SuperSocket.SocketBase AppServer base class The type of the app session. The type of the request info. Registers the configuration option value handler, it is used for reading configuration value and reload it after the configuration is changed; The type of the configuration option. The server configuration. The changed config option's name. The handler. Registers the configuration option value handler, it is used for reading configuration value and reload it after the configuration is changed; The server configuration. The changed config option name. The handler. Null appSession instance Gets the server's config. the current state's code Gets the current state of the work item. The state. Gets the certificate of current server. Gets or sets the receive filter factory. The receive filter factory. Gets the Receive filter factory. Gets the basic transfer layer security protocol. Gets the root config. Gets the logger assosiated with this object. Gets the bootstrap of this appServer instance. Gets the total handled requests number. Gets or sets the listeners inforamtion. The listeners. Gets the started time of this server instance. The started time. Gets or sets the log factory. The log factory. Gets the default text encoding. The text encoding. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The Receive filter factory. Gets the filter attributes. The type. Setups the command into command dictionary The discovered commands. Setups the specified root config. The root config. The config. Setups with the specified port. The port. return setup result Setups with the specified config. The server config. The socket server factory. The receive filter factory. The log factory. The connection filters. The command loaders. Setups the specified root config, this method used for programming setup The root config. The server config. The socket server factory. The Receive filter factory. The log factory. The connection filters. The command loaders. Setups with the specified ip and port. The ip. The port. The socket server factory. The Receive filter factory. The log factory. The connection filters. The command loaders. return setup result Setups the specified root config. The bootstrap. The socket server instance config. The factories. Setups the command loaders. The command loaders. Creates the logger for the AppServer. Name of the logger. Setups the security option of socket communications. The config of the server instance. Gets the certificate from server configuguration. The certificate config. Validates the client certificate. This method is only used if the certificate configuration attribute "clientCertificateRequired" is true. The session. The sender. The certificate. The chain. The SSL policy errors. return the validation result Setups the socket server.instance Setups the listeners base on server configuration The config. Gets the name of the server instance. Gets the socket server. The socket server. Starts this server instance. return true if start successfull, else false Called when [startup]. Called when [started]. Called when [stopped]. Stops this server instance. Gets command by command name. Name of the command. Gets or sets the raw binary data received event handler. TAppSession: session byte[]: receive buffer int: receive buffer offset int: receive lenght bool: whether process the received data further Called when [raw data received]. The session. The buffer. The offset. The length. Occurs when a full request item received. Executes the command. The session. The request info. Executes the command for the session. The session. The request info. Executes the command. The session. The request info. Gets or sets the server's connection filter The server's connection filters Executes the connection filters. The remote address. Creates the app session. The socket session. create a new TAppSession instance, you can override it to create the session instance in your own way the socket session. the new created session instance Registers the new created app session into the appserver's session container. The session. Registers the session into session container. The session ID. The app session. The action which will be executed after a new session connect Called when [new session connected]. The session. Resets the session's security protocol. The session. The security protocol. Called when [socket session closed]. The socket session. The reason. Gets/sets the session closed event handler. Called when [session closed]. The appSession. The reason. Gets the app session by ID. The session ID. Gets the app session by ID. Gets the matched sessions from sessions snapshot. The prediction critera. Gets all sessions in sessions snapshot. Gets the total session count. Gets the physical file path by the relative file path, search both in the appserver's root and in the supersocket root dir if the isolation level has been set other than 'None'. The relative file path. Connect the remote endpoint actively. The target end point. The local end point. This server cannot support active connect. Connect the remote endpoint actively. The target end point. This server cannot support active connect. Transfers the system message Type of the message. The message data. Called when [system message received]. Type of the message. The message data. Updates the summary of the server. The server status. Called when [server status collected]. The bootstrapStatus status. The server status. Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources Async extension class Runs the specified task. The log provider. The task. Runs the specified task. The log provider. The task. The task option. Runs the specified task. The log provider. The task. The exception handler. Runs the specified task. The log provider. The task. The task option. The exception handler. Runs the specified task. The log provider. The task. The state. Runs the specified task. The log provider. The task. The state. The task option. Runs the specified task. The log provider. The task. The state. The exception handler. Runs the specified task. The log provider. The task. The state. The task option. The exception handler. Command Executing Context Gets the session. Gets the request info. Gets the current command. Gets the exception. The exception. Gets a value indicating whether [exception handled]. true if [exception handled]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this command executing is cancelled. true if cancel; otherwise, false. Initializes a new instance of the class. The session. The request info. The command. CommandLoader base class Initializes the command loader by the root config and appserver instance. The root config. The app server. Tries to load commands. The commands. Called when [updated]. The commands. Occurs when [updated]. Called when [error]. The message. Called when [error]. The e. Occurs when [error]. CommandUpdateEventArgs Gets the commands updated. Initializes a new instance of the class. The commands. The basic interface for CommandFilter Gets the filters which assosiated with this command object. Command base class The type of the app session. The type of the request info. Executes the command. The session. The request info. Gets the name. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Command update action enum Add command Remove command Update command Command update information Gets or sets the update action. The update action. Gets or sets the target command. The command. Command basic interface Gets the name. Command basic interface The type of the app session. The type of the request info. Executes the command. The session. The request info. Mockup command The type of the app session. The type of the request info. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. Executes the command. The session. The request info. Gets the name. the empty basic interface for command loader Command loader's interface Initializes the command loader by the root config and the server instance. The root config. The app server. Tries to load commands. The commands. Occurs when [updated]. Occurs when [error]. A command loader which loads commands from assembly by reflection Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes the command loader by the root config and the server instance. The root config. The app server. Tries to load commands. The commands. A command type for whose request info type is StringRequestInfo The type of the app session. A command type for whose request info type is StringRequestInfo Command assembly config Gets or sets the assembly name. The assembly. The basic interface for command assembly config Gets the assembly name. The assembly. Configuration source interface Gets the servers definitions. Gets the appServer types definition. Gets the connection filters definition. Gets the log factories definition. Gets the Receive filter factories definition. Gets the command loaders definition. IRootConfig, the part compatible with .Net 4.5 or higher The root configuration interface Gets the default culture for all server instances. The default culture. Gets the max working threads. Gets the min working threads. Gets the max completion port threads. Gets the min completion port threads. Gets a value indicating whether [disable performance data collector]. true if [disable performance data collector]; otherwise, false. Gets the performance data collect interval, in seconds. Gets the log factory name. The log factory. Gets the isolation mode. Gets the option elements. Gets the child config. The type of the config. Name of the child config. IServerConfig, the part compatible with .Net 4.5 or higher Server instance configuation interface Gets the default culture for this server. The default culture. Gets the name of the server type this appServer want to use. The name of the server type. Gets the type definition of the appserver. The type of the server. Gets the Receive filter factory. Gets the ip. Gets the port. Gets the options. Gets the option elements. Gets a value indicating whether this is disabled. true if disabled; otherwise, false. Gets the name. Gets the mode. Gets the send time out. Gets the max connection number. Gets the size of the receive buffer. The size of the receive buffer. Gets the size of the send buffer. The size of the send buffer. Gets a value indicating whether sending is in synchronous mode. true if [sync send]; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether log command in log file. true if log command; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether clear idle session. true if clear idle session; otherwise, false. Gets the clear idle session interval, in seconds. The clear idle session interval. Gets the idle session timeout time length, in seconds. The idle session time out. Gets X509Certificate configuration. X509Certificate configuration. Gets the security protocol, X509 certificate. Gets the length of the max request. The length of the max request. Gets a value indicating whether [disable session snapshot]. true if [disable session snapshot]; otherwise, false. Gets the interval to taking snapshot for all live sessions. Gets the connection filters used by this server instance. The connection filter's name list, seperated by comma Gets the command loader, multiple values should be separated by comma. Gets the start keep alive time, in seconds Gets the keep alive interval, in seconds. Gets the backlog size of socket listening. Gets the startup order of the server instance. Gets the child config. The type of the config. Name of the child config. Gets the listeners' configuration. Gets the log factory name. Gets the size of the sending queue. The size of the sending queue. Gets a value indicating whether [log basic session activity like connected and disconnected]. true if [log basic session activity]; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether [log all socket exception]. true if [log all socket exception]; otherwise, false. Gets the default text encoding. The text encoding. Gets the command assemblies configuration. The command assemblies. TypeProvider's interface Gets the name. Gets the type. Poco configuration source Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The source. Gets the servers definitions. Gets/sets the server types definition. Gets/sets the connection filters definition. Gets/sets the log factories definition. Gets/sets the Receive filter factories definition. Gets/sets the command loaders definition. Root configuration model Gets or sets the default culture. The default culture. Initializes a new instance of the class. The root config. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets/Sets the max working threads. Gets/sets the min working threads. Gets/sets the max completion port threads. Gets/sets the min completion port threads. Gets/sets the performance data collect interval, in seconds. Gets/sets a value indicating whether [disable performance data collector]. true if [disable performance data collector]; otherwise, false. Gets/sets the isolation mode. Gets/sets the log factory name. The log factory. Gets/sets the option elements. Gets the child config. The type of the config. Name of the child config. Server configruation model Gets or sets the default culture. The default culture. Default ReceiveBufferSize Default MaxConnectionNumber Default sending queue size Default MaxRequestLength Default send timeout value, in milliseconds Default clear idle session interval Default idle session timeout The default send buffer size The default session snapshot interval The default keep alive time The default keep alive interval The default listen backlog Initializes a new instance of the class. The server config. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets/sets the name of the server type of this appServer want to use. The name of the server type. Gets/sets the type definition of the appserver. The type of the server. Gets/sets the Receive filter factory. Gets/sets the ip. Gets/sets the port. Gets/sets the options. Gets the option elements. Gets/sets a value indicating whether this is disabled. true if disabled; otherwise, false. Gets the name. Gets/sets the mode. Gets/sets the send time out. Gets the max connection number. Gets the size of the receive buffer. The size of the receive buffer. Gets the size of the send buffer. The size of the send buffer. Gets a value indicating whether sending is in synchronous mode. true if [sync send]; otherwise, false. Gets/sets a value indicating whether log command in log file. true if log command; otherwise, false. Gets/sets a value indicating whether clear idle session. true if clear idle session; otherwise, false. Gets/sets the clear idle session interval, in seconds. The clear idle session interval. Gets/sets the idle session timeout time length, in seconds. The idle session time out. Gets/sets X509Certificate configuration. X509Certificate configuration. Gets/sets the security protocol, X509 certificate. Gets/sets the length of the max request. The length of the max request. Gets/sets a value indicating whether [disable session snapshot]. true if [disable session snapshot]; otherwise, false. Gets/sets the interval to taking snapshot for all live sessions. Gets/sets the connection filters used by this server instance. The connection filter's name list, seperated by comma Gets the command loader, multiple values should be separated by comma. Gets/sets the start keep alive time, in seconds Gets/sets the keep alive interval, in seconds. Gets the backlog size of socket listening. Gets/sets the startup order of the server instance. Gets the child config. The type of the config. Name of the child config. Gets and sets the listeners' configuration. Gets/sets the log factory name. Gets/sets the size of the sending queue. The size of the sending queue. Gets a value indicating whether [log basic session activity like connected and disconnected]. true if [log basic session activity]; otherwise, false. Gets/sets a value indicating whether [log all socket exception]. true if [log all socket exception]; otherwise, false. Gets/sets the default text encoding. The text encoding. Gets the command assemblies configuration. The command assemblies. the attribute to mark which property of ServerConfig support hot update Type provider configuration Gets the name. Gets the type. Type provider colletion configuration When overridden in a derived class, creates a new . A new . Gets the element key for a specified configuration element when overridden in a derived class. The to return the key for. An that acts as the key for the specified . Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. A that can be used to iterate through the collection. TypeProviderConfig Gets the name. Gets the type. The listener configuration interface Gets the ip of listener Gets the port of listener Gets the backlog. Gets the security option, None/Default/Tls/Ssl/... Listener configuration model Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the ip of listener Gets the port of listener Gets the backlog. Gets/sets the security option, None/Default/Tls/Ssl/... Certificate config model class Gets/sets the file path. Gets/sets the password. Gets/sets the the store where certificate locates. The name of the store. Gets/sets the store location of the certificate. The store location. Gets/sets the thumbprint. Gets/sets a value indicating whether [client certificate required]. true if [client certificate required]; otherwise, false. Gets/sets a value that will be used to instantiate the X509Certificate2 object in the CertificateManager Certificate configuration interface Gets the file path. Gets the password. Gets the the store where certificate locates. The name of the store. Gets the thumbprint. Gets the store location of the certificate. The store location. Gets a value indicating whether [client certificate required]. true if [client certificate required]; otherwise, false. Gets a value that will be used to instantiate the X509Certificate2 object in the CertificateManager Extensions class for SocketBase project Gets the app server instance in the bootstrap by name, ignore case The bootstrap. The name of the appserver instance. Gets the status info metadata from the server type. Type of the server. Active connect result model Gets or sets a value indicating whether the conecting is sucessfull true if result; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the connected session. The connected session. The inerface to connect the remote endpoint actively Connect the target endpoint actively. The target end point. Connect the target endpoint actively. The target end point. The local end point. The bootstrap start result No appserver has been set in the bootstrap, so nothing was started All appserver instances were started successfully Some appserver instances were started successfully, but some of them failed All appserver instances failed to start SuperSocket bootstrap Gets all the app servers running in this bootstrap Gets the config. Initializes the bootstrap with the configuration Initializes the bootstrap with a listen endpoint replacement dictionary The listen end point replacement. Initializes the bootstrap with the configuration The server config resolver. Initializes the bootstrap with the configuration The log factory. Initializes the bootstrap with the configuration The server config resolver. The log factory. Starts this bootstrap. Stops this bootstrap. Gets the startup config file. Gets the base directory. The base directory. The bootstrap interface to support add new server instance in runtime Adds a new server into the bootstrap. The new server's config. Adds a new server into the bootstrap and then start it. The new server's config. Removes the server instance which is specified by name. The name of the server instance to be removed. The interface for who provides logger Gets the logger assosiated with this object. AppServer instance running isolation mode No isolation Isolation by AppDomain Isolation by process StatusInfo source interface Gets the server status metadata. Collects the bootstrap status. The bootstrap status. The interface for endpoint who can send/receive system message with each other Transfers the system message. Type of the message. The message data. An item can be started and stopped Gets the name. Gets the server's config. The server's config. Starts this server instance. return true if start successfull, else false Reports the potential configuration change. The server config which may be changed. Stops this server instance. Gets the total session count. An item can be started and stopped Setups with the specified root config. The bootstrap. The socket server instance config. The factories. Gets the current state of the work item. The state. Console Log Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is debug enabled. true if this instance is debug enabled; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is error enabled. true if this instance is error enabled; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is fatal enabled. true if this instance is fatal enabled; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is info enabled. true if this instance is info enabled; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is warn enabled. true if this instance is warn enabled; otherwise, false. Logs the debug message. The message. Logs the debug message. The message. The exception. Logs the debug message. The format. The arg0. Logs the debug message. The format. The args. Logs the debug message. The provider. The format. The args. Logs the debug message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. Logs the debug message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. The arg2. Logs the error message. The message. Logs the error message. The message. The exception. Logs the error message. The format. The arg0. Logs the error message. The format. The args. Logs the error message. The provider. The format. The args. Logs the error message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. Logs the error message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. The arg2. Logs the fatal error message. The message. Logs the fatal error message. The message. The exception. Logs the fatal error message. The format. The arg0. Logs the fatal error message. The format. The args. Logs the fatal error message. The provider. The format. The args. Logs the fatal error message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. Logs the fatal error message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. The arg2. Logs the info message. The message. Logs the info message. The message. The exception. Logs the info message. The format. The arg0. Logs the info message. The format. The args. Logs the info message. The provider. The format. The args. Logs the info message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. Logs the info message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. The arg2. Logs the warning message. The message. Logs the warning message. The message. The exception. Logs the warning message. The format. The arg0. Logs the warning message. The format. The args. Logs the warning message. The provider. The format. The args. Logs the warning message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. Logs the warning message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. The arg2. Console log factory Gets the log by name. The name. Log interface Gets a value indicating whether this instance is debug enabled. true if this instance is debug enabled; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is error enabled. true if this instance is error enabled; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is fatal enabled. true if this instance is fatal enabled; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is info enabled. true if this instance is info enabled; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is warn enabled. true if this instance is warn enabled; otherwise, false. Logs the debug message. The message. Logs the debug message. The message. The exception. Logs the debug message. The format. The arg0. Logs the debug message. The format. The args. Logs the debug message. The provider. The format. The args. Logs the debug message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. Logs the debug message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. The arg2. Logs the error message. The message. Logs the error message. The message. The exception. Logs the error message. The format. The arg0. Logs the error message. The format. The args. Logs the error message. The provider. The format. The args. Logs the error message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. Logs the error message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. The arg2. Logs the fatal error message. The message. Logs the fatal error message. The message. The exception. Logs the fatal error message. The format. The arg0. Logs the fatal error message. The format. The args. Logs the fatal error message. The provider. The format. The args. Logs the fatal error message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. Logs the fatal error message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. The arg2. Logs the info message. The message. Logs the info message. The message. The exception. Logs the info message. The format. The arg0. Logs the info message. The format. The args. Logs the info message. The provider. The format. The args. Logs the info message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. Logs the info message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. The arg2. Logs the warning message. The message. Logs the warning message. The message. The exception. Logs the warning message. The format. The arg0. Logs the warning message. The format. The args. Logs the warning message. The provider. The format. The args. Logs the warning message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. Logs the warning message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. The arg2. LogFactory Interface Gets the log by name. The name. Log4NetLog Initializes a new instance of the class. The log. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is debug enabled. true if this instance is debug enabled; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is error enabled. true if this instance is error enabled; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is fatal enabled. true if this instance is fatal enabled; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is info enabled. true if this instance is info enabled; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is warn enabled. true if this instance is warn enabled; otherwise, false. Logs the debug message. The message. Logs the debug message. The message. The exception. Logs the debug message. The format. The arg0. Logs the debug message. The format. The args. Logs the debug message. The provider. The format. The args. Logs the debug message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. Logs the debug message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. The arg2. Logs the error message. The message. Logs the error message. The message. The exception. Logs the error message. The format. The arg0. Logs the error message. The format. The args. Logs the error message. The provider. The format. The args. Logs the error message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. Logs the error message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. The arg2. Logs the fatal error message. The message. Logs the fatal error message. The message. The exception. Logs the fatal error message. The format. The arg0. Logs the fatal error message. The format. The args. Logs the fatal error message. The provider. The format. The args. Logs the fatal error message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. Logs the fatal error message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. The arg2. Logs the info message. The message. Logs the info message. The message. The exception. Logs the info message. The format. The arg0. Logs the info message. The format. The args. Logs the info message. The provider. The format. The args. Logs the info message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. Logs the info message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. The arg2. Logs the warning message. The message. Logs the warning message. The message. The exception. Logs the warning message. The format. The arg0. Logs the warning message. The format. The args. Logs the warning message. The provider. The format. The args. Logs the warning message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. Logs the warning message. The format. The arg0. The arg1. The arg2. Log4NetLogFactory Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The log4net config. Gets the log by name. The name. LogFactory Base class Gets the config file file path. Gets a value indicating whether the server instance is running in isolation mode and the multiple server instances share the same logging configuration. Initializes a new instance of the class. The config file. Gets the log by name. The name. StatusInfoMetadata type attribute Gets the type of the metadata. The type of the metadata. Initializes a new instance of the class. Type of the metadata. Command filter attribute Gets or sets the execution order. The order. Called when [command executing]. The command context. Called when [command executed]. The command context. AppServer's default metadata type StatusInfo Metadata Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The key. Gets or sets the key. The key. Gets or sets the name. The name. Gets or sets the short name. The short name. Gets or sets the format. The format. Gets or sets the order. The order. Gets or sets a value indicating whether [output in perf log]. true if [output in perf log]; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the type of the data. The type of the data. Server StatusInfo Metadata The cpu usage The memory usage The total thread count The available working threads count The available completion port threads count The max working threads count The max completion port threads count The started time. true if this instance is running; otherwise, false. The total count of the connections. The max connection number. The total handled requests count. Gets or sets the request handling speed, per second. The request handling speed. Gets or sets the listeners. The avialable sending queue items. The total sending queue items. The status of one SuperSocket node (one installation or deployment) Gets or sets the bootstrap status. The bootstrap status. Gets or sets the status of all server instances running in this node. The instances status. Saves the specified file path. The file path. Loads a NodeStatus instance from a file. The file path. CommandLine RequestFilter Factory Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The encoding. Initializes a new instance of the class. The encoding. The request info parser. DefaultreceiveFilterFactory The type of the Receive filter. The type of the request info. Creates the Receive filter. The app server. The app session. The remote end point. the new created request filer assosiated with this socketSession Filter state enum Normal state Error state The interface for a Receive filter to adapt receiving buffer offset Gets the offset delta. Receive filter interface The type of the request info. Filters received data of the specific session into request info. The read buffer. The offset of the current received data in this read buffer. The length of the current received data. if set to true [to be copied]. The rest, the length of the data which hasn't been parsed. Gets the size of the rest buffer. The size of the rest buffer. Gets the next Receive filter. Resets this instance to initial state. Gets the filter state. The filter state. Receive filter factory interface Receive filter factory interface The type of the request info. Creates the Receive filter. The app server. The app session. The remote end point. the new created request filer assosiated with this socketSession Provide the initializing interface for ReceiveFilter Initializes the ReceiveFilter with the specified appServer and appSession The app server. The session. Receive filter base class The type of the request info. Gets the buffer segments which can help you parse your request info conviniently. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The previous Receive filter. Initializes the specified previous Receive filter. The previous Receive filter. Filters received data of the specific session into request info. The read buffer. The offset of the current received data in this read buffer. The length of the current received data. if set to true [to be copied]. The rest, the length of the data which hasn't been parsed. Gets the size of the rest buffer. The size of the rest buffer. Gets or sets the next Receive filter. The next Receive filter. Adds the array segment. The buffer. The offset. The length. if set to true [to be copied]. Clears the buffer segments. Resets this instance to initial state. Gets the filter state. The state. Terminator Receive filter The type of the request info. Gets the session assosiated with the Receive filter. Null RequestInfo Initializes a new instance of the class. The terminator. Filters received data of the specific session into request info. The read buffer. The offset of the current received data in this read buffer. The length of the current received data. if set to true [to be copied]. The rest, the length of the data which hasn't been parsed. return the parsed TRequestInfo Resets this instance. Resolves the specified data to TRequestInfo. The data. The offset. The length. TerminatorRequestFilter Initializes a new instance of the class. The terminator. The encoding. Initializes a new instance of the class. The terminator. The encoding. The request parser. Resolves the specified data to StringRequestInfo. The data. The offset. The length. Terminator ReceiveFilter Factory Initializes a new instance of the class. The terminator. Initializes a new instance of the class. The terminator. The encoding. Initializes a new instance of the class. The terminator. The encoding. The line parser. Creates the Receive filter. The app server. The app session. The remote end point. the new created request filer assosiated with this socketSession Binary type request information Initializes a new instance of the class. The key. The body. Request information interface Gets the key of this request. Request information interface The type of the request body. Gets the body of this request. Request information interface The type of the request header. The type of the request body. Gets the header of the request. RequestInfo basic class The type of the request body. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The key. The body. Initializes the specified key. The key. The body. Gets the key of this request. Gets the body. RequestInfo with header The type of the request header. The type of the request body. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The key. The header. The body. Initializes the specified key. The key. The header. The body. Gets the header. String type request information Initializes a new instance of the class. The key. The body. The parameters. Gets the parameters. Gets the first param. Gets the at the specified index. UdpRequestInfo, it is designed for passing in business session ID to udp request info Initializes a new instance of the class. The key. The session ID. Gets the key of this request. Gets the session ID. Basic request info parser, which parse request info by separating The default singlegton instance Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The spliter between command name and command parameters. The parameter spliter. Parses the request info. The source. The interface for request info parser Parses the request info from the source string. The source. Export Factory Gets or sets the type. The type. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The instance. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the type. Ensures the instance's existance. Creates the export type instance. Creates the export type instance from the instance creator. The creator. Provider factory infomation Gets the key. Gets or sets the name. The name. Gets or sets the export factory. The export factory. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The key. The name. The instance. Initializes a new instance of the class. The key. The name. Name of the type. Initializes a new instance of the class. The key. The name. The type. ProviderKey Gets or sets the name. The name. Gets or sets the type. The type. Gets the service. Gets the socket server factory. Gets the connection filter. Gets the log factory. Gets the Receive filter factory. Gets the command loader. Request handler The type of the app session. The type of the request info. The session. The request info. Listener inforamtion Gets or sets the listen endpoint. The end point. Gets or sets the listen backlog. The back log. Gets or sets the security protocol. The security. The interface for AppServer Gets the started time. The started time. Gets or sets the listeners. The listeners. Gets the Receive filter factory. Gets the certificate of current server. Gets the transfer layer security protocol. Creates the app session. The socket session. Registers the new created app session into the appserver's session container. The session. Gets the app session by ID. The session ID. Resets the session's security protocol. The session. The security protocol. Gets the log factory. The raw data processor The type of the app session. Gets or sets the raw binary data received event handler. TAppSession: session byte[]: receive buffer int: receive buffer offset int: receive lenght bool: whether process the received data further The interface for AppServer The type of the app session. Gets the matched sessions from sessions snapshot. The prediction critera. Gets all sessions in sessions snapshot. Gets/sets the new session connected event handler. Gets/sets the session closed event handler. The interface for AppServer The type of the app session. The type of the request info. Occurs when [request comming]. The interface for handler of session request The type of the request info. Executes the command. The session. The request info. SocketServer Accessor interface Gets the socket server. The socket server. The basic interface for RemoteCertificateValidator Validates the remote certificate The session. The sender. The certificate. The chain. The SSL policy errors. The basic interface for appSession Gets the app server. Gets the socket session of the AppSession. Gets the items. Gets the config of the server. Gets the local listening endpoint. Gets or sets the last active time of the session. The last active time. Gets the start time of the session. Closes this session. Closes the session by the specified reason. The close reason. Gets a value indicating whether this is connected. true if connected; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the charset which is used for transfering text message. The charset. Gets or sets the previous command. The prev command. Gets or sets the current executing command. The current command. Gets the logger assosiated with this session. Processes the request. The read buffer. The offset. The length. if set to true [to be copied]. return offset delta of next receiving buffer Starts the session. The interface for appSession The type of the app session. The type of the request info. Initializes the specified session. The server. The socket session. The basic interface of connection filter Initializes the connection filter The name. The app server. Gets the name of the filter. Whether allows the connect according the remote endpoint The remote address. The basic session interface Gets the session ID. Gets the remote endpoint. It is the basic interface of SocketServer, SocketServer is the abstract server who really listen the comming sockets directly. Starts this instance. Resets the session's security protocol. The session. The security protocol. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is running. true if this instance is running; otherwise, false. Gets the information of the sending queue pool. The sending queue pool. Stops this instance. The interface for socket server factory Creates the socket server instance. The type of the request info. The app server. The listeners. The config. CloseReason enum The socket is closed for unknown reason Close for server shutdown The client close the socket The server side close the socket Application error The socket is closed for a socket error The socket is closed by server for timeout Protocol error SuperSocket internal error The interface for socket session Initializes the specified app session. The app session. Starts this instance. Closes the socket session for the specified reason. The reason. Tries to send array segment. The segments. Tries to send array segment. The segment. Applies the secure protocol. Gets the client socket. Gets the local listening endpoint. Gets or sets the secure protocol. The secure protocol. Occurs when [closed]. Gets the app session assosiated with this socket session. Gets the original receive buffer offset. The original receive buffer offset. Logger extension class Logs the error The logger. The session. The title. The e. Logs the error The logger. The session. The message. Logs the information The logger. The session. The message. Logs the debug message The logger. The session. The message. Logs the performance message The app server. The message. Server's state enum class Not initialized In initializing Has been initialized, but not started In starting In running In stopping Used for session level event handler the type of the target session the target session Used for session level event handler the type of the target session the target session the target session the event parameter Socket server running mode Tcp mode Udp mode AppServer class Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The Receive filter factory. AppServer class The type of the app session. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The Receive filter factory. AppServer basic class The type of the app session. The type of the request info. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The protocol. Starts this AppServer instance. Registers the session into the session container. The session ID. The app session. Gets the app session by ID. The session ID. Gets the app session by ID. The session ID. Called when [socket session closed]. The session. The reason. Gets the total session count. Clears the idle session. The state. Gets the matched sessions from sessions snapshot. The prediction critera. Gets all sessions in sessions snapshot. Stops this instance. AppSession base class The type of the app session. The type of the request info. Gets the app server instance assosiated with the session. Gets the app server instance assosiated with the session. Gets or sets the charset which is used for transfering text message. The charset. Gets the items dictionary, only support 10 items maximum Gets a value indicating whether this is connected. true if connected; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the previous command. The prev command. Gets or sets the current executing command. The current command. Gets or sets the secure protocol of transportation layer. The secure protocol. Gets the local listening endpoint. Gets the remote endpoint of client. Gets the logger. Gets or sets the last active time of the session. The last active time. Gets the start time of the session. Gets the session ID. Gets the socket session of the AppSession. Gets the config of the server. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes the specified app session by AppServer and SocketSession. The app server. The socket session. Starts the session. Called when [init]. Called when [session started]. Called when [session closed]. The reason. Handles the exceptional error, it only handles application error. The exception. Handles the unknown request. The request info. Closes the session by the specified reason. The close reason. Closes this session. Try to send the message to client. The message which will be sent. Indicate whether the message was pushed into the sending queue Sends the message to client. The message which will be sent. Try to send the data to client. The data which will be sent. The offset. The length. Indicate whether the message was pushed into the sending queue Sends the data to client. The data which will be sent. The offset. The length. Try to send the data segment to client. The segment which will be sent. Indicate whether the message was pushed into the sending queue Sends the data segment to client. The segment which will be sent. Try to send the data segments to client. The segments. Indicate whether the message was pushed into the sending queue; if it returns false, the sending queue may be full or the socket is not connected Sends the data segments to client. The segments. Sends the response. The message which will be sent. The parameter values. Sets the next Receive filter which will be used when next data block received The next receive filter. Gets the maximum allowed length of the request. Filters the request. The read buffer. The offset. The length. if set to true [to be copied]. The rest, the size of the data which has not been processed return offset delta of next receiving buffer. Processes the request data. The read buffer. The offset. The length. if set to true [to be copied]. return offset delta of next receiving buffer AppServer basic class for whose request infoe type is StringRequestInfo The type of the app session. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. if set to true [append new line for response]. Handles the unknown request. The request info. Processes the sending message. The raw message. Sends the specified message. The message. Sends the response. The message. The param values. Indicate whether the message was pushed into the sending queue AppServer basic class for whose request infoe type is StringRequestInfo Status information collection Gets the values. The values. Gets or sets the name. The name. Gets or sets the tag. The tag. Gets or sets the collected time. The collected time. Gets or sets the with the specified name. The . The name. Gets the value. The name. The default value.