Binary distribution of KopiLua and KopiLuaInterface =================================================== This distribution contains three libraries - KopiLua, KopiLuaDll, and KopiLuaInterface. The latest version is available at Each library has a DLL file containing the compiled code, PDB and MDB files containing debugging information, and a VER file detailing the source code snapshot from which the DLL was compiled. KopiLua is built from the gfoot/kopilua repository at GitHub, and subject to the MIT license as detailed in COPYRIGHT-KopiLua. KopiLuaInterface is based on LuaInterface, adapted to work with KopiLua. It's built from the gfoot/kopiluainterface repository at GitHub, and is subject to the MIT license as detailed in COPYRIGHT-LuaInterface. KopiLuaDll is based on LuaDll, which is I believe an artifact of the odd way C++ DLLs work on Windows. It's built from the gfoot/kopiluainterface repository at GitHub and also subject to the MIT license. See the VER files for exact Git SHAs if you need them.