab to the game object.</para>
  17924. </summary>
  17925. <param name="go"></param>
  17926. <param name="sourcePrefab"></param>
  17927. </member>
  17928. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.CreateEmptyPrefab(System.String)">
  17929. <summary>
  17930. <para>Creates an empty prefab at given path.</para>
  17931. </summary>
  17932. <param name="path"></param>
  17933. </member>
  17934. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab(System.String,UnityEngine.GameObject)">
  17935. <summary>
  17936. <para>Creates a prefab from a game object hierarchy.</para>
  17937. </summary>
  17938. <param name="path"></param>
  17939. <param name="go"></param>
  17940. <param name="options"></param>
  17941. </member>
  17942. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab(System.String,UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEditor.ReplacePrefabOptions)">
  17943. <summary>
  17944. <para>Creates a prefab from a game object hierarchy.</para>
  17945. </summary>
  17946. <param name="path"></param>
  17947. <param name="go"></param>
  17948. <param name="options"></param>
  17949. </member>
  17950. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.DisconnectPrefabInstance(UnityEngine.Object)">
  17951. <summary>
  17952. <para>Disconnects the prefab instance from its parent prefab.</para>
  17953. </summary>
  17954. <param name="targetObject"></param>
  17955. </member>
  17956. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.FindPrefabRoot(UnityEngine.GameObject)">
  17957. <summary>
  17958. <para>Helper function to find the prefab root of an object (used for picking niceness).</para>
  17959. </summary>
  17960. <param name="source"></param>
  17961. </member>
  17962. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.FindRootGameObjectWithSameParentPrefab(UnityEngine.GameObject)">
  17963. <summary>
  17964. <para>Returns the topmost game object that has the same prefab parent as target.</para>
  17965. </summary>
  17966. <param name="target"></param>
  17967. </member>
  17968. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.FindValidUploadPrefabInstanceRoot(UnityEngine.GameObject)">
  17969. <summary>
  17970. <para>Returns root game object of the prefab instance if that root prefab instance is a parent of the prefab.</para>
  17971. </summary>
  17972. <param name="target"></param>
  17973. </member>
  17974. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.GetPrefabObject(UnityEngine.Object)">
  17975. <summary>
  17976. <para>Retrieves the enclosing prefab for any object contained within.</para>
  17977. </summary>
  17978. <param name="targetObject">An object contained within a prefab object.</param>
  17979. <returns>
  17980. <para>The prefab the object is contained in.</para>
  17981. </returns>
  17982. </member>
  17983. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.GetPrefabParent(UnityEngine.Object)">
  17984. <summary>
  17985. <para>Returns the parent asset object of source, or null if it can't be found.</para>
  17986. </summary>
  17987. <param name="source"></param>
  17988. </member>
  17989. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.GetPrefabType(UnityEngine.Object)">
  17990. <summary>
  17991. <para>Given an object, returns its prefab type (None, if it's not a prefab).</para>
  17992. </summary>
  17993. <param name="target"></param>
  17994. </member>
  17995. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.GetPropertyModifications(UnityEngine.Object)">
  17996. <summary>
  17997. <para>Extract all modifications that are applied to the prefab instance compared to the parent prefab.</para>
  17998. </summary>
  17999. <param name="targetPrefab"></param>
  18000. </member>
  18001. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.InstantiateAttachedAsset(UnityEngine.Object)">
  18002. <summary>
  18003. <para>Instantiate an asset that is referenced by a prefab and use it on the prefab instance.</para>
  18004. </summary>
  18005. <param name="targetObject"></param>
  18006. </member>
  18007. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(UnityEngine.Object)">
  18008. <summary>
  18009. <para>Instantiates the given prefab in a given scene.</para>
  18010. </summary>
  18011. <param name="target">Prefab asset to instantiate.</param>
  18012. <param name="destinationScene">Scene to instantiate the prefab in.</param>
  18013. <returns>
  18014. <para>The GameObject at the root of the prefab.</para>
  18015. </returns>
  18016. </member>
  18017. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(UnityEngine.Object,UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene)">
  18018. <summary>
  18019. <para>Instantiates the given prefab in a given scene.</para>
  18020. </summary>
  18021. <param name="target">Prefab asset to instantiate.</param>
  18022. <param name="destinationScene">Scene to instantiate the prefab in.</param>
  18023. <returns>
  18024. <para>The GameObject at the root of the prefab.</para>
  18025. </returns>
  18026. </member>
  18027. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.MergeAllPrefabInstances(UnityEngine.Object)">
  18028. <summary>
  18029. <para>Force re-merging all prefab instances of this prefab.</para>
  18030. </summary>
  18031. <param name="targetObject"></param>
  18032. </member>
  18033. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.PrefabInstanceUpdated">
  18034. <summary>
  18035. <para>Delegate for method that is called after prefab instances in the scene have been updated.</para>
  18036. </summary>
  18037. <param name="instance"></param>
  18038. </member>
  18039. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.ReconnectToLastPrefab(UnityEngine.GameObject)">
  18040. <summary>
  18041. <para>Connects the game object to the prefab that it was last connected to.</para>
  18042. </summary>
  18043. <param name="go"></param>
  18044. </member>
  18045. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.RecordPrefabInstancePropertyModifications(UnityEngine.Object)">
  18046. <summary>
  18047. <para>Force record property modifications by comparing against the parent prefab.</para>
  18048. </summary>
  18049. <param name="targetObject"></param>
  18050. </member>
  18051. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEngine.Object)">
  18052. <summary>
  18053. <para>Replaces the targetPrefab with a copy of the game object hierarchy go.</para>
  18054. </summary>
  18055. <param name="go"></param>
  18056. <param name="targetPrefab"></param>
  18057. <param name="options"></param>
  18058. </member>
  18059. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEngine.Object,UnityEditor.ReplacePrefabOptions)">
  18060. <summary>
  18061. <para>Replaces the targetPrefab with a copy of the game object hierarchy go.</para>
  18062. </summary>
  18063. <param name="go"></param>
  18064. <param name="targetPrefab"></param>
  18065. <param name="options"></param>
  18066. </member>
  18067. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.ResetToPrefabState(UnityEngine.Object)">
  18068. <summary>
  18069. <para>Resets the properties of the component or game object to the parent prefab state.</para>
  18070. </summary>
  18071. <param name="obj"></param>
  18072. </member>
  18073. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.RevertPrefabInstance(UnityEngine.GameObject)">
  18074. <summary>
  18075. <para>Resets the properties of all objects in the prefab, including child game objects and components that were added to the prefab instance.</para>
  18076. </summary>
  18077. <param name="go"></param>
  18078. </member>
  18079. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.SetPropertyModifications(UnityEngine.Object,UnityEditor.PropertyModification[])">
  18080. <summary>
  18081. <para>Assigns all modifications that are applied to the prefab instance compared to the parent prefab.</para>
  18082. </summary>
  18083. <param name="targetPrefab"></param>
  18084. <param name="modifications"></param>
  18085. </member>
  18086. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PreferenceItem">
  18087. <summary>
  18088. <para>The PreferenceItem attribute allows you to add preferences sections to the Preferences Window.</para>
  18089. </summary>
  18090. </member>
  18091. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PreferenceItem.#ctor(System.String)">
  18092. <summary>
  18093. <para>Creates a section in the Preferences Window called name and invokes the static function following it for the section's GUI.</para>
  18094. </summary>
  18095. <param name="name"></param>
  18096. </member>
  18097. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer">
  18098. <summary>
  18099. <para>Base class to derive custom property drawers from. Use this to create custom drawers for your own Serializable classes or for script variables with custom PropertyAttributes.</para>
  18100. </summary>
  18101. </member>
  18102. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer.attribute">
  18103. <summary>
  18104. <para>The PropertyAttribute for the property. Not applicable for custom class drawers. (Read Only)</para>
  18105. </summary>
  18106. </member>
  18107. <member name="P:UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer.fieldInfo">
  18108. <summary>
  18109. <para>The reflection FieldInfo for the member this property represents. (Read Only)</para>
  18110. </summary>
  18111. </member>
  18112. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer.GetPropertyHeight(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  18113. <summary>
  18114. <para>Override this method to specify how tall the GUI for this field is in pixels.</para>
  18115. </summary>
  18116. <param name="property">The SerializedProperty to make the custom GUI for.</param>
  18117. <param name="label">The label of this property.</param>
  18118. <returns>
  18119. <para>The height in pixels.</para>
  18120. </returns>
  18121. </member>
  18122. <member name="M:UnityEditor.PropertyDrawer.OnGUI(UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEngine.GUIContent)">
  18123. <summary>
  18124. <para>Override this method to make your own GUI for the property.</para>
  18125. </summary>
  18126. <param name="position">Rectangle on the screen to use for the property GUI.</param>
  18127. <param name="property">The SerializedProperty to make the custom GUI for.</param>
  18128. <param name="label">The label of this property.</param>
  18129. </member>
  18130. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PropertyModification">
  18131. <summary>
  18132. <para>Defines a single modified property.</para>
  18133. </summary>
  18134. </member>
  18135. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PropertyModification.objectReference">
  18136. <summary>
  18137. <para>The value being applied when it is a object reference (which can not be represented as a string).</para>
  18138. </summary>
  18139. </member>
  18140. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PropertyModification.propertyPath">
  18141. <summary>
  18142. <para>Property path of the property being modified (Matches as SerializedProperty.propertyPath).</para>
  18143. </summary>
  18144. </member>
  18145. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PropertyModification.target">
  18146. <summary>
  18147. <para>Object that will be modified.</para>
  18148. </summary>
  18149. </member>
  18150. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PropertyModification.value">
  18151. <summary>
  18152. <para>The value being applied.</para>
  18153. </summary>
  18154. </member>
  18155. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PS4BuildSubtarget">
  18156. <summary>
  18157. <para>Type of build to generate.</para>
  18158. </summary>
  18159. </member>
  18160. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PS4BuildSubtarget.Package">
  18161. <summary>
  18162. <para>Package build for installation on either a dev or test kit.</para>
  18163. </summary>
  18164. </member>
  18165. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PS4BuildSubtarget.PCHosted">
  18166. <summary>
  18167. <para>Build hosted on a PC, for file serving to a dev or test kit.</para>
  18168. </summary>
  18169. </member>
  18170. <member name="T:UnityEditor.PSP2BuildSubtarget">
  18171. <summary>
  18172. <para>Target PS Vita build type.</para>
  18173. </summary>
  18174. </member>
  18175. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PSP2BuildSubtarget.Package">
  18176. <summary>
  18177. <para>For building a PS Vita package that can be installed on a PS Vita memory card.</para>
  18178. </summary>
  18179. </member>
  18180. <member name="F:UnityEditor.PSP2BuildSubtarget.PCHosted">
  18181. <summary>
  18182. <para>For general development, creates a build stored on the host PC which the Vita reads from.</para>
  18183. </summary>
  18184. </member>
  18185. <member name="T:UnityEditor.RemoveAssetOptions">
  18186. <summary>
  18187. <para>Options for removing assets</para>
  18188. </summary>
  18189. </member>
  18190. <member name="F:UnityEditor.RemoveAssetOptions.DeleteAssets">
  18191. <summary>
  18192. <para>Delete the asset without moving it to the trash.</para>
  18193. </summary>
  18194. </member>
  18195. <member name="F:UnityEditor.RemoveAssetOptions.MoveAssetToTrash">
  18196. <summary>
  18197. <para>The asset should be moved to trash.</para>
  18198. </summary>
  18199. </member>
  18200. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ReplacePrefabOptions">
  18201. <summary>
  18202. <para>Flags for the PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab function.</para>
  18203. </summary>
  18204. </member>
  18205. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ReplacePrefabOptions.ConnectToPrefab">
  18206. <summary>
  18207. <para>Connects the passed objects to the prefab after uploading the prefab.</para>
  18208. </summary>
  18209. </member>
  18210. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ReplacePrefabOptions.Default">
  18211. <summary>
  18212. <para>Replaces prefabs by matching pre-existing connections to the prefab.</para>
  18213. </summary>
  18214. </member>
  18215. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ReplacePrefabOptions.ReplaceNameBased">
  18216. <summary>
  18217. <para>Replaces the prefab using name based lookup in the transform hierarchy.</para>
  18218. </summary>
  18219. </member>
  18220. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ResolutionDialogSetting">
  18221. <summary>
  18222. <para>Resolution dialog setting.</para>
  18223. </summary>
  18224. </member>
  18225. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ResolutionDialogSetting.Disabled">
  18226. <summary>
  18227. <para>Never show the resolution dialog.</para>
  18228. </summary>
  18229. </member>
  18230. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ResolutionDialogSetting.Enabled">
  18231. <summary>
  18232. <para>Show the resolution dialog on first launch.</para>
  18233. </summary>
  18234. </member>
  18235. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ResolutionDialogSetting.HiddenByDefault">
  18236. <summary>
  18237. <para>Hide the resolution dialog on first launch.</para>
  18238. </summary>
  18239. </member>
  18240. <member name="T:UnityEditor.SCEBuildSubtarget">
  18241. <summary>
  18242. <para>Target PS3 or PS4 build type.</para>
  18243. </summary>
  18244. </member>
  18245. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SCEBuildSubtarget.BluRayTitle">
  18246. <summary>
  18247. <para>Build a package suited for BluRay Submission.</para>
  18248. </summary>
  18249. </member>
  18250. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SCEBuildSubtarget.HddTitle">
  18251. <summary>
  18252. <para>Build a package suited for DLC Submission.</para>
  18253. </summary>
  18254. </member>
  18255. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SCEBuildSubtarget.PCHosted">
  18256. <summary>
  18257. <para>Build package that it's hosted on the PC.</para>
  18258. </summary>
  18259. </member>
  18260. <member name="T:UnityEditor.SceneAsset">
  18261. <summary>
  18262. <para>SceneAsset is used to reference scene objects in the Editor.</para>
  18263. </summary>
  18264. </member>
  18265. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SceneAsset.#ctor">
  18266. <summary>
  18267. <para>Constructor.</para>
  18268. </summary>
  18269. </member>
  18270. <member name="T:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager">
  18271. <summary>
  18272. <para>Scene management in the editor.</para>
  18273. </summary>
  18274. </member>
  18275. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.loadedSceneCount">
  18276. <summary>
  18277. <para>The number of loaded scenes.</para>
  18278. </summary>
  18279. </member>
  18280. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.CloseScene(UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene,System.Boolean)">
  18281. <summary>
  18282. <para>Close the scene. If removeScene flag is true, the closed scene will also be removed from EditorSceneManager.</para>
  18283. </summary>
  18284. <param name="scene">The scene to be closed/removed.</param>
  18285. <param name="removeScene">Bool flag to indicate if the scene should be removed after closing.</param>
  18286. <returns>
  18287. <para>Returns true if the scene is closed/removed.</para>
  18288. </returns>
  18289. </member>
  18290. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.GetSceneManagerSetup">
  18291. <summary>
  18292. <para>Returns the current setup of the SceneManager.</para>
  18293. </summary>
  18294. </member>
  18295. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.MarkAllScenesDirty">
  18296. <summary>
  18297. <para>Mark all the loaded scenes as modified.</para>
  18298. </summary>
  18299. </member>
  18300. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.MarkSceneDirty(UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene)">
  18301. <summary>
  18302. <para>Mark the scene as modified.</para>
  18303. </summary>
  18304. <param name="scene">The scene to be marked as modified.</param>
  18305. </member>
  18306. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.MoveSceneAfter(UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene,UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene)">
  18307. <summary>
  18308. <para>Allows you to reorder the scenes currently open in the Hierarchy window. Moves the source scene so it comes after the destination scene.</para>
  18309. </summary>
  18310. <param name="src"></param>
  18311. <param name="dst"></param>
  18312. </member>
  18313. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.MoveSceneBefore(UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene,UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene)">
  18314. <summary>
  18315. <para>Allows you to reorder the scenes currently open in the Hierarchy window. Moves the source scene so it comes before the destination scene.</para>
  18316. </summary>
  18317. <param name="src"></param>
  18318. <param name="dst"></param>
  18319. </member>
  18320. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.NewScene(UnityEditor.SceneManagement.NewSceneSetup,UnityEditor.SceneManagement.NewSceneMode)">
  18321. <summary>
  18322. <para>Create a new scene.</para>
  18323. </summary>
  18324. <param name="setup">Allows you to select whether or not the default set of Game Objects should be added to the new scene. See SceneManagement.NewSceneSetup for more information about the options.</param>
  18325. <param name="mode">Allows you to select how to open the new scene, and whether to keep existing scenes in the Hierarchy. See SceneManagement.NewSceneMode for more information about the options.</param>
  18326. </member>
  18327. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.OpenScene(System.String,UnityEditor.SceneManagement.OpenSceneMode)">
  18328. <summary>
  18329. <para>Open a scene in the Editor.</para>
  18330. </summary>
  18331. <param name="scenePath">Path of the scene. Should be relative to the project folder. Like: "AssetsMyScenesMyScene.unity".</param>
  18332. <param name="mode">Allows you to select how to open the specified scene, and whether to keep existing scenes in the Hierarchy. See SceneManagement.OpenSceneMode for more information about the options.</param>
  18333. </member>
  18334. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.RestoreSceneManagerSetup(UnityEditor.SceneManagement.SceneSetup[])">
  18335. <summary>
  18336. <para>Restore the setup of the SceneManager.</para>
  18337. </summary>
  18338. <param name="value">In this array, at least one scene should be loaded, and there must be one active scene.</param>
  18339. </member>
  18340. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.SaveCurrentModifiedScenesIfUserWantsTo">
  18341. <summary>
  18342. <para>Ask the user if they want to save the the modified scene(s).</para>
  18343. </summary>
  18344. </member>
  18345. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.SaveModifiedScenesIfUserWantsTo(UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene[])">
  18346. <summary>
  18347. <para>Ask the user if he wants to save any of the modfied input scenes.</para>
  18348. </summary>
  18349. <param name="scenes">Scenes that should be saved if they are modified.</param>
  18350. </member>
  18351. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.SaveOpenScenes">
  18352. <summary>
  18353. <para>Save all open scenes.</para>
  18354. </summary>
  18355. <returns>
  18356. <para>Returns true if all open scenes are successfully saved.</para>
  18357. </returns>
  18358. </member>
  18359. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.SaveScene(UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  18360. <summary>
  18361. <para>Save a scene.</para>
  18362. </summary>
  18363. <param name="scene">The scene to be saved.</param>
  18364. <param name="dstScenePath">The file path to save at. If not empty, the current open scene will be overwritten, or if never saved before, a save dialog is shown.</param>
  18365. <param name="saveAsCopy">If set to true, the scene will be saved without changing the current scene and without clearing the unsaved changes marker.</param>
  18366. <returns>
  18367. <para>True if the save succeeded, otherwise false.</para>
  18368. </returns>
  18369. </member>
  18370. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.SaveScenes(UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene[])">
  18371. <summary>
  18372. <para>Save a list of scenes.</para>
  18373. </summary>
  18374. <param name="scenes">List of scenes that should be saved.</param>
  18375. </member>
  18376. <member name="T:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.NewSceneMode">
  18377. <summary>
  18378. <para>Used when creating a new scene in the Editor.</para>
  18379. </summary>
  18380. </member>
  18381. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.NewSceneMode.Additive">
  18382. <summary>
  18383. <para>The newly created scene is added to the current open scenes.</para>
  18384. </summary>
  18385. </member>
  18386. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.NewSceneMode.Single">
  18387. <summary>
  18388. <para>All current open scenes are closed and the newly created scene are opened.</para>
  18389. </summary>
  18390. </member>
  18391. <member name="T:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.NewSceneSetup">
  18392. <summary>
  18393. <para>Used when creating a new scene in the Editor.</para>
  18394. </summary>
  18395. </member>
  18396. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.NewSceneSetup.DefaultGameObjects">
  18397. <summary>
  18398. <para>Adds default game objects to the new scene (a light and camera).</para>
  18399. </summary>
  18400. </member>
  18401. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.NewSceneSetup.EmptyScene">
  18402. <summary>
  18403. <para>No game objects are added to the new scene.</para>
  18404. </summary>
  18405. </member>
  18406. <member name="T:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.OpenSceneMode">
  18407. <summary>
  18408. <para>Used when opening a scene in the Editor to specify how a scene should be opened.</para>
  18409. </summary>
  18410. </member>
  18411. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.OpenSceneMode.Additive">
  18412. <summary>
  18413. <para>Adds a scene to the current open scenes and loads it.</para>
  18414. </summary>
  18415. </member>
  18416. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.OpenSceneMode.AdditiveWithoutLoading">
  18417. <summary>
  18418. <para>Adds a scene to the current open scenes without loading it. It will show up as 'unloaded' in the Hierarchy Window.</para>
  18419. </summary>
  18420. </member>
  18421. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.OpenSceneMode.Single">
  18422. <summary>
  18423. <para>Closes all current open scenes and loads a scene.</para>
  18424. </summary>
  18425. </member>
  18426. <member name="T:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.SceneSetup">
  18427. <summary>
  18428. <para>The setup information for a scene in the SceneManager.</para>
  18429. </summary>
  18430. </member>
  18431. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.SceneSetup.isActive">
  18432. <summary>
  18433. <para>If the scene is active.</para>
  18434. </summary>
  18435. </member>
  18436. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.SceneSetup.isLoaded">
  18437. <summary>
  18438. <para>If the scene is loaded.</para>
  18439. </summary>
  18440. </member>
  18441. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SceneManagement.SceneSetup.path">
  18442. <summary>
  18443. <para>Path of the scene. Should be relative to the project folder. Like: "AssetsMyScenesMyScene.unity".</para>
  18444. </summary>
  18445. </member>
  18446. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ScriptableWizard">
  18447. <summary>
  18448. <para>Derive from this class to create an editor wizard.</para>
  18449. </summary>
  18450. </member>
  18451. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ScriptableWizard.createButtonName">
  18452. <summary>
  18453. <para>Allows you to set the text shown on the create button of the wizard.</para>
  18454. </summary>
  18455. </member>
  18456. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ScriptableWizard.errorString">
  18457. <summary>
  18458. <para>Allows you to set the error text of the wizard.</para>
  18459. </summary>
  18460. </member>
  18461. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ScriptableWizard.helpString">
  18462. <summary>
  18463. <para>Allows you to set the help text of the wizard.</para>
  18464. </summary>
  18465. </member>
  18466. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ScriptableWizard.isValid">
  18467. <summary>
  18468. <para>Allows you to enable and disable the wizard create button, so that the user can not click it.</para>
  18469. </summary>
  18470. </member>
  18471. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ScriptableWizard.otherButtonName">
  18472. <summary>
  18473. <para>Allows you to set the text shown on the optional other button of the wizard. Leave this parameter out to leave the button out.</para>
  18474. </summary>
  18475. </member>
  18476. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard(System.String)">
  18477. <summary>
  18478. <para>Creates a wizard.</para>
  18479. </summary>
  18480. <param name="title">The title shown at the top of the wizard window.</param>
  18481. <returns>
  18482. <para>The wizard.</para>
  18483. </returns>
  18484. </member>
  18485. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard(System.String,System.String)">
  18486. <summary>
  18487. <para>Creates a wizard.</para>
  18488. </summary>
  18489. <param name="title">The title shown at the top of the wizard window.</param>
  18490. <param name="createButtonName">The text shown on the create button.</param>
  18491. <param name="otherButtonName">The text shown on the optional other button. Leave this parameter out to leave the button out.</param>
  18492. <returns>
  18493. <para>The wizard.</para>
  18494. </returns>
  18495. </member>
  18496. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  18497. <summary>
  18498. <para>Creates a wizard.</para>
  18499. </summary>
  18500. <param name="title">The title shown at the top of the wizard window.</param>
  18501. <param name="createButtonName">The text shown on the create button.</param>
  18502. <param name="otherButtonName">The text shown on the optional other button. Leave this parameter out to leave the button out.</param>
  18503. <returns>
  18504. <para>The wizard.</para>
  18505. </returns>
  18506. </member>
  18507. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard(System.String,System.Type,System.String,System.String)">
  18508. <summary>
  18509. <para>Creates a wizard.</para>
  18510. </summary>
  18511. <param name="title">The title shown at the top of the wizard window.</param>
  18512. <param name="klass">The class implementing the wizard. It has to derive from ScriptableWizard.</param>
  18513. <param name="createButtonName">The text shown on the create button.</param>
  18514. <param name="otherButtonName">The text shown on the optional other button. Leave this parameter out to leave the button out.</param>
  18515. <returns>
  18516. <para>The wizard.</para>
  18517. </returns>
  18518. </member>
  18519. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ScriptableWizard.DrawWizardGUI">
  18520. <summary>
  18521. <para>Will be called for drawing contents when the ScriptableWizard needs to update its GUI.</para>
  18522. </summary>
  18523. <returns>
  18524. <para>Returns true if any property has been modified.</para>
  18525. </returns>
  18526. </member>
  18527. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ScriptCallOptimizationLevel">
  18528. <summary>
  18529. <para>Script call optimization level.</para>
  18530. </summary>
  18531. </member>
  18532. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ScriptCallOptimizationLevel.FastButNoExceptions">
  18533. <summary>
  18534. <para>Script method call overhead decreased at the expense of limited compatibility.</para>
  18535. </summary>
  18536. </member>
  18537. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ScriptCallOptimizationLevel.SlowAndSafe">
  18538. <summary>
  18539. <para>Default setting.</para>
  18540. </summary>
  18541. </member>
  18542. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ScriptingImplementation">
  18543. <summary>
  18544. <para>Scripting implementation (backend).</para>
  18545. </summary>
  18546. </member>
  18547. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ScriptingImplementation.IL2CPP">
  18548. <summary>
  18549. <para>Unity's .NET runtime.</para>
  18550. </summary>
  18551. </member>
  18552. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ScriptingImplementation.Mono2x">
  18553. <summary>
  18554. <para>The standard Mono 2.6 runtime.</para>
  18555. </summary>
  18556. </member>
  18557. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ScriptingImplementation.WinRTDotNET">
  18558. <summary>
  18559. <para>Microsoft's .NET runtime.</para>
  18560. </summary>
  18561. </member>
  18562. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Selection">
  18563. <summary>
  18564. <para>Access to the selection in the editor.</para>
  18565. </summary>
  18566. </member>
  18567. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Selection.activeGameObject">
  18568. <summary>
  18569. <para>Returns the active game object. (The one shown in the inspector).</para>
  18570. </summary>
  18571. </member>
  18572. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Selection.activeInstanceID">
  18573. <summary>
  18574. <para>Returns the instanceID of the actual object selection. Includes prefabs, non-modifyable objects.</para>
  18575. </summary>
  18576. </member>
  18577. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Selection.activeObject">
  18578. <summary>
  18579. <para>Returns the actual object selection. Includes prefabs, non-modifyable objects.</para>
  18580. </summary>
  18581. </member>
  18582. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Selection.activeTransform">
  18583. <summary>
  18584. <para>Returns the active transform. (The one shown in the inspector).</para>
  18585. </summary>
  18586. </member>
  18587. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Selection.assetGUIDs">
  18588. <summary>
  18589. <para>Returns the guids of the selected assets.</para>
  18590. </summary>
  18591. </member>
  18592. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Selection.gameObjects">
  18593. <summary>
  18594. <para>Returns the actual game object selection. Includes prefabs, non-modifyable objects.</para>
  18595. </summary>
  18596. </member>
  18597. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Selection.instanceIDs">
  18598. <summary>
  18599. <para>The actual unfiltered selection from the Scene returned as instance ids instead of objects.</para>
  18600. </summary>
  18601. </member>
  18602. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Selection.objects">
  18603. <summary>
  18604. <para>The actual unfiltered selection from the Scene.</para>
  18605. </summary>
  18606. </member>
  18607. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Selection.selectionChanged">
  18608. <summary>
  18609. <para>Delegate callback triggered when currently active/selected item has changed.</para>
  18610. </summary>
  18611. </member>
  18612. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Selection.transforms">
  18613. <summary>
  18614. <para>Returns the top level selection, excluding prefabs.</para>
  18615. </summary>
  18616. </member>
  18617. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Selection.Contains(System.Int32)">
  18618. <summary>
  18619. <para>Returns whether an object is contained in the current selection.</para>
  18620. </summary>
  18621. <param name="instanceID"></param>
  18622. <param name="obj"></param>
  18623. </member>
  18624. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Selection.Contains(UnityEngine.Object)">
  18625. <summary>
  18626. <para>Returns whether an object is contained in the current selection.</para>
  18627. </summary>
  18628. <param name="instanceID"></param>
  18629. <param name="obj"></param>
  18630. </member>
  18631. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Selection.GetFiltered(System.Type,UnityEditor.SelectionMode)">
  18632. <summary>
  18633. <para>Returns the current selection filtered by type and mode.</para>
  18634. </summary>
  18635. <param name="type">Only objects of this type will be retrieved.</param>
  18636. <param name="mode">Further options to refine the selection.</param>
  18637. </member>
  18638. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Selection.GetTransforms(UnityEditor.SelectionMode)">
  18639. <summary>
  18640. <para>Allows for fine grained control of the selection type using the SelectionMode bitmask.</para>
  18641. </summary>
  18642. <param name="mode">Options for refining the selection.</param>
  18643. </member>
  18644. <member name="T:UnityEditor.SelectionMode">
  18645. <summary>
  18646. <para>SelectionMode can be used to tweak the selection returned by Selection.GetTransforms.</para>
  18647. </summary>
  18648. </member>
  18649. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SelectionMode.Assets">
  18650. <summary>
  18651. <para>Only return objects that are assets in the Asset directory.</para>
  18652. </summary>
  18653. </member>
  18654. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SelectionMode.Deep">
  18655. <summary>
  18656. <para>Return the selection and all child transforms of the selection.</para>
  18657. </summary>
  18658. </member>
  18659. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SelectionMode.DeepAssets">
  18660. <summary>
  18661. <para>If the selection contains folders, also include all assets and subfolders within that folder in the file hierarchy.</para>
  18662. </summary>
  18663. </member>
  18664. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SelectionMode.Editable">
  18665. <summary>
  18666. <para>Excludes any objects which shall not be modified.</para>
  18667. </summary>
  18668. </member>
  18669. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SelectionMode.ExcludePrefab">
  18670. <summary>
  18671. <para>Excludes any prefabs from the selection.</para>
  18672. </summary>
  18673. </member>
  18674. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SelectionMode.TopLevel">
  18675. <summary>
  18676. <para>Only return the topmost selected transform. A selected child of another selected transform will be filtered out.</para>
  18677. </summary>
  18678. </member>
  18679. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SelectionMode.Unfiltered">
  18680. <summary>
  18681. <para>Return the whole selection.</para>
  18682. </summary>
  18683. </member>
  18684. <member name="T:UnityEditor.SemanticMergeMode">
  18685. <summary>
  18686. <para>Behavior of semantic merge.</para>
  18687. </summary>
  18688. </member>
  18689. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SemanticMergeMode.Off">
  18690. <summary>
  18691. <para>Disable use of semantic merging.</para>
  18692. </summary>
  18693. </member>
  18694. <member name="T:UnityEditor.SerializedObject">
  18695. <summary>
  18696. <para>SerializedObject and SerializedProperty are classes for editing properties on objects in a completely generic way that automatically handles undo and styling UI for prefabs.</para>
  18697. </summary>
  18698. </member>
  18699. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedObject.isEditingMultipleObjects">
  18700. <summary>
  18701. <para>Does the serialized object represents multiple objects due to multi-object editing? (Read Only)</para>
  18702. </summary>
  18703. </member>
  18704. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedObject.targetObject">
  18705. <summary>
  18706. <para>The inspected object (Read Only).</para>
  18707. </summary>
  18708. </member>
  18709. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedObject.targetObjects">
  18710. <summary>
  18711. <para>The inspected objects (Read Only).</para>
  18712. </summary>
  18713. </member>
  18714. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties">
  18715. <summary>
  18716. <para>Apply property modifications.</para>
  18717. </summary>
  18718. </member>
  18719. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedObject.ApplyModifiedPropertiesWithoutUndo">
  18720. <summary>
  18721. <para>Applies property modifications without registering an undo operation.</para>
  18722. </summary>
  18723. </member>
  18724. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedObject.CopyFromSerializedProperty(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty)">
  18725. <summary>
  18726. <para>Copies a value from a SerializedProperty to the same serialized property on this serialized object.</para>
  18727. </summary>
  18728. <param name="prop"></param>
  18729. </member>
  18730. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedObject.#ctor(UnityEngine.Object)">
  18731. <summary>
  18732. <para>Create SerializedObject for inspected object.</para>
  18733. </summary>
  18734. <param name="obj"></param>
  18735. </member>
  18736. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedObject.#ctor(UnityEngine.Object[])">
  18737. <summary>
  18738. <para>Create SerializedObject for inspected object.</para>
  18739. </summary>
  18740. <param name="objs"></param>
  18741. </member>
  18742. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedObject.FindProperty(System.String)">
  18743. <summary>
  18744. <para>Find serialized property by name.</para>
  18745. </summary>
  18746. <param name="propertyPath"></param>
  18747. </member>
  18748. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedObject.GetIterator">
  18749. <summary>
  18750. <para>Get the first serialized property.</para>
  18751. </summary>
  18752. </member>
  18753. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedObject.SetIsDifferentCacheDirty">
  18754. <summary>
  18755. <para>Update hasMultipleDifferentValues cache on the next Update() call.</para>
  18756. </summary>
  18757. </member>
  18758. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedObject.Update">
  18759. <summary>
  18760. <para>Update serialized object's representation.</para>
  18761. </summary>
  18762. </member>
  18763. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedObject.UpdateIfDirtyOrScript">
  18764. <summary>
  18765. <para>Update serialized object's representation, only if the object has been modified since the last call to Update or if it is a script.</para>
  18766. </summary>
  18767. </member>
  18768. <member name="T:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty">
  18769. <summary>
  18770. <para>SerializedProperty and SerializedObject are classes for editing properties on objects in a completely generic way that automatically handles undo and styling UI for prefabs.</para>
  18771. </summary>
  18772. </member>
  18773. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.animationCurveValue">
  18774. <summary>
  18775. <para>Value of a animation curve property.</para>
  18776. </summary>
  18777. </member>
  18778. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.arraySize">
  18779. <summary>
  18780. <para>The number of elements in the array. If the SerializedObject contains multiple objects it will return the smallest number of elements. So it is always possible to iterate through the SerializedObject and only get properties found in all objects.</para>
  18781. </summary>
  18782. </member>
  18783. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.boolValue">
  18784. <summary>
  18785. <para>Value of a boolean property.</para>
  18786. </summary>
  18787. </member>
  18788. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.boundsValue">
  18789. <summary>
  18790. <para>Value of bounds property.</para>
  18791. </summary>
  18792. </member>
  18793. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.colorValue">
  18794. <summary>
  18795. <para>Value of a color property.</para>
  18796. </summary>
  18797. </member>
  18798. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.depth">
  18799. <summary>
  18800. <para>Nesting depth of the property. (Read Only)</para>
  18801. </summary>
  18802. </member>
  18803. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.displayName">
  18804. <summary>
  18805. <para>Nice display name of the property. (Read Only)</para>
  18806. </summary>
  18807. </member>
  18808. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.doubleValue">
  18809. <summary>
  18810. <para>Value of a float property as a double.</para>
  18811. </summary>
  18812. </member>
  18813. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.editable">
  18814. <summary>
  18815. <para>Is this property editable? (Read Only)</para>
  18816. </summary>
  18817. </member>
  18818. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.enumDisplayNames">
  18819. <summary>
  18820. <para>Display-friendly names of enumeration of an enum property.</para>
  18821. </summary>
  18822. </member>
  18823. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.enumNames">
  18824. <summary>
  18825. <para>Names of enumeration of an enum property.</para>
  18826. </summary>
  18827. </member>
  18828. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.enumValueIndex">
  18829. <summary>
  18830. <para>Enum index of an enum property.</para>
  18831. </summary>
  18832. </member>
  18833. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.floatValue">
  18834. <summary>
  18835. <para>Value of a float property.</para>
  18836. </summary>
  18837. </member>
  18838. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.hasChildren">
  18839. <summary>
  18840. <para>Does it have child properties? (Read Only)</para>
  18841. </summary>
  18842. </member>
  18843. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.hasMultipleDifferentValues">
  18844. <summary>
  18845. <para>Does this property represent multiple different values due to multi-object editing? (Read Only)</para>
  18846. </summary>
  18847. </member>
  18848. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.hasVisibleChildren">
  18849. <summary>
  18850. <para>Does it have visible child properties? (Read Only)</para>
  18851. </summary>
  18852. </member>
  18853. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.intValue">
  18854. <summary>
  18855. <para>Value of an integer property.</para>
  18856. </summary>
  18857. </member>
  18858. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.isArray">
  18859. <summary>
  18860. <para>Is this property an array? (Read Only)</para>
  18861. </summary>
  18862. </member>
  18863. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.isExpanded">
  18864. <summary>
  18865. <para>Is this property expanded in the inspector?</para>
  18866. </summary>
  18867. </member>
  18868. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.isInstantiatedPrefab">
  18869. <summary>
  18870. <para>Is property part of a prefab instance? (Read Only)</para>
  18871. </summary>
  18872. </member>
  18873. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.longValue">
  18874. <summary>
  18875. <para>Value of a integer property as a long.</para>
  18876. </summary>
  18877. </member>
  18878. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.name">
  18879. <summary>
  18880. <para>Name of the property. (Read Only)</para>
  18881. </summary>
  18882. </member>
  18883. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.objectReferenceValue">
  18884. <summary>
  18885. <para>Value of an object reference property.</para>
  18886. </summary>
  18887. </member>
  18888. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.prefabOverride">
  18889. <summary>
  18890. <para>Is property's value different from the prefab it belongs to?</para>
  18891. </summary>
  18892. </member>
  18893. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.propertyPath">
  18894. <summary>
  18895. <para>Full path of the property. (Read Only)</para>
  18896. </summary>
  18897. </member>
  18898. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.propertyType">
  18899. <summary>
  18900. <para>Type of this property (Read Only).</para>
  18901. </summary>
  18902. </member>
  18903. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.quaternionValue">
  18904. <summary>
  18905. <para>Value of a quaternion property.</para>
  18906. </summary>
  18907. </member>
  18908. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.rectValue">
  18909. <summary>
  18910. <para>Value of a rectangle property.</para>
  18911. </summary>
  18912. </member>
  18913. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.serializedObject">
  18914. <summary>
  18915. <para>SerializedObject this property belongs to (Read Only).</para>
  18916. </summary>
  18917. </member>
  18918. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.stringValue">
  18919. <summary>
  18920. <para>Value of a string property.</para>
  18921. </summary>
  18922. </member>
  18923. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.tooltip">
  18924. <summary>
  18925. <para>Tooltip of the property. (Read Only)</para>
  18926. </summary>
  18927. </member>
  18928. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.type">
  18929. <summary>
  18930. <para>Type name of the property. (Read Only)</para>
  18931. </summary>
  18932. </member>
  18933. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.vector2Value">
  18934. <summary>
  18935. <para>Value of a 2D vector property.</para>
  18936. </summary>
  18937. </member>
  18938. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.vector3Value">
  18939. <summary>
  18940. <para>Value of a 3D vector property.</para>
  18941. </summary>
  18942. </member>
  18943. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.vector4Value">
  18944. <summary>
  18945. <para>Value of a 4D vector property.</para>
  18946. </summary>
  18947. </member>
  18948. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.ClearArray">
  18949. <summary>
  18950. <para>Remove all elements from the array.</para>
  18951. </summary>
  18952. </member>
  18953. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.Copy">
  18954. <summary>
  18955. <para>Returns a copy of the SerializedProperty iterator in its current state. This is useful if you want to keep a reference to the current property but continue with the iteration.</para>
  18956. </summary>
  18957. </member>
  18958. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.CountInProperty">
  18959. <summary>
  18960. <para>Count visible children of this property, including this property itself.</para>
  18961. </summary>
  18962. </member>
  18963. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.CountRemaining">
  18964. <summary>
  18965. <para>Count remaining visible properties.</para>
  18966. </summary>
  18967. </member>
  18968. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(System.Int32)">
  18969. <summary>
  18970. <para>Delete the element at the specified index in the array.</para>
  18971. </summary>
  18972. <param name="index"></param>
  18973. </member>
  18974. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.DeleteCommand">
  18975. <summary>
  18976. <para>Deletes the serialized property.</para>
  18977. </summary>
  18978. </member>
  18979. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.DuplicateCommand">
  18980. <summary>
  18981. <para>Duplicates the serialized property.</para>
  18982. </summary>
  18983. </member>
  18984. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.EqualContents(UnityEditor.SerializedProperty,UnityEditor.SerializedProperty)">
  18985. <summary>
  18986. <para>See if contained serialized properties are equal.</para>
  18987. </summary>
  18988. <param name="x"></param>
  18989. <param name="y"></param>
  18990. </member>
  18991. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.FindPropertyRelative(System.String)">
  18992. <summary>
  18993. <para>Retrieves the SerializedProperty at a relative path to the current property.</para>
  18994. </summary>
  18995. <param name="relativePropertyPath"></param>
  18996. </member>
  18997. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(System.Int32)">
  18998. <summary>
  18999. <para>Returns the element at the specified index in the array.</para>
  19000. </summary>
  19001. <param name="index"></param>
  19002. </member>
  19003. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.GetEndProperty()">
  19004. <summary>
  19005. <para>Retrieves the SerializedProperty that defines the end range of this property.</para>
  19006. </summary>
  19007. <param name="includeInvisible"></param>
  19008. </member>
  19009. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.GetEndProperty(System.Boolean)">
  19010. <summary>
  19011. <para>Retrieves the SerializedProperty that defines the end range of this property.</para>
  19012. </summary>
  19013. <param name="includeInvisible"></param>
  19014. </member>
  19015. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.GetEnumerator">
  19016. <summary>
  19017. <para>Retrieves an iterator that allows you to iterator over the current nexting of a serialized property.</para>
  19018. </summary>
  19019. </member>
  19020. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.InsertArrayElementAtIndex(System.Int32)">
  19021. <summary>
  19022. <para>Insert an empty element at the specified index in the array.</para>
  19023. </summary>
  19024. <param name="index"></param>
  19025. </member>
  19026. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.MoveArrayElement(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  19027. <summary>
  19028. <para>Move an array element from srcIndex to dstIndex.</para>
  19029. </summary>
  19030. <param name="srcIndex"></param>
  19031. <param name="dstIndex"></param>
  19032. </member>
  19033. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.Next(System.Boolean)">
  19034. <summary>
  19035. <para>Move to next property.</para>
  19036. </summary>
  19037. <param name="enterChildren"></param>
  19038. </member>
  19039. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.NextVisible(System.Boolean)">
  19040. <summary>
  19041. <para>Move to next visible property.</para>
  19042. </summary>
  19043. <param name="enterChildren"></param>
  19044. </member>
  19045. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SerializedProperty.Reset">
  19046. <summary>
  19047. <para>Move to first property of the object.</para>
  19048. </summary>
  19049. </member>
  19050. <member name="T:UnityEditor.SerializedPropertyType">
  19051. <summary>
  19052. <para>Type of a SerializedProperty.</para>
  19053. </summary>
  19054. </member>
  19055. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SerializedPropertyType.AnimationCurve">
  19056. <summary>
  19057. <para>AnimationCurve property.</para>
  19058. </summary>
  19059. </member>
  19060. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SerializedPropertyType.ArraySize">
  19061. <summary>
  19062. <para>Array size property.</para>
  19063. </summary>
  19064. </member>
  19065. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SerializedPropertyType.Boolean">
  19066. <summary>
  19067. <para>Boolean property.</para>
  19068. </summary>
  19069. </member>
  19070. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SerializedPropertyType.Bounds">
  19071. <summary>
  19072. <para>Bounds property.</para>
  19073. </summary>
  19074. </member>
  19075. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SerializedPropertyType.Character">
  19076. <summary>
  19077. <para>Character property.</para>
  19078. </summary>
  19079. </member>
  19080. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SerializedPropertyType.Color">
  19081. <summary>
  19082. <para>Color property.</para>
  19083. </summary>
  19084. </member>
  19085. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SerializedPropertyType.Enum">
  19086. <summary>
  19087. <para>Enumeration property.</para>
  19088. </summary>
  19089. </member>
  19090. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SerializedPropertyType.Float">
  19091. <summary>
  19092. <para>Float property.</para>
  19093. </summary>
  19094. </member>
  19095. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SerializedPropertyType.Gradient">
  19096. <summary>
  19097. <para>Gradient property.</para>
  19098. </summary>
  19099. </member>
  19100. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SerializedPropertyType.Integer">
  19101. <summary>
  19102. <para>Integer property.</para>
  19103. </summary>
  19104. </member>
  19105. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SerializedPropertyType.LayerMask">
  19106. <summary>
  19107. <para>LayerMask property.</para>
  19108. </summary>
  19109. </member>
  19110. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference">
  19111. <summary>
  19112. <para>Reference to another object.</para>
  19113. </summary>
  19114. </member>
  19115. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SerializedPropertyType.Quaternion">
  19116. <summary>
  19117. <para>Quaternion property.</para>
  19118. </summary>
  19119. </member>
  19120. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SerializedPropertyType.Rect">
  19121. <summary>
  19122. <para>Rectangle property.</para>
  19123. </summary>
  19124. </member>
  19125. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SerializedPropertyType.String">
  19126. <summary>
  19127. <para>String property.</para>
  19128. </summary>
  19129. </member>
  19130. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SerializedPropertyType.Vector2">
  19131. <summary>
  19132. <para>2D vector property.</para>
  19133. </summary>
  19134. </member>
  19135. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SerializedPropertyType.Vector3">
  19136. <summary>
  19137. <para>3D vector property.</para>
  19138. </summary>
  19139. </member>
  19140. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SerializedPropertyType.Vector4">
  19141. <summary>
  19142. <para>4D vector property.</para>
  19143. </summary>
  19144. </member>
  19145. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ShaderGUI">
  19146. <summary>
  19147. <para>Abstract class to derive from for defining custom GUI for shader properties and for extending the material preview.</para>
  19148. </summary>
  19149. </member>
  19150. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ShaderGUI.AssignNewShaderToMaterial(UnityEngine.Material,UnityEngine.Shader,UnityEngine.Shader)">
  19151. <summary>
  19152. <para>This method is called when a new shader has been selected for a Material.</para>
  19153. </summary>
  19154. <param name="material">The material the newShader should be assigned to.</param>
  19155. <param name="oldShader">Previous shader.</param>
  19156. <param name="newShader">New shader to assign to the material.</param>
  19157. </member>
  19158. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ShaderGUI.FindProperty(System.String,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty[])">
  19159. <summary>
  19160. <para>Find shader properties.</para>
  19161. </summary>
  19162. <param name="propertyName">Name of the material property.</param>
  19163. <param name="properties">The array of available properties.</param>
  19164. <param name="propertyIsMandatory">If true then this method will throw an exception if a property with propertyName was not found.</param>
  19165. <returns>
  19166. <para>The material property found, otherwise null.</para>
  19167. </returns>
  19168. </member>
  19169. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ShaderGUI.FindProperty(System.String,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty[],System.Boolean)">
  19170. <summary>
  19171. <para>Find shader properties.</para>
  19172. </summary>
  19173. <param name="propertyName">Name of the material property.</param>
  19174. <param name="properties">The array of available properties.</param>
  19175. <param name="propertyIsMandatory">If true then this method will throw an exception if a property with propertyName was not found.</param>
  19176. <returns>
  19177. <para>The material property found, otherwise null.</para>
  19178. </returns>
  19179. </member>
  19180. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ShaderGUI.OnGUI(UnityEditor.MaterialEditor,UnityEditor.MaterialProperty[])">
  19181. <summary>
  19182. <para>To define a custom shader GUI use the methods of materialEditor to render controls for the properties array.</para>
  19183. </summary>
  19184. <param name="materialEditor">The MaterialEditor that are calling this OnGUI (the 'owner').</param>
  19185. <param name="properties">Material properties of the current selected shader.</param>
  19186. </member>
  19187. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ShaderGUI.OnMaterialPreviewGUI(UnityEditor.MaterialEditor,UnityEngine.Rect,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)">
  19188. <summary>
  19189. <para>Override for extending the rendering of the Preview area or completly replace the preview (by not calling base.OnMaterialPreviewGUI).</para>
  19190. </summary>
  19191. <param name="materialEditor">The MaterialEditor that are calling this method (the 'owner').</param>
  19192. <param name="r">Preview rect.</param>
  19193. <param name="background">Style for the background.</param>
  19194. </member>
  19195. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ShaderGUI.OnMaterialPreviewSettingsGUI(UnityEditor.MaterialEditor)">
  19196. <summary>
  19197. <para>Override for extending the functionality of the toolbar of the preview area or completly replace the toolbar by not calling base.OnMaterialPreviewSettingsGUI.</para>
  19198. </summary>
  19199. <param name="materialEditor">The MaterialEditor that are calling this method (the 'owner').</param>
  19200. </member>
  19201. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ShaderUtil">
  19202. <summary>
  19203. <para>Utility functions to assist with working with shaders from the editor.</para>
  19204. </summary>
  19205. </member>
  19206. <member name="P:UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.hardwareSupportsRectRenderTexture">
  19207. <summary>
  19208. <para>Does the current hardware support render textues.</para>
  19209. </summary>
  19210. </member>
  19211. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.GetPropertyCount(UnityEngine.Shader)">
  19212. <summary>
  19213. <para>Get the number of properties in Shader s.</para>
  19214. </summary>
  19215. <param name="s">The shader to check against.</param>
  19216. </member>
  19217. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.GetPropertyDescription(UnityEngine.Shader,System.Int32)">
  19218. <summary>
  19219. <para>Get the description of the shader propery at index propertyIdx of Shader s.</para>
  19220. </summary>
  19221. <param name="s">The shader to check against.</param>
  19222. <param name="propertyIdx">The property index to use.</param>
  19223. </member>
  19224. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.GetPropertyName(UnityEngine.Shader,System.Int32)">
  19225. <summary>
  19226. <para>Get the name of the shader propery at index propertyIdx of Shader s.</para>
  19227. </summary>
  19228. <param name="s">The shader to check against.</param>
  19229. <param name="propertyIdx">The property index to use.</param>
  19230. </member>
  19231. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.GetPropertyType(UnityEngine.Shader,System.Int32)">
  19232. <summary>
  19233. <para>Get the ShaderProperyType of the shader propery at index propertyIdx of Shader s.</para>
  19234. </summary>
  19235. <param name="s">The shader to check against.</param>
  19236. <param name="propertyIdx">The property index to use.</param>
  19237. </member>
  19238. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.GetRangeLimits(UnityEngine.Shader,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  19239. <summary>
  19240. <para>Get Limits for a range property at index propertyIdx of Shader s.</para>
  19241. </summary>
  19242. <param name="defminmax">Which value to get: 0 = default, 1 = min, 2 = max.</param>
  19243. <param name="s">The shader to check against.</param>
  19244. <param name="propertyIdx">The property index to use.</param>
  19245. </member>
  19246. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.GetTexDim(UnityEngine.Shader,System.Int32)">
  19247. <summary>
  19248. <para>Gets the ShaderPropertyTexDim of the texture at property index propertyIdx of Shader s.</para>
  19249. </summary>
  19250. <param name="s">The shader to check against.</param>
  19251. <param name="propertyIdx">The property index to use.</param>
  19252. </member>
  19253. <member name="M:UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.IsShaderPropertyHidden(UnityEngine.Shader,System.Int32)">
  19254. <summary>
  19255. <para>Is the shader propery at index propertyIdx of Shader s hidden?</para>
  19256. </summary>
  19257. <param name="s">The shader to check against.</param>
  19258. <param name="propertyIdx">The property index to use.</param>
  19259. </member>
  19260. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyTexDim">
  19261. <summary>
  19262. <para>Representation of the texture dimensions.</para>
  19263. </summary>
  19264. </member>
  19265. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyTexDim.TexDim2D">
  19266. <summary>
  19267. <para>2D Texture.</para>
  19268. </summary>
  19269. </member>
  19270. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyTexDim.TexDim3D">
  19271. <summary>
  19272. <para>3D Texture.</para>
  19273. </summary>
  19274. </member>
  19275. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyTexDim.TexDimAny">
  19276. <summary>
  19277. <para>Any texture dimension (catch all).</para>
  19278. </summary>
  19279. </member>
  19280. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyTexDim.TexDimCUBE">
  19281. <summary>
  19282. <para>Texure Cube (Cubemap).</para>
  19283. </summary>
  19284. </member>
  19285. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyTexDim.TexDimRECT">
  19286. <summary>
  19287. <para>Texture Rect.</para>
  19288. </summary>
  19289. </member>
  19290. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyTexDim.TexDimUnknown">
  19291. <summary>
  19292. <para>Unknown Texture dimension.</para>
  19293. </summary>
  19294. </member>
  19295. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType">
  19296. <summary>
  19297. <para>Type of a given texture property.</para>
  19298. </summary>
  19299. </member>
  19300. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.Color">
  19301. <summary>
  19302. <para>Color Property.</para>
  19303. </summary>
  19304. </member>
  19305. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.Float">
  19306. <summary>
  19307. <para>Float Property.</para>
  19308. </summary>
  19309. </member>
  19310. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.Range">
  19311. <summary>
  19312. <para>Range Property.</para>
  19313. </summary>
  19314. </member>
  19315. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.TexEnv">
  19316. <summary>
  19317. <para>Texture Property.</para>
  19318. </summary>
  19319. </member>
  19320. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.Vector">
  19321. <summary>
  19322. <para>Vector Property.</para>
  19323. </summary>
  19324. </member>
  19325. <member name="T:UnityEditor.SketchUpImportCamera">
  19326. <summary>
  19327. <para>Structure to hold camera data extracted from a SketchUp file.</para>
  19328. </summary>
  19329. </member>
  19330. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SketchUpImportCamera.aspectRatio">
  19331. <summary>
  19332. <para>Aspect ratio of the camera.</para>
  19333. </summary>
  19334. </member>
  19335. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SketchUpImportCamera.fieldOfView">
  19336. <summary>
  19337. <para>Field of view of the camera.</para>
  19338. </summary>
  19339. </member>
  19340. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SketchUpImportCamera.isPerspective">
  19341. <summary>
  19342. <para>Indicate if the camera is using a perspective or orthogonal projection.</para>
  19343. </summary>
  19344. </member>
  19345. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SketchUpImportCamera.lookAt">
  19346. <summary>
  19347. <para>The position the camera is looking at.</para>
  19348. </summary>
  19349. </member>
  19350. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SketchUpImportCamera.orthoSize">
  19351. <summary>
  19352. <para>The orthogonal projection size of the camera. This value only make sense if SketchUpImportCamera.isPerspective is false.</para>
  19353. </summary>
  19354. </member>
  19355. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SketchUpImportCamera.position">
  19356. <summary>
  19357. <para>The position of the camera.</para>
  19358. </summary>
  19359. </member>
  19360. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SketchUpImportCamera.up">
  19361. <summary>
  19362. <para>Up vector of the camera.</para>
  19363. </summary>
  19364. </member>
  19365. <member name="T:UnityEditor.SketchUpImporter">
  19366. <summary>
  19367. <para>Derives from AssetImporter to handle importing of SketchUp files.</para>
  19368. </summary>
  19369. </member>
  19370. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SketchUpImporter.latitude">
  19371. <summary>
  19372. <para>Retrieves the latitude Geo Coordinate imported from the SketchUp file.</para>
  19373. </summary>
  19374. </member>
  19375. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SketchUpImporter.longitude">
  19376. <summary>
  19377. <para>Retrieves the longitude Geo Coordinate imported from the SketchUp file.</para>
  19378. </summary>
  19379. </member>
  19380. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SketchUpImporter.northCorrection">
  19381. <summary>
  19382. <para>Retrieves the north correction value imported from the SketchUp file.</para>
  19383. </summary>
  19384. </member>
  19385. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SketchUpImporter.GetDefaultCamera">
  19386. <summary>
  19387. <para>The default camera or the camera of the active scene which the SketchUp file was saved with.</para>
  19388. </summary>
  19389. <returns>
  19390. <para>The default camera.</para>
  19391. </returns>
  19392. </member>
  19393. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SketchUpImporter.GetScenes">
  19394. <summary>
  19395. <para>The method returns an array of SketchUpImportScene which represents SketchUp scenes.</para>
  19396. </summary>
  19397. <returns>
  19398. <para>Array of scenes extracted from a SketchUp file.</para>
  19399. </returns>
  19400. </member>
  19401. <member name="T:UnityEditor.SketchUpImportScene">
  19402. <summary>
  19403. <para>Structure to hold scene data extracted from a SketchUp file.</para>
  19404. </summary>
  19405. </member>
  19406. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SketchUpImportScene.camera">
  19407. <summary>
  19408. <para>The camera data of the SketchUp scene.</para>
  19409. </summary>
  19410. </member>
  19411. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SketchUpImportScene.name">
  19412. <summary>
  19413. <para>The name of the SketchUp scene.</para>
  19414. </summary>
  19415. </member>
  19416. <member name="T:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter">
  19417. <summary>
  19418. <para>AssetImportor for importing SpeedTree model assets.</para>
  19419. </summary>
  19420. </member>
  19421. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.alphaTestRef">
  19422. <summary>
  19423. <para>Gets and sets a default alpha test reference values.</para>
  19424. </summary>
  19425. </member>
  19426. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.animateCrossFading">
  19427. <summary>
  19428. <para>Indicates if the cross-fade LOD transition, applied to the last mesh LOD and the billboard, should be animated.</para>
  19429. </summary>
  19430. </member>
  19431. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.bestWindQuality">
  19432. <summary>
  19433. <para>Returns the best-possible wind quality on this asset (configured in SpeedTree modeler).</para>
  19434. </summary>
  19435. </member>
  19436. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.billboardTransitionCrossFadeWidth">
  19437. <summary>
  19438. <para>Proportion of the last 3D mesh LOD region width which is used for cross-fading to billboard tree.</para>
  19439. </summary>
  19440. </member>
  19441. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.castShadows">
  19442. <summary>
  19443. <para>Gets and sets an array of booleans to enable shadow casting for each LOD.</para>
  19444. </summary>
  19445. </member>
  19446. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.enableBump">
  19447. <summary>
  19448. <para>Gets and sets an array of booleans to enable normal mapping for each LOD.</para>
  19449. </summary>
  19450. </member>
  19451. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.enableHue">
  19452. <summary>
  19453. <para>Gets and sets an array of booleans to enable Hue variation effect for each LOD.</para>
  19454. </summary>
  19455. </member>
  19456. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.enableSmoothLODTransition">
  19457. <summary>
  19458. <para>Enables smooth LOD transitions.</para>
  19459. </summary>
  19460. </member>
  19461. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.fadeOutWidth">
  19462. <summary>
  19463. <para>Proportion of the billboard LOD region width which is used for fading out the billboard.</para>
  19464. </summary>
  19465. </member>
  19466. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.hasBillboard">
  19467. <summary>
  19468. <para>Tells if there is a billboard LOD.</para>
  19469. </summary>
  19470. </member>
  19471. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.hasImported">
  19472. <summary>
  19473. <para>Tells if the SPM file has been previously imported.</para>
  19474. </summary>
  19475. </member>
  19476. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.hueVariation">
  19477. <summary>
  19478. <para>Gets and sets a default Hue variation color and amount (in alpha).</para>
  19479. </summary>
  19480. </member>
  19481. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.mainColor">
  19482. <summary>
  19483. <para>Gets and sets a default main color.</para>
  19484. </summary>
  19485. </member>
  19486. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.materialFolderPath">
  19487. <summary>
  19488. <para>Returns the folder path where generated materials will be placed in.</para>
  19489. </summary>
  19490. </member>
  19491. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.receiveShadows">
  19492. <summary>
  19493. <para>Gets and sets an array of booleans to enable shadow receiving for each LOD.</para>
  19494. </summary>
  19495. </member>
  19496. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.reflectionProbeUsages">
  19497. <summary>
  19498. <para>Gets and sets an array of Reflection Probe usages for each LOD.</para>
  19499. </summary>
  19500. </member>
  19501. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.scaleFactor">
  19502. <summary>
  19503. <para>How much to scale the tree model compared to what is in the .spm file.</para>
  19504. </summary>
  19505. </member>
  19506. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.shininess">
  19507. <summary>
  19508. <para>Gets and sets a default Shininess value.</para>
  19509. </summary>
  19510. </member>
  19511. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.specColor">
  19512. <summary>
  19513. <para>Gets and sets a default specular color.</para>
  19514. </summary>
  19515. </member>
  19516. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.useLightProbes">
  19517. <summary>
  19518. <para>Gets and sets an array of booleans to enable Light Probe lighting for each LOD.</para>
  19519. </summary>
  19520. </member>
  19521. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.windQualities">
  19522. <summary>
  19523. <para>Gets and sets an array of integers of the wind qualities on each LOD. Values will be clampped by BestWindQuality internally.</para>
  19524. </summary>
  19525. </member>
  19526. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.windQualityNames">
  19527. <summary>
  19528. <para>Gets an array of name strings for wind quality value.</para>
  19529. </summary>
  19530. </member>
  19531. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.#ctor">
  19532. <summary>
  19533. <para>Construct a new SpeedTreeImporter object.</para>
  19534. </summary>
  19535. </member>
  19536. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.GenerateMaterials">
  19537. <summary>
  19538. <para>Generates all necessary materials under materialFolderPath. If Version Control is enabled please first check out the folder.</para>
  19539. </summary>
  19540. </member>
  19541. <member name="P:UnityEditor.SpeedTreeImporter.LODHeights">
  19542. <summary>
  19543. <para>Gets and sets an array of floats of each LOD's screen height value.</para>
  19544. </summary>
  19545. </member>
  19546. <member name="T:UnityEditor.SpriteImportMode">
  19547. <summary>
  19548. <para>Texture importer modes for Sprite import.</para>
  19549. </summary>
  19550. </member>
  19551. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SpriteImportMode.Multiple">
  19552. <summary>
  19553. <para>Sprites are multiple image sections extracted from the texture.</para>
  19554. </summary>
  19555. </member>
  19556. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SpriteImportMode.None">
  19557. <summary>
  19558. <para>Graphic is not a Sprite.</para>
  19559. </summary>
  19560. </member>
  19561. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SpriteImportMode.Polygon">
  19562. <summary>
  19563. <para>Sprite has it own mesh outline defined.</para>
  19564. </summary>
  19565. </member>
  19566. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SpriteImportMode.Single">
  19567. <summary>
  19568. <para>Sprite is a single image section extracted automatically from the texture.</para>
  19569. </summary>
  19570. </member>
  19571. <member name="T:UnityEditor.SpriteMetaData">
  19572. <summary>
  19573. <para>Editor data used in producing a Sprite.</para>
  19574. </summary>
  19575. </member>
  19576. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SpriteMetaData.alignment">
  19577. <summary>
  19578. <para>Edge-relative alignment of the sprite graphic.</para>
  19579. </summary>
  19580. </member>
  19581. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SpriteMetaData.border">
  19582. <summary>
  19583. <para>Edge border size for a sprite (in pixels).</para>
  19584. </summary>
  19585. </member>
  19586. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SpriteMetaData.name">
  19587. <summary>
  19588. <para>Name of the Sprite.</para>
  19589. </summary>
  19590. </member>
  19591. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SpriteMetaData.pivot">
  19592. <summary>
  19593. <para>Pivot point of the Sprite relative to its bounding rectangle.</para>
  19594. </summary>
  19595. </member>
  19596. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SpriteMetaData.rect">
  19597. <summary>
  19598. <para>Bounding rectangle of the sprite's graphic within the atlas image.</para>
  19599. </summary>
  19600. </member>
  19601. <member name="T:UnityEditor.SpritePackerMode">
  19602. <summary>
  19603. <para>Sprite Packer mode for the current project.</para>
  19604. </summary>
  19605. </member>
  19606. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SpritePackerMode.AlwaysOn">
  19607. <summary>
  19608. <para>Always maintain an up-to-date sprite atlas cache.</para>
  19609. </summary>
  19610. </member>
  19611. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SpritePackerMode.BuildTimeOnly">
  19612. <summary>
  19613. <para>Updates sprite atlas cache when building player/bundles.</para>
  19614. </summary>
  19615. </member>
  19616. <member name="F:UnityEditor.SpritePackerMode.Disabled">
  19617. <summary>
  19618. <para>Doesn't pack sprites.</para>
  19619. </summary>
  19620. </member>
  19621. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Sprites.AtlasSettings">
  19622. <summary>
  19623. <para>Describes the final atlas texture.</para>
  19624. </summary>
  19625. </member>
  19626. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Sprites.AtlasSettings.allowsAlphaSplitting">
  19627. <summary>
  19628. <para>Marks this atlas so that it contains textures that have been flagged for Alpha splitting when needed (for example ETC1 compression for textures with transparency).</para>
  19629. </summary>
  19630. </member>
  19631. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Sprites.AtlasSettings.anisoLevel">
  19632. <summary>
  19633. <para>Anisotropic filtering level of the atlas texture.</para>
  19634. </summary>
  19635. </member>
  19636. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Sprites.AtlasSettings.colorSpace">
  19637. <summary>
  19638. <para>Desired color space of the atlas.</para>
  19639. </summary>
  19640. </member>
  19641. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Sprites.AtlasSettings.compressionQuality">
  19642. <summary>
  19643. <para>Quality of atlas texture compression in the range [0..100].</para>
  19644. </summary>
  19645. </member>
  19646. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Sprites.AtlasSettings.enableRotation">
  19647. <summary>
  19648. <para>Allows Sprite Packer to rotate/flip the Sprite to ensure optimal Packing.</para>
  19649. </summary>
  19650. </member>
  19651. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Sprites.AtlasSettings.filterMode">
  19652. <summary>
  19653. <para>Filtering mode of the atlas texture.</para>
  19654. </summary>
  19655. </member>
  19656. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Sprites.AtlasSettings.format">
  19657. <summary>
  19658. <para>The format of the atlas texture.</para>
  19659. </summary>
  19660. </member>
  19661. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Sprites.AtlasSettings.generateMipMaps">
  19662. <summary>
  19663. <para>Should sprite atlas textures generate mip maps?</para>
  19664. </summary>
  19665. </member>
  19666. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Sprites.AtlasSettings.maxHeight">
  19667. <summary>
  19668. <para>Maximum height of the atlas texture.</para>
  19669. </summary>
  19670. </member>
  19671. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Sprites.AtlasSettings.maxWidth">
  19672. <summary>
  19673. <para>Maximum width of the atlas texture.</para>
  19674. </summary>
  19675. </member>
  19676. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Sprites.AtlasSettings.paddingPower">
  19677. <summary>
  19678. <para>The amount of extra padding between packed sprites.</para>
  19679. </summary>
  19680. </member>
  19681. <member name="?:UnityEditor.Sprites.IPackerPolicy">
  19682. <summary>
  19683. <para>Sprite packing policy interface. Provide a custom implementation to control which Sprites go into which atlases.</para>
  19684. </summary>
  19685. </member>
  19686. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Sprites.IPackerPolicy.GetVersion">
  19687. <summary>
  19688. <para>Return the version of your policy. Sprite Packer needs to know if atlas grouping logic changed.</para>
  19689. </summary>
  19690. </member>
  19691. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Sprites.IPackerPolicy.OnGroupAtlases(UnityEditor.BuildTarget,UnityEditor.Sprites.PackerJob,System.Int32[])">
  19692. <summary>
  19693. <para>Implement custom atlas grouping here.</para>
  19694. </summary>
  19695. <param name="target"></param>
  19696. <param name="job"></param>
  19697. <param name="textureImporterInstanceIDs"></param>
  19698. </member>
  19699. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Sprites.Packer">
  19700. <summary>
  19701. <para>Sprite Packer helpers.</para>
  19702. </summary>
  19703. </member>
  19704. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Sprites.Packer.atlasNames">
  19705. <summary>
  19706. <para>Array of Sprite atlas names found in the current atlas cache.</para>
  19707. </summary>
  19708. </member>
  19709. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Sprites.Packer.kDefaultPolicy">
  19710. <summary>
  19711. <para>Name of the default Sprite Packer policy.</para>
  19712. </summary>
  19713. </member>
  19714. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Sprites.Packer.Execution">
  19715. <summary>
  19716. <para>Sprite Packer execution mode.</para>
  19717. </summary>
  19718. </member>
  19719. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Sprites.Packer.Execution.ForceRegroup">
  19720. <summary>
  19721. <para>Will always trigger IPackerPolicy.OnGroupAtlases.</para>
  19722. </summary>
  19723. </member>
  19724. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Sprites.Packer.Execution.Normal">
  19725. <summary>
  19726. <para>Normal execution. Will not trigger IPackerPolicy.OnGroupAtlases unless IPackerPolicy, IPackerPolicy version or TextureImporter settings have changed.</para>
  19727. </summary>
  19728. </member>
  19729. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Sprites.Packer.GetAlphaTexturesForAtlas(System.String)">
  19730. <summary>
  19731. <para>Returns all alpha atlas textures generated for the specified atlas.</para>
  19732. </summary>
  19733. <param name="atlasName">Name of the atlas.</param>
  19734. </member>
  19735. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Sprites.Packer.GetAtlasDataForSprite(UnityEngine.Sprite,System.String&amp;,UnityEngine.Texture2D&amp;)">
  19736. <summary>
  19737. <para>Returns atlasing data for the specified Sprite.</para>
  19738. </summary>
  19739. <param name="sprite">Sprite to query.</param>
  19740. <param name="atlasName">Gets set to the name of the atlas containing the specified Sprite.</param>
  19741. <param name="atlasTexture">Gets set to the Texture containing the specified Sprite.</param>
  19742. </member>
  19743. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Sprites.Packer.GetTexturesForAtlas(System.String)">
  19744. <summary>
  19745. <para>Returns all atlas textures generated for the specified atlas.</para>
  19746. </summary>
  19747. <param name="atlasName">Atlas name.</param>
  19748. </member>
  19749. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Sprites.Packer.Policies">
  19750. <summary>
  19751. <para>Available Sprite Packer policies for this project.</para>
  19752. </summary>
  19753. </member>
  19754. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Sprites.Packer.RebuildAtlasCacheIfNeeded(UnityEditor.BuildTarget,System.Boolean,UnityEditor.Sprites.Packer/Execution)">
  19755. <summary>
  19756. <para>Rebuilds the Sprite atlas cache.</para>
  19757. </summary>
  19758. <param name="target"></param>
  19759. <param name="displayProgressBar"></param>
  19760. <param name="execution"></param>
  19761. </member>
  19762. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Sprites.Packer.SelectedPolicy">
  19763. <summary>
  19764. <para>The active Sprite Packer policy for this project.</para>
  19765. </summary>
  19766. </member>
  19767. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Sprites.PackerJob">
  19768. <summary>
  19769. <para>Current Sprite Packer job definition.</para>
  19770. </summary>
  19771. </member>
  19772. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Sprites.PackerJob.AddAtlas(System.String,UnityEditor.Sprites.AtlasSettings)">
  19773. <summary>
  19774. <para>Registers a new atlas.</para>
  19775. </summary>
  19776. <param name="atlasName"></param>
  19777. <param name="settings"></param>
  19778. </member>
  19779. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Sprites.PackerJob.AssignToAtlas(System.String,UnityEngine.Sprite,UnityEngine.SpritePackingMode,UnityEngine.SpritePackingRotation)">
  19780. <summary>
  19781. <para>Assigns a Sprite to an already registered atlas.</para>
  19782. </summary>
  19783. <param name="atlasName"></param>
  19784. <param name="sprite"></param>
  19785. <param name="packingMode"></param>
  19786. <param name="packingRotation"></param>
  19787. </member>
  19788. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Sprites.SpriteUtility">
  19789. <summary>
  19790. <para>Helper utilities for accessing Sprite data.</para>
  19791. </summary>
  19792. </member>
  19793. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Sprites.SpriteUtility.GetSpriteIndices(UnityEngine.Sprite,System.Boolean)">
  19794. <summary>
  19795. <para>Returns the generated Sprite mesh indices.</para>
  19796. </summary>
  19797. <param name="sprite">If Sprite is packed, it is possible to access data as if it was on the atlas texture.</param>
  19798. <param name="getAtlasData"></param>
  19799. </member>
  19800. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Sprites.SpriteUtility.GetSpriteMesh(UnityEngine.Sprite,System.Boolean)">
  19801. <summary>
  19802. <para>Returns the generated Sprite mesh positions.</para>
  19803. </summary>
  19804. <param name="getAtlasData">If Sprite is packed, it is possible to access data as if it was on the atlas texture.</param>
  19805. <param name="sprite"></param>
  19806. </member>
  19807. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Sprites.SpriteUtility.GetSpriteTexture(UnityEngine.Sprite,System.Boolean)">
  19808. <summary>
  19809. <para>Returns the generated Sprite texture. If Sprite is packed, it is possible to query for both source and atlas textures.</para>
  19810. </summary>
  19811. <param name="getAtlasData">If Sprite is packed, it is possible to access data as if it was on the atlas texture.</param>
  19812. <param name="sprite"></param>
  19813. </member>
  19814. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Sprites.SpriteUtility.GetSpriteUVs(UnityEngine.Sprite,System.Boolean)">
  19815. <summary>
  19816. <para>Returns the generated Sprite mesh uvs.</para>
  19817. </summary>
  19818. <param name="sprite">If Sprite is packed, it is possible to access data as if it was on the atlas texture.</param>
  19819. <param name="getAtlasData"></param>
  19820. </member>
  19821. <member name="T:UnityEditor.StaticEditorFlags">
  19822. <summary>
  19823. <para>Static Editor Flags.</para>
  19824. </summary>
  19825. </member>
  19826. <member name="F:UnityEditor.StaticEditorFlags.BatchingStatic">
  19827. <summary>
  19828. <para>Consider for static batching.</para>
  19829. </summary>
  19830. </member>
  19831. <member name="F:UnityEditor.StaticEditorFlags.LightmapStatic">
  19832. <summary>
  19833. <para>Considered static for lightmapping.</para>
  19834. </summary>
  19835. </member>
  19836. <member name="F:UnityEditor.StaticEditorFlags.NavigationStatic">
  19837. <summary>
  19838. <para>Considered static for navigation.</para>
  19839. </summary>
  19840. </member>
  19841. <member name="F:UnityEditor.StaticEditorFlags.OccludeeStatic">
  19842. <summary>
  19843. <para>Considered static for occlusion.</para>
  19844. </summary>
  19845. </member>
  19846. <member name="F:UnityEditor.StaticEditorFlags.OccluderStatic">
  19847. <summary>
  19848. <para>Considered static for occlusion.</para>
  19849. </summary>
  19850. </member>
  19851. <member name="F:UnityEditor.StaticEditorFlags.OffMeshLinkGeneration">
  19852. <summary>
  19853. <para>Auto-generate OffMeshLink.</para>
  19854. </summary>
  19855. </member>
  19856. <member name="F:UnityEditor.StaticEditorFlags.ReflectionProbeStatic">
  19857. <summary>
  19858. <para>Consider static for reflection probe.</para>
  19859. </summary>
  19860. </member>
  19861. <member name="T:UnityEditor.StaticOcclusionCulling">
  19862. <summary>
  19863. <para>StaticOcclusionCulling lets you perform static occlusion culling operations.</para>
  19864. </summary>
  19865. </member>
  19866. <member name="P:UnityEditor.StaticOcclusionCulling.doesSceneHaveManualPortals">
  19867. <summary>
  19868. <para>Does the scene contain any occlusion portals that were added manually rather than automatically?</para>
  19869. </summary>
  19870. </member>
  19871. <member name="P:UnityEditor.StaticOcclusionCulling.isRunning">
  19872. <summary>
  19873. <para>Used to check if asynchronous generation of static occlusion culling data is still running.</para>
  19874. </summary>
  19875. </member>
  19876. <member name="P:UnityEditor.StaticOcclusionCulling.umbraDataSize">
  19877. <summary>
  19878. <para>Returns the size in bytes that the PVS data is currently taking up in this scene on disk.</para>
  19879. </summary>
  19880. </member>
  19881. <member name="M:UnityEditor.StaticOcclusionCulling.Cancel">
  19882. <summary>
  19883. <para>Used to cancel asynchronous generation of static occlusion culling data.</para>
  19884. </summary>
  19885. </member>
  19886. <member name="M:UnityEditor.StaticOcclusionCulling.Clear">
  19887. <summary>
  19888. <para>Clears the PVS of the opened scene.</para>
  19889. </summary>
  19890. </member>
  19891. <member name="M:UnityEditor.StaticOcclusionCulling.Compute">
  19892. <summary>
  19893. <para>Used to generate static occlusion culling data.</para>
  19894. </summary>
  19895. </member>
  19896. <member name="M:UnityEditor.StaticOcclusionCulling.GenerateInBackground">
  19897. <summary>
  19898. <para>Used to compute static occlusion culling data asynchronously.</para>
  19899. </summary>
  19900. </member>
  19901. <member name="M:UnityEditor.StaticOcclusionCulling.GenerateInBackground">
  19902. <summary>
  19903. <para>Used to compute static occlusion culling data asynchronously.</para>
  19904. </summary>
  19905. </member>
  19906. <member name="T:UnityEditor.StaticOcclusionCullingVisualization">
  19907. <summary>
  19908. <para>Used to visualize static occlusion culling at development time in scene view.</para>
  19909. </summary>
  19910. </member>
  19911. <member name="P:UnityEditor.StaticOcclusionCullingVisualization.showGeometryCulling">
  19912. <summary>
  19913. <para>If set to true, culling of geometry is enabled.</para>
  19914. </summary>
  19915. </member>
  19916. <member name="P:UnityEditor.StaticOcclusionCullingVisualization.showOcclusionCulling">
  19917. <summary>
  19918. <para>If set to true, visualization of target volumes is enabled.</para>
  19919. </summary>
  19920. </member>
  19921. <member name="P:UnityEditor.StaticOcclusionCullingVisualization.showPortals">
  19922. <summary>
  19923. <para>If set to true, visualization of portals is enabled.</para>
  19924. </summary>
  19925. </member>
  19926. <member name="P:UnityEditor.StaticOcclusionCullingVisualization.showPreVisualization">
  19927. <summary>
  19928. <para>If set to true, the visualization lines of the PVS volumes will show all cells rather than cells after culling.</para>
  19929. </summary>
  19930. </member>
  19931. <member name="P:UnityEditor.StaticOcclusionCullingVisualization.showViewVolumes">
  19932. <summary>
  19933. <para>If set to true, visualization of view volumes is enabled.</para>
  19934. </summary>
  19935. </member>
  19936. <member name="P:UnityEditor.StaticOcclusionCullingVisualization.showVisibilityLines">
  19937. <summary>
  19938. <para>If set to true, visualization of portals is enabled.</para>
  19939. </summary>
  19940. </member>
  19941. <member name="T:UnityEditor.StrippingLevel">
  19942. <summary>
  19943. <para>Managed code stripping level.</para>
  19944. </summary>
  19945. </member>
  19946. <member name="F:UnityEditor.StrippingLevel.Disabled">
  19947. <summary>
  19948. <para>Managed code stripping is disabled.</para>
  19949. </summary>
  19950. </member>
  19951. <member name="F:UnityEditor.StrippingLevel.StripAssemblies">
  19952. <summary>
  19953. <para>Unused parts of managed code are stripped away.</para>
  19954. </summary>
  19955. </member>
  19956. <member name="F:UnityEditor.StrippingLevel.StripByteCode">
  19957. <summary>
  19958. <para>Managed method bodies are stripped away. AOT platforms only.</para>
  19959. </summary>
  19960. </member>
  19961. <member name="F:UnityEditor.StrippingLevel.UseMicroMSCorlib">
  19962. <summary>
  19963. <para>Lightweight mscorlib version will be used at expense of limited compatibility.</para>
  19964. </summary>
  19965. </member>
  19966. <member name="T:UnityEditor.SubstanceArchive">
  19967. <summary>
  19968. <para>Class for Substance Archive handling.</para>
  19969. </summary>
  19970. </member>
  19971. <member name="T:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter">
  19972. <summary>
  19973. <para>The SubstanceImporter class lets you access the imported ProceduralMaterial instances.</para>
  19974. </summary>
  19975. </member>
  19976. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.CloneMaterial(UnityEngine.ProceduralMaterial)">
  19977. <summary>
  19978. <para>Clone an existing ProceduralMaterial instance.</para>
  19979. </summary>
  19980. <param name="material"></param>
  19981. </member>
  19982. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.DestroyMaterial(UnityEngine.ProceduralMaterial)">
  19983. <summary>
  19984. <para>Destroy an existing ProceduralMaterial instance.</para>
  19985. </summary>
  19986. <param name="material"></param>
  19987. </member>
  19988. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.ExportBitmaps(UnityEngine.ProceduralMaterial,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  19989. <summary>
  19990. <para>Export the bitmaps generated by a ProceduralMaterial as TGA files.</para>
  19991. </summary>
  19992. <param name="material">The ProceduralMaterial whose output textures will be saved.</param>
  19993. <param name="exportPath">Path to a folder where the output bitmaps will be saved. The folder will be created if it doesn't already exist.</param>
  19994. <param name="alphaRemap">Indicates whether alpha channel remapping should be performed.</param>
  19995. </member>
  19996. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.ExportPreset(UnityEngine.ProceduralMaterial,System.String)">
  19997. <summary>
  19998. <para>Export a XML preset string with the value of all parameters of a given ProceduralMaterial to the specified folder.</para>
  19999. </summary>
  20000. <param name="material">The ProceduralMaterial whose preset string will be saved.</param>
  20001. <param name="exportPath">Path to a folder where the preset file will be saved. The folder will be created if it doesn't already exist.</param>
  20002. </member>
  20003. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.GetAnimationUpdateRate(UnityEngine.ProceduralMaterial)">
  20004. <summary>
  20005. <para>Get the ProceduralMaterial animation update rate in millisecond.</para>
  20006. </summary>
  20007. <param name="material"></param>
  20008. </member>
  20009. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.GetGenerateAllOutputs(UnityEngine.ProceduralMaterial)">
  20010. <summary>
  20011. <para>Check if the ProceduralMaterial needs to force generation of all its outputs.</para>
  20012. </summary>
  20013. <param name="material"></param>
  20014. </member>
  20015. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.GetGenerateMipMaps(UnityEngine.ProceduralMaterial)">
  20016. <summary>
  20017. <para>Return true if the mipmaps are generated for this ProceduralMaterial.</para>
  20018. </summary>
  20019. <param name="material"></param>
  20020. </member>
  20021. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.GetMaterialCount">
  20022. <summary>
  20023. <para>Get the number of ProceduralMaterial instances.</para>
  20024. </summary>
  20025. </member>
  20026. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.GetMaterialOffset(UnityEngine.ProceduralMaterial)">
  20027. <summary>
  20028. <para>Get the material offset, which is used for all the textures that are part of this ProceduralMaterial.</para>
  20029. </summary>
  20030. <param name="material"></param>
  20031. </member>
  20032. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.GetMaterials">
  20033. <summary>
  20034. <para>Get an array with the ProceduralMaterial instances.</para>
  20035. </summary>
  20036. </member>
  20037. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.GetMaterialScale(UnityEngine.ProceduralMaterial)">
  20038. <summary>
  20039. <para>Get the material scale, which is used for all the textures that are part of this ProceduralMaterial.</para>
  20040. </summary>
  20041. <param name="material"></param>
  20042. </member>
  20043. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.GetPlatformTextureSettings(System.String,System.String,System.Int32&amp;,System.Int32&amp;,System.Int32&amp;,System.Int32&amp;)">
  20044. <summary>
  20045. <para>Get the import settings for a given ProceduralMaterial for a given platform (width and height, RAW/Compressed format, loading behavior).</para>
  20046. </summary>
  20047. <param name="materialName">The name of the ProceduralMaterial.</param>
  20048. <param name="platform">The name of the platform (can be empty).</param>
  20049. <param name="maxTextureWidth">The maximum texture width for this ProceduralMaterial (output value).</param>
  20050. <param name="maxTextureHeight">The maximum texture height for this ProceduralMaterial (output value).</param>
  20051. <param name="textureFormat">The texture format (0=Compressed, 1=RAW) for this ProceduralMaterial (output value).</param>
  20052. <param name="loadBehavior">The load behavior for this ProceduralMaterial (output value).
  20053. Values match the ProceduralMaterial::ProceduralLoadingBehavior enum.</param>
  20054. </member>
  20055. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.GetPrototypeNames">
  20056. <summary>
  20057. <para>Get a list of the names of the ProceduralMaterial prototypes in the package.</para>
  20058. </summary>
  20059. </member>
  20060. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.GetTextureAlphaSource(UnityEngine.ProceduralMaterial,System.String)">
  20061. <summary>
  20062. <para>Get the alpha source of the given texture in the ProceduralMaterial.</para>
  20063. </summary>
  20064. <param name="material"></param>
  20065. <param name="textureName"></param>
  20066. </member>
  20067. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.InstantiateMaterial(System.String)">
  20068. <summary>
  20069. <para>Instantiate a new ProceduralMaterial instance from a prototype.</para>
  20070. </summary>
  20071. <param name="prototypeName"></param>
  20072. </member>
  20073. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.OnShaderModified(UnityEngine.ProceduralMaterial)">
  20074. <summary>
  20075. <para>After modifying the shader of a ProceduralMaterial, call this function to apply the changes to the importer.</para>
  20076. </summary>
  20077. <param name="material"></param>
  20078. </member>
  20079. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.RenameMaterial(UnityEngine.ProceduralMaterial,System.String)">
  20080. <summary>
  20081. <para>Rename an existing ProceduralMaterial instance.</para>
  20082. </summary>
  20083. <param name="material"></param>
  20084. <param name="name"></param>
  20085. </member>
  20086. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.ResetMaterial(UnityEngine.ProceduralMaterial)">
  20087. <summary>
  20088. <para>Reset the ProceduralMaterial to its default values.</para>
  20089. </summary>
  20090. <param name="material"></param>
  20091. </member>
  20092. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.SetAnimationUpdateRate(UnityEngine.ProceduralMaterial,System.Int32)">
  20093. <summary>
  20094. <para>Set the ProceduralMaterial animation update rate in millisecond.</para>
  20095. </summary>
  20096. <param name="material"></param>
  20097. <param name="animation_update_rate"></param>
  20098. </member>
  20099. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.SetGenerateAllOutputs(UnityEngine.ProceduralMaterial,System.Boolean)">
  20100. <summary>
  20101. <para>Specify if the ProceduralMaterial needs to force generation of all its outputs.</para>
  20102. </summary>
  20103. <param name="material"></param>
  20104. <param name="generated"></param>
  20105. </member>
  20106. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.SetGenerateMipMaps(UnityEngine.ProceduralMaterial,System.Boolean)">
  20107. <summary>
  20108. <para>Force the generation of mipmaps for this ProceduralMaterial.</para>
  20109. </summary>
  20110. <param name="material"></param>
  20111. <param name="mode"></param>
  20112. </member>
  20113. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.SetMaterialOffset(UnityEngine.ProceduralMaterial,UnityEngine.Vector2)">
  20114. <summary>
  20115. <para>Set the material offset, which is used for all the textures that are part of this ProceduralMaterial.</para>
  20116. </summary>
  20117. <param name="material"></param>
  20118. <param name="offset"></param>
  20119. </member>
  20120. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.SetMaterialScale(UnityEngine.ProceduralMaterial,UnityEngine.Vector2)">
  20121. <summary>
  20122. <para>Set the material scale, which is used for all the textures that are part of this ProceduralMaterial.</para>
  20123. </summary>
  20124. <param name="material"></param>
  20125. <param name="scale"></param>
  20126. </member>
  20127. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.SetPlatformTextureSettings">
  20128. <summary>
  20129. <para>Set the import settings for the input ProceduralMaterial for the input platform (width and height, RAW/Compressed format, loading behavior).</para>
  20130. </summary>
  20131. <param name="materialName">The name of the Procedural Material.</param>
  20132. <param name="platform">The name of the platform (can be empty).</param>
  20133. <param name="maxTextureWidth">The maximum texture width for this Procedural Material.</param>
  20134. <param name="maxTextureHeight">The maximum texture height for this Procedural Material.</param>
  20135. <param name="textureFormat">The texture format (0=Compressed, 1=RAW) for this Procedural Material.</param>
  20136. <param name="loadBehavior">The load behavior for this Procedural Material.
  20137. Values match the ProceduralMaterial::ProceduralLoadingBehavior enum.</param>
  20138. </member>
  20139. <member name="M:UnityEditor.SubstanceImporter.SetTextureAlphaSource(UnityEngine.ProceduralMaterial,System.String,UnityEngine.ProceduralOutputType)">
  20140. <summary>
  20141. <para>Set the alpha source of the given texture in the ProceduralMaterial.</para>
  20142. </summary>
  20143. <param name="material"></param>
  20144. <param name="textureName"></param>
  20145. <param name="alphaSource"></param>
  20146. </member>
  20147. <member name="T:UnityEditor.TakeInfo">
  20148. <summary>
  20149. <para>A Takeinfo object contains all the information needed to describe a take.</para>
  20150. </summary>
  20151. </member>
  20152. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TakeInfo.bakeStartTime">
  20153. <summary>
  20154. <para>Start time in second.</para>
  20155. </summary>
  20156. </member>
  20157. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TakeInfo.bakeStopTime">
  20158. <summary>
  20159. <para>Stop time in second.</para>
  20160. </summary>
  20161. </member>
  20162. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TakeInfo.defaultClipName">
  20163. <summary>
  20164. <para>This is the default clip name for the clip generated for this take.</para>
  20165. </summary>
  20166. </member>
  20167. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TakeInfo.name">
  20168. <summary>
  20169. <para>Take name as define from imported file.</para>
  20170. </summary>
  20171. </member>
  20172. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TakeInfo.sampleRate">
  20173. <summary>
  20174. <para>Sample rate of the take.</para>
  20175. </summary>
  20176. </member>
  20177. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TakeInfo.startTime">
  20178. <summary>
  20179. <para>Start time in second.</para>
  20180. </summary>
  20181. </member>
  20182. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TakeInfo.stopTime">
  20183. <summary>
  20184. <para>Stop time in second.</para>
  20185. </summary>
  20186. </member>
  20187. <member name="T:UnityEditor.TextureImporter">
  20188. <summary>
  20189. <para>Texture importer lets you modify Texture2D import settings from editor scripts.</para>
  20190. </summary>
  20191. </member>
  20192. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.anisoLevel">
  20193. <summary>
  20194. <para>Anisotropic filtering level of the texture.</para>
  20195. </summary>
  20196. </member>
  20197. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.borderMipmap">
  20198. <summary>
  20199. <para>Keep texture borders the same when generating mipmaps?</para>
  20200. </summary>
  20201. </member>
  20202. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.compressionQuality">
  20203. <summary>
  20204. <para>Quality of Texture Compression in the range [0..100].</para>
  20205. </summary>
  20206. </member>
  20207. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.convertToNormalmap">
  20208. <summary>
  20209. <para>Convert heightmap to normal map?</para>
  20210. </summary>
  20211. </member>
  20212. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.fadeout">
  20213. <summary>
  20214. <para>Fade out mip levels to gray color?</para>
  20215. </summary>
  20216. </member>
  20217. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.filterMode">
  20218. <summary>
  20219. <para>Filtering mode of the texture.</para>
  20220. </summary>
  20221. </member>
  20222. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.generateCubemap">
  20223. <summary>
  20224. <para>Cubemap generation mode.</para>
  20225. </summary>
  20226. </member>
  20227. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.generateMipsInLinearSpace">
  20228. <summary>
  20229. <para>Should mip maps be generated with gamma correction?</para>
  20230. </summary>
  20231. </member>
  20232. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.grayscaleToAlpha">
  20233. <summary>
  20234. <para>Generate alpha channel from intensity?</para>
  20235. </summary>
  20236. </member>
  20237. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.heightmapScale">
  20238. <summary>
  20239. <para>Amount of bumpyness in the heightmap.</para>
  20240. </summary>
  20241. </member>
  20242. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.isReadable">
  20243. <summary>
  20244. <para>Is texture data readable from scripts.</para>
  20245. </summary>
  20246. </member>
  20247. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.lightmap">
  20248. <summary>
  20249. <para>Is this texture a lightmap?</para>
  20250. </summary>
  20251. </member>
  20252. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.linearTexture">
  20253. <summary>
  20254. <para>Is texture storing non-color data?</para>
  20255. </summary>
  20256. </member>
  20257. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.maxTextureSize">
  20258. <summary>
  20259. <para>Maximum texture size.</para>
  20260. </summary>
  20261. </member>
  20262. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.mipMapBias">
  20263. <summary>
  20264. <para>Mip map bias of the texture.</para>
  20265. </summary>
  20266. </member>
  20267. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.mipmapEnabled">
  20268. <summary>
  20269. <para>Generate mip maps for the texture?</para>
  20270. </summary>
  20271. </member>
  20272. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.mipmapFadeDistanceEnd">
  20273. <summary>
  20274. <para>Mip level where texture is faded out completely.</para>
  20275. </summary>
  20276. </member>
  20277. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.mipmapFadeDistanceStart">
  20278. <summary>
  20279. <para>Mip level where texture begins to fade out.</para>
  20280. </summary>
  20281. </member>
  20282. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.mipmapFilter">
  20283. <summary>
  20284. <para>Mipmap filtering mode.</para>
  20285. </summary>
  20286. </member>
  20287. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.normalmap">
  20288. <summary>
  20289. <para>Is this texture a normal map?</para>
  20290. </summary>
  20291. </member>
  20292. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.normalmapFilter">
  20293. <summary>
  20294. <para>Normal map filtering mode.</para>
  20295. </summary>
  20296. </member>
  20297. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.npotScale">
  20298. <summary>
  20299. <para>Scaling mode for non power of two textures.</para>
  20300. </summary>
  20301. </member>
  20302. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.qualifiesForSpritePacking">
  20303. <summary>
  20304. <para>Returns true if this TextureImporter is setup for Sprite packing.</para>
  20305. </summary>
  20306. </member>
  20307. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.spriteBorder">
  20308. <summary>
  20309. <para>Border sizes of the generated sprites.</para>
  20310. </summary>
  20311. </member>
  20312. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.spriteImportMode">
  20313. <summary>
  20314. <para>Selects Single or Manual import mode for Sprite textures.</para>
  20315. </summary>
  20316. </member>
  20317. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.spritePackingTag">
  20318. <summary>
  20319. <para>Selects the Sprite packing tag.</para>
  20320. </summary>
  20321. </member>
  20322. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.spritePivot">
  20323. <summary>
  20324. <para>The point in the Sprite object's coordinate space where the graphic is located.</para>
  20325. </summary>
  20326. </member>
  20327. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.spritePixelsPerUnit">
  20328. <summary>
  20329. <para>The number of pixels in the sprite that correspond to one unit in world space.</para>
  20330. </summary>
  20331. </member>
  20332. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.spritePixelsToUnits">
  20333. <summary>
  20334. <para>Scale factor for mapping pixels in the graphic to units in world space.</para>
  20335. </summary>
  20336. </member>
  20337. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.spritesheet">
  20338. <summary>
  20339. <para>Array representing the sections of the atlas corresponding to individual sprite graphics.</para>
  20340. </summary>
  20341. </member>
  20342. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.textureFormat">
  20343. <summary>
  20344. <para>Format of imported texture.</para>
  20345. </summary>
  20346. </member>
  20347. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.textureType">
  20348. <summary>
  20349. <para>Which type of texture are we dealing with here.</para>
  20350. </summary>
  20351. </member>
  20352. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.wrapMode">
  20353. <summary>
  20354. <para>Wrap mode (Repeat or Clamp) of the texture.</para>
  20355. </summary>
  20356. </member>
  20357. <member name="M:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.ClearPlatformTextureSettings(System.String)">
  20358. <summary>
  20359. <para>Clear specific target platform settings.</para>
  20360. </summary>
  20361. <param name="platform">The platform whose settings are to be cleared (see below).</param>
  20362. </member>
  20363. <member name="M:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.DoesSourceTextureHaveAlpha">
  20364. <summary>
  20365. <para>Does textures source image have alpha channel.</para>
  20366. </summary>
  20367. </member>
  20368. <member name="M:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.DoesSourceTextureHaveColor">
  20369. <summary>
  20370. <para>Does textures source image have RGB channels.</para>
  20371. </summary>
  20372. </member>
  20373. <member name="M:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.GetAllowsAlphaSplitting">
  20374. <summary>
  20375. <para>Getter for the flag that allows Alpha splitting on the imported texture when needed (for example ETC1 compression for textures with transparency).</para>
  20376. </summary>
  20377. <returns>
  20378. <para>True if the importer allows alpha split on the imported texture, False otherwise.</para>
  20379. </returns>
  20380. </member>
  20381. <member name="M:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.GetPlatformTextureSettings(System.String,System.Int32&amp;,UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat&amp;,System.Int32&amp;)">
  20382. <summary>
  20383. <para>Get platform specific texture settings.</para>
  20384. </summary>
  20385. <param name="platform">The platform whose settings are required (see below).</param>
  20386. <param name="maxTextureSize">Maximum texture width/height in pixels.</param>
  20387. <param name="textureFormat">Data format of the texture.</param>
  20388. <param name="compressionQuality">Value from 0..100, equivalent to the standard JPEG quality setting.</param>
  20389. </member>
  20390. <member name="M:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.GetPlatformTextureSettings(System.String,System.Int32&amp;,UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat&amp;)">
  20391. <summary>
  20392. <para>Get platform specific texture settings.</para>
  20393. </summary>
  20394. <param name="platform">The platform whose settings are required (see below).</param>
  20395. <param name="maxTextureSize">Maximum texture width/height in pixels.</param>
  20396. <param name="textureFormat">Data format of the texture.</param>
  20397. </member>
  20398. <member name="M:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.ReadTextureImportInstructions">
  20399. <summary>
  20400. <para>Reads the active texture output instructions of this TextureImporter.</para>
  20401. </summary>
  20402. </member>
  20403. <member name="M:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.ReadTextureSettings(UnityEditor.TextureImporterSettings)">
  20404. <summary>
  20405. <para>Read texture settings into TextureImporterSettings class.</para>
  20406. </summary>
  20407. <param name="dest"></param>
  20408. </member>
  20409. <member name="M:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.SetAllowsAlphaSplitting(System.Boolean)">
  20410. <summary>
  20411. <para>Setter for the flag that allows Alpha splitting on the imported texture when needed (for example ETC1 compression for textures with transparency).</para>
  20412. </summary>
  20413. <param name="flag"></param>
  20414. </member>
  20415. <member name="M:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.SetPlatformTextureSettings(System.String,System.Int32,UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat,System.Boolean)">
  20416. <summary>
  20417. <para>Set specific target platform settings.</para>
  20418. </summary>
  20419. <param name="platform">The platforms whose settings are to be changed (see below).</param>
  20420. <param name="maxTextureSize">Maximum texture width/height in pixels.</param>
  20421. <param name="textureFormat">Data format for the texture.</param>
  20422. <param name="compressionQuality">Value from 0..100, equivalent to the standard JPEG quality setting.</param>
  20423. <param name="allowsAlphaSplit">Allows splitting of imported texture into RGB+A so that ETC1 compression can be applied (Android only, and works only on textures that are a part of some atlas).</param>
  20424. </member>
  20425. <member name="M:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.SetPlatformTextureSettings(System.String,System.Int32,UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  20426. <summary>
  20427. <para>Set specific target platform settings.</para>
  20428. </summary>
  20429. <param name="platform">The platforms whose settings are to be changed (see below).</param>
  20430. <param name="maxTextureSize">Maximum texture width/height in pixels.</param>
  20431. <param name="textureFormat">Data format for the texture.</param>
  20432. <param name="compressionQuality">Value from 0..100, equivalent to the standard JPEG quality setting.</param>
  20433. <param name="allowsAlphaSplit">Allows splitting of imported texture into RGB+A so that ETC1 compression can be applied (Android only, and works only on textures that are a part of some atlas).</param>
  20434. </member>
  20435. <member name="M:UnityEditor.TextureImporter.SetTextureSettings(UnityEditor.TextureImporterSettings)">
  20436. <summary>
  20437. <para>Set texture importers settings from TextureImporterSettings class.</para>
  20438. </summary>
  20439. <param name="src"></param>
  20440. </member>
  20441. <member name="T:UnityEditor.TextureImporterCubemapConvolution">
  20442. <summary>
  20443. <para>Defines Cubemap convolution mode.</para>
  20444. </summary>
  20445. </member>
  20446. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterCubemapConvolution.Diffuse">
  20447. <summary>
  20448. <para>Diffuse convolution (aka irradiance Cubemap).</para>
  20449. </summary>
  20450. </member>
  20451. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterCubemapConvolution.None">
  20452. <summary>
  20453. <para>No convolution needed. This Cubemap texture represents mirror reflection or Skybox.</para>
  20454. </summary>
  20455. </member>
  20456. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterCubemapConvolution.Specular">
  20457. <summary>
  20458. <para>Specular convolution (aka Prefiltered Environment Map).</para>
  20459. </summary>
  20460. </member>
  20461. <member name="T:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat">
  20462. <summary>
  20463. <para>Imported texture format for TextureImporter.</para>
  20464. </summary>
  20465. </member>
  20466. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.Alpha8">
  20467. <summary>
  20468. <para>Alpha 8 bit texture format.</para>
  20469. </summary>
  20470. </member>
  20471. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.ARGB16">
  20472. <summary>
  20473. <para>RGBA 16 bit texture format.</para>
  20474. </summary>
  20475. </member>
  20476. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.ARGB32">
  20477. <summary>
  20478. <para>ARGB 32 bit texture format.</para>
  20479. </summary>
  20480. </member>
  20481. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.ASTC_RGB_10x10">
  20482. <summary>
  20483. <para>ASTC compressed RGB texture format, 10x10 block size.</para>
  20484. </summary>
  20485. </member>
  20486. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.ASTC_RGB_12x12">
  20487. <summary>
  20488. <para>ASTC compressed RGB texture format, 12x12 block size.</para>
  20489. </summary>
  20490. </member>
  20491. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.ASTC_RGB_4x4">
  20492. <summary>
  20493. <para>ASTC compressed RGB texture format, 4x4 block size.</para>
  20494. </summary>
  20495. </member>
  20496. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.ASTC_RGB_5x5">
  20497. <summary>
  20498. <para>ASTC compressed RGB texture format, 5x5 block size.</para>
  20499. </summary>
  20500. </member>
  20501. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.ASTC_RGB_6x6">
  20502. <summary>
  20503. <para>ASTC compressed RGB texture format, 6x6 block size.</para>
  20504. </summary>
  20505. </member>
  20506. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.ASTC_RGB_8x8">
  20507. <summary>
  20508. <para>ASTC compressed RGB texture format, 8x8 block size.</para>
  20509. </summary>
  20510. </member>
  20511. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.ASTC_RGBA_10x10">
  20512. <summary>
  20513. <para>ASTC compressed RGBA texture format, 10x10 block size.</para>
  20514. </summary>
  20515. </member>
  20516. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.ASTC_RGBA_12x12">
  20517. <summary>
  20518. <para>ASTC compressed RGBA texture format, 12x12 block size.</para>
  20519. </summary>
  20520. </member>
  20521. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.ASTC_RGBA_4x4">
  20522. <summary>
  20523. <para>ASTC compressed RGBA texture format, 4x4 block size.</para>
  20524. </summary>
  20525. </member>
  20526. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.ASTC_RGBA_5x5">
  20527. <summary>
  20528. <para>ASTC compressed RGBA texture format, 5x5 block size.</para>
  20529. </summary>
  20530. </member>
  20531. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.ASTC_RGBA_6x6">
  20532. <summary>
  20533. <para>ASTC compressed RGBA texture format, 6x6 block size.</para>
  20534. </summary>
  20535. </member>
  20536. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.ASTC_RGBA_8x8">
  20537. <summary>
  20538. <para>ASTC compressed RGBA texture format, 8x8 block size.</para>
  20539. </summary>
  20540. </member>
  20541. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.ATC_RGB4">
  20542. <summary>
  20543. <para>ATC (Android) 4 bits/pixel compressed RGB texture format.</para>
  20544. </summary>
  20545. </member>
  20546. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.ATC_RGBA8">
  20547. <summary>
  20548. <para>ATC (Android) 8 bits/pixel compressed RGBA texture format.</para>
  20549. </summary>
  20550. </member>
  20551. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.Automatic16bit">
  20552. <summary>
  20553. <para>Choose a 16 bit format automatically.</para>
  20554. </summary>
  20555. </member>
  20556. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.AutomaticCompressed">
  20557. <summary>
  20558. <para>Choose a compressed format automatically.</para>
  20559. </summary>
  20560. </member>
  20561. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.AutomaticCrunched">
  20562. <summary>
  20563. <para>Choose a crunched format automatically.</para>
  20564. </summary>
  20565. </member>
  20566. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.AutomaticTruecolor">
  20567. <summary>
  20568. <para>Choose a Truecolor format automatically.</para>
  20569. </summary>
  20570. </member>
  20571. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.DXT1">
  20572. <summary>
  20573. <para>DXT1 compresed texture format.</para>
  20574. </summary>
  20575. </member>
  20576. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.DXT1Crunched">
  20577. <summary>
  20578. <para>DXT1 compresed texture format with crunch compression for small storage sizes.</para>
  20579. </summary>
  20580. </member>
  20581. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.DXT5">
  20582. <summary>
  20583. <para>DXT5 compresed texture format.</para>
  20584. </summary>
  20585. </member>
  20586. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.DXT5Crunched">
  20587. <summary>
  20588. <para>DXT5 compresed texture format with crunch compression for small storage sizes.</para>
  20589. </summary>
  20590. </member>
  20591. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.EAC_R">
  20592. <summary>
  20593. <para>ETC2EAC compressed 4 bits pixel unsigned R texture format.</para>
  20594. </summary>
  20595. </member>
  20596. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.EAC_R_SIGNED">
  20597. <summary>
  20598. <para>ETC2EAC compressed 4 bits pixel signed R texture format.</para>
  20599. </summary>
  20600. </member>
  20601. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.EAC_RG">
  20602. <summary>
  20603. <para>ETC2EAC compressed 8 bits pixel unsigned RG texture format.</para>
  20604. </summary>
  20605. </member>
  20606. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.EAC_RG_SIGNED">
  20607. <summary>
  20608. <para>ETC2EAC compressed 4 bits pixel signed RG texture format.</para>
  20609. </summary>
  20610. </member>
  20611. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.ETC_RGB4">
  20612. <summary>
  20613. <para>ETC (GLES2.0) 4 bits/pixel compressed RGB texture format.</para>
  20614. </summary>
  20615. </member>
  20616. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.ETC2_RGB4">
  20617. <summary>
  20618. <para>ETC2 compressed 4 bits / pixel RGB texture format.</para>
  20619. </summary>
  20620. </member>
  20621. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.ETC2_RGB4_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA">
  20622. <summary>
  20623. <para>ETC2 compressed 4 bits / pixel RGB + 1-bit alpha texture format.</para>
  20624. </summary>
  20625. </member>
  20626. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.ETC2_RGBA8">
  20627. <summary>
  20628. <para>ETC2 compressed 8 bits / pixel RGBA texture format.</para>
  20629. </summary>
  20630. </member>
  20631. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.PVRTC_RGB2">
  20632. <summary>
  20633. <para>PowerVR (iPhone) 2 bits/pixel compressed color texture format.</para>
  20634. </summary>
  20635. </member>
  20636. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.PVRTC_RGB4">
  20637. <summary>
  20638. <para>PowerVR (iPhone) 4 bits/pixel compressed color texture format.</para>
  20639. </summary>
  20640. </member>
  20641. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.PVRTC_RGBA2">
  20642. <summary>
  20643. <para>PowerVR (iPhone) 2 bits/pixel compressed with alpha channel texture format.</para>
  20644. </summary>
  20645. </member>
  20646. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.PVRTC_RGBA4">
  20647. <summary>
  20648. <para>PowerVR (iPhone) 4 bits/pixel compressed with alpha channel texture format.</para>
  20649. </summary>
  20650. </member>
  20651. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.RGB16">
  20652. <summary>
  20653. <para>RGB 16 bit texture format.</para>
  20654. </summary>
  20655. </member>
  20656. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.RGB24">
  20657. <summary>
  20658. <para>RGB 24 bit texture format.</para>
  20659. </summary>
  20660. </member>
  20661. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.RGBA16">
  20662. <summary>
  20663. <para>RGBA 16 bit (4444) texture format.</para>
  20664. </summary>
  20665. </member>
  20666. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterFormat.RGBA32">
  20667. <summary>
  20668. <para>RGBA 32 bit texture format.</para>
  20669. </summary>
  20670. </member>
  20671. <member name="T:UnityEditor.TextureImporterGenerateCubemap">
  20672. <summary>
  20673. <para>Cubemap generation mode for TextureImporter.</para>
  20674. </summary>
  20675. </member>
  20676. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterGenerateCubemap.AutoCubemap">
  20677. <summary>
  20678. <para>Automatically determine type of cubemap generation from the source image.</para>
  20679. </summary>
  20680. </member>
  20681. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterGenerateCubemap.Cylindrical">
  20682. <summary>
  20683. <para>Generate cubemap from cylindrical texture.</para>
  20684. </summary>
  20685. </member>
  20686. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterGenerateCubemap.FullCubemap">
  20687. <summary>
  20688. <para>Generate cubemap from vertical or horizontal cross texture.</para>
  20689. </summary>
  20690. </member>
  20691. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterGenerateCubemap.None">
  20692. <summary>
  20693. <para>Do not generate cubemap (default).</para>
  20694. </summary>
  20695. </member>
  20696. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterGenerateCubemap.Spheremap">
  20697. <summary>
  20698. <para>Generate cubemap from spheremap texture.</para>
  20699. </summary>
  20700. </member>
  20701. <member name="T:UnityEditor.TextureImporterMipFilter">
  20702. <summary>
  20703. <para>Mip map filter for TextureImporter.</para>
  20704. </summary>
  20705. </member>
  20706. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterMipFilter.BoxFilter">
  20707. <summary>
  20708. <para>Box mipmap filter.</para>
  20709. </summary>
  20710. </member>
  20711. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterMipFilter.KaiserFilter">
  20712. <summary>
  20713. <para>Kaiser mipmap filter.</para>
  20714. </summary>
  20715. </member>
  20716. <member name="T:UnityEditor.TextureImporterNormalFilter">
  20717. <summary>
  20718. <para>Normal map filtering mode for TextureImporter.</para>
  20719. </summary>
  20720. </member>
  20721. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterNormalFilter.Sobel">
  20722. <summary>
  20723. <para>Sobel normal map filter.</para>
  20724. </summary>
  20725. </member>
  20726. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterNormalFilter.Standard">
  20727. <summary>
  20728. <para>Standard normal map filter.</para>
  20729. </summary>
  20730. </member>
  20731. <member name="T:UnityEditor.TextureImporterNPOTScale">
  20732. <summary>
  20733. <para>Scaling mode for non power of two textures in TextureImporter.</para>
  20734. </summary>
  20735. </member>
  20736. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterNPOTScale.None">
  20737. <summary>
  20738. <para>Keep non power of two textures as is.</para>
  20739. </summary>
  20740. </member>
  20741. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterNPOTScale.ToLarger">
  20742. <summary>
  20743. <para>Scale to larger power of two.</para>
  20744. </summary>
  20745. </member>
  20746. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterNPOTScale.ToNearest">
  20747. <summary>
  20748. <para>Scale to nearest power of two.</para>
  20749. </summary>
  20750. </member>
  20751. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterNPOTScale.ToSmaller">
  20752. <summary>
  20753. <para>Scale to smaller power of two.</para>
  20754. </summary>
  20755. </member>
  20756. <member name="T:UnityEditor.TextureImporterRGBMMode">
  20757. <summary>
  20758. <para>RGBM encoding mode for HDR textures in TextureImporter.</para>
  20759. </summary>
  20760. </member>
  20761. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterRGBMMode.Auto">
  20762. <summary>
  20763. <para>Do RGBM encoding when source data is HDR in TextureImporter.</para>
  20764. </summary>
  20765. </member>
  20766. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterRGBMMode.Encoded">
  20767. <summary>
  20768. <para>Source texture is already RGBM encoded in TextureImporter.</para>
  20769. </summary>
  20770. </member>
  20771. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterRGBMMode.Off">
  20772. <summary>
  20773. <para>Do not perform RGBM encoding in TextureImporter.</para>
  20774. </summary>
  20775. </member>
  20776. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterRGBMMode.On">
  20777. <summary>
  20778. <para>Do RGBM encoding in TextureImporter.</para>
  20779. </summary>
  20780. </member>
  20781. <member name="T:UnityEditor.TextureImporterSettings">
  20782. <summary>
  20783. <para>Stores settings of a TextureImporter.</para>
  20784. </summary>
  20785. </member>
  20786. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporterSettings.allowsAlphaSplit">
  20787. <summary>
  20788. <para>Allow Alpha splitting on the imported texture when needed (for example ETC1 compression for textures with transparency).</para>
  20789. </summary>
  20790. </member>
  20791. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporterSettings.cubemapConvolution">
  20792. <summary>
  20793. <para>Convolution mode.</para>
  20794. </summary>
  20795. </member>
  20796. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporterSettings.cubemapConvolutionExponent">
  20797. <summary>
  20798. <para>Defines how fast Phong exponent wears off in mip maps. Higher value will apply less blur to high resolution mip maps.</para>
  20799. </summary>
  20800. </member>
  20801. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporterSettings.cubemapConvolutionSteps">
  20802. <summary>
  20803. <para>Defines how many different Phong exponents to store in mip maps. Higher value will give better transition between glossy and rough reflections, but will need higher texture resolution.</para>
  20804. </summary>
  20805. </member>
  20806. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporterSettings.rgbm">
  20807. <summary>
  20808. <para>RGBM encoding mode for HDR textures in TextureImporter.</para>
  20809. </summary>
  20810. </member>
  20811. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporterSettings.spriteAlignment">
  20812. <summary>
  20813. <para>Edge-relative alignment of the sprite graphic.</para>
  20814. </summary>
  20815. </member>
  20816. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporterSettings.spriteBorder">
  20817. <summary>
  20818. <para>Border sizes of the generated sprites.</para>
  20819. </summary>
  20820. </member>
  20821. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporterSettings.spriteExtrude">
  20822. <summary>
  20823. <para>The number of blank pixels to leave between the edge of the graphic and the mesh.</para>
  20824. </summary>
  20825. </member>
  20826. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporterSettings.spriteMode">
  20827. <summary>
  20828. <para>Sprite texture import mode.</para>
  20829. </summary>
  20830. </member>
  20831. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporterSettings.spritePivot">
  20832. <summary>
  20833. <para>Pivot point of the Sprite relative to its graphic's rectangle.</para>
  20834. </summary>
  20835. </member>
  20836. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporterSettings.spritePixelsPerUnit">
  20837. <summary>
  20838. <para>The number of pixels in the sprite that correspond to one unit in world space.</para>
  20839. </summary>
  20840. </member>
  20841. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TextureImporterSettings.spritePixelsToUnits">
  20842. <summary>
  20843. <para>Scale factor between pixels in the sprite graphic and world space units.</para>
  20844. </summary>
  20845. </member>
  20846. <member name="M:UnityEditor.TextureImporterSettings.ApplyTextureType(UnityEditor.TextureImporterType,System.Boolean)">
  20847. <summary>
  20848. <para>Configure parameters to import a texture for a purpose of type, as described TextureImporterType|here.</para>
  20849. </summary>
  20850. <param name="type">Texture type. See TextureImporterType.</param>
  20851. <param name="applyAll">If false, change only specific properties. Exactly which, depends on type.</param>
  20852. </member>
  20853. <member name="M:UnityEditor.TextureImporterSettings.CopyTo(UnityEditor.TextureImporterSettings)">
  20854. <summary>
  20855. <para>Copy parameters into another TextureImporterSettings object.</para>
  20856. </summary>
  20857. <param name="target">TextureImporterSettings object to copy settings to.</param>
  20858. </member>
  20859. <member name="M:UnityEditor.TextureImporterSettings.Equal(UnityEditor.TextureImporterSettings,UnityEditor.TextureImporterSettings)">
  20860. <summary>
  20861. <para>Test texture importer settings for equality.</para>
  20862. </summary>
  20863. <param name="a"></param>
  20864. <param name="b"></param>
  20865. </member>
  20866. <member name="T:UnityEditor.TextureImporterType">
  20867. <summary>
  20868. <para>Select this to set basic parameters depending on the purpose of your texture.</para>
  20869. </summary>
  20870. </member>
  20871. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterType.Advanced">
  20872. <summary>
  20873. <para>Select this when you want to have specific parameters on your texture and you want to have total control over your texture.</para>
  20874. </summary>
  20875. </member>
  20876. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterType.Bump">
  20877. <summary>
  20878. <para>Select this to turn the color channels into a format suitable for real-time normal mapping.</para>
  20879. </summary>
  20880. </member>
  20881. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterType.Cookie">
  20882. <summary>
  20883. <para>This sets up your texture with the basic parameters used for the Cookies of your lights.</para>
  20884. </summary>
  20885. </member>
  20886. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterType.Cubemap">
  20887. <summary>
  20888. <para>This converts your texture into Cubemap suitable for Skyboxes, Environment Reflections or Image Based Lighting (IBL).</para>
  20889. </summary>
  20890. </member>
  20891. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterType.Cursor">
  20892. <summary>
  20893. <para>Use this if your texture is going to be used as a cursor.</para>
  20894. </summary>
  20895. </member>
  20896. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterType.GUI">
  20897. <summary>
  20898. <para>Use this if your texture is going to be used on any HUD/GUI Controls.</para>
  20899. </summary>
  20900. </member>
  20901. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterType.Image">
  20902. <summary>
  20903. <para>This is the most common setting used for all the textures in general.</para>
  20904. </summary>
  20905. </member>
  20906. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterType.Lightmap">
  20907. <summary>
  20908. <para>This sets up your texture with the parameters used by the lightmap.</para>
  20909. </summary>
  20910. </member>
  20911. <member name="F:UnityEditor.TextureImporterType.Sprite">
  20912. <summary>
  20913. <para>Select this if you will be using your texture for Sprite graphics.</para>
  20914. </summary>
  20915. </member>
  20916. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Tool">
  20917. <summary>
  20918. <para>Which tool is active in the editor.</para>
  20919. </summary>
  20920. </member>
  20921. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Tool.Move">
  20922. <summary>
  20923. <para>The move tool is active.</para>
  20924. </summary>
  20925. </member>
  20926. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Tool.None">
  20927. <summary>
  20928. <para>No tool is active. Set this to implement your own in-inspector toolbar (like the terrain editor does).</para>
  20929. </summary>
  20930. </member>
  20931. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Tool.Rect">
  20932. <summary>
  20933. <para>The rect tool is active.</para>
  20934. </summary>
  20935. </member>
  20936. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Tool.Rotate">
  20937. <summary>
  20938. <para>The rotate tool is active.</para>
  20939. </summary>
  20940. </member>
  20941. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Tool.Scale">
  20942. <summary>
  20943. <para>The scale tool is active.</para>
  20944. </summary>
  20945. </member>
  20946. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Tool.View">
  20947. <summary>
  20948. <para>The view tool is active - Use Tools.viewTool to find out which view tool we're talking about.</para>
  20949. </summary>
  20950. </member>
  20951. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Tools">
  20952. <summary>
  20953. <para>Class used to manipulate the tools used in Unity's Scene View.</para>
  20954. </summary>
  20955. </member>
  20956. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Tools.current">
  20957. <summary>
  20958. <para>The tool that is currently selected for the Scene View.</para>
  20959. </summary>
  20960. </member>
  20961. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Tools.handlePosition">
  20962. <summary>
  20963. <para>The position of the tool handle in world space.</para>
  20964. </summary>
  20965. </member>
  20966. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Tools.handleRect">
  20967. <summary>
  20968. <para>The rectangle used for the rect tool.</para>
  20969. </summary>
  20970. </member>
  20971. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Tools.handleRectRotation">
  20972. <summary>
  20973. <para>The rotation of the rect tool handle in world space.</para>
  20974. </summary>
  20975. </member>
  20976. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Tools.handleRotation">
  20977. <summary>
  20978. <para>The rotation of the tool handle in world space.</para>
  20979. </summary>
  20980. </member>
  20981. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Tools.hidden">
  20982. <summary>
  20983. <para>Hides the Tools(Move, Rotate, Resize) on the Scene view.</para>
  20984. </summary>
  20985. </member>
  20986. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Tools.pivotMode">
  20987. <summary>
  20988. <para>Are we in Center or Pivot mode.</para>
  20989. </summary>
  20990. </member>
  20991. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Tools.pivotRotation">
  20992. <summary>
  20993. <para>What's the rotation of the tool handle.</para>
  20994. </summary>
  20995. </member>
  20996. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Tools.rectBlueprintMode">
  20997. <summary>
  20998. <para>Is the rect handle in blueprint mode?</para>
  20999. </summary>
  21000. </member>
  21001. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Tools.viewTool">
  21002. <summary>
  21003. <para>The option that is currently active for the View tool in the Scene view.</para>
  21004. </summary>
  21005. </member>
  21006. <member name="P:UnityEditor.Tools.visibleLayers">
  21007. <summary>
  21008. <para>Which layers are visible in the scene view.</para>
  21009. </summary>
  21010. </member>
  21011. <member name="T:UnityEditor.TransformSort">
  21012. <summary>
  21013. <para>Is the default sorting method used by the hierarchy.</para>
  21014. </summary>
  21015. </member>
  21016. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TransformSort.content">
  21017. <summary>
  21018. <para>Content to visualize the transform sorting method.</para>
  21019. </summary>
  21020. </member>
  21021. <member name="T:UnityEditor.TrueTypeFontImporter">
  21022. <summary>
  21023. <para>AssetImporter for importing Fonts.</para>
  21024. </summary>
  21025. </member>
  21026. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TrueTypeFontImporter.ascentCalculationMode">
  21027. <summary>
  21028. <para>Calculation mode for determining font's ascent.</para>
  21029. </summary>
  21030. </member>
  21031. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TrueTypeFontImporter.characterPadding">
  21032. <summary>
  21033. <para>Border pixels added to character images for padding. This is useful if you want to render text using a shader which needs to render outside of the character area (like an outline shader).</para>
  21034. </summary>
  21035. </member>
  21036. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TrueTypeFontImporter.characterSpacing">
  21037. <summary>
  21038. <para>Spacing between character images in the generated texture in pixels. This is useful if you want to render text using a shader which samples pixels outside of the character area (like an outline shader).</para>
  21039. </summary>
  21040. </member>
  21041. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TrueTypeFontImporter.customCharacters">
  21042. <summary>
  21043. <para>A custom set of characters to be included in the Font Texture.</para>
  21044. </summary>
  21045. </member>
  21046. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TrueTypeFontImporter.fontNames">
  21047. <summary>
  21048. <para>An array of font names, to be used when includeFontData is set to false.</para>
  21049. </summary>
  21050. </member>
  21051. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TrueTypeFontImporter.fontReferences">
  21052. <summary>
  21053. <para>References to other fonts to be used looking for fallbacks.</para>
  21054. </summary>
  21055. </member>
  21056. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TrueTypeFontImporter.fontRenderingMode">
  21057. <summary>
  21058. <para>Font rendering mode to use for this font.</para>
  21059. </summary>
  21060. </member>
  21061. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TrueTypeFontImporter.fontSize">
  21062. <summary>
  21063. <para>Font size to use for importing the characters.</para>
  21064. </summary>
  21065. </member>
  21066. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TrueTypeFontImporter.fontTextureCase">
  21067. <summary>
  21068. <para>Use this to adjust which characters should be imported.</para>
  21069. </summary>
  21070. </member>
  21071. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TrueTypeFontImporter.fontTTFName">
  21072. <summary>
  21073. <para>The internal font name of the TTF file.</para>
  21074. </summary>
  21075. </member>
  21076. <member name="P:UnityEditor.TrueTypeFontImporter.includeFontData">
  21077. <summary>
  21078. <para>If this is enabled, the actual font will be embedded into the asset for Dynamic fonts.</para>
  21079. </summary>
  21080. </member>
  21081. <member name="M:UnityEditor.TrueTypeFontImporter.GenerateEditableFont(System.String)">
  21082. <summary>
  21083. <para>Create an editable copy of the font asset at path.</para>
  21084. </summary>
  21085. <param name="path"></param>
  21086. </member>
  21087. <member name="T:UnityEditor.tvOSSdkVersion">
  21088. <summary>
  21089. <para>Supported tvOS SDK versions.</para>
  21090. </summary>
  21091. </member>
  21092. <member name="F:UnityEditor.tvOSSdkVersion.Device">
  21093. <summary>
  21094. <para>Device SDK.</para>
  21095. </summary>
  21096. </member>
  21097. <member name="F:UnityEditor.tvOSSdkVersion.Simulator">
  21098. <summary>
  21099. <para>Simulator SDK.</para>
  21100. </summary>
  21101. </member>
  21102. <member name="T:UnityEditor.tvOSTargetOSVersion">
  21103. <summary>
  21104. <para>Supported tvOS deployment versions.</para>
  21105. </summary>
  21106. </member>
  21107. <member name="F:UnityEditor.tvOSTargetOSVersion.tvOS_9_0">
  21108. <summary>
  21109. <para>Target tvOS 9.0.</para>
  21110. </summary>
  21111. </member>
  21112. <member name="F:UnityEditor.tvOSTargetOSVersion.tvOS_9_1">
  21113. <summary>
  21114. <para>Target tvOS 9.1.</para>
  21115. </summary>
  21116. </member>
  21117. <member name="F:UnityEditor.tvOSTargetOSVersion.Unknown">
  21118. <summary>
  21119. <para>Unknown tvOS version, managed by user.</para>
  21120. </summary>
  21121. </member>
  21122. <member name="T:UnityEditor.UIOrientation">
  21123. <summary>
  21124. <para>Default mobile device orientation.</para>
  21125. </summary>
  21126. </member>
  21127. <member name="F:UnityEditor.UIOrientation.AutoRotation">
  21128. <summary>
  21129. <para>Auto Rotation Enabled.</para>
  21130. </summary>
  21131. </member>
  21132. <member name="F:UnityEditor.UIOrientation.LandscapeLeft">
  21133. <summary>
  21134. <para>Landscape : counter-clockwise from Portrait.</para>
  21135. </summary>
  21136. </member>
  21137. <member name="F:UnityEditor.UIOrientation.LandscapeRight">
  21138. <summary>
  21139. <para>Landscape: clockwise from Portrait.</para>
  21140. </summary>
  21141. </member>
  21142. <member name="F:UnityEditor.UIOrientation.Portrait">
  21143. <summary>
  21144. <para>Portrait.</para>
  21145. </summary>
  21146. </member>
  21147. <member name="F:UnityEditor.UIOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown">
  21148. <summary>
  21149. <para>Portrait upside down.</para>
  21150. </summary>
  21151. </member>
  21152. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Undo">
  21153. <summary>
  21154. <para>Lets you register undo operations on specific objects you are about to perform changes on.</para>
  21155. </summary>
  21156. </member>
  21157. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Undo.undoRedoPerformed">
  21158. <summary>
  21159. <para>Callback that is triggered after an undo or redo was executed.</para>
  21160. </summary>
  21161. </member>
  21162. <member name="F:UnityEditor.Undo.willFlushUndoRecord">
  21163. <summary>
  21164. <para>Invoked before the Undo system performs a flush.</para>
  21165. </summary>
  21166. </member>
  21167. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.AddComponent(UnityEngine.GameObject,System.Type)">
  21168. <summary>
  21169. <para>Adds a component to the game object and registers an undo operation for this action.</para>
  21170. </summary>
  21171. <param name="gameObject">The game object you want to add the component to.</param>
  21172. <param name="type">The type of component you want to add.</param>
  21173. <returns>
  21174. <para>The newly added component.</para>
  21175. </returns>
  21176. </member>
  21177. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.AddComponent(UnityEngine.GameObject)">
  21178. <summary>
  21179. <para>Generic version.</para>
  21180. </summary>
  21181. <param name="gameObject">The game object you want to add the component to.</param>
  21182. <returns>
  21183. <para>The newly added component.</para>
  21184. </returns>
  21185. </member>
  21186. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.ClearUndo(UnityEngine.Object)">
  21187. <summary>
  21188. <para>Removes all Undo operation for the identifier object registered using Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo from the undo stack.</para>
  21189. </summary>
  21190. <param name="identifier"></param>
  21191. </member>
  21192. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.CollapseUndoOperations(System.Int32)">
  21193. <summary>
  21194. <para>Collapses all undo operation up to group index together into one step.</para>
  21195. </summary>
  21196. <param name="groupIndex"></param>
  21197. </member>
  21198. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate(UnityEngine.Object)">
  21199. <summary>
  21200. <para>Destroys the object and records an undo operation so that it can be recreated.</para>
  21201. </summary>
  21202. <param name="objectToUndo">The object that will be destroyed.</param>
  21203. </member>
  21204. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.FlushUndoRecordObjects">
  21205. <summary>
  21206. <para>Ensure objects recorded using RecordObject or ::ref:RecordObjects are registered as an undoable action. In most cases there is no reason to invoke FlushUndoRecordObjects since it's automatically done right after mouse-up and certain other events that conventionally marks the end of an action.</para>
  21207. </summary>
  21208. </member>
  21209. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.GetCurrentGroup">
  21210. <summary>
  21211. <para>Unity automatically groups undo operations by the current group index.</para>
  21212. </summary>
  21213. </member>
  21214. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.GetCurrentGroupName">
  21215. <summary>
  21216. <para>Get the name that will be shown in the UI for the current undo group.</para>
  21217. </summary>
  21218. <returns>
  21219. <para>Name of the current group or an empty string if the current group is empty.</para>
  21220. </returns>
  21221. </member>
  21222. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.IncrementCurrentGroup">
  21223. <summary>
  21224. <para>Unity automatically groups undo operations by the current group index.</para>
  21225. </summary>
  21226. </member>
  21227. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.MoveGameObjectToScene(UnityEngine.GameObject,UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene,System.String)">
  21228. <summary>
  21229. <para>Move a GameObject from its current scene to a new scene.
  21230. It is required that the GameObject is at the root of its current scene.</para>
  21231. </summary>
  21232. <param name="go">GameObject to move.</param>
  21233. <param name="scene">Scene to move the GameObject into.</param>
  21234. <param name="name">Name of the undo action.</param>
  21235. </member>
  21236. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.PerformRedo">
  21237. <summary>
  21238. <para>Perform an Redo operation.</para>
  21239. </summary>
  21240. </member>
  21241. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.PerformUndo">
  21242. <summary>
  21243. <para>Perform an Undo operation.</para>
  21244. </summary>
  21245. </member>
  21246. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.RecordObject(UnityEngine.Object,System.String)">
  21247. <summary>
  21248. <para>Records any changes done on the object after the RecordObject function.</para>
  21249. </summary>
  21250. <param name="objectToUndo"></param>
  21251. <param name="name"></param>
  21252. </member>
  21253. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.RecordObjects(UnityEngine.Object[],System.String)">
  21254. <summary>
  21255. <para>Records multiple undoable objects in a single call. This is the same as calling Undo.RecordObject multiple times.</para>
  21256. </summary>
  21257. <param name="objectsToUndo"></param>
  21258. <param name="name"></param>
  21259. </member>
  21260. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(UnityEngine.Object,System.String)">
  21261. <summary>
  21262. <para>Stores a copy of the object states on the undo stack.</para>
  21263. </summary>
  21264. <param name="objectToUndo">The object whose state changes need to be undone.</param>
  21265. <param name="name">The name of the undo operation.</param>
  21266. </member>
  21267. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(UnityEngine.Object[],System.String)">
  21268. <summary>
  21269. <para>This is equivalent to calling the first overload mutiple times, save for the fact that only one undo operation will be generated for this one.</para>
  21270. </summary>
  21271. <param name="objectsToUndo">An array of objects whose state changes need to be undone.</param>
  21272. <param name="name">The name of the undo operation.</param>
  21273. </member>
  21274. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(UnityEngine.Object,System.String)">
  21275. <summary>
  21276. <para>Register an undo operations for a newly created object.</para>
  21277. </summary>
  21278. <param name="objectToUndo">The object that was created.</param>
  21279. <param name="name">The name of the action to undo. Think "Undo ...." in the main menu.</param>
  21280. </member>
  21281. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo(UnityEngine.Object,System.String)">
  21282. <summary>
  21283. <para>Copy the states of a hierarchy of objects onto the undo stack.</para>
  21284. </summary>
  21285. <param name="objectToUndo">The object used to determine a hierarchy of objects whose state changes need to be undone.</param>
  21286. <param name="name">The name of the undo operation.</param>
  21287. </member>
  21288. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo(UnityEngine.Object)">
  21289. <summary>
  21290. <para>This overload is deprecated. Use Undo.RegisterFullObjectHierarchyUndo(Object, string) instead.</para>
  21291. </summary>
  21292. <param name="objectToUndo"></param>
  21293. </member>
  21294. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.RevertAllDownToGroup(System.Int32)">
  21295. <summary>
  21296. <para>Performs all undo operations up to the group index without storing a redo operation in the process.</para>
  21297. </summary>
  21298. <param name="group"></param>
  21299. </member>
  21300. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.RevertAllInCurrentGroup">
  21301. <summary>
  21302. <para>Performs the last undo operation but does not record a redo operation.</para>
  21303. </summary>
  21304. </member>
  21305. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.SetCurrentGroupName(System.String)">
  21306. <summary>
  21307. <para>Set the name of the current undo group.</para>
  21308. </summary>
  21309. <param name="name">New name of the current undo group.</param>
  21310. </member>
  21311. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Undo.SetTransformParent(UnityEngine.Transform,UnityEngine.Transform,System.String)">
  21312. <summary>
  21313. <para>Sets the parent of transform to the new parent and records an undo operation.</para>
  21314. </summary>
  21315. <param name="transform"></param>
  21316. <param name="newParent"></param>
  21317. <param name="name"></param>
  21318. </member>
  21319. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Undo.UndoRedoCallback">
  21320. <summary>
  21321. <para>Delegate used for undoRedoPerformed.</para>
  21322. </summary>
  21323. </member>
  21324. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Undo.WillFlushUndoRecord">
  21325. <summary>
  21326. <para>Delegate used for willFlushUndoRecord.</para>
  21327. </summary>
  21328. </member>
  21329. <member name="T:UnityEditor.UndoPropertyModification">
  21330. <summary>
  21331. <para>See Also: Undo.postprocessModifications.</para>
  21332. </summary>
  21333. </member>
  21334. <member name="T:UnityEditor.UnwrapParam">
  21335. <summary>
  21336. <para>Unwrapping settings.</para>
  21337. </summary>
  21338. </member>
  21339. <member name="F:UnityEditor.UnwrapParam.angleError">
  21340. <summary>
  21341. <para>Maximum allowed angle distortion (0..1).</para>
  21342. </summary>
  21343. </member>
  21344. <member name="F:UnityEditor.UnwrapParam.areaError">
  21345. <summary>
  21346. <para>Maximum allowed area distortion (0..1).</para>
  21347. </summary>
  21348. </member>
  21349. <member name="F:UnityEditor.UnwrapParam.hardAngle">
  21350. <summary>
  21351. <para>This angle (in degrees) or greater between triangles will cause seam to be created.</para>
  21352. </summary>
  21353. </member>
  21354. <member name="F:UnityEditor.UnwrapParam.packMargin">
  21355. <summary>
  21356. <para>How much uv-islands will be padded.</para>
  21357. </summary>
  21358. </member>
  21359. <member name="M:UnityEditor.UnwrapParam.SetDefaults(UnityEditor.UnwrapParam&amp;)">
  21360. <summary>
  21361. <para>Will set default values for params.</para>
  21362. </summary>
  21363. <param name="param"></param>
  21364. </member>
  21365. <member name="T:UnityEditor.Unwrapping">
  21366. <summary>
  21367. <para>This class holds everything you may need in regard to uv-unwrapping.</para>
  21368. </summary>
  21369. </member>
  21370. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Unwrapping.GeneratePerTriangleUV(UnityEngine.Mesh)">
  21371. <summary>
  21372. <para>Will generate per-triangle uv (3 uv pairs for each triangle) with default settings.</para>
  21373. </summary>
  21374. <param name="src"></param>
  21375. </member>
  21376. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Unwrapping.GeneratePerTriangleUV(UnityEngine.Mesh,UnityEditor.UnwrapParam)">
  21377. <summary>
  21378. <para>Will generate per-triangle uv (3 uv pairs for each triangle) with provided settings.</para>
  21379. </summary>
  21380. <param name="src"></param>
  21381. <param name="settings"></param>
  21382. </member>
  21383. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Unwrapping.GenerateSecondaryUVSet(UnityEngine.Mesh)">
  21384. <summary>
  21385. <para>Will auto generate uv2 with default settings for provided mesh, and fill them in.</para>
  21386. </summary>
  21387. <param name="src"></param>
  21388. </member>
  21389. <member name="M:UnityEditor.Unwrapping.GenerateSecondaryUVSet(UnityEngine.Mesh,UnityEditor.UnwrapParam)">
  21390. <summary>
  21391. <para>Will auto generate uv2 with provided settings for provided mesh, and fill them in.</para>
  21392. </summary>
  21393. <param name="src"></param>
  21394. <param name="settings"></param>
  21395. </member>
  21396. <member name="T:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset">
  21397. <summary>
  21398. <para>This class containes information about the version control state of an asset.</para>
  21399. </summary>
  21400. </member>
  21401. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.fullName">
  21402. <summary>
  21403. <para>Gets the full name of the asset including extension.</para>
  21404. </summary>
  21405. </member>
  21406. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.isFolder">
  21407. <summary>
  21408. <para>Returns true if the asset is a folder.</para>
  21409. </summary>
  21410. </member>
  21411. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.isInCurrentProject">
  21412. <summary>
  21413. <para>Returns true if the assets is in the current project.</para>
  21414. </summary>
  21415. </member>
  21416. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.isMeta">
  21417. <summary>
  21418. <para>Returns true if the instance of the Asset class actually refers to a .meta file.</para>
  21419. </summary>
  21420. </member>
  21421. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.locked">
  21422. <summary>
  21423. <para>Returns true if the asset is locked by the version control system.</para>
  21424. </summary>
  21425. </member>
  21426. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.name">
  21427. <summary>
  21428. <para>Get the name of the asset.</para>
  21429. </summary>
  21430. </member>
  21431. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.path">
  21432. <summary>
  21433. <para>Gets the path of the asset.</para>
  21434. </summary>
  21435. </member>
  21436. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.readOnly">
  21437. <summary>
  21438. <para>Returns true is the asset is read only.</para>
  21439. </summary>
  21440. </member>
  21441. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.state">
  21442. <summary>
  21443. <para>Gets the version control state of the asset.</para>
  21444. </summary>
  21445. </member>
  21446. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.Edit">
  21447. <summary>
  21448. <para>Opens the assets in an associated editor.</para>
  21449. </summary>
  21450. </member>
  21451. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.IsOneOfStates(UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset/States[])">
  21452. <summary>
  21453. <para>Returns true if the version control state of the assets is one of the input states.</para>
  21454. </summary>
  21455. <param name="states">Array of states to test for.</param>
  21456. </member>
  21457. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.IsState(UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset/States)">
  21458. <summary>
  21459. <para>Returns true if the version control state of the asset exactly matches the input state.</para>
  21460. </summary>
  21461. <param name="state">State to check for.</param>
  21462. </member>
  21463. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.Load">
  21464. <summary>
  21465. <para>Loads the asset to memory.</para>
  21466. </summary>
  21467. </member>
  21468. <member name="T:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.States">
  21469. <summary>
  21470. <para>Describes the various version control states an asset can have.</para>
  21471. </summary>
  21472. </member>
  21473. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.States.AddedLocal">
  21474. <summary>
  21475. <para>The was locally added to version control.</para>
  21476. </summary>
  21477. </member>
  21478. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.States.AddedRemote">
  21479. <summary>
  21480. <para>Remotely this asset was added to version control.</para>
  21481. </summary>
  21482. </member>
  21483. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.States.CheckedOutLocal">
  21484. <summary>
  21485. <para>The asset has been checked out on the local machine.</para>
  21486. </summary>
  21487. </member>
  21488. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.States.CheckedOutRemote">
  21489. <summary>
  21490. <para>The asset has been checked out on a remote machine.</para>
  21491. </summary>
  21492. </member>
  21493. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.States.Conflicted">
  21494. <summary>
  21495. <para>There is a conflict with the asset that needs to be resolved.</para>
  21496. </summary>
  21497. </member>
  21498. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.States.DeletedLocal">
  21499. <summary>
  21500. <para>The asset has been deleted locally.</para>
  21501. </summary>
  21502. </member>
  21503. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.States.DeletedRemote">
  21504. <summary>
  21505. <para>The asset has been deleted on a remote machine.</para>
  21506. </summary>
  21507. </member>
  21508. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.States.Local">
  21509. <summary>
  21510. <para>The asset is not under version control.</para>
  21511. </summary>
  21512. </member>
  21513. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.States.LockedLocal">
  21514. <summary>
  21515. <para>The asset is locked by the local machine.</para>
  21516. </summary>
  21517. </member>
  21518. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.States.LockedRemote">
  21519. <summary>
  21520. <para>The asset is locked by a remote machine.</para>
  21521. </summary>
  21522. </member>
  21523. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.States.MetaFile">
  21524. <summary>
  21525. <para>This instance of the class actaully refers to a .meta file.</para>
  21526. </summary>
  21527. </member>
  21528. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.States.Missing">
  21529. <summary>
  21530. <para>The asset exists in version control but is missing on the local machine.</para>
  21531. </summary>
  21532. </member>
  21533. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.States.None">
  21534. <summary>
  21535. <para>The version control state is unknown.</para>
  21536. </summary>
  21537. </member>
  21538. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.States.OutOfSync">
  21539. <summary>
  21540. <para>A newer version of the asset is available on the version control server.</para>
  21541. </summary>
  21542. </member>
  21543. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.States.ReadOnly">
  21544. <summary>
  21545. <para>The asset is read only.</para>
  21546. </summary>
  21547. </member>
  21548. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.States.Synced">
  21549. <summary>
  21550. <para>The asset is up to date.</para>
  21551. </summary>
  21552. </member>
  21553. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset.States.Updating">
  21554. <summary>
  21555. <para>The state of the asset is currently being queried from the version control server.</para>
  21556. </summary>
  21557. </member>
  21558. <member name="T:UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList">
  21559. <summary>
  21560. <para>A list of version control information about assets.</para>
  21561. </summary>
  21562. </member>
  21563. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList.Filter(System.Boolean,UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset/States[])">
  21564. <summary>
  21565. <para>Based on the current list and the states a new list is returned which only contains the assets with the requested states.</para>
  21566. </summary>
  21567. <param name="includeFolder">Whether or not folders should be included.</param>
  21568. <param name="states">Which states to filter by.</param>
  21569. </member>
  21570. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList.FilterChildren">
  21571. <summary>
  21572. <para>Create an optimised list of assets by removing children of folders in the same list.</para>
  21573. </summary>
  21574. </member>
  21575. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList.FilterCount(System.Boolean,UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset/States[])">
  21576. <summary>
  21577. <para>Count the list of assets by given a set of states.</para>
  21578. </summary>
  21579. <param name="includeFolder">Whether or not to include folders.</param>
  21580. <param name="states">Which states to include in the count.</param>
  21581. </member>
  21582. <member name="T:UnityEditor.VersionControl.ChangeSet">
  21583. <summary>
  21584. <para>Wrapper around a changeset description and ID.</para>
  21585. </summary>
  21586. </member>
  21587. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.ChangeSet.defaultID">
  21588. <summary>
  21589. <para>The ID of the default changeset.</para>
  21590. </summary>
  21591. </member>
  21592. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.ChangeSet.description">
  21593. <summary>
  21594. <para>Description of a changeset.</para>
  21595. </summary>
  21596. </member>
  21597. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.ChangeSet.id">
  21598. <summary>
  21599. <para>Version control specific ID of a changeset.</para>
  21600. </summary>
  21601. </member>
  21602. <member name="T:UnityEditor.VersionControl.ChangeSets">
  21603. <summary>
  21604. <para>Simply a list of changetsets.</para>
  21605. </summary>
  21606. </member>
  21607. <member name="T:UnityEditor.VersionControl.CheckoutMode">
  21608. <summary>
  21609. <para>What to checkout when starting the Checkout task through the version control Provider.</para>
  21610. </summary>
  21611. </member>
  21612. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.CheckoutMode.Asset">
  21613. <summary>
  21614. <para>Checkout the asset only.</para>
  21615. </summary>
  21616. </member>
  21617. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.CheckoutMode.Both">
  21618. <summary>
  21619. <para>Checkout both asset and .meta file.</para>
  21620. </summary>
  21621. </member>
  21622. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.CheckoutMode.Exact">
  21623. <summary>
  21624. <para>Checkout.</para>
  21625. </summary>
  21626. </member>
  21627. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.CheckoutMode.Meta">
  21628. <summary>
  21629. <para>Checkout .meta file only.</para>
  21630. </summary>
  21631. </member>
  21632. <member name="T:UnityEditor.VersionControl.CompletionAction">
  21633. <summary>
  21634. <para>Different actions a version control task can do upon completion.</para>
  21635. </summary>
  21636. </member>
  21637. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.CompletionAction.OnAddedChangeWindow">
  21638. <summary>
  21639. <para>Refresh windows upon task completion.</para>
  21640. </summary>
  21641. </member>
  21642. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.CompletionAction.OnChangeContentsPendingWindow">
  21643. <summary>
  21644. <para>Update the content of a pending changeset with the result of the task upon completion.</para>
  21645. </summary>
  21646. </member>
  21647. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.CompletionAction.OnChangeSetsPendingWindow">
  21648. <summary>
  21649. <para>Update the pending changesets with the result of the task upon completion.</para>
  21650. </summary>
  21651. </member>
  21652. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.CompletionAction.OnCheckoutCompleted">
  21653. <summary>
  21654. <para>Show or update the checkout failure window.</para>
  21655. </summary>
  21656. </member>
  21657. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.CompletionAction.OnGotLatestPendingWindow">
  21658. <summary>
  21659. <para>Refreshes the incoming and pensing changes window upon task completion.</para>
  21660. </summary>
  21661. </member>
  21662. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.CompletionAction.OnIncomingPendingWindow">
  21663. <summary>
  21664. <para>Update incoming changes window with the result of the task upon completion.</para>
  21665. </summary>
  21666. </member>
  21667. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.CompletionAction.OnSubmittedChangeWindow">
  21668. <summary>
  21669. <para>Refresh the submit window with the result of the task upon completion.</para>
  21670. </summary>
  21671. </member>
  21672. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.CompletionAction.UpdatePendingWindow">
  21673. <summary>
  21674. <para>Update the list of pending changes when a task completes.</para>
  21675. </summary>
  21676. </member>
  21677. <member name="T:UnityEditor.VersionControl.ConfigField">
  21678. <summary>
  21679. <para>This class describes the.</para>
  21680. </summary>
  21681. </member>
  21682. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.ConfigField.description">
  21683. <summary>
  21684. <para>Descrition of the configuration field.</para>
  21685. </summary>
  21686. </member>
  21687. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.ConfigField.isPassword">
  21688. <summary>
  21689. <para>This is true if the configuration field is a password field.</para>
  21690. </summary>
  21691. </member>
  21692. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.ConfigField.isRequired">
  21693. <summary>
  21694. <para>This is true if the configuration field is required for the version control plugin to function correctly.</para>
  21695. </summary>
  21696. </member>
  21697. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.ConfigField.label">
  21698. <summary>
  21699. <para>Label that is displayed next to the configuration field in the editor.</para>
  21700. </summary>
  21701. </member>
  21702. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.ConfigField.name">
  21703. <summary>
  21704. <para>Name of the configuration field.</para>
  21705. </summary>
  21706. </member>
  21707. <member name="T:UnityEditor.VersionControl.FileMode">
  21708. <summary>
  21709. <para>Mode of the file.</para>
  21710. </summary>
  21711. </member>
  21712. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.FileMode.Binary">
  21713. <summary>
  21714. <para>Binary file.</para>
  21715. </summary>
  21716. </member>
  21717. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.FileMode.None">
  21718. <summary>
  21719. <para>No mode set.</para>
  21720. </summary>
  21721. </member>
  21722. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.FileMode.Text">
  21723. <summary>
  21724. <para>Text file.</para>
  21725. </summary>
  21726. </member>
  21727. <member name="T:UnityEditor.VersionControl.MergeMethod">
  21728. <summary>
  21729. <para>Which method to use when merging.</para>
  21730. </summary>
  21731. </member>
  21732. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.MergeMethod.MergeAll">
  21733. <summary>
  21734. <para>Merge all changes.</para>
  21735. </summary>
  21736. </member>
  21737. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.MergeMethod.MergeNonConflicting">
  21738. <summary>
  21739. <para>Merge non-conflicting changes.</para>
  21740. </summary>
  21741. </member>
  21742. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.MergeMethod.MergeNone">
  21743. <summary>
  21744. <para>Don't merge any changes.</para>
  21745. </summary>
  21746. </member>
  21747. <member name="T:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Message">
  21748. <summary>
  21749. <para>Messages from the version control system.</para>
  21750. </summary>
  21751. </member>
  21752. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Message.message">
  21753. <summary>
  21754. <para>The message text.</para>
  21755. </summary>
  21756. </member>
  21757. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Message.severity">
  21758. <summary>
  21759. <para>The severity of the message.</para>
  21760. </summary>
  21761. </member>
  21762. <member name="T:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Message.Severity">
  21763. <summary>
  21764. <para>Severity of a version control message.</para>
  21765. </summary>
  21766. </member>
  21767. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Message.Severity.Error">
  21768. <summary>
  21769. <para>Error message.</para>
  21770. </summary>
  21771. </member>
  21772. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Message.Severity.Info">
  21773. <summary>
  21774. <para>Informational message.</para>
  21775. </summary>
  21776. </member>
  21777. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Message.Severity.Verbose">
  21778. <summary>
  21779. <para>Verbose message.</para>
  21780. </summary>
  21781. </member>
  21782. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Message.Severity.Warning">
  21783. <summary>
  21784. <para>Warning message.</para>
  21785. </summary>
  21786. </member>
  21787. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Message.Show">
  21788. <summary>
  21789. <para>Write the message to the console.</para>
  21790. </summary>
  21791. </member>
  21792. <member name="T:UnityEditor.VersionControl.OnlineState">
  21793. <summary>
  21794. <para>Represent the connection state of the version control provider.</para>
  21795. </summary>
  21796. </member>
  21797. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.OnlineState.Offline">
  21798. <summary>
  21799. <para>Connection to the version control server could not be established.</para>
  21800. </summary>
  21801. </member>
  21802. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.OnlineState.Online">
  21803. <summary>
  21804. <para>Connection to the version control server has been established.</para>
  21805. </summary>
  21806. </member>
  21807. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.OnlineState.Updating">
  21808. <summary>
  21809. <para>The version control provider is currently trying to connect to the version control server.</para>
  21810. </summary>
  21811. </member>
  21812. <member name="T:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Plugin">
  21813. <summary>
  21814. <para>The plugin class describes a version control plugin and which configuratin options it has.</para>
  21815. </summary>
  21816. </member>
  21817. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Plugin.configFields">
  21818. <summary>
  21819. <para>Configuration fields of the plugin.</para>
  21820. </summary>
  21821. </member>
  21822. <member name="T:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider">
  21823. <summary>
  21824. <para>This class provides acces to the version control API.</para>
  21825. </summary>
  21826. </member>
  21827. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.activeTask">
  21828. <summary>
  21829. <para>Gets the currently executing task.</para>
  21830. </summary>
  21831. </member>
  21832. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.enabled">
  21833. <summary>
  21834. <para>Returns true if the version control provider is enabled and a valid Unity Pro License was found.</para>
  21835. </summary>
  21836. </member>
  21837. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.isActive">
  21838. <summary>
  21839. <para>Returns true if a version control plugin has been selected and configured correctly.</para>
  21840. </summary>
  21841. </member>
  21842. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.offlineReason">
  21843. <summary>
  21844. <para>Returns the reason for the version control provider being offline (if it is offline).</para>
  21845. </summary>
  21846. </member>
  21847. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.onlineState">
  21848. <summary>
  21849. <para>Returns the OnlineState of the version control provider.</para>
  21850. </summary>
  21851. </member>
  21852. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.requiresNetwork">
  21853. <summary>
  21854. <para>This is true if a network connection is required by the currently selected version control plugin to perform any action.</para>
  21855. </summary>
  21856. </member>
  21857. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Add(UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList,System.Boolean)">
  21858. <summary>
  21859. <para>Adds an assets or list of assets to version control.</para>
  21860. </summary>
  21861. <param name="assets">List of assets to add to version control system.</param>
  21862. <param name="recursive">Set this true if adding should be done recursively into subfolders.</param>
  21863. <param name="asset">Single asset to add to version control system.</param>
  21864. </member>
  21865. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Add(UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset,System.Boolean)">
  21866. <summary>
  21867. <para>Adds an assets or list of assets to version control.</para>
  21868. </summary>
  21869. <param name="assets">List of assets to add to version control system.</param>
  21870. <param name="recursive">Set this true if adding should be done recursively into subfolders.</param>
  21871. <param name="asset">Single asset to add to version control system.</param>
  21872. </member>
  21873. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.AddIsValid(UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList)">
  21874. <summary>
  21875. <para>Given a list of assets this function returns true if Add is a valid task to perform.</para>
  21876. </summary>
  21877. <param name="assets">List of assets to test.</param>
  21878. </member>
  21879. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.ChangeSetDescription(UnityEditor.VersionControl.ChangeSet)">
  21880. <summary>
  21881. <para>Given a changeset only containing the changeset ID, this will start a task for quering the description of the changeset.</para>
  21882. </summary>
  21883. <param name="changeset">Changeset to query description of.</param>
  21884. </member>
  21885. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.ChangeSetMove(UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList,UnityEditor.VersionControl.ChangeSet)">
  21886. <summary>
  21887. <para>Move an asset or list of assets from their current changeset to a new changeset.</para>
  21888. </summary>
  21889. <param name="assets">List of asset to move to changeset.</param>
  21890. <param name="changeset">Changeset to move asset to.</param>
  21891. <param name="asset">Asset to move to changeset.</param>
  21892. <param name="changesetID">ChangesetID to move asset to.</param>
  21893. </member>
  21894. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.ChangeSetMove(UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset,UnityEditor.VersionControl.ChangeSet)">
  21895. <summary>
  21896. <para>Move an asset or list of assets from their current changeset to a new changeset.</para>
  21897. </summary>
  21898. <param name="assets">List of asset to move to changeset.</param>
  21899. <param name="changeset">Changeset to move asset to.</param>
  21900. <param name="asset">Asset to move to changeset.</param>
  21901. <param name="changesetID">ChangesetID to move asset to.</param>
  21902. </member>
  21903. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.ChangeSetMove(UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList,System.String)">
  21904. <summary>
  21905. <para>Move an asset or list of assets from their current changeset to a new changeset.</para>
  21906. </summary>
  21907. <param name="assets">List of asset to move to changeset.</param>
  21908. <param name="changeset">Changeset to move asset to.</param>
  21909. <param name="asset">Asset to move to changeset.</param>
  21910. <param name="changesetID">ChangesetID to move asset to.</param>
  21911. </member>
  21912. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.ChangeSetMove(UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset,System.String)">
  21913. <summary>
  21914. <para>Move an asset or list of assets from their current changeset to a new changeset.</para>
  21915. </summary>
  21916. <param name="assets">List of asset to move to changeset.</param>
  21917. <param name="changeset">Changeset to move asset to.</param>
  21918. <param name="asset">Asset to move to changeset.</param>
  21919. <param name="changesetID">ChangesetID to move asset to.</param>
  21920. </member>
  21921. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.ChangeSets">
  21922. <summary>
  21923. <para>Get a list of pending changesets owned by the current user.</para>
  21924. </summary>
  21925. </member>
  21926. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.ChangeSetStatus(UnityEditor.VersionControl.ChangeSet)">
  21927. <summary>
  21928. <para>Retrieves the list of assets belonging to a changeset.</para>
  21929. </summary>
  21930. <param name="changeset">Changeset to query for assets.</param>
  21931. <param name="changesetID">ChangesetID to query for assets.</param>
  21932. </member>
  21933. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.ChangeSetStatus(System.String)">
  21934. <summary>
  21935. <para>Retrieves the list of assets belonging to a changeset.</para>
  21936. </summary>
  21937. <param name="changeset">Changeset to query for assets.</param>
  21938. <param name="changesetID">ChangesetID to query for assets.</param>
  21939. </member>
  21940. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Checkout(UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList,UnityEditor.VersionControl.CheckoutMode)">
  21941. <summary>
  21942. <para>Checkout an asset or list of asset from the version control system.</para>
  21943. </summary>
  21944. <param name="assets">List of assets to checkout.</param>
  21945. <param name="mode">Tell the Provider to checkout the asset, the .meta file or both.</param>
  21946. <param name="asset">Asset to checkout.</param>
  21947. </member>
  21948. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Checkout(System.String[],UnityEditor.VersionControl.CheckoutMode)">
  21949. <summary>
  21950. <para>Checkout an asset or list of asset from the version control system.</para>
  21951. </summary>
  21952. <param name="assets">List of assets to checkout.</param>
  21953. <param name="mode">Tell the Provider to checkout the asset, the .meta file or both.</param>
  21954. <param name="asset">Asset to checkout.</param>
  21955. </member>
  21956. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Checkout(UnityEngine.Object[],UnityEditor.VersionControl.CheckoutMode)">
  21957. <summary>
  21958. <para>Checkout an asset or list of asset from the version control system.</para>
  21959. </summary>
  21960. <param name="assets">List of assets to checkout.</param>
  21961. <param name="mode">Tell the Provider to checkout the asset, the .meta file or both.</param>
  21962. <param name="asset">Asset to checkout.</param>
  21963. </member>
  21964. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Checkout(UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset,UnityEditor.VersionControl.CheckoutMode)">
  21965. <summary>
  21966. <para>Checkout an asset or list of asset from the version control system.</para>
  21967. </summary>
  21968. <param name="assets">List of assets to checkout.</param>
  21969. <param name="mode">Tell the Provider to checkout the asset, the .meta file or both.</param>
  21970. <param name="asset">Asset to checkout.</param>
  21971. </member>
  21972. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Checkout(System.String,UnityEditor.VersionControl.CheckoutMode)">
  21973. <summary>
  21974. <para>Checkout an asset or list of asset from the version control system.</para>
  21975. </summary>
  21976. <param name="assets">List of assets to checkout.</param>
  21977. <param name="mode">Tell the Provider to checkout the asset, the .meta file or both.</param>
  21978. <param name="asset">Asset to checkout.</param>
  21979. </member>
  21980. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Checkout(UnityEngine.Object,UnityEditor.VersionControl.CheckoutMode)">
  21981. <summary>
  21982. <para>Checkout an asset or list of asset from the version control system.</para>
  21983. </summary>
  21984. <param name="assets">List of assets to checkout.</param>
  21985. <param name="mode">Tell the Provider to checkout the asset, the .meta file or both.</param>
  21986. <param name="asset">Asset to checkout.</param>
  21987. </member>
  21988. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.CheckoutIsValid(UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList)">
  21989. <summary>
  21990. <para>Given an asset or a list of assets this function returns true if Checkout is a valid task to perform.</para>
  21991. </summary>
  21992. <param name="assets">List of assets.</param>
  21993. <param name="asset">Single asset.</param>
  21994. </member>
  21995. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.CheckoutIsValid(UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset)">
  21996. <summary>
  21997. <para>Given an asset or a list of assets this function returns true if Checkout is a valid task to perform.</para>
  21998. </summary>
  21999. <param name="assets">List of assets.</param>
  22000. <param name="asset">Single asset.</param>
  22001. </member>
  22002. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.ClearCache">
  22003. <summary>
  22004. <para>This will invalidate the cached state information for all assets.</para>
  22005. </summary>
  22006. </member>
  22007. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Delete(System.String)">
  22008. <summary>
  22009. <para>This will statt a task for deleting an asset or assets both from disk and from version control system.</para>
  22010. </summary>
  22011. <param name="assetProjectPath">Project path of asset.</param>
  22012. <param name="assets">List of assets to delete.</param>
  22013. <param name="asset">Asset to delete.</param>
  22014. </member>
  22015. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Delete(UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList)">
  22016. <summary>
  22017. <para>This will statt a task for deleting an asset or assets both from disk and from version control system.</para>
  22018. </summary>
  22019. <param name="assetProjectPath">Project path of asset.</param>
  22020. <param name="assets">List of assets to delete.</param>
  22021. <param name="asset">Asset to delete.</param>
  22022. </member>
  22023. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Delete(UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset)">
  22024. <summary>
  22025. <para>This will statt a task for deleting an asset or assets both from disk and from version control system.</para>
  22026. </summary>
  22027. <param name="assetProjectPath">Project path of asset.</param>
  22028. <param name="assets">List of assets to delete.</param>
  22029. <param name="asset">Asset to delete.</param>
  22030. </member>
  22031. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.DeleteChangeSets(UnityEditor.VersionControl.ChangeSets)">
  22032. <summary>
  22033. <para>Starts a task that will attempt to delete the given changeset.</para>
  22034. </summary>
  22035. <param name="changesets">List of changetsets.</param>
  22036. </member>
  22037. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.DeleteChangeSetsIsValid(UnityEditor.VersionControl.ChangeSets)">
  22038. <summary>
  22039. <para>Test if deleting a changeset is a valid task to perform.</para>
  22040. </summary>
  22041. <param name="changesets">Changeset to test.</param>
  22042. </member>
  22043. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.DiffHead(UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList,System.Boolean)">
  22044. <summary>
  22045. <para>Starts a task for showing a diff of the given assest versus their head revision.</para>
  22046. </summary>
  22047. <param name="assets">List of assets.</param>
  22048. <param name="includingMetaFiles">Whether or not to include .meta.</param>
  22049. </member>
  22050. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.DiffIsValid(UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList)">
  22051. <summary>
  22052. <para>Return true is starting a Diff task is a valid operation.</para>
  22053. </summary>
  22054. <param name="assets">List of assets.</param>
  22055. </member>
  22056. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.GetActiveConfigFields">
  22057. <summary>
  22058. <para>Returns the configuration fields for the currently active version control plugin.</para>
  22059. </summary>
  22060. </member>
  22061. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.GetActivePlugin">
  22062. <summary>
  22063. <para>Gets the currently user selected verson control plugin.</para>
  22064. </summary>
  22065. </member>
  22066. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.GetAssetByGUID(System.String)">
  22067. <summary>
  22068. <para>Returns version control information about an asset.</para>
  22069. </summary>
  22070. <param name="guid">GUID of asset.</param>
  22071. </member>
  22072. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.GetAssetByPath(System.String)">
  22073. <summary>
  22074. <para>Returns version control information about an asset.</para>
  22075. </summary>
  22076. <param name="unityPath">Path to asset.</param>
  22077. </member>
  22078. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.GetAssetListFromSelection">
  22079. <summary>
  22080. <para>Return version control information about the currently selected assets.</para>
  22081. </summary>
  22082. </member>
  22083. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.GetLatest(UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList)">
  22084. <summary>
  22085. <para>Start a task for getting the latest version of an asset from the version control server.</para>
  22086. </summary>
  22087. <param name="assets">List of assets to update.</param>
  22088. <param name="asset">Asset to update.</param>
  22089. </member>
  22090. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.GetLatest(UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset)">
  22091. <summary>
  22092. <para>Start a task for getting the latest version of an asset from the version control server.</para>
  22093. </summary>
  22094. <param name="assets">List of assets to update.</param>
  22095. <param name="asset">Asset to update.</param>
  22096. </member>
  22097. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.GetLatestIsValid(UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList)">
  22098. <summary>
  22099. <para>Returns true if getting the latest version of an asset is a valid operation.</para>
  22100. </summary>
  22101. <param name="assets">List of assets to test.</param>
  22102. <param name="asset">Asset to test.</param>
  22103. </member>
  22104. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.GetLatestIsValid(UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset)">
  22105. <summary>
  22106. <para>Returns true if getting the latest version of an asset is a valid operation.</para>
  22107. </summary>
  22108. <param name="assets">List of assets to test.</param>
  22109. <param name="asset">Asset to test.</param>
  22110. </member>
  22111. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Incoming">
  22112. <summary>
  22113. <para>Start a task for quering the version control server for incoming changes.</para>
  22114. </summary>
  22115. </member>
  22116. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.IncomingChangeSetAssets(UnityEditor.VersionControl.ChangeSet)">
  22117. <summary>
  22118. <para>Given an incoming changeset this will start a task to query the version control server for which assets are part of the changeset.</para>
  22119. </summary>
  22120. <param name="changeset">Incoming changeset.</param>
  22121. <param name="changesetID">Incoming changesetid.</param>
  22122. </member>
  22123. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.IncomingChangeSetAssets(System.String)">
  22124. <summary>
  22125. <para>Given an incoming changeset this will start a task to query the version control server for which assets are part of the changeset.</para>
  22126. </summary>
  22127. <param name="changeset">Incoming changeset.</param>
  22128. <param name="changesetID">Incoming changesetid.</param>
  22129. </member>
  22130. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.IsOpenForEdit(UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset)">
  22131. <summary>
  22132. <para>Returns true if an asset can be edited.</para>
  22133. </summary>
  22134. <param name="asset">Asset to test.</param>
  22135. </member>
  22136. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Lock(UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList,System.Boolean)">
  22137. <summary>
  22138. <para>Attempt to lock an asset for exclusive editing.</para>
  22139. </summary>
  22140. <param name="assets">List of assets to lock/unlock.</param>
  22141. <param name="locked">True to lock assets, false to unlock assets.</param>
  22142. <param name="asset">Asset to lock/unlock.</param>
  22143. </member>
  22144. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Lock(UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset,System.Boolean)">
  22145. <summary>
  22146. <para>Attempt to lock an asset for exclusive editing.</para>
  22147. </summary>
  22148. <param name="assets">List of assets to lock/unlock.</param>
  22149. <param name="locked">True to lock assets, false to unlock assets.</param>
  22150. <param name="asset">Asset to lock/unlock.</param>
  22151. </member>
  22152. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.LockIsValid(UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList)">
  22153. <summary>
  22154. <para>Return true if the task can be executed.</para>
  22155. </summary>
  22156. <param name="assets">List of assets to test.</param>
  22157. <param name="asset">Asset to test.</param>
  22158. </member>
  22159. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.LockIsValid(UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset)">
  22160. <summary>
  22161. <para>Return true if the task can be executed.</para>
  22162. </summary>
  22163. <param name="assets">List of assets to test.</param>
  22164. <param name="asset">Asset to test.</param>
  22165. </member>
  22166. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Merge(UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList,UnityEditor.VersionControl.MergeMethod)">
  22167. <summary>
  22168. <para>This method will initiate a merge task handle merging of the conflicting assets.</para>
  22169. </summary>
  22170. <param name="assets">The list of conflicting assets to be merged.</param>
  22171. <param name="method">How to merge the assets.</param>
  22172. </member>
  22173. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Move(System.String,System.String)">
  22174. <summary>
  22175. <para>Uses the version control plugin to move an asset from one path to another.</para>
  22176. </summary>
  22177. <param name="from">Path to source asset.</param>
  22178. <param name="to">Path to destination.</param>
  22179. </member>
  22180. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Resolve(UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList,UnityEditor.VersionControl.ResolveMethod)">
  22181. <summary>
  22182. <para>Start a task that will resolve conflicting assets in version control.</para>
  22183. </summary>
  22184. <param name="assets">The list of asset to mark as resolved.</param>
  22185. <param name="resolveMethod">How the assets should be resolved.</param>
  22186. </member>
  22187. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.ResolveIsValid(UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList)">
  22188. <summary>
  22189. <para>Tests if any of the assets in the list is resolvable.</para>
  22190. </summary>
  22191. <param name="assets">The list of asset to be resolved.</param>
  22192. </member>
  22193. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Revert(UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList,UnityEditor.VersionControl.RevertMode)">
  22194. <summary>
  22195. <para>Reverts the specified assets by undoing any changes done since last time you synced.</para>
  22196. </summary>
  22197. <param name="assets">The list of assets to be reverted.</param>
  22198. <param name="mode">How to revert the assets.</param>
  22199. <param name="asset">The asset to be reverted.</param>
  22200. </member>
  22201. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Revert(UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset,UnityEditor.VersionControl.RevertMode)">
  22202. <summary>
  22203. <para>Reverts the specified assets by undoing any changes done since last time you synced.</para>
  22204. </summary>
  22205. <param name="assets">The list of assets to be reverted.</param>
  22206. <param name="mode">How to revert the assets.</param>
  22207. <param name="asset">The asset to be reverted.</param>
  22208. </member>
  22209. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.RevertIsValid(UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList,UnityEditor.VersionControl.RevertMode)">
  22210. <summary>
  22211. <para>Return true if Revert is a valid task to perform.</para>
  22212. </summary>
  22213. <param name="assets">List of assets to test.</param>
  22214. <param name="mode">Revert mode to test for.</param>
  22215. <param name="asset">Asset to test.</param>
  22216. </member>
  22217. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.RevertIsValid(UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset,UnityEditor.VersionControl.RevertMode)">
  22218. <summary>
  22219. <para>Return true if Revert is a valid task to perform.</para>
  22220. </summary>
  22221. <param name="assets">List of assets to test.</param>
  22222. <param name="mode">Revert mode to test for.</param>
  22223. <param name="asset">Asset to test.</param>
  22224. </member>
  22225. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Status(UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList)">
  22226. <summary>
  22227. <para>Start a task that will fetch the most recent status from revision control system.</para>
  22228. </summary>
  22229. <param name="assets">The assets fetch new state for.</param>
  22230. <param name="asset">The asset path to fetch new state for.</param>
  22231. <param name="recursively">If any assets specified are folders this flag will get status for all descendants of the folder as well.</param>
  22232. </member>
  22233. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Status(UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset)">
  22234. <summary>
  22235. <para>Start a task that will fetch the most recent status from revision control system.</para>
  22236. </summary>
  22237. <param name="assets">The assets fetch new state for.</param>
  22238. <param name="asset">The asset path to fetch new state for.</param>
  22239. <param name="recursively">If any assets specified are folders this flag will get status for all descendants of the folder as well.</param>
  22240. </member>
  22241. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Status(UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList,System.Boolean)">
  22242. <summary>
  22243. <para>Start a task that will fetch the most recent status from revision control system.</para>
  22244. </summary>
  22245. <param name="assets">The assets fetch new state for.</param>
  22246. <param name="asset">The asset path to fetch new state for.</param>
  22247. <param name="recursively">If any assets specified are folders this flag will get status for all descendants of the folder as well.</param>
  22248. </member>
  22249. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Status(UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset,System.Boolean)">
  22250. <summary>
  22251. <para>Start a task that will fetch the most recent status from revision control system.</para>
  22252. </summary>
  22253. <param name="assets">The assets fetch new state for.</param>
  22254. <param name="asset">The asset path to fetch new state for.</param>
  22255. <param name="recursively">If any assets specified are folders this flag will get status for all descendants of the folder as well.</param>
  22256. </member>
  22257. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Status(System.String[])">
  22258. <summary>
  22259. <para>Start a task that will fetch the most recent status from revision control system.</para>
  22260. </summary>
  22261. <param name="assets">The assets fetch new state for.</param>
  22262. <param name="asset">The asset path to fetch new state for.</param>
  22263. <param name="recursively">If any assets specified are folders this flag will get status for all descendants of the folder as well.</param>
  22264. </member>
  22265. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Status(System.String[],System.Boolean)">
  22266. <summary>
  22267. <para>Start a task that will fetch the most recent status from revision control system.</para>
  22268. </summary>
  22269. <param name="assets">The assets fetch new state for.</param>
  22270. <param name="asset">The asset path to fetch new state for.</param>
  22271. <param name="recursively">If any assets specified are folders this flag will get status for all descendants of the folder as well.</param>
  22272. </member>
  22273. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Status(System.String)">
  22274. <summary>
  22275. <para>Start a task that will fetch the most recent status from revision control system.</para>
  22276. </summary>
  22277. <param name="assets">The assets fetch new state for.</param>
  22278. <param name="asset">The asset path to fetch new state for.</param>
  22279. <param name="recursively">If any assets specified are folders this flag will get status for all descendants of the folder as well.</param>
  22280. </member>
  22281. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Status(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  22282. <summary>
  22283. <para>Start a task that will fetch the most recent status from revision control system.</para>
  22284. </summary>
  22285. <param name="assets">The assets fetch new state for.</param>
  22286. <param name="asset">The asset path to fetch new state for.</param>
  22287. <param name="recursively">If any assets specified are folders this flag will get status for all descendants of the folder as well.</param>
  22288. </member>
  22289. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.Submit(UnityEditor.VersionControl.ChangeSet,UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  22290. <summary>
  22291. <para>Start a task that submits the assets to version control.</para>
  22292. </summary>
  22293. <param name="changeset">The changeset to submit.</param>
  22294. <param name="list">The list of assets to submit.</param>
  22295. <param name="description">The description of the changeset.</param>
  22296. <param name="saveOnly">If true then only save the changeset to be submitted later.</param>
  22297. </member>
  22298. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.SubmitIsValid(UnityEditor.VersionControl.ChangeSet,UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList)">
  22299. <summary>
  22300. <para>Returns true if submitting the assets is a valid operation.</para>
  22301. </summary>
  22302. <param name="changeset">The changeset to submit.</param>
  22303. <param name="assets">The asset to submit.</param>
  22304. </member>
  22305. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.UnlockIsValid(UnityEditor.VersionControl.AssetList)">
  22306. <summary>
  22307. <para>Returns true if locking the assets is a valid operation.</para>
  22308. </summary>
  22309. <param name="assets">The assets to lock.</param>
  22310. <param name="asset">The asset to lock.</param>
  22311. </member>
  22312. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.UnlockIsValid(UnityEditor.VersionControl.Asset)">
  22313. <summary>
  22314. <para>Returns true if locking the assets is a valid operation.</para>
  22315. </summary>
  22316. <param name="assets">The assets to lock.</param>
  22317. <param name="asset">The asset to lock.</param>
  22318. </member>
  22319. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.UpdateSettings">
  22320. <summary>
  22321. <para>Start a task that sends the version control settings to the version control system.</para>
  22322. </summary>
  22323. </member>
  22324. <member name="T:UnityEditor.VersionControl.ResolveMethod">
  22325. <summary>
  22326. <para>How assets should be resolved.</para>
  22327. </summary>
  22328. </member>
  22329. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.ResolveMethod.UseMerged">
  22330. <summary>
  22331. <para>Use merged version.</para>
  22332. </summary>
  22333. </member>
  22334. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.ResolveMethod.UseMine">
  22335. <summary>
  22336. <para>Use "mine" (local version).</para>
  22337. </summary>
  22338. </member>
  22339. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.ResolveMethod.UseTheirs">
  22340. <summary>
  22341. <para>Use "theirs" (other/remote version).</para>
  22342. </summary>
  22343. </member>
  22344. <member name="T:UnityEditor.VersionControl.RevertMode">
  22345. <summary>
  22346. <para>Defines the behaviour of the version control revert methods.</para>
  22347. </summary>
  22348. </member>
  22349. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.RevertMode.KeepModifications">
  22350. <summary>
  22351. <para>Revert files but keep locally changed ones.</para>
  22352. </summary>
  22353. </member>
  22354. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.RevertMode.Normal">
  22355. <summary>
  22356. <para>Use the version control regular revert approach.</para>
  22357. </summary>
  22358. </member>
  22359. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.RevertMode.Unchanged">
  22360. <summary>
  22361. <para>Revert only unchanged files.</para>
  22362. </summary>
  22363. </member>
  22364. <member name="T:UnityEditor.VersionControl.SubmitResult">
  22365. <summary>
  22366. <para>The status of an operation returned by the VCS.</para>
  22367. </summary>
  22368. </member>
  22369. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.SubmitResult.ConflictingFiles">
  22370. <summary>
  22371. <para>Files conflicted.</para>
  22372. </summary>
  22373. </member>
  22374. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.SubmitResult.Error">
  22375. <summary>
  22376. <para>An error was returned.</para>
  22377. </summary>
  22378. </member>
  22379. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.SubmitResult.OK">
  22380. <summary>
  22381. <para>Submission worked.</para>
  22382. </summary>
  22383. </member>
  22384. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VersionControl.SubmitResult.UnaddedFiles">
  22385. <summary>
  22386. <para>Files were unable to be added.</para>
  22387. </summary>
  22388. </member>
  22389. <member name="T:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Task">
  22390. <summary>
  22391. <para>A UnityEditor.VersionControl.Task is created almost everytime UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider is ask to perform an action.</para>
  22392. </summary>
  22393. </member>
  22394. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Task.assetList">
  22395. <summary>
  22396. <para>The result of some types of tasks.</para>
  22397. </summary>
  22398. </member>
  22399. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Task.changeSets">
  22400. <summary>
  22401. <para>List of changesets returned by some tasks.</para>
  22402. </summary>
  22403. </member>
  22404. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Task.description">
  22405. <summary>
  22406. <para>A short description of the current task.</para>
  22407. </summary>
  22408. </member>
  22409. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Task.messages">
  22410. <summary>
  22411. <para>May contain messages from the version control plugins.</para>
  22412. </summary>
  22413. </member>
  22414. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Task.progressPct">
  22415. <summary>
  22416. <para>Progress of current task in precent.</para>
  22417. </summary>
  22418. </member>
  22419. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Task.resultCode">
  22420. <summary>
  22421. <para>Some task return result codes, these are stored here.</para>
  22422. </summary>
  22423. </member>
  22424. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Task.secondsSpent">
  22425. <summary>
  22426. <para>Total time spent in task since the task was started.</para>
  22427. </summary>
  22428. </member>
  22429. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Task.success">
  22430. <summary>
  22431. <para>Get whether or not the task was completed succesfully.</para>
  22432. </summary>
  22433. </member>
  22434. <member name="P:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Task.text">
  22435. <summary>
  22436. <para>Will contain the result of the Provider.ChangeSetDescription task.</para>
  22437. </summary>
  22438. </member>
  22439. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Task.SetCompletionAction(UnityEditor.VersionControl.CompletionAction)">
  22440. <summary>
  22441. <para>Upon completion of a task a completion task will be performed if it is set.</para>
  22442. </summary>
  22443. <param name="action">Which completion action to perform.</param>
  22444. </member>
  22445. <member name="M:UnityEditor.VersionControl.Task.Wait">
  22446. <summary>
  22447. <para>A blocking wait for the task to complete.</para>
  22448. </summary>
  22449. </member>
  22450. <member name="T:UnityEditor.VertexChannelCompressionFlags">
  22451. <summary>
  22452. <para>This enum is used to build a bitmask for controlling per-channel vertex compression.</para>
  22453. </summary>
  22454. </member>
  22455. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VertexChannelCompressionFlags.kColor">
  22456. <summary>
  22457. <para>Vertex color.</para>
  22458. </summary>
  22459. </member>
  22460. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VertexChannelCompressionFlags.kNormal">
  22461. <summary>
  22462. <para>Vertex normal.</para>
  22463. </summary>
  22464. </member>
  22465. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VertexChannelCompressionFlags.kPosition">
  22466. <summary>
  22467. <para>Position.</para>
  22468. </summary>
  22469. </member>
  22470. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VertexChannelCompressionFlags.kTangent">
  22471. <summary>
  22472. <para>Tangent.</para>
  22473. </summary>
  22474. </member>
  22475. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VertexChannelCompressionFlags.kUV0">
  22476. <summary>
  22477. <para>Texture coordinate channel 0. Usually used for Albedo texture.</para>
  22478. </summary>
  22479. </member>
  22480. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VertexChannelCompressionFlags.kUV1">
  22481. <summary>
  22482. <para>Texture coordinate channel 1. Usually used for baked lightmap.</para>
  22483. </summary>
  22484. </member>
  22485. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VertexChannelCompressionFlags.kUV2">
  22486. <summary>
  22487. <para>Texture coordinate channel 2. Usually used for realtime GI.</para>
  22488. </summary>
  22489. </member>
  22490. <member name="F:UnityEditor.VertexChannelCompressionFlags.kUV3">
  22491. <summary>
  22492. <para>Texture coordinate channel 3.</para>
  22493. </summary>
  22494. </member>
  22495. <member name="T:UnityEditor.ViewTool">
  22496. <summary>
  22497. <para>Enum for Tools.viewTool.</para>
  22498. </summary>
  22499. </member>
  22500. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ViewTool.FPS">
  22501. <summary>
  22502. <para>The FPS tool is selected.</para>
  22503. </summary>
  22504. </member>
  22505. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ViewTool.None">
  22506. <summary>
  22507. <para>View tool is not selected.</para>
  22508. </summary>
  22509. </member>
  22510. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ViewTool.Orbit">
  22511. <summary>
  22512. <para>The orbit tool is selected.</para>
  22513. </summary>
  22514. </member>
  22515. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ViewTool.Pan">
  22516. <summary>
  22517. <para>The pan tool is selected.</para>
  22518. </summary>
  22519. </member>
  22520. <member name="F:UnityEditor.ViewTool.Zoom">
  22521. <summary>
  22522. <para>The zoom tool is selected.</para>
  22523. </summary>
  22524. </member>
  22525. <member name="T:UnityEditor.WiiUBuildDebugLevel">
  22526. <summary>
  22527. <para>Wii U Player debugging level.</para>
  22528. </summary>
  22529. </member>
  22530. <member name="F:UnityEditor.WiiUBuildDebugLevel.Debug">
  22531. <summary>
  22532. <para>Asserts enabled, memory profiling enabled, Nintendo Wii U profiler linked, no optimizations.</para>
  22533. </summary>
  22534. </member>
  22535. <member name="F:UnityEditor.WiiUBuildDebugLevel.DebugOptimized">
  22536. <summary>
  22537. <para>Asserts enabled, memory profiling enabled, Nintendo Wii U profiler linked, optimized build.</para>
  22538. </summary>
  22539. </member>
  22540. <member name="F:UnityEditor.WiiUBuildDebugLevel.Development">
  22541. <summary>
  22542. <para>Memory profiling enabled, Nintendo Wii U profiler linked, optimizations enabled.</para>
  22543. </summary>
  22544. </member>
  22545. <member name="F:UnityEditor.WiiUBuildDebugLevel.Master">
  22546. <summary>
  22547. <para>Optimizations enabled.</para>
  22548. </summary>
  22549. </member>
  22550. <member name="T:UnityEditor.WiiUBuildOutput">
  22551. <summary>
  22552. <para>Player packaging.</para>
  22553. </summary>
  22554. </member>
  22555. <member name="F:UnityEditor.WiiUBuildOutput.DownloadImage">
  22556. <summary>
  22557. <para>Download image.</para>
  22558. </summary>
  22559. </member>
  22560. <member name="F:UnityEditor.WiiUBuildOutput.Unpackaged">
  22561. <summary>
  22562. <para>Unpacked.</para>
  22563. </summary>
  22564. </member>
  22565. <member name="F:UnityEditor.WiiUBuildOutput.WUMADFile">
  22566. <summary>
  22567. <para>WUMAD package.</para>
  22568. </summary>
  22569. </member>
  22570. <member name="T:UnityEditor.WiiUTVResolution">
  22571. <summary>
  22572. <para>Resolution setting for TV output.</para>
  22573. </summary>
  22574. </member>
  22575. <member name="F:UnityEditor.WiiUTVResolution.Resolution_1080p">
  22576. <summary>
  22577. <para>1920×1080 (Full HD).</para>
  22578. </summary>
  22579. </member>
  22580. <member name="F:UnityEditor.WiiUTVResolution.Resolution_720p">
  22581. <summary>
  22582. <para>1280×720 pixels.</para>
  22583. </summary>
  22584. </member>
  22585. <member name="T:UnityEditor.WSABuildType">
  22586. <summary>
  22587. <para>Build configurations for Windows Store Visual Studio solutions.</para>
  22588. </summary>
  22589. </member>
  22590. <member name="F:UnityEditor.WSABuildType.Debug">
  22591. <summary>
  22592. <para>Debug configuation.
  22593. No optimizations, profiler code enabled.</para>
  22594. </summary>
  22595. </member>
  22596. <member name="F:UnityEditor.WSABuildType.Master">
  22597. <summary>
  22598. <para>Master configuation.
  22599. Optimizations enabled, profiler code disabled. This configuration is used when submitting the application to Windows Store.</para>
  22600. </summary>
  22601. </member>
  22602. <member name="F:UnityEditor.WSABuildType.Release">
  22603. <summary>
  22604. <para>Release configuration.
  22605. Optimization enabled, profiler code enabled.</para>
  22606. </summary>
  22607. </member>
  22608. <member name="T:UnityEditor.WSASDK">
  22609. <summary>
  22610. <para>Specifies Windows SDK which used when building Windows Store Apps.</para>
  22611. </summary>
  22612. </member>
  22613. <member name="T:UnityEditor.XboxBuildSubtarget">
  22614. <summary>
  22615. <para>Target Xbox build type.</para>
  22616. </summary>
  22617. </member>
  22618. <member name="F:UnityEditor.XboxBuildSubtarget.Debug">
  22619. <summary>
  22620. <para>Debug player (for building with source code).</para>
  22621. </summary>
  22622. </member>
  22623. <member name="F:UnityEditor.XboxBuildSubtarget.Development">
  22624. <summary>
  22625. <para>Development player.</para>
  22626. </summary>
  22627. </member>
  22628. <member name="F:UnityEditor.XboxBuildSubtarget.Master">
  22629. <summary>
  22630. <para>Master player (submission-proof).</para>
  22631. </summary>
  22632. </member>
  22633. </members>
  22634. </doc>