using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using ProtoBuf.Meta;
namespace ProtoBuf
/// Represents an output stream for writing protobuf data.
/// Why is the API backwards (static methods with writer arguments)?
/// See:
public sealed class ProtoWriter : IDisposable
private Stream dest;
TypeModel model;
/// Write an encapsulated sub-object, using the supplied unique key (reprasenting a type).
/// The object to write.
/// The key that uniquely identifies the type within the model.
/// The destination.
public static void WriteObject(object value, int key, ProtoWriter writer)
if (writer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
if (writer.model == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot serialize sub-objects unless a model is provided");
SubItemToken token = StartSubItem(value, writer);
if (key >= 0)
writer.model.Serialize(key, value, writer);
else if (writer.model != null && writer.model.TrySerializeAuxiliaryType(writer, value.GetType(), DataFormat.Default, Serializer.ListItemTag, value, false, null))
// all ok
EndSubItem(token, writer);
/// Write an encapsulated sub-object, using the supplied unique key (reprasenting a type) - but the
/// caller is asserting that this relationship is non-recursive; no recursion check will be
/// performed.
/// The object to write.
/// The key that uniquely identifies the type within the model.
/// The destination.
public static void WriteRecursionSafeObject(object value, int key, ProtoWriter writer)
if (writer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(writer));
if (writer.model == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot serialize sub-objects unless a model is provided");
SubItemToken token = StartSubItem(null, writer);
writer.model.Serialize(key, value, writer);
EndSubItem(token, writer);
internal static void WriteObject(object value, int key, ProtoWriter writer, PrefixStyle style, int fieldNumber)
if (writer.model == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot serialize sub-objects unless a model is provided");
if (writer.wireType != WireType.None) throw ProtoWriter.CreateException(writer);
switch (style)
case PrefixStyle.Base128:
writer.wireType = WireType.String;
writer.fieldNumber = fieldNumber;
if (fieldNumber > 0) WriteHeaderCore(fieldNumber, WireType.String, writer);
case PrefixStyle.Fixed32:
case PrefixStyle.Fixed32BigEndian:
writer.fieldNumber = 0;
writer.wireType = WireType.Fixed32;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("style");
SubItemToken token = StartSubItem(value, writer, true);
if (key < 0)
if (!writer.model.TrySerializeAuxiliaryType(writer, value.GetType(), DataFormat.Default, Serializer.ListItemTag, value, false, null))
writer.model.Serialize(key, value, writer);
EndSubItem(token, writer, style);
internal int GetTypeKey(ref Type type)
return model.GetKey(ref type);
private readonly NetObjectCache netCache = new NetObjectCache();
internal NetObjectCache NetCache => netCache;
private int fieldNumber, flushLock;
WireType wireType;
internal WireType WireType { get { return wireType; } }
/// Writes a field-header, indicating the format of the next data we plan to write.
public static void WriteFieldHeader(int fieldNumber, WireType wireType, ProtoWriter writer)
if (writer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
if (writer.wireType != WireType.None) throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot write a " + wireType.ToString()
+ " header until the " + writer.wireType.ToString() + " data has been written");
if (fieldNumber < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("fieldNumber");
switch (wireType)
{ // validate requested header-type
case WireType.Fixed32:
case WireType.Fixed64:
case WireType.String:
case WireType.StartGroup:
case WireType.SignedVariant:
case WireType.Variant:
break; // fine
case WireType.None:
case WireType.EndGroup:
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid wire-type: " + wireType.ToString(), "wireType");
if (writer.packedFieldNumber == 0)
writer.fieldNumber = fieldNumber;
writer.wireType = wireType;
WriteHeaderCore(fieldNumber, wireType, writer);
else if (writer.packedFieldNumber == fieldNumber)
{ // we'll set things up, but note we *don't* actually write the header here
switch (wireType)
case WireType.Fixed32:
case WireType.Fixed64:
case WireType.Variant:
case WireType.SignedVariant:
break; // fine
throw new InvalidOperationException("Wire-type cannot be encoded as packed: " + wireType.ToString());
writer.fieldNumber = fieldNumber;
writer.wireType = wireType;
throw new InvalidOperationException("Field mismatch during packed encoding; expected " + writer.packedFieldNumber.ToString() + " but received " + fieldNumber.ToString());
internal static void WriteHeaderCore(int fieldNumber, WireType wireType, ProtoWriter writer)
uint header = (((uint)fieldNumber) << 3)
| (((uint)wireType) & 7);
WriteUInt32Variant(header, writer);
/// Writes a byte-array to the stream; supported wire-types: String
public static void WriteBytes(byte[] data, ProtoWriter writer)
if (data == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data));
ProtoWriter.WriteBytes(data, 0, data.Length, writer);
/// Writes a byte-array to the stream; supported wire-types: String
public static void WriteBytes(byte[] data, int offset, int length, ProtoWriter writer)
if (data == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data));
if (writer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(writer));
switch (writer.wireType)
case WireType.Fixed32:
if (length != 4) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(length));
goto CopyFixedLength; // ugly but effective
case WireType.Fixed64:
if (length != 8) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(length));
goto CopyFixedLength; // ugly but effective
case WireType.String:
WriteUInt32Variant((uint)length, writer);
writer.wireType = WireType.None;
if (length == 0) return;
if (writer.flushLock != 0 || length <= writer.ioBuffer.Length) // write to the buffer
goto CopyFixedLength; // ugly but effective
// writing data that is bigger than the buffer (and the buffer
// isn't currently locked due to a sub-object needing the size backfilled)
Flush(writer); // commit any existing data from the buffer
// now just write directly to the underlying stream
writer.dest.Write(data, offset, length);
writer.position64 += length; // since we've flushed offset etc is 0, and remains
// zero since we're writing directly to the stream
throw CreateException(writer);
CopyFixedLength: // no point duplicating this lots of times, and don't really want another stackframe
DemandSpace(length, writer);
Buffer.BlockCopy(data, offset, writer.ioBuffer, writer.ioIndex, length);
IncrementedAndReset(length, writer);
private static void CopyRawFromStream(Stream source, ProtoWriter writer)
byte[] buffer = writer.ioBuffer;
int space = buffer.Length - writer.ioIndex, bytesRead = 1; // 1 here to spoof case where already full
// try filling the buffer first
while (space > 0 && (bytesRead = source.Read(buffer, writer.ioIndex, space)) > 0)
writer.ioIndex += bytesRead;
writer.position64 += bytesRead;
space -= bytesRead;
if (bytesRead <= 0) return; // all done using just the buffer; stream exhausted
// at this point the stream still has data, but buffer is full;
if (writer.flushLock == 0)
// flush the buffer and write to the underlying stream instead
while ((bytesRead = source.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
writer.dest.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
writer.position64 += bytesRead;
// need more space; resize (double) as necessary,
// requesting a reasonable minimum chunk each time
// (128 is the minimum; there may actually be much
// more space than this in the buffer)
DemandSpace(128, writer);
if ((bytesRead = source.Read(writer.ioBuffer, writer.ioIndex,
writer.ioBuffer.Length - writer.ioIndex)) <= 0) break;
writer.position64 += bytesRead;
writer.ioIndex += bytesRead;
} while (true);
private static void IncrementedAndReset(int length, ProtoWriter writer)
Helpers.DebugAssert(length >= 0);
writer.ioIndex += length;
writer.position64 += length;
writer.wireType = WireType.None;
int depth = 0;
const int RecursionCheckDepth = 25;
/// Indicates the start of a nested record.
/// The instance to write.
/// The destination.
/// A token representing the state of the stream; this token is given to EndSubItem.
public static SubItemToken StartSubItem(object instance, ProtoWriter writer)
return StartSubItem(instance, writer, false);
MutableList recursionStack;
private void CheckRecursionStackAndPush(object instance)
int hitLevel;
if (recursionStack == null) { recursionStack = new MutableList(); }
else if (instance != null && (hitLevel = recursionStack.IndexOfReference(instance)) >= 0)
foreach (object obj in recursionStack)
Helpers.DebugWriteLine(obj == null ? "" : obj.ToString());
Helpers.DebugWriteLine(instance == null ? "" : instance.ToString());
throw new ProtoException("Possible recursion detected (offset: " + (recursionStack.Count - hitLevel).ToString() + " level(s)): " + instance.ToString());
private void PopRecursionStack() { recursionStack.RemoveLast(); }
private static SubItemToken StartSubItem(object instance, ProtoWriter writer, bool allowFixed)
if (writer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
if (++writer.depth > RecursionCheckDepth)
if (writer.packedFieldNumber != 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot begin a sub-item while performing packed encoding");
switch (writer.wireType)
case WireType.StartGroup:
writer.wireType = WireType.None;
return new SubItemToken((long)(-writer.fieldNumber));
case WireType.String:
if (writer.model != null && writer.model.ForwardsOnly)
throw new ProtoException("Should not be buffering data: " + instance ?? "(null)");
writer.wireType = WireType.None;
DemandSpace(32, writer); // make some space in anticipation...
return new SubItemToken((long)(writer.ioIndex++)); // leave 1 space (optimistic) for length
case WireType.Fixed32:
if (!allowFixed) throw CreateException(writer);
DemandSpace(32, writer); // make some space in anticipation...
SubItemToken token = new SubItemToken((long)writer.ioIndex);
ProtoWriter.IncrementedAndReset(4, writer); // leave 4 space (rigid) for length
return token;
throw CreateException(writer);
/// Indicates the end of a nested record.
/// The token obtained from StartubItem.
/// The destination.
public static void EndSubItem(SubItemToken token, ProtoWriter writer)
EndSubItem(token, writer, PrefixStyle.Base128);
private static void EndSubItem(SubItemToken token, ProtoWriter writer, PrefixStyle style)
if (writer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
if (writer.wireType != WireType.None) { throw CreateException(writer); }
int value = (int)token.value64;
if (writer.depth <= 0) throw CreateException(writer);
if (writer.depth-- > RecursionCheckDepth)
writer.packedFieldNumber = 0; // ending the sub-item always wipes packed encoding
if (value < 0)
{ // group - very simple append
WriteHeaderCore(-value, WireType.EndGroup, writer);
writer.wireType = WireType.None;
// so we're backfilling the length into an existing sequence
int len;
switch (style)
case PrefixStyle.Fixed32:
len = (int)((writer.ioIndex - value) - 4);
ProtoWriter.WriteInt32ToBuffer(len, writer.ioBuffer, value);
case PrefixStyle.Fixed32BigEndian:
len = (int)((writer.ioIndex - value) - 4);
byte[] buffer = writer.ioBuffer;
ProtoWriter.WriteInt32ToBuffer(len, buffer, value);
// and swap the byte order
byte b = buffer[value];
buffer[value] = buffer[value + 3];
buffer[value + 3] = b;
b = buffer[value + 1];
buffer[value + 1] = buffer[value + 2];
buffer[value + 2] = b;
case PrefixStyle.Base128:
// string - complicated because we only reserved one byte;
// if the prefix turns out to need more than this then
// we need to shuffle the existing data
len = (int)((writer.ioIndex - value) - 1);
int offset = 0;
uint tmp = (uint)len;
while ((tmp >>= 7) != 0) offset++;
if (offset == 0)
writer.ioBuffer[value] = (byte)(len & 0x7F);
DemandSpace(offset, writer);
byte[] blob = writer.ioBuffer;
Buffer.BlockCopy(blob, value + 1, blob, value + 1 + offset, len);
tmp = (uint)len;
blob[value++] = (byte)((tmp & 0x7F) | 0x80);
} while ((tmp >>= 7) != 0);
blob[value - 1] = (byte)(blob[value - 1] & ~0x80);
writer.position64 += offset;
writer.ioIndex += offset;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("style");
// and this object is no longer a blockage - also flush if sensible
const int ADVISORY_FLUSH_SIZE = 1024;
if (--writer.flushLock == 0 && writer.ioIndex >= ADVISORY_FLUSH_SIZE)
/// Creates a new writer against a stream
/// The destination stream
/// The model to use for serialization; this can be null, but this will impair the ability to serialize sub-objects
/// Additional context about this serialization operation
public static ProtoWriter Create(Stream dest, TypeModel model, SerializationContext context = null)
#pragma warning disable CS0618
=> new ProtoWriter(dest, model, context);
#pragma warning restore CS0618
/// Creates a new writer against a stream
/// The destination stream
/// The model to use for serialization; this can be null, but this will impair the ability to serialize sub-objects
/// Additional context about this serialization operation
[Obsolete("Please use ProtoWriter.Create; this API may be removed in a future version", error: false)]
public ProtoWriter(Stream dest, TypeModel model, SerializationContext context)
if (dest == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("dest");
if (!dest.CanWrite) throw new ArgumentException("Cannot write to stream", "dest");
//if (model == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("model");
this.dest = dest;
this.ioBuffer = BufferPool.GetBuffer();
this.model = model;
this.wireType = WireType.None;
if (context == null) { context = SerializationContext.Default; }
else { context.Freeze(); }
this.context = context;
private readonly SerializationContext context;
/// Addition information about this serialization operation.
public SerializationContext Context => context;
void IDisposable.Dispose()
private void Dispose()
{ // importantly, this does **not** own the stream, and does not dispose it
if (dest != null)
dest = null;
model = null;
BufferPool.ReleaseBufferToPool(ref ioBuffer);
private byte[] ioBuffer;
private int ioIndex;
// note that this is used by some of the unit tests and should not be removed
internal static long GetLongPosition(ProtoWriter writer) { return writer.position64; }
internal static int GetPosition(ProtoWriter writer) { return checked((int)writer.position64); }
private long position64;
private static void DemandSpace(int required, ProtoWriter writer)
// check for enough space
if ((writer.ioBuffer.Length - writer.ioIndex) < required)
TryFlushOrResize(required, writer);
private static void TryFlushOrResize(int required, ProtoWriter writer)
if (writer.flushLock == 0)
Flush(writer); // try emptying the buffer
if ((writer.ioBuffer.Length - writer.ioIndex) >= required) return;
// either can't empty the buffer, or that didn't help; need more space
BufferPool.ResizeAndFlushLeft(ref writer.ioBuffer, required + writer.ioIndex, 0, writer.ioIndex);
/// Flushes data to the underlying stream, and releases any resources. The underlying stream is *not* disposed
/// by this operation.
public void Close()
if (depth != 0 || flushLock != 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to close stream in an incomplete state");
internal void CheckDepthFlushlock()
if (depth != 0 || flushLock != 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("The writer is in an incomplete state");
/// Get the TypeModel associated with this writer
public TypeModel Model => model;
/// Writes any buffered data (if possible) to the underlying stream.
/// The writer to flush
/// It is not always possible to fully flush, since some sequences
/// may require values to be back-filled into the byte-stream.
internal static void Flush(ProtoWriter writer)
if (writer.flushLock == 0 && writer.ioIndex != 0)
writer.dest.Write(writer.ioBuffer, 0, writer.ioIndex);
writer.ioIndex = 0;
/// Writes an unsigned 32-bit integer to the stream; supported wire-types: Variant, Fixed32, Fixed64
private static void WriteUInt32Variant(uint value, ProtoWriter writer)
DemandSpace(5, writer);
int count = 0;
writer.ioBuffer[writer.ioIndex++] = (byte)((value & 0x7F) | 0x80);
} while ((value >>= 7) != 0);
writer.ioBuffer[writer.ioIndex - 1] &= 0x7F;
writer.position64 += count;
static readonly Encoding encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
static readonly UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding();
internal static uint Zig(int value)
return (uint)((value << 1) ^ (value >> 31));
internal static ulong Zig(long value)
return (ulong)((value << 1) ^ (value >> 63));
private static void WriteUInt64Variant(ulong value, ProtoWriter writer)
DemandSpace(10, writer);
int count = 0;
writer.ioBuffer[writer.ioIndex++] = (byte)((value & 0x7F) | 0x80);
} while ((value >>= 7) != 0);
writer.ioBuffer[writer.ioIndex - 1] &= 0x7F;
writer.position64 += count;
/// Writes a string to the stream; supported wire-types: String
public static void WriteString(string value, ProtoWriter writer)
if (writer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
if (writer.wireType != WireType.String) throw CreateException(writer);
if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); // written header; now what?
int len = value.Length;
if (len == 0)
WriteUInt32Variant(0, writer);
writer.wireType = WireType.None;
return; // just a header
int predicted = encoding.GetByteCount(value);
WriteUInt32Variant((uint)predicted, writer);
DemandSpace(predicted, writer);
int actual = encoding.GetBytes(value, 0, value.Length, writer.ioBuffer, writer.ioIndex);
Helpers.DebugAssert(predicted == actual);
IncrementedAndReset(actual, writer);
/// Writes an unsigned 64-bit integer to the stream; supported wire-types: Variant, Fixed32, Fixed64
public static void WriteUInt64(ulong value, ProtoWriter writer)
if (writer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(writer));
switch (writer.wireType)
case WireType.Fixed64:
ProtoWriter.WriteInt64((long)value, writer);
case WireType.Variant:
WriteUInt64Variant(value, writer);
writer.wireType = WireType.None;
case WireType.Fixed32:
checked { ProtoWriter.WriteUInt32((uint)value, writer); }
throw CreateException(writer);
/// Writes a signed 64-bit integer to the stream; supported wire-types: Variant, Fixed32, Fixed64, SignedVariant
public static void WriteInt64(long value, ProtoWriter writer)
byte[] buffer;
int index;
if (writer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(writer));
switch (writer.wireType)
case WireType.Fixed64:
DemandSpace(8, writer);
buffer = writer.ioBuffer;
index = writer.ioIndex;
System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives.WriteInt64LittleEndian(buffer.AsSpan(index, 8), value);
buffer[index] = (byte)value;
buffer[index + 1] = (byte)(value >> 8);
buffer[index + 2] = (byte)(value >> 16);
buffer[index + 3] = (byte)(value >> 24);
buffer[index + 4] = (byte)(value >> 32);
buffer[index + 5] = (byte)(value >> 40);
buffer[index + 6] = (byte)(value >> 48);
buffer[index + 7] = (byte)(value >> 56);
IncrementedAndReset(8, writer);
case WireType.SignedVariant:
WriteUInt64Variant(Zig(value), writer);
writer.wireType = WireType.None;
case WireType.Variant:
if (value >= 0)
WriteUInt64Variant((ulong)value, writer);
writer.wireType = WireType.None;
DemandSpace(10, writer);
buffer = writer.ioBuffer;
index = writer.ioIndex;
buffer[index] = (byte)(value | 0x80);
buffer[index + 1] = (byte)((int)(value >> 7) | 0x80);
buffer[index + 2] = (byte)((int)(value >> 14) | 0x80);
buffer[index + 3] = (byte)((int)(value >> 21) | 0x80);
buffer[index + 4] = (byte)((int)(value >> 28) | 0x80);
buffer[index + 5] = (byte)((int)(value >> 35) | 0x80);
buffer[index + 6] = (byte)((int)(value >> 42) | 0x80);
buffer[index + 7] = (byte)((int)(value >> 49) | 0x80);
buffer[index + 8] = (byte)((int)(value >> 56) | 0x80);
buffer[index + 9] = 0x01; // sign bit
IncrementedAndReset(10, writer);
case WireType.Fixed32:
checked { WriteInt32((int)value, writer); }
throw CreateException(writer);
/// Writes an unsigned 16-bit integer to the stream; supported wire-types: Variant, Fixed32, Fixed64
public static void WriteUInt32(uint value, ProtoWriter writer)
if (writer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
switch (writer.wireType)
case WireType.Fixed32:
ProtoWriter.WriteInt32((int)value, writer);
case WireType.Fixed64:
ProtoWriter.WriteInt64((int)value, writer);
case WireType.Variant:
WriteUInt32Variant(value, writer);
writer.wireType = WireType.None;
throw CreateException(writer);
/// Writes a signed 16-bit integer to the stream; supported wire-types: Variant, Fixed32, Fixed64, SignedVariant
public static void WriteInt16(short value, ProtoWriter writer)
ProtoWriter.WriteInt32(value, writer);
/// Writes an unsigned 16-bit integer to the stream; supported wire-types: Variant, Fixed32, Fixed64
public static void WriteUInt16(ushort value, ProtoWriter writer)
ProtoWriter.WriteUInt32(value, writer);
/// Writes an unsigned 8-bit integer to the stream; supported wire-types: Variant, Fixed32, Fixed64
public static void WriteByte(byte value, ProtoWriter writer)
ProtoWriter.WriteUInt32(value, writer);
/// Writes a signed 8-bit integer to the stream; supported wire-types: Variant, Fixed32, Fixed64, SignedVariant
public static void WriteSByte(sbyte value, ProtoWriter writer)
ProtoWriter.WriteInt32(value, writer);
private static void WriteInt32ToBuffer(int value, byte[] buffer, int index)
System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives.WriteInt32LittleEndian(buffer.AsSpan(index, 4), value);
buffer[index] = (byte)value;
buffer[index + 1] = (byte)(value >> 8);
buffer[index + 2] = (byte)(value >> 16);
buffer[index + 3] = (byte)(value >> 24);
/// Writes a signed 32-bit integer to the stream; supported wire-types: Variant, Fixed32, Fixed64, SignedVariant
public static void WriteInt32(int value, ProtoWriter writer)
byte[] buffer;
int index;
if (writer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(writer));
switch (writer.wireType)
case WireType.Fixed32:
DemandSpace(4, writer);
WriteInt32ToBuffer(value, writer.ioBuffer, writer.ioIndex);
IncrementedAndReset(4, writer);
case WireType.Fixed64:
DemandSpace(8, writer);
buffer = writer.ioBuffer;
index = writer.ioIndex;
buffer[index] = (byte)value;
buffer[index + 1] = (byte)(value >> 8);
buffer[index + 2] = (byte)(value >> 16);
buffer[index + 3] = (byte)(value >> 24);
buffer[index + 4] = buffer[index + 5] =
buffer[index + 6] = buffer[index + 7] = 0;
IncrementedAndReset(8, writer);
case WireType.SignedVariant:
WriteUInt32Variant(Zig(value), writer);
writer.wireType = WireType.None;
case WireType.Variant:
if (value >= 0)
WriteUInt32Variant((uint)value, writer);
writer.wireType = WireType.None;
DemandSpace(10, writer);
buffer = writer.ioBuffer;
index = writer.ioIndex;
buffer[index] = (byte)(value | 0x80);
buffer[index + 1] = (byte)((value >> 7) | 0x80);
buffer[index + 2] = (byte)((value >> 14) | 0x80);
buffer[index + 3] = (byte)((value >> 21) | 0x80);
buffer[index + 4] = (byte)((value >> 28) | 0x80);
buffer[index + 5] = buffer[index + 6] =
buffer[index + 7] = buffer[index + 8] = (byte)0xFF;
buffer[index + 9] = (byte)0x01;
IncrementedAndReset(10, writer);
throw CreateException(writer);
/// Writes a double-precision number to the stream; supported wire-types: Fixed32, Fixed64
static void WriteDouble(double value, ProtoWriter writer)
if (writer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
switch (writer.wireType)
case WireType.Fixed32:
float f = (float)value;
if (float.IsInfinity(f) && !double.IsInfinity(value))
throw new OverflowException();
ProtoWriter.WriteSingle(f, writer);
case WireType.Fixed64:
ProtoWriter.WriteInt64(BitConverter.ToInt64(BitConverter.GetBytes(value), 0), writer);
ProtoWriter.WriteInt64(*(long*)&value, writer);
throw CreateException(writer);
/// Writes a single-precision number to the stream; supported wire-types: Fixed32, Fixed64
static void WriteSingle(float value, ProtoWriter writer)
if (writer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
switch (writer.wireType)
case WireType.Fixed32:
ProtoWriter.WriteInt32(BitConverter.ToInt32(BitConverter.GetBytes(value), 0), writer);
ProtoWriter.WriteInt32(*(int*)&value, writer);
case WireType.Fixed64:
ProtoWriter.WriteDouble((double)value, writer);
throw CreateException(writer);
/// Throws an exception indicating that the given enum cannot be mapped to a serialized value.
public static void ThrowEnumException(ProtoWriter writer, object enumValue)
if (writer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
string rhs = enumValue == null ? "" : (enumValue.GetType().FullName + "." + enumValue.ToString());
throw new ProtoException("No wire-value is mapped to the enum " + rhs + " at position " + writer.position64.ToString());
// general purpose serialization exception message
internal static Exception CreateException(ProtoWriter writer)
if (writer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
return new ProtoException("Invalid serialization operation with wire-type " + writer.wireType.ToString() + " at position " + writer.position64.ToString());
/// Writes a boolean to the stream; supported wire-types: Variant, Fixed32, Fixed64
public static void WriteBoolean(bool value, ProtoWriter writer)
ProtoWriter.WriteUInt32(value ? (uint)1 : (uint)0, writer);
/// Copies any extension data stored for the instance to the underlying stream
public static void AppendExtensionData(IExtensible instance, ProtoWriter writer)
if (instance == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(instance));
if (writer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(writer));
// we expect the writer to be raw here; the extension data will have the
// header detail, so we'll copy it implicitly
if (writer.wireType != WireType.None) throw CreateException(writer);
IExtension extn = instance.GetExtensionObject(false);
if (extn != null)
// unusually we *don't* want "using" here; the "finally" does that, with
// the extension object being responsible for disposal etc
Stream source = extn.BeginQuery();
CopyRawFromStream(source, writer);
finally { extn.EndQuery(source); }
private int packedFieldNumber;
/// Used for packed encoding; indicates that the next field should be skipped rather than
/// a field header written. Note that the field number must match, else an exception is thrown
/// when the attempt is made to write the (incorrect) field. The wire-type is taken from the
/// subsequent call to WriteFieldHeader. Only primitive types can be packed.
public static void SetPackedField(int fieldNumber, ProtoWriter writer)
if (fieldNumber <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(fieldNumber));
if (writer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(writer));
writer.packedFieldNumber = fieldNumber;
/// Used for packed encoding; explicitly reset the packed field marker; this is not required
/// if using StartSubItem/EndSubItem
public static void ClearPackedField(int fieldNumber, ProtoWriter writer)
if (fieldNumber != writer.packedFieldNumber)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Field mismatch during packed encoding; expected " + writer.packedFieldNumber.ToString() + " but received " + fieldNumber.ToString());
writer.packedFieldNumber = 0;
/// Used for packed encoding; writes the length prefix using fixed sizes rather than using
/// buffering. Only valid for fixed-32 and fixed-64 encoding.
public static void WritePackedPrefix(int elementCount, WireType wireType, ProtoWriter writer)
if (writer.WireType != WireType.String) throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid wire-type: " + writer.WireType);
if (elementCount < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(elementCount));
ulong bytes;
switch (wireType)
// use long in case very large arrays are enabled
case WireType.Fixed32: bytes = ((ulong)elementCount) << 2; break; // x4
case WireType.Fixed64: bytes = ((ulong)elementCount) << 3; break; // x8
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(wireType), "Invalid wire-type: " + wireType);
WriteUInt64Variant(bytes, writer);
writer.wireType = WireType.None;
internal string SerializeType(Type type)
return TypeModel.SerializeType(model, type);
/// Specifies a known root object to use during reference-tracked serialization
public void SetRootObject(object value)
NetCache.SetKeyedObject(NetObjectCache.Root, value);
/// Writes a Type to the stream, using the model's DynamicTypeFormatting if appropriate; supported wire-types: String
public static void WriteType(Type value, ProtoWriter writer)
if (writer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(writer));
WriteString(writer.SerializeType(value), writer);